Jack (character)

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A toy based on Jack.
“I'm an iron 'shroom!”
Jack, Toad Force V

Jack, mentioned only in Mario Party Advance, is the main protagonist of the TV show Toad Force V. It is known that the force Jack fights for is none other than peace (it has been supported that this fact is taken very literally by fans); the only known villains he faces are the Spore King and his minion Toxic Toad Z. His co-star and sidekick is Britney, and a full fighting force of heroes (referred to merely as "Toad Force V") is also hinted at.

Jack is the only Toad Force V character seen, although he is never seen directly. Instead, images of him are viewed through Toad Force V promotional items, such as posters and, more commonly, action figures. (A notably detailed Jack figurine is seen in the mission Nerd Force V.) While most images of Jack (those seen on posters and icons) depict him as a shadowed Toad with a "V" on his mushroom cap, the more detailed action figures show him to quite clearly be a slightly short, white-faced Toad with yellow, exaggerated eyebrows in an angry position. His attire consists of a red shirt (eked out with a white star) atop blue pants, and his shoes are white with red bottoms. Despite being known to be robotic, Jack shows very few signs of this; one of his most robotic features (other than his unnaturally pale face) is his strange, rod-like arms ending in much larger, spherical hands.

Jack's name is debatable, as it is only used (by Mushbert and Lakitu) in the mission What's That Line?. (Bowser also uses it in a Bowser's Toys question based on that mission.) On most other occasions, Jack is known only as a "robotic mushroom" and was even called "Toad Force V", the name of his television series, several times in Mario Party Advance. (Even more confusingly, the phrase "Toad Force V" also seems to be applied to an aforementioned group of heroes in a certain statement by Paratroopa in Nerd Force V.) Due to the ambiguity of his name, some have theorized that Jack (who is only known to be "the hero" of Toad Force V) may actually be a separate entity than the mechanical Toad depicted in so much Toad Force V paraphernalia.