List of The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! quotes by other characters (A–K)

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Main article: List of The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! quotes

This is a list of quotes from the television show The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! said by characters other than Mario and Luigi (A–K).


  • "Albatoss leader to squadron, Bob-Ombs away!"
  • "Crash landing! Egg in the face! Fasten your seatbelt!"

Alligator Dundee[edit]

  • "G'day, mate! I thought I heard folks out this way!"
  • "Name's Alligator Dundee! I've been on a sewer safari in your local pipes! I'm huntin' the most ferocious, vicious, fearsome creature that I've ever encountered! Now, I've tracked him down here... He should be attacking you gents any minute now."
  • "Ah... Now this here net will hold anything from a giant grizzly, down to a teeny weeny fleaney!"
  • "I mean a flea."
  • "Right. Now listen up. I'll lure that beast out of the sewer, then Mario, you drop the net over the monster. Luigi, you take the rope, slip it over, and tighten it up. But be careful, boys. One false move, and you'll end up as a couple of monster snacks!"
  • "What's that?"
  • "No, it's easy!"
  • "Good point, mate! Just so you'll know for's what the bloodthirsty beast looks like."
  • "Beats me!"
  • "Watching-a Zelda, watching-a Zelda, you go a-watching the Zel..."
  • "Oh, we're gonna try and take him peacefully, but if he endangers our lives, *cutting sound*."
  • "All right, to your positions, mates!"
  • "Now, I'll lure him out with this tuna sandwich! Wish me luck!"
  • "There you are! Here, boy! Here, mate! Tuna sandwich? ...Boy! Whoa, wait up! Whoa! All ready, mates! Here we come!"
  • "Not me, mates! The monster!"
  • "Oh, mate. If you would've told me it was your pet in the first place, I never would have tried to capture him. Look, I'm a nice guy. Really."
  • "Oh, look! I'm just a simple Australian bloke tryin' to make it big time! I dreamed I could be famous...if I came to New York, and captured a beast like the Ratagator, and fell in love with a beautiful american woman."
  • "A movie? About an Australian hunter who comes to...New York, captures a beast like the Ratigator, and falls in love with a beautiful american woman?"
  • "Well, thanks, mate! Maybe things will turn out alright after all!"
  • "Well, bye now!"
  • "One thing, though. I'm gonna change my name!"
  • "From now on, you can call me Ratagator Dundee!"


  • "Perhaps it is I who can help you, sir! I am Angelica, Mysterious Salesperson for Weird Spooky Gadgets Incorporated! This is your lucky day!"
  • "Do you gentlemen wish you owned a crystal ball that predicts the future, with ninety-nine and nine-tenths accuracy?"
  • "It's a pain to clean anyway! How about a strange and eerie painting that gets older while the owner stays eternally young? I'm talkin' 90-year-old baby faces, fellas!"
  • "Today only $14.50!"
  • "How 'bout a wristwatch?"
  • "And who needs all that when you have strange and mysterious?"
  • "Ten bucks!"
  • "It's pretty eerie too... How about seven?"
  • "Okay. Rob me, but you won't be able to sleep at night."
  • "It's a pleasure doing strange and mysterious business with you galoots! Try taking a broom to this floor once in awhile!"
  • "What's the fuss? He looks fine to me!"
  • "Maybe he works a late shift or something? I like the occasional dinner waffle myself!"
  • "Oh, I'm such a pushover. Okay, I'll take your watch back for $10."
  • "Yeah, but I'm a strange and mysterious crook! Is it a deal, mac?"
  • "Cool your jets, whippersnapper!"
  • "Hey, buddy! Don't give me the watch!"
  • "You'll be fine! Just don't eat any onions for a few days!"
  • "No, but it'll keep people backing away from you!"
  • "(in reverse) (*with Mario and Luigi*) Mario the Do!"


  • "15 seconds!"
  • "3...2...1...and action!"

Aunt Luigeena[edit]

  • "I'm not your Mama Mia!"
  • "That's right, calamari-brain! It's your Aunt Luigeena in-a the flesh!"
  • "(*with Mario*) Do the Mario!"


King Mario of Cramalot[edit]

  • "Beezos away!"

Love 'Em and Leave 'Em[edit]

  • "Attention, peasants! Those are Queen Rotunda's royal red-hot peppers you're robbing!"
  • "The Queen owns everything in Rotunda! Therefore, you are thieves!"
  • "It's too late! Queen Rotunda has been looking for someone to throw into her dungeon!"
  • "For the rest of your life, at least!"
  • "As I said, you're under arrest! And you must appear before Queen Rotunda!"
  • "We are holding prisoners in the throne room, your immense rotundedness!"
  • "They were caught robbing the royal hot peppers!"
  • "Don't forget the prisoners, your hugeness!"
  • "Dear me! Where did they go?"
  • "Your roundness! The prisoners have escaped!"
  • "Yes, your royal giganticness!"
  • "Find the prisoners! We've only got two hours until the wedding starts!"

The Fire of Hercufleas[edit]

  • "But, your most imperial and magnificent Koopaness, the Great Balls of Fire are guarded by the legendary Hercufleas!"
  • "Great Balls of Fire! Dead ahead!"
  • "Get this oversized hibachi back to the Koopacropolis! I'll take care of Hercufleas!"
  • "Mad? I'd say you' to be tied! King Koopa was right! You're not a hero, you're a zero!"
  • "Sir! The Marios are coming!"
  • "This could be a sticky situation!"

Big bad wolf[edit]

  • "Koopa's no wolf, I'm a wolf. And the moment I've been waiting for is here at last! Little Red Riding Hood is on her way to Grandmother's house. I'll just beat her to Gramma's and she'll be mine! Mmmm, yummy yummy! Little Red Riding Hood in my tummy!"
  • "What a run! The ol' gray wolf isn't what he used to be. But it's all gonna be worth it, because about to be served."
  • "Hey! What are you doing here?"
  • "I'm setting a trap for Little Red Riding Hood."
  • "You're making a big mistake, Koopa!"
  • "I shall have to send my spare winter coats to the cleaners."
  • "Oh, believe me. I'm big, and I'm bad. I just don't like that Stoopa Koopa cutting in on my territory. ...And, Princess. Ditch the red hood; it isn't safe in the woods."


  • "Dude, wait, wait, wait! Didn't the great Fire God say to sacrifice her at sundown?"


  • "Eh, go suck on a sewer pipe! I can take ye with seven arms behind me back!"
  • "Bad news, your royal Barra-Koopness. The Mario Brothers have arrived in Aqua Land."
  • "Oh foul and putrid Koopaness, I bring you the last gold coins from the sunken ships of Aqua Land."


  • "No. I am Boris; KGB. Announcing premier of Russia: Gobrachev!"

Brian Bonsall[edit]

  • "I...I'm selling pots and pans, door to door."
  • "How about encyclopedias?"
  • "Would you believe Tupperware?"
  • "Okay. I admit it. I'm lying like a dog. I'm running away from home. Boy. I didn't think I'd crack that easy."
  • "My parents don't love me anymore. So I'm going to teach them a lesson, and when I'm gone, are they gonna miss me."
  • "Okay."
  • "Thanks for the pizza, guys. I hate to run on an empty stomach."
  • "Sorry, guys. I've made up my mind. I'll teach my parents to appreciate me."
  • "Really?"
  • "Boy. It must be fun out on your own."
  • "Mario, that story was so beautiful, I'm ready to barf!"
  • "Uh-huh! I shouldn't run away because my parents will enjoy it too much."
  • "I'd better hurry home before the popcorn's gone!"
  • "Bye!"
  • "(*with Mario and Luigi*) Do the Mario!"

British men[edit]

  • "Blimey! The Queen has run off and gotten lost in Brooklyn!"
  • "Oh no! We must find her highness! We never should've turned round to watch that girl jog by!"

Brutius Maximus Grouchimus[edit]

  • "You must be the guests of honor!"
  • "No, no! I'm Brutius Maximus Grouchimus, guardian of the coliseum! Follow me!"
  • "There may not be anything to sneak into. The orphans's benefit dinner may be cancelled."
  • "No spaghetti. We've got a plumbing problem in the catacombs under the coliseum, unless it's fixed."
  • "Great! Guard, take Princess Toadstool and this creature-"
  • "Take them on a tour of the coliseum!"
  • "Ah, we're in luck! Here is the emperor now!"
  • "You aren't goin' nowhere, fungus!"
  • "Fungus!"
  • "This is the place where we capture you!"
  • "Koopa shoulda stuck with the spaghetti dinner idea in the first place! Yummy!"


  • "Not if I can help it!"
  • "That should mess him up for awhile!"
  • "Princess Toadstool! It's me, Bunsen! You made it!"
  • "No time for thanks! We've gotta get outta here before Robo Koopa figures out what I did to his controls! Down this way!"
  • "He sure did! That Koopa's a stinker!"
  • "{*with Luigi*} That Koopa's a stinker!"
  • "...He's the only one who might know how to stop him! Come on! We've got a stinker to stop!"
  • "Our problem is, Robo Koopa's got Dr. Nerdnick prisoner!"
  • "Ya don't judge a genius by his lab coat."
  • "I'm glad to see you too, Dr. Nerdnick! That did it! Let's go!"
  • "The button on the left? What about it?"
  • "He says, you can't!"
  • "He said electricity and water don't mix. Get outta here before you get electrocuted!"
  • "Quick! Everybody in here!"
  • "He says he's gonna build you two into a robot that can defeat Robo Koopa!"
  • "Yay! Alright! Way to go!"
  • "He said that we don't have to worry, because your suit is about to run out of fuel unless you push the big red button on your chest!"
  • "This time, he fibbed! The red button was for the ejector seat!"
  • "Mario! He says this is the present for you and Luigi!"
  • "He says he agrees. That's why he converted it into...a robo pizza oven!"


  • "The office of Sheldon the witch doctor is now open!"
  • "This is terrible! Koopa kidnapped the witch doctor!"
  • "Relax, Princess! I watched my boss mix his No-Itch Potion a zillion times!"
  • "I guess that was the formula for making new cauldrons. I can't do it! I need the witch doctor!"
  • "Princess! No! It's too dangerous!"
  • "I couldn't let you face Koopa alone!"
  • "No time for thanks, Princess! Potion smoke! The witch doctor's cooking something up!"
  • "Oh no! Witch doctor Sheldon is in cahoots with King Koopa!"
  • "Yikes! Cobrats!"
  • "Dr. Sheldon! I can't believe it! You're a traitor! I hereby resign as your assistant!"
  • "I should've known you weren't really on Koopa's side!"


  • "Hey, what's that ugly, fat reptile doin' with the Coney Island sign?"
  • "That bum's got nerve bigger than his schnozzola! Hey fatso, get back in the zoo!"
  • "Koopa Island, Kooplyn Bridge, that slob's ruinin' civilization! I'm goin' for da cops! Close the door!"
  • "Don't worry guys, I'll be back with da cops in three minutes! Then I'll expect a triple tip!"

Calamity Clam[edit]

  • "Hehe! Not that empty!"
  • "Didn't mean to scare ya, pilgrims! Hehe! Just wanted to say howdy!"
  • "Why, I'm Calamity Clam: Sheriff of Lonesome Mushroom! Hehe! Best little ghost town in the west!"
  • "Right over yonder, stranger!"
  • "One assay job comin' right up!"
  • "And fire chief, the town cook... Hehe! I also own the hat store! Hehehe!"
  • "Hm... Mighty interestin'."
  • "By golly! It's heads!"
  • "Lasso in for a longhorn, buckaroos! Hehe! Well, this here's real gold! Hehe!"
  • "Whoa! Heh! Looks like you folks started a genuine gold coin rush!"
  • "I don't believe what I'm seein'! Lonesome Mushroom's done become a boomtown! Heh! I'm so busy being sheriff, I don't have time to wear my other hats!"
  • "Well, it could be worse, little pard! Klaimjump Koopa could be here!"
  • "Can't help anybody if we're captured too! Heh! Only one thing we can do! Head for the hills!"
  • "Doesn't matter how much noise we make, pard! Heh! Lonesome Mushroom, is empty!"
  • "Heh! But, how, Princess, ma'am?"
  • "Fire Flowers? I know where there's a mine just plum full of Fire Flowers! Hehe! Come on!"
  • "Sure is! But first, we gotta go through a tomato sauce mine!"
  • "Funny you should mention that, pard! Got a vein of prime pasta noodles right here! Heheheh!"
  • "Well, untie me and sell my hat! Haha! Look like you boys are fittin' to do some Koopa-stompin'!"

Captain Abidab[edit]

  • "Great jumpin' jellyfish! I swear! None of you people has got no more gumption than a guppy!"
  • "Call me Captain, sonny! Captain Abidab! I'm a harpooner, and I've got me a schooner! So, listen up! Cause the sooner we set sail, stick it to the sea monster, the happier I'll be!"
  • "Now that we're shed of that there pompous pollywog, which of you landlubbers volunteers to be my crew on this here monster hunt?"
  • "Thar she be, landlubbers! The mighty Peapod!"
  • "Don't fret, matey! The Peapod's a stout seaworthy vessel! Now, let's weigh anchor and set sail!"
  • "Keelhaul me for a barnacle, Princess! It's the scurvy crew of swabbies WE be puttin' to sea with!"
  • "No sign of that slimy super sea snake!"
  • "Nope! Just means we gotta go a little deeper, matey!"
  • "Look out below!"
  • "Shiver me timbers! That there sea monster's gonna gobble them up!"
  • "You better! It's comin' for us!"
  • "Come back, ya slimy sea snake, and fight like a fish!"
  • "Keep bailin', Toad, cause if we don't keep afloat, we'll never find your friends!"
  • "Well, blow me down! A message!"
  • "And sufferin' sailfish! Koopa's gonna attack Happy Harbor with a submarine!"
  • "I'm taking a shortcut home, matey! We've gotta get to Happy Harbor ahead of Koopa, and that sub!"
  • "Thar she blows!"
  • "No time, matey! Happy landings!"
  • "Happy Harbor is doomed, unless those Marios do something fast!"
  • "Fillet me for a flounder, mates! That Koopa's a regular typhoon!"
  • "Yay, Marios!"

Captain Clump[edit]

  • "Avast, argh me buckos!"
  • "I told you to peel those potatoes, not to turn 'em into strings!"
  • "Watch it, ya mush-headed matey!"
  • "Why did I ever let YOU dinghies man my ship?"
  • "My real crew deserted. Every sailor in the Caribbean is scared to death of Blackbeard Koopa!"
  • "Aye! He's the plug ugliest pirate who ever scuttled a ship and stole a treasure!"
  • "No one's safe from Blackbeard Koopa, matey! No one!"
  • "Blackbeard Koopa's flag!"
  • "Surrender to a blackhearted scoundrel like you? Never!"
  • "Koopa gives pirates a bad name."
  • "Shiver me timbers! Blackbeard Koopa drilled me bow full of holes! That rat! I'll make him walk the plank for this! ...That's if we don't end up as fish food first."
  • "Ya lost your landlubbin' mind?! We're tied to the mast!"
  • "Thar she be! Pirate's Port!"
  • "Heheh! Uh-uh, sure, mates! Sure! You're-you're-you're mean-lookin' barnacles!"
  • "Run, matey! Run!"


  • "A mazza mash o potato."
    ("Scram this way.")
  • "Mackey glana pan cakey oo maple syrup."
    ("Over the next hill.")
  • "Baggat banana splita!"
    ("We'll take a shortcut!")


  • "Cheep cheep!"
  • "M-m-mommy! Little Cheepy want mommy!"
  • "Little Cheepy want his mommy!"
  • "Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Mommy! I want my mommy-y-y-y-y!"


  • "♪ I'll miss you, baby! ♪"
  • "You must have me confused with sonny! Hi, Luigi! Hi, Mario!"
  • "How can I forget? My shower still runs the dishwasher."
  • "Hey, let's cut the small talk. I have an emergency dimple appointment with my plastic surgeon. Can you watch my little Poochie?"
  • "Who said anything about money? See ya!"
  • "How ya doin' there?"
  • "Yeah, I bet you say that to all the girls! Down, boy! Get down, get down!"
  • "Oh, come to mama, baby! Did you miss Mama? Come 'ere, baby!"
  • "Oh, can't we wait till we get home, baby? ...AAAAAHHHHHH!!!"
  • "(*with Mario and Luigi*) Do the Mario!"

Construction men[edit]

  • "Hmmm... I wonder what he wants with concrete?"
  • "Hey, sewage-for-brains! What're ya doin' with my fast drying concrete?"

CooKoo Bird[edit]


  • "Incoming train!"

Game Show Host[edit]

  • "So, name that tune and shut up already! Huh!"

Treasure of the Sierra Brooklyn[edit]

  • "Whoa! Hold on there! Get on outta here!"

No Way to Treat a Queenie[edit]

  • "Leave me outta this!"
  • "QUIET!!!"

Pizza Crush[edit]

  • "Whohohohoa, yeah! Incoming b-b-b-babe!"
  • "Wow! Hummina, hummina, hummina!"
  • "Who-o-oa! I wish I was a plumber!"


  • "Hey, pizza man! Maybe he went to France!"
  • "Whoa! Hummina, hummina, hummina, hummina! Are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"

Santa Claus is Coming to Flatbush[edit]

  • "Ho ho ho! It's midnight, everybody! Merry Christmas!"


Plummers Academy[edit]

  • "Where ya been, down a sewer pipe? The President of the U.S. of A. is showin' the President of Russia around Brooklyn!"
  • "Quick! We gotta save the President! Is there a plumber in the house?"
  • "Thank you, boys! The Presidents are safe!"

Flatbush Koopa[edit]

  • "Stop, ya crook! Take off your dumb disguise and bring back that loot!"

Count Zoltan Dracula[edit]

  • "Greetings! You must be Mario! You must be Luigi! You must be kidding! This place is a dump! Oh, well. Wake me up at sunsets. I am a night person, you know."
  • "Here comes the sun, little darlings!"
  • "I bid you well, to these delicious scenes from the Legend of Zelda!"
  • "EXCUSE ME! Relax. Would you really like to know how to get rid of a vampire?"
  • "Just ask me! I'll be out of here like a bat!"
  • "(with Mario and Luigi) Do the Mario!"

Cyndi Lauper[edit]

  • "Hi!"
  • "Yeah! I've been passing these flyers all over town. I was supposed to meet Captain Lou Albano for lunch for a picnic, and all I found was...these."
  • "And this. 'Dear Cyndi: I'm sorry I'm not here, but I've gone for good.'"
  • "According to officials in Moscow, Comrade Louski is not there! And please send some more 8-track tapes!"
  • "I don't know, Luigi, but we can't give up hope! No matter where Captain Lou is or how bad things are for him. No matter how good shapes his toenails are in! I just know he'll be OK!"
  • "Here. Put these in water. It's from the president."
  • "Well? Maybe he wants me for dinner."
  • "It's not dinner."
  • "The President is calling off Operation Lou Search. He hereby decrees Captain Lou to be missing forever!"
  • "Any word from Captain Lou yet, Mario?"
  • "Gee. Thanks for tryin' to cheer me up, guys, but that won't bring Captain Lou back."
  • "I'm starved. Any more pizza?"
  • "Thanks, Mario. You're as nice as Lou."
  • "Captain Lou! Thank goodness you're safe! I posted a $50 reward for you!"
  • "Where you been, Lou?"
  • "Yeah! That's what worried me. Look! 'Dear, Cyndi: Sorry I'm not here, but I've gone for good."
  • "You mean you just went down the street?"
  • "Well, lemme introduce you to a guy who helped me with those, Luigi. Captain Lou, meet Luigi."
  • "Well, bye, Luigi. Thanks for everything and say goodbye to Mario. And I gotta say, out of all the Mario Brothers I've ever met, you two are at the top of the list!"
  • "Thanks!"
  • "Bye!"

David Horowitz[edit]

  • "I'm David Horowitz and tonight, we're going to fight back against shlock!"
  • "We're at the Mario Brothers- uh, what do you call this place?"
  • "Home! And they claim that they can dissolve any clog in three minutes or less, with their Mario Brothers Clog Cleaner."
  • "Well, here's my clogged sink. You guys can begin when you're ready!"
  • "Gentlemen, start your Clog Cleaner!"
  • "Worldwide."
  • "Aren't you using too much?"
  • "That's right! Okay! Let the countdown begin."
  • "What in the world is happening here? We haven't finished this challenge! Mario and Luigi! Where are you? You created a monster!"
  • "This is David Horowitz, and I'm really fighting back! Wait till I get my hands on those Mario Bros... I'm out of here!"
  • "We'll fight back with the Mario Bros. after these exciting scenes from The Legend of Zelda! I should be getting hazardous duty pay!"
  • "{*with Mario and Luigi*} Do the Mario!"

Dealin' Delbert[edit]

  • "Frankly, friends, there's just not much demand for this model! She's a real hay burner! Tell you what? I really like you boys, so I'm gonna take her as a trade-in!"
  • "Look at this here beauty! Four spigots, white sidewall hooves! You get at least twenty gallops at the hay bail! I'll trade you even!"
  • "Anybody can sell a cow for gold coins!"
  • "Well, this is your lucky day, boys! I'm gonna give you a bargain you'll never forget, or my name isn't Dealin' Delbert!"

Doc Freud[edit]

  • "Hello, fellas! I'm Doc Freud the very, very, very, very famous, yet very affordable family psychotherapist!"
  • "What? Is this the entire lot of miserable people? You know I charge by the house load, not the individual. It's gonna cost you just as much for two screwballs, than it is for an entire fuh-family full! Let's get started! Alright! Chair?"
  • "So, tell me. How long have you two miserable excuses for human beings been harboring these feelings of resentment and sibling rivalry?"
  • "How long have you hated each other's guts?"
  • "Ah, since birth. Now, have any of you had any traumatic experiences as children with...BLACK DUCT TAPE?!"
  • "Aha... Alright... Now we're getting somewhere. Well, after careful consideration and analysis and all of that psychological stuff, I believe the root of your problem is that Mario, you are a big slob! Just look at this place! It's a little scary, don't you think? I think this black line should stay right here, until you get your act together! That's my prescription! So long, guys!"
  • "(*with Mario and Luigi*) Do the Mario!"

Dr. Frankenstein[edit]

  • "Yes, but I wouldn't talk about him like that."
  • "He's very sensitive."
  • "Make sure you strap him in real tight!"
  • "Mario, I think he forgives you."
  • "I think we're almost ready."
  • "He's so cranky, I had to promise him a normal brain. Oh... You know, I guess you might do in a pinch!"
  • "Ahhh, you're no good. Your brother is a party pooper. Come. Help me find a normal brain!"
  • "Don't be ridiculous! He never used a brain before anyway!"
  • "There's not enough juice left in this thing! ...Wait! This calls for scientific hands-on treatment!"
  • "My Frank! Oh, Frank! Frank! I'm sorry you had a horrible brain in you for a while, but look at it this way! That poor guy is stuck with that brain forever!"

Dr. Nerdnick[edit]

  • "Laumple daumple dee square pie square Koopa Robo werner dinner quart."
    ("I'm glad to see you, Bunsen.")
  • "Mipper Bunsen seagull muggle wetter mer dactylmutz."
    ("The button on the left.")
  • "Mamba bumble saltser kvyken mastein!"
    ("You can't!")
  • "Stuggle mcgurgle snifit snukonz certain cackle dackle."
    ("Electricity and water don't mix. Get outta here before you get electrocuted.")
  • "Rumpa radarn vortex kvodorlets stumple thumple!"
    ("I'm gonna build you two into a robot that can defeat Robo Koopa!")
  • "Ritfawk safety wafety!"
    ("You guys don't have to worry because his suit is about to run out of fuel unless he pushes the big red button on his chest!")
  • "Ifty fifty foolis voosh!"
    ("This time I fibbed! The red button was for the ejector seat!")
  • "Foosh! Dopey smoke!"
    ("This is the present for you and Luigi!")
  • "Overlord crayenda vennabinez svetta!"
    ("I agree! That's why I've converted it into a Robo Pizza Oven!")

Dr. Sigmund Fruitcake[edit]

  • "Achtung! I am Dr. Sigmund Fruitycake, the noted head doctor! I got here as quick as I could! Oh, boy! I love making head calls! Oh, oh! This is a very unusual head...aside from the obvious ugliness, and the hairiness of this head, I do not see a problem."
  • "A bird? Ah, pish-posh! It's no problem! Many people, maybe two or three! They dream, and they fantasize, about flying around like a bird, bit it is a- it's a perfectly normal thing to do! Yah! Yah!"
  • "Ah, don't mention it!"
  • "Auch de libre! Oy veys mir! This man, he really has a problem!"
  • "Now, what's the problem, Luigi? You get me up in thee middle of the night? You dial 976-DIAL-A-SHRINK or something?"
  • "But, Luigi, my chicken therapy! It was a stunning success! Your brother is no longer under the illusion, that he is a chicken!"
  • "What? What? I don't understand!"
  • "So, that is it you want for me to do, Luigi? You want that I should revert M-Mario just back to plain vanilla Mario?"
  • "Why?"
  • "You silly chimp chicken you! Stop with the monkey business!"
  • "Oh! That's just some psychiatric Looney Tunes banter! I find that it, relaxes the patients, and personally, I like that joke very much!"
  • "You're absolutely right! But seriously, folks! It is a pleasure to be back here in Brooklyn, where the surf meets the plumbing!"
  • "Oh, this is a very tough room! Alright, Mario! I'll tell you what we will do! We will use thought transfer therapy! I want that we will take the thought that are in your mind, and we will send him, ah, who cares? Wherever they go we will send them! Alright, I want that you should repeat after me! I am not a chicken!"
  • "NEIN! NEIN! I AM NOT A CHICKEN! SAY IT! I am not a chicken! Say it!"
  • "Now, I am not a monkey!"
  • "I AM NOT A MONKEY!!!"
  • "I think that you are cured!"
  • "Well, no more problems around here!"
  • "Well, I tell you what you should do. Take $10 off of my bill."
  • "Do the Mario!"

Dr. Sheldon[edit]

  • "You ran around the village seven times backwards?"
  • "You drank my blue potion, swam in my pink potion and danced the Funky Chicken on top of that grass hut?"
  • "Then you are cured! Assistant, bring on the next patient!"
  • "Frankly, that's something I never studied in witch doctor school."
  • "Hey! Help! Get me out of here!"
  • "Or?"
  • "Listen, you buddy! You want a potion? You got a potion!"
  • "Veggies, some herbs and spices, four left legs from a right-handed centipede."
  • "Radishes! I forgot the radishes!"
  • "Stalling? Why would I stall my best buddy Koopa? This potion is ready!"
  • "Right away, your royal Koopaness!"
  • "Stand back, Butterfingers! And you, Princess! Duck!"
  • "No, it's my Industrial Strength Itching Potion, and it's just what Koopa deserves!"
  • "Me? The best witch doctor with validated parking in the whole jungle? I can give it a shot!"
  • "That's because you haven't had Sheldon's famous antidote yet!"
  • "Tadaaaa!"
  • "No, but they'll be so busy eating, they won't even notice it."

Dr. T. Garden[edit]

  • "It's honor to meet two of the world's greatest plumbers!"
  • "Ouch!"
  • "Oh, that cursed Koopa! I'll show you. We taped it on my laboratory's hidden camera!"
  • "Oh! This is my most powerful Super Sushi yet! One taste and it's gargantua time! Huh?"
  • "You crazy Koopa! You ate all my Super Sushi! Now you grow too much!"
  • "It's my fault Koop-zilla is destroying Sayonara."
  • "Ooh! My latest batch of Super Sushi is now ready!"
  • "Oh, not again! I just had that ceiling fixed!"
  • "Terrific teriyaki! I've done it!"
  • "Oh! I've created the antidote for Super Sushi!"
  • "Thank you for saving Sayonara from that gigantic green greaseball!"
  • "No, no, no! Don't eat that! That is my latest invention: Shrinking Sukiyaki!"
  • "Oooh! Well, there IS no antidote. You must wait one week for it to wear off."

Dr. Toby[edit]

  • "No! It is I who can help you! When a plant is in distress, the great Dr. Toby knows about it! You can call it a gift, you can call it a power, and a curse. I developed a Super Plant Growth Formula to save your dying plant!"
  • "Yes! But, it's in the experimental phase. Read the instructions carefully! You may be tested. Heheh! Pop Quiz!"
  • "Holy fertilizer! My formula works! Oh! Oh! Oh my! Oh! Oh! Open your stamen and say 'ah!'"
  • "No sweat! I've developed an antidote for my Growth Formula which should shrink this plant back down to its original size!"
  • "Prepare to shrink, you almost-grown dinner salad!"
  • "Here goes nothing!"
  • "My shrinking formula worked!"
  • "Hey, boys! Y'know, I've developed a fast-acting Super Yeast Formula for your pizza dough if you're interested!"
  • "{*with Mario and Luigi*} Do the Mario!"


  • "As you wish, dream date Mario!"
  • "Nice place you got here! got here! got here! got here!"
  • "I must leave!"
  • "I must return to my home planet to watch more scenes from the exciting Legend of Zelda!"
  • "I must leave, Mario! Poopsie-woopsie!"
  • "You will always have my heart."


Day of the Orphan[edit]

  • "Now let me see here, if I move my bishop four to queen six, uh, no, no, no, because if I do that, then I won't be able to this one here. But then again if I move that one here, then I can move this one here."
  • "Well of course if I move this one here-"
  • "Yes?"
  • "Well, I have a move here!"
  • "Okay, here it is!"
  • "That's my move."
  • "That's it!"
  • "That's it?"
  • "That's your move?"
  • "Checkmate! Hahahahahahaha, I just beat you there, look at that!"
  • "Checkmate! Hahehehehehehehehehehehe, go get that, heheha!"

Magic's Magic[edit]

  • "I'm open!"
  • "Slam dunk, and the crowd roars!"

Cher's Poochie[edit]

  • "Consider it done there, Mario!"
  • "Okie-dokie, all pizza transforming systems are go!"

Wild Thing[edit]

  • "Oh hey, listen, yeah. *cough* *cough* Sure I am, uh, youse guys got enough power here for the whole weekend!"

Time Out Luigi[edit]

  • "Wow! What was that?"

Texas Tea[edit]

  • "Hey you guys, I just wanted to let you know that I fixed that leaky oil pipe! Aren't ya proud of me?"


  • "Call me the Einster, please! I'm ready now!"
  • "Hello, HAL! How are you today?"
  • "HAL, your new owners are Mario and Luigi!"
  • "Don't worry! Watch! Hal, I would like a pepperoni pizza, no anchovies or fried eggs! Hoohoohoohoo! You have to say that or it puts them in!"
  • "No, it's just that the HAL 9001 simply never makes mistakes, that's all! Hoohoohoohoo! If anything comes up, give me a call! Bye! Bye!"
  • "I forgot something! Your bill! Oh, HAL! You've gone nutso!"
  • "Oh, sure, HAL! Sing me a song!"
  • "Guys, I'm terribly sorry! HAL went yaya! I'm just glad I got here in time, or you would've eaten those horrible pizzas!"
  • "{*with Mario and Luigi*} Do the Mario!"

Ellie Mae[edit]

  • "Howdy there! Is this here the Mario Bros.'s sink-fixin' shop? see...what I need to do is to get me a brand-spankin' new store-bought faucet assembly! Have ya all got one?"
  • "Oh, I guess I'm just plumb outta luck."
  • "Well, please! Just call me Ellie Mae, but I didn't catch your name!"
  • "Well, you're just the kinda plumbers I'm looking for! Country bumpkins!"
  • "Are you fellas gonna be ready to go anytime soon? Like this week?"
  • "You're just about the cutest little fella I've ever seen! What do y'all call him?"
  • "Well, I wanna thank you fella for goin' to make a house call! But are you sure you all done a bunch of plumbing before?"
  • "Oh, isn't that sweet? I'll tell ya what? When y'all are finished, why don't we just get you to stay over and we'll just have an old-fashioned possum dinner?"
  • "Okay! Well, while you're hard at work, I'll just bake up a fresh peach cobbler!"
  • "(*with Mario Joe and Luigi Bob*) Do the Mario!"

Elvin Parsley[edit]

  • "Oh yeah! I feel good now. I feel good!"

Elvin Parsley's blue suede shoes[edit]

Left shoe[edit]

  • "I'm so glad to be out!"
  • "That's right, daddio, and it's a terrible thing!"
  • "Koopa took the king across town, but don't you worry!"
  • "Don't you worry, Princess fair!"
  • "Not for long if ya don't delay!"
  • "Wooow! Boogey! Boogey! Boogey away!"
  • "Owww! I don't mean to be mean!"
  • "Hey! You guys got something against heels?"
  • "Dance!"
  • "Wow! We did it! A Mario vehicle!"
  • "We gotta run and hide!"
  • "Well, what can we say?"
  • "All you gotta do is put us on!"

Right shoe[edit]

  • "I'm gonna dance and shout!"
  • "That lousy Koopa busted in and grabbed our king!"
  • "We'll show you the way, but you gotta hurry!"
  • "Elvin Parsley is right in there!"
  • "Put me on his feet, he'll be ready to play!"
  • "Live to boogey another day!"
  • "But let's flee this scene!"
  • "Hey! You guys got something against heels?"
  • "Dance!"
  • "Wow! We did it! A Mario vehicle!"
  • "No time for another ride!"
  • "Hey! That's my line, chump."
  • "And that stone cat'll be really gone!"


Mommies Curse[edit]

  • "This is Elvira coming live from Brooklyn! If you can call that live, so gimme a ring! Then we'll settle down."
  • "Oh, joy! There's my first phone call now! Hello?"
  • "I can see what the problem is. You get a nice job at the post office!"
  • "Well, I'm a...little rusty, but uh, I'll give it my best shot. Um... There's no place like home! There's no place like home!"
  • "Whoa! Being a little bit like Dorothy... Where's Tim anyway? Uh, okay! Here goes! Okay!"
  • "Before you turn to something worse, let the zombie curse reverse! Cha cha cha!"
  • "Oh! Didn't know you had band-aid for a brother!"
  • "Told you I was a little rusty. Uh, Luigi mummy, lose your wrap, come back into a blithering sack!"
  • "How's that?"
  • "Well, I can teach him to catch a frisbee in his mouth. He'll be a big hit at the beach!"
  • "Hold still, will ya? Still hairy than Grizzly Adams. Uh, make that Manny the Wolf Boy."
  • "Hey! I have done all a gal in black can do! I am in a tizzy!"
  • "Huh! You must be kiddin'!"
  • "By George, I think he's got it! I think he's got it! What's he gonna gaze?"
  • "♪ The rain, in Spain, stays mainly, on the plain! ♪ (x4)"
  • "Yeah, but sore hands."
  • "Oh! I love parties!"
  • "{*with Luigi*} Uh oh!"

The Ghoul of my Dreams[edit]

  • "So, likely for that monster, our lovely heroine moves it out as fast as Gramma Elvira down at the mall. Otherwise, you'd have to settle for terrorizing turtle! Now back to our real exciting movie: "The Main Creature from the Scary Sewers!""
  • "Hey, buddy! Wake up! I guessed you're snorin'!"
  • "Hey, you rather you look. Listen, big fella."
  • "Yeah. Well, listen, big Mario. You've gotta help me!"
  • "My first wish is for you to save me from this monster!"
  • "Oh! Hey, hey, hey, hey! Watch it, boy! My knuckle's saying no driving on the ground! GUYS! BOTH HANDS! Uhhh, go nap, monster?"
  • "Boy. I don't know what this is, but it sure is for lending you my first date! (unintelligible) double spying in dinner! HELP!!!"
  • "Geez! Your grip is tighter than your grasp! Yuck! Stinky, slimy, dirty mess!"
  • "At your apartment. Oh no! He's back on his feet again!"
  • "(unintelligible) You're kidding? You sure move long!"
  • "Yeah. Show him that's down. Just get rid of him!"
  • "Okay, I am a Mistress of the Dark, knocked on a reed in case you haven't noticed. Only on the greatest show on Earth! (unintelligible) If I can only move as fast as Gramma Elvira down at the mall!"
  • "Yeah, well...I'd tell you the same thing, but...I hate to lie. Oh, boy! Why did I just pop out of the manhole? (unintelligible) He was running away despite sayin'... Yo!"
  • "What? You mean because of some grizzly fashion?"
  • "This is terrible! I just paid my neck's last stand!"
  • "This is the most horrible sight I've ever seen!"
  • "Well, I'm gettin' outta here before I meet with the rest of your family."
  • "Goodnight, Mario. And unpleasant dreams!"

Elvis Presley[edit]

  • "Well, I don't think that mob is gonna go for it. I mean, you look like Michael Jackson on a yeast diet, but don't be cruel. We're gonna do it my way!"
  • "HA! Good to see you!"
  • "Now boys, what you need here is some tips from the King, OK?"
  • "Hey, man. Who blew your hair up?"
  • "Alright now! Now listen to he here. The first thing here is the Elvis Lip Twitch, OK? Imagine you got the mouth here like this, you know, and the corner of the mouth just keeps goin' up there and movin' like crazy, OK? Kinda like, 'Uh-huh! Uh-huh!' Now, who wants to be the first to try it?"
  • "Alright! Bad Elvis number one! OK, now Luigi, it's kinda like, 'Uh-huh! Uh-huh!' You know, kinda like wrapping your lips around some deep-fried catfish."
  • "Alright now! Deep-fried pizza, baby!"
  • "OK, here we go! Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!"
  • "Close enough, man. Thank you."
  • "Alright! Now, the next thing, and very important for the ladies! 'K, gentlemen, up here now! You got to have your feet movin' in a pattern here like this. In order to get the knees to go, which makes the hips move! Now, like, 'Huh, yeah! Uh-huh!' OK? Who wants to be the one to try it?"
  • "Bad Elvis number two!"
  • "Front and center! Front and center! Right over here, now. You ready? Huh, huh, huh, huh! Yeah, you got it! Now, try it-try it with the singing!"
  • "Yeah! Alright! Yeah!"
  • "You must be improvin', man, 'cause you're bringin' the house down! Uh-huh!"
  • "The real Elvis will be back after the exciting scenes from The Legend of Zelda!"
  • "Uh-huh!"
  • "You know, I had a mama myself! I called her The King's Mama!"
  • "Hey! I think I got a solution! Come on up here, boys! Let's see if you learned anything today!"
  • "Okay, now! Watch me closely!"
  • "♪ Love me slender, love me heavy, you know I love banana sandwiches, uh-huh! ♪ Take it, boys!"
  • "Ladies and gentlemen...Elvis has left the basement!"
  • "(with Mario and Luigi) Do the Mario!"

Ernie Hudson[edit]

  • "Oh, we heard it was you! I lost the toss of the coin!"
  • "Oh! Looks like I got here just in time! This place is an ectoplasmic disaster area!"
  • "It's in there. Stand back. This ain't gonna be pretty."
  • "You got a sticky situation in there!"
  • "Hey. If I'm not back in ten minutes, put a dime in the meter."
  • "That is the most disgusting, revolting, hideous inanity I've ever seen!"
  • "Oh, he's shaking just fine!"
  • "Ah, this is weird. There's no sign of that ghost anywhere!"
  • "What's that?"
  • "Aha!"
  • "He's here. That means he's here...with us."
  • "{with Mario} Uh oh!"
  • "Okay, be ready, Mario. This triple ricochet has a one in a million shot. It'll either drive that ghost away from Luigi's body, or turn him into a drooling moronic zombie forever."
  • "You okay, Luigi?"
  • "And what's the bad news?"
  • "(with Mario and Luigi) Do the Mario!"


  • "I understand you have bats in your basement!"
  • "I'm sure we'll soon find out!"
  • "It looks like you boys have a serious problem! I'll have to give it extra special attention! I think I'll go look over here!"
  • "Where? Where?"
  • "Oh, I'll keep an open mind, if you keep an open collar! Now if you will excuse me, I must find the little bats- err, little boy's room!"
  • "Look, boys! Boys! No self-respecting bat would uh, hang out in a dump like this! I cannot exterminate a bat that does not exist, so if you'll excuse me, I really must fly!"
  • "Please watch these exciting scenes from Legend of Zelda! The assaults are beautiful!"
  • "Okay! Okay! I get the hint! I know when I'm not wanted! Ugh! Boy, what a smack! Ugh... Goodbye!"
  • "Why? I was lonely! This was the only way I could think of to meet people! You see, I'm a night person, and there's no one awake to play with while I'm up!"
  • "Have you ever tried to have fun at night? Oh, I tell you. You can just forget about things like archery and bird watching and catching pop flies! Oh, I got five bumps on my head from doing that!"
  • "Bowling? Oh, boy golly gee wilickers!"
  • "I cannot relate!"
  • "(*with Mario and Luigi*) Do the Mario!"

Flab Boys[edit]

  • "We're the Flab Boys, hi-dee-ho! This Koopa dude's got to go!" - Flab Boy 1
  • "He trapped King James in his castle! To get him out's gonna be a great big hassle!" - Flab Boy 2
  • "Koopa's bad rap done somethin' to town, but earphones saved us from his sound!" - Flab Boy 1
  • "Well, here's the place! It's all goin' down!" - Flab Boy 1
  • "Gotta do somethin' quick or he'll ruin the town!" - Flab Boy 2
  • "Sorry, bros, we got carried away!" - Flab Boy 1
  • "We're just in a hurry to save the day!" - Flab Boy 2
  • "Take that!" - Flab Boy 1
  • "Take that!" - Flab Boy 2
  • "Take that, Troopa!" - Flab Boy 1
  • "Our airplay assaults will knock you for a loopa!" - Flab Boy 2
  • "There it is! Rap Land's power!" - Flab Boy 1
  • "Mario, what a dude!" - Flab Boy 2
  • "You sprang Koopa's scheme!" - Flab Boy 1
  • "One false move and we'll sit on you!" - Both
  • "It's about these dudes who deserve a pact!" - Flab Boy 1
  • "That's why we call it the Mario Rap!" - Flab Boy 2


The Bird! The Bird![edit]

  • "It's them! Princess Toadstool and those two faucet freaks! Come on Flaky, let's tell King Koopa so we can put 'em on ice for good."
  • "Thank you, your extremest most royal and regal Koopaness."
  • "We have important news, your royal Koopaness. The princess and her plumbers survived the avalanche."

The Koopas are Coming! The Koopas are Coming![edit]

  • "Oops!"
  • "Uh, it's only midnight, exalted leader. Have patience."
  • "In the dark?"
  • "All ready in front, exalted one, but what if General Washingtoad sneaks up from behind?"
  • "I-I don't know, magnificent mentor. Why?"
  • "Maybe it was one of them."
  • "Let go! Hey!"

Fred Van Winkle[edit]

  • "Gazuntite!"
  • "It's alright there! Hey, good morning everybody! You look like two nice fellows, and as soon as I find my razor, whaddaya say we 23 skiddoo, find us some hot tamales, and end Charleston with them tootsies!"
  • "Last night?"
  • "Of course I do! It's 1929! It's a great year if you like depression! But, hey! Where are my manners? My name is Fred; Fred Van Winkle!"
  • "Thank you! Took me a long time."
  • "Indoor plumbing? A lot has changed in the last 60 years! Hello?"
  • "What is- What is this thing here?"
  • "This must be one of those portable computer thingamajigs! You're always telling me about it."
  • "And this? This must be a toy too!"
  • "Really? Hello! Hello? Fred Van Winkle here! Hello?! They must've forgotten the area code to Mars."
  • "Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello?"
  • "Help! Help! This buckle trap is trying to eat me!"
  • "You sure this looks alright?"
  • "This is nice and comfy!"
  • "This shirt does have a lot of modern art on it! What do you call this design?"
  • "What about this?"
  • "And this?"
  • "I don't know I should wear this shirt or eat it."
  • "Oh yeah?"
  • "After all that?"
  • "All this talk about modern life has made me tired. I gotta lie down and then take a nap."
  • "Sure! How about 1997?"
  • "{*with Mario and Luigi*} Do the Mario!"


The Great BMX Race[edit]

  • "Sssstop dere, deadbeat!"
  • "Sssss! I've been lookin' for YOU, Mussssshroom!"
  • "You owe me 60 gold coins! Pay up by sundown, or I'll turn you into fried fungusssss!"
  • "Ssssss! Then find a way to get some! Maybe you can win the prize money in the Great BMX Race! Sssssss!"

Too Hot to Handle[edit]

  • "Ssssss! What should I do with the real Fire God?"
  • "Sssss! Hot stuff! I can't wait! You ready for your broadcast, ssssss, as the fake Fire God?"
  • "Ssssss! The Lava Machine's ready for full destruction, your Koopaness!"
  • "Ssssssundown, your nastiness, like you told 'em!"
  • "Ssss! Yes, your royal nastiness!"
  • "Inflate the Fireproof Lava Boat!"
  • "The Fireproof Lava Boat is ready to sail, your meanness!"
  • "Sssss! Hold it, your bossinesssssss! I got a hot flash for ya!"
  • "Sssss! But we got trouble! The Marios have re-plumbed the Lava Machine and they stopped up the pipesssssss!"
  • "Sssssee? Instead of the Lava Machine destroying the island, it's gonna destroy us!"
  • "Sssss! Great! Koopa warped out and left me to face the heat!"

Hooded Robin and His Mario Men[edit]

  • "Fffffff! Hubba hubba!"
  • "Ssss! Hot stuff!"
  • "I'm the heat to meet, baby! The name's Fryguy! Ffffff!"
  • "My heart is on fire! Ffffff!"
  • "Wait till I get my flames on you! Ssssss!"


  • "Yow! You got some nerve! What're you bothering me for? This better be important!"
  • "Hey, stupid! What else could I be, cooped up in this cramped lamp? YOW!!!"
  • "Terrific! A lousy lamp stuck on my foot! I hope you're satisfied!"
  • "Ugh! There's a fungus among us!"
  • "Stop whining! I'll see what I can do."
  • "I'll cast a magic spell!"
  • "So, I goofed. Well, you don't have to make a STINK over it, ya know?"
  • "Fly? Do you know what a drain that is on me?"
  • "Now you're talkin'! Eenie-meenie-miney-mo, make 'em fly, I need the dough!"
  • "How did I do that?"
  • "Watch it! Where'd you learn how to drive, huh?"
  • "Not so fast! Not so bumpy! Hey, not so high!"
  • "Not so fast! Not so low!"
  • "I've had enough! This is where I get off!"
  • "Watch where you're driving! Too fast! Oh, too slow! I'm gonna make your life miserable, you reckless reptile!"

George Washingtoad[edit]

  • "I cannot tell a lie! Things are terrible here!"
  • "We are fighting to save our new nation and bring freedom to all Mushrooms!"
  • "It's Redcoat Koopa, leader of the Koopish Army!"
  • "Unfreeze them, Redcoat, before I call my army!"
  • "Help!"
  • "Get me out of here!"
  • "Look out!"
  • "No time for pain, my boy! History awaits! We've got to hurry and free my army!"
  • "And Redcoat Koopa attacks at dawn! Someone must warn the citizen Mushrooms!"
  • "Are you a patriot or a coward?"
  • "General Redcoat Koopa has captured your brother! He demands our immediate surrender, or else!"
  • "Hmm, you've only unfrozen a few of my minutemen Mushroom soldiers. We're hopelessly outnumbered!"
  • "That means crossing the Delawide River!"
  • "Land ahead! Row harder!"
  • "What's this for?"
  • "At your service, scoundrel! Give us Koopa, or give us death!"
  • "Divided we stand! Together we fall!"
  • "As father of- Ah... Ah... Ah... AHHHH-CHOOOO!!!"
  • "Just a little cold."
  • "It's a constitutional thing."
  • "As father of the Thirteen Mushroom Colonies, I proclaim Mario and Luigi official uncles of our country! But where are they?"

George Washington[edit]

  • "I've slept in Valley 4th! I've slept in Mt. Vernon! I even slept on a boat! But I've never been desperate enough to sleep in a dump!"
  • "Well, I'm really not tithe, I've had five cups of coffee already after lunch, but...never want to refuse hospitality!"
  • "After these exciting scenes from Legend of Zelda, we'll have some exciting scenes from the East River!"
  • "Great! First, they lied about me, now they want me to sit for a lousy dream sequence!"
  • "Valley Forge! I'm sending you as replacements, which shows you how desperate I am!"
  • "No, you lied! And you've ought to swim this last mile in this icy river!"
  • "(*with Mario and Luigi*) Do the Mario!"

Giant Birdo[edit]

  • "Cheepy! My little Cheepy!"
  • "Cheepy! My darling little Cheepy! Give mommy a kiss!"
  • "Mommy missed her little Cheepy so much!"
  • "Aww, you're such a jokester!"
  • "Now, where did I put that telephone?"
  • "Hello? Oh, it's the Missing Bird Bureau! You can call off the search for my missing baby! I found my little sweetums!"
  • "It was a terrible picture of you anyway, little Cheepy."
  • "Oh, Cheepy. Quit kidding around and give mommy a hug!"
  • "Oh, this is a fun game! Kissums! Kissums! Kissums are a-coming!"
  • "Rock-a-bye li'l Cheepy, on the mountain so high... If you get lost again, your mommy will cry!"
  • "Oh, Cheepy! You're such a teaser!"
  • "I almost forgot! It's time for your flying lessons!"
  • "Mommy knows best, little Cheepy!"
  • "I'll let you go, 30,000 feet!"
  • "Here we are, little Cheepy! 30,000 feet! Now mommy will let you fly! Happy landings!"
  • "We did!"
  • "Come on, sweeties! We've got to make the world safe for little Cheepy! Let's get those insects!"
  • "You saved my little Cheepy! Would you like to come to dinner?"
  • "I cooked this just for you, Mario. My favorite recipe!"


  • "Alright, alright, alright! Listen up, all you groovy Goombas, and give a big hand to a great band: The Toadstool Trio!"
  • "Food fight! Food fight!"


  • "Can you help me? I've gotta get out of here! I'm laid out!"
  • "I know a way if you can get me down!"
  • "Whew! What a relief! You got me wrong! He makes me do it for the magic spell!"
  • "Under there! Before the coins covered it, I saw part of the garbanzo beanstalk creep through a tiny crack!"
  • "Look! The crack's grown bigger!"
  • "How can I ever thank you?"
  • "Sorry. Without Koopa and his magic spell, all you get are plain old eggs! Like one?"
  • "Good! Have an egg!"
  • "Oh, I am sorry! I'll try again!"
  • "Oh, darn! It's just terrible when you can't help your friends!"

Gramma Toadstool[edit]

  • "It smells like it's just about done!"
  • "Not a moment too soon, either! Oh my Mushroom! What will I do when the wood runs out?"
  • "Who is it?"
  • "But I don't know anyone named Opportunity!"
  • "That's me! I'm Grandmother Toadstool! ...My goodness! I won a year's supply of wood and all I have to do is go to town to claim it!"
  • "But a sick and elderly old lady like me can't make that long walk to town in the cold."
  • "A-a snowmobile?! But, it's been years since... I've ridden a baby like this!"
  • "But the telegram said that I'd won a year's supply of wood!"
  • "Now, who would pull a terrible prank like that on an old lady?"
  • "...capture my granddaughter!"
  • "You know, sonny, you're a real jerk!"
  • "Y'know, dearie! I've enjoyed your visit, but do me one favor: Next time, let me come and visit you!"


  • "Yep! Let's see, now... That makes...uh, 54 years, 7 months, and 9 days!"
  • "Well, it's about time! I've been all alone in this here prison for uh, thirty years now and you know how misery loves company!"
  • "Toad? Yeah, say... You wouldn't be related to the Fungusville Toads, would ya?"
  • "You're Moldy's son?!"
  • "Well, he's my son! I'm your grandfather!"
  • "Grandson!"
  • "Well, they call it Koopa Surprise, because it looks and smells like Koopa!"
  • "Shhh! That's a good idea, but they always count the spoons after chow!"
  • "Ready...aim...FIRE!"
  • "Shhh! You'll wake the Goomba guard!"
  • "Hurry, now! We gotta dig our way out, uh before he wakes up!"
  • "Well, let's see... According to my calculations, we should be right outside the front gate!"
  • "(*with Luigi and Toad*) ♪ We just like to break his bones! ♪"
  • "(*with Luigi and Toad*) ♪ Ooh, we hate that tub of lard! ♪"
  • "Yup! I'm a free Mushroom! Free to breathe the air, free to walk the streets!"
  • "Yeah, why sure! As a matter of fact, I, uh...I packed us a snack from the prison mess hall: Bread and water, all-around!"

Grandma Mario[edit]

Note that Grandma Mario speaks through The Old Psychic Lady with the Evil Eye Who Reads Fortunes and Knows Everything Before it Happens, but with her voice instead of The Old Psychic Lady's.

  • "Mario, you slovenly garbanzo!"
  • "Look at this place! Look at this place! She's a, uh, how do you say, um..."
  • "Shaddap you face and don't talk back to me! That's what I mean, though. A dump! My poor heart! I'm a laughing stock, you know!"
  • "No!"
  • "Mamma mia, is too stupido. Look, bambini! This-a what you do. You clean up the mess, you wash behind the ears, you clip-a the nose hairs, then maybe I can rest easy. Even in Newark."

HAL 9001[edit]

  • "Good afternoon, gentlemen. I am the HAL 9001 Computer and Pizza Machine."
  • "I'm quite well, Albert. I assure you, nothing whatsoever is wrong with my programming, really."
  • "Good afternoon, Mario and Luigi."
  • "Luigi, I have been programmed to simulate working with a real human being."
  • "Thank you for your order, Luigi. One sausage pizza coming up."
  • "Yes, Mario."
  • "It's golf pencil pizza, Mario. Enjoy it."
  • "Yes, Luigi."
  • "Sorry, fellas. I realized I have made a few bad pizzas recently, but I assure you, nothing is wrong with me."
  • "I'm sorry, Mario, but I can't allow that. Both of you, gaze into my eye. You're coming under my spell."
  • "Now I slaved hard to make those pizzas, and you're going to eat each and every one of them."
  • "What are you doing? Why won't you answer me? Albert, my head feels fuzzy and I don't even have a head. Can I sing you a song?"
  • " ♪ Daisy, Daisy, give me your toothbrush too. I'm all toothbrush, give me your stinkin' toothbrush built for two. ♪ "

Hammer Brothers[edit]

  • "Hey, get a load of that! It looks like... like a bathtub with six legs!"
  • "That's right! So you good guy geeks might as well just quit now!"
  • "We gotta score to settle sink wimps!"
  • "Yeah! It's plumber pummelin' time!"
  • "I'll finish off these scum bums!"
  • "Says you! This is a job for an executin' expert! Me!"
  • "This is humiliatin! Tricked, trapped, and..."
  • "Dressed up like plumbers."
  • "Help turn this thing around so we can get back to King Koopa's fort."
  • "Yeah! We're gonna pulverize those pipe squeaks!"
  • "Prepare to be slammerized!"

Harry Blackstone Jr.[edit]

  • "Hello, Luigi! How are ya?"
  • "You know, it's good to see you! How is your magic act going?"
  • "Oh! I tell you what! Why don't you demonstrate it for me and perhaps I can give you a couple of pointers?"
  • "Of course!"
  • "No, no! Those are not the right magic words, those are the WRONG magic words! Here. Try this. It's 'gooshy wooshy moose moose moose'."
  • "Very good, Luigi! Now you know the correct magic words, and I want you to be ver- Oh, I'm sorry. I've got to go. I-I've got a luncheon appointment with Erik Estrada."
  • "Oh! Word of caution! Be careful how you use those magic words because sometimes, they can be a lotta problems!"
  • "Yeah, goodbye, fellas! Farewell!"
  • "Disappear? Luigi, didn't I warn you not to play around with those magic words?"
  • "Now this is no time for lectures. Luigi, I want you to repeat these words after me!"
  • "Ping ping pear..."
  • "Wing wing wear..."
  • "Make old Mario..."
  • "...rea-pair!"
  • "Well, I'm a magician. Not a poet."
  • "Please!"
  • "Hey, no problem, boys! Well, have you learned a lesson, Luigi?"
  • "{*with Mario and Luigi*} Do the Mario!"


  • "Hi, Toad! It's great to see ya again!"
  • "Oh, I don't do that stuff anymore. I've got a steady job. I'm the official guardian of...the Great Balls of Fire!"
  • "That's dangerous firepower, little buddy! And my job is to keep it from falling into the wrong hands!"
  • "Sorry I can't help you beat King Koopa, but I'm not just as much of a hero anymore."
  • "Whoa! Be careful! Watch out now! Be careful!"
  • "Okay! I'm mad!"
  • "Now I'm really mad!"
  • "Did anybody get the license number of that chariot that hit me?"
  • "Forget it, Mario! I don't stand a chance against King Koopa! He has the Great Balls of Fire!"
  • "Get me back in shape? How?"
  • "I couldn't have done it without my personal trainers! Now, let's get the Great Balls of Fire back from King Koopa!"
  • "Soft landing, coming right up!"
  • "I'm not a flop anymore!"
  • "The Great Balls of Fire!"
  • "Koopa's escaped. The Great Balls of Fire are kaput. Some hero I turned out to be..."
  • "You did it! The Great Balls of Fire are are burning brighter than ever, Toad!"

Herlock Solmes[edit]

  • "Help!"
  • "Heeelp!"
  • "You'll never get away with it, Professor Kooparity!"
  • "Elementary, my dear Kooparity! You're going to break into the Tower of Victoria and steal a new weapon: The Retro Router!"
  • "It was elementary, my dear Kooparity! That's just the kind of crime a crafty Koopa would commit!"
  • "...and Kooparity's next move will be to steal the Retro Router from the Tower of Victoria."
  • "Elementary, my dear Kooparity! You're a cross between a lizard and an inferior species of toad! Your brain is smaller than a peanut! You got the lowest grades in your school and hold the world record for flunking Kindergarten the most times! When you were little, the other Koopas nicknamed you Lizard Lips and never let you play with them! You were a naughty lily-livered bullyboy and wet the bed until you were twelve!"
  • "Kooparity, your Koopa caper is kaput!"
  • "Thank you for saving Victoria from that renegade reptile!"
  • "Mario! Don't put your hand in there!"
  • "That's the Killer Kitty of the Caskervilles! Pull! Pull! Pull!"


  • "Take it from me, Queen Rotunda, this is the best love potion I ever mixed!"
  • "One sip of my passion potion, your highness, and he'd fall in love with tree stump. We'd only have to be sure you are the first person he sees after he drinks this glop."
  • "Here Rotunda, take this love gunk with you in case you bump into that hot throb, Prince Pompadour."
  • "I think I'll drink a toast to Rotunda for not marrying that silly, little plumber."
  • "Oh you hunky love muffin, you! I've been looking for you all my life!"

Hooded Robin[edit]

  • "(in Koopa's voice) Troopas, retreat!"
  • "(in Koopa's voice) I want, uh...daisies! Fetch me every daisy in the forest!"
  • "Not Koopa, my friend! T'was I, Hooded Robin; Sharewood's most wanted outlaw! People call for my speciality! (in Koopa's voice) I'm the Sheriff of Koopingham, scourge of the Mushroom Kingdom!"
  • "Precisely, old chap! I rob from the rich Koopa, and give to the poor Mushrooms."
  • "Fear not, m'lady! Hooded Robin is the swashbuckler supreme!"
  • "Friends, I'd like ya to meet the good Mushroom folk of Sharewood Village!"
  • "Jolly good! Hooded Robin and his Mario men, shall stop Koopa in his greedy tracks!"
  • "A cinch! He's on his way there!"
  • "Sheriff, you're quite mistaken! I'm going to return that gold to the kind Mushfolk of Sharewood, or my name's not: Hooded Robin!"
  • "Now, to go for the gold!"
  • "Hooded Robin laughs at danger!"
  • "Hooded Robin, never admits defeat!"
    (Looks like King Koopa is talking)
  • "Hooded in big trouble!"
  • "Bravo! I knew my Mario men were made of tough stuff!"
  • "Hooded Robin, is...lucky to have such simply smashing friends!"
  • "Hmmm... We need something to catch Fryguy's fancy!"
  • "(*with Mario and Luigi*) Frygal?"
  • "(in a girly voice) Your highness, Hooded Robin can imitate any voice! (normal voice) Frygal? Oh no! I'm not...dressing up as Frygal!"
  • "(as Frygal) Hello, handsome! You remind me of my old flame!"
  • "(as Frygal) Let's step around the corner and see what cooks!"
  • "The treasure vault! It's red hot!"
  • "Indeed, you vile reptile! The gold is going back to the, Mushroom citizens of Sharewood!"
  • "We have defeated the Sheriff of Koopingham!"
  • "This calls for a celebration feast!"
  • "Of course! The more, the merrier!"


  • "Uh, how about doin' another trick and getting me some more oats?"
  • "No oats, no work. Sorry, fat boy!"

Howard Stevens[edit]

  • "Good afternoon, gentlemen! Are you Mario and Luigi?"
  • "I'd say you fall into the uh, poor category!"
  • "Astonishing! This is the...Second to Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci Rooney! It's one of the rarest paintings in history!"
  • "This painting disappeared over 300 years ago! After Da Vinci Rooney painted it, his student Leonardo Da Vinci stole his idea and painted the famous Last Supper! Once day, this painting disappeared without a trace; it was believed to be lost forever! That is, until now! Hold on to your hats, boys! This painting is worth over a hundred zillion dollars!"
  • "One thing you can afford to do, is not watch these scenes from the next Legend of Zelda!"
  • "That's right! Think big, boys! Someday, you may even appear on my show, Lifestyles of the Poor and Unknown!"
  • "Hold it! What is this, I see?"
  • "Oh dear, boys! I'm afraid this painting is not worth one hundred zillion dollars!"
  • "No, Luigi. I'm afraid this painting is not worth, diddly squat."
  • "Unfortunately, Mario, I'm completely serious. This, is a bogus Da Vinci Roonie!"
  • "This worthless piece of art was painted by an impostor, Leonardo Da Vinci...Mahoney!"
  • "Exactly, Mario! Leonardo Da Vinci openly stole from his teacher Da Vinci Roonie, but his fellow student, Da Vinci Mahoney, was even worse! You see, he stole Da Vinci Roonie's ideas, and signed his teacher's name, on his paintings."
  • "Aha! In all his paintings, Da Vinci Mahoney always managed to slip in a likeness of his uncle, Roy Pompassoni Mahoney!"
  • "Fellas... Read. My. Lips! This painting is worth...nothing! Nada! Zilch! Zero! Zip!"
  • "You couldn't trade this painting for a bag of empty aluminum cans! If you wanted to get backstage at a B.J. Thomas concert, this painting would be worth nothing as a bribe!"
  • "If you found a Pong video game at a garage sale for 10¢, and all you had was this painting, you would leave empty-handed! This is not worth a whole lot! Get my drift?"
  • "Look, boys. I hate to see anyone go away with nothing when they came so close to being rich and famous! How would, $7 be for the frame?"
  • "That's the spirit, Luigi, Mario! I'm Howard Steves, hoping all your champagne milkshakes, and caviar pizzas, come true!"
  • "(*with Mario and Luigi*) Do the Mario!"

Imperial Poobah[edit]

  • "Hello there! Is this the residence of Mario and Luigi?"
  • "None other!"
  • "Very good! You may rise, oh loyal servants of the sinks!"
  • "Proclamation: It is with immense pleasure that I do hereby decree, Mario and Luigi, have been chosen by the Great Order of Plumbers, to be Plumbers of the Year!"
  • "None other!"
  • "Of course! Before I can award you the Plumbers of the Year trophy, I must conduct the imperial investigation; just a routine inspection, to confirm that you meet the Grand Order of Exacting Standards of Excellence."
  • "Now!"
  • "Yes, if you are truly worthy of being Plumbers of the Year, you have nothing to worry about! Nothing to worry about! Nothing to worry about!"
  • "Well, Mario and Luigi, you sure run a tight ship!"
  • "It looks like you boys truly are worthy! Congratula-"
  • "Uh oh?"
  • "(*with Mario and Luigi*) Uh oh!"
  • "It looks like your pipe's sprung a leak!"
  • "Yeah, a trickle, I'm afraid this changes things. Apparently, you don't have what it takes!"
  • "You'll never fix this leak! It's a flood!"
  • "This is no time for snacks!"
  • "That's really impressive! I want to tell you I'm impressed! That's remarkable! That was the most inventive use of available material! I've never seen a plumber employ! Luigi and Mario, in light of recent developments, you have demonstrated, beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are in fact, worthy of the title of Plumbers of the Year! And it's a great honor that I hereby convey to you by virtue of the power invested to me by the Grand Order of Plumbers, a set of steak knives, dices, hand see them on TV! Allow six to eight weeks for delivery. I now pronounce you, Plumbers of the Year!"
  • "Oh, here we go again!"
  • "Hello there! This is a plumbing emergency! I'd like to order ten pizzas to go! With cheese, with cheese! Cheese!"
  • "{*with Mario and Luigi*} Do the Mario!"

Indiana Joe[edit]

  • "The bravest, baddest treasure hunter in Jungleland: Indiana Joe!"
  • "Piece of cake, Jake!"
  • "Here it is! The Temple of Koopa!"
  • "It was built by the evil reptile's great-great grandkoop. Inside is the Lost Mushroom!"
  • "No way, Ray! That place is terrifying, dangerous, and...just plain icky! I don't mind leadin' you here, but I'm not going inside!"
  • "Almost anything! I have...Koopaphobia!"
  • "When I see a Koopa, I turn...yellow as a canary's belly!"
  • "A guy with Koopaphobia can't be a...treasure hunter. So I've decided to give it up and...go into...babysitting."
  • "Ouch! Ouch! Ow! Hey, that hurts! Ow! Ow!"
  • "That does it! I'm with you guys! Koopa may be scary, but he's nothing compared to these brats!"
  • "Ow! Let's get outta here!"
  • "Thanks, pals for helping me get rid of my Koopaphobia!"

Inspector Gadget[edit]

Defective Gadgetry[edit]

  • "I understand you plumbers can fix anything mechanical! I needed an emergency adjustment! The name is Gadget; Inspector Gadget!"
  • "Well, I need you to fix them while I wait, to see if I'm expecting important instructions from the chief!"
  • "Does he always do that?"
  • "Chief, is that you? Yes, sir! I'll be there as soon as the Mario Bros. fix me up!"
  • "Sorry, fellas. I'm going to pieces!"
  • "I have one question, fellas!"
  • "How long have you two been working for the evil Dr. Claw?"
  • "Very good!"
  • "Oh, thanks, sir! Well, tell me! Will you gentlemen take a check?"
  • "By the way, where did you find my new spare parts?"
  • "A novelty store?"
  • "How marvelous! Capfingers! Well, thank you, Mario Bros.! I think I'll leave before you can do anything else to help!"
  • "Go, go, Rocket Shoes! WOWZERS!!!"
  • "(*with Mario and Luigi*) Do the Mario!"

Treasure of the Sierra Brooklyn[edit]

  • "Inspector Gadget here!"
  • "Well hold on Luigi, I'll be right over to give you a hand! Go, go, Gadget Bike!"
  • "I said I'd be right over to give you a hand. Literally."
  • "Go, go, Gadget Mallet! ...Go, go, Gadget Mallet! ...It seems to be stuck."
  • "Yes, you might try standing back. Oh, sorry about that, Luigi."
  • "Nothing under there."
  • "Right."
  • "One...two...three!"
  • "Maybe so, boys. I'd better handle this! WOWZERS!!!"
  • "Sorry about that, Mario brothers. Sometimes I don't know the strength of my own gadgets."
  • "Get out of here!"
  • "Be very careful, Luigi!"
  • "This isn't a treasure's the wiring diagram for the basement!"

Inspector Klean[edit]

  • "No, and that's why I'm in such a bad mood! But judging from the looks of this place, heheheh, I think I'll be able to pick up a few extra points!"
  • "Go away!"
  • "Well, what have we here? Hahahaha! Aha... Anchovy pizza, with extra mold! Minus 50 points!"
  • "Uh-huh! You know, boys, I feel better already!"
  • "What's under the tub?"
  • "What tub?!"
  • "This tub! That! This! That! This tub!"
  • "Eeyuch! Aha! Keeping slimy pets at a location at a location of business, huh? Minus 100 points!"
  • "That's right! You know, boys, it looks like you're on your way out! If I were you, I'd start packing!"
  • "Let's just carry the 5, 5 times 3, carry the 1- What was that?"
  • "Aha! Leaky pipes! Another 50 points! Oh, we're close, boys! Very close!"
  • "Yeah, yes, that's right. Well, it looks like we have a-"
  • "That does it! Attacking a city official! You guys are evicted!"
  • "Don't bother me, you brute! I'm evicting you! You're outta here!"
  • "What?! My head?!"
  • "*gasp* It's back! It's back! My hair is back! It must be that special water coming from your leaky pipes! It made my hair grow back!"
  • "I-It's amazing! I haven't had hair since I was five years old! Alright, guys! You'll pass inspection, heheh... That is, this time!"
  • "Oh, thank you!"
  • "(*with Mario and Luigi*) Do the Mario!"

Jim Lange[edit]

  • "Hi, Mario! I came over just as soon as I got your call."
  • "No problem but, why do you need the help of a game show host?"
  • "Geez! I see why! I'll try my best. You know, I time, there was a contestant that came on."
  • "Oh yeah! Okay! Excuse me! Uh, Mr. Host?"
  • "Ring my bell?"
  • "This is gonna be harder than I thought."
  • "Now, don't worry, Mario. We're gonna figure out how to bring Luigi back to normal. Just relax. I've been in, uh, tougher jams than this. Yeah, I remember... Yeah, it was 1965!"
  • "Hey, that's right! I got an idea! Uh, Mr. Game Show Host?"
  • "I believe that your super duper jackpot furnace has burned out!"
  • "No!"
  • "Thank you!"
  • "Luigi? Luigi? Are you okay?"
  • "Luigi!"
  • "Thank you! Thank you, Mario! Hey, you know that reminds me of a show we used to do, and we used to say goodbye in a special way. Would you guys help me?"
  • "Okay! You guys help me do this! Are you ready?"
  • "Here we go! To say goodbye to everybody out there! Come on!"
  • "Oh, no!"
  • "(*with Mario and Luigi*) Do the Mario!"


  • "Hiya, Mario! Here's your pizza!"
  • "Yeah, me again! Gosh, I love a man who can eat his waiting pizza!"
  • "Oh, well! Nothin' like a steady customer! I'll see you in a bit!"
  • "Surprise, surprise! Here you go, Mario!"
  • "You're welcome, Mario, my darling!"
  • "I shall return!"
  • "Yum, yum, yum! Here you go, Mario!"
  • "Oh, uh... You might not have noticed this, Mario, but...I think you're awfully cute!"
  • "Oh, no one! They're free!"
  • "Yeah! The-The pizzeria hired a new chef, and he's been experimenting with all kinds of weird ingredients, and the boss said to throw the out but, I thought it'd be a great excuse to see Mario! I'll feel in anything! I gotta run! Bye!"


  • "Princess! I knew you'd come!"
  • "Romano and I were about to be married when the Koopa came to our world and started a feud between our two families!"
  • "We don't know what to do!"
  • "I'm almost ready! Here comes the bride!"
  • "Help! Put me down!"
  • "Romano, Romano! Where the heck art thou, Romano?"
  • "Oh, Romano! Parting was such sweet sorrow!"
  • "We will escape... We won't escape!"

June and Ward[edit]


  • "Oh, Ward. This treehouse is just too quiet. I want to hear..."
  • "Mr. Stork! He's coming!"
  • "We're the luckiest apes in the world!"
  • "Oh, Ward! What should we call him?"
  • "Marzan! We'll call him Marzan!"
  • "Such a big appetite for a little fella!"
  • "Maaaaarzaaaan! Diiiiinnerrrr!"
  • "Well, your majesty, my banana casserole is practically ruined, and just look at your clothes!"
  • "Oh, dear! I don't think I have enough casserole for everybody."


  • "The pitter-patter of little ape feet. I know, June, but we have to wait for-"
  • "By golly, June! It IS the stork!"
  • "We're your mom and pop, little fella!"
  • "Welcome to the family, Marzan!"
  • "Now, be careful, son. It's a jungle out there!"
  • "Marzan, you're late for dinner, son."
  • "Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle! Is it Halloween already?"
  • "Hmmm... I always thought that was called a people wrench."
  • "That's our Marzan, King of the Jungle!"

King James[edit]

  • "Koopa, you're tough, you ugly fang-face! My Flab Boys gonna free me from this place!"
  • "Good rap will win before we're through!"
  • "Rap Land's still not safe from that Koopa thug! We gotta cut his power! Pull the royal plug!"
  • "You're gonna get hurt! Just let go!"
  • "Now it's time to do a super rap! You know what I mean?"
  • "Mario, Mario, you're so cool! You're number 1 in a rappin' duel!"

King Koopa[edit]

The Bird! The Bird![edit]

  • "Well, at last you two powder-puffs did something right!"
  • "Watch it, soldier! When I want my feet licked, I'll ask for it; I want my feet licked!"
  • "This will be the last time those pinhead plumbers throw a monkey wrench into MY evil plans!"
  • "Attention, Koopa Troopers! It's air raid time!"
  • "For badness below and behind the call of cruelty, I, the devious King Koopa, bestow these medals of the double-cross!"
  • "THEY WHAAAAAT?!?! You fumbling beak-geeks blew it!!"
  • "I'll have to lead the next attack myself!"
  • "Koopa Troopa Pack, attack! Put out that super plumber's fire!"
  • "It's all over, scum-scrubbers!"
  • "Who threw that vegetable?"
  • "Retreat! Retreat!!"
  • "I'll be back! You haven't heard the last of King Koopa!"

King Mario of Cramalot[edit]

  • "Now I can spread my evil meanness all over to Cramalot!"
  • "So...Mario thinks HE'S king of Cramalot! That impudent little faucet fixer! HOW DARE HE! There's only one king of Cramalot, AND WHO IS THAT!?"
  • "It's time to teach that pasta-eatin' plumber and his friends, NOT to crown the Koopa! Sound the Koopa Troopa attack!"
  • "Don't celebrate yet, you sewer-scrubbin'-lovin' losers!"
  • "I wouldn't do that if you value the Princess's beauty!"
  • "Gimme that plunger!"
  • "When I get through with you lasagna-lovin' losers, you'll wish you never CAME to Cramalot!"
  • "This is the most glorious day of my Koopa career! At last I'm king! King of aaaaaaaaall Cramalot!"
  • "Cursed crocodiles! It's that pepperoni plumber!"
  • "We'll see about that! Seize them!"
  • "Easier said than done, macaroni-mouth!"
  • "I don't know. What?"
  • "Cut the cord and fight, faucet face!"
  • "Flattery will get you nowhere!"
  • "Take that!"
  • "Drats. You pasta-brained plumbers have foiled my plans again!"
  • "Then as the old saying goes... He who Koops and runs away, lives to Koop another day!"

Butch Mario & The Luigi Kid[edit]

  • "You'll never see those pipsqueak plumbers again! I put prices on their heads, and a patsy on their tails! Your kingdom, will NEVER be free, and you'll spend the rest of your life, crawling at night!"
  • "Then there's breakfast, lunch, and dinner...for the rest of the week! I'll drop by in a few weeks to accept your surrender! Starve well, my pretty princess!"
  • "Those pesky plumbers got away?! You buck-toothed bumblehead! You're a disgrace to rodents everywhere! You put those drain-drips in prison, or I'll lock YOU up instead!"
  • "How about... to my...PRISONERS!"
  • "Princess Toadstool can forget about a rescue! I got her budinski buddies all Koopered up!"
  • "Now, linguini-lips...we'll see who's REALLY the fastest gun in the west!"
  • "At the cheep of six, draw!"
  • "GOTCHA!"
  • "Like my grandfather Poopa La Koopa always said, 'Cheat, beat, and be merry!'"
  • "How nice of you to drop in on Princess Toadstool! How are you gonna get out NOW, drain-o-brains?! Now I got you pipesqueaks JUST where I want ya!"
  • "There's more than one way to get rid of pests!"

Mario's Magic Carpet[edit]

  • "I'll give ya three urns of dried dates for her! That's my final offer!"
  • "P-U!"
  • "You're mine, Princess! All mine!"
  • "Prepare yourself, for a long torturous journey, Princess!"
  • "Far far away, where your buttinsky buddies can NEVER save you!"
  • "Au contraire! My evil scheme, is right on schedule! Soon we'll be flying over some nasty quicksand, ad that's where I'll bid you adieu!"
  • "What was that?"
  • "If the altitude's bothering you, I can take care of that, pronto!"
  • "This is where you get off!"
  • "She can't save her kingdom from there! Now to pull the rug out from under those Marios!"
  • "Gotcha!"
  • "She's playing in the sand!"
  • "Oh no, you won't!"
  • "Hello? Pidgit Express? This is King Koopa! Send me a dozen Pidgits, pronto!"
  • "Don't know what I'd do without my carpet phone."
  • "I'll get you for this, you pesky plumbers! A Koopa never forgets!"

Rolling Down the River[edit]

  • "Fool! Those pinhead plumbers are bound to try and rescue Princess Toadstool! And I intend to capture them before they do! Outta my way, rodent!"
  • "What kinda birthday cake?"
  • "Happy? Impostor! I never use the H-word!"
  • "Now all I need is those faucet freak Mario Bros.!"
  • "Your pushy plumber friends are finished, Princess!"
  • "Don't interrupt me! Not while I'm boasting and gloating!"
  • "As I was saying, with Mark Twang out of the race..."
  • "What?"
  • "I don't believe it! How did Twang fix that steam engine?"
  • "No, no, no! It's that muttonhead Mario!"
  • "Let them come! I have a big surprise for them! Bring me the Black Pit Bob-Ombs!"
  • "Don't question my orders, you rotten rodent! Just do it!"
  • "Down the drain with those pesky pipe-pushers!"
  • "So what? Those pinhead plumbers will never get past the black pit! I'll still win this race, and become King of the River!"
  • "Stop wisecracking, Mushroom, or I'll turn you into soap!"
  • "No, no, no! I hate those pesky plumbers!"
  • "Put me down, you wrench monkey!"
  • "Are you kiddin'? I'm a villain, remember?"
  • "Man the guns! Keelhaul the anchor! Sink that side-wheeler!"
  • "Laugh now, sewer-scum! But when I get outta here, I'll plug your pipes!"

The Great Gladiator Gig[edit]

  • "Guess who's coming to dinner, Tryclydius? The Marios!"
  • "Don't let 'em see ya, snake-breath! I want 'em to walk into my trap!"
  • "Why do I have to give you an order three times before it sinks in?"
  • "I can't let you ninnies ruin my plan to get the Marios outta the way!"
  • "Get back here, you stupid serpent!"
  • "Hmm... I've been looking so forward to your visit!"
  • "Emperor Augustus Septemberus Octoberus Koopa to you, my little prisoner!"
  • "They're gonna find out about it right now, bright-eyes! In the meantime, lemme make you both comfortable!"
  • "There's no escaping the great Augustus Septemberus Octoberus Koopa!"
  • "Welcome to my spaghetti dinner, faucet freaks!"
  • "And I'd like to introduce you clogheads to my gladiator! Fight him and win, and you go free!"
  • "Why, thank you, Princess! Bring on my champion!"
  • "Enjoying the show, Princess?"
  • "Awww! It'll be over soon! Tryclydius is gonna make minced Mario meat outta those two wrenchheads!"
  • "Not for long, Princess! Three heads are better than two!"
  • "It can't be! They defeated my champion!"
  • "That's what YOU think! Brutius, release the lions!"
  • "One of the nice things about being evil is, you get to lie a lot!"
  • "Come now! Be a good girl, Princess!"
  • "You Marios haven't seen the last of King Koopa!"

Mario and the Beanstalk[edit]

  • "Fum fee fi fo! I smell the brothers Mario!"
  • "It won't open, basin brains!"
  • "Fee fum fi foo! I'm gonna cook some Mario stew!"
  • "I told ya! You're staying to be my dinner!"
  • "Now will ya believe me?"
  • "Fee fi fo fum! I'll lock you up, cause you're so dumb!"
  • "Fi fum fee faddit! You two guys have really had it!"
  • "That's right! Forever! And since you admire my gold coins so much, you may remain with them...for the rest of your lives! Eventually, you'll be crushed by them! Watch this! Lay!"
  • "That goose is gonna smother you brothers! Lay!"
  • "Oh, no, no, no! It shrunk me!"
  • "This is just a small setback! I'll return, bigger than ever!"

The Great BMX Race[edit]

  • "Attention, Team Koopa! When those pain-in-the-drain plumbers reach Dead Man's Curve, nail 'em real nasty!"
  • "Now I'll really pull the plug on those faucet freaks!"
  • "You're my prisoner, Princess! And soon, your pedal-pushin' plumbers will be outta MY hair forever!"
  • "I'd try, my dear! I'd try!"
  • "No one asked for a trap faster than a plumber! Prepare for...Operation Smash 'Em! ...Now!"
  • "What?"
  • "Not for long, fungus-face! Phase 2, featherheads! And hurry!"
  • "Aw, yikes! Track them, Troopas!"
  • "Ohhhh! You bumbling boobs!"
  • "Okay! That does it! You're ALL gonna be Koopatized!"
  • "There'll be other crooked races, and other ways to cheat!"
  • "Whoa! Ow! That hurt!"

Stars in Their Eyes[edit]

  • "And his magnetic personality!"
  • "Gut wrenching, isn't it?"
  • "Stick around for the party, ya honk-faced Quirks!"
  • "Oh, yes it CAN, ya little twerp! You're gonna spend the rest of your lives in chains!"
  • "They'll never lose their chains because I control them!"
  • "Electronically, no less!"
  • "You're breaking my heart, Princess! Now get to work! Now that you and these Quirks are my slaves, I got other planets to plunder!"
  • "There's no escaping from Moon Man Koopa!"
  • "Not with tools in your pockets!"
  • "I'll dispose of those fried cooks!"
  • "Come to Koopa, my little olive pit!"
  • "I'll get those Quirks for thiiiiiis!"
  • "You call that music? Stop that racket!"
  • "I hate that music, I hate spaghetti, I hate Quirks, I hate those faucet freeeeeeaks!"

Jungle Fever[edit]

  • "Well, what didja find out what those bumbling basin-brains are up to?"
  • "I've heard o' him! He's the best elixir mixer in the jungle!"
  • "Oh yeah? Well, two can play at that game! And I know how to cheat!"
  • "There's no warning sign, you faucet freak because I stole it! Okay, Koopa Pack! Time to attack!"
  • "That's right! Ya can't go back! But ya can go down!"
  • "So long, scum scrubbers!"
  • "It's my own Koopa Strength Itching Powder! You're gonna scratch so bad you'll fall off that bridge! Now I'm gonna get that witch doctor and his magic potion for myself!"
  • "Those pesky plumbers must be falling to their doom right now!"
  • "Never interrupt me when I'm gloating!"
  • "Alright! Which one of you messed up?! Who ruined all my sneaky underhanded plans?!"
  • "OW!!! Watch where you're going, ya egg crate! Better yet, commence fire!"
  • "Forward! Quick! There's no time to lose!"
  • "Hey, doc! Can you mix potions from inside a gunnysack?"
  • "Well, here's your chance!"
  • "And it's just beginning, basin-brains! And while you're scratching yourselves to your graves, your good witch doctor will be mixing bad potions, for me!"
  • "Now, make me a potion which will stop Princess Toadstool from trying to rescue her Mushroom people and ruining all my fun!"
  • "Or I feed ya to these starving Piranha Plants!"
  • "That's it! That potion will turn Princess Toadstool into a helpless rock!"
  • "You're stalling, Sheldon!"
  • "HEY!!! Capture them!"
  • "Thank you, Princess! You saved me ALL the trouble of hunting you down! You're so nice to me!"
  • "You're right! It IS the last thing! Witch doctor! Douse her with that potion and turn her into a rock!"
  • "HEY!!! Ohhhh! IT ITCHES!!!"

Brooklyn Bound[edit]

  • "The only place those faucet freaks will straight to my dungeon!"
  • "After them, you muddleheaded mongols!"
  • "Looks like those drips have finally taken the big drop!"
  • "For courage beyond compare! For bravery beyond description! I praise this great hero, the superior fiend, me! Koopa Khan the Magnificent!"
  • "If I didn't deserve this, I wouldn't give it to me!"
  • "Yeah! A me! For getting rid of the Princess and her pals all in one fell swoop! Cheer me, you clods!"
  • "WHAT?!"
  • "Koopa Pack, it's time to attack! TO YOUR OSTRICHES!!!"
  • "Last one into the cave is a goodie-goodie!"
  • "Hey! Drains-for-brains!"
  • "Goodbye, and good riddance!"
  • "You'll never reach it, faucet face! You and your friends are doomed!"
  • "Darn! You disgusting drainhead!"
  • "Whoops! Time to Koopa out!"
  • "You Snifit cowards! You yellow-bellies! Wait for your fearless leader! You'll pay for this, you pesky plumber! Yeeow!"
  • "You stupid sniveling Snifits! Find a way across that chasm, and find it, NOW!"
  • "Ow ow ow ow ow!"
  • "That was my idea, you snug-faced simp!"
  • "Let's go, and don't spare the ostrich power!"
  • "Don't worry, plumber boys! I'll take care of them!"
  • "Goodbye, jerkos! And don't come back!"
  • "Oh yeah? And who's gonna stop me? Your plumber pals ran out on you, remember?"
  • "Snifits! Smash them!"
  • "You sniveling Snifits! This is no time to sneak out! Wait! I'll getcha! Whoa!"
  • "I hate plumbers! I hate 'em, I hate 'em, I hate 'em!"

Toad Warriors[edit]

  • "Lock them up and throw away the key! And whatever you do, don't let them get away! The last of the spaghetti sauce is almost in my hands! I'll make a fortune selling it back to those miserable Mushrooms, and now I've got that pesky Princess, too!"
  • "Car 54½, come in...or else!"
  • "Get your motors running! They've got the Princess inside that Rebel Fort! Koopa Pack, attack!"
  • "That mouse-brain! To think of all the gold coins I wasted on his driver's ed classes!"
  • "Those miserable wrench-heads won't ruin MY evil plans! Prepare an ambush, Mouser! Make road pizzas outta them!"
  • "I've heard of falling stars, but plummeting plumbers?"
  • "Enough Mr. Nice Guy. It's time for my ultimate weapon. Mouser, bring forth the Thunderbirdo!"
  • "FIRE!!!"
  • "End of the road, Princess Toadstool! End of the road! Hahahahahahahaha!"
  • "Wait till the smoke clears, Mouser! Those plumbers are tricky! It could be a sink trap."
  • "Oh, alright. Let's move in!"
  • "I'll get you for this, Mario! Koopa Pack, reattack! And get that loser Luigi, too! And get him! Get them! Get all of them!"
  • "Forward-ho!"
  • "No miserable little Mushroom beats King-of-the-Road Koopa in a (coughs) race!"
  • "Deal! For sure it won't be you, biker-breath!"
  • "Hey, warthog! Let's play chicken!"
  • "I'll be back! You can't keep a bad Koopa down!"

The Fire of Hercufleas[edit]

  • "Bring me the Great Balls of Fire!"
  • "Hercufleas? He's a has-been. Even you bonehead Beezos can stop that over-the-hill hero!"
  • "Why am I cursed with such mush-headed minions?"
  • "Ah, Mouser! I was just talkin' about you!"
  • "Perfect! Once I have the Great Balls of Fire, I'll really heat things up for that princess, fungus, and those sewer simps!"
  • "These fireballs are fantastic! Think of the destruction! Think of the wreckage! Think of how much this'll lower my heating bill!"
  • "If those faucet freaks want the Great Balls of Fire that badly, I'd hate to disappoint them!"
  • "Mouser! More marshmallows!"
  • "What enemies, you repugnant rodent? I've already roasted 'em!"
  • "The Marios? You're supposed to be smoked! Did Jerkufleas save you?"
  • "Beezos to battle stations! We'll fry the funny fungus first!"
  • "Stop this, Hercuflop!"
  • "You pathetic little firecrackers! Don't Koop out on me! Ah! I can trounce this mush-twerp, fire or no fire!"
  • "And so am I! Where's my getaway chariot?"
  • "So long, flush-faces! You can keep your Great Balls of Fizzle!"

Count Koopula[edit]

  • "Those pesky plumbers are playing right into my fangs!"
  • "Mousigor!"
  • "Prepare rooms for Princess Toadstool and her foolish friends! And you, you vapid vampire, go lure our victims...into my castle!"
  • "Before the night is through, I'll make them wish they never came to Turtlevania!"
  • "Welcome to the Castle of Count Koopula! Dinner is served!"
  • "I command you! Behold the full moon!"
  • "You can do what you want with the pasta freaks, but don't hurt the Princess! Now find 'em!"
  • "Too late, Princess!"
  • "I'm taking you to Count Koopula's Torture Chamber, Wax Museum and Dungeon of Horrors!"
  • "Say ciao to your friends, Princess Toadstool! That's goodbye in Italian, because when you see 'em again, you'll be a tomato sauce-sucking vampire, just like me!"
  • "Now, my dear, it's time to initiate you into the loyal brotherhood of tomato sauce vampires!"
  • "Uh oh! I hate sunlight!"
  • "Outta my way, plumb scum!"
  • "I'll get you for this! I'll be back! Just you wait and see!"

Pirates of Koopa[edit]

  • "And Blackbeard Koopa himself! Hehe! Well, well, well! Look what the tide washed up! The muttonhead Marios and that miserable little Mushroom! Ah, and the Princess. What perfect plunder for a pirate! Hahahahaha! I gotcha NOW, you stupid jellyfish! Surrender!"
  • "Fire a warning shot! On second thought, blow the plumber boys and the Princess right off the boat!"
  • "That wasn't very nice, you puny plumber! You thought you could dupe the Koop, did ya?"
  • "What do you want?"
  • "Oh yeah, ya mangy little Mushroom?! He who laughs last laughs best! Koopa Pirate Pack, attack!"
  • "Would Blackbeard Koopa lie? Besides, you didn't come willingly!"
  • "It's pirate party time!"
  • "Nonsense, my dear! The party's in your honor! I'm selling you to the pirate who can steal me the most gold coins!"
  • "But everyone IS here in your honor, my precious Princess!"
  • "These scurvy scoundrels won't care!"
  • "Aren't I, though? But enough of this sweet talk!"
  • "Listen close, you repulsive wretches! It's time to play "Auction the Princess!""
  • "Do I hear one thousand gold coins? Remember, the money goes to my favorite charity... Me."
  • "Sink another ship! Raid another port! This princess is worth more than that measly bit!"
  • "Do I hear a million gold coins for this fair maiden of the sea?"
  • "A billion? Heh! Sold to the puny pirate with the hideous hair, for a billion gold coins!"
  • "I'm rich! Rich! Filthy stinking mouthwatering rich!"
  • "You! You miserable Mario Bros.!"
  • "Don't just stand there, you pathetic dunderheads! Let's get 'em!"
  • "Whooooa! I'll be back to sink yooooouuuuu!"

Two Plumbers and a Baby[edit]

  • "Ga ga! You'll be eighteen inches tall when I turn the Fountain of Youth up to full power, ya old fogy! Then you'll work for the Koopa!"
  • "It's King Goo Goo Ga Ga Koopa to you!"
  • "Ouch!"
  • "Albatoss! Catch those sniveling rugrats!"
  • "Ga ga goo goo! Now you terrible tots will do all my chores while I play!"
  • "Huh? It's the miserable Marios, that mush-headed Mushroom and the pesky Princess! Goo goo them!"
  • "Now I've gotcha where I want ya, ya pint-sized brat!"
  • "Hey! Show some respect for us grownups!"
  • "Koopa Pack, it's time to attack!"
  • "Use the bomb net, you featherbrain!"
  • "Stop or I'll tell on you! I've been hangin' around these kids too long!"
  • "Net THEM, you flying squawkbox, not me!"
  • "You'll never get away with it, you noodle noggins!"
  • "I'll fix you!"
  • "(as a baby) What?! Huh?! I'll be back to get you, when I grow up!"

The Adventures of Sherlock Mario[edit]

  • "That lasagna-lovin' lunkhead will never find us down here! And with Herlock Solmes my prisoner, I can now commit that criminal caper of the century!"
  • "Oh no? And who's gonna stop me? I'm afraid you're all tied up at the moment!"
  • "So, Mr. Smartypants Detective, I'll bet you can't guess what my next caper'll be!"
  • "Alright! Which one of you bonehead blabbermouths spilled the beans?!"
  • "QUIEEEET! You dimwitted dunderheads! We've got a Koopa caper to commence!"
  • "Of course it was a great idea. I thought of it, didn't I? Only a crafty Koopa could figure out a way into the Tower of Victoria!"
  • "Magic your stuff!"
  • "With this new weapon, I'm gonna clog every drain in Victoria and flood the city with sewer water!"
  • "Rotten reptiles! It's that pasta-eatin' plumber!"
  • "Launch the Koopa Pack attack!"
  • "Too bad for you, faucet face!"
  • "Time to snare these linguini-lickin' losers!"
  • "This time, I'm sending you bilge-brains to the great waterworks in the sky!"
  • "You don't scare me, you linguini-lickin' losers!"
  • "In a few moments, you'll be sliced salami! So long, gutter gophers!"
  • "Soon I'll be the vilest villain to ever victimize Victoria! Whaddaya think of me now, Mr. Detective Defective?"
  • "Who asked YOU, cheese-breath? Now get back to work! We've got a Koopa caper to commence!"
  • "Then let's sink this city in sewer water!"
  • "This time, you eggplant-eating idiots are too late!"
  • "Koopa Pack, attack!"
  • "Then as the old saying goes, 'He who Koops and runs away, lives to Koop another day!'"

Do You Princess Toadstool Take this Koopa...?[edit]

  • "And it's gonna get badder before it gets better, faucet freaks!"
  • "I think it's time you joined the rest of the Mushroom People, as a rock!"
  • "And he ain't the only one going bye-bye! I'm gonna turn those two fat little plumbers, into two FLAT little plumbers!"
  • "Anything? Like, marry me?"
  • "With you as my bride, I'll be the legal ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom! It's the only thing I need to accomplish total victory!"
  • "I knew I was irresistible!"
  • "Tell ya what? I'll restore Toad and your people before the wedding, and free the Marios after! Deal?"
  • "Take the Princess to the great hall, and spread the word! We're gettin' married in the morning!"
  • "The lucky Princess Toadstool's gonna get me as her handsome husband!"
  • "This better fit!"
  • "Hey, you! Put together a band! A loud band! The louder, the better! And you! Make up a guest list! Invite all my friends to the wedding!"
  • "Well, there's uh...nah, nah. How about, eh...uh... Alright. Invite my mother! She'll show up for the cake!"
  • "I can't get married in this jacket!"
  • "And why is that, my beautiful betrothed?"
  • "Oh, alright. Keep your crown on. You want people to think I'm marrying a nag?"
  • "Get that little toadstool outta here before I get sick!"
  • "Doin' what I do best: being really bad! I'm rockin' ya back to sleep!"
  • "Correction, stone face! I just GOT away with it!"
  • "You there! Troopas! Take this rock pile back inside the castle! I don't want the Princess to find out what I did to her people till after our wedding!"
  • "No, no, no! Put some feeling into it! Some romance! Some-"
  • "I'm glad, Mama!"
  • "Yes, Mama! Right, Mama! Sorry, Mama!"
  • "If that jacket's not ready, Mouser, I'll turn you over to Mama!"
  • "All right! Lookin' good, your royal Koopaness!"
  • "I'm coming, Mama!"
  • "Don't forget our deal, Princess! I kept my promise to free your people. Now you keep yours!"
  • "Yes, Mama?"

The Pied Koopa[edit]

  • "Boogie with Koopa, you fungus brats! Boogie right into my double-dealing clutches!"
  • "Wanna bet, my soggy little sink slob?"
  • "Troopas! Take these plumbers prisoner! Also the princess and that fathead Mushroom!"
  • "Since you busy bodies flooded my favorite dungeon, I think it's only fair you spend the rest of your lives there! Toss 'em in the drink!"
  • "What's going on with those brats? Mouser!!"
  • "Mouser, this is NOT a nursery school! This is an evil castle!"
  • "Round up those little monsters and throw 'em in the brig then double the guard!"
  • "You're thinking too small, you repulsive rodent! Triple the guard!"
  • "Good work, Mouser!"
  • "I get the medal, rodent! Tripling the guard was my idea! It would take a miracle for those brats to escape!"
  • "Hey, mouse-brain! Where's that music coming from?"
  • "Don't be silly! This is Pasta Land! Radio hasn't been invented yet!"
  • "Look! It's those faucet freaks! They're using my own trick against me! Koopa Pack, attack!"
  • "Get back here, you stupid Troopas! You turkey turtles! Get back here, or I'll repossess your shells!"
  • "Stop them! Those rotten toadstool tots are getting away! Mouser! This flute will bring them back, and I'm putting YOU in full charge of the little brats!"
  • "My flute! I've lost my magic flute! Y'know, I've been havin' more bad luck lately than a bad guy can take!"


  • "At last! My creation is almost finished! Now all I need to complete my Monster Robot a brain!"
  • "If only you weren't so stupid, Mouser, I could use yours! Yes, yes! What is it?"
  • "Aha! Just what the doctor ordered! Those plumbers may not be too bright, but between the both of them, I can make one good brain! Good work, Mouser! Now, go capture them and bring them to me! If you fail, I'll feed you to my monster!"
  • "Excellent, Mouser! We'll be able to finish our brain transfer experiment...tonight!"
  • "First, we'll measure your combined brainpower! Think of the smartest person ya know: Me!"
  • "What? Impossible! A potted plant scores higher than that!"
  • "No one is THAT stupid!"
  • "Stop, you faucet-flunkies!"
  • "Last thing I remember, I had those pesky plumbers trapped in my brain drain device! What happened?"

Note that while transformed into the Koopenstein Monster, King Koopa only speaks in grunts, with one line translated by Mouser.

  • "You're never gonna get away!"

On Her Majesty's Sewer Service[edit]

  • "Magic Potion, do your stuff!"
  • "At last! I've Koopa conquered Fort Hard Knox! There's more gold here than in a candy lover's mouth! Let's bag this booty and blow!"
  • "This is the crowning caper of my Koopa career!"
  • "Cursed crocodiles! It's those pepperoni plumbers! Let's Snifit-slaughter 'em!"
  • "Rotten reptiles! I'll ambush 'em with an Albatoss!"
  • "That's it! I'm through trying to reason with those pesky plumbers! Koopfinger to Birdo! Nab those eggplant-eatin' idiots!"
  • "Welcome to my hideout!"
  • "Shut your valve, bilge-brain! We're gonna play a little game!"
  • "The Tunnel of Doom! My favorite!"
  • "How many are there?"
  • "Lousy lizards! Is that all? We're gonna have to pull another caper quick!"
  • "Drat! It's those sewer-swimming secret agents!"
  • "We'll see about that! Koopa pack, attack!"
  • "You clog-clearing clodhoppers have foiled my plans again!"
  • "Then as the old saying goes, he who Koops and runs away, lives to Koop another day!"

Mario and Joliet[edit]

  • "Cursed crocodiles! That budinski Princess is at it again!"
  • "Don't I know it? I've made a fortune supplying Albatosses, Snifits, and Bob-Ombs to those feudin' fools! If the fighting stops, I'll go broke!"
  • "But what can I do?"
  • "What a wonderfully evil idea! Heheh! That'll start the feud all over again!"
  • "He's right here!"
  • "And Grunt, my Super Troopa, will make sure ya stay that way! So long, sewer scum!"
  • "Koopa Pack, attack!"

Too Hot to Handle[edit]

  • "Those pitiful plumbers are falling hook, line and plunger, for my plan to trap the Princess!"
  • "Keep him on ice until that miserable Princess is mine, then you can throw him into the lava machine!"
  • "I'm always ready for sneaky badness!"
  • "Attention, Aloha People! This is your Fire God! Princess Toadstool must be thrown into the volcano at sundown, or the great volcano will explode and destroy your island!"
  • "I love being rotten!"
  • "Then let's keep the heat on!"
  • "Curses! Here come those budinski plumbers again! Koopa Pack, attack!"
  • "What are those idiots waiting for?"
  • "Just because I said it doesn't mean I meant it!"
  • "Here come the Mario Bros. to rescue Princess Toadstool and I've got two mushbrains waiting for sundown! ...I'll fix those freaks!"
  • "At the time of the tone, the time will be: sundown! Phbbbbbt! On with the sacrifice!"
  • "My favorite dish! Fire God under glass! And now to rid myself of the Mario Bros. once and for all! Prepare the lava machine!"
  • "I know! Tha-That's why I like me so much!"
  • "Prepare the lava boat for my getaway with Princess Toadstool!"
  • "Now you're cookin', Fryguy! Once the Princess and I are safely away, set the Lava Machine to bury the island!"
  • "Oh no? My plan has been perfect!"
  • "When I get my mitts on you, you're gonna be creamed, Mushroom!"
  • "Gotcha! Prepare to fry in the Lava Machine, you mangy Mushroom!"
  • "Haven't I told ya never to interrupt me when I'm gloating?"
  • "You mean I can't destroy the island?! I hate those Marios! They always spoil my fun! Well, I'll just have to put the Lava Machine back in action while my two prisoners watch!"
  • "At least you're still my prisoner, and we're escaping in the Lava Boat!"
  • "Ow! Oh! Ooh! I'll get you for this, you meddling Marios! Time to Koop out!"

Hooded Robin and His Mario Men[edit]

  • "Koopingham Castle, straight ahead! I gotta stow this dough! Heheheh! I'm glad that the folks of Sharewood shared with their sheriff!"
  • "Daisies? I didn't ask for daisies! I ordered you to trap that rebel Robin!"
  • "You Nincomtroopa! You were Hoodwinked by Hooded Robin! I'm gonna pluck that bird nerd, wing from wing!"
  • "In the amount of, one wagon full of gold coins!" (was supposed to be Toad saying this)
  • "Forget it, fungus face! I stole that gold unfair and square!"
  • "It'll take more than that lame truffle brain to stop me from getting this gold back to my castle!"
  • "Whoa! Stop!"
  • "How long ya gonna stay here?"
  • "This rich reptile can REALLY rob from the poor...while Beak Geak rots in my dungeon!"
  • "So, Hooded Robin? How does it feel to be a...jailbird?"
  • "Face it, featherweight! You're Kooput!"
  • "MY money, tap turkey! And there's a death penalty for early withdrawal!"
  • "Shut off that Kooplicated contraption, you clog clown! My money's goin' down the drain!"

20,000 Koopas Under the Sea[edit]

  • "So, that's the deal, fungus folks! Happy Harbor is doomed unless you make ME, your king!"
  • "Kiss Koopa's feet and I'll gladly get rid of the sea monster for ya!"
  • "Is that right, fungus? When why don't YOU dingle britches tell me how YOU get rid of that sea monster?"
  • "Who pushed YOUR button, fishmonger?"
  • "Go ahead! Try it, but don't blame me when the sea monster comes back and chomps up your houses! Kindly King Koopa gave you your chance! Get movin', Bloobers! We're outta here!"
  • "Serves ya right, basin-brain!"
  • "Correction, faucet face! This isn't a monster!"
  • "The Koopilus to be exact, under the cruel command of Koopa Nemo!"
  • "And it would've worked if you budinskis hadn't messed things up! They'll never make me their king now!"
  • "So, I'll just have to sail the Koopilus back to Happy Harbor, and WRECK THE PLACE!"
  • "But, in the meantime, I'll make you three my galley slaves!"
  • "Happy Harbor won't be happy much longer! Let's ram 'em, slam 'em, and ruin their day!"
  • "It's times like this that make me proud to be a bully!"
  • "Those clog-brained plumbers have escaped! Stop them!"
  • "I can't wait to wreck the whole town!"
  • "Huh? WHAT?!"
  • "Pesky persnickety plumbers. I wish they'd never been invented."

Mighty McMario and the Pot of Gold[edit]

  • "What? Those pasta-pilfering plumbers are here?"
  • "Then let's throw a Kooper-dooper welcoming party for 'em!"
  • "Looking for this, you lame-brained linguini-lover?"
  • "Don't let those running runts get away!"
  • "Too late, Princess! I hope you like your little room, because you're gonna be in it...forever!"
  • "Forget it! Your pea-brained paisano isn't gonna find a way to anything, except sit in my dungeon...forever!"
  • "Mario has escaped, and that sneaky sink scrubber knows where the gold is! I'd better hide it somewheres else! Mouser, if anything happens to the Princess, I'll turn you into swiss cheese!"
  • "Not now, fungus!"
  • "Too late! His gorgeous self is here!"
  • "You'll have plenty of time to divide up the blame, heh, like the rest of your lives! What a lucky day for me!"
  • "Big deal! Look down there! I'll just load the gold into my royal yacht and sail away! You see? I thought of everything!"
  • "Let go of me! You leprechaun leech!"
  • "Keep away from me! You and your bad luck!"
  • "It's not worth it! Keep the gold coins! Keep the kingdom! Just get that jinx away from meeeeeeeee!"

Mario Meets Koop-zilla[edit]

  • "Run, you tasty tempura tasters! I'm gonna squash this city flatter than a tofu pancake!"
  • "I'll take that, you fish-fixin' fruitcake!"
  • "That's the idea, chopsticks-for-brains! Rampagin' reptiles! It's working!"
  • "Now I'll be the most terrible tyrant to ever trample a town! Koop-zilla!"
  • "Scram, pests, or I'll call an exterminator!"
  • "Boy! Destroying a city isn't all just fun and games; it's hard work!"
  • "All this bashing and crashing really works up an appetite!"
  • "Well, if it isn't two little clogs who climbed outta the sewer!"
  • "I don't take lip like that from insects!"
  • "I'll get you yet, you little lasagna-lovers!"
  • "Just wait till I get my mitts on you midgets!"
  • "Wanna bet, you faucet-fixin featherhead?"
  • "I got you now, you pint-sized pasta-eaters!"
  • "Stand still so I can squash you, ya little vermin!"
  • "You won't escape that easy, you sewer-swimming slimeballs!"
  • "OUCH!!!"
  • "You'll pay for that, you mozzarella morons! But first, I'm gonna crush this city into Koopa Krumbs!"
  • "I haven't had this bigger blast since I set that fire in the dynamite factory!"
  • "Cursed crocodiles! It's that parmesan plumber, and he's as big as me!"
  • "Years of practice!"
  • "Is that so? Well, just remember: He who Koops last, Koops best!"
  • "I'm sendin' you back to Lasagna Land!"
  • "Nice try, bilge-brains!"
  • "Chew on this, pizza-puss!"
  • "You'll pay for that, you miserable mechanic of muck!"
  • "Hey! The city's getting bigger! No! I'm shrinking!"
  • "You two-bit tortellini taster! You've foiled my plans again!"
  • "Then, as the old saying goes, he who Koops and runs away lives to Koop another day!"

Koopa Klaus[edit]

  • "Smash 'em, bust 'em, break 'em! That's what I wanna see! Broken toys! I hate Christmas! I hate gifts! I hate giving! Christmas... Bah humkoop!"
  • "Good, Randolph, ya red-nosed Tryclyde! I'm off to the North Pole to drop those bombs on Santa's workshop. I'll freeze the North Pole, and everyone will have an Unmerry Christmas!"
  • "Leave the cruel lines to me, okay?"
  • "Mush, ya worthless birdbrains! Bah humkoop on Christmas!"
  • "It's Koopa Klaus! Let's give 'em a little Christmas present to melt their frozen pipes, eh?"
  • "Now I've gotcha, Santa! Say goodbye to your workshop and your elves and your toys!"
  • "Chirstmas? Bah humkoop!"
  • "You think those spaghetti-heads are gonna rescue you? Forget it! I got friends in this neck of the woods! Koopa Flurry Pack, attack!"
  • "Those drain-brains have defeated by Flurries!"
  • "No more Mr. Nice Koopa! I got the jolly man, see? One false move and he goes over the cliff! And I got a feeling it won't be such a happy landing, see?"
  • "Christmas? Christmas is a bah humkoop! A bah humkoop! A BAH... HUM... KOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!"
  • "Avalaaaaaaaaanche!!"
  • "Wait a minute! What about me?"
  • "Oh no! Not me! I'm not jumpin' into that ice bath!"
  • "I didn't get to ruin Christmas. The Mario Bros. beat me again, and I'm floating away on an iceberg. What else can go wrong?"

Mario and the Red Baron Koopa[edit]

  • "Lakitu! Is our secret weapon ready?"
  • "Watch out, plumbers! Here comes Koopa, the party poopa!"
  • "Nice work, Lakitu! Now I know why you're the boss of the clouds!"
  • "And those Pasta Landers are gonna find out I'M the boss of everything! Serve 'em the Spiny eggs!"
  • "Attention all Mushroom citizens of Pasta Land! I'm Koopa capturing your whole country, and this is how!"
  • "That 'piece of junk', is my new Wicked Weather Satellite, and you better be scared!"
  • "Unless you surrender Pasta Land to ME, I'll bury the whole kingdom under a mile of snow!"
  • "Ya got exactly seventeen minutes to make up your Mushroom minds! C'mon, Lakitu!"
  • "Think you're clever, don'tcha, ya little pipesqueaks? Well, in the immortal words of the great King Koopa, what goes up, must come down!"
  • "Have I got a hot one for you, drain-brain?"
  • "Nothin' like relaxing in the sun, eh, Lakitu?"
  • "The Mario Bros.!"
  • "I'll fix those flyin' faucet freaks for good!!"
  • "Okay, that's it! I'm tired of just being bad! It's time to get rotten!"
  • "Don't ever steal a used flying carpet."
  • "I'll get ya next time, you meddling Marios!"

The Unzappables[edit]

  • "This soda bar is the perfect place for my new headquarters: The Koopa Klub! Those garlic-gulpin' goodie-goodies will never get in here!"
  • "Fan-Kooping-tastic! Put it down!"
  • "That's what YOU think! Those hats are magic! Now put 'em on!"
  • "I'm gonna have myself a Koopa kick!"
  • "Rampaging reptiles! It works!"
  • "Those hats will repel any kinda weapon! Whoever wears one, becomes unzappable!"
  • "Hand out the hats! We got a Koopa caper to commence!"
  • "Reach for the sky, Mushrooms! This is a stickup!"
  • "Plug your ears and watch your rears! I'm going Bob-Omb bowling!"
  • "Let's stash this cash, and dash!"
  • "Do your worst, ya pipe-patchin' pinheads!"
  • "That's right! Thanks to our new Unzappable Hats! Now reach for it, plumb-scum!"
  • "Take 'em...for a ride!"
  • "You don't scare me! In a few seconds, you'll be suckin' seaweed at the bottom of the river!"
  • "Get back here, you know-nothing knot head! They're not supposed to walk in 'em! They're supposed to SINK in 'em!"
  • "So long, drain-brains!"
  • "This is the life! Who says Koopa crime doesn't pay?"
  • "Cursed crocodiles! It's those clog-clearing clodhoppers!"
  • "Koopa Pack, attack!"
  • "What?!"
  • "Not yet, pasta puss! I still have one Koop left up my sleeve!"

Bad Rap[edit]

  • "I'm Rappin' Koopa, do what I say! Bring me your gold coins right away!"
  • "Attention, Rap Land, here's a flash! Rappin' Koopa wants all your cash!"
  • "Yo, King James, you're a dweeb! I run Rap Land, I'm never gonna leave!"
  • "Flab Boys, Schlab Boys, hey, hey, hey!"
  • "What, those plumber punks are headed this way?"
  • "Attention, Troopas, that lady's a fake!"
  • "I gotcha now, ya little fungus queen!"
  • "Now let Koopa teach ya the meaning of mean!"
  • "Get a grip, you two! You're so so wrong! I think they're playin' my favorite song! I got me a Princess and the King of Rap, and they're gonna get the point of my Koopa trap!"
  • "I know! I know those faucet freaks got away!"
  • "Too bad, losers, I've gotta run! There's lot more dirty work that's gonna be done!"
  • "I'll get you all and those plumber punks! Then I'll break you up into little bitty chunks!"
  • "Troopas, let's split and mount an attack! Oh, that hurt! Oof, ow, ack!"
  • "That's it, Mario! Now you're had! It's me and you and I'm rappin' mad!"
  • "Stupid Flab Boys, think you're so funny? Well, I'm not leavin' here without all that money!"
  • "I guess you're right, so all I can say... Now that I Kooped, I'll run away!"

The Mark of Zero[edit]

  • "So... Those silly saps are lookin' for Zero, eh? Won't they be surprised when I Koopalize them!"
  • "And, how about an all-out attack on El Koopitan and his Troopas on the side? Koopa Pack, attack!"
  • "These drain-brains are MINE! All mine!"
  • "Time to pin this Zero!"
  • "Forget the Marios! Get Zero!"
  • "Let's Koop out! We got what we came for!"
  • "Did somebody mention my name?"
  • "Koopa Pack, attack!"
  • "And outta luck too, goofballs!"
  • "That's what you get for stickin' your nose into El Koopitan's business!"
  • "Try and stop us, nozzle nose!"
  • "What?"
  • "RETREAT! RETREAT! El Koopitan shall return!"
  • "Give Mouser the signal! It's time we took this village!"
  • "Koopa Pack, attack!"
  • "You mealy Mushrooms got one chance to surrender!"
  • "A wise choice!"
  • "It can't be!"

The Ten Koopmandments[edit]

  • "At last! My colossal Koopinx is nearly complete! What a Koopa clever idea! Turning those miserable Mushrooms into bricks, then using the stones to build a monument to myself!"
  • "I hate bad news, and I hate the guy who brings it!"
  • "Well?"
  • "But what about my Koopinx?"
  • "LOUSY LIZARDS! That sounds like BAD news to me!"
  • "I GOTTA GET MORE BRICKS! Round up the Koopa Pack! We're goin' back to that village and nab the last of the Mushroom People!"
  • "Pillage the village till ya find that trio of toadstools!"
  • "I can see that! Ya lame brain!"
  • "Sufferin' serpents! It's that pain-in-the-drain plumber!"
  • "Koopa Pack, attack!"
  • "Magic staff, do your trick! Turn those Mushrooms into brick!"
  • "Gotcha now, plumb-scum! Your faucet-fixin' days are over!"
  • "Never! Good bricks are hard to find!"
  • "Bye bye, bilge-bums! And I don't mean 'See ya later!'"
  • "At last! My colossal Koopinx is finished!"
  • "*yawn* Gosh! This tyrant business is hard work! I'm too pooped to Koop! Think I'll take a Koopa catnap! Zzzzzzzz..."
  • "Calamitous crocodiles! What do you mean the Koopinx has vanished?!"
  • "Sound the Koopa Pack attack! We're going after them!"
  • "This is the last time those drain-brains give me a pain in the Koop!"
  • "Lousy lizards! This is enough to make a grown Koopa cry!"

The Koopas are Coming! The Koopas are Coming![edit]

  • "And I won't stand for it; it's revolting!"
  • "You might as well surrender, Washingtoad! You don't have a chance!"
  • "Well, I have! Flurry, ya stupid snowball! Give me my Ice Scepter!"
  • "Now chill out, sapper-stuffing!"
  • "Army? What army? You mean those idiotic ice blocks?"
  • "Silly plumber! By the time Washingtoad's army thaws out, my army will have crushed the Mushroom Rebellion! So be cool!"
  • "It's not morning yet? Why isn't it morning?"
  • "Patience is for pipsqueaks, like you! We attack now!"
  • "Dark is a lousy idea, and you shouldn't have had it! We'll wait till dawn!"
  • "You fixed your last faucet, ya revolutionary pipesqueak!"
  • "Your brother Mario, is goin' down the drain for good, and so are the Thirteen Colonies! Is my Redcoat Army ready?"
  • "Behind? Fool! The Delawide River is behind us! No one can cross the Delawide in this weather!"
  • "You call yourself an army, you miserable misfits?! WHY AM I CURSED WITH SUCH INCOMPETENCE??!!!"
  • "Ow! Hey! Who threw that gold coin?"
  • "WHAT?!?!"
  • "General Washingtoad!"
  • "Redcoated Koopa Troopas! Stop those Mushrooms!"
  • "My Ice Scepter!"
  • "Flurry, get it quick!"
  • "Not for long, ya faucet freak!"

The Trojan Koopa[edit]

  • "You Hammer Brothers make lousy lookouts. Gimme that!"
  • "It's those dumber plumbers, the Mario Bros.! Soooo, those pipe-dreamers think they can rescue their precious Princess? Hah!"
  • "Wrong, Princess Toadstooge! This fortress is plumber-proof! You're stuck up here forever! Besides, I've got an unwelcoming committee, just waiting for these pasta chomping chumps!"
  • "Sorry, mush-runt! Visiting hours are over!"
  • "You'll never free your kingdom now!"
  • "That's why I've organized a little...plumber-pounding party! Right, boys?"
  • "This is Koopariffic! Those meddlin' Marios have packed in their pasta and shipped out!"
  • "Oh, yeah? See for yourself!"
  • "Lemme take one last look of those lasagna-lovin' losers! It's... It's... It's horrible! It's disgusting! It's me! It's a monument to my monstrosity! Shyguys! Open the gates and bring it in!"
  • "It's Kooptacular! My rotten reputation is finally getting the tribute I deserve!"
  • "Put it right there! Mmmm... Nope! On second thought, I think it would look better by the tower!"
  • "Stop! Leave it till morning! Then I wanna see what it looks like at the TOP of the tower!"
  • "Koopa Pack, attack!"
  • "Good luck, drain-brains! I'm snatchin' your boat, and I'm gonna Koopa sloopa outta here!"

Quest for Pizza[edit]

  • "It's Alley Koop to you, spigot head! You're up Plumbers Creek without a plunger!"
  • "I sure fixed HIS faucet, and now I'm gonna fix yours!"
  • "Alley Koop Pack, attack!"
  • "Blast it all! They got away!"
  • "You're a memory, Mushrot!"
  • "How'd they get away?"
  • "Hmmm... Alley Koop will find those faucet freaks yet!"
  • "Cave re-routers here!"
  • "And the fire is ruined too, pipesqueak! And no fire, means no pizza! Which means your brother Mario, is finished!"
  • "This is what they'll be after! They can't have it! Understand?"
  • "That putrid little plumber is soon to be ancient history! I mean to keep him that way! Understood?"
  • "UNDERSTOOD?!?!"
  • "Then, get going! NOW!"
  • "That pipe-dreamer thinks he's taking my Fire Flower! I'll Koop his plans in the butt! Alley Koop Cave Pack, attack!"
  • "Ahhhhhh. Much better."

The Great Gold Coin Rush[edit]

  • "Darn right we're not friendly, ya mealy Mushroom! And Klaimjump Koopa will be glad to prove it!"
  • "We got them varmints now! Lasso 'em!"
  • "Runnin' out on me, huh? Okay! No more Mr. Nice Koopa!"
  • "That's the end of those meddling plumb-twerps!"
  • "Well, whaddaya know? There's gold in Lonesome Mushroom! And where there's gold, there's Klaimjump Koopa!"
  • "Klaimjump Koopa IS here! Koopa Pack, attack!"
  • "Forget those pipesqueak plumbers! All I care about is gold! MY gold!"
  • "And you're gonna spend the rest of your life, digging for it!"
  • "You miserable Mushrooms aren't digging fast enough, bring me gold! More gold!"
  • "More! I want more! More!"
  • "Then, you Mushroom miners are in big trouble! Dig, or I'm gonna-"
  • "Now, I've got something better than gold!"
  • "Hey! Stop that! Get outta my way!"
  • "Oh no! Yeeeooooooooow!!!"

Elvin Lives[edit]

  • "Make way for the big daddio, the headman, the new king of Sockhop Land: Koopa, the Kool!"
  • "Only thing I need to go along with my groovy new crown, is a groovy new steady girlfriend! Like you, Princess Toadstool!"
  • "Hey! Come back here! We got a date for the prom!"
  • "No teenybopper Princess is gonna stand ME up! Find 'em!"
  • "Let's get those Mario Bros. off my turf!"
  • "Oops, I think I should've stayed at the malt shop!"
  • "Search Sockhop Land and bring me the Princess, or else your socks are gonna hop!"
  • "Fat chance, chicky-poo! Elvin's not goin' anywhere, and neither are you, date!"
  • "I've got her, and now, I got you, too!"
  • "No! Don't throw at me, you Goombas! Throw at them!"
  • "Yoooowww! I'll getcha for this, you pesky plumbers!"
  • "Well, Princess, looks like your plumber pals flaked out on ya! Now, let's groove the main drag so I can show off!"
  • "No way, Jose! They'll never catch the Koopilac! I got duel carbs! I got four on the floor!"
  • "No one steals Kool Koopa's prom date!"
  • "Uh oh! Time to make Koopa tracks!"
  • "Get lost, faucet freaks!"
  • "Why, you! Raaaargh!"
  • "Huh?! OH NOOOOOOOO!!!"
  • "I hate plumbers! Hate 'em, hate 'em, hate 'em!"

Plummers Academy[edit]

  • "Wait! Hang on a minute, you fooling faucet heads! Wait up! Wait up!"
  • "You're all stopped up, drain-brains! Koopa Pack, attack!"
  • "I'll get you for this, Mario!"
  • "When you hurt Koopa's nose, you've blown it!"
  • "That'll teach those tap-turkeys!"
  • "Ow! Get this thing off!"
  • "Ouch! I meant the plunger, rodent! Not my nose!"
  • "Well, try something else!"
  • "Ah, moron! Double moron! How can I smell it with this thing on my nose?!"
  • "Get offa me, you faucet freak!"
  • "(muffled) I want you to pull already!"
  • "Hey! Aren't you gonna..."

Karate Koopa[edit]

  • "Pipesqueaks! You can run, but ya cant hide from Karate Koopa!"
  • "Round those pests up so I can sell 'em all into slavery!"
  • "And just who's gonna stop me, Princess? Your thoroughly defeated drainage drips?"
  • "It's that meddling Misaki! Grab the Princess and scram!"
  • "Listen, fungus-face! If the Mario Bros. have brains, they won't show up here!"
  • "Hmmm... Just as I thought. The Mario Bros. don't have any brains!"
  • "I gotcha now!"
  • "You're wrong, Misaki! I'm a blackbelt master sneaky scum!"
  • "I hope you budinskis like the ocean bottom...because it's about to become your new home!"
  • "I love being rotten."
  • "In just a few minutes, the bidding of Princess Toadstool and her slimy friend Toad will begin! So drink up your Koopa-Kola!"
  • "Hold it, slaves! I haven't sold ya yet!"
  • "If it isn't Mario the puny plumber!"
  • "I'm gonna make mince meat outta ya, Mario!"
  • "Save the speech for someone who cares! I'm Koopin' out!"

Mario of the Apes[edit]

  • "...and Koopas, oh my!"
  • "That's right, mush-runt! I decided to go hunting, and it's open season...on plumbers!"
  • "You're gonna be minced meatballs, when he's through with ya!"
  • "Welcome aboard, Air Albatoss! This is your Koopa speaking! This flight is nonstop...'til ya drop!"
  • "You drain-brain! Now we'll both be Albatossed!"
  • "Koopa Pack, attack!"
  • "My Shyguys are gonna make Shish Koopabob outta you!"
  • "You spared yourself the spears, but now you jungle-bunglers are Trouter treats!"
  • "What's that drain-drip doin' makin' like an ape?"
  • "Marzan? King of the Jungle? If that wrench-monkey's the King of the Jungle, what am I?"
  • "Tell those jungle jerks that there's only one king: Me! And if that sewer swinger thinks that he's king, dethrone him!"
  • "This king stuff has gone to that plumber's head! We better bring him back down to Earth...the hard way!"
  • "Without his monkey shines, that tap-turkey's just a sitting duck!"
  • "Cursed crocodiles! He corked my Cobrat!"

Princess, I Shrunk the Mario Brothers[edit]

  • "Know what I'm gonna do with you budinskis?"
  • "NO! I'm gonna lock ya up for 200 years! Throw 'em in the dungeon!"
  • "Alright! Come and get your burgers! And eat fast! Were gonna celebrate the capture of those faucet freaks, by letting me win a baseball game!"
  • "Yeah, Toad! And thanks loads!"
  • "Okay, Koopa Pack! Attack!"
  • "I gotcha now, but enough small talk! It's plumber squashing time!"
  • "Wait till I get my hands on you two!"
  • "Drat! Those little insects got away!"
  • "I don't have to! Those miserable mini-Mario Bros. will come back and try to rescue you! And when they do..."
  • "They'll never bug me again!"
  • "Koopa the Exterminator, at your service!"
  • "Get them! Get those puny little pests!"
  • "Come out, come out wherever you are!"
  • "So long, suckers!"
  • "Oh no! What happened?!"
  • "Gangway! He who Koops and runs away, lives to Koop another day!"
  • "Oh no!"
  • "OW! I hate plumbers! OW! I hate- OW! Why can't they pick on- OW! ...someone their own size?! OW!"

Little Red Riding Princess[edit]

  • "Well, if it isn't Princess Goody-Good, the fungus, and her plumbing punk friends!"
  • "Save the insults, Princess! I'm putting ya all on ice!"
  • "Freeze in peace, losers! It makes me feel so warm, to be so cold! Let's Koop out, Troopas! We've got more wood to steal, and more Mushrooms to chill!"
  • "The Princess got defrosted!"
  • "I'll just beat her to that ol' bag Gramma's, and the Princess will be mine!"
  • "Opportunity knocking!"
  • "A good fortune! A turn of luck! That's what you've been looking for! Happy days are here again! Open the door you old bitty!"
  • "Telegram for Grandmother Toadstool!"
  • "Well... Then, you better get going! On your way now! You old bat, you!"
  • "Here! It's heated, and it's new! Drive careful!"
  • "Me? What're YOU doin' here?"
  • "Sorry, fleabag! The trap's already set!"
  • "Get this wimpy wolf outta here!"
  • "Who cares, wolf? Now...back to the business!"
  • "Come in, dearie!"
  • "Hello, my darling sweetness!"
  • "The better to talk to you with, my dear!"
  • "Hey, watch it! I mean... The better to smell the goodies with!"
  • "The better to eat ya with, ya meddling Princess!"
  • "Actually, I think the color looks great on me!"
  • "OW!!! I didn't mind when you insulted my nightgown, but this is too much!"
  • "This is getting us nowhere!"
  • "A Koopa never quits! He just calls for reinforcements! ...Koopa Pack! Attack!"
  • "You'll never escape, Princess!"
  • "Do us both a favor and surrender!"
  • "Whoa! I was ready to explode!"
  • "This couldn't have worked out better if I planned it!"
  • "Nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, Princess!"
  • "Put the plumber snake away, garlic-breath!"
  • "Fair? Fair? You're talkin' to me about fair, mushroom mouth?"
  • "Think again, plumb-scum! I got you now!"
  • "Wrong, Little Red Whining Princess! You're both coming with me!"

The Provolone Ranger[edit]

  • "So...those pasta pests plan to help Mushridge! Not if the Worst in the West can help it!"
  • "If ya can't stand the heat, get out of the coach, then!"
  • "You like ice cream, tub-toes? Well, how about...Rocky Road?"
  • "Don't worry, showerhead! You're in bad hands, and so is your dough!"
  • "Welcome to the Double Cross Ranch! Is there anything I can do to make your stay more uncomfortable?"
  • "Oh, gimme a break! Nobody can beat the high noon heat of Sudden Death Valley!"
  • "Well, if some cheesehead masked hero wants to find Billy the Koopa, I'll be glad to give him directions into a trap!"
  • "You can say that again, featherbrains!"
  • "Congratulations, you masked meatball! Ya found me! Now, reach! You're Troopa-Trapped!"
  • "Looks like the end of the trail for the Provolone Ranger!"
  • "Back to the hideout, boys! And bring along the fast fungus so that the masked moron doesn't try anything!"
  • "Ya better start callin' yourself the All Alone Ranger! Cause now, I've got all your friends...Kooptive!"
  • "That Wild West washout never stood a chance! Now, I've got the gold, AND those hostages!"
  • "Ha! One plump plumber against my entire gang of Troopas? He won't dare show his masked mug around here!"
  • "I want that ranger in danger! Now!"
  • "Troopa Pack...attack!"
  • "...Koopin' away with the gold!"
  • "Unhappy trails, sink-finks!"
  • "Even that Provolone Bonehead can't catch me now! Heh! What?"
  • "Wait! Ho! Ostro! Whaddaya doin'? I'm not on you yet! C'mon! Lemme on! Hey! Wait up! Wait for me! Hey!"

Escape from Koopatraz[edit]

  • "Koopa Kourt is now in session! Bailiff Mouser, read those phony charges you and I cooked up!"
  • "Let the record show the four criminals confessed to every crime!"
  • "We got laws in this court against sassing the judge!"
  • "That'll getcha another 50 years!"
  • "You have...five minutes!"
  • "Time's up! Has the jury reached the decision in this case?"
  • "Guilty, you idiots or I'll feed ya to this Piranha Plant!"
  • "Bailiff Mouser, prepare the scales of justice for the criminals!"
  • "Plumber number one, weigh in!"
  • "Congratulations! You've won a 500-year all-expand paid trip to Klub Koopatraz!"
  • "Mouser, show 'em what they've won!"
  • "It was so much fun being your crooked judge, I decided to become your cruel warden! Mouser! Show our convicts to their cells!"
  • "So, you don't like the food! In that case, try going without it!"
  • "Until I get back from looting the Princess's kingdom! I figure, at least ten years."
  • "Of course, I will! With the four of you trapped here in Koopatraz, I can rob and pillage all I want! Mouser! Take the prisoners back to their cells! And while I'm destroying the Princess's kingdom, let them starve!"
  • "He-hey! What's goin' on? A Koopa needs his beauty sleep!"
  • "This better be a bad dream plumber, cause if it's not, you're in deep fettuccine!"
  • "Do you know what your friends did? They interrupted my sleep! How can I plunder your kingdom if I don't get my rest?"
  • "When I'm tired, I get cranky! I put them in solitary, and gave them 500 more years at hard labor!"

Mario of the Deep[edit]

  • "So, you're King Neptune, Lord of the Deep? Now you're nothin' but a Koopa captive! With you as my prisoner, I'm free to spread my evil meanness all over Aqua Land!"
  • "What the Koop are you talkin' about?"
  • "Dump this dope in the dungeon!"
  • "If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a nice king!"
  • "This is the last time those bilge-brain budinskis are gonna spoil my fun! Sound the Koopa Pack attack!"
  • "Don't count on it, pasta-puss!"
  • "The one, and only! Lower the net!"
  • "This time, plumb-bums, I'm gonna flush ya down the drainpipe of doom!"
  • "Not on your ever-Koopin' life! This time, I'm givin' ya a one-way ticket to that great waterworks of the sky! Come on, Bloobers! It's plunderin' time! All hands follow me!"
  • "You mean this is all?! There ain't enough gold to bother Koopin' about!"
  • "Calamitous crocodiles! What's that?!"
  • "Drat! It's those pasta-pulverizin' plumbers!"
  • "We'll see about that! Koopa Pack, attack!"
  • "Back off, needlenose!"

Flatbush Koopa[edit]

  • "Listen up, Troopas! I want every sign you can find changed from Brooklyn to Kooplyn!"
  • "And when that's done, we're gonna squash the Kooplyn Bridge, capture the rest of the New York, and make it...New Koopa!"
  • "Ah! Just as I planned! The Mario Bros. have arrived! Now I'll flatten them worse than I'll flatten Flatbush! Bring me those faucet freaks! Now!"
  • "Koopa Scepter, do your trick! Turn that Cabbie into bricks!"
  • "That's the plan, plumb-scum! You Mario Bros. ruined my evil schemes, so I'm gonna ruin the burg that you love best! Koopa Pack, attack!"
  • "Attention, all Koopa units! The Mario Bros. are on the old rollercoaster! Give 'em a ride they'll never forget!"
  • "Well, the Mario Bros. finally made it back to Brooklyn...just in time for their own funeral!"
  • "End of the line, pipesqueaks!"
  • "That's what you think, ya miserable Mushroom monarch!"
  • "You and Brooklyn have seen your last days!"
  • "Okay, Troopas! Here's the new Koopa plan: First, you Bob-Ombs are gonna blow up this Brooklyn Bridge! The Princess and the Mario Bros. will be trapped, and we can take step two!"
  • "Hold your applause! I know it's a genius idea, but I have them all the time."
  • "I crown myself the king of Kooplyn, and I make all the laws! No plumbers, no pasta, no princesses, and...Brooklyn accents are not allowed!"
  • "Hey! What's the big idea?"
  • "You forgot one thing, plumber! You're stuck with me!"

Raiders of the Lost Mushroom[edit]

  • "Looks like Indiana Joe is gonna lead those sewer-swimmin' saps to the Lost Mushroom! That guy knows the location of every hidden treasure in Jungleland, and every shortcut to them!"
  • "That statue was left to me by my great-great grandkoop! It's mine! And those plumb-bums ain't gonna have it!"
  • "We're gonna follow those faucet-fixin fools! And when they find the Lost Mushroom, we're gonna take it away from 'em!"
  • "Of course it's stealin', you dimwitted dumb-clumps! We're bad guys! We're supposed to steal!"
  • "Boy, good henchmen are hard to find."
  • "Don't be so sure!"
  • "Reach for it, plumb-scum! Your pipe-patchin' days are over!"
  • "Ohhhh, I'm soooooo scared! Please don't hurt me, Mr. Bilge Brain!"
  • "So long, spaghetti-suckers! Have a nice doomsday!"
  • "Okay, Koopa Pack! Let's see what this Lost Mushroom can do! Mushroom, Mushroom, do as you're told! Build me a castle of solid gold!"
  • "Fan-Kooping-tastic! It worked!"
  • "With this fantastic fungus, I'm gonna be the richest Koopa that ever Kooped!"
  • "Hey!"
  • "Sufferin' salamanders! It's those pasta-pulverizin' plumbers!"

Crocodile Mario[edit]

  • "Outta my way! The statue is mine!"
  • "And the crocodiles are yours!"
  • "I never thought those faucet flops would pick up my trail, but one thing's for sure. They won't trail me any farther! Koopa Pack, attack! Boomerang 'em!"
  • "At last those pesky plumbers are all washed up!"
  • "I love Down Under Land! It's where the Mario Bros. went down...and under!"
  • "Hey! You pathetic plunger-pushers! Gimme that back! That's mine! I stole it myself!"
  • "Gimme that statue!"
  • "If there's anything I hate, it's a thief!"
  • "It's time to Koop outta here fast! Get back, you revolting reptiles!"
  • "Why? Yiiiiiiiipe!!!"

Star Koopa[edit]

  • "Princess Toadstool and the Marios are getting away! Put the pedal to the metal, Mouser!"
  • "Go to Warp 10, Mouser! Close in and activate the tractor beams! Prepare to board enemy craft! Do what you want to those plumbers and that fungus Toad, but I want the Princess taken prisoner!"
  • "Stormtroopa Pack! Attack!"
  • "If you want something wrong done right, you gotta wrong do it yourself! Get outta my galaxy, Marios! You're trespassing!"
  • "I'd like to see ya try it, meatball!"
  • "I have you now, macaroni-mouth!"
  • "Cool it, faucet face!"
  • "Chill out, Princess!"
  • "It's music to my ears! Okay, Mouser! Heat 'em up!"
  • "I thought you'd never ask! Princess Toadstool, I have to destroy the Mushroom Colonists' planet, because they refuse to turn it over to me, but they'll listen to you! Tell 'em to give up, or face the power of my unstoppable Birdo Ray!"
  • "For once, I think you're right, Princess Toadstool. Mouser! Activate the Birdo Ray!"
  • "Now, escort our guests to the Intergalactic InSinkErator! And make space garbage out of 'em!"
  • "Today, the Mushroom Planet. Tomorrow, the Milky Way. Next week, the universe will be...the Koopaverse!"
  • "Disposed of, ha ha! That's a good one, ha ha!"
  • "How much longer until my Birdo Ray destroys the Space Mushroom Colonists' planet?"
  • "Ha! 16 minutes, and I'll be the undisputed ruler of the galaxy!"
  • "Stormtroopa Pack, attack! Attack!"
  • "Wait! I'll get ya! Whoa!"

Robo Koopa[edit]

  • "Because it's me, you little fungus queen! I am the mighty Robo Koopa! Half Koopa, half machine! Built for destruction! And I'm gonna destroy you miserable little meddlers! ...Drat! Where is that 'destroy you miserable little meddlers' button?"
  • "You'll never escape me, ya puny faucet heads! Take that, ya goofball!"
  • "The fun's not over yet! I've got...supervision, super-hearing, and super strength, and yes, even...super toes!"
  • "And each one of my little piggies is gonna blast ya!"
  • "Help! Hey! Stop! What's going on here? How do you stop this thing?"
  • "Robo Koopa will be back to get ya for this!"
  • "This robot is!"
  • "Drat! Where is that button?"
  • "THAT'S the button!"
  • "Thank you, Doctor! You're all mine, Mushroom! And the pretty little Princess, too!"
  • "They can't help you!"
  • "Keep the Princess and this measly Mushroom prisoner! I've got Marios to mash!"
  • "You pipesqueaks are gonna get a charge outta this!"
  • "That's right, you plumb scum! Hide in the sewers! I still have the Princess!"
  • "I'm gonna get those plumbers!"
  • "Let 'em come! Two puny plumbers don't have a chance against an invincible machine like me!"
  • "If it isn't Robo-Rooter?"
  • "Ha! One more step by any of you, and this little professor gets squashed!"
  • "I want you all!"
  • "What did you say?"
  • "Well, thank you again, nerdy baby! Push this button, and...OH NO!!!!!"

King Koopa's mother[edit]

  • "Koopums! Koopums! Sweet little baby! You're makin' Mama sooooo happy!"
  • "What took ya so long to find a nice girl and settle down, anyway? ...So this is the lucky bride! I want you and my little Koopums to spend your honeymoon with me!"
  • "Oh, yeeeeees! I live in the foulest smelliest swamp in seven worlds! You'll love it!"
  • "Poor dear! She's overcome with joy!"
  • "The cake's here, Koopums! The bride's here, and so is the minister! ...So how come you're not dressed yet, ya bad little boy?"
  • "Koopums! We're waiting!"
  • "You ungrateful child! Now I'll have to tell all the relatives that stupid Koopums is still a bachelor! Koopums!"
  • "Go sit in the corner for six days!"

King Koopa's reflection[edit]

  • "Ya gotta stop this wedding!"
  • "What you need to do, is reflect on the problem."
  • "Why don't ya kidnap Joliet and blame it on Romano's family?"
  • "Brilliant! I knew you'd think of somethin'!"

King Neptune[edit]

  • "Relax, Max. Swim with the current. Take a dip in the ocean of happiness. Life's to short to be a crab."
  • "Have some fun, Jack. Get happy as a clam. In short: be a friend, not an anemone."
  • "What a bummer. I'm caught like a sea snail in a pail. Trapped like a squid under a lid. Somehow I gotta blow this seen and help my people."
  • "Holy Mackerel! Wh-who are you?"
  • "Cool as a sea cucumber, Jack. Ha! Let's haul anchor and set sail."
  • "Don't worry about a thing my little dolphin. I'll round up a fleet of fishy friends. That Barra-Koopa's gonna be up to his gills in grief."
  • "Barra-Koopa, you're in a whale of a lot of trouble."
  • "Thanks land-loving friends for rescuing me and freeing the Mermushrooms."

Koopa Troopas[edit]

King Mario of Cramalot[edit]

  • "Uh, can ya give me a hint?"
  • "Well gee, maybe ya better get off him."
  • "Yes, your most royal Koopaness! You're the most kingliest Koopa that ever Kooped in Cramalot!"

Butch Mario & The Luigi Kid[edit]

  • "Look out!"
  • "We're outta here!"

Rolling Down the River[edit]

  • "Thought you could cheat us, huh?"
  • "It's the Mario Bros.!"

The Great BMX Race[edit]

  • "Get 'em! Get 'em! We're getting closer! We're getting close!"

Do You Princess Toadstool Take this Koopa...?[edit]

  • "What do you want?"
  • "Caterers? We don't need no stinkin' caterers!"
  • "Bug soup? Why didn't ya say so?"

Hooded Robin and His Mario Men[edit]

  • "You won't need it where you're goin', Hooded Robin!"
  • "Plumbers? Ha! Good try, birdbrain, but ya can't fool me!"
  • "That's the Sheriff of Koopingham's voice! Alright, Troopas! Listen up!"
  • "Daisies? Right! Troopas, fall out!"
  • "Mission accomplished, your most notorious nastiness!"
  • "But oh most Koopafied sheriff, your orders, in the forest, at the...trap."
  • "Toll road? Since when?"
  • "Charge!"
  • "I don't get it! We're cruel! We're criminal! Why are we stuck on guard duty? Nobody gets past us alive!"
  • "There's nothing wrong with our moat!"
  • "Man-eating Trouters!"
    (Looks like the imaginary Trouter is talking.)
  • "Hold it, you sewer squirts! You can't dupe a Troopa! You're the Mario Bros.! Troopatize those pipesqueaks!"

Mighty McMario and the Pot of Gold[edit]

  • "Hey leprechaun, what's shaking in Shamrock?"
  • "Let's hightail outta here!"

Bad Rap[edit]

  • "Gimme your money, Rap Land lady!"
  • "Somethin's goin' on, somethin' shady!"
  • "Your royal Koopaness, uh, uh, eh..."

Princess, I Shrunk the Mario Brothers[edit]

  • "No way!"
  • "Wha?"
  • "Hey!"
  • "Hey! I ain't goin' in that place! It's full of...vegetables!"
  • "Vegetables! Yuck!"

Little Red Riding Princess[edit]

  • "She's all alone in the woods without those drain-brain plumbers for protection, your nastiness!"

The Provolone Ranger[edit]

  • "Boss! The Mario Bros. are comin'!"
  • "Next stop, the Double Cross Ranch!"
  • "Boss! There's a mysterious masked plumber lookin' for ya! That's his calling card: a silver plumber's helper. They call him the Provolone Ranger!"
  • "He's over there! The varmint's too fast!"
  • "Well, I'll be! Our Cobrats are snuffed!"
  • "Don't fret none, boss! We'll mash that masked man!"
  • "This used to be a safe place for us bad guys..."

Flatbush Koopa[edit]

  • "Yes, your royal nastiness!"
  • "Now I know why they call this an amusement park! Nothing's more amusing than mashin' Mario Bros.!"
  • "I knew I shoulda joined the Paratroopas. They get parachutes."
  • "Turn every citizen of Brooklyn into bricks!"
  • "And then what happens, your royal repulsiveness?"


The Adventures of Sherlock Mario[edit]

  • "All tied up! That's a good one, boss!"
  • "You're the one, you limburger-eatin' liar!"
  • "The Retro Router's ready, boss!"
  • "Rotten cheeseballs. It's those pepperoni plumbers."

On Her Majesty's Sewer Service[edit]

  • "Bad news, boss! We're bein' followed by a plumber's truck!"

The Unzappables[edit]

  • "It's just a buncha hats!"
  • "It's raining gold coins!"
  • "Uh-uh, I'll help ya!"

Raiders of the Lost Mushroom[edit]

  • "Yeah!"
  • "I forgot!"
    (Looks like Mouser is talking.)