List of Super Mario Bros. Wonder quotes: Difference between revisions

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*''"I did it!"'' (collecting a Wonder Seed)
*''"I did it!"'' (collecting a Wonder Seed)
*''"Wowie zowie!"'' (transforming into [[Elephant Mario|Elephant Daisy]])
*''"Wowie zowie!"'' (transforming into [[Elephant Mario|Elephant Daisy]])
*''"Bye Bye!"'' (when waving goodbye to a Poplin)
*''"See ya!"'' (when waving goodbye to a Poplin)
*''"See ya!"'' (when waving goodbye to a Poplin)
*''"Goodbye!"'' (when waving goodbye to a Poplin)
*''"Thank you!"''
*''"Thank you!"''
*''"One!"'' (when jumping in rhythm)
*''"One!"'' (when jumping in rhythm)

Revision as of 06:19, January 16, 2024

This article is under construction. Therefore, please excuse its informal appearance while it is being worked on. We hope to have it completed as soon as possible.

This is a list of quotes from Super Mario Bros. Wonder. The non-playable characters are listed in alphabetical order.

Playable characters


  • "It's-a me!" (when selected)[1]
  • "Here we go!"
  • "Oh no!" (losing a life)
  • "Oh yeah!"[1]
  • "Wonderful!" (collecting a Wonder Seed)
  • "Alright!" (collecting a Wonder Seed)
  • "Wowie zowie!" (transforming into Elephant Mario)[2]
  • "Ow!" (taking damage)
  • "Hey!" (bumping into something)
  • "Okie-dokie."
  • "Mario number one!" (collecting a Royal Seed)
  • "Bye-bye!" (when waving goodbye to a Poplin)[3]
  • "Toodle-oo!" (when waving goodbye to a Poplin)[3]
  • "Thank you!" (when waving goodbye to a Poplin)
  • "Let's-a go!"
  • "Mamma mia!" (losing a life by electrocution)
  • "One!" (when jumping in rhythm)
  • "Two!" (when jumping in rhythm)
  • "Three!" (when jumping in rhythm)


  • "Okie dokie!" (when selected)
  • "Oh yeah!"[1]
  • "Oh no!" (losing a life)
  • "Aw, boo-hoo!"
  • "So nice!"[4]
  • "Oh, yes!"
  • "Wowie zowie!" (transforming into Elephant Luigi)
  • "Luigi time!"[4]
  • "Luigi did it!" (collecting a Royal Seed)
  • "Here we go!"
  • "Let's-a go!"
  • "One!" (when jumping in rhythm)
  • "Two!" (when jumping in rhythm)
  • "Three!" (when jumping in rhythm)

Princess Peach

  • "Alright!"[4]
  • "Thank you!"
  • "Yay! Hooray!" (collecting a Wonder Seed)
  • "Oh no!" (losing a life)
  • "So nice!"
  • "Woohoo!"
  • "Wowie zowie!" (transforming into Elephant Peach)
  • "One!" (when jumping in rhythm)
  • "Two!" (when jumping in rhythm)
  • "Three!" (when jumping in rhythm)

Princess Daisy

  • "Hey!"[4]
  • "Let's go!""
  • "Aw, yeah!"[4]
  • "Oh no!" (losing a life)
  • "Too bad!" (losing a life)
  • "I did it!" (collecting a Wonder Seed)
  • "Wowie zowie!" (transforming into Elephant Daisy)
  • "Bye Bye!" (when waving goodbye to a Poplin)
  • "See ya!" (when waving goodbye to a Poplin)
  • "Goodbye!" (when waving goodbye to a Poplin)
  • "Thank you!"
  • "One!" (when jumping in rhythm)
  • "Two!" (when jumping in rhythm)
  • "Three!" (when jumping in rhythm)

Blue Toad

  • "Oh yeah!"[4]
  • "Thank you!"
  • "Yeouch!" (losing a life)
  • "Wowie zowie!" (transforming into Elephant Blue Toad)
  • "One!" (when jumping in rhythm)
  • "Two!" (when jumping in rhythm)
  • "Three!" (when jumping in rhythm)

Yellow Toad

  • "See ya!" (when waving goodbye to a Poplin)[5]
  • "Oh no!" (losing a life)
  • "Ouch!" (losing a life)
  • "Wowie zowie!" (transforming into Elephant Yellow Toad)
  • "One!" (when jumping in rhythm)
  • "Two!" (when jumping in rhythm)
  • "Three!" (when jumping in rhythm)


  • "Thanks!" (when being saved by another player)
  • "Wowie zowie!" (transforming into Elephant Toadette)
  • "Toodles!" (when waving goodbye to a Poplin)
  • "One!" (when jumping in rhythm)
  • "Two!" (when jumping in rhythm)
  • "Three!" (when jumping in rhythm)


  • "Yoshi!" (when selected or mounted by another player)
  • "One!" (when jumping in rhythm)
  • "Two!" (when jumping in rhythm)
  • "Three!" (when jumping in rhythm)


  • "One!" (when jumping in rhythm)
  • "Two!" (when jumping in rhythm)
  • "Three!" (when jumping in rhythm)

Non-playable characters

Captain Toad

  • "So much smoke..."
  • "Quite the surprising place to run into someone, huh?"
  • "Nice to meet ya! This...IS our first time meeting, right? Or maybe you already know who I am!"
  • "I heard there was treasure somewhere around this place, and next thing I knew, here I was!"
  • "Do you think anyone lives on those isles over there? And what's with all the smoke?"
  • "Also! I found 50 flower coins."
  • "They're all yours! Should be helpful out in the world. See ya around!"
  • "What a view!"
  • "I was busy exploring—searching for treasure—and next thingI knew, I got caught in a blizzard..."
  • "I didn't find much treasure, but the view sure is pretty, huh?"
  • "Oh, right! During that blizzard, 50 flower coins came flying right at me!"
  • "I hope they'll help you out there on your own adventure!"
  • "Lost? Me?"
  • "I was searching for treasure, and then I started wondering..."
  • "Is anyone searching I'm completely lost."
  • "Anyway, where are we? Do you know?"
  • "Oh! I almost forgot! I found 50 flower coins."
  • "Maybe you can make use of them on your adventure. I'm rooting for ya!"
  • "These pipes..."
  • "I entered a pipe in search of treasure and ended up here!"
  • "It's strange how pipes connect to so many different places... You know?"
  • "Once I'm in one, I never come out where I think I will..."
  • "Anyway! I found 50 flower coins!"
  • "You can have them for you adventure. Now, go get 'em!"
  • "How'd I get here?"
  • "I don't even know how I ended up here in this creepy place..."
  • "Not that I'm s-s-scared or anything! A captain knows no fear!"
  • "Right?"
  • "Oh yeah! This is for you. I found 50 flower coins."
  • "I hope it helps you on your adventure! Good luck out there, champ!"

Castle Bowser

  • "Ohhh ho ho ho... Isn't this fun! The Flower Castle is me, and I'm the Flower Castle! Soooo much Wonder power! I can feel myself getting stronger...and stronger...AND STRONGER. Soon, everything will be mine! Gwahahaha!"
  • "Gwahahaha! Did you enjoy my army's hospitality? Well, that's just the beginning! This next performance is really amazing. You'll be SHOCKED at how good it is! Gwahah, enough preamble. Prepare yourself for a dazzling light show... It's time for the High-Voltage Gauntlet!"
  • "Gwahaha... Ahem. Thank you all for coming... SORRY FOR THE WAIT! Are you ready to lose yourself in the sweet beat?! This finale will make the entire universe my captive audience! BOWSER'S RAGE STAGE! HIT IT! Gwahahaha!"
  • "Gwahaha... Ahem. Thank you all for coming. Especially you... MY BELOVED! Are you ready to lose yourself in the sweet beat?! This finale will make the entire universe my captive audience! BOWSER'S RAGE STAGE! HIT IT! Gwahahaha!" (when interacting with Peach)
  • "Gwahaha... Did you really think that badge would fool me?! I see you! Ahem. Thank you all for coming... SORRY FOR THE WAIT! Are you ready to lose yourself in the sweet beat?! This finale will make the entire universe my captive audience! BOWSER'S RAGE STAGE! HIT IT! Gwahahaha!" (when using the invisibility badge)
  • "Gwahaha... Did you really think that badge would fool me?! I see you! Ahem. Thank you all for coming. Especially you... MY BELOVED! Are you ready to lose yourself in the sweet beat?! This finale will make the entire universe my captive audience! BOWSER'S RAGE STAGE! HIT IT! Gwahahaha!" (when using the invisibility badge as Peach)


  • "HELP!" (when trapped in a fortress in the opening cutscene)
  • "Here at the Poplin Shop, we sell everything! Put on the Safety Bounce badge, and you can fall without fear!"
  • "You did it!"[6]

Prince Florian

  • "Oh, yeah, badges! They have lots of different effects. People who travel through the Flower Kingdom like using them."
  • "Oh, thank you! I've always wanted to wear one of these."[6]

Talking Flowers

  • "Oooh! So exciting!"[6] (the game's opening cutscene)
  • "Oh! Was it something I said?" (when setting the option for the dialogue to be off)
  • "Onward and upward!"[2]
  • "What a beautiful day."[6]
  • "Love a good breeze."
  • "What's that?"
  • "Hey, you! What WAS that?"
  • "That Goomba looks so serene." (upon said Goomba being defeated) "Well then."
  • "Waterrrr!"
  • "I want some water too!"
  • "Thank you!"
  • "That trunk sure is useful, huh?"
  • "Didn't you see something back there?"
  • "You're just gonna leave?"
  • "Coiiiiins!"
  • "Heyyyy!"
  • "Hiiii!"
  • "Whoa-whoa!"
  • "Oh!"
  • "Would ya look at that!"
  • "Whoa..."
  • "Mmm, refreshing!"
  • "Walking plants, huh?"
  • "Almost as weird as talking plants."
  • "Wonder if you can get over there..."
  • "Ooh, that's a pretty flower."
  • "Ouch!"
  • "Hey!"
  • "Agh!"
  • "Stop!"
  • "I said stop!"
  • "You don't see that every day."
  • "You should come back sometime."
  • "So, you CAN get over there!"
  • "Ummmm..."
  • "Are they...singing?"
  • "They're singing."
  • "Wait a sec!"
  • "How'd you get over there?"
  • "What are you doing?"
  • "Did I surprise you?"
  • "That was stressful!"
  • "Bored, bored, bored."
  • "Something"
  • "OooOOaaaAAH!" (when a stampede of Bulrushes occurs)
  • "That was wild."
  • "Hey, someone to talk to!"
  • "Farewell, lonely days!"
  • "Ahaha!"
  • "You seein' what I'm seein'?"
  • "Boiiing!"
  • "How'd you get up here?!"
  • "Ah, what a peaceful day."
  • "AaaAAah!"
  • "Wh-what's happening?!"
  • "Waaaaah!"
  • "There's so many of them!"
  • "Do something!"
  • "There! Over there!"
  • "It's right there!"
  • "You can do it!"
  • "Zzz—HUH?!"
  • "What is it?"
  • "Can't a guy get some shut-eye around here?"
  • "Ohhhh!"
  • "What's this?"
  • "Never seen anything like it..."
  • "*sniff* *sniff* *sniff*"
  • "Ah..."
  • "Now that's a good smell."
  • "This is wonderful!"
  • "So shiny!"
  • "Look at you—walkin' on air!"
  • "You should keep going!"
  • "Wheeeee!"
  • "Clinky, clinky!"
  • "So many of them!"
  • "Make sure you don't miss any!"
  • "Phew! I'm fine. Everything's fine."
  • "So many creepy-crawlies..."
  • "Where do you think they come from?"
  • "I love this place."
  • "Nothin' to do but relax."
  • "EyaaaAAaah!"
  • "How is this happening?!"
  • "What ARE they?"
  • "What IS all this?!"
  • "Was it all a dream?"
  • "They just keep coming!"
  • "Will it ever end?"
  • "Score!"
  • "That worked out."
  • "Hey!"
  • "This pipe—it can't hold us!"
  • "I warned youuu!"
  • "Huh?"
  • "What's this?"
  • "It's kinda catchy!"
  • "You ready?"
  • "Here we go!"
  • "OoooOOh!"
  • "Yeah!"
  • "Ohhhh..."
  • "my!"
  • "Aaaaall..."
  • "right!"
  • "Ooooh!"
  • "Hehe. That was fun."
  • "Huh?"
  • "Why'd you come this way?"
  • "You came the cool way!"
  • "What a pretty sunset..."
  • "So, did you have a good day?"
  • "*yawn*"
  • "I might call it a night soon."
  • "What happened to you?!"
  • "Here I am!"
  • "I'm impressed you found me."
  • "You're all small again!"
  • "Life's full of surprises."
  • "Like, uh, tallification?"
  • "Quiet days can be nice too."
  • "Well, that's new!"
  • "Wonder if I'll be tall someday too..."
  • "The party's just gettin' started!"
  • "Wheeeeeee."
  • "Getting kinda dizzyyy..."
  • "Byyye."
  • "Float while in midair!"
  • "Jump against the wall, then jump again!"
  • "Deep breaths..."
  • "You've got it!"
  • "You got this!"
  • "Zooooom!"
  • "Look at you go!"
  • "Ew..."
  • "What am I looking at?"
  • "Whatcha gonna go with?"
  • "Why not take both?"
  • "Wearable powers! Who'd've thought!"
  • "Press R Button in midair!" (said by the flower on the red Semisolid Platform)
  • "What is R Button, anyway?" (said by the same flower)
  • "See ya later!"
  • "Aw yeah!"
  • "Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"
  • "Woo! Woo!"
  • "Yeah!"
  • "What's with all the ice blocks?"
  • "They're kind of annoying."
  • "They're definitely getting in your way."
  • "They just keep coming..."
  • "What's a flower to do?"
  • "Peace at last."
  • "It's safe here!"
  • "I...didn't mean you should hang out."
  • "Again! Again!"
  • "You can do it!"
  • "Way to go!"
  • "You're no fun..."
  • "It's snowing!"
  • "I never get bored watching this."
  • "Aww..."
  • "*GASP*"
  • "So cold..."
  • "Ever wonder where snow comes from?"
  • "Eek!"
  • "You found us!"
  • "Oh this isn't good!"
  • "This snow—"
  • "It's burying meeeee!"
  • "Aah!"
  • "We're saved!"
  • "Oh!"
  • "I don't get many visitors!"
  • "Brrr! Chilly out today."
  • "Help yourself."
  • "Don't spend it all in one place."
  • "Quick or careful? What'll it be?"
  • "That looked terrifying!"
  • "You must be sweatin'."
  • "Notice anything...unusual?"
  • "Anything...nearby?"
  • "Huuuh?!"
  • "Are they after me?"
  • "Nah, it's gotta be you."
  • "Rough place, huh?"
  • "Quite the climb, huh?"
  • "Way to climb!"
  • "This block looks...different."
  • "Don't worry about me!"
  • "Keep climbing!"
  • "Going up or going down?"
  • "I think you're forgetting something..."
  • "You're in great shape!"
  • "You fit right in around here."
  • "Ya did great back there."
  • "This is kinda fun."
  • "Until next time!"
  • "Yay!"
  • "Whoa—careful!"
  • "Watch your steps!"
  • "What'll it be?"
  • "Be careful!"
  • "And don't fall!"
  • "Not that I mind the company..."
  • "but shouldn't you be going?"
  • "So, you survived."
  • "Ready... Aim..."
  • "Lot goin' on, huh?"
  • "You can't resist the call of the wall..."
  • "No matter how high!"
  • "Are you gonna climb up the left or the right?"
  • "I always believed in you!"
  • "Dash, then jump!"
  • "That's a lot of Piranha Plants..."
  • "So big..."
  • "Almost there!"
  • "I mean... No pressure!"
  • "Practice makes better."
  • "If all else fails, you just gotta..."
  • "Unh... Where—"
  • "Guess I'm on an airship. That's weird."
  • "This place is intense..."
  • "Ha! They're copying you."
  • "Boing! Boing!"
  • "Timing is key..."
  • "I love watching waterfalls..."
  • "Leave me to my waterfalls..."
  • "What's going oooon?!"
  • "Whooooa!"
  • "What...what just happened?"
  • "Bet that water's tasty..."
  • "Mmm! Fishy!"
  • "What was THAT?!"
  • "I just saw the weirdest thing..."
  • "It just keeps jumping!"
  • "Oooh!"
  • "Ahhh!"
  • "The fireworks were so good!"
  • "I hope they happen again!"
  • "Doing great!"
  • "I WONDER what there is to do."
  • "Yes, I too WONDER that."
  • "So many shooting stars..."
  • "They bring good luck!"
  • "Off you go!"
  • "Woooooo!"
  • "Zooooom!"
  • "Awesome!"
  • "See ya later!"
  • "Aw, ya almost had it!"
  • "Excellent!"
  • "GO!"
  • "Wait for it..."
  • "Crouch, then jump!"
  • "You're doing great."
  • "Ding, ding, ding!"
  • "Come and get it!"
  • "You've got this!"
  • "You've almost got it."
  • "Hurry!"
  • "You've got this!"
  • "So...thirsty."
  • "My roots are happy!"
  • "All this sand..."
  • "Why here? Why me?"
  • "It's hot out here!"
  • "It was so cool in there..."
  • "Feel that breeze..."
  • "Still hot though."
  • "Is it just me, or do I sound weird?"
  • "Come back soon..."
  • "Fix me!"
  • "Whew! Back to normal!"
  • "I like life on the slow side."
  • "Intruder!"
  • "Who goes there?!"
  • "Think you're gonna make it?"
  • "Heave! Ho!"
  • "Way to pull!"
  • "If you mess with things like that..."
  • "you never know WHAT will happen."
  • "Gaaah!"
  • "What's going on?!"
  • "You don't have them all..."
  • "Go on! Take it!"
  • "How'd you even get in here?"
  • "Ugh, that ruins everything!"
  • "You have to do things in a certain order!"
  • "One..."
  • "two..."
  • "three..."
  • "Jump!"
  • "Yeah!"
  • "Hah!"
  • "Go!"
  • "Woooo!"
  • "That's that..."
  • "Flyyyy!"
  • "Just hangin' out. No reason."
  • "A full moon..."
  • "Could be quite a night!"
  • "Hello there!"
  • "Homestretch!"
  • "Ta-daaa! The sequel!"
  • "Augh!"
  • "My mushroom!"
  • "Good spot for a rest!"
  • "So, just between us..."
  • "you'll get a 1-Up if you beat a bunch of enemies in a row."
  • "Uh...what is a 1-Up, anyway?"
  • "Welcome!"
  • "Will you figure it all out?"
  • "Good luck with this part."
  • "You're doing great!"
  • "Makes you really think, huh?"
  • "Which way you gonna go?"
  • "Huh. Nice work."
  • "Well done!"
  • "Huh?"
  • "I think you forgot something!"
  • "Puuuush!"
  • "I've been summoned!"
  • "Bet you worked up a sweat!"
  • "Where are you going?!"
  • "What muscles!"
  • "Is someone there?"
  • "I know you're there!"
  • "Come this way!"
  • "That wall just...moved!"
  • "Haha! That was fun."
  • "You went through a lot to get here!"
  • "That couldn't have been real..."
  • "It's a long way down."
  • "You really gonna try it?"
  • "Hey!"
  • "I'm here!"
  • "It's time to fly!"
  • "Hang in there, OK?!"
  • "Think you can go the distance?"
  • "I bet you can make it."
  • "Ya gotta move quickly!"
  • "Come with me!"
  • "Keep at it!"
  • "Give it another shot!"
  • "You're not going in there, are you?"
  • "*gasp* Whoa!"
  • "Was I sleeping with my eyes open again?"
  • "I'm wide awake now!"
  • "Sooo, whatcha been eating lately?"
  • "Make sure you're getting your veggies!"
  • "I wanna be tall like the mushrooms..."
  • "Wasn't expecting company!"
  • "Ha, that was cool."
  • "Hey!"
  • "Yeah!"
  • "Whoa!"
  • "Time! To! Dance!"
  • "Yeah!"
  • "Ooh!"
  • "All right!"
  • "I'm all alone now..."
  • "Why?!"
  • "Careful with this part..."
  • "Wheeeee! Hahahaha! I love this ride!"
  • "Well? Were you scared?"
  • "Awww..."
  • "I'm scared..."
  • "I hate this..."
  • "Where did you come from?!"
  • "I'm so happy you're here."
  • "It's scary being alone..."
  • "Stay with me."
  • "Did you hear someone just now?"
  • "Musta been my imagination."
  • "Don't leave meeee!"
  • "How...uh... How's the goo taste?"
  • "Can't get enough of that green stuff."
  • "You're covered in goo..."
  • "My neighbors are SO loud."
  • "There's no end to this rain..."
  • "So jiggly!"
  • "Ooh! You look tasty!"
  • "What flavor are you?"
  • "*slurp*"
  • "Mmm! Delicious!"
  • "The rain finally let up out here!"
  • "Thanks for the appetizer!"
  • "Ugh..."
  • "I feel sick..."
  • "Wheeeee!"
  • "HahahahahaHA!"
  • "Only the chosen one can calm the blazing light."
  • "Are you the chosen one? We shall see."
  • "Leaving so soon?"
  • "What lies beyond?!"
  • "I must know!"
  • "Jump, then unleash the vine!"
  • "Don't give up!"
  • "That goo up there looks tasty."
  • "Ooh, you're clever!"
  • "This thing looks unstable..."
  • "You gonna push it?"
  • "NaaaAAaaghhhh!"
  • "Roll! Roll! Rolllll!"
  • "Go! Go! Goooo!"
  • "Woooooo!"
  • "Dead end here."
  • "Be careful."
  • "How did you..."
  • "Phew!"
  • "Careful you don't burn out."
  • "Hey..."
  • "Whatcha doing in a place like this?"
  • "Wow!"
  • "OK."
  • "Just keep a cool head!"
  • "Oh-ho! Nice!"
  • "This place might be the end of me..."
  • "My poor withered roots..."
  • "You'd share your water with me?!" (after being splashed with water)
  • "Of all the places to sprout..."
  • "I had to grow here?"
  • "Hot..."
  • "Too hot..."
  • "This feels AMAZING!"
  • "I think I'm gonna make it!"
  • "That was so, so good!"
  • "More water... Moooore..."
  • "Only rain can quench this thirst..."
  • "All aboooard!"
  • "Look at me! I'm the Wonder Flower!"
  • "Eep, hot!"
  • "You made it! Good for you!"
  • "Look out!"
  • "Infernooo! Hot! Hot!"
  • "Yikes!" (at the start of the level)
  • "Watch your step..."
  • "Here! Take this coin!" (on the Ancient Dragon fossil where the second 10-flower coin is)
  • "I'm rooting for you!"
  • "Such an intriguing fossil..."
  • "Wait." (after the Wonder Flower is collected)
  • "Hang on."
  • "What?"
  • "No waaaay!"
  • "That. Is. AWESOME!" (floating during the Wonder Effect)
  • "Hi, again!" (when the player returns after the Wonder Effect ends)
  • "Hop, hop, hoooop!"
  • "Ready to ride?"
  • "Thank you for riding with us."
  • "It's gonna be all right."
  • "You'll get it. Just keep trying."
  • "Faster! Faster!"
  • "The trick is where you jump from!"
  • "Onward!"
  • "*pant* *pant*"
  • "This heat is ridiculous..."
  • "Yep, it is way too hot."
  • "Hang on..."
  • "Is it a tiny bit cooler?"
  • "*exhale*" (said by the first flower trapped in a Jewel-Block, immediately after being freed)
  • "*gasp*" (said by the second flower trapped in a Jewel-Block, immediately after being freed)
  • "*I'm freeeeeeee*" (said by the same flower)
  • "*exhale*" (said by the first flower trapped in a Jewel-Block in the first secret room, immediately after being freed)
  • "*pant*" (said by the same flower)
  • "Way to go!" (said by a flower right after the Wonder Seed)
  • "Whatcha gonna go with? (at the starting area)
    • Tough choice... (if the player waits)
    • Why not pick your favorite?
  • Congratulations! (said by five flowers at once at the finish)
  • "Oh hey! It's you."
  • "Hanging in there?"
  • "You've really come a long way."
  • "Chaaaaarge!"
  • "One! Two! Three! Jump!"
  • "You're gonna be amazing."
  • "And we all lived happily ever after."
  • "Come back again sometime, yeah?" (after-credits scene)
  • "Amazing!" (said by five flowers at once at the finish)
  • "Congratulations!"
  • "Wooooooooo!" (said by the flower upon first entry)
  • "Woo-hoo!" (said by the first flower upon revisit)
  • "You've had quite the journey!" (said by the second flower upon revisit)
  • "You're a wonder!" (said by the third flower upon revisit)
  • "Thank you for playing!" (said by the fourth flower upon revisit)
  • "Bye-bye!"[1]
  • "Wow, zippy!"
  • "Oh no no no no no no no!"
  • "I wonder what Goombas taste like..."[6]
  • "Zzz-HUH?!"[6]
  • "Go for it!"[6]
  • "Aaaaah!"[6]
  • "AaaaAAaaAAAH!"[1]
  • "Impressive!"[1]
  • "Love that sound!"
  • "Gah..."
  • "Glad I'm not a Goomba..."
  • "Don't let 'em see you!"
  • "I've discovered a new species!"
  • "Wonder what you taste like..."


  1. ^ a b c d e f Super Mario Bros. Wonder - gameplay. Gamescom 2023. YouTube. Retrieved September 3, 2023.
  2. ^ a b Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Nintendo Direct 6.21.2023. YouTube. Retrieved September 3, 2023.
  3. ^ a b TONS of Mario Wonder Gameplay from GameStop Demo + SECRET Game Over Bonus Stage?!. YouTube. Retrieved October 6, 2023
  4. ^ a b c d e f NEW Super Mario Bros. Wonder Gameplay. YouTube. Retrieved September 29, 2023.
  5. ^ Mario Wonder's Jet Run Badge Is Wonderfully Broken
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h Super Mario Bros. Wonder Direct – 31/08/2023. YouTube. Retrieved September 3, 2023.