Nintendo Winter Game Stages Fun Trivia Quiz
Single player
Pointing device
Nintendo Winter Game Stages Fun Trivia Quiz is a skill quiz on the Play Nintendo website.[1] In this winter-themed quiz, the player has to answer a number of trivia questions about various Nintendo 3DS games.
The player is given a total of six questions to answer. Each question provides four answers to choose from, with only one of them being the correct answer. The player has to press "Check Answer" to see if the answer they selected is correct. If they selected the correct answer, their answer will be highlighted green. If the player answered incorrectly, the answer that they chose will be highlighted red, and the correct answer will be highlighted green. At the end of the quiz, a message will pop up saying how many questions the player got out of six. The player then can choose to retake the quiz or to take a different quiz on the website.
Correct answers are marked with a green border. Messages displayed in the quiz for answering a question right or wrong are also shown.
1 of 6

Which obstacle should you try to avoid on this slippery course?
N(ice) job! The Rosalina’s Ice World course is full of wintery woes, but the Penguins are the absolute worst. If you bump into one of these flightless birds, it can stop your kart in its tracks. Along with ice blocks and icicles, Penguins make this Special Cup course one of the more challenging tracks in the Mario Kart 7 game.
Nope, but n(ice) try. The Rosalina’s Ice World course is full of wintery woes, but the Penguins are the absolute worst. If you bump into one of these flightless birds, it can stop your kart in its tracks. Along with ice blocks and icicles, Penguins make this Special Cup course one of the more challenging tracks in the Mario Kart 7 game.
2 of 6

Which enemies block your path in this stage from Super Mario 3D Land?
Excellent It’s bad enough that you have to walk on tightropes to cross over icy ravines in World 3-4 from the Super Mario 3D Land game. But adding Fuzzies to the mix? Talk about tough!
Wrong! It’s bad enough that you have to walk on tightropes to cross over icy ravines in World 3-4 from the Super Mario 3D Land game. But adding Fuzzies to the mix? Talk about tough!
3 of 6

What do you have to do to defeat this icy boss?
Got it! There’s only one way to take down the Shrewd Possessor, and that’s with Bombs. In this boss battle from the Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon game, you have to use bombs to break the Shrewd Possessor’s ice shields.
Nope! There’s only one way to take down the Shrewd Possessor, and that’s with Bombs. In this boss battle from the Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon game, you have to use bombs to break the Shrewd Possessor’s ice shields.
4 of 6

How do Ice Blocks work in Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS?
They freeze you in place.
They melt under your feet.
They make you slip and slide.
They cause icicles to form in Mario’s mustache.
That's it! It’s not easy to hit the brakes when you’re running over Ice Blocks—when you try to stop, you just keep on sliding. These icy items make for treacherous courses in the Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS game. Plus, Ice Blocks can make it really tough to time your jumps right, so watch out!
Not so much. It’s not easy to hit the brakes when you’re running over Ice Blocks—when you try to stop, you just keep on sliding. These icy items make for treacherous courses in the Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS game. Plus, Ice Blocks can make it really tough to time your jumps right, so watch out!
5 of 6

Which activity can you do only in winter in the Animal Crossing: New Leaf – Welcome amiibo game?
Got it! You can use snowballs to create a Snowman, Snowmam, Snowtyke, or Snowboy in the Animal Crossing: New Leaf – Welcome amiibo game—but only during the Winter season (late November to mid-February). The other activities—like visiting Tortimer Island and digging for fossils—can be done year-round.
Nope! You can use snowballs to create a Snowman, Snowmam, Snowtyke, or Snowboy in the Animal Crossing: New Leaf – Welcome amiibo game—but only during the Winter season (late November to mid-February). The other activities—like visiting Tortimer Island and digging for fossils—can be done year-round.
6 of 6

What is the first thing that happens when you speak to Elsa from Disney Frozen in this Magical Dream ?
She freezes you into an ice crystal.
She lets you ride the giant ice slide.
She dances with you.
She helps you build a snowman.
Exactly! Brr! Elsa’s got the magic touch in the Disney Magical World 2 game, especially when it comes to ice. When you first speak to her in the Magical Dream inspired by Disney Frozen, Elsa freezes you into an ice crystal! But she can also dance with you, let you ride the ice slide, and magically turn your in-game outfit into an Elsa-inspired dress.
Not exactly. Brr! Elsa’s got the magic touch in the Disney Magical World 2 game, especially when it comes to ice. When you first speak to her in the Magical Dream inspired by Disney Frozen, Elsa freezes you into an ice crystal! But she can also dance with you, let you ride the ice slide, and magically turn your in-game outfit into an Elsa-inspired dress.
If the player answers zero to five questions correctly, a short animation is played at the end of the quiz which gives the player a title describing their performance in the quiz.
No. of questions answered correctly out of 6
Video screenshot
Not so hot…but you can always try again. This quiz may have chilled you to the bone, but don’t be hard on yourself. There are tons of slippery stages and wintery activities to discover in games like Disney Magical World 2 and Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS. Plus, playing games is a great way to stay warm inside during icy weather!
You’re getting warmer… You’ve *almost* got this snow-and-ice thing down cold. But there’s still a thing or two you can learn about these slippery stages and wintery activities. Luckily, playing games is a great way to stay warm inside during icy weather!
You completely aced (iced?) this quiz! Neither sleet nor snow can keep you away from enjoying these slippery stages and wintery activities. If things get chilly this winter, you can try to work up a sweat playing some of these games!
Description and tagline[edit]
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