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==Rogueport Sewers==
==Rogueport Underground==
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Revision as of 11:41, May 26, 2024

It has been requested that this article be rewritten and expanded to include more information. Reason: Add characters from Chapter 4 and Excess Express

Throughout Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, there exist several NPCs that are not named in any way. The following is a list of them.

The list does not include shop runners or inn runners.


Rogueport Harbor

Character Quotes Internal name

An orange Toad in Rogueport Harbor.
An orange Toad hanging near the Save Block.

Tattle: "By the sound of it, something bad happened to this sailor, and now he hates the sea. Sounds so sad... I wonder what he thinks about when he looks out at the ocean..."
  • "What you want, pal? Huh? A princess in a pink dress? I ain't seen nothing like that, no. I'd remember a princess, probably. Why do you want this chick, anyway, pal? Owe you money? Or is she yer girlfriend?"
  • "Not that you care, but I gave up all my life's dreams. Now I just stare at the sea. I walk around...alone. I wait for a ship that never returns. Life stinks, you know that?"
  • "Once, a great pirate named Cortez wreaked havoc on these seas, y'know. People in town still tell stories about that guy... He's like a legend..."
  • "See that ship docked there? She belongs to Flavio, the merchant trader. He don't sail too often, though. Mostly he hangs at Podley's joint on the plaza."
  • "Off to that island, are ya? Well, at least Flavio's ship is the best in the harbor. You oughta be fine as long as you don't see any ghosts. But if the pirate king's curse is real, there ain't a ship on the sea that can save you."
  • "I'm more interested in the casualties of a treasure hunt than I am in the treasure. Morbid, huh? Yeah, I know. Well, you try not to become a treasure ghost, OK, pal?"
  • "If it weren't for you, those guys never would've returned. Thanks, pal!"
  • "Hey, the sun came back, pal! Was it you? Did YOU save us? I'm...happy! I'm SOOO happy! I want to embrace life again... I want to BELIEVE again... Sniff... I love you, man."
Suifu A
Sailor A

An orange Toad in Rogueport Harbor.
An orange Toad hanging in the open area near the stairs. He appears after Goombella joins Mario's party.

Tattle: "That's a Toad sailor who works here at Rogueport Harbor. I hear he loves his family so much that it's hard for him to go on long voyages."
  • "Hey, in case you don't know, the plaza's through the gate at the top of the stairs. There are shops and inns and stuff there. You ought to take a good look around."
  • "You know what I've learned? The world is full of strange and mysterious places. Yup. I sure would love to go see them all one day. That'd be a logistical nightmare, though."
  • "Yup, the world sure is full of strange and mind-warpingly wonderful places, all right... What's that? ...Boggly Woods? Huh! Never heard of them... I'd love to see 'em one day..."
  • "Yup, the world sure is full of strange and mind-bogglingly sensational places, all right... What's that? A sky-city? Huh! Never heard of THAT... I'd love to see it one day..."
  • "Yup, the world sure is full of strange and mind-bendingly fantastic places, all right... ...A town in perpetual dusk? Huh! Never heard of THAT... I'd love to see it one day..."
  • "...What? Keelhaul Key? Oh, that place is absolutely awful, I've heard. Not long ago, ship after ship went there hunting treasure, but none ever returned... I bet they met the bad end of the pirate king's curse. Those guys were dumb."
  • "Setting sail at last, eh? Treasure has its allure, but my family needs me. Dreaming dreams is all well and good, but certain-death voyages? I'll pass, thanks."
  • "Admiral Bobbery? I'm fairly sure there was an old guy by that name living in the east part of town."
  • "Wow, those guys all looked excited... They didn't get rich, but I still kind of envy them."
  • "...Poshley Heights? Only filthy-rich folks live there, right? Not that I've ever been..."
  • "WHAT?!? You went to the dang moon? Why should I believe you? Did you get the man in the moon's autograph?"
  • "What?!? There was an evil shadow queen sleeping deep beneath this town?!? Huh? And you defeated her? Listen... You really need to quit with the compulsive lying."
Suifu B
Sailor B

A Bob-omb sailor in Rogueport Harbor.
A Bob-omb sailor hanging in the open area near the stairs.

Tattle: "That's a Bob-omb sailor. He does basic harbor work, like loading and unloading. He's kinda gruff, but he seems to have decent advice. Pretty OK guy, all around."
  • "Blimey! A fight?!? Corkin'! Heh heh! Ain't nothin' so fun as watchin' some poor bloke 'ave it out wif his missus, eh? Am I right, mate?"
  • "Lissen, mate... You'll run into all sorts o' trouble if you don't keep your eyes peeled. This is ROGUEport, after all. The town's rotten wif crooks, thieves, an' 'ooligans."
  • "K-Keelhaul Key? You mean the island where the treasure hoard of Cortez, the pirate king, is hidden? want treasure, eh? Fine, but keep an eye out or the pirate curse'll get ya!"
  • "So THAT'S how you're doin' it! You an that mental Flavio... Uh, rather, that dashin' guy... Well, at any rate, be careful. That island is right nasty. Prepare yourself, eh?"
  • "Admiral Bobbery? Yeah, sure, that bloke used to practically live at Podley's Place, on the plaza. He'd stay too late every now an' then an' that lovely wife of his would pick 'im up."
  • "Going at last, are ya? Try not to die a 'orrible death, all right, then?"
  • "So, there WERE ghosts, eh? I don't care what kinda ship ya got! I'd of been paralyzed! But hey! Comin' back on a better ship than you left on is quite the score!"
  • "Oy there, mate! How's about I catch a ride on that trim ship of yours sometime!"
Suifu Bomuhei B
Sailor Bob-omb B

A Bob-omb sailor in Rogueport Harbor.
A Bob-omb sailor near the S.S. Flavion during the interlude between Chapters 4 and 5. He goes on board when the ship is about to set sail.

Tattle: "That's a Bob-omb sailor. He's one of the guys going to Keelhaul Key with us. Why do you think so many Bob-ombs become sailors? Kinda weird, huh?"
  • "Right fair weather today, eh? Yeah, perfect day to set sail, if I do say so! Wouldn't mind a bit if the whole journey blew in fair as today, no sirree bob!"
  • (During cutscene) "I'm on board!"
  • (During cutscene) "Wait up!"
Suifu Bomuhei C
Sailor Bob-omb C

An orange Toad on the S.S. Flavion.
An orange Toad on the S.S. Flavion during the interlude between Chapters 4 and 5.

Tattle: "That's one of the sailors going with us to Keelhaul Key. He seems super-motivated, so we're totally lucky to have him, know what I mean?"
  • "Starboard ho! Port ho! Giant monster Blooper ho! I'm practicing my 'ho's'!"
  • (During cutscene) "Aye aye AYE!"
Suifu D
Sailor D

An orange Toad on the S.S. Flavion.
An orange Toad girl on the S.S. Flavion during the interlude between Chapters 4 and 5.

Tattle: "That's one of the Toads who's coming with us to Keelhaul Key. Sounds like she got tired of life in Rogueport and wants a fresh start on Keelhaul Key. Hey, she's young, y'know? That's the time to get out there and try new stuff!"
  • "I... I always dreamed of the day I'd leave this town. I don't care if there are pirates or ghosts or undead vampires where we're going. It's gotta be worlds better than this stinkhole!"
  • (During cutscene) "Sure thing!"

An X-Naut hiding in a corner in Rogueport Harbor, reporting the success of Lord Crump's plan.
An X-Naut reporting the success of Lord Crump's plan in a hidden corner during the interlude between Chapters 4 and 5.

  • (During cutscene) "This is X-Naut One here, come back, dude? I repeat, X-Naut One here, over. Roger, reading you five-by. Infiltration is successful. X-Naut Black aboard vessel. Repeat: X-Naut Black is on board the vessel..."

Rogueport Plaza

Character Quotes Internal name

A Doogan in the center of Rogueport Plaza.
A Doogan walking to and fro behind the gallows.

Tattle: "That's a lazy Doogan. He hunts shady 'jobs' that he expects to pay well. I bet he's never done an honest day's work in his life. What a piece of work."
  • "Professor Frankly? Actually, I think a guy by that name lives over on the east side... Just go east from here. As you enter town from the harbor, just hang a right. So, uh, what about him? Did this guy steal something important from you, or what?"
  • "Hey, you don't have any good jobs, do you? You know, easy work, great pay? Or, at least, something easy? I don't do any heavy lifting. And I gotta get paid cash."
  • "Hey, you don't have any good jobs, do you? You know, easy work, incredible pay? Yeah! If you've got easy work that pays a lot, I'm your man! I'm all OVER that!"
  • "Hey, you don't have any good jobs, do you? You know, easy work, insane pay? Yeah! Easy work that surrounds a guy with lovely women, I'm your man!"
  • "Hey, you don't have any good jobs, do you? You know, easy work, absurd pay? Yeah! Like, maybe something where I sing one song and collect royalties forever?"
  • "Hey, you don't have any good jobs, do you? You know, easy work, amazing pay? Yeah! Like, maybe something where I do a little dance and get paid for life?"
  • "Hey, you don't have any good jobs, do you? You know, easy work, unbelievable pay? Huh? Did you say lottery? No, no... No lottery for me. I lose WAY too much."
  • "Hey, you don't have any good jobs, do you? You know, easy work, mind-blowing pay? It would be great if I could get paid a lot to sleep. Yeah, that's the job for me."
  • "Hey, you don't have any good jobs, do you? You know, easy work, ridiculous pay? ...... Yeah, yeah! I got it, mister... Nobody pays anyone a lot to do something easy... Fine! I'll try working hard. I'll break a sweat...but I'd better get paid good for it!"
Roten 1
Doogan 1

A Goomba in Rogueport Plaza.
A Goomba to the east of the gallows.

Tattle: "That guy's a local Goomba. He'll give you advice and stuff, so he's OK. His tips totally might come in handy, so you oughta talk to him as often as possible."
  • "You look like you don't know nothing, so I'll teach you something, how 'bout that? If you press Z Button, you can check your current HP. I can't believe you didn't know that. If you have low HP, you oughta go rest in an inn so you recover. Use your head."
  • "You look like you don't know nothing, so I'll teach you something, how 'bout that? If you gotta replenish both HP and FP, inns are better than recovery blocks. Inns will refill all your Star Power, too, that's why... Recovery blocks won't, genius."
  • "You look like you don't know nothing, so I'll teach you something, how 'bout that? In this town...the boss of the Robbos and Don Pianta are in a nasty turf war. If you wanna live long, you'd better either choose a side, or stay the heck out of it."
  • "You look like you don't know nothing, so I'll teach you something, how 'bout that? Some people are so good at fighting, they fight with Stylish moves, you hear me? I'm pretty sure that guy who lives underground will tell you about Stylish moves... If you're interested, go talk to that guy, 'cause I'm all tapped out."
  • "You look like you don't know nothing, so I'll teach you something, how 'bout that? Here in Rogueport...there's a world-famous archaeologist... Huh? You already knew that? Fine, smart guy. I'll have a better tip next time."
  • "You look like you don't know nothing, so I'll teach you something, how 'bout that? There's a world-famous sailor named Bobbery here in Rogueport who... Huh? He's already with you? Fine, Mr. Big Brain. I'll have a better tip next time."
  • "You look like you don't know nothing, so I'll teach you something, how 'bout that? There are secret blue pipes below us that are connected to other parts of the world. If you find them, you'll be able to go to distant places like Poshley Heights instantly!"
  • "You look like you don't know nothing, so I'll teach you something, how 'bout that? There are ruins beneath us, and you can go down there and find these pipes that... Huh? You already knew that? Fine, Mr. Brilliant. I'll have a better tip next time."
  • "You look like you don't know nothing, so I'll teach you something, how 'bout that? There's this guy named Mario who saved the whole world in its darkest hour... Huh? YOU'RE Mario?!? W-W-W-Wait a sec'! Whoa! The rumors were all true?"
Kuribō 2
Goomba 2

A Doogan in the backside of the Rogueport Plaza.
A Doogan in the backside of the plaza.

Tattle: "That's a suspicious Doogan. He craves that one big score, but I doubt it'll happen. I mean, even if he did make some money, he'd just blow it. He depresses me..."
  • "Dang, yesterday I blew through 100 coins at the parlor. You believe that? But not next time, man! I'm coming back a winner! The odds favor me now!"
  • "Shoot, yesterday I blew through 200 coins at the parlor. You believe that? But next time..."
  • "Man, yesterday I blew through 300 coins at the parlor. You believe that? But next time I'm gonna win. Just mark my words, man! I've got a system now!"
  • "Yesterday I blew through 400 coins at the parlor...but next time, it'll all be good!"
  • "Yesterday I blew through 500 coins at the parlor...but not next time! No way, man!"
  • "Yesterday I blew through 600 coins at the parlor...but next time, I'm gonna... Oh, wait. Now I'm all outta cash. That isn't good."
  • "Yesterday I blew through 700 coins at the parlor...but next time, I'll do better... I'm gonna hawk my expensive wristwatch and play some more! Brilliant move, eh?"
  • "Yesterday I blew through 800 coins at the parlor...but next time, I'm definitely winning... Actually, you know what? Maybe I'll just quit..."
  • "Hey, listen to this, man! Yesterday at the parlor... I won 100,000 coins! Yeah! Finally! I finally won! The dark skies all cleared up, I finally won... Great days are here at last! Hooray!"
Roten 2
Doogan 2

A Bandit in the leftmost house in the backyard of Rogueport Plaza.
A Bandit in the leftmost house in the backside of the plaza. He is initially in the east part of Rogueport, dashing towards Mario and stealing half of his coins.

Tattle: "That's a bandit who's made this place his hideout. Seems like he totally loves this place...but would it kill him to clean up a bit?"
  • "Eeeeeeeeeeeooops! Uh... Fancy meeting you here! You're pretty dang persistent, buddy! What a pain! Fine! FINE, OK? You got me. I'll give you your coins back. Here."
  • "Huzzat?!? Hey! Aren't you that doofus who klutzed into me? You really owe it to yourself to carry a little cash around, buddy. Treat yourself right. I mean, I went to the trouble of trying to pick your pocket, but I didn't get a single coin!"
  • "Lemme give you a news flash: even the innocent-looking people in town are thieves! So, don't come grumbling to me about losing a little pocket change, OK, buddy?"
  • "Lemme give you a news flash: even the innocent-looking people in town are robbers! So, don't come crying to me about losing a little pocket change, OK, buddy?"
  • "You got some kinda problem? You think you can just barge into my hideout, buddy? ...You're probably just jealous. No one snooping around... It's the perfect hideout spot!"
  • "You got some kinda problem? You think you can just barge into my hideout, buddy? ...You're probably just jealous. No one snooping around... It's the perfect hideout spot! With all this garbage, there are tons of flies and stuff... Who'd want to come in here?"
  • "You got some kinda problem? You think you can just barge into my hideout, buddy? ...You're probably just jealous. No one snooping around... It's the perfect hideout spot! This garbage attracts flies and huge roaches like crazy. Who'd want to come in here?"
  • "You got some kinda problem? You think you can just barge into my hideout, buddy? ...You're probably just jealous. No one snooping around... It's the perfect hideout spot! Since there's garbage all over, the place just REEKS! Who'd want to come in here?"
  • "You got some kinda problem? You think you can just barge into my hideout, buddy? ...You're probably just jealous. No one snooping around... It's the perfect hideout spot! I mean, look at this garbage! The place is a total mess! Who'd want to come in here?"
  • "You got some kinda problem? You think you can just barge into my hideout, buddy? ...You're probably just jealous. No one snooping around... It's the perfect hideout spot! No windows... No breeze... It's all muggy and nasty! Who'd want to come in here?"
  • "You got some kinda problem? You think you can just barge into my hideout, buddy? ...You're probably just jealous. No one snooping around... It's the perfect hideout spot! There's no natural light, so it's all dark and scary! Who'd want to come in here?"
  • "You got some kinda problem? You think you can just barge into my hideout, buddy? ...You're probably just jealous. No one snooping around... It's the perfect hideout spot! Garbage... Flies... Roaches... Stinky... Dirty... Muggy... And there's no sunlight! Ohhhhhh! No WONDER! That's why nobody comes here! This place is gross! Ah, well. I can get used to living just about anywhere... I guess... Bleah."

A Squeek in Podley's Place in Rogueport Plaza.
A Squeek in Podley's Place.

Tattle: "That guy practically lives here... He must like it, huh? He's like, the ultimate regular. As far as I can tell, he's recounting the tales of every love of his life, one by one."
  • "... ... Can't you take a hint, pal? '...' means SCRAM! Don't talk to me!"
  • "... ... '...' means SCRAM! Don't talk to me! My heart's burning for my long-lost love. Oh, Ms. Mowz, you sly, sultry, little thief... I hope you're doing well, wherever you are."
  • "... ... '...' means SCRAM! Don't talk to me! My heart's burning for my long-lost love. Oh... Where has my beloved actress gone? Why did she forsake me? Yes, Flurrie was her name... She was skinny and toned, with a voice like an angel... But she left the bright lights behind and went off to live in peace and quiet..."
  • "... ... '...' means SCRAM! Don't talk to me! My heart's burning for my long-lost love. Yes, the reception Boo at the parlor in the west part of town... How is she, I wonder? I'll never forget those eyes... and the passionate secrets that they hold."
  • "... ... '...' means SCRAM! Don't talk to me! My heart's burning for my long-lost love. Yes, I'm speaking of the extraordinary beauty at the juice shop in Glitzville... No matter how many times I flirted, she never paid me the slightest attention..."
  • "... ... '...' means SCRAM! Don't talk to me! My heart's burning for my long-lost love. I don't want to say this too loudly, you understand... But this blossom is the daughter of Don Pianta. Francesca, the temptress... I haven't seen her around town lately. I hope she hasn't eloped with another..."
  • "... ... '...' means SCRAM! Don't talk to me! My heart's burning for my long-lost love. I've only ridden the Excess Express once in my entire life, you understand... But I met an angelic waitress in the dining car and gave her a present. I wonder if she's treasuring that gift, the earring I gave her out of purest love..."
  • "... ... '...' means SCRAM! Don't talk to me! My heart's burning for my long-lost love. I've been to Poshley Heights only once in my entire life, you understand... But when I was there, I gave a gift to a gorgeous madame who lingered outdoors. I wonder if she treasures that gift, the silver ring I gave her out of purest love..."[note 1]
  • "... ... I don't think I'll ever love again... As long as the world is at peace, I'll be happy... I think... Uh..."
Chū-san 2
Squeek 2

A Bob-omb sailer in Podley's Place in Rogueport Plaza.
A Bob-omb sailor in Podley's Place.

Tattle: "That guy's a Bob-omb sailor. I think he comes here every time his ship makes port. I don't blame him. This place has totally cool atmosphere. I'd be a regular, too..."
  • "Oy. I used to sail around and run wild in me younger days, but I'm a reformed sailor now. I used to go 'round explodin' all over the place without givin' it much thought."
  • "Oy. I used to sail around and run wild in me younger days, but I'm a reformed sailor now. I was blowin' up north, south, east, and west back then. I was a real nutter!"
  • "Oy. I used to sail around and run wild in me younger days, but I'm a reformed sailor now. I used to blow up all the time without payin' any heed to wot ordinary blokes thought."
  • "Oy. I used to sail around and run wild in me younger days, but I'm a reformed sailor now. But then I got to thinkin'... Is blowin' up a part of the national Bob-omb identity? Naw, I figured... There must be lots o' blokes bein' all Bob-omb-ish wifout blowin' up! It was after I realized that that I quit blowin' up all the time. It was an eye-opener!"
  • "Fer a Bob-omb, blowin' up is like throwin' a punch fer an ordinary bloke... If you wanna leave the biggest impression, you gotta do it wif perfect timin'. Me mum said that once you learn that timin', yer finally an adult Bob-omb. Ah, Mum."
  • "Once I learned proper timin' for explodin', I started thinkin' it was an art form! But now I know: an explosion's just an explosion, and there ain't no way around it..."
  • "When I was a lad and blowin' up all the time, some mates I respected once told me... 'Explodin' without thinkin' is like drinkin' coffee wifout any cream. It's just wrong.'"
  • "I sense a shadow fallin' across this town, mate... Now may be time fer me to release all my pent-up explosions, I'm thinkin'..."
  • "The moment that might 'ave needed my explosions seems to 'ave passed, eh? When that sky filled up with darkness, I was so shook I almost exploded on the spot!"
Suifu Bomuhei
Sailor Bob-omb

West side

Character Quotes Internal name

The pink Toad walking on the street in the west scene of Rogueport.
A pink Toad walking on the street. She is a fan of Flurrie and her conversation becomes different when Flurrie is the active partner of Mario.

Tattle: "That's a Toad from the west side. She's a big theatergoer, and apparently she's also a raving fan of Flurrie's."
  • "Wow! This town may be full of rogues and punks, but this part sure feels safe! Don Pianta does such a good job of managing things, I feel totally safe shopping here."
  • "Omigosh omigosh omigosh! Madame Flurrie! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! I'm such a HUGE fan! I can't believe I saw you here!"
  • "Going to the theater is like my hobby or something! I mean, the reason I like the drama so much is 'cause I live in a town like THIS. It hasn't been as fun lately since my favorite actress left the stage for good... It's torture for fans like me..."
  • "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! I can't believe I got to meet you, Madame Flurrie! I loved your performance in a[sic] 'A Mid-Winter Day's Nap'! I've seen it THREE times!"[note 2]
  • "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! I can't believe I got to meet you, Madame Flurrie! I loved your performance in 'Scrambled Eggs and Hamlet'! I've seen it TEN times!"[note 3]
  • "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! I can't believe I got to meet you, Madame Flurrie! I loved your performance in 'The Boy Who Cried Woo'! I've seen it 100 times!"
  • "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! I can't believe I got to meet you, Madame Flurrie! I loved your performance in 'The Cowing of King Steer'! I've seen it TEN times!"[note 4]
  • "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! I can't believe I got to meet you, Madame Flurrie! I loved your performance in 'The Dunking of Noodle'! I've seen it 100 times!"
  • "Going to the theater is like my hobby or something! I mean, the reason I like the drama so much is 'cause I live in a town like THIS. The worst thing is, my favorite actress made her grand comeback recently... AND I CAN'T GET TICKETS!"
  • "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! I can't believe I got to meet you, Madame Flurrie! I love your latest starring role in 'Paper Mario'! I've seen it 1,000 times!"
Kinopio Onna B
Toad Woman B

The green Toad walking on the street in the west scene of Rogueport.
A green Toad walking on the street. He seems to belong to the family living in the easternmost house.

Tattle: "That's a neighborhood kid. He seems to like going out and exploring new places. ...But he does seem to have a gripe about his family... I wonder what it is..."
  • "I almost fell down that grate! MAN, that was close! I know where that thing leads to, too! All too well! And I don't wanna go there!"
  • "The reason I'm always hanging out around here is because it's so boring back at home. My dad spends all day writing bad novels that never sell, Mom LIVES at the parlor... ...And my brother never leaves the house at all. Yeah, so you can see why I'm not exactly in a rush to go back there."
  • "My kid brother never sets foot outside. Maybe I should offer to let him play with me. Yeah... I think I'll ask him if he wants to play soccer with me."
  • "I asked my brother if he wanted to play soccer with me, and he was so happy. If I'd known it would make him so happy, I would have asked him sooner, y'know? But since I didn't, I'll just have to play with him that much more from now on!"
  • "I played soccer with my kid brother yesterday. Boy, it was so fun! He's actually pretty darned athletic! We're getting along really well now. We're gonna play together again tomorrow. I can't wait!"
Kinopio Kodomo B
Toad Child B

The Doogan walking on the street in the west scene of Rogueport.
A Doogan hanging out near the Happy Lucky Lottery on the street.

Tattle: "This guy really likes... No, he totally LOVES the Happy Lucky Lottery! He wakes up each day with one thing on his mind: that day's winning number!"
  • "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... Another day... Another stupid LOSING LOTTERY TICKET! But I'm sure I'll win tomorrow. Yeah. I'll be back tomorrow. I... I'll be here until tomorrow."
  • "Don Pianta? Are you kidding? Ordinary guys like me never get to meet a guy like him. Even if you were to meet him, there's no telling what he might do to you! If you really, REALLY want to see him, ask the Robbo boss on the east side about him. Yeah, I bet Ishnail will know how to get in touch with Don Pianta..."
  • "Yes! You won't believe it! I got the fourth prize in the Happy Lucky Lottery! Tomorrow I'm gonna get the third prize for sure! Yes! I... I'll be here until tomorrow."
  • "Yes! You won't believe it! I got the third prize in the Happy Lucky Lottery! Tomorrow I'm gonna get the second prize for sure! Yes! I... I'll be here until tomorrow."
  • "Yes! You won't believe it! I got the second prize in the Happy Lucky Lottery! Tomorrow I'm gonna get the first prize for sure! Yes! I... I'll be here until tomorrow."
  • "Awww... I didn't win anything in today's Happy Lucky Lottery... But I'll win tomorrow, for sure. Yeah, I'll be back tomorrow. I... I'll be here until tomorrow."
  • "Dang! In today's Happy Lucky Lottery, I was as far away from first as possible! But I'll win tomorrow, for sure. Yeah, I'll be back tomorrow. I... I'll be here until tomorrow."
  • "Aww... I lost in today's Happy Lucky Lottery. But I'll win tomorrow, for sure. I'll check again tomorrow. ...Maybe I'll just pitch a tent and live here."
Roten 4
Doogan 4

The blue Toad on the second floor of the easternmost house in the west scene of Rogueport.
A blue Toad on the second floor of the easternmost house.

Tattle: "That guy's a frustrated novelist. He's got great ideas, but he ruins them on paper. I think he just psyches himself out. I mean, he's got the talent and all..."
  • "Grrr... My wife spends all day in the parlor, so I never get ANYWHERE on my novel. I need to go off to places I've never seen to get inspired to write. Or SOMETHING!"
  • "Grrr... My wife spends all day in the parlor, so I never get ANYWHERE on my novel. I wish I could have fun, too. I want to go to Glitzville and see the matches!"
  • "Grrr... My kid just plays all day long. I hope he's growing up normal and everything... I can't work 'cause I worry about him. I need a dark, quiet place to write... No... If it's too dark, I'll just fall asleep, and then my novel will never get written."
  • "Grrr... My kid spends all day shut up indoors. I hope he's not warped or anything... I sure would like to go to a deserted island where I could write without any worries..."
  • "Grrr... I can't write anything good at all... I just stink. I stink at writing. I bet if I were to ride on the Excess Express, I could come up with a good tale..."
  • "Grrr... I can't write anything good at all... I'm just bad. I am BAD at writing. Maybe I'll take the family somewhere far away to blast my creative side into gear..."
  • "Everyone was so happy once I finally made some solid travel plans. Imagine that! It's good to take vacations. Yeah, real good... I even got an idea for my novel! It's gonna be 'The Adventures of This Guy Standing Right Here...Mario'! Yeah! If I ever finish it, I'll let you know. I'm not promising any royalties or anything, though."
  • "The book I wrote about your quest was a huge success. It's even been made into a play! To thank you for the inspiration, I dubbed it 'Paper Mario'!"
Kinopio A
Toad A

The light blue Toad kid on the first floor of the easternmost house in the west scene of Rogueport.
A light blue Toad kid on the first floor of the easternmost house.

Tattle: "I think this kid lives here. He's afraid to go outside, so he spends all day in here. He's got some family issues, I think, but it's not our place to stick our noses in. Kids this age tend to overdramatize their problems anyway, know what I mean?"
  • "My dad's writing a novel. But it'll never sell. It's terrible..."
  • "My mom just plays games all day long. She doesn't have a job. She never cleans. It's terrible..."
  • "My brother just plays all day. He never does his homework. It's terrible..."
  • "I never play outside at all. This town is too crowded and scary and weird... It's terrible..."
  • "It sure would be nice to eat dinner as a family and take a vacation sometime... But we never hang out together as a family... It's terrible..."
  • "My family never talks. We all do our own things. I just wish..."
  • "Hey, Mom cooked spaghetti yesterday! It was soooo delicious! And my brother asked if I wanted to play soccer with him! It was so fun! And Dad said we were all going to take a trip together. I'm so happy!"
  • "My family is so happy now. So I'm happy, too!"
Kinopio Kodomo A
Toad Child A

The Koopa Troopa on the second floor of the house to the west of the easternmost one in the west scene of Rogueport.
A Koopa Troopa on the second floor of the house to the west of the easternmost one.

Tattle: "That Koopa lives here. He must've been born lucky, 'cause he ALWAYS succeeds. He has all the money he'll ever need, but I think he's still unfulfilled somehow. Hmm... Then again, that doesn't surprise me, since he spends all day in bed. It just goes to show, you can't buy happiness, and you should occasionally leave bed."
  • "Yet another day dwindles away while I loaf in bed, doing nothing... Oh, well... I AM rich, after all!"
  • "Yet another day dwindles away while I loaf in bed, doing nothing... Oh, guess what? I won first prize in the Happy Lucky Lottery today, but... I didn't even go outside. I should have gone to collect my prize... Oh, well... I'm already rich anyway, so whatever!"
  • "Yet another day dwindles away while I loaf in bed, doing nothing... Oh, well... The Great Gonzales won, so I'm uber-rich all over again!"
  • "Yet another day dwindles away while I loaf in bed, doing nothing... Oh, well... I sold so much stuff in internet auctions that I'm richer than ever!"
  • "Yet another day dwindles away while I loaf in bed, doing nothing... Oh, well... I sold the deserted island I owned for boatloads of more cash, so whatever!"
  • "Yet another day dwindles away while I loaf in bed, doing nothing... Oh, well... But all this loafing is starting to depress me. I may have tons of money, but I have no idea how to use it! But you probably can't relate to my problems. You don't look rich at all."
  • "Yesterday I got out of bed for the first time in a while and went for a walk. I wandered under the sky... I had completely forgotten just how blue it can be. No matter how much money I have, I'll never be able to buy that blue, blue sky. But it's given me insight into how I can use the endless sums of money I have..."
  • "There was this guy who said he wanted to turn the novel 'Paper Mario' into a movie. He said he wanted me to help him do it. Sort of as an executive producer. I read that novel, too, and it was pretty disturbing. Still, I was moved. I thought, THIS would be an effective use of my vast sums of money! Perhaps the time for me to get out of bed and become productive has finally come."
Nokonoko A
Koopa Troopa A

The purple Toad in Pianta Parlor.
A purple Toad in the Pianta Parlor. She seems to belong to the family living in the easternmost house.

Tattle: "That's a parlor customer. I think she leaves her hubbie home with the kids so she can play here all day long. Yeah, that's healthy."
  • "I love checking my scores on this machine after playing games. I'm here all DAY! What? My husband is worried about me? Oh, don't be silly! He doesn't mind. As long as he's writing, he doesn't notice what anyone else does! ♪"
  • "I love checking my scores on this machine after playing games. I'm here all DAY! What? My family is worried about me? Oh, don't be silly! They don't mind! They're all so independent. They're happiest doing their own things! ♪"
  • "I love checking my scores on this machine after playing games. I'm here all DAY! What? My family is worried about me? Oh, don't be silly! They don't mind! Everyone in my family has their own fun, personal lifestyles! ♪"
  • "I love checking my scores on this machine after playing games. I'm here all DAY! What? You're wondering what my family eats for dinner? Oh, don't worry about it! I mean, if and when we want to eat, we each just go buy our own food! ♪"
  • "I love checking my scores on this machine after playing games. I'm here all DAY! What? You're wondering what my family does for meals? Oh, don't worry about it! I mean, if and when we want to eat, we each just go buy our own food! ♪"
  • "I love checking my scores on this machine after playing games. I'm here all DAY! What? You say my kids have it rough? ... Oh, they're just fine! My kids are independent and tough! They can handle it! ♪ But...I guess I SHOULD pay a little more attention to them, maybe..."
  • "Guess what! I made a big spaghetti dinner for my kids yesterday! They were so very happy! It was great! I felt very... I don't know...motherly! ♪ If I get to see smiles like those, I'll make dinner for them more often! ♪ ...But I still can't help coming here to check the high scores pretty often."
  • "I went on a trip with the whole family the other day. It was fantastic! It was really fun spending time together as a family! ♪ I still can't stop checking the high scores on this machine, of course... But I'm definitely going to spend more time with my family from now on! ♪"
Kinopio Onna A
Toad Woman A

The Goomba in Pianta Parlor.
A Goomba in the Pianta Parlor.

Tattle: "That's a Goomba who really likes this parlor. He always seems to be in a good mood. I wouldn't mind winning like he does every now and then. Lucky stiff."
  • "Hey, how ya doin'? What? Me? I'm on top of the world, baby! Whuzzat, now? You wanna know how to get a Member's Card, do ya? Well, lessee... Maybe if you help someone in trouble, they'll give it to you..."
  • "Hey, how ya doin'? What? Me? I'm on top of the world, baby! Yeah, I'm just fan-Goomba-tastic!"
Kyaku 1
Customer 1

The Squeek in Pianta Parlor
A Squeek in the Pianta Parlor.

Tattle: "That's a parlor customer. She's a Squeek, it looks like. Good to see a girl in here. It's a good sign if this place is safe enough for regular folks to go to."
  • "Psssst! This place is run by Don Pianta. You can play fun games in here and win pianta tokens to redeem for prizes. Yeah... Play to win, and get those prizes!"
  • "Pssssst! Instead of coins, they use pianta tokens here. You can get one pianta for three coins from this changer right here. But you can't change piantas back to coins, understand?"
Kyaku 4
Customer 4

Rogueport Station

Character Quotes Internal name

The Toad (species) at the Excess Express station in Rogueport.
An orange Toad near the Excess Express at the station.

Tattle: "This girl's ALWAYS here. She's fixated on romantic scenes in train stations. I see where she comes from... Train-station platforms do have that romantic air..."
  • "Ahhhh, you gotta love train platforms, man! I bet this place has seen as many dramatic encounters as there are stars in space! Wow, the thought of it all! I just love it!"
  • "Ahhhh... There must've been so many touchingly sad good-byes on this very spot! Ahhhh... It's just deep, man! I love the thought of it! I think I'm gonna cry!"
  • "Ahhhh... There must've been so many brutal farewells on this very spot! Ahhhh... It's just deep, man! I love the thought of it! I think I'm gonna cry!"
  • "Ahhhh... There must've been so many heartfelt reunions on this very spot! Ahhhh... It's just deep, man! I love the thought of it! I think I'm gonna cry!"
  • "Ahhhh... There must've been so many heart-breaking good-byes on this very spot! Ahhhh... It's just deep, man! I love the thought of it! I think I'm gonna cry!"
  • "Ahhhh... There must've been so many romantic partings on this very spot! Ahhhh... It's just deep, man! I love the thought of it! I want a romantic farewell! Oh! Wait! First I have to fall in love! Dang!"
Kinopio Onna B
Toad Woman B

Rogueport Underground

Character Quotes Internal name

The Goomba near the ruined fountain in Rogueport Sewers
A Goomba in the corner near the ruined fountain.

Tattle: "That's a subterranean Goomba. I think he just moved down here recently. Even so, he sure seems to know a lot about these ruins. What's he do for a living?"
  • "Say... I've never seen your face around these parts. Who are you? Ha! I get it! You're a wanted man aboveground and can't be seen in town, eh? Huh? No? Oops! Sorry! Sorry about that..."
  • "Oh, I get it! You're trying to open that giant door way down there, aren't you? What do you think is behind that thing, huh?"
  • "The Crystal Stars, huh? Those are what you need to open that door? Well, I haven't been down here that long, so why would I know that, huh?"
  • "You want to know what I'm doing down here, do you? Heff heff heff heff... I'm down here looking for the legendary buried gold, THAT'S what I'm doing! ...It's not like I'm unemployed and have tons of time to kill. Don't be ridiculous!"
  • "Hey! You just came out of that tiny room with the door that won't open, huh? How'd you get in there? Does it lead anywhere? I must know!"
  • "It looks like your little adventure has reached its penultimate chapter. I suppose that means it's time for me to go look for real work... Whoa! I can't believe I just said that! No, seriously... I gotta find that treasure..."
Kuribō 5
Goomba 5

The Squeek near the ruined fountain in Rogueport Sewers
A Squeek walking near the ruined fountain and the waters.

Tattle: "This Squeek seems to be an archaeologist...and she's here to research the underground. But it sounds like she lost her partner down here... I feel like, SO bad for her..."
  • "Oh, did you come here to do research, too? Excuse me? You're an 'adventurer'? Really! Wow... That's the first time I've ever heard anyone describe their occupation as 'adventurer'..."
  • "Hey, Mr. Adventurer... You know, I used to have a partner named Pierre... But when he went broke, he turned to a life of crime... It was sad, really. I wonder where he is now?"
  • "Pierre's a good person, but he spends money right and left without thinking. He made a ton on his book about the underground here, but he blew it just as fast... I guess...he was just destined for a life of crime..."
  • "I accidentally ran into Pierre the other day at a shop aboveground... He said he left the crime biz when his boss fired him for having no thieving skills. I wonder what he'll do now... He could always come back here, I guess."
  • "Hey there, Mr. Adventurer. Sounds like Pierre got his old job with the geological survey team back. I guess he's a legit member of society again finally... Or is he...?"
Chū-san 4
Squeek 4

The Bandit in Herb T.'s place in Rogueport Sewers
A Bandit in Herb T.'s place.

Tattle: "That's a Bandit who lives underground. He seems to come by this shop often. He must like talking to Wonky and the shop owner, huh? Go figure."
  • "Oh, a visitor, eh? Hey man, this dude knows EVERYTHING! He'll give you some seriously good advice! Of course, you'll have to pay him for it. Yeah. That's the way it goes."
  • "Information is priceless no matter how old you are, man. Know why? 'Cause we're all MADE of info and LIVE on info, you catch my drift?"
  • "So... What do you think of that 'Tattle' ability of your partner, man? If you don't use the info she gives you, then what's the point, huh? All the studying in the world is pointless if you don't apply it..."
  • "So... Is the moon really cool, or what? I mean, I know it's not really made of green cheese or anything like that. Um... Pssst! Is it REALLY made of green cheese?"
  • "'When the world is covered in darkness, the mustached hero will rise... 'He and his companions will banish the evil back to the depths of the netherworld...' This is an ancient legend handed down in my family... Heh... Actually, I made that up just now, but it sounds pretty convincing, right?"
Borodō 4
Bandit 4

The Bob-omb in Herb T.'s place in Rogueport Sewers
A pink Bob-omb in Herb T.'s place.

Tattle: "This Bob-omb lives down here. That pink color's really cute... but I think this is a dude. He's got his own ambitions of being an info guy like Wonky, selling tips for cash... But his tips don't make even a tiny little bit of sense. Hello? Can you say 'stupid'?"
  • "I know stuff, too! Seriously! Like... When the wind blows, the cradle will fall. I just don't know WHY it falls. ...'CAUSE NO ONE TELLS ME!"
  • "I know stuff, too! Seriously! Like... A stitch in time saves nine! You know, because time gets rips in it and stuff! ...Wait, is that right?"
  • "I know stuff, too! Seriously! Like... Ignorance is bliss! You know, bliss! ...Wait, what does ignorance mean?"
  • "I know stuff, too! Seriously! Like... Every dog has his day! Once a year, in fact! I think it's called 'Dog's Day' or something! ...Right?"
  • "I know stuff, too! Seriously! Like... Don't put all your eggs in one basket! Because, you know...the other baskets get jealous! Me, I don't even like eggs..."
Pinku Bomuhei
Pink Bob-omb


Character Quotes (excluding those during cutscenes) Internal name

A Koopa Troopa near the west entrance of Petalburg.
A Koopa Troopa near the west entrance who welcomes visitors.

Tattle: "That's a Petalburg Koopa. He seems sorta like the spokesperson for this town. I heard this guy's thinking of running for mayor. He must be more ambitious than he looks."
  • "Visitors are sure rare here, but they're always welcome! Make yourselves at home."
  • "I don't know if you know, but there's an odd-shaped boulder west of the village. Yeppity, that thing's been around since way before I was even born. I figure it must be a relic of a long-lost civilization. Sounds cool, right?"
  • "You know, I bet there's a whole world we know nothing about past Hooktail's castle. But...wait! Don't tell me! I want to see it for myself! You know, explore. Like you!"
  • "I want to have an adventure like you guys. Actually, I even went to Hooktail Castle once. And you know what? The drawbridge over the moat was busted. I couldn't get in. How did you guys manage to get across that moat with the drawbridge broken, huh?"
  • "Huh? What's that? General White? Oh, he was here a while ago, but he said he was taking a trip. And then he left. Wait, hang on a sec'... He did say something about a deserted isle to the south... He was either going there... or NOT going there..."
  • "I want to have an adventure like you guys. Actually, I even went to Hooktail Castle once. And you know what? The drawbridge over the moat was busted. I couldn't get in. How are you guys going to get across that moat with the drawbridge broken, huh?"
Nokonoko A
Koopa Troopa A

A red Toad near the bridge in the west scene of Petalburg.
A red Toad near the bridge in the west scene.

Tattle: "That's a Toad from Petalburg. He seems like, totally obsessed with Hooktail. Then again, he looks kinda like everything freaks him out. Poor little guy..."
  • "You saw Hooktail on your way here? Are you sure? Big old dragon, tail like a hook? Wow, you're super-duper lucky it didn't see you! I'm not even kidding with you. If it'd seen you, I'm sure it would've gobbled you up like an after-dinner mint. It must've been stuffed or thought you looked gross... At any rate, you were lucky."
  • "Wait, my ears must be broken. Did you say you're planning on battling Hooktail? That sounds like a bad joke! And here's the punchline: you, squished to paper-thinness!"
  • "Some rumormonger told me you guys defeated Hooktail... That's just a joke, right? Whaaaat? It's true?!? No way! I figured it was gonna crumple you up and throw you in its trash can!"
  • "So, it's true that you guys defeated Hooktail? Wow! I'm sorry I doubted you. But really... Do you blame me? I mean, you're so skinny! You're wafer-thin!"
Nokonoko B
Koopa Troopa B

The red Toad kid in the west scene of Petalburg.
A red Toad kid in the west scene. He loves video games and breaks the fourth wall often.

Tattle: "This kid sure is a fanatic. All he talks about is video games, you notice that? I wonder if he's finished his homework for today? Y'know, homework's important, too!"
  • "Hey, what's up? I gotta say, I'm really hooked on playing GBA games lately. There's this one game that just absolutely rules. It's called 'Fire Emblem'... You ever heard of it? Man, it ROCKS MY SOCKS!!!"
  • "Hey, what's shaking? I gotta say, I've been playing a lot of Nintendo 64 games recently. You know the N64, right? Well, the game I play the most on it is 'Paper Mario.' There's this girl in the game, Bow, who's pretty much the cutest Boo OF ALL TIME!!!"
  • "Hey, I gotta say, all I do is play my Nintendo GameCube. Best system ever, am I right? Yeah, I think so, too. Anyway, I saved up for a new game... The sequel to 'Paper Mario'! I just got started, but it's a blast so far. A BLAAAST! Try it for yourself and see!"
  • "I've been playing 'Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door' like crazy lately... I wasn't sure at first... But that game is AWESOME! I just beat it! Every chapter! Totally cool ending! I loved it. So worth the money! Think there'll be a sequel? If not, I hope they make a Paper Luigi game. Yeah! I bet that'd be awesome, too..."
  • "I've gotta say, I've been playing the new Paper Mario game almost nonstop. I'm on the fence so far... Gotta put serious time into a game to review it properly. But I can definitely tell you this: if you're a Luigi fan, do NOT miss out on this one!"
Nokonoko C
Koopa Troopa C

A Koopa Troopa in the easternmost house of the west scene of Petalburg.
A Koopa Troopa in the easternmost house of the west scene. He is a fan of Princess Peach.

Tattle: "This guy's apparently a total die-hard Peach fan. He even collects Peach merchandise! He has posters and pictures up everywhere. Boy, get a life, know what I mean? Hey! Mario! Don't tell me YOU have a secret collection of plush Peach dolls, too!"
  • "Hey, uh... Well, come on in, I guess! Door's open! Oh, Hooktail? It lives at the top of that old castle beyond this hummock. Have you heard the rumors? Some say lots of treasure is hidden in that castle. Scores of people have gone in search of it, but...not a one has returned. So...what do you think? You're getting scared, huh?"
  • "You're going to the castle? You're really dying to get that treasure, aren't you? Careful... I've heard that Hooktail's not the only nasty beast in that castle. I'd love some treasure, too, but do I want to become a snack for it? No thanks! We Koopas are long-lived for a reason, you know. Good luck being digested and all."
  • "You beat Hooktail? Wow! Hey, so tell me... Find any treasure?"
  • (Upon selecting any of "You bet we did!" or "Who needs treasure?" or "None of your beeswax!") "Oh, OK... They say the Koopas who perished there cursed the place with their regret. So, anyone who claims the treasure will lose all his strength. Yeah. Nasty, huh? ...So, what do you think? You scared now, or what? Ha! I'm just messing with you!"
  • "Oh, is that so? Hooktail is toast, huh? I GUESS that's a good thing... Although... Well, I've heard that Hooktail had LOTS of dragon friends. Yeah. And I've heard they're all much, MUCH meaner and more powerful than Hooktail... ...So, what do you think? You shaking now, or what? Ha! Psych! Served!"
Nokonoko D
Koopa Troopa D

The Bub-ulb with blue petals in the west of the east scene of Petalburg.
A Bub-ulb with blue petals in the west of the east scene.

Tattle: "That's a Bub-ulb, a talking flower. I think he lives in Petalburg. I know he's a plant, but he makes more sense than these other crazy Petalburgers!"
  • "This village is very nice. Clear water, clean air... Absolutely delicious. But this foul Hooktail... It's made everyone forget their fortunes. How sad."
  • "If only this Hooktail were gone, I'm sure everyone's hearts would shine again. I am just a simple soul, but I remain sure this is the key to restoring happiness here."
  • "Rejoice! The fearful Hooktail is gone, and everyone is of good cheer once again! I truly hope that now people will begin to visit this village once more."
  • "This town is very peaceful. Yes, and that is why there are so many flowers. But...I have heard there are places in the world where no flowers bloom. I could never forgive myself if I did nothing to try to bring flowers to such places. That is why I shoot out spores as often as I can. It is my civic duty!"
Nokonoko G
Koopa Troopa G

The Koopa Troopa in the east scene of Petalburg.
A Koopa Troopa in the east scene.

Tattle: "That's a Petalburg Koopa. He always seems to be worried about something. It's weird, too, 'cause the rest of this town is so laid-back, y'know?"
  • "Boy, the mayor has been so forgetful lately. I'm actually worried the old gipper may even forget my face one of these days!"
  • "Sniff... SNIFFFFFFFF... The scent of this grass has healing properties, I swear. It just takes me to a happy place, know what I mean? You think so, too, right?"
  • (Upon selecting either "Boy, do I!" or "You're a wacko!") "Fair enough."
  • "You know, I've been worrying about the mayor lately... He's been so darn forgetful... But he says he's always been forgetful... Yeah! Ever since he was a kid, he says. I guess I never should have worried, right? Seriously, what a waste of brainpower. that I think on it... maybe I'M getting forgetful! Now I'm worried about me..."
Nokonoko H
Koopa Troopa H

The red Toad in the east scene of Petalburg.
A red Toad in the east scene.

Tattle: "That's a Toad from Petalburg. He just seems like a regular Toad to me... But I hear he leads a secret life as president of the Luigi Fan Club!"
  • "Hey, Hooktail's scary, but so is the monster that lives in the fortress near town! I mean, normal attacks are completely useless against it! At least, that's what I heard. Oh, and that's not all! Fire attacks are ALSO useless! The very idea freaks me out!"
  • "What? No way! ...Really? You defeated the monster in that fortress? Wow! You must be tougher than you look, mister! I underestimated you."
  • "Wait... What did you say? You defeated Hooktail, too? You really are cool, mister! Hey, wait a minute! Could you be...that super-famous guy? That guy named...Luigi? Yeah, you look just like him! I'm right, aren't I?"
  • "Hey, Mario... You're Luigi's older brother, right? That's so cool! I mean, you're cool, too, and all, but I just think Luigi is the greatest!"
  • "Hey, Mario... You're Luigi's older brother, right? That's so rad! I mean, you're rad, too, and all, but I just think Luigi is the greatest! See, me personally? I think that being able to jump that high is totally awesome."
Nokonoko I
Koopa Troopa I

The Koopa Troopa guarding the east exit of Petalburg.
A Koopa Troopa guarding the east exit of Petalburg.

Tattle: "That's the gatekeeper of Petalburg. He's super-dutiful about guarding this gate. But I bet he'd totally run for cover if real monsters ever did show up here... I just get a feeling about him. Goomba's intuition, maybe?"
  • "An old stronghold called Shhwonk Fortress lies ahead. A stone creature lives there. At least, it MIGHT live there. This gate is to keep it out. My guarding the gate."
  • "Be prepared for trouble, and trouble will pass you by. That's what I always say! By which I mean, it'd be wise to stock up on items before you go to Shhwonk Fortress. I've heard there are beasts there that you can't beat in battle without items. My personal recommendation? Probably POW Blocks. Yeah. They're always a solid choice."
  • "You defeated the fabled stone monster of Shhwonk? Whoa! Well done! But wait... Hold on, now... That means I have no more job, doesn't it? Well, what do you suppose I should do now, huh? What a pickle..."
  • "Huh? Did I hear that right? The stone monster appeared? So, the stories were true... You'd better go and buy some items then. You know, just to be on the safe side. Yup, that'd be a smart move. And the shopkeeper will be psyched to see you, too."[note 5]
  • "Huh?!? You say you beat Hooktail??? That's incredible! Amazing! So I guess that means your adventure is finally over, eh? What? It's only just begun?!? Wow, really? In that case, you'd better stock up on more items. I bet they'll come in handy!"
  • "Thanks to you, it'll be calm here again. Of course, peace and quiet is bad for business. Nobody goes in that shop anymore. The business world is a rough place, man... Hey! Buy some items once in a while! The guy in the shop sure would appreciate it!"
Monban Nokonoko
Gatekeeper Koopa Troopa

The Great Tree

Most of the following characters appear after the completion of Chapter 2.

Character Quotes Internal name

A Puni near the entrance of the Great Tree.
A Puni in the entrance scene.

Tattle: "Well, that's a Puni, all right... Look, I'm totally sorry, Mario. Punio and those guys are the only ones I can recognize!"
  • "Welcome to the Great Tree! By which I mean: tourists are NOT allowed inside. Sorry."
  • "Welcome to the Great Tree! Eh? General White? Yeah! He's an old Bob-omb with this great mustache. But...I have no idea where he went. He may have said he was going somewhere dark..."
Puni-zoku 1
Puni 1

A Puni in the entrance scene of the Great Tree.
A Puni in the entrance scene.

Tattle: "That's a Puni... You know what I wonder? Why are they called Punies? Because they're... Oh...right."
  • "Petuni has a collection of many beautiful eggs. I wonder where she found them all. I want eggs, too..."
Puni-zoku 2
Puni 2

A Puni in the cage scene of the Great Tree.
A Puni in the room with the red and blue cells.

Tattle: "That's a Puni... And his name is as follows... Umm... Oh, Mario, are you kidding? They all look exactly the same to me! I feel awful!"
  • "Hmm... There must be some way we can use this cage... without getting locked in."
Puni-zoku 3
Puni 3

A Puni to the left of the bubble pond inside the Great Tree.
A Puni to the left of the bubble pond.

Tattle: "That's a Puni. Yeah, uh, his name is...let's see...Punifred. Ermmm... All right, FINE! That was just a guess."[note 6]
  • "This bubble pool is incredible! I bet even you could float, Mario!"
Puni-zoku 4
Puni 4

A Puni to the right of the bubble pond inside the Great Tree.
A Puni to the right of the bubble pond.

Tattle: "That's a Puni. I wonder how long Punies live, anyway... I mean, generally, smaller creatures don't live as long as larger ones, but... Hmm... Maybe we shouldn't think too much about that..."
  • "Being wrapped in a layer of bubbles is so soothing... The stress just fades away. All of my stresses... Sniff... Oh, Petuni, why not me? Why not ME? You say you don't see me differently than the others... But you do! You hate me!"
Puni-zoku 5
Puni 5

A Puni on the twisty path inside the Great Tree.
A Puni near the entrance to the Jabbi room on the right along with Puniper.

Tattle: "That's a Puni... ........ Look, I already told you! I can't tell them apart except for Punio and his friends!"
  • "I just encountered some Jabbies a little bit ago... And they all said hi! I guess they aren't all bad!"
Puni-zoku 6
Puni 6

A Puni on the twisty path inside the Great Tree.
A Puni near the entrance to the Jabbi room on the left.

Tattle: "That's a Puni. So what do you think that noise is that Punies make when they walk, anyway? Is that noise coming from their bodies? And if so, which part? And why?!"
  • "Jabbies up ahead. I want to go deeper into the tree... They can't be THAT tough..."
Puni-zoku 8
Puni 8

A Puni below the twisty path inside the Great Tree.
A Puni below the twisty path between the two Jabbi rooms.

Tattle: "That's a Puni... Yup. Sure is. Look, what's wrong with just leaving it at that?! ...No good, huh?"
  • "I met a Jabbie[sic] baby here earlier...and the little guy gave me a Mushroom! But...I wonder if that Mushroom was... Naw! Never mind! He wouldn't..."
Puni-zoku 7
Puni 7

A Puni below the twisty path inside the Great Tree.
A Puni below the twisty path between the two Jabbi rooms.

Tattle: "That's a Puni. Hey, what is that thing on top of their heads, anyway? It's so weird... I swear, I just can't figure these little things out."
  • "Boy, that guy Puniper! He really, really likes Petuni! In fact, the other day I saw him gazing out at Petuni from the shadows of the woods! Huh? What was I doing? I was hiding in the shadows gazing at Petuni! Duhhh! Oh, sweet, sweet Petuni... You are so adorable..."
  • "Oh, dearest Petuni! If the world were to end, I would share my deepest feelings! ...But if the world doesn't end, I'll keep them to myself, thank you very much."
Puni-zoku 11
Puni 11

A Puni below the twisty path inside the Great Tree.
A Puni below the twisty path between the two Jabbi rooms.

Tattle: "That's a Puni. What else can I tell you?"
  • "When I see a Puni Orb... I just want to squish it so badly! I can't help myself! I mean, it's just so squishy. Know what I mean? I can't help it. It says 'Squish me.' You have any plans that involve a squishy orb, Mario? Gee, that's too bad..."
  • "Squishy squishy squish! Squishy squishy squish! Squishy squishy squish! I'm trying to quench my urge to squish the squishy orb by making a song about it. Even singing about squishing feels so good! If that's wrong, I don't wanna be right!"
Puni-zoku 10
Puni 10

A Puni below the twisty path inside the Great Tree.
A Puni below the twisty path between the two Jabbi rooms.

Tattle: "That's a Puni. A Puni is a Puni is a Puni."
  • "This door is amazing, isn't it? What do you call stuff like this? High-tech? But y'know, that pipe there is even more impressive... How does it work, anyway?"
  • "Having a door that leads to wherever you want to go would be super-convenient... And I already have the sweetest name for it, too! Yeah! I'd call it... ...Oh! Forget I said that! It's a great name! I'm not telling anybody about it yet!"
Puni-zoku 9
Puni 9

A defeated Jabbi in the Great Tree.
A defeated Jabbi in the room to the right of the twisty path.

Tattle: "That's a Jabbi. Those stingy-looking beaks on Jabbies are kinda scary. Getting stung is NOT cool!"
  • "..........? ..........!!!"
  • In-game message: "(Yikes! It's Mario!!! Don't pick on me!) ...That's what he looks like he wants to say!"
Toge-zoku 1
Jabbi 1

A defeated Jabbi in the Great Tree.
A defeated Jabbi in the room to the right of the twisty path.

Tattle: "That's a Jabbi. It doesn't seem like they've been fighting with the Punies at all lately. Sweet!"
  • ".................................. .................................."
  • In-game message: "(I'm sorry we were used by those outsiders. We've learned from our mistake!) ...That's what he looks like he wants to say!"
Toge-zoku 2
Jabbi 2

A defeated Jabbi in the Great Tree.
A defeated Jabbi in the room to the right of the twisty path.

Tattle: "That's a Jabbi. I can't tell one from another, though. I'm sure they can tell themselves apart..."
  • ".................................. .................................."
  • In-game message: "(Ahh... I'm so busy! So busy! Life isn't easy for us Jabbies! No, sir!) ...That's what he looks like he wants to say!"
Toge-zoku 5
Jabbi 5

A defeated Jabbi in the Great Tree.
A defeated Jabbi in the room to the right of the twisty path.

Tattle: "That's a Jabbi. The Punies are pretty weird, but boy, so are the Jabbies! I mean, what do they eat?"
  • ".................................. .................................."
  • In-game message: "(That tiny pink-topped Puni girl is sooooooooooo cute!) ...That's what he looks like he wants to say!"
Toge-zoku 3
Jabbi 3

A defeated Jabbi in the Great Tree.
A defeated Jabbi in the room to the right of the twisty path.

Tattle: "That's a Jabbi. They have wings, but they just scuttle along the ground. Is that considered walking?"
  • ".................................?"
  • In-game message: "(Where'd Jabble go? Did he sneak back to the shop?) ...That's what he looks like he wants to say!"
Toge-zoku 4
Jabbi 4

A defeated Jabbi in the Great Tree.
A defeated Jabbi in the room to the right of the twisty path.

Tattle: "That's a Jabbi. And that's all you need to know, smart guy."
  • ".................................! .................. .................................."
  • In-game message: "(I want to jab that chubby Puni right in the BELLY!) ...That's what he looks like he wants to say!"
Toge-zoku 6
Jabbi 6

A defeated Jabbi in the Great Tree.
A defeated Jabbi in the room to the left of the twisty path.

Tattle: "That's a Jabbi. They always make that weird face, like... 'Huh? What did I do?' What? You can actually tell what they're thinking? Get out!"
  • "............? ..............?"
  • In-game message: "(Huh? A bully?) ...That's what he looks like he wants to say!"
Toge-zoku 10
Jabbi 10

A defeated Jabbi in the Great Tree.
A defeated Jabbi in the room to the left of the twisty path.

Tattle: "That's a Jabbi. I guess they've lived in the Great Tree for a while, too. Too bad they hate Punies."
  • ".................................. .................................. .....----!!"
  • In-game message: "(You know, that guy Crump who fooled us... His feet just reeked like you read about!) ...That's what he looks like he wants to say!"
Toge-zoku 9
Jabbi 9

A defeated Jabbi in the Great Tree.
A defeated Jabbi in the room to the left of the twisty path.

Tattle: "That's a Jabbi. Why do you think they don't get along with the Punies? I just gotta know!"
  • "................................?"
  • In-game message: "(Mario, what do you do for a living, anyway? Is there any money in princess-saving?) ...That's what he looks like he wants to say!"
Toge-zoku 11
Jabbi 11

A defeated Jabbi in the Great Tree.
A defeated Jabbi in the room to the left of the twisty path.

Tattle: "That's a Jabbi. I bet a lot of them are really nice if you get to know them. Or not."
  • ".................................. .................................!"
  • In-game message: "(I want to talk to that Puni with the spots! But how?) ...That's what he looks like he wants to say!"
Toge-zoku 8
Jabbi 8

A defeated Jabbi in the Great Tree.
A defeated Jabbi in the room to the left of the twisty path.

Tattle: "That's a Jabbi, all right... Lemme see... Hmmmmmmmmm... I think this might be Jabbula... Or was it Jabbubbity?"
  • ".......... ........................"
  • In-game message: "(Uh huh huh huh huh huh! What should I play today?) ...That's what he looks like he wants to say!"
Toge-zoku 7
Jabbi 7


Character Quotes Internal name

The red Toad in Glitzville.
A red Toad walking to and fro in the north of the open area.

Tattle: "That's a Toad from Glitzville. I think he works here. I don't know why, but he seems to be cheering for us. Hey, more power to ya!"
  • "You see that Hot Dog Stand over there? Best Hot Dog menu of all time, no joke. Hey, but you look more into fighting than Hot Dogs... Are you a pro? I'll root for you!"
  • "Woo! The Great Gonzales! You're the coolest ever! I root for you all the time!"
  • "I made a couple quick coins the other day helping the juice shop guy fix his roof... But I saw the weirdest design ever up there... It was this arrowlike thing... Anyway, I bet you know, but I did a Spin Jump on that blue switch to get up there."
  • "I'm always pulling for you out there, Gonzales! Yeah! Most merciless fighter ever!"
  • "You can probably TASTE that championship belt, huh? I'm pulling for you!"
  • "Congratulations, champ! I was with you from day ONE, Gonzales! I believed!"
  • "The greatest fighter ever... The man... Great Gonzales... You gotta fight again! I'll wait for your comeback until the END OF TIME!!!"
  • "I believed! I believed! I knew you'd come back, Gonzales! I KNEW IT!!!"
  • "Still the greatest ever! The Great Gonzales! Champ! That didn't take you long!"
  • "You know, when I see the Great Gonzales out there scrapping, I get PUMPED! Just goes to show, you gotta believe, no matter what! Never retire, Gonzales!"
Kinopio 1
Toad 1

The orange Toad in Glitzville.
An orange Toad in the southwest of the open area.

Tattle: "That's a Toad from Glitzville. She really wants to travel, but she's terrified of flying. ...So my question is, how in the heck do you think she got here? Ponder THAT!"
  • "You rode the blimp here, didn't you? Boy, I envy you. I'm dying to ride that thing, but air travel makes me yack."
  • "It's so sad... I have an adventurous heart, but a queasy stomach..."
  • "Unless I cure my airsickness, I'll be stuck here forever... I have to find a way..."
  • "I don't know if you know... Besides the airsickness... I'm also afraid of heights..."
  • "I wonder... Do you think I can cure my airsickness by closing my eyes and chewing gum?"
  • "I've decided! Life's too short! Forget this airsickness! I'm riding that blimp! ...But... I'm still nervous... I mean, you can't get off along the way... Are there parachutes?"
  • "If they ever make a movie of my life, it'll be called 'The Worrywart of Glitzville.'"
  • "I know it sounds like I'm exaggerating, but I think I might never leave here."
Kinopio 2
Toad 2

The Lakitu in the open area of Glitzville.
A Lakitu in the southwest of the open area.

Tattle: "That's a Lakitu. He's come here for the atmosphere... Get it? Atmosphere? Ha! Anyway, he seems to think jokes like that beauty are totally hilarious."
  • "Glitzville hangs out in the clouds... I'll give you two guesses why I like it here."
  • "Y'know, people always accuse me of having my head in the clouds, but it's not true. I'm actually quite well grounded. Just not literally."
  • "Y'know how they say the sun hides behind the clouds? This 'son' does that too!"
  • "See the sunglasses my bud has on? They're prescription. He has cloudy vision!"
  • "I know I have goggles on, but my eyesight is 20/20. They're what you call 'fashion.'"
  • "A lot of Lakitus tell me that I seem very down-to-earth. Is that an insult or what?"
  • "I used to try to trick people into thinking I could tell their fortunes... I'd be like: 'Dark clouds are massing on the horizon.' Heh heh heh... Awesome."
  • "Most people get sad when it's cloudy out, but not me... I'm cloudy every day!"
  • "Hey, I'm a pretty good storyteller, don't you think? Yeah, I want to be a writer... A skywriter! Heh heh heh!"
Jugemu 1
Lakitu 1

The Doogan in the open area of Glitzville.
A Doogan in the southeast of the open area.

Tattle: "That's a Doogan. He's really into pro fights. Obviously, he loves the Glitz Pit. You can always tell true fight fans by how totally rabid their opinions are."
  • "Haven't seen your face around here...and I know I'd remember a 'stache like that. Listen, guy, if you wanna see a match, head on inside. That's the Glitz Pit."
  • "What's the word, guy? You really think you can make it as a pro fighter?"
  • "I hear you're pretty good, guy. Maybe you have a knack for beating people senseless."
  • "Wow... I heard the good word, guy. So, you made it to the major league, huh? Shoot, if you could make it... Maybe I oughta try my hand in the ring..."
  • "So... I heard you're ranked pretty high in the major league these days, guy... Yeah, I definitely have to look into this pro-fighting racket. Must be simple..."
  • "You're the champion now?!? ...Oh, I have GOT to give pro fighting a shot now."
  • "Ever hear of fighter's block?'ll realize it's tough to fight forever."
  • "You're making a comeback? I wouldn't even bother, guy. Rawk Hawk's invincible now."
  • "I gotta admit...that Rawk Hawk guy was overrated. You're the real deal!"
  • "Times always change, guy... Today's number one may be tomorrow's big loser!"
Roten 1
Doogan 1

The Lakitu in the Fresh Juice Shop of Glitzville.
A Lakitu in the Fresh Juice Shop.

Tattle: "That's a Lakitu fight fan. Apparently he thinks Prince Mush is the bomb. Prince Mush must've been a pretty big deal, sounds like. I wish I'd seen him just once."
  • "Uh... You don't look very familiar. You on vacation? Me? Just a Lakitu who digs on combat sports, dude. Nice meeting you."
  • "Hey, what's shaking, dude? I heard you're fighting. Here's hoping you can become a star like Prince Mush!"
  • "You wanna know something? That Rawk Hawk is actually a total coward, dude. I heard this rumor that he rigged his fight with Prince Mush to make him withdraw."
  • "Hey, what's shaking, dude? Keep it clean out there, OK? Prince Mush always did..."
  • "Hey, what's shaking, dude? Knock some heads today, OK? Prince Mush always did..."
  • "Hey, what's shaking, Champ? Know what? You may even be stronger than Prince Mush!"
  • "Hey, what's shaking, Champ? I can't believe you aren't gonna be in the Pit anymore..."
  • "Hey, what's shaking, Champ? Welcome back, dude! Ready to rock the Pit again?"
  • "Hey, what's shaking, Champ? Your name's gonna live forever here, dude!"
  • "Hey, what's shaking, Champ? You're always the champ to me, no matter what."
Jugemu 2
Lakitu 2

The Doogan in the Fresh Juice Shop of Glitzville.
A Doogan in the Fresh Juice Shop.

Tattle: "That's a Doogan fight fan. He seems to be a totally huge Rawk Hawk fan. Know what I think, though? He mostly just wants to win his bets."
  • "Today's main event will rule! I'm betting on Rawk Hawk, no matter who's fighting him!"
  • "Hey, Gonzales. Wassup? Go knock yourself out, man!"
  • "Huh? The Great Gonzales? No offense, man, but I don't follow minor-leaguers."
  • "I could use a couple extra I'll just bet on Rawk Hawk again! Rawk Hawk will never lose... unless Prince Mush suddenly appears, and that ain't likely!"
  • "Gonzales! I gotta tell you, man, even if you challenge the champion... I'm still betting the farm on Rawk Hawk! 'Cause that guy is unstoppable!"
  • "Big, bad Great Gonzales! I gotta thank you, man! I made a killing on you! What? Rawk Hawk? Who, me? What are you talking about? I've always been YOUR fan!"
  • "If you're out of the picture, Rawk Hawk will reign again! I'll be betting on him!"
  • "You came back? Wow, man! But even you can't beat the new, improved Rawk Hawk!"
  • "You still got it, man! I made a fortune betting on you, Gonzales! Huh? Rawk Hawk? Who, me? Are you crazy? I've always been a Gonzales man!"
  • "If you always bet the favorite, you win a whole lot, even if you don't win much. So, you'll know you made it big if I start betting on you, buddy!"
Roten 2
Doogan 2

Glitz Pit

Character Quotes Internal name

The red Toad who greets visitors in the lobby of Glitz Pit.
A red Toad walking in the lobby greeting visitors.

Tattle: "That's a Toad who works here part-time. He always greets patrons like, 'Welcome to the Glitz Pit!' Love that guy!"
  • "Welcome to the Glitz Pit! Here, savage battles go on each and every day!"
  • "Welcome to the Glitz Pit! Good luck, Mr. Gonzales!"
  • "Welcome to the Glitz Pit! ...Whew. Part-time work is NOT easy, lemme tell you."
  • "Welcome to the Glitz Pit! ...Oh, Mr. Gonzales! Thanks to your success, my hourly pay went up. You're the man, man!"
  • "Welcome to the Glitz Pit! You'll be champ soon! Don't tell, but I'm rooting for you!"
  • "Welcome to the Glitz Pit! Congratulations, Champion! You rule, Mr. Gonzales!"
  • "Weck-come to da Gwitz Pit! Ow! I bit my thtupid tongue... No one mutht know! ...Huh? You quit being da champion? ...Is that wight? Tru-wee? Well, I guess I'll just wait fow da comeback!"
  • "Welcome to the Glitz Pit! Welcome back, Mr. Gonzales! I KNEW you'd be back!"
  • "Welcome to the Glitz Pit! Way to go, Mr. Gonzales! Congratulations, Champ! Hey, and just between you and me... I got a girlfriend! Congratulations to me, too!"
  • "Welcome to the Glitz Pit! Giving it all you've got, huh, Mr. Gonzales? This place is pretty hopping again! Yeah, the Glitz Pit is once more the place to be!"
Kinopio 4
Toad 4

The Lakitu reporter on the first floor in the lobby of Glitz Pit.
A Lakitu cameraperson in the lobby.

Tattle: "That's a local cameraman. He seems a little flustered. I think he's new at this and makes lots of mistakes. Just a guess, though."
  • "Move to one side, small fry! The only thing my camera shoots is famous athletes."
  • "Move aside, you wanna-be! My camera settings can't process minor-leaguers."
  • "Whoa, whoa, wait a minute! You're Gonzales, ain't you? Lemme take a shot!"
  • "Whoa, whoa, wait a minute! Lemme get some snaps of you, Gonzales!"
  • "Whoa, whoa, hold up, Champ! FLASH! FLASH! FLASH! Uh-oh, outta film..."
  • "Whoa, hold up, former champ! ...Uh-oh. The flash is out..."
  • "Whoa, whoa, wait a minute! FLASH! FLASH! FLASH! ...Hey, who are you, anyway?"
  • "Whoa, hold up a sec', Champ! FLASH! FLASH! OK, got it! ...Huh? What's this? There in the background... Looks like a guy in a green hat with a mustache... Is that... Is that a GHOST?!? Whoa! I ain't paid enough for stuff like this! Brrr..."
  • "FLASH! FLASH! OK, got it! ...Huh? What's this? There in the background... Looks like a guy in a green hat with a mustache... Is that... Is that a GHOST?!? Whoa! I ain't paid enough for stuff like this! Brrr..."
Kameraman 1
Cameraman 1

The pineapple-like reporter in the lobby of Glitz Pit.
A reporter who looks like an pineapple in the lobby.

Tattle: "That's a local reporter. I'm pretty sure he covers the fight scene. He's such a veteran, he even directs the rookie cameraman next to him."
  • "Yo! Outta the way, pal! I don't do stories on nobodies, sorry! Move it or lose it!"
  • "Huh? The Great Gonzales? I don't cover minor-leaguers. Clear outta the way!"
  • "Huh? The Great Gonzales? You're a minor-leaguer and your nickname is 'Great'? Ha!"
  • "Yo! Yo! Great Gonzales! Two questions! How are you feeling today, and if you were a soda pop, what flavor would you be?"
  • "Yo! Yo! Great Gonzales! Two questions! How's your mind state, and if you were a jungle animal, what noise would you make?"
  • "Congrats, Great Gonzales! You finally got your mitts on that championship belt! If winning the championship is like a snack dip, what kind of tasty chip are you?"
  • "Champion! ...Er, or, I mean... Former champion Gonzales! Why'd you give up the belt? If giving up the belt is like a water slide, what kind of swim trunks do you wear?"
  • "Yo! Yo! Great Gonzales! I hear you've thrown your hat back into the fighting ring! If your comeback is like a robot convention, are you an android or a cyborg?"
  • "Hooray for Great Gonzales! A valiant comeback, and once more you reign as champ! If regaining the belt is like a soup, what delicious ingredient are you?"
  • "Yo! Yo! If you were a video-game hero, which hero would you be?"

The orange Toad in the lobby of Glitz Pit.
An orange Toad in the lobby.

Tattle: "That's a Toad girl. She's totally in love with that Toad guy working here. Her crush is so powerful, even I'M getting butterflies! They'd be so CUTE together!"
  • "'Welcome to the Glitz Pit!' There's a guy over there who gets paid to say that, right? Boy, it's hard to find a guy that clean-cut and responsible these days... Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh... I sigh just thinking about him!"
  • "'Welcome to the Glitz Pit!' There's a guy over there who gets paid to say that, right? I mean, I work here part-time just like him, but he's so much better at it than me. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh... I sigh just thinking about him!"
  • "'Welcome to the Glitz Pit!' There's a guy over there who gets paid to say that, right? Sometimes he mixes it up and says it all weird and funny... I think that's so cute... Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh... I sigh just thinking about him!"
  • "'Welcome to the Glitz Pit!' There's a guy over there who gets paid to say that, right? Lately, when our eyes meet... My heart begins to race... Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh... I sigh just thinking about him!"
  • "'Welcome to the Glitz Pit!' There's a guy over there who gets paid to say that, right? You know, I just realized... I must be in love with him or something... Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh... I sigh just thinking about him!"
  • "'Welcome to the Glitz Pit!' There's a guy over there who gets paid to say that, right? I'm sick of mooning around! I'm telling him how I feel! Aww... But I'm too nervous... Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh... I sigh just thinking about him!"
  • "'Welcome to the Glitz Pit!' There's a guy over there who gets paid to say that, right? If he doesn't feel the same, it's gonna get weird here... But I HAVE to tell him... Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh... I sigh just thinking about him!"
  • "'Welcome to the Glitz Pit!' There's a guy over there who gets paid to say that, right? That's IT! No more delaying! If you win this next match, I'll tell him how I feel! I can't keep sighing every time I think of him! I can't! Do your best to win!"
  • "'Welcome to the Glitz Pit!' There's a guy over there who gets paid to say that, right? Well, I told him how I felt! And then... He said he liked me, too! Hee hee! You gave me the courage to go through with it, too! Thanks, Gonzales!"
  • "'Welcome to the Glitz Pit!' There's a guy over there who gets paid to say that, right? Well, I told him how I felt! And then... He said he liked me, too! Hee hee! It's all thanks to you! Thanks!"
Kinopio Onna
Toad Woman

The red Toad adult in the west part of the lobby of Glitz Pit.
A Toad adult in the west of the lobby. He is a fan of Mario's Yoshi partner and some of his conversations become different when the Yoshi is the active partner.

Tattle: "This guy's here with his son. I can't tell if he's psyched to be here with his boy, but... One way or the other, it's nice to see parents spending time with their kids."
  • "Hi. We're here because my son is a big fan of the former champ, Prince Mush... looks like he's not around here anymore... And we came all this way just to see him... Bit of a crying shame, really..."
  • "Hi, Gonzales. How are you? We saw your last match, I'll have you know. It's just one Toad's opinion, but I think you'd have taken Prince Mush in his prime!"
  • "Hi, Gonzales. How are you? After my son saw you fight, he's become a big fan. Looks like our trip here wasn't a complete loss after all, huh? Thanks, Gonzales!"
  • "My son sure does like to watch you do your thing in the ring, that's for sure! And your new partner is also quite good! What's his name? [Yoshi]? I'm a big fan of HIS now!"
  • "Hey, [Yoshi]! Way to whack those big palookas around, little guy! I'm pulling for you!"
  • "The title match is coming up! My son is so proud of you! He's your biggest fan! And say, where's your little partner today? I so wanted to meet [Yoshi]..."
  • "Get pumped, [Yoshi]! The title match is coming up! I'm pulling for you all the way, [Yoshi]! Yeah! Give 'em heck!"
  • "Congratulations, Champ! I'm so glad I brought my son to see this! I even got to meet the greatest fighter of all time...[Yoshi]!"
  • "The Great [Yoshi]! Way to go, Champ! Wow! I'm so glad we came! This has been the best vacation of my life!"
  • "Well, Great Gonzales... The ring will miss you... I'm so glad to have met you..."
  • "Well, Great [Yoshi]... The ring will miss you... I'm so glad to have met you..."
  • "Wow! You've come back! We've been waiting, Gonzales! My son will be overjoyed!"
  • "You're back! You're back! Good old [Yoshi]! I could just collapse with joy!"
  • "Thataway, Great Gonzales! My son never doubted you for a SECOND!"
  • "You know, winning or losing isn't the point... You guys fight for the fans, that's what really matters... I know my son thinks so."
Kinopio 5
Toad 5

The red Toad kid in the west part of the lobby of Glitz Pit.
A Toad kid in the west of the lobby.

Tattle: "This kid is still small, but he's like, the biggest Prince Mush fan I've ever SEEN! He's here with his dad. It's so CUTE to see kids and parents having fun!"
  • "Hey, Mr. Mustache Guy! Where's Prince Mush?"
  • "You're a fighter, right, Mr. Mustache Guy? Don't you know where Prince Mush is?"
  • "Hey, it's the Great Mustache! You're a famous fighter, huh? Are you an' Prince Mush pals?"
  • "Hey, Great Mustache! You're like, almost as strong as Prince Mush, huh?"
  • "The Great Mustache! Are you gonna beat Rawk Hawk an' then Prince Mush?"
  • "The Great Mustache! I wanna be a big strong guy just like you!"
  • "I'm gonna be a fighter when I grow up! Yeah! That way I can carry on the fight after you're gone! But... Sniff... Great Mustache... Have you really quit fighting?"
  • "The Great Mustache is back! Welcome back! Yay!"
  • "The Great Mustache never loses! I wanna be like you! How do I grow a mustache?"
  • "Hey, Great Mustache! Promise me you'll definitely win the next match! And when you do your special hammer move, pump your fist in the air at me, OK? Promise me you will! I'll be looking for it!"
キノピコ[note 7]

The Lakitu on the second floor of the lobby of Glitz Pit.
A Lakitu on the second floor of the lobby.

Tattle: "That's a freelancer. He's always angling for the next big scoop. We'd better make sure this guy doesn't shoot us doing anything...incriminating."
  • "Hey, how you doing, bud? I'm a freelance cameraman. I'm always after a scoop!"
  • "Hey, how you doing, bud? I'm a freelance cameraman. I love snapping athletes!"
  • "Freelance cameraman here! Y'know, that Prince Mush was a nice guy. Did you know him?"
  • "Freelance cameraman here! Y'know, Rawk Hawk actually used to be pretty polite... I even saw him give a cake to Prince Mush before this one match..."
  • "Freelance cameraman here! Y'know, Rawk Hawk spends like, DAYS in the bathroom. I dunno what he does in there, but I do know this: I NEED a scoop like that!"
  • "Freelance cameraman here! Gonzales, our newest champ! Gimme the inside scoop! ...You get big if you eat a mushroom? ...That's just dumb! No one's gonna believe that!"
  • "Freelance cameraman here! Gonzales, our former champ! Gimme the inside scoop! ...You shoot fire if you eat a flower? ...That's insane! No one's gonna believe that!"
  • "Freelance cameraman here! Gonzales, our former champ! How 'bout an exclusive? Stars make you invincible? ...That's just ridiculous! What are they, magic?"
  • "Freelance cameraman here! Gonzales, our revived champ! How 'bout an exclusive? You'd brave fire and floods for the love of your life? ...Now THAT'S a story!"
  • "Freelance cameraman here! Gimme the inside scoop! You'd brave fire and floods for the love of your life? ...Now THAT'S a story!"
Kameraman 2
Cameraman 2

Keelhaul Key

Character Quotes Internal name

A Toad in Keelhaul Key
A Toad sailor in the shantytown during Chapter 5.

Tattle: "That's a Toad sailor. He was with us on the ship, you remember? He seems like a hard worker. Doesn't he look reliable?"
  • (During cutscene) "Captain! Please, help us! Flavio and Pa-Patch are in a huge fight!"
  • (During cutscene when Mario declines Flavio's request) "Oh, heck YES!"
  • "Awwww... What's going to happen to all of us?"
  • "Bobbery... What is he up to? You don't suppose..."
  • "You'd better stock up on items before going deep into the jungle, I think! This island is just stinking with ghosts, I can feel it! Smells like scary..."
  • "Yeah... Treasure is cool... But facing Cortez for it? Not sure it's worth THAT..."
  • (During Lord Crump's attack) "What?!? Four-Eyes sold us up the river? Yeah, that actually makes sense... I guess he always WAS a bit fishy..."
Suifu A
Sailor A

An unnamed Bob-omb sailor in Keelhaul Key
A Bob-omb sailor in the shantytown during Chapter 5.

Tattle: "That's a Bob-omb sailor. He's one of the guys who came here with us. You think Bob-omb sailors have any trouble with their fuses getting wet?"
  • (During cutscene when Mario declines Flavio's request) "Good luck, pal!"
  • "Hey, did you find anything? You gotta find a way for us to get back home!"
  • "Ohhhhhh, so very HUNGRY... And we have so little food left now..."
  • "If I live my whole life here, will I turn into one of those ghosts, too?"
  • "A real pirate's pirate... Yup, Cortez, the pirate king... He must be pretty nasty..."
  • (During Lord Crump's attack) "Huh?!? Four-Eyes was a bad guy all this time?!? ...And I thought he was a pretty straight shooter..."
Suifu Bomuhei
Sailor Bob-omb

A shipwrecked Toad on the Keelhaul Key coast
A shipwrecked Toad on the coast having just escaped from Pirate's Grotto in Chapter 5.

Tattle: "This is one of the shipwrecked Toads. He looks waaaaay worn out."
  • "I need to get back to Rogueport where my brother is waiting..."
  • (During cutscene) "You... What are you doing here?"
  • (During Lord Crump's attack) "Aaaaah, Brother!"
Suifu E
Sailor E

A shipwrecked Toad on the Keelhaul Key coast
A shipwrecked Toad on the coast having just escaped from Pirate's Grotto in Chapter 5.

Tattle: "That's one of the shipwrecked Toads. I wonder how long he's been here?"
  • "Wow, sure is bright today... Hey, in case I don't say it enough, thanks for saving us."
  • (During Lord Crump's attack) "What's all this craziness? We finally get out of there only to get blasted?"
Suifu D
Sailor D

A shipwrecked Toad on the Keelhaul Key coast
A shipwrecked Toad on the coast having just escaped from Pirate's Grotto in Chapter 5.

Tattle: "That's one of the shipwrecked Toads. He crashed just like we did."
  • "Ahhh! I love this salty air!"
  • (During Lord Crump's attack) "WAAAAAH! At this rate, we'd have been better off staying in that cave!"
Suifu C
Sailor C

A shipwrecked Toad in the Keelhaul Key shantytown
A shipwrecked Toad who has decided to stay in the shantytown after Chapter 5.

Tattle: "That's one of the shipwrecked Toads. He crashed just like we did. He seems to be living a fine, productive life here, though. He must be super-adaptive..."
  • "I finally got out of that cave, but I think I want to stay on this island for a while."
  • "The Piantas? I think they're off in the jungle there. They're probably smooching or something. Man, am I jealous..."
  • "Ahhh, the sea is the best! Just looking at it makes me forget about all my cares!"
  • "The coconut milk here is just the best! You should try it sometime!"
  • "Is it true that they're going to put up a big resort here? I am completely opposed! You think we could get the pirate king to curse the developers? That might do it!"
Boro-Suifu B
Worn-Out Sailor B

A shipwrecked Toad in the Keelhaul Key shantytown
A shipwrecked Toad who has decided to stay in the shantytown after Chapter 5.

Tattle: "That's one of the shipwrecked Toads. He crashed just like we did. He seems to have taken well to the island life, though. What an optimistic guy!"[note 8]
  • "I gotta wonder what that Francesca sees in Frankie... He doesn't seem like much to write home to Mom about to me..."
  • "Those Piantas were all upset about something before... What happened?"
  • "I'd love to find a headstrong woman like that Francesca. 'Cause, you know... Everybody likes to be bossed around now and then..."
  • "Frankie's the big boss of the whole syndicate now, eh? Well, what do you know... I guess you can't judge a Pianta by his fronds..."
  • "I'm getting sick of island life... I'm a sailor, born and bred. I hear the sea calling me..."
Boro-Suifu A
Worn-Out Sailor A

A shipwrecked Toad in the Keelhaul Key shantytown
A shipwrecked Toad who has decided to stay in the shantytown after Chapter 5.

Tattle: "That's one of the shipwrecked Toads. He crashed just like we did. He seems to have taken well to the island life, though. What an optimistic guy!"[note 8]
  • "Traveling by boat is nice. But I wouldn't mind traveling in style by train sometime."
  • "This is not a deserted island, you know. I mean, we're here, aren't we?"
  • "My dream is to someday have my own boat! And I don't mean some little paper boat!"
  • "What's that you've got? A ticket for the Excess Express? Whoa! You must be richer than you look! MUCH richer..."
  • "I've been to the Glitz Pit in Glitzville before, you know! It was absolutely incredible! You should check it out sometime! No joke!"
Suifu D
Sailor D

Pirate's Grotto

Character Quotes Internal name

A shipwrecked Toad in Pirate's Grotto
A shipwrecked Toad rescued by Mario during Chapter 5.

Tattle: "This is one of the shipwrecked Toads. He looks waaaaay worn out."
  • (During cutscene when Mario first lands) "We came here looking for that pirate treasure, and then, well... Our ship got surrounded by ghosts out on the ocean... And we all ended up here!"
  • "Clear something up for me... You got here HOW?!? But...wouldn't you have to turn into a boat or an airplane to do all that?"
  • (During cutscene after Mario defeats Cortez) "YESSSSS! Now that you've got some free time, why don't you get us out of here?"
  • (During cutscene after Mario defeats Cortez) "What?!? A breeze?!? How are we gonna bust that solid rock, though?"
  • "Yeah, I really need to get out of this stinking place before I flip out..."
  • (During cutscene after Bobbery blows up the rock wall) "You saved our lives, man! I'll never forget you! But...I need to leave NOW!"
Suifu E
Sailor E

A shipwrecked Toad in Pirate's Grotto
A shipwrecked Toad rescued by Mario during Chapter 5.

Tattle: "That's one of the shipwrecked Toads. I wonder how long he's been here?"
  • (During cutscene when Mario first lands) "I don't know how you did it, but you saved us!"
  • "Getting out of here is treasure enough for us! But how do we get out? Well, you go on and fight Cortez, and we'll think of a way out, how about that?"
  • (During cutscene after Mario defeats Cortez) "Whoa! That was like an earthquake in there! Are you all right? YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You beat Cortez? WOW! You're really something!"
  • "Well, Mr. Tough Guy, I'm sure you can take care of a rock wall or two, right?"
  • (During cutscene after Bobbery blows up the rock wall) "C'mon, everybody! Let's get out of here!"
Suifu D
Sailor D

A shipwrecked Toad in Pirate's Grotto
A shipwrecked Toad rescued by Mario during Chapter 5.

Tattle: "That's one of the shipwrecked Toads. He crashed just like we did."
  • "How will we ever get back to the surface? It smells so WEIRD down here..."
  • (During cutscene after Mario defeats Cortez) "Umm... All that shaking caused this wall here to crack a bit... I feel a breeze... If we could break down this wall, I think we could escape... I guess that's not much help..."
  • "I can feel a little breeze through the crack here... I can even smell the ocean..."
  • (During cutscene after Bobbery blows up the rock wall) "Ha, it worked just like I said! ...Well, me first!"
Suifu C
Sailor C

Poshley Heights

Character Quotes Internal name

A Toad worker in black and blue uniform near the Excess Express station of Poshley Heights.
A Toad worker in black and blue uniform near the Excess Express in the first scene.

Tattle: "That's a Poshley Heights Station worker. He mostly just checks train tickets. I'm SO jealous of people that work in totally nice places. They even see movie stars... "
  • "This train is bound for Rogueport. Would you like to board at this time, sir?"
  • (Upon selecting "Yes") "If I may, let me just check your ticket..."
  • "Very good, sir. Please watch your step."
  • "All aboard!"
  • "I'm very sorry, but we simply cannot let anyone board without a ticket."[note 9]
  • (Upon selecting "No") "We look forward to serving you later, then!"
  • (During Chapter 6) "We have a bit of time until our next departure."
  • (After Chapter 6) "There is still some time before the next departure."
Train Station Staff

A green Toad girl selling Fresh Pasta in her stand in the second scene of Poshley Heights.
A green Toad girl selling Fresh Pasta in her stand in the second scene. She does not have a tattle.

  • "Welcome to you! How'd you like to buy some high-quality Fresh Pasta as a Poshley souvenir? One package costs 50 coins. How about it?"
  • (Upon selecting "Buy it!") "Thank you!"
  • (Upon selecting "Nah, don't buy it.") "Come again, OK?"
  • "Ooh, sorry, but you don't have enough coins. Yeah, sorry. Please come back when you have enough, OK?"
  • "You have too much stuff! Please, sell, use, or store something, then come back!"

A penguin in Poshley Heights.
A penguin walking outside in the second scene.

Tattle: "That's a resident of Poshley Heights. He's related to Herringway, the novelist. Now that he's used to life here, he seems to be making the most of it, huh?"
  • "I'd heard Poshley Heights was a quiet place...but there are lots of tourists, eh? Maybe I should just open up a store selling Shiver City souvenirs? Yah, maybe so..."
  • "Lately, there've been fewer tourists, so things are really quiet, eh? I was thinking about opening a souvenir shop, but maybe it was right to wait, sure..."
Tā-kun 3
Bumpty 3

A penguin in Poshley Heights.
A penguin in the house in the second scene.

Tattle: "That's a resident of Poshley Heights. He's related to Herringway, the novelist. Herringway's detective books have sold so well that he's bought a second house here. "
  • "So, lovely house, eh? Yah, sure, take your time to soak in all of its majesty. I built it with even the smallest details in mind, making every nook special! Not only the interior, but the facade as well! Yah, look around outside, too!"
Tā-kun 1
Bumpty 1

A penguin in Poshley Heights.
Another penguin in the house in the second scene.

Tattle: "That's a resident of Poshley Heights. He's related to Herringway, the novelist. Moving from frigid Shiver City to toasty Poshley Heights seems to have irked him. "
  • "I guess it's sorta fun to live here... But I can't eat snow cones... Or make little snowmen... Or go ice-skating... Or any of the stuff I did in Shiver City, eh? Don't know what you got 'til it's gone!"
  • "I've been traveling back and forth between Shiver City and Poshley Heights lately. Yah, there are some things you can only do here and some you can only do there. So I've been trying to get the best of both worlds, yah, you betcha."
Tā-kun 2
Bumpty 2

A penguin in Poshley Heights.
A penguin in the west of the third scene.

Tattle: "That's a resident of Poshley Heights. He says he walks barefoot for his health. I wonder if I should try that..."
  • "It may not look like it, but I get pretty stressed out. Like, REALLY bad, eh? But walking barefoot on the grass like this makes me feel much better, you betcha. Care to join me, guy?"
Tā-kun 6
Bumpty 6

A penguin in Poshley Heights.
A penguin in the south of the third scene.

Tattle: "That's a resident of Poshley Heights. He's totally fixated on this spot, for some reason. I was thinking maybe he hops into the fountain on really hot days... But wasn't there a nasty old snapping Nibbles in that fountain?"
  • "Hey, there. Poshley Heights is sure nice and warm, eh? Yah, I really dig it here. Cold places make me sneeze..."
  • "Hey, there. Poshley Heights is sure nice and warm, huh? Yeah, I really dig it here. Cold places make me sneeze..."
Tā-kun 4
Bumpty 4

A penguin in Poshley Heights.
A penguin in the east of the third scene.

Tattle: "That's a resident of Poshley Heights. He really, REALLY likes the sanctum. Really. I kinda see where he's coming from... It IS a nice building. Talk about an eyeful, y'know?"
  • "Poshley Sanctum is a rather famous building, eh? And the painting inside isn't the only gorgeous thing: so is the building! I could just stare at it all day, you betcha!"
Tā-kun 5
Bumpty 5

Fahr Outpost

Character Quotes Internal name

The unnamed Bob-omb in the southeast corner in the west scene of Fahr Outpost.
A Bob-omb in the southeast of the west scene.

Tattle: "That's a Fahr Outpost Bob-omb. No clothes, but do they mind the snow? NO! I grew up in a warm place, so this is like an icebox for me! ...AAAAACHOO!"
  • "Snow is rare for you, BA-KAK? In Fahr Outpost, it falls all year around, BA-BANG! I like watching it shine in glow of sunset, BA-BOOMBER!"
  • "The day is finally here... What will it be like, BA-BOOP? I cannot wait, BA-PLOOIE!"
  • "Snow all melted from heat of cannon going off, BA-CHOW! It came back quickly, but for some time, it was like spring day here, BA-FOOM!"
Bomuhei D
Bob-omb D

A Bob-omb in the southwest of the east scene in Fahr Outpost.
A Bob-omb in the southwest of the east scene.

Tattle: "That's a Bob-omb from Fahr Outpost. He's kinda sick of playing in the snow, I think. I'm sure he'd have fun if we took him to Keelhaul Key or Glitzville, y'know?"
  • "Snowmen, igloos, snow fights... Da, all good. But snow gets boring sometimes, CHA-BOOM!"
  • "We will get you to moon, CHA-POW! Da, count on it! Now go see mayor, CHA-KOW!"
  • "Many Bob-ombs suffered just so you could get to moon, CHA-BLOOOM! ...I am kidding, CHA-FOOM! We like exploding, CHA-DOOM! ...Well, except for one of us. ... And it did not even hurt any of us, CHA-BOOM...except one."
Bomuhei G
Bob-omb G

A Bob-omb in the southeast of the east scene in Fahr Outpost.
A Bob-omb in the southeast of the east scene.

Tattle: "That's a Bob-omb from Fahr Outpost. Why is he digging down into the snow like that? Hmmm... Maybe he's just a deep guy!"
  • "It is so peaceful, WA-BOOM! Fahr Outpost is nice, restful place, WA-PLOOOM!"
  • "We will finally remove seal on cannon, WA-BANG! I know it will be good, WA-CHOOM! The mayor waits, WA-VOOM! Now we go, WA-BLOOIE!"
  • "We only use big bomb cannon for peaceful purpose, WA-PADOOOM!"
Bomuhei F
Bob-omb F

A Bob-omb in the easternmost corner of the east scene in Fahr Outpost.
A Bob-omb in the easternmost corner of the east scene.

Tattle: "That's a Bob-omb from Fahr Outpost. He seems to be working on something tough... It must be nice to lie in the falling snow and think things over carefully..."
  • "Looking at night sky makes me feel vastness of space... Lots of space, BA-BOOM!"
  • "So, you are going to moon... BA-BOOIE? They say moon is round like earth, BA-POW... But, I am not even sure... that earth is round, BA-KOW! Why? Well, space is out there, but cannot be seen, right, BA-PLOWIE? So, maybe earth also cannot be seen from outer space, BA-FOOM!"
  • "There is more to world than what we see, BA-SHOOM! Truth is always beyond sight. Just like space itself..."
Bomuhei I
Bob-omb I


  1. ^ This seems to be a reference to Toodles, but in the game her ring is gold instead of silver. This disparency also exists in the Japanese version of the game, where the Squeek refers to his ring as『ぎんのゆびわ』(Gin no Yubiwa, "Silver Ring") while Toodles's ring is called『きんのゆびわ』(Kin no Yubiwa, "Gold Ring").
  2. ^ This is a reference to William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.
  3. ^ This is a pun on "Scrambled Eggs and Ham" and William Shakespeare's Hamlet. In the Japanese version of the game, the play is called『オムレット』(Omuretto), a pun on "omelette" and "Hamlet".
  4. ^ This is a reference to William Shakespeare's King Lear.
  5. ^ This quote is present in the game coding, but it is likely unused.
  6. ^ In the Japanese version of the game, the guessed name is「プニスケ」(Punisuke), from「プニ」(Puni, "Puni") and「助」(-suke, a male name suffix).
  7. ^ This name is a combination of「キノピオ」(Kinopio, "Toad") and「子」(ko, "child"). The same formation is used for Toadette and Vanna T., where「子」(-ko) is a female name suffix.
  8. ^ a b The two Toad sailors have different tattles in the Japanese version of the game.
    ボロ水夫A:「ふなのりの キノピオよ / あたしたちと おなじようなに あって / このしまに たどりついた すいふの一人ひとり // トロピコアイランドでの せいかつを / マンキツしているみたいね / けっこう たくましいわ」(That's a Toad sailor. He's one of the sailors who came to this island after having gone through the same thing as us. He seems to be making the best of his life on Keelhaul Key. He's pretty tough.)
    水夫D:「ふなのりの キノピオよ / あたしたちと おなじようなに あって / このしまに たどりついた すいふの一人ひとり // ここでの せいかつが ってしまって / すみつづけているみたいね / けっこう らくてんてきなのね」(That's a Toad sailor. He's one of the sailors who came to this island after having gone through the same thing as us. He seems to like his life here so much that he has decided to stay. He seems to be quite easy-going.)
  9. ^ This quote does not occur in normal gameplay, in which Mario gets the Train Ticket before arriving at Poshley Heights and it remains permanently in his inventory.