List of letters in Paper Mario

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Mario and Parakarry at the Post Office.

In the game Paper Mario, letters can be received throughout the game for Mario and his eight partners, Goombario, Kooper, Bombette, Parakarry, Lady Bow, Watt, Sushie, and Lakilester. The letters for Mario can be found at his house, while the rest of the letters for his partners are found at the Toad Town Post Office. This is a list of all of the available letters in the game.

Mario and Luigi

At the beginning of the game, Princess Peach sends Mario and Luigi a letter inviting them to the party. The letter is carried by Parakarry.

I'm throwing a party at my castle today! Mario and Luigi, I would be honored if you both could attend.
Many guests from distant towns are hoping to meet you.
There will be tasty sweets and all kinds of entertainment! I hope to see you here soon!

Sincerely, Peach

At the end of the game, Princess Peach sends them another invitation letter, but its content isn't revealed by the game.


Little T.

Little T.'s letter.
  • The first letter Mario receives is from Little T., a young Toad who trains at the Toad Town Dojo.

Dear Mario,

How do you do?
I'm Little T.
I'm just a little Toad.
I live in Toad Town.
I've been training at the Dojo so I can save Princess Peach!
I'll write to you again later.


Vanna T.

Vanna T.'s letter.
  • The second letter Mario receives is from Vanna T., Chuck Quizmo's assistant.

Hello, Mario.

I'm Vanna T., Chuck Quizmo's lovely assistant.
Thanks for participating in our quiz show.
Our ratings are through the roof!
Are those Star Pieces helping you?
Please keep coming back until you answer the last question!
I'll cheer you on!

Vanna. T

Koopa Bros.

Koopa Bros.' letter.
  • The third letter Mario obtains is from the Koopa Bros. It can only be found after they have been defeated.

You rat, Mario!

How dare you embarrass us!
I'll never forget what you did!


Watch your back when you walk at night!


I'm gonna make you cry!


You'd better sleep with one eye open, pal!


We shall return!!

Koopa Bros.

Koopa Troopas

The Koopa Troopas' letter.
  • The fourth letter Mario obtains is from the Koopa Troopas living in Koopa Village.

Dear, Mario,

Thank you so much for taking care of our Fuzzy problem.
We, the Koopa Troopas in the village, really appreciate what you've done for us.
We must apologize for not rewarding you with anything. We are but simple Koopas...
Please drop by the village whenever you like. Anytime. It'd be our honor.
Best of luck from all of us!
Koopa Troopas at Koopa Village


Moustafa's letter.
  • The fifth letter Mario obtains is from the Moustafa.

Hey, wanderer! I have heard many stories about your deeds. People speak very well of you.

If comforts me to know that Bowser's creatures no longer loot the ancient ruins.
Unfortunately, some relics are missing. This is a shame. I've heard that a Koopa was wandering around the ruins... That sounds very suspicious.
You should be careful if you meet any suspicious types. Anyway, I must go! I look forward to hearing great tales of your adventures.
Please drop by the village whenever you like. Anytime. It'd be our honor.



Kolorado's first letter.
  • The sixth letter Mario obtains is from the Kolorado.

How are you, dear boy? I've just finished my exhausting research of the ruins found by my unwavering efforts.

Sadly, I did not find any treasures as valuable as I had hoped.
I will press on, though, old chap! There are treasures hidden all over the world!
I hear them calling my famous name, asking me to dig them up!


Goombaria's letter.
  • The seventh letter Mario obtains is from Goombario's little sister, Goombaria.

To Mario,

Are you and Goombario doing OK? I'm fine. Oh! This is Goombaria, by the way.
Are you having an exciting adventure? Is Goombario being a hero? Or is he just goofing off?
You know... I sometimes go shopping in Toad Town with Mom. Maybe we'll see you there. I'd really like to hear some of your exciting stories. I can't wait! Really!
You can beat up Bowser--I know it!♡


Tayce T.

Tayce T.'s letter.
  • The eighth letter Mario obtains is from the Toad Town cook, Tayce T.

Hi there, Mario. Are you eating regularly? You know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

The Cookbook you gave me really comes in handy.♡
I already knew a lot about recipies, but with this book, I can cook a world of new dishes!
I want to tell you about the latest dish I've been cooking. It's unique!
It takes a Fire Flower and an Egg to fix it. When I first made it, it blew me away!
It might help you on your adventures. Please come visit me with those ingredients!♡

Tayce T.


Kolorado's second letter.
  • The ninth letter Mario obtains is another from Kolorado.

How are you, old bean? Smashing, I trust. I'd just like to thank you for helping with that nasty volcano business.

Of course, I'm sure you're well aware of my own heroic role in the final fracas.
I've lately worried about my dear wife. How she must worry about me as I brave danger!
Perhaps it's tie I returned home for a while. Feel free to stop by for a spot of tea!


Yoshi Kids

Yoshi Kids' letter.
  • The tenth letter Mario obtains is from the kids of Yoshi's Village known as the Fearsome 5.

Dear Mario, The volcano stopped erupting! Please come back and visit!

The village leader wants to see you, too. Everyone does! And we want to play with you!
We bet you've been on all kinds of wild adventures! Remember to bring your stories!

The Yoshi Kids


Rowf's letter.
  • The eleventh letter Mario obtains is from the Badge seller Rowf.

Hey, big guy! How're you doing? Rowf of the Badge Shop here.

Thanks a bunch for shopping at my place. You're a cool customer!
To show you my gratitude, I'll be waiting for you with all my stock 0% off!


Wise Wisterwood

Wise Wisterwood's letter.
  • The twelfth and final letter Mario obtains is from the Wise Wisterwood of Flower Fields.

Dear Mario, How are you holding up?

It's so sunny in Flower Fields. Peace has returned here.
Lily's in her own little world, as usual.
Rosie is spreading a rumor that you're interested in her.
I hear that Petunia is singing your praises across the land.
As you know, I can't move from this spot, but I'm content to watch the Bub-ulbs frolic.
Good luck to you, Mario.
All of Flower Fields is wishing to the Stars that your dreams will come true.

Wise Wisterwood


Red and Blue Goomba

  • The first letter Goombario receives is from Red & Blue Goomba, King Goomba's servants.


You were a lot stronger then you looked. We figured you were just some punk Goomba hanging around with Mario.
Anyway, you proved yourself to us that being good is as important as being strong. So...
When you come back, do you think maybe we could be...friends?
Please say yes!
We'll be waiting!

Red & Blue Goomba Bros.


  • The second letter Goombario receives is from Goompa, his grandfather.

Dear Goombario,

How goes the adventure with Mario? Is it fun?
Are you being a brave Goomba?
Remember to relish your time out in the wide world.
Grow wise from your travels.
I wish to the Stars that your adventure will prove to be a fruitful one.
If you can, drop in on us old folks now and again.
Gooma misses you terribly
I'm looking forward to seeing you as a grown-up.



  • The third letter Goombario receives is from Gooma, his grandmother.

Dear Goombario,

How are you, my cute Goombario? We're all doing fine here.
I hope your Tattle ability has finally become useful.
Stop by whenever you get the chance. We all miss you.
Good luck, my little Goomnut!
I'll be thinking of you.



Kolorado's Wife

  • The first letter Kooper receives is from Kolorado's Wife.

Kooper, how are you doing?

Your mother dropped by for a visit the other day.
We had a really nice talk over some Koopa Tea. She did seem a touch disappointed that you were still on the road.
She said that she's going to cook a delicious dinner when you come back, so you have something to look forward to.
Oh yes! If you happen to see my wayward husband, please tell him to come home more often.
Take care.

Kolorado's wife


  • The second letter Kooper receives is from Koover.

Dear Kooper,

How goes the adventure?
I can't believe you're hanging with Mario! I'm so jealous!
Koopa Village is the same.
Kolorado's wife is impatiently awaiting Kolorado's return.
You and Kolorado...You guys have so much excitement in your lives. You're so lucky!
Anyway, good luck, buddy!

Koover of Koopa Village

Kooper's Fan

  • The third letter Kooper receives is from a fan.

Dear Mr. Kooper,

I must apologize for sending a letter out of the blue.♡
But I had to! I saw you walking in Toad Town with Mario.
You seemed so strong and brave.
So dashing...♡
If it's OK, I'd really love to have a talk with you.
(Oh♡ How embarrassing♡)
I'll write to you again soon.
Good luck, brave Koopa!

Your Fan


Dry Dry Railroad

  • The first letter Bombette receives is from the Dry Dry Railroad Transportation Department.

Dear Miss Bombette,

We write this letter as a humble request to you,
the most worthy and explosive
of all Bob-ombs.
It's still a long time off,
but later this year we will be staging an opening event for a new Dry Dry Railroad route
We feel the event would be a gala bash if we could enlist your bomb-bursting help.
Crowds love fireworks! Anyway, we'll get in touch with you
after your adventure ends to confirm the dates.

Dry Dry Railroad Transportation Department


  • The second letter Bombette receives is from Bruce.


I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.
I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.
I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.
Please understand how I feel!
I love you!

Your Bruce


  • The third letter Bombette receives is another love letter from Bruce.


You must return to me, oh fair and combustible Bob-omb!
My heart awaits you in Koopa Village. It burns like a fuse!
I will love you forever! Even if you reject me, my love will endure!
If I don't see you soon, I'll surely explode, so please hurry!
You've ignited my passion! Come back to me, my love!

Your Bruce


Frost T.

  • The first letter Parakarry receives is from Frost T..

Dear Parakarry,

Thank you for always delivering my mail, despite snow and ice.
Because I live in this cold valley so far from my family, the letters I receive are my greatest pleasure in life.
Kind words from my wife and daughter give me the strength to continue my work
My heart lips with joy every time I hear the sound of your wings
May you never molt!

Your Fan, Frost T.


  • The second letter Parakarry receives is from Whacka.

Whaack-oo! This is Whacka!

Mr. Parakarry, from my place in the shadows, I always see you flying above Mt. Rugged.
It looks like so much fun, flying on a sunny day! Tell me about it sometime.
My wish to the Stars is that you never fall from the sky!

Whacka of Mt. Rugged

Lady Bow


  • The first letter Bow receives is from Bootler.

To Lady Bow,

Please return as quickly as possible.
I cannot shake the image of you in some sort of danger.
It so worries me that I can no longer sleep.
When you went with Mario, you told me not to go with you...
But now I regret my obedience!
I should have gone anyway and protected you from harm!
Now all I can do is wish to the Stars with the other Boos that you return safely.
Please take care.


Boos in Gusty Gulch

  • The second letter Bow receives is from the Boos in Gusty Gulch.

Dear Lady Bow,

Thank you for rescuing us from that horrible Tubba Blubba up on Gusty Gulch.
We'd never dreamed we'd meet a Boo of your stature!
The sight of you alone would have been enough to keep us going, but you went ahead and defeated Tubba Blubba too!
We thought that our friends were done for when they were eaten, but they've all returned.
Many thanks! When you're done with your quest, we're throwing you a party. Please come!
Oh! And please say "Hi" to everyone at Boo's Mansion!

Boos in Gusty Gulch



  • The first letter Watt receives is from her mother.

Watt, thank the Stars that you're safe! I was so worried!

When you first disappeared, we were completely baffled.
Nobody would help us and we couldn't find a clue!
Then we went to Toad Town and heard about the Toy Box.
I was pretty sure you'd be OK in there for a while, but...
...I was still worried! Please give my deepest thanks to those who saved you! Come home soon!

Your Mother


  • The second letter Watt receives is from Fuzzipede.

Dear Watt,

Well, I'm still kickin'. I ain't gonna be bait no more.
I reckon I 'preciate the help of you and your buddies. This here letter'll be my thanks, so we're even, all righty?
Anyhoo, good luck doing what y'all do. And don't be botherin' me if we meet up agin.




  • The first letter Sushie receives is from Sashimie, her daughter.

Dear Mom,

First I heard you were lost in the jungle, then I heard you were traveling with Mario!
Don't do anything dangerous. Come back as quickly as you can. I'm waiting for you.
You're gonna be a grandCheep! I want you to see the small fry!

Your daughter, Sashimie

Raphael the Raven

  • The second letter Sushie receives is from Raphael the Raven.

Dear Sushie,

You followed Mario, didn't you? How are you doing? I never expected you'd go with him.
I want to hear about you, Mario and everything else, so why don't you come to see me when you finish traveling?
If you have a hard time climbing the tree, I'll come down for you.

Raphael the Raven

P.S. Is there anything you want to eat? I'll make anything.



  • The first letter Lakilester receives is from Lakilulu, his girlfriend.

Dear Lakilester,

Where are you? You'd better be a good Lakitu and return soon.
I'll be faithfully waiting for you near the Wise Wisterwood.
If you don't come back, I'll search for you 'til the end of time. I'll give you such a Spiny Storm you'll...
I'm sorry, love...
I get mad when I worry...♡

Your Lakilulu


  • The second letter Lakilester receives is from Flight, of Team Lakitu.

Dear Spike,

You turncoat!! You're hanging around with Mario! I'll never forgive you, you big traitor!
I heard that your real name is Lakilester, too! I never heard such a silly name! I'm gonna call you Lakilester from now on.
The only way you could earn my respect now would be to beat...
Lord Bowser! Yeah, right!
Do that and I'll forgive you!

Flight, of Team Lakitu

Normal Letters

Mario also finds letters along his journey. There are 24 letters: 12 are found throughout the world, with one of them starting a chain of 14 letters that results in getting the Lucky Day Badge -- the others will result in getting Star Pieces.

Letter Location found Recipient
Area Instructions Name Location
Letter 1 Mt. Rugged Mario should toss Kooper across the gap in the area with the Save Block. Merlon Toad Town
Letter 2 Mt. Rugged Upper left ledge after the slide. Kolorado Lavalava Island; Toad Town; Dry Dry Desert; Koopa Village
Letter 31 Mt. Rugged In the area with the broken bridge. Goompapa Goomba Village
Letter 4 Dry Dry Desert Mario should hit the tree near Dry Dry Outpost. Mort T. Koopa Village.
Letter 5 Dry Dry Outpost On one of the rooftops near Moustafa's house. Nomadimouse Dry Dry Desert
Letter 6 Dry Dry Desert Mario should hit the tree at Kolorado's excavation site after Kolorado removed his camp. Goompa Goomba Village
Letter 7 Gusty Gulch In front of a tree branch. Fice T. Toad Town
Letter 8 Lavalava Island On top of a rock on the beach leading to Yoshi's Village. Igor Boo's Mansion
Letter 9 Jade Jungle Northeast island where the player meets Sushie. Russ T. Toad Town
Letter 10 Flower Fields Northeast screen. Minh T. Toad Town
Letter 11 Shiver Snowfield Mario should hit the big tree four times. Mayor Penguin Shiver City
Letter 12 Shiver Road Behind icy rock just before the area where the player fights Monstar. Merlow Shooting Star Summit

1 - The letter that starts the chain.

Chain Letters
