List of The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 quotes

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It has been requested that this article be rewritten. Reason: The quotes that don't make sense by themselves ought to belong in a section for combined dialogue

This is a list of quotes from the television show The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3, listed in alphabetical order.

Angry Sun[edit]

Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopas[edit]

  • "I was not!"
  • "Hey, flying raccoons! You didn't happen to see where those two pesky plumbers went...did ya?"
  • "Thanks!"


  • "Red Mushrooms? Hmmm...."
  • "My blue friend's right! He was here first! I saw him!"
  • "You rippin' red rupple!"
  • "This rupple, says this street should just be for reds!"
  • "Meet you tomorrow morning and settle this?"
  • "Those red people used to be my friends! Maybe we should talk this over."
  • "She's everyone's princess!"
  • "Toad! Where's the Princess? Is she okay?"
  • "(with Painter) Cousin!"


7 Continents for 7 Koopas[edit]

  • "Oh yeah? Watch!"


  • "Are we lost, dad?"
  • "What scenery, mom?"
  • "This is cool!"
  • "Nice going, dad."
  • "Maybe we're in Wild Waldo's One-of-a-Kind Amusement Park!"
  • "Yeah! This is the best amusement park we've ever been to!"
  • "Dad, what's going on? This green geezer is really bizotic."
  • "It figures dad would take us someplace that turned out to be rank..."

Bud and Missy's mother[edit]

  • "It's just another hour, children. Just sit back and enjoy the scenery!"
  • "That scenery. Oh, my word! Where are we?"
  • "Don't be frightened, sweetie! Daddy is going to find a gas station and ask directions! Right, Norman?"
  • "Are you Wild Waldo? Because if you are, this is no way to run an amusement park!"
  • "Later, Norman. Let's just get out of here!"
  • "Thanks for all your help! Look us up if you ever come to Wichita!"

Crime Wave Clyde[edit]

  • "Okay. Who else thinks they can beat me at basketball?"
  • "If I wasn't, they wouldn't have put me in this here jail for 12,423 years with no parole!"
  • "I want some answers. Who are ya? Why'd you bust me out? What kind of vehicle is this? And why are you still wearing those stupid reptile disguises?"
  • "No problem."
  • "So what do you want from me? I'm a super criminal, not an animal trainer!"
  • "This is like some freaky dream! You're King Koopa, the evil nasty super bad guy in this wacky mushroom kingdom, and these really are your kids? No costumes?"
  • "Forget it, scaleface! I'm no nanny!"
  • "What's in it for me?"
  • "Mr. Reptile, you got a deal!"
  • "Okay, Koopa class! Today, we're gonna start with the basics. Lesson 1: Bank Robbery!"
  • "Alright, Koopa class! You failed Lesson 1! It's time for Lesson 2: How to Get the Good Guys Out of Your Hair!"
  • "Right you are, super suckers!"
  • "Enough already!"
  • "You kids are ready! I taught you everything I know about crime! Now, just do it!"
  • "Ah! I love the sound of children playin'."
  • "NO NO NO! You're not supposed to rob each other! Do I have to go over this again?"
  • "Hey! Cut it out! Give that back, RIGHT now! You guys are driving me crazy!"
  • "These brats are giving me a headache..."
  • "Well, I guess a billion gold coins, might make my headache go away."
  • "Don't light this until I say go!"
  • "What's goin' on here? Wh-what are you doin'?!"
  • "I didn't tell you to do that!"
  • "I can't take this anymore! I can't!"
  • "Hey, good guys! You gotta get me back to the Real World, please! Please, I'll do anything! I'll even help you stop the Koopalings from robbing the Mushroom Treasury!"
  • "12,423 years and no parole is a lot better than one more day with those Koopas!"


  • "You okay? That was a gnarly spill!"
  • "My name's Cutter! Looks like you could use some lessons! Are you babysitting that weird little kid in the funny sunhat?"
  • "Then come on! Waves are a-wastin'!"
  • "Great, huh? You can really get away from it all up here!"
  • "You're gettin' so good you could enter next week's surfing contest!"
  • "Your subjects?"
  • "Oh, sure you are!"
  • "Princess? Drain pipe? Mushroom Kingdom? Would someone, like, please tell me what's goin' on here?"
  • "No problem! Like, no way I'm gonna risk mentioning this to anyone!"


  • "Cut! That's a rap! Including you, ya big bag of bolts!"
  • "Get these two kids in the funny-looking costumes outta there!"
  • "Hey! Turn him off!"

Emperor Ed[edit]

  • "This is an outrage! When my people find out you've captured me, they'll revolt! They're extremely revolting people!"
  • "You can't bounce me around like this! I'll tell you I won't stand for it! I won't sit down for it either!"
  • "Well, this is more like it! Gracious, I've heard of falling asleep, but this is ridiculous!"
  • "Princess! We're both in trouble! King Koopa abducted me from my castle! He wants to levitate your kingdom into my clouds with his new Raiser-Upper!"
  • "I really appreciate the lift. My castle's second cumulus on the left!"
  • "Oh, thanks!"
  • "Now listen here, you big green thing! My people will never give in to your demands!"

Female news reporter[edit]

  • "The police have issued a special emergency alert! There is a red sports car rampaging through Florida, heading toward Kennedy Space Center! Stay inside!"

Fire Brother[edit]

Reptiles in the Rose Garden[edit]

  • "He said WHAT?!"


  • "Call the police-ia! Call the marines-ia! A sea monster is attacking my beautiful-a Venice! Mamma mia! Francis Sinatra! John DiMaggio!"
  • "There is-a now! It's scaring all the people out of the city! Venice will die!"
  • "See, paisano! Soon there will be no one left! Caesar Augustus! Christopher Columbus! Anitupu DiCello!"
  • "Venice is safe! Oh, Lou Albano! Al Pacino! Frederick Capenene! As a small gesture of my thanks, I'm gonna show you my favorite statue! Meet Marco Polo's plumbers! They brought plumbing back from China, and made Venice what is today!"
  • "Leonardo da Vinci! Valerie Bertinelli! Mario and Luigi!"

Hammer Brother[edit]

Toddler Terrors of Time Travel[edit]

  • "I must be getting tired... This crate is 10 times as heavy as it was before!"
  • "Where should I put these supplies, your ultimate evilness?"


  • "Somebody call for the dog catcher?"
  • "You mongrel menace!"
  • "Welcome to the Florida State Poochitentary!"
  • "You mongrel menace!"
  • "My truck! The mutts stole my truck!"
  • "Freeze, Fido! You're goin' back to the doghouse! 200 years to life, whichever comes LAST!"
  • "Whoa! What a nightmare! For a minute there- Nah! Nah!"

Holly Mackerel[edit]

  • "The name's HOLLY Mackerel, not HOLY Mackerel! I'm the mermaid princess of Mertropolis!"
  • "Come on! Follow me!"
  • "Oh, that's better and, I'm not like you frogs, I can't breathe air! The only problem is everything looks so fuzzy!"
  • "Poor sweet frog!"
  • "You're safe now, my dreamboat!"
  • "That's HOLLY Mackerel! And my royal fortune teller told me a handsome frog prince would be hopping into my life! And here you are..."
  • "Playing hard to get, huh? Come out, come out, wherever you are!"
  • "Oh, I've found you at last!"
  • "Oh dear! You're not my frog! It's so hard to see through this fishbowl!"
  • "Yes, my gorgeous green hunk!"
  • "But, froggy!"
  • "Mario! Oh, I knew it! You cared so much for me you couldn't leave!"
  • "Oh! Have you been working out? Your frog belly's as solid as steel!"
  • "Huh? Oh, daddy, this is the frog prince I told you about! Prepare the royal wedding!"
  • "Oh, Mario! I'm gonna invite all of Mertropolis to our wedding!"
  • "Can't you just see it? We'll make such a lovely couple!"
  • "Mario, my love! Time to put on your wedding day fishbowl!"
  • "I can't marry him, daddy! He-he-he's the ugliest-looking frog I've ever seen!"


  • "Hide-and-seek! Let's play hide-and-seek, and you geezers are it!"
  • "Oh, boy! They'll NEVER think of looking for me in here!"
  • "Wow! This place is awesome!"
  • "Alright!"
  • "Yowza! This is the life! I hope those Mario Bros. NEVER find me!"
  • "Hey, mondo bizarro, dudes! Who are you, and where am I?"
  • "Say, just in case those dopey brothers follow me here, could you guys help me have some fun with them?"
  • "Mario, Luigi! HELP!!!"
  • "Do you think I oughta yell again?"
  • "Wow! This is great!"
  • "Mario, Luigi! Save me! HELP!!!"
  • "This is great! I can hardly wait to see the look on their faces!"
  • "Bye bye, babysitters!"
  • "That was SO cool!"
  • "Hey, guys. This is just for fun, isn't it?"
  • "Kooky, what are you doing anyway?"
  • "Some friends those Koopa Kids turned out to be!"
  • "I got a bad feeling..."
  • "I wanna be back in Brooklyn!"
  • " on?!"
  • "Mario? Luigi? Is that you?"
  • "MARIO!"
  • "Fantastic! You guys are the greatest!"
  • "Wow! That was unbelievable! Way to go, Mario!"
  • "We're back in my kitchen! Amazing!"
  • "Uh oh! If I don't get my bath, mom will never let you babysit for me again! That is, if you've wanted to."
  • "Oh boy! That would be SUPER!!!"

Junior's mom and dad[edit]

Junior's mom[edit]

  • "Now where is that babysitter?"
  • "Now don't be silly! Junior's a wonderful child!"
  • "Oh, Kitty! How could you?"
  • "Oh, there you are! You must be the babysitters! I guess Junior let you in the side door, and I am so glad there are two of you, because Junior is quite a handful! Here's the phone number for our doctor, this one's for the theater!"
  • "Snacks are on the fridge. Help yourself to lasagna!"
  • "We'll be back by 10:30, and could you please give Junior a bath? Have a nice evening! I know we will!"
  • "Quick, let's get outta here fast, before they change their minds!"
  • "Junior! We're home!"
  • "Junior! Where are you?"
  • "Why, Junior! I don't BELIEVE it! You got Junior to take a bath! You think Friday you two would babysit again?"

Junior's dad[edit]

  • "Well, don't you think Junior's bad reputation could've scared him away?"

King Bowser Koopa[edit]

Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopas[edit]

  • "Listen up, you reptiles! The Koopa family meeting will come to order! So far, I’ve sent you Koopalings, to pull sneaky little tricks, and medium-sized meanness!"
  • "Now you’re ready for the biggest badness of all! Goomba guards, show ‘em the guy we’re out to get’s life-sized portrait!"
  • "No, Big Mouth’s right!"
  • "Somebody IS gonna stop ‘em! I'm gonna turn Prince Hugo the Huge into a poodle. Heheh! A miniature poodle! Hahahahaha! So, who's gonna bring me Prince Hugo, so I can Koopa him into submission?!"
  • "Bully! Big Mouth! Cheatsy! Kooky! Step forward!"
  • "You are now Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopas! And nothing can stop you! Now, bring me Prince Hugo so I can cut him down to size!"
  • "At last, ya did some rottenness worthy of a Koopa! I'm so proud of you Koopalings! Now you'll see why I modestly call myself a genius!"
  • "Poodle Wand, do your stuff!"
  • "It's the small things in life that make a Koopa happy."
  • "Now that my brilliant plan is complete, it's time for you kids to be zapped back to normal size!"
  • "That's a cruel, rotten, disgusting idea...and I love it!"
  • "I'll use this ninja wand later."
  • "Quiet, Koopalings! I'm the king here! I'll decide what land we're gonna take over!"
  • "Or else what, plumber?"
  • "Grab him, Koopalings!"
  • "That's a great idea, Princess! You, my dear have given me...a million-dollar idea! I always wanted twin poodles!"
  • "Hey! Who's been foolin' with my wands?"
  • "I'd like to save you Koopalings, but I just remembered somethin'! I have an important tail-styling appointment in another Warp Zone! Bye!"

Reptiles in the Rose Garden[edit]

  • "But, Kootie Pie, we plundered the whole Mushroom Kingdom to get you the best gifts a Koopa could steal!"
  • "I know you're a teensy bit upset, Kootie Pie..."
  • "Just tell King Daddiums what you really like for your birthday!"
  • "But Sweetums, America's in the Real World!"
  • "Alright, baby cakes. Anything you say. After all, you are turning...sweet 16."
  • "You really know how to make a daddy proud! Take 'em to my dungeon!"
  • "And the President is inside! Sledge Brothers, warp The White House away to Kastle Koopa!"
  • "Attention, America! Your new ruler, Empress Kootie Pie, has called her first press conference!"
  • "Read them your new laws, Babykins!"
  • "Yay, Kootie Pie! Recite after me, America. I pledge allegiance to Kootie Pie and the repulsiveness for which she stands..."
  • "Attention, Koopa Clan! Your sweet sister Kootie Pie, has finally found a birthday present that makes her happy!"
  • "I'm gonna keep her happy. I'll put America's ruler where he'll never be rescued! At the bottom of the Mushroom Sea! Hahahaha!"
  • "Oh, no! My Doomship! Ruined!"
  • "If you don't stop that whining RIGHT now..."'

Mind Your Mummy Mommy, Mario[edit]

  • "Even my youngest Koopalings could outsmart you do-good dodos!"
  • "Good! We're gonna Koopatate 'em personally! C'mon, Hip and Hop! Watch how King Dad handles things!"
  • "We've gotcha trapped, Princess Toadstool! Get down here right now!"

The Beauty of Kootie[edit]

  • "I hear ya whining loud and clear, my darling detestable daughter! The Doom Ship's fuel tanks are nearly filled, then ya can't let the Mario Bros. discover they were stealing The Sultan's oil, through his water pipes until we drain his oil well-dry! So, stop the Mario Bros.! That's your order!"
  • "Congratulations, my dastardly descendants! I have seldom-seen business done better! And as for you, you fun-spoiling goodie-goodies, you're Koopa captives! Sultan, I'll be upstairs gloating, while the Doom Ship sucks your oil well-dry!"
  • "I need the Doom Ship!"
  • "Kootie Pie! Cheatsy! Follow me!"
  • "Now they'll see the true creepiness of the Koopa clan! Heheh!"
  • "Let's Koop outta here!"

Princess Toadstool for President[edit]

  • "Check 'em out, Cheatsy! These Giant Land Paragoombas will mangle those crops! And when Princess Toadstool's people are starving, I won't sell her any food unless she gives me her kingdom!"
  • "This cage is for YOU, drain-brain!"
  • "What are you laughing at?"
  • "Me? Never. I can beat Princess Toadstool with one claw tied behind my back!"
  • "Deal! Best one I've ever made!"
  • "Cheatsy, you should've never let me get into this! In case you haven't noticed, I'm not as well-liked as Princess Toadstool!"
  • "She'll go out there and be her goodie-goodie self and all the people will vote for her!"
  • "Me, nice? I've never been nice in my life! I'm allergic to nice!"
  • "Ah, you numbskull! You nincom-Koop! You...charming, considerate, handsome little angel!"
  • "There's nothing to debate, you wonderful Mushroom People! Here! Take my money! And nice ol' King Koopa says, 'Have a nice day!'"'
  • "Toys for your kiddies, flea collars for your pets, free false teeth for your grandmothers! They'll be plenty more of these nice things, nice people, when you elect me, your nice ruler!"
  • "Well, hello there, little fella! Goo goo goo goo ga ga ga! Give your uncle a big kiss!"
  • "Ow! Why you- uh, you little sweet thing!"
  • "Yuck! I hate little mushroom brats!"
  • "I don't care if they hear me or not! I'm sick of being nice!"
  • "Get back to Kastle Koopa, and make me some more potion! My final election speech is comin' up!"
  • "HURRY! Being nice is killing me!"
  • "They WHAT?!"
  • "But I can't win without it! And you know who I'm gonna blame for this, don'tcha?!"
  • "I'm not goin' out there! This election was a stupid idea anyway, and if I want somethin', I'll just take it!"
  • "That's right! Nobody's a bigger fake than me! They want nice?! I'll give 'em nice!"
  • "Thank you! Thank you, my adoring fans!"
  • "That's a lie! I don't need a potion to be nice! And I'll pound anyone who says I do into mush!"
  • "How could I be the only guy who voted for me?!"

Never Koop a Koopa[edit]

  • "Princess Toadstool, you're far too clever for a reptile such as me. A lonely, humble-"
  • "I'm callin' it quits! Me and my Koopalings are leaving the Mushroom Kingdom forever! I feel so bad I've caused you so much trouble! I just hope you have it in your heart! Ohhhh! Forgive me!"
  • "I know it won't make up for all the misery I've caused you, but I want you to have this: The key to Kastle Koopa!"
  • "I'm donating our ex-home to charity! Say goodbye, kids!"
  • "We have guests, Cheatsy! I hope they like our newly-remodeled accommodations! Got an A-rating! 'A' for 'awful!'"
  • "How nice of you to say so! Now my boy, let me give you some more lessons on how to lie and cheat! Heheh! First you tell 'em a big lie to get 'em in your clutches, then ya squeeze 'em for the big payoff!"
  • "KING Dad to you! Now pay attention! Watch me Koop these dupes outta the Mushroom Kingdom!"
  • "Sign here and your kingdom will be mine!"
  • "If you don't, you two will be forced into early permanent retirement here in my dungeon!"
  • "No? Then let me add some incentives!"
  • "See, Cheatsy? They have no choice! They must meet my stinky demands, or my hot-tempered little friends will explode!"
  • "Thanks, son! See to be a real big cheat, ya have to double-trick, double-deal, and double-cross!"
  • "The sneakiest dirtiest rottenest way you can find! Got it?"
  • "Good work! Back to your posts!"
  • "Now Princess, two more of your friends will meet an explosive fate!"
  • "Of course! It's the photo opportunity of my life!"
  • "While I go get pretty, you take her to the throne room!"
  • "One day, my boy, you may just be as big a cheat as I am!"
  • "Get off my throne, you ugly upstart!"
  • "You nincom-Koop!"
  • "No, it's mine, you double-crossing dodo! Look! The Princess didn't sign the scroll for you, but I'll make her sign it for me! Where are the prisoners!?"
  • "It's all your fault, you dirty dealing double-crosser!"
  • "Stand still! I didn't give you the whole lesson!"

Reign Storm[edit]

  • "There we are, you little pipsqueak! With the Princess away, the Koopas will play, and destroy, and ruin!"
  • "I trust it's disgusting and devious!"
  • "A perfect idea, Kooky my boy! I'm so glad I thought of it!"
  • "This'll make those plumbers 'really popular'!"
  • "My plan is working like a charm! When is the robot Princess gonna be ready?"
  • "I need the robot Princess now, Kooky, or I'm sending you to your dungeon and cutting your allowance!"
  • "Those dumb plumbers fell for a phony robot! It won't be long, and the Mushroom Kingdom...will be mine!"
  • "While our robot Princess lets me take over the Mushroom Kingdom..."
  • "There! I'll put on your Hawaiian disguise! Now you can blend in with all the other tourists! Aloha, Kooky!"
  • "Good afternoon, Princess! So nice of you to invite me for tea!"
  • "Make it 15 minutes, plumb scum!"
  • "Make that magnificent."
  • "You're a little late, Kooky! Robot Princess was all your dumb idea, and if I weren't such a nice father, I would never let'cha try it!"

Toddler Terrors of Time Travel[edit]

  • "Oh, my aching head! Ohhhh!"
  • "I coulda taken over the Mushroom Kingdom years ago..."
  • "I don't see how that silly little tube, is gonna get us back to Brooklyn and keep the Mario Bros. from ever leaving."
  • "Toss 'em over there!"
  • "Did you hear something?"
  • "You're a slowpoke, Kooky."
  • "Stowaways! I'll fix you!"
  • "Are we heading back to the right year, Kooky?"
  • "After those diapered dodos!"
  • "Now we've gotta get those little squirt plumbers cornered!"
  • "It's time to stop kiddin' around!"
  • "It'd better! The only way we can beat those Marios is by getting grown up again!"
  • "Now for the next part of my disgusting plan."
  • "Costumed Plumbers at your service, ma'am! We make plumbing a party!"
  • "Leave it to us! We'll fix everything!"
  • "Get some more stuff to clog this drain!"
  • "Ah, shut your trap!"
  • "Kooky! Help me! Our clog is unclogging! Go!"
  • "Well, what do we have here? Some bratty Brooklyn bambinos!"
  • "Sealing your fate!"
  • "With the Mario Bros. permanently stuck in Brooklyn as permanent babies, I can finally capture the Princess and enslave her people!"
  • "If ya know what's good for ya, you'll sign your kingdom now."
  • "Drats! This is even worse than the first time the Mario Bros. got here! Time to Koopa out, Kooky!"


  • "Kootie Pie! If that pigsty you call a room isn't clean yet, you're grounded!"
  • "No chocolate-covered cockroach snacks, no tripping old ladies...uh-uh! No fun of any sort for a WHOLE month!"

Tag Team Trouble[edit]

  • "Just follow my plan, Cheatsy my boy, and we'll be rolling in easy money!"
  • "If you ever wanna be as crummy and lowdown a villain as me, ya gotta shut up and pay attention!"
  • "Loudmouth flea-brain! You couldn't see 1,000,000 gold coins right in front of your sniveling little snout!"
  • "Say it like I told ya to say it, Cheatsy!"
  • "Get off, ya big oafs!"
  • "Then you make it work!"
  • "'The Masked Mashers of Mayhem?' Never heard of 'em."
  • "This is perfect! The Sledge Brothers will make 'em 'The Squashed Bros.', and those 1,000,000 gold coins will be mine! Do some cheatin', Cheatsy!"
  • "Well, cheat some more!"
  • "Outta my lap, plumber! Or I'll charge ya rent!"
  • "Me?! Uh-uh! No way! Yucky! Whoa!"

Oh, Brother![edit]

  • "Hey, smartypants. The Power Shower sprung a leak. Well, don't just stand there, Kooky! FIX IT!"
  • "Then we'll have to Koopnap a pipe-patchin' expert! Get me one of the Mario Bros.!"
  • "Don't be ridiculous, Kooky! We'll choose the scientific way!"
  • "Eeney-meeney-miney-mo, I Koop...YOU, Mario!"
  • "Kooky, you're so bad, I'm proud to be my dad!"
  • "Wanna bet, pipesqueak?"
  • "Quit patting yourself for the back, Kooky! Put him to the ultimate test!"
  • "Kooptastic! Now make him fix that leak before we're up to our snouts in water!"
  • "Oh, I hate it when my tootsie-wootsies get wet!"
  • "It's Luigi! What's that clog clearing clodhopper doin' here!?"
  • "And here's the proof! Mario! Smash, crush, pound, destroy that frog-faced brother of yours!"
  • "Kooky, what are you doing? I'm your dear old King Dad!"

Misadventure of Mighty Plumber[edit]

  • "Knock it off, knuckleheads! I'm not doing exercises; I'm having a temper tantrum!"
  • "Because I just found the map I need to rob the Royal Coin Treasury of Pipe Land, and every time I try to steal something, the Mario Bros. stop me! I gotta come up with a plan to get rid of 'em..."
  • "How could I come up with a brilliant plan to get rid of the Mario Bros. with all this goin' on?"
  • "Mighty Plumber! That's it! I'll trick him into sending the Mario Bros. right down the drain!"
  • "Mighty Plumber, have I got a job for you!"
  • "Ah, she can wait! This is an emergency! Two evil little plumbers are trying to steal Pipe Land's Coin Treasury! You gotta help me bring the gold coins back to my castle, where they'll be safe from those thieves!"
  • "This is the entrance to the Underground Maze of Pipes, where the Treasury is hidden! Can you get it open?"
  • "Uhh, I think I'll wait outside!"
  • "Boy, have I got Mighty Plumber conned. I wonder what I'll buy with all those gold coins? An ocean liner? A Koopa DeVille?"
  • "Tell that to my new partner!"
  • "Oh, Mighty Plumber, those nasty-thieving plumbers are here!"
  • "They're crooks, Mighty Plumber! Get 'em!"
  • "Mighty Plumber fell for my phony story! This is going great!"
  • "Quit gaping! We gotta find the Pipe Land Treasury and move the coins to my castle before these two can steal 'em!"
  • "The Treasury Vault can't be much further! I'd better check the map."
  • "Get him, Mighty Plumber! He stole my map!"
  • "I'll take that!"
  • "You may have the plunger, but I got the map!"
  • "Gimme that map!"
  • "There it is! The Pipe Land Treasury vault!"
  • "Okay, big guy! Break down the door!"
  • "At last! All the gold coins in Pipe Land are mine!"
  • "That's your problem! Those little plumbers aren't the thieves, I am!"
  • "The Pipe Warp! I'm home free!"
  • "That's what YOU think, sink-fink!"
  • "I got it! I got it!"

A Toadally Magical Adventure[edit]

  • "Then let’s grab it, Cheatsy!"
  • "Get that wand!"
  • "Boomerang Brothers, get me that wand!"
  • "You're under my control now, ya big pipe-snipe!"
  • "Hey! You! Toad! Get away! Shoo! Take those blocks with ya!"
  • "Gimme that wand! This is gettin' outta hand!"

Do the Koopa[edit]

  • "Louder! Louder! You dummy mummy, can't you see I got a cold?"
  • "What?! Those pesky plumbers are here to Dark Land?!"
  • "Not 'besky blumbers', Big Mouth! Pesky plumbers!"
  • "We ARE in trouble! It's the Mario Bros., and you three gotta stop 'em!"
  • "Then don't just stand there! Bones here will show you the trail! Follow that mummy!"
  • "The Doom Dancer Music Box! Good work, Koopalings! Let me try it, Bully!"
  • "What's that? My ears are stuffed up; I can't hear you! Speak up!"
  • "Give it to me! Do the Koopa!"
  • "Oh, how I love this song! I can make the whole Mushroom Kingdom dance to their doom! "
  • "Do the Koopa!"
  • "This is hard work! My arm is getting tired!"
  • "Hey, getting tired? Ready to bow down and kiss my feet?"
  • "I got it! I got it!"
  • "I got it! I finally got it! The Doom Dancer is mine!"
  • "My claw's stuck!"
  • "It all smashed! I'm getting steamed!"
  • "Now look what you've done! Boy, am I getting angry! Ya ever seen me angry? Well, you're gonna see it! Watch out!"

Kootie Pie Rocks[edit]

  • "Kootie Pie, my sweet boo, uh, precious, whoa! Uh...ah- Oh!"
  • "Yes, Babycakes. You not only get to see Silly-the-Willies..."
  • "But you get to keep Filli Banilli for your very own!"
  • "Not me! We, Cheatsykums! We're pullin' this one off! Fire off the Doom Ship!"
  • "Blame it on King Koopa!"
  • "Blame it on the rain? Blame it on King Koopa!" (uncut version)
  • "Stop that awful no-"
  • "So scream! It sounds better than that other noise!"
  • "No, not that! Unless you promise to forget about them, I'm gonna put you in the dungeon!"


  • "An invasion? Well, we'll just have to get them before they get us!"
  • "When those aliens are in range, Koopa them with everything we've got!"
  • "Forget the kingdom! I just wanna save my own scaly skin!"
  • "Don't those marble-brain Mario Bros. know they're helping aliens?"
  • "I bet the aliens took like-human forms to trick the Mario Bros. into helping them! But I'll out-trick them all! Chain Chomps away!"
  • "Yeah! Turn back into your 20-feet-tall snake-spewing four-armed monstrous real selves!"
  • "Right, Kootie Pie! We'll trick them! How are we gonna trick them, Kooky?"
  • "A brilliantly treacherous son! What more could a villain ask for?"
  • "Who cares if the aliens are gone? Kooky got all their secret plans, right outta their brains!"
  • "WHAT?!?!"
  • "Then who started the rumor they were aliens?"

The Ugly Mermaid[edit]

  • "This is Koopariffic! I can do even more bad in my Doomsub than in my Doomship! Soon, the underwater world of Mertropolis, will be...Kooptropolis!"
  • "Rocky Wrenches to your battle stations! Enemy plumbers sighted!"
  • "No problem! I got everything under control! I'm the captain of the sub here! Whoa!"
  • "King Mackerel! People of Mertropolis! You have 20 minutes to surrender! Or I will destroy your city!"
  • "You may have stopped my Troopas, but you won't stop me! That was just the first wave of my attack!"
  • "Those lunkheads will never learn! Fire the Nasty Nets!"
  • "Hmmm, I wonder where that meathead Mario was?"
  • "Now hear this, Mario! You have my congratulations on getting married! And to show you what a nice guy I am, I'm gonna throw ya...a wedding shower!"

Crimes R Us[edit]

  • "Prison: The only place in the Real World, with our kind of people!"
  • "OW!!! LET GO OF MY NOSE!!!"
  • "These are not disguises! I am Bowser Koopa; King Koopa to you! And these little darlings are my Koopa Kids!"
  • "And you're the kind of villainous culprit who me give those precious kids all the advantages I never had!"
  • "Hang on! I'm not lookin' for a babysitter! I want you to teach these tots every illegal, underhanded, and treacherous trick you know!"
  • "You keep half of what ya steal!"
  • "Wonderful! Wonderful! Quick little learners, aren't they? Makes a dad proud!"
  • "I think it's time for the Grand Finale! The Big Finish! The Crime of the Mushroom Century!"
  • "No, my little thievelings! You're gonna steal a billion gold coins, from the Mushroom Kingdom Treasury!"

Up, Up, and a Koopa[edit]

  • "Since the Princess won't turn over her kingdom, I'll pull it up by the roof!"
  • "And your Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper is working perfectly!"
  • "You did a fine job, Kooky! I always knew you were brighter than you look! Soon, everything in Mushroom Land will be levitated up to Sky World!"
  • "Looks like I'm starting to get a rise on the Mushroom Kingdom! I'll give the Raiser-Upper more juice!"
  • "Rats! Everything's going wrong!"
  • "Never mind what I did, Kooky! Just fix it!"
  • "Now I can have some real fun!"
  • "SURPRISE! Well, well. You're just in time to see the big show! Well, things are startin' to look up in Mushroom Land!"
  • "But I will! The Princess has no hope! I know I've said this a zillion times before, but at last, this time for sure, her people will rise up, and her kingdom...will be mine!"
  • "This is easier than pulling teeth! And just as much fun!"
  • "I think I'll juice it up to quadradruple power, so we can finish the whole kingdom up before dinner!"
  • "Ah, lighten up. Learn to live a little."
  • "Kooky, put the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper on automatic pilot! As long as we're up here, I might as well take over Sky Land too!"
  • "Now hear this! I, the one and only, extremely disgusting King Koopa, am your new ruler! From now on, you will obey only me!"
  • "Good! Now things will really start jumping!"
  • "Now, you dizzy dimwits, who are you gonna obey?"
  • "That's more like it!"
  • "At last! Sky Land and Mushroom Land are mine! After all these years, I'm getting what I deserve!"
  • "Thief! That's mine! Give it to me!"
  • "This is all your fault, Kooky."

7 Continents for 7 Koopas[edit]

  • "And I just got this clunker back from the repair shop!"
  • "Quick! Activate the Super Slurp Pipe! It's our last chance!"
  • "There, there, Kootie Pie. It'll be okay! I'll make it up to you; I got a great idea for a Koopa caper!"
  • "Hang on, my corrupt kiddies! We're boogiein' outta the Mushroom Kingdom...and barrelin' into the Real World! And to make sure those meddling Mario Bros. don't follow us, Kooky, activate the Koopa Klogger!"
  • "Stop your yakkin' and start your packin'! We got a world to Koopa conquer! The Real World's got seven continents, and I'm givin' one to each of you to do with what you like! Bully, you get to be the beast of the east in Asia! Cheatsy, you show how low you can go, down under, in Australia! Kootie Pie, show the Old World something new in nastiness! Go be a plague in Europe! Kooky, go wild in Africa! Big Mouth, blow your hot air all over Antarctica! Hip, rediscover North America! Be rotten from sea to shining sea! Hop, La Bamba South America! Give the Real World a Kooping it'll never forget!"
  • "Surprise, surprise. A princess like you in a place like this? Good thing the Koopa Klogger has an echo goodie-good warning device!"
  • "PRISONER!!! Hahahahaha!"
  • "I already am getting away with this, Little Miss Princess! Look! See what kind of fiendish mischief my Koopalings are up to? What Koopa catastrophe are you causin' in Asia, Bully Koopa?"
  • "Lousy lizards, Bully! Any stupid airhead can slop graffiti around!"
  • "Great! Great! Really rotten! Hahahahaha! Kooky, what's Koopin' in Africa?"
  • "Cheatsy, what's going down under Australia?"
  • "And what'd you do with him?"
  • "And what about Antartica, Big Mouth?"
  • "That's cold, Big Mouth! I love it! Kootie Pie, how are things goin' on in Europe?"
  • "And what's happenin' in North and South America?"
  • "Nice goin', Koopa Kids! You made your daddy SO proud! That's world-class mischief!"

True Colors[edit]

  • "I-I-I-I'm awake! I'm ready! Let's get 'em!"
  • "We never would've lost if you Koopaling clowns had just tried to wake me up! Whose idea was this midnight attack!?"
  • "Well, you never should've let me say it! Even at midnight, we can't beat the Mushroom People! They're too united!"
  • "You're right, Kooky. Besides...I never should keep me up past my bedtime..."
  • "You mean set Mushroom against Mushroom? It'll never happen..."
  • "My little Koopalings...tell Papa your the morning."
  • "Yeah! But did you have to spray so early in the morning? I didn't sleep a wink!"
  • "As soon as the rumble begins, we invade the kingdom!"
  • "I hope we can get this conquering over with so I can take a nap!"

Recycled Koopa[edit]

  • "You Koopa Kids clean up this mess or you don't get to do anything mean for a whole week!"
  • "I hope you're making that junk disappear!"
  • "Who cares who did the most?"
  • "It's those meddling Mario Bros. and that putrid Princess Toadstool! After him!"
  • "Huh? They got Hip's magic wand!"
  • "I'll get my Doomship and fly rings around those raccoons!"
  • "Paragoombas, attack!"
  • "Gimme back Hip's Magic Wand! It's Koopa property, and it's rightfully mine!"
  • "It's not neat stuff, you nincom-Koop! It's the same trash we had before! Now get rid of it! And this time, see that it doesn't come back!"
  • "You kids go keep that garbage comin'! This is my chance to rule what used to be, the human kingdom!"
  • "This is your leader speaking! These are Mario Bros.! Find 'em, and waste 'em! To the winner goes the spoils! Here's some ammunition from Dark Land!"
  • "New York, New York! What a Koop of a town! Brooklyn, is mine! Now to take Manhattan, Queens, and the Bronx with my new Crud Cannon!"
  • "It's a dirty job, but somebody gets to do it!"
  • "I've got plenty more garbage about the Doomship, you no-good neat-nicks!"
  • "Huh? Get away from me, you gargantuan garbage-gobbling gizmo you!"

The Venice Menace[edit]

  • "If those pesky plumbers try to use this warp pipe to Venice, my slimy sentries will Koopafy them so we can keep scaring all the humans out of Venice!"
  • "What my sweet Kootie Pie wants, my sweet Kootie Pie gets!"
  • "Those spoilsport plumbers got through my trap!"
  • "They won't startle us, sweetie! We'll startle THEM!"
  • "Hurry with that emergency-welding kit! I can't plug this leak much longer!"
  • "You welded my shell to the hull!"
  • "I gotta find those putrid plumbers and make 'em pay!"
  • "I don't know what's pullin' 'em to Venice, but I know what's gonna pull 'em...under!"
  • "That takes care of the Mario Bros.! Now to bring the rest of Venice down!"
  • "Chow down, my little Chompers!"
  • "Patience, my little Kootie Pie! Soon, Venice, will be all washed up."
  • "Huh?! YOU again?! I'll Koopatize you! I'll pulverize you! I'll-"
  • "The drain-brain ran into the engine room! We got him trapped! Turn on the engine, Kootie Pie!"
  • "Give up, plum-scum! You'll never make it!"
  • "There goes my Doom Sub!"
  • "She won't be fit to live with for a year! I hate those pesky plumbers..."

Super Koopa[edit]

  • "Excellent work, my boys!"
  • "Even better! Those pigheaded plumbers can't get their superpowers in the Real World!"
  • "My new super powers will help me slam dunk those lunkheads into the trash can of doom!"
  • "Why don't ya come and make me?"
  • "Exactly! And if you don't follow us, you'll never see Luigi again!"
  • "This looks like a job for...Superrrrr Koopa!"
  • "How could I? I don't have a sense of humor! Go tell your brother to watch this!"
  • "Hey! It really works! Permit me to introduce you to...RACCOON KOOPA!"
  • "Care to go for a little sightseeing flight, Princess?"
  • "If that's the way you feel about it, we'll make your first stop, your LAST!"
  • "Sorry, Mario, but I'm having way too much fun!"
  • "Aaaahh! If you think my Raccoon is'll love my Frog! Ribbit! Ribbit!"
  • "Your stupid sub hurt my flipper! And for that, you're all gonna pay!"
  • "That's right, kids! Paris, is mine! I've got the Princess trapped in the Eiffel Tower, and the Mario Bros., in the Bastille! If you ever wanted to see the wonders of Europe, now's time! The culture! The history!"
  • "Ha! With the Mario Bros. out of the way, it won't be long before all of Paris is at my feet!"
  • "Hey, what are you staring at? Haven't you ever seen a reptile getting ready to conquer the world?"
  • "You look marvelous, Kootie Pie! Simply marvelous!"
  • "Escaped, have they? Kooky, take the wheel! This looks like a job for Super Koopa!"
  • "No way, fungus-face! It's Super Koopa!"
  • "Aha! This Karoobi clodhopper may be just the thing to kick some sense into a couple of flies!"
  • "You'll never escape the wrathful doom of this shoe!"


  • "I'll get those plumbers!" - Intro sequence
  • "I've got seven Koopa Kids, and the Real World's got seven continents! One for a perfect way to divide and conquer!" - NBC promo for "7 Continents for 7 Koopas"

King Mackerel[edit]

  • "Sizzling sea serpents, Princess! Oh, am I glad to see you and the Mario Bros.! You've gotta help us!"
  • "What's the matter? You're not afraid of King Koopa, are you?"
  • "You do that, and your every fish wish is my command!"
  • "Mario, did you hear that? Koopa's preparing to attack!"
  • "I bestow you the medal of Mertropolis, for your bravery!"

King Windbag[edit]

  • "Duck, you turkey!"
  • "Flea-brained ninny! DUCK!!!"
  • "What's wrong, Luigi? Are my floors dirty? SOMEBODY MOP THIS FLOOR, PRONTO!"
  • "Duck? Not that kind of duck! My servant here doesn't know the difference between duck and turkey."
  • "So, why are you here, lad?"
  • "Me? A bully? Nonsense!"
  • "Honestly, a dog could be a better servant!"
  • "WHERE'S MY DUCK?!?!"
  • "Don't just stand there like a lamp post! SHOW ME THAT DUCK!"
  • "Where are we? What is this place?"
  • "Let's get my wand back from Hip and Hop and get out of this place!"
  • "Me, King Windbag? Run? Royalty never runs!"
  • "I want my wand back now!"
  • "My wand! We'll never get it back!"
  • "Move, Fido!"
  • "Bully? Nonsense! I'm a king! I have rights!"
  • "Help? From these shiftless curs? For what?"
  • "Hup, two, mutts! Line up, pronto!"
  • "Me?"
  • "Hardly... What do dogs do best? Dig!"
  • "My wand! I finally got my wand back!"
  • "Ohhhh! No more fleas!"
  • "Maybe he'd be a kinder and gentler dog catcher if he knew what it was like being a dog!"
  • "And I know I'll be a kinder king! Down, Fido!"
  • "Let's get back home! I've got a kingdom to take care of!"
  • "DUCK!!!"
  • "And mashed potatoes, and some peas..."

King Windbag's servant[edit]

  • "Might as well be a dog, the way King Windbag treats us..."
  • "D-d-d-duck?"

Koopa Kids[edit]

Big Mouth Koopa Jr.[edit]

Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopas[edit]

  • "That's Prince Hugo the Huge, the new ruler of Giant Land! They say, he's the biggest, toughest, bravest prince ever, even for a giant! He's a giant."
  • "I've seen some ugly raccoons in my day, but these are the worst!"
  • "Wrong, ya fuzzy fungus! I'll make THEM sorry!"
  • "I love being a Koopa!"
  • "You're a royal pain! And we need your cage for our prisoners!"
  • "Don't shut that door! We gotta put Mario in there!"
  • "Big deal! We've still got Prince Hugo and three more prisoners than King Daddy sent us for!"
  • "Couldn't we stay like this and capture a couple more kingdoms?"
  • "{*with Bully, Cheatsy, and Kooky*} Yaaaaay! ♪ For he's a jolly bad Koopa, for he's a jolly bad Koopa! ♪"
  • "{*with Bully, Cheatsy, and Kooky*} ♪ For he's a jolly bad Koopa, which nobody can deny! ♪"
  • "So, what kingdom are we Giant Ninja Koopas gonna conquer first?"

Reptiles in the Rose Garden[edit]

  • "Give that brat a country and she finally stops nagging!"


  • "What's it?"
  • "Yeah! Someone magnificent, like we are! Let’s go find him!"
  • "It's THIS way to Hollywood!"
  • "Wow! Look at that! He's so strong!"
  • "{*with Kootie Pie*} He's our real dad!"
  • "Don't worry, Dad! Our magic wands will make you well in no time!"
  • "Yowza! You showed him!"
  • "It's Big Mouth and Kootie Pie! Remember? You put us up for adoption!"
  • "But first, we want a car! A big, bad, convertible!"
  • "Yeah! We want a streeeeeeeeetch limo!"
  • "Yeah! We want our clawprints in the Walk of Fame!"
  • "The Mario Bros.!"
  • "With those budinskis out of the way, we could take Hollywood by storm!"
  • "Okay, Dad! Now it's YOUR turn!"
  • "Ya can't sleep now, Dad!"
  • "Yeah! Show him who's boss! Heh heh heh!"
  • "{*with Kootie Pie*} We HATE naps!"
  • "{*with Kootie Pie*} We HATE chores!"
  • "Yeah! They're even bossier than good ol' bad King Dad!"
  • "Yeah! Anything's better than this!"

Misadventure of Mighty Plumber[edit]

  • "Hey look! King Dad's doing aerobic exercises and getting in shape with more madness! Great idea!"
  • "Hey, King Pop! What are we havin' a tantrum about?"

A Toadally Magical Adventure[edit]

  • "HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! The wand is as good as ours!"
  • "Oh yeah?! Who says?!"

Do the Koopa[edit]

  • "Besky blumbers? What are besky blumbers?"
  • "These Marios are tough! Whadda ya think they're up to? The nerve of these guys, sneaking into Dark Land, reminds me of-"
  • "They have a map, to the Doom Dancer Music Box!"
  • "No, it must be true! If Mario gets it, we'll be doomed to be good for good! He'll control everything! We'll be dancing to his doom! We'll be all tap-dancing at his tip!"
  • "Yeah! Let's do an ambush..."
  • "Augh! Not my favorite string! It's invaluable! Oh, there's a story behind this string. Our great grand-Koopa mama-"
  • "I got it! I got it! Big Mouth Koopa calls for the ball! The crowd (imitates crowd) roars!"
  • "Ohhh! Bully, brother! Old pal, that thing doesn't work on me and Cheatsy, does it? I mean, you wouldn't make your favorite brother dance, would ya?"
  • "Yeah! Dancing lessons are expensive!"
  • "I'll help you, daddy dearest!"


  • "Aliens! Billions of them, Kootie Pie!"

Crimes R Us[edit]

  • "It's curtains for you creeps! You're history, you've had it, you're done for, it's ALL over, we win, time's up, your clock is cleaned! The sun has set, the fat lady has sung, the cheese has molded, the Super Mario Bros. are no more!"
  • "So you won't be lonely! Here's a little something to keep you company!"
  • "Stick ‘em up! Give me your purse! I’m a real bad robber Koopa! I’m also a baaaaaaad dancer!"
  • "Hey, Kootie Pie, stick ‘em up! Put your hands in the air! I’m a thief and a crook!"
  • "Stick 'em up! This Ptooie Plant is loaded!"

7 Continents for 7 Koopas[edit]

  • "I made an Abominable Snowkoopa!"

Recycled Koopa[edit]

  • "Yeah, I hate him! And YOU hear him? You're a lazy bully, Bully! If you don't help us, I'M gonna tattle!"
  • "See, King Dad? See? We cleaned up all the trash, and I did the most!"
  • "Look at all this neat stuff you got, King Dad! We used to have a lot of these stuff like this, but we got rid of it! We-"
  • "...if ya want something done..."
  • "Yeah, and they're gonna pick YOU to be their leader! Isn't that always the way? Treat people lousy, dump garbage on their heads and they'll follow you anywhere- Yeah, I hate him! And YOU hear him? You're a lazy bully, Bully! If you don't help us, I'M gonna tattle!"


  • "Trash problem? What trash problem? We have took all the toxic Koopa trash, and dumped it into a Warp Zone! It's horrific! Right on the Mario Bros.' heads! What a way to conquer the world! Ahahahaha!" - NBC promo for "Recycled Koopa"

Bully Koopa[edit]

Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopas[edit]

  • "Giant-schmiant, Big Mouth! He ain’t that bigger deal!"
  • "Right, King Dad. That's what I was gonna say, if somebody like Big Mouth or Kootie Pie oughta stop ‘em."
  • "But Dad, this could be dangerous! Isn't there a small prince we could capture?"
  • "Yeah! They're almost as ugly as the Mario Bros.!"
  • "But, Pop! We're having such fun as Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopas!"
  • "{*with Big Mouth, Cheatsy, and Kooky*} Yaaaaay! ♪ For he's a jolly bad Koopa, for he's a jolly bad Koopa! ♪"
  • "{*with Big Mouth, Cheatsy, and Kooky*} ♪ For he's a jolly bad Koopa, which nobody can deny! ♪"

A Toadally Magical Adventure[edit]

  • "No way! It's MY turn now, sis! And I say, it's time for a game of catch!"
  • "Whoa whoa whoa whoa! I'm tremblin' in my boots! Piranha Plant, go munch on a Mushroom!"

Misadventures in Babysitting[edit]

  • "I'm Bully Koopa!"
  • "Which is why we're gettin' rid of you!"
  • "Yeah! This oughta parboil those pain-in-the-tail plumbers AND their little Brooklyn brat!"

Do the Koopa[edit]

  • "Right, King Dad! Anything you say! We'll stop those Barrio Brothers!"
  • "King Dad always said the Doom Dancer was just a legend!"
  • "Good idea. Gimme your string!"
  • "Oh yeah? Well, now I got it!"
  • "Hehehehehe! Now let's try it slow!"
  • "Hehehehehe! Now let's try a march!"
  • "Hehehehehe! Meet King Bully Koopa: The new master of Dark Land!"
  • "You gotta be kiddin', ex-King Dad! I'm gonna rule the entire world...startin' with YOU!"
  • "Gulp! He can't...hear me?!"
  • "King Dad is gonna pay for this!"
  • "No! It's YOUR fault!"


  • "Hey! Who's comin'?"
  • "Aliens! There were dozens of 'em, Kooky!"
  • "Dad, look!"
  • "Yeah! Serves 'em right if their 20-foot-tall aliens eat 'em up with their sword-like teeth!"
  • "Of course, ditzhead! That's the first trick a sneaky alien plays!"

Crimes R Us[edit]

  • "Real World prison straight ahead, King Dad!"
  • "Crimewave Clyde? Real World Public Enemy No. 1?"
  • "This is your lucky day! King Dad just gave you a pardon!"
  • "GOT 'EM, KING DAD!"
  • "Do what I tell ya! Toss it in the sack! ALL OF IT!"
  • "That's 522 wallets, 391 purses, 912 gold coins, and a yo-yo!"
  • "Are we gonna rob the ruins of the Mushroom Pharaohs?"

7 Continents for 7 Koopas[edit]

  • "I'm paintin' graffiti all over this wall, Green Daddy!"
  • "But it's not just any wall, Pop! It's The Great Wall of China!"

Recycled Koopa[edit]

  • "You heard King Dad! Get to work!"
  • "I'm doin' no brain work, Big Mouth!"
  • "You? Beautiful? I thought you were part of the garbage, Kootie Pie!"
  • "EAT TRASH!"
  • "We're on it, King Dad!"
  • "Presto! No more garbage!"
  • "Just like Daddy always says..."
  • "Heave-ho! Heave-ho! Oh boy, it's hard work making you guys work hard!"
  • "See, King Dad? Those humans are getting better-lookin' by the minute!"

Cheatsy Koopa[edit]

Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopas[edit]

  • "{*with Bully, Big Mouth, and Kooky*} Yaaaaay! ♪ For he's a jolly bad Koopa, for he's a jolly bad Koopa! ♪"
  • "{*with Bully, Big Mouth, and Kooky*} ♪ For he's a jolly bad Koopa, which nobody can deny! ♪"
  • "Desert Land!"
  • "Save us!"
  • "Wait for us!"

The Beauty of Kootie[edit]

  • "Tell that to the Mario Bros., Kootie Pie! They'll be here any second!"
  • "Relax, sis! I got a scheme so sneaky that Dad will wish HE thought of it!"
  • "I turned you into Mario's dream girl! It's the perfect way to stall him!"
  • "So long, sis! I gotta split!"
  • "Yeah, who is this guy anyway?"
  • "I'm not sure King Dad would like this..."
  • "Luigi!"

Princess Toadstool for President[edit]

  • "This is as sneaky and slimy as you can get, Dad. I love it!"
  • "A brilliant foil print for badness, King Dad! Let the fiendish feast begin!"
  • "Too bad, Dad. I was sure you were finally gonna become boss of the Mushroom Kingdom!"
  • "Bad King Dad? Are you kidding?"
  • "Yeah, Dad! I noticed!"
  • "Uh, maybe you could try being, uh...nice."
  • "It's a miracle!"
  • "Good scheming, Kooky!"
  • "Not without more cheating! While Dad conducts a nice campaign, we'll conduct a dirty one!"
  • "That's why we're fixing things, so she won't make another one!"
  • "Looks like King Dad will win by a landslide!"
  • "Don't let the mooding public hear ya say that, King Dad!"
  • "You got it! Soon to be ruler, Pop!"
  • "Cant'cha hurry up? Dad needs his Nice Guy Potion now!"
  • "I'm not rushing. I'm helping!"
  • "It's that louse, Luigi! Let's Koopafy him!"
  • "Where'd Luigi go?"
  • "Sure, you're the biggest fake around!"
  • "We couldn't help it, King Dad! We had to vote for her! She's so nice, and you'"
  • "Exactly, Dad!"
  • "Oops! He's got more 'rrrr' than ever!"

Never Koop a Koopa[edit]

  • "Huh? Dad!"
  • "I like your big bang theory, King Dad!"
  • "Double-cross, huh?"
  • "Got it, King Dad!"
  • "Thanks for the cheating lesson, King Dad!"
  • "Not one day, Dad. Today! Just watch me following in your dirty footsteps!"
  • "GUARDS!!! Take the prisoners MY room!"
  • "Sign the kingdom over to me, or your pals go back for a Bob-omb party!"
  • "The Mushroom Kingdom is mine! MINE!!! I can't wait to tell Dad that I double-crossed you!"
  • "Careful, King Dad-uh, ex-King Dad! I'm the NEW king of Mushroom Kingdom! See?"
  • "Course! Since you GAVE me the idea to cheat you out of it, I'll make sure you get a cushy assignment! Say, cleaning the royal stables?"
  • "Hey! That's mine!"
  • "Um, locked in my room."
  • "But, King Dad! You should be proud of me! I was only doing bad like you taught me!"

Reign Storm[edit]

  • "Yeah, bad King Dad!"

Tag Team Trouble[edit]

  • "Uh, King Dad, speaking of easy money-"
  • "But, King Dad! There's some easy money right over-"
  • "Um, sorry King Dad, but we all can't be as smart as you are."
  • "I wanna register my team: The Sledge Brothers!"
  • "Too bad, King Dad! Looks like your scheme to win the prize money won't work as easy as you thought!"
  • "You are getting very sleepy! You are completely...under my power! You will do exactly what I say! You cannot wake up for two whole days! Understand?"
  • "Hey! Aren't those the Mario Bros.?"
  • "But I've already set booby traps all over the ring!"
  • "Watch, King Dad! Here comes booby trap number one!"
  • "Watch this booby trap, King Pop!"
  • "Quittin' time?"
  • "Uh-uh! No way! Not me! Aaaah!"

Misadventure of Mighty Plumber[edit]

  • "Why buy toys in a store when you can cheat and zap 'em outta the TV?"
  • "Okay, okay! Don't be such a nag!"

A Toadally Magical Adventure[edit]

  • "Hey, King Dad! The wimp with the wand just touched down!"
  • "The wand! The wand!"
  • "Bully for you, Bully! But it's MY turn, and I say it's time this Piranha Plant grew up!"

Misadventures in Babysitting[edit]

  • "You're in the Mushroom Kingdom, kid. I'm Cheatsy Koopa!"
  • "And any enemy of the Mario Bros. is a friend of ours!"
  • "Kid, this could be the start, of a beautiful friendship!"
  • "Nah! You got 'em following us!"
  • "Now, if you can lure the Mario Bros. up here, we'll play a trick they'll NEVER forget!"
  • "Look, kid. You've been real helpful, but the truth is, Junior, we really don't like you very much!"
  • "Did ya see the look on that brat's face when we heaved him into the Pipe Maze?"

Do the Koopa[edit]

  • "Whew, that's a relief! If it was 'pesky plumbers', we'd REALLY be in trouble!"
  • "I hate sneaky, unless I'm doing the sneaking! Whatever those Mario Bros. are up to, we've gotta stop!"
  • "No way! We'll let Mario find it! Then we'll snatch it away from him!"
  • "Now we're sure the Mario Bros. will have a pleasant trip in Dark Land!"
  • "No! I got it!"
  • "Yeah, Bully! That means you CAN'T control him!"

Kootie Pie Rocks[edit]

  • "Hmm, those pesky Mario Bros. must be up to something really special."
  • "A Milli Vanilli concert? I wonder what Kootie Pie is gonna say?"
  • "What good side?"
  • "(*with Kootie Pie*) MILLI VANILLIIIIIIIII!!!"
  • "I can't wait to see you pull this one, King Daddykums!"
  • "Welcome to Kastle Koopa!"

Crimes R Us[edit]

  • "You did great, kid! The Mario Bros. fell for it big! Here's your lunch money back."
  • "Pilfer the pyramids in the Koopahari Desert?"
  • "Just following orders!"
  • "Dad never planned on giving you half of anything! We're double-crossing you!"

7 Continents for 7 Koopas[edit]

  • "We need some water fast, before we're all blown to Koopdom come!"
  • "Phew! It worked! The water cooled things down just in time!"
  • "I've turned every human being, into a kangaroo, except one."
  • "We're throwing a shrimp, on a barbie!"

True Colors[edit]

  • "Wake up, King Dad. Time to do your midnight sneak attack on the Mushroom Kingdom!"
  • "We gotta wake him, Kooky! This was HIS sinister scheme!"
  • "Yours, King Dad! You said the early Koopa gets the Mushroom!"
  • "You can't go to sleep yet, Pop! I've got a super-devious and nasty plan! We'll divide and conquer!"
  • "I can make it happen!"
  • "We've added the colorful ingredients, now let's stir them up!"
  • "Darn blues! They just don't respect us reds!"
  • "I'M walking here, you bumpus blue booble! Hahahahahaha!"
  • "Oh yeah?"
  • "Oh YEAH?"
  • "Oh, yeah?! Then how come you pushed back the red guy, and not the blue?!"
  • "Let's drive those blues out of the kingdom!"
  • "RUMBLE!!"
  • "And with the kingdom split, King Dad can be top banana!"
  • "Those Mushroom People are so dumb!"
  • "When everyone knows that Koopa Green is the sneakiest of all! Let's get to that rumble, Kooky, and heat a few Mushrooms to the blowing point!"
  • "Gotcha, King Dad! We'll get the rumble started!"
  • "Come on, we're not yellow! We're red! Let's rumble!"
  • "So what? She's not red! She's not our Princess anymore!"
  • "{*with Kooky*} RATS!"
  • "It's a trick, red Mushrooms! Are you going to forget all those horrible things the blues did?"
  • "AUGH!!! DAD! HURRY! ATTACK! WE'RE IN TROUBLE! You're the only ones who can save us!!!"
  • "I think we better Koop on out of here!"

Hip Koopa[edit]

Mind Your Mummy Mommy, Mario[edit]

  • "This mummy tomb sure is..."
  • "We've found it! And King Dad thought..."
  • "(with Hop) his words!"
  • "...that?! I'm not waitin' to find out! Let's grab Prince Mushroomkhamen's gold mummy case..."
  • "Here's our chance to sneak off..."
  • "We're all eyes, oh meanest..."

Misadventure of Mighty Plumber[edit]

  • "King Dad! King Dad! Come quick and see what Cheatsy's doing!"


  • "This mirror will make it look like..."
  • "But is anybody dumb enough to fall for a prank like this?"
  • "It worked!"
  • "(with Hop) ALIENS?!"
  • "(with Hop) They're coming! They're coming!"
  • "(with Hop) ALIENS!!!"
  • "THEY did!"

The Ugly Mermaid[edit]

  • "Just one problem, King Pop! Those pesky Mario Bros..."
  • "Look, Pop! It's that meddlesome..."

Life's Ruff[edit]

  • "A dog? What a..."
  • "Yeah! Just the kind of trouble..."
  • "...a mustached mutt!"
  • "King Dad will be proud..."
  • "Smells like..."
  • "Look! The littlest Mario Bro..."
  • "Farewell,..."
  • "3...2..."

7 Continents for 7 Koopas[edit]

  • "I've taken over all the TV stations, and I'm holding a Koopathon! I'm not goin' off the air until everybody sends me all their money!"

Super Koopa[edit]

  • "(with Hop) We're all set, Kooky!"
  • "The pendant won't work anywhere..."
  • "On the other hand, with a little improvement, some of these old ones look pretty good too!"

Hop Koopa[edit]

Mind Your Mummy Mommy, Mario[edit]

  • "...spooky!"
  • "...we'd mess up this heist! Old Pop's gonna have to (with Hip) eat his words!"
  • "W-w-what was..."
  • "...and hightail it outta here!"
  • "Hey, Hip! Does this old prince mummy guy look familiar?"
  • "...without anyone seeing us!"
  • "...of mean Dad's!"

Misadventure of Mighty Plumber[edit]

  • "Yay, Cheatsy!"


  • " there's no wall here!"
  • "Alright!"
  • "Well, what are ya talking about?"
  • "(with Hip) ALIENS?!"
  • "(with Hip) They're coming! They're coming!"
  • "(with Hip) ALIENS!!!"

The Ugly Mermaid[edit]

  • "...are right on our tail!"
  • "...Luigi, the Princess and Toad!"

Life's Ruff[edit]

  • "...Bowzer of an idea!"
  • "...King Dad wanted us to cause when he told us to follow Luigi!"
  • "No duck here, turkey!"
  • "Now King King Fleabag!"
  • "And the pesky plumber is gonna be..."
  • "...of all the trouble we're causing Luigi!"
  • "...CHOW TIME!!!"
  • " headed for the doghouse!"
  • "...Fidos!"
  • "...1...LET'S BLASTOFF!!!"

7 Continents for 7 Koopas[edit]

  • "And I'm turning the Amazon Forest into a parking lot! Now all I need is a zillion cars to fill it!"

Super Koopa[edit]

  • "(with Hip) We're all set, Kooky!"
  • "...except in the Real World!"
  • "Get those ugly old paintings outta here! We've gotta make room for our new masterpieces!"

Kooky von Koopa[edit]

Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopas[edit]

  • "Oh yeah! Let's get back to Kastle Koopa, so Dad can tell us how smart we are!"
  • "{*with Bully, Big Mouth, and Cheatsy*} Yaaaaay! ♪ For he's a jolly bad Koopa, for he's a jolly bad Koopa! ♪"
  • "{*with Bully, Big Mouth, and Cheatsy*} ♪ For he's a jolly bad Koopa, which nobody can deny! ♪"
  • "(*in Bully's voice due to an animation error*) Water Land!"
  • "No fair!"
  • "We're Kooping out too!"

Princess Toadstool for President[edit]

  • "Ooh, relax, King Dad! Kooky Von Koopa’s got the answer to your problems!"
  • "Wrong! It's my newest invention: Nice Guy Potion!"
  • "Oh, I couldn’t let Dad down. He’d never win, unless we fixed this election!"
  • "Whaddaya think, Cheatsy? Does Nice Guy King Dad stand a chance?"
  • "Uh, oh! King Dad's in trouble! That was a good speech!"
  • "Oh, brother! It looks like the Nice Guy Potion is wearing off!"
  • "Don't ever rush achieve!"
  • "Whoa! Chill out, Cheatsy! If you ruin this batch, there won’t be time to genius up another one!"
  • "Oh, forget the plumber! We've got to get that Nice Guy Potion to Dad, before he blows the election!"
  • "Aaaaahhhhh!!! The potion is gone!!! We've been outsneaked!"
  • "They stole the Nice Guy Potion!"
  • "C'mon, King Dad! You can fake your way through this!"

Reign Storm[edit]

  • "Whoa, hey, Bad King Dad! My twisted genius brain, just had an idea!"
  • "Even worse! What if I built a robot Princess, to take over the kingdom, while the real Princess is gone?"
  • "Hold your Goombas, bad King Dad! You can’t rush a genius!"
  • "The robot's ready for evil, King Dad! No one in the Mushroom Kingdom, will even suspect the real Princess is still in the Real World!"
  • "My job is to keep the real Princess Toadstool in real Hawaii. You told me six times, Bossy Dad!"
  • "Aloha, Pop!"
  • "Dad! I came to warn you! The real Princess is coming back!"

Toddler Terrors of Time Travel[edit]

  • "It seems you get these headaches, every time you get clobbered by the Mario Bros."
  • "I-if only those nincompoop plumbers hadn't fallen down that Warp Zone pipe in Brooklyn..."
  • "Maybe we can go back and CHANGE history, King Dad! All we need is a little...time travel!"
  • "I got to be careful. This is the only time travel tube I've got!"
  • "I know what I'm doing!"
  • "It's working! I'll take us back to that Brooklyn drain, just before noon, when the Mario Bros. warped into the Mushroom Kingdom!"
  • "But, King Dad! It'll blow if you give it more juice!"
  • "Whoa! We're goin' out of control!"
  • "Forget them, help ME! We're going TOO far back in time!"
  • "Maybe I can get this back on course."
  • "Oooh! The Mario babies got away! Well, now what do we do?"
  • "I think this might work, King Dada!"
  • "Alright! King Dad!"
  • "You're back to your abnormal self!"
  • "If they think we're in costume, King Dad, they'll never GUESS we're not from the Real World! I told ya I'm a genius!"
  • "We'll make sure those shrimpy Mario babies never warp through this pipe!"
  • "We do, lady. This is a fun game called: STUFF YOUR FURNITURE DOWN THE DRAIN!"
  • "Ooh, so that's our problem!"
  • "Now the Super Mario Bros. will never get to the Mushroom Kingdom!"
  • "My time travel thing is working great!"
  • "Better do what King Dad says, Princess! The Super Mario Bros. are stuck in the past!"

Oh, Brother![edit]

  • "Looks like my brilliant new invention, the Power Shower, is a Koopa colossal success! I made it rain on the surface of the Mushroom Kingdom..."
  • "...and flush out the gold coins floating in the underground pipe world, so I can collect them here, in this underground dungeon! Isn't that rich?!"
  • "I'm a mad genius, not a plumber!"
  • "I've got the Mario Bros. on the Koopascope, King Dad! How should we decide which one to Koopnap? Uh, flip a gold coin?"
  • "Say no more, Kooper Dooper Dad! Just watch me do my nasty stuff!"
  • "I'll catch that faucet face with another one of my nifty gizmos: The Plumber Pole!"
  • "And now a big jerk for that big plumber jerk!"
  • "It worked, my evil daddy-o! Mario's our prisoner!"
  • "We have the power to make you do anything we want, thanks to my latest genius invention: The Lame Brainer!"
  • "I'm so smart! Ooh, he's Plumber's Putty in our hands!"
  • "Mario! Here's a tasty, delicious, and all-around scrumptious bowl of pasta!"
  • "But Mario, you HATE pasta!"
  • "We've turned him into our slave, thanks to this super Kooper invention!"
  • "(Mind-controlled) Your wish is my command, Mario-Masters!"
  • "(Mind-controlled) Smash! Crush! Pound! Destroy!"

Misadventures in Babysitting[edit]

  • "Hoohoohoo, look! That strange little fella! He's a Real Worlder!"
  • "I'm Kooky von Koopa!"
  • "We've just caught ourselves a pair of babysitting plumbers! That's what!"
  • "Yeah, but the best is yet to come!"
  • "Oh course it is, and I'm having a great time!"
  • "Filling the cave up with lava, silly! What does it look like?"
  • "Right now!!!"
  • "Okay guys! I think it's time we heated things up in the Pipe Maze!"


  • "Whoa, aliens! Millions of them, Big Mouth!"
  • "No way those aliens are gonna take over our kingdom! Right, King Dad?"
  • "Don't worry, sis! We'll trick THEM!"
  • "I’ll run ‘em through, with my new Transmutational Brainwave Analyzer! And we’ll learn all their secret plans to conquer the Mushroom Kingdom! When we know all their plans, we’ll use them ourselves!"
  • "Uh, sorry, King Dad! My analyzer says that they really WERE Real World people!"'
  • "Uh...yeah! They were planning to go to Wild Waldo's Amusement Park!"

Crimes R Us[edit]

  • "Got it, Crimewave Clyde!"

Up, Up, and a Koopa[edit]

  • "Whoa, of course it's perfect! After all, I invented it!"
  • "And no one can stop us, cause we have the Sky World's ruler: Emperor Ed, locked in the brig!"
  • "NO!!! You overloaded it!"
  • "Emperor Ed flew the Koopa Koop!"
  • "Boy, King Dad! Oooh, you really did a job on my Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper! Oooh, now it's a real downer!"
  • "Ooooh, there! Now it has 10 times its original power!"
  • "Quadradruple power?! Uh, gee, King Dad! I don't think you should-"
  • "We can watch the fun from here! I've set the Raiser-Upper to...CHAOS MODE!!!"

7 Continents for 7 Koopas[edit]

  • "Big problems, King Dad! Our radiator's overheated!"
  • "With pleasure, Pop! My nifty new gizmo will clog every Warp Pipe in the Mushroom Kingdom!"
  • "I am a genius! My Koopa Klogger is sheer brilliant! Those pain-in-the-drain plumbers won’t spoil our evil fun this time!"
  • "I used my magic wand to turn all the wild animals...into STUFFED ANIMALS!"

True Colors[edit]

  • "Whoa, well, Cheatsy! While Dad takes his beauty sleep, looks like WE'LL have to order this attack!"
  • "Calm down, King Dad! Your cold Koopa blood is getting overheated!"
  • "I'm a genius! My Koopa Color Goopa worked perfectly!"
  • "I saw that! It was one of those red Mushrooms! They're always doing mean stuff like that!"
  • "I was walking here first, you rippin' red rubble!"
  • "Yeah!"
  • "Yeah!"
  • "Come on, blues! Let's have a big rumble, and give those reds what they deserve!"
  • "RUMBLE!!!"
  • "Oh, yeah! We got them to believe red was better than blue, and vice versa!"
  • "And then, when they self-saute, dear old King Dad will waltz right in and take over the kingdom!"
  • "TALK?! Will the reds wipe us out?! Look, they're heading this way! CHAAAARGE!!!"
  • "{*with Cheatsy*} RATS!"
  • "What about those terrible things the reds did?! Let's rumble!"

Super Koopa[edit]

  • "Then hit it, Hip! Hop to it, Hop!"
  • "Oooh, we did it! This pendant is gonna give King Dad the same super powers the Mario Bros. have! Oooh, boy! Am I smart?"
  • "Thanks, King Dad, but uh, there's just one little problem."
  • "So, if we can just lure those bridge-brain bozos back there..."
  • "The french fries!"

Kootie Pie Koopa[edit]

Reptiles in the Rose Garden[edit]

  • "YAH! Cheap ninnies!"
  • "It's not ENOUGH!"
  • "America."
  • "I don't care! I want America for my birthday! I WANT IT I WANT IT I WANT IT!"
  • "You're just Princess Toadstool of the measly Mushroom Kingdom! I am going to be Empress of America! Aha ha ha!"
  • "Ooh! There, Daddy! There's the castle of America's president! They call it 'The White House!'"
  • "It's time for a meaner, crueler America!"
  • "Law number 1: Every kid in America must give me their toys! Any handsome boy who does not ask me for a date will be turned into a rock! All the gold in Fort Knox will be melted down to make me a lifetime supply of charm bracelets!"
  • "How DARE you disturb the almost-empress of the entire Real World!"
  • "Liar, liar, pants on fire!"
  • "It's all YOUR fault! YOU let the Mario Bros. capture it! YOU let them warp me home! YOU let them save America!"
  • "But Daaaaaddykiiiiins!"
  • "Are you telling moi what to do?!"

The Beauty of Kootie[edit]

  • "Cheatsy! Help me! These yucky pipes won't stay switched! I told you this was no job for a beauty queen!"
  • "Daddy, do something! We're about to be infested by those pesky plumbers!"
  • "Ooh, sometimes you just get so BOSSY I could just spit in his soup! Stop the Mario Bros... How?"
  • "(as Lady Fetuccini [sic] Alfredo) Oh! AH! What happened to my usual beautiful self?!"
  • "(as Lady Fetuccini Alfredo) Cheatsy, go back! You get back here, you forgot to do my tail!"
  • "(as Lady Fetuccini Alfredo) Woo, hello handsome! Aren't ya the famous Super Mario?"
  • "(as Lady Fetuccini Alfredo) Pleased to meet you! I am Lady Fetuccini Alfredo! A little bit saucy, but very, very nice!"
  • "(as Lady Fetuccini Alfredo) A tail? Me? Why, I have never been so insulted in all my life! Here I am, lost in these dungeons for days, without a thing to eat and now choosing me in having a tail?"
  • "(as Lady Fetuccini Alfredo) You know, Mario, sweetie, I'm an amateur plumber myself!"
  • "(as Lady Fetuccini Alfredo) Luigi's right! And now that we've eaten, I think you should bring The Sultan and all his guests down here! It'll be safe in case of the uh, castle explodes."
  • "(as Lady Fetuccini Alfredo) Maybe not, but it certainly matches the rest of me. CHEATSY! RESTORE ME TO MY NATURAL LOVELINESS!"
  • "You'll never see the Mario Bros. again!"
  • "The Mario Bros. are FINISHED!"
  • "W-who...are you?"
  • "Wow, you've got some kisser!"
  • "Daddy only wants me to be happy!"
  • "And believe me, Cheatsy! Cassanova's the only reptile for me!"
  • "I'll tie your lips behind your head...and you'll never kiss again!"


  • "I’m so gorgeous! I’m at least five times more beautiful than I was yesterday!"
  • "Hello, King Dad! I cleaned my r-"
  • "How'd I end up with such a mean old ugly bag of scales for a dad?"
  • "Of course! That's IT!"
  • "Dad's not my real dad! I must be adopted! I'm far too beautiful to be a Koopa! Ya know, Big Mouth? I bet our real dad is a movie star!"
  • "No! THIS way!"
  • "I bet our movie star daddy's got a star on the Walk of Fame just like this one!"
  • "He's SO handsome!"
  • "{*with Big Mouth*} He's our real dad!"
  • "Dad? Dad, what's wrong?"
  • "Way to go, Dad!"
  • "Right! And if you really wanna be nice, you'll make us movie stars just like you!"
  • "It's not big enough!"
  • "Alright, Dad! Now it's time to make us movie stars!"
  • "And it's your responsibility as our parent to make it happen!"
  • "Soon to be the Miserable Bros.!"
  • "These terrible people did terrible things to us, daddy!"
  • "Big Mouth, we've gotta help Daddy!"
  • "Yes! People will do anything Madzilla says! We can turn this town upside down!"
  • "Ooh! Our own stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame!"
  • "We want to do a live concert in the Hollywood Bowl right now!"
  • "DAAAAD!!!!"
  • "No way, Dad! You gotta do what WE say!"
  • "{*with Big Mouth*} We HATE naps!"
  • "{*with Big Mouth*} We HATE chores!"
  • "Big Mouth, I'm beginning to think this ISN'T our real family after all!"
  • "Quick! Back to the Doomship! We gotta get home!"

A Toadally Magical Adventure[edit]

  • "That was SO wonderful, Daddykins, but it's MY TURN NOW!"
  • "Oh, hi, Princess. I am really reeeeeeally sorry, but I have decided to place YOU under house arrest!"
  • "Daddy dearest, what do ya say we Koop on outta here?!"

Kootie Pie Rocks[edit]

  • "Why does that prissy Princess Toadstool get to go to a Real World concert and not me? Aren't you always telling us that you are the most powerful king there ever was and I am your favorite, only daughter, hmm?"
  • "Don't try to get on my good side!"
  • "I wanna see Milli Vanilli! I WANNA! I WANNA I WANNA!"
  • "(*with Cheatsy*) MILLI VANILLIIIIIIIII!!!"
  • "I get to keep them?! For real, Daddykins?! Too cool! Oh, I have to go change!"
  • "Hi, boys! I've been expecting you!"
  • "Not so fast! You're playing for ME now! I REALLY dig your dreadlocks!"
  • "I'll have you know, I am a ROYAL reptile, and I command you to play a private concert for me...THIS INSTANT!!!"
  • "I'll turn you!"
  • "Never! You have to do what I want!"
  • "You're stuck here in Dark Land forever!"
  • "If you won't do a concert just for me, I will turn you into Beetles!"
  • "Better yet! I'll turn you into Ptooies!"
  • "Then you'll just have to STAY accountants until you GET one!"
  • "Is this a stall or what?"
  • "Wow! I must be getting good at tantrums! This is the fastest result I've ever had! Ooh, now I can get my personal private concert!"
  • "They're NOT accountants!"
  • "That's all YOU know! They're really Milli Vanilli!"
  • "Wow! Groovy!"
  • "Cool! Totally cool! No wonder they're so famous!"
  • "Wha? Hey! Wha? HEY! This is MY CONCERT!!! I will tell you when it's over!"
  • "King Dad! King Dad! My concert disappeared! If you don't bring it back, I'll scream!"
  • "If you don't go after them, I'LL BRING THEM BACK MYSELF!!!"
  • "DAAAAAAHHHHH!!! The dungeon?! Okay, I promise! After all, it'd have to end sometime! That music was just too beautiful to last!"


  • "Aliens! Daddykins! Zillions and zillions of them! 20 feet tall! Armed and dangerous and spewing smoke and fire! And coming this way in heavily armed spaceships! Aahh! We’re doomed! And I don’t have a single thing to wear!"
  • "Hmmm, it's funny, but those yucky aliens look a lot like uhhhh, humans..."
  • "Okay, aliens! You can't fool us!"
  • "Daddykins! The aliens are still trying to trick us by staying in human form! DO SOMETHING!!!"

Crimes R Us[edit]

  • "What a lovely fur! GIVE IT TO ME!!!"
  • "Stupid Mario Bros.! Ruined all my fun! C'mon, gang! I know when we're not wanted!"
  • "Big Mouth, that’s mine! I stole it all personally!"
  • "I know! Make that yucky Princess Toadstool disappear!"
  • "No, but King Daddy did!"

7 Continents for 7 Koopas[edit]

  • "We must be getting back, you know I get spacesick."
  • "Not just in time, Cheatsy! That rotten steam melted my mascara!"
  • "Then what are we waiting for? Let's hoist that hose and get cracking!"
  • "I’ve used my magic wand to turn all these stupid, ugly, useless, old paintings and statues into something really beautiful! Pictures of me! There’s the Mona Kootie, the Birth of Kootie, and Kootie Descending a Staircase!"

Recycled Koopa[edit]

  • "Oh NO! I broke a nail! This is no job for someone magnificently beautiful as I!"
  • "Alright, this is war!"
  • "He's lying! I did the most!"
  • "...find someone else to do it!"

The Venice Menace[edit]

  • "Yeah, and when Venice is empty, we can warp it back to Dark Land for my very own Kootie Pie Water Park! Thank you, King Daddy!"
  • "If THEY stop us from getting Venice for my own Kootie Pie Koopa Water Park, the only word you'll hear from me, is TAAAAAANTRUUUUUUUM!!!"
  • "Just because you're drowning, you don't have to yell!"
  • "Good thing you brought me along instead of my stupid brothers."
  • "Well, nobody's perfect!"
  • "Look, King Daddykins! There they are!"
  • "Can't we warp Venice to Dark Land now? I wanna brag to Bully and Big Mouth that I have my own Kootie Pie Koopa Water Park and they don't!"
  • "Don't let him get away, King Daddykins!"
  • "You got it, King Daddykins!"
  • "And my very own Kootie Pie Koopa Water Park! WAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!"

Super Koopa[edit]

  • "The shopping!"
  • "Well, do I look?"
  • "I KNEW I could count on you for an honest opinion, King Dad!"

Koopa Zombies[edit]

  • "Koopa! Koopa!"
  • "Koopa! Koopa! Koopa!"
  • "More garbage! More garbage!"
  • "Stop those Mario Bros.! Trash 'em!"
  • "Koopa! Kooooooopa!"


  • "Who's that knocking on my knee? Oh, goodness gracious! Someone's abandoned three babies on my doorstep!"
  • "Please! Plumbing is too dangerous for babies! I'll put you down for a nice nap!"
  • "Wonderful! Here come the real plumbers! 'KOOPA & KID - COSTUMED PLUMBERS.'"
  • "Please fix my drain as quickly as possible, costume plumbers! I must bathe for my party tonight!"
  • "Uh-hmm, um... How are you doin' in there, costume plumbers?"
  • "Gracious, how rude! I thought you made plumbing a party!"
  • "HELP!!! What are they doing to my house?! I better get help!"
  • "Finally! Real plumbers! Why don't you stay for my party?"

Little girl[edit]

  • "Daddy, why does this little boy have an umbrella on his head?"
  • "And...why is that other guy sneaking through those bushes?"

Little girl's father[edit]

  • "He's probably some rockstar hiding from his fans!"


Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopas[edit]

  • "We gotta find ‘em fast! Those Giant Ninja Koopas will be here any minute!"
  • "Now what?"
  • "Nice catch, Mario!"
  • "{*with Mario*} Super Mario Bros.!"
  • "Remember, Mario. Don't let any Koopa touch you, or you'll lose your power!"
  • "Me too, Mario! They got me!"
  • "It worked, Princess! Koopa doesn't realize he's been tricked!"

Reptiles in the Rose Garden[edit]

  • "Yeah, when King Koopa gives his kids a birthday party, they stay Koopa'd up in Koopa Kastle all day!"
  • "Our poor home country! We can't even tell 'em the Koopas are comin'!"
  • "How can we help America when we can't even help ourselves? They've got us triple-guarded!"
  • "{*with Mario*} You mean these things?!"
  • "Koopa's loadin' up the Doomship for an attack on London, Paris and yeesh, Brooklyn!"
  • "Are you sure these disguises will let us sneak aboard Koopa's Doomship?"
  • "Heh heh. So you're not even the boss of America anymore!"
  • "Nice crash landing, Mario."

Mind Your Mummy Mommy, Mario[edit]

  • "We'd better be careful!"
  • "Oh no! He's been captured by the marauding mummy!"
  • "Poor Mario! He's been doomed to some tomb and we'll never find him!"
  • "Hey! That map's a phony! It's got a picture of Mario on it!"
  • "Except maybe that...Mushroom Kingdom Twister!"
  • "My beautiful balloon! It's ruined!"
  • "Times like this, I ask one question: What would Mario do if he were here?"
  • "Phew! Well, how do you like my special steam-powered mummy sled?"
  • "Mario he-hey! You're safe!"
  • "Uh, excuse me! But I gotta find that map salesman, and buy a map to someplace else!"

The Beauty of Kootie[edit]

  • "...we should be A-OK!"
  • "Hey, uh, I don't wanna be rude, but wasn't that a tail I just saw?"
  • "Her? A plumber? Hey, speakin' of plumbing, Mario, we got a job to do!"
  • "(Kassanova Koopa) But Mario!"
  • "(Kassanova Koopa) But Mario! What am I supposed to do?"
  • "(Kassanova Koopa) My friends call me 'Kassanova Koopa'!"
  • "(Kassanova Koopa) You can call me, 'Sweet Lips'!"
  • "(Kassanova Koopa) Kootie Pie, can we get some privacy? What do we say we clear out the riffraff and redecorate in here?"
  • "Luigi?"
  • "Whoa! The Koopa Kids are right behind me!"
  • "Ride 'em, plumber boy! Yee-haw!"
  • "Hey, since the Koopas left their wand behind, we might as well give it a shot!"
  • "Oh no! The wand's melted!"
  • "Oh no, you don't! I fixed it!"
  • "Well, I had to kiss Kootie Pie!"

Princess Toadstool for President[edit]

  • "What's goin' on? Koopa STEALS money! He doesn't SHARE it!"
  • "{*with Mario and Toad*} You tell 'em, Princess!"
  • "She's done for!"
  • "Princess Toadstool! Princess Toadstool!"
  • "But Kastle Koopa's quelling with zillions of Koopa guards!"
  • "Geesh! Dark Land gives me the creeps!"
  • "'Tanks' for reminding me."
  • "I think we just jumped from the frying pan, into the fire!"
  • "If we get past the fire pit..."
  • "Whoops, heheh! Silly me!"
  • "I can't wait to see ol' Bowser Koopa's face when he gets rid of this!"

Never Koop a Koopa[edit]

  • "It's a trap, Princess! Throw that key away and forget that evil castle ever existed!"
  • "It looks like the only way in, is through the drain pipe."
  • "Woo! A Sledge Brother!"

Reign Storm[edit]

  • "Yeah. Overdue for a vacation."
  • "...we're proud to dedicate this new dam!"
  • "Oh, well then tell 'em the village will never be flooded again!"
  • "'The new Mushroom Shopping Mall is haunted by Boo Diddlies!' There's more trouble in the Mushroom Kingdom than we can handle, Mario! We've gotta ask the Princess to come home!"
  • "Face it. We're plumber heroes, not princes."
  • "Here. I already wrote it!"
  • "Where's Toad?"
  • "What?! It's terrible Mario, ay ay ay! I don't think I can look at it again! Gee, the Princess ordered the new highway to be built out of quicksand! And every Fire Flower in the kingdom...extinguished!"
  • "Maybe she needed a longer vacation."
  • "You're WHAT?!"
  • "Yeah, I wonder what happened to the Princess that we know and love?"
  • "Yeah! Now bad ol' Koopa's the one who's gonna need a rest!"
  • "{*with Mario*} Welcome home, Princess! Welcome home!"

Toddler Terrors of Time Travel[edit]

  • "Hey, we can't all fit in there!"
  • "Hey, but I am a baby! Those lunkheaded reptiles turned us into toddlers!"
  • "Well, as small as we are, we'll have to find a shortcut."
  • "This is the place where we fell in the Warp Zone drain and went into the Mushroom Kingdom!"
  • "Oh, boy! If the Koopas mess with that drain, we'll never get back to our grown-up selves and save the Mushroom Kingdom!"
  • "Hey, I've got a way to cut down Koopa to size!"
  • "Hey, aye aye-a these pipes are more tangled than a bowl of cheap spaghetti! Here's the bathtub drainpipe! Let's open 'er up!"
  • "Hey, now we'll REALLY put the pressure on those phony Koopa plumbers!"
  • "Hey-o, whaddaya think you're doin'?!"
  • "Hey! I'm a full-sized hunk again! What happened?"
  • "Eh, uh, this just about does it."
  • "We unclogged the past!"
  • "Yeah, maybe next time old Koopa will pick on someone his own size!"


  • "Madzilla! You remember, Mario? We used to watch him on the midnight movie back in Brooklyn!"
  • "Madzilla and those Koopa creeps are out there trashing Hollywood and we can't do a thing to stop 'em! The whole Real World is in danger!"
  • "Hey, this is no time for jokes. Mario, we're in big trouble!"
  • "Hey, I remember her! Revenge of Madzilla's Mom. Right?"

Tag Team Trouble[edit]

  • "I, whoa! I-I-I-I-I'm not volunteering to wrestle the Sledge Brothers!"
  • "Hey, the problem is, do the Sledge Brothers know that?"
  • "A long way from it!"

Oh, Brother![edit]

  • "Ugh! Mario, turn that racket back down! Can't you see I'm tryin' to read?!"
  • "There, now it's even hotter!"
  • "Well, serves you right for the time you busted my favorite wrench!"
  • "Hey, well my brother certainly is!"
  • "Oh yeah?! Well then consider yourself debrotherized!"
  • "Yeah, well farewell, ex-brother!"
  • "Hey, forget it!"
  • "Oh YEAH?! Well, who asked you, faucet face?!"
  • "I don't NEED a Frog Suit!"
  • "Geesh! Mario's been caught like a catfish, and he's gettin' pulled into a Warp Zone!"
  • "Gee! Looks like I'm gonna have to try and save that bilge-brained brother of mine. Him and his dumb advice about wearing a...FROG SUIT!!!"
  • "Well, that oughta hold those fish-breath foes! Now to rescue Mario!"
  • "Hey, you two rancid reptiles! What have you done to my brother?!"
  • "Wait! Mario, stop! Don't you know who I am?! It's Luigi!"
  • "Eek, Mamma Mia, somehow I gotta make Mario remember I'm his brother!"
  • "Mario, think of all the fun we had as kids! All the drains we've unclogged! Remember the time you lost your favorite screwdriver and I gave you one of mine?!"
  • "Oh boy... Looks like I'm gonna have to try another approach!"
  • "Hey! Are you alright, brother?!"
  • "He-he-hey, nice goin', brother!"
  • "Yeah! And best of all, Mario and I have agreed to never fight again!"
  • "Well, I uh, beg your pardon, brother, but I think the argument was all MY fault."
  • "I insist it was all my fault, brother!"

Misadventure of Mighty Plumber[edit]

  • "Oh, it's gonna get her, Mario, I can't look! Huh?"
  • "Sheesh, don't panic, lady! Call Mighty Plumber!"
  • "Hey, gosh, Mario! Do you think Mighty Plumber will save the lady from the monster?"
  • "Oh no, we're gonna miss the part where Mighty Plumber saves the lady from the flooding kitchen, yeesh!"
  • "Hoo, this is terrible!"
  • "No, I-I mean missing the rest of this week's Mighty Plumber adventure!"
  • "{*with Mario*} Mighty Plumber!"
  • "Hey, my idol! Oh, WOW! He's here in person! Ha-ha-hey! Can I get an autograph?"
  • "But if you're busy, I can wait."
  • "A plumber snake!"
  • "Hey, we've gotta find Mighty Plumber and make him see his mistake!"
  • "Yeah, how do we know which way to go?"
  • "Well, we can't let Mighty Plumber steal the Treasury! They'll put him in jail! They'll cancel his TV show!"
  • "Are you sure your plan will work?"
  • "Come out! I dare ya, ya Venus Fire Trap!"
  • "And you promised this was a safe idea?"
  • "Sorry to drop in like this! I've gotta run!"
  • "Yeah, like the old pipe-battering ram trick! It's one of our favorites!"
  • "We'll put it where it belongs, you gotta get back on TV! Save that lady in the kitchen!"
  • "(*with Mario*) GO, MIGHTY PLUMBER, GO!!!"

A Toadally Magical Adventure[edit]

  • "It's the Wizard King of the West!"
  • "(*with Mario and Princess Toadstool*) No way!"
  • "Peh. Yeah, I love 'em, why?"
  • "Are you sure that wand just jumped out of its case?"

Misadventures in Babysitting[edit]

  • "Mario, where are we?"
  • "Yo, Mario! I don't think we're in the Mushroom Kingdom anymore!"
  • "But we're not-"
  • "Sheesh! Well brother, I guess we're babysitters! What do we do first?"
  • "(*with Mario*) 98...99...100!"
  • "(*with Mario*) Ready or not, here we come!"
  • "Well, if Junior's here, he could be in big trouble!"
  • "Well, let's go!"
  • "Mario...we're in BIG trouble!"
  • "Whoa! Looks like it's a hot time in the old volcano tonight!"
  • "Hey! Mario! I'm stuck!"
  • "Phew! That was a close one!"
  • "Oh no! Junior could be lost there forever!"
  • "Hey, watch out! Thwomp attack!"
  • "Let's do it!"
  • "Hey, way to go, Mario!"
  • "BOO!!! HEHEH!!!"
  • "They don't call us super for nothing!"
  • "Hey, it's no use, Mario! We can't budge it!"
  • "Uh oh. Junior's folks are gonna be home in 15 minutes!"

Do the Koopa[edit]

  • "Hey! Princess! I think I've found it!"
  • "Dark Land?! Dark Land is Koopa's home kingdom! Besides, I, uh, I hate dancing."
  • "Gulp. Why do I get the feeling this trip could be dangerous to my health?"
  • "Hey! Who's standin' on my foot?"
  • "GEE, STOP THE MUSIC!!! We can't jump down that far!"
  • "I hate to dance!"
  • "Hey, Mario! Good thinking! Hey Mar-"
  • "Heads up, Toad!"

Kootie Pie Rocks[edit]

  • "I don't see why we have to wear these dumb penguin suits!"
  • "We will? We will! Sheesh, how?"
  • "I just wish we had time to rehearse!"


  • "Has anyone here seen any of these 'terrible aliens?'"
  • "Ohhh, and here comes in-human trouble: The Doomship!"
  • "Hey! It's blasting the Real World family!"
  • "Yeesh, that repulsive reptile captured the Real-Worlders."
  • "Hey, have a safe trip, everybody!"

The Ugly Mermaid[edit]

  • "Hey, Koopa! We're taking you down!"
  • "Hey, what's a cement suit to a guy who swims better than most fish?"
  • "Hop to it, everyone! Come on!"
  • "Out with the bad air, in with the good, out with the bad air, in with the good!"
  • "Mario? Hey, what's the matter? That's the way home!"
  • "Hey, Mario, use your noodle! If you stay here, that mermaid will NEVER stop chasing ya! She wants to marry ya!"
  • "And now he's gonna fix us! Yeesh..."
  • "Quite a feat, eh, Princess?"
  • "Hey! How about a game of leap-frog, Mario?"
  • "MARIO!!!"

Crimes R Us[edit]

  • "Yeah! Sure does, Mario! And that one looks like Aunt Maria!"
  • "Hey! But for realism, how about that one over there? It looks just like the Doomship!"
  • "(*with Mario*) THE DOOMSHIP?!"
  • "Hey! What's wrong, little boy?"
  • "We've been snookered!"
  • "Mario, he's gettin' angry."
  • "We've searched everywhere, Mario. There's no way out!"
  • "I think this is the end, Mario!"
  • "Hey, well, thanks for the help, Clyde! But, I've never seen anyone so happy to be back behind bars!"

Life's Ruff[edit]

  • "Yow! Well, at least he warned me!"
  • "Hey, your floors aren't dirty. You yelled, 'duck!'"
  • "Hey, the Princess sent me! She's had a lotta complaints about you being a bully!"
  • "Hey, you really shouldn't bully your servant, King Windbag!"
  • "It's the Real World! Miami, I think. LOOK OUT!"
  • "Hey, look! There they are!"
  • "Okay! When the next car drives in, we run in after it!"
  • "Hey, they'll never let mutts in here! C'mon, this way!"
  • "I wonder where Hip and Hop are?"
  • "Bingo, we've found 'em!"
  • "We're gonna be stuck as dogs forever, and NEVER see the Mushroom Kingdom again!"
  • "Hey, you've always gotta bully someone, don'tcha?"
  • "Well, so do these guys! And if we want their help-"
  • "Well, if we form a pyramid, I can climb up there and break us out!"
  • "Leaping labradors! You ever heard the word, 'please?' It works wonders! (*barks*) Please!"
  • "Get in there, King!"
  • "Hang on, guys!"
  • "Whoa, what a dog pile! Hang on, guys! In a minute we’ll blow this doghouse!"
  • "Hip and Hop at the Space Center? That could be trouble!"
  • "We can't jump this fence! It's hopeless!"
  • "Hey, good idea, King Windbag!"
  • "Hey! Look! The astronauts!"
  • "If that isn't Hip and Hop, my name is Fido!"
  • "King Windbag! Catch!"
  • "(*barks despite being turned back to normal*) Hey, where are you two going?"
  • "Back to Koopa Kastle for you!"

Up, Up, and a Koopa[edit]

  • "Yeah! They're really light."
  • "My cereal!"
  • "Well, there goes the neighborhood!"
  • "Hey, tell him I want a root beer float!"
  • "'Kay, sorry."
  • "Hey, we're in luck! The last two Super Leaves in this part of the forest!"
  • "{*with Mario*} RACCOON POOOOOW! ER!"
  • "Here's your, uh...stop!"
  • "Hey, then how about letting us borrow one of your wrenches for a minute?"
  • "And Venetian blinds, too!"
  • "Hmm, where was I when we were so rudely interrupted?"
  • "Hey, this time I'll make sure I'm too heavy to float!"

7 Continents for 7 Koopas[edit]

  • "Hey, looks like you spoke too soon, Princess! That's the darkest rain cloud I've ever seen!"
  • "Ugh, those reptiles are slurpin' up our swimming hole!"
  • "Eeyay, there's no way to follow Koopa and save the Princess!"
  • "Hey, it's no good, Mario! We tried everything! That Warp Pipe's blocked for good!"
  • "Oh boy, oh boy! The Koopas are hightailing back to the Mushroom Kingdom!"

True Colors[edit]

  • "YEAH! How come, Mario?"
  • "Right! Let's go!"
  • "{*with Mario*} Oh no!"
  • "Well, I say right!"
  • "{*with Mario*} Center!"
  • "I'll pick pipe number TWO!"
  • "Oh, yeah? Well, you're a blue know-it-all!"
  • "{*with Mario*} Pipe number three."
  • "Hey! How could we be so stupid? We fell in Koopa's trap!"
  • "Sorry, Mario!"
  • "It'll take all of you to rescue her! She's trapped in a warp drain!"
  • "Yeah, no matter how you look, you're all Mushroom People!"
  • "{*with Mario*} Brother!"
  • "Think they'll ever learn their lesson in the Real World?"

Recycled Koopa[edit]

  • "Ahh! It's a garbage storm!"
  • "Well what are we supposed to do? Wave a magic wand and make it all go away?"
  • "Hey, let's get out of sight behind this knight!"
  • "WHOA! I'd say he's hot on our tail!"
  • "Don't, Mario! You'll get sucked into the junk heap!"
  • "Hey! My old plumber's periscope!"
  • "Hey, what a mess! Am I glad I don't live here?"
  • "Yeah, well that's nothing compared to a headache like Koopa himself!"
  • "Leapin' lookalikes!"
  • "That toxic Koopa trash, is turning people into Koopa Zombies!"
  • "But who's gonna help the mayor?"
  • "Uh-oh. Mario, what's big and green and follows you everywhere you go?"
  • "A Koopa tail!"
  • "Well, we tried magic the last time and the garbage just came back worse than ever!"
  • "Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Mario?"
  • "Hey, we better get this Trash Smasher on the road, Mario!"
  • "Hey, snap out of it, Mario! You can't go Koopa Zombie on me!"
  • "No, Mario! I'm your brother! You stay here, and I'll try to save ya!"
  • "Hey, the Trash Smasher will get rid of all the garbage!"
  • "That's the last of the trash, Mario! I recycled it all! Hey, now YOU'RE being recycled!"
  • "Yeah! Till you learn to clean up your trashy act!"

The Venice Menace[edit]

  • "Yeah, I thought Mario and me were the only pizza gourmets in the Mushroom Kingdom! What's goin' on?"
  • "Oh, I love to hear people speak my native tongue!"
  • "Ooooh, yeah, I feel it in my bones too, but I thought they were just overcooked by the desert sun."
  • "Hey, there's the warp pipe from Venice!"
  • "Yeah, before he stops us!"
  • "Hey, good tossing, Mario! Remind me never to challenge you to a game of underwater horseshoes."
  • "Yeah, tired! Next time, let's get disguises that don't have poles!"
  • "But, Mario, we've never been here in Venice before! How could our souls get wrenched?"
  • "This gondola's gonna make us goners!"
  • "Yeah? Well, it's gonna crash right into US!"
  • "Polish? I gotcha, Mario!"
  • "Hey, with the Koopas sunk, Mario, shouldn't we have gone right back to the Mushroom Kingdom?"
  • "Hey, hello, little fish! FISH!!!"
  • "Oh, boy! We're sunk!"
  • "NO, DON'T!"
  • "Hey! A recall lever! That should do the trick!"
  • "Well, that would explain why Venice is our second favorite city!"

Super Koopa[edit]

  • "Whooooaaa! Help! Mario!"
  • "'Super Koopa?' Yee-heesh, ya gotta be kidding!"
  • "Hey, I don't have to, Mario, it's true! Koopa's super, a-and we can't get OUR super powers up here!"
  • "I'm digging as fast as I can! Oops, I just bent the spoon."
  • "Hey, it's not my birthday, and I know it's not your birthday, Mario. Is it your birthday?"
  • "Toa-"
  • "Well, if it isn't my birthday, it's nice to have a cake."
  • "Oh...too bad. I was hungry."
  • "Is it a bird?"
  • "Hey, do you think he's still down there?"
  • "Oh no!"


  • "If you think your life's rough, today I got turned into a dog! And had to stop the Koopas from hijacking a Real World space shuttle!" - Teaser promo for "Life's Ruff"


  • "Hey! I don't get it."
  • "Really? My own kids?"
  • "Streeeeeeeeeetch limo? Like that?"
  • "It is? Okay. I want my kids to be happy."
  • "OW! That hurts!"
  • "Boy, having kids can be a real pain!"
  • "Okay, kids. Oh...hit it!"
  • "Uh, great, kids! Uh, really great! Uh, encore!"
  • "YOU don't wanna cheer for my kids?! FINE! Cheer for the shrimp at the bottom of the ocean!"
  • "You're my mommy?"
  • "Uh, yes, mommy. Right, away, mommy."
  • "Uh, come on, kids! Do what your granny says!"
  • "You mean I used to be a robot like I'm not?"
  • "Will I have to have any long-lost Koopa kids?"
  • "Oh, then I'll like it very much!"


Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopas[edit]

  • "No job is too big for the Super Mario Bros., Prince! We’ll protect ya!"
  • "What you don’t know, bird is that our shrimpy guys can get super-charged!
  • "Come on, Luigi! We’ll show this parrot! Let’s find us a couple of Super Leaves!"
  • "Let go! I’ll catch ya!"
  • "Couldn’t see ya! The sun was in my eyes!"
  • "Run for it, Luigi!"
  • "{*with Luigi*} Super Mario Bros.!"
  • "Uh, behind that cloud!"
  • "That sun is not too bright! Now, let's hightail it back to Giant Land to stop those no-good Ninja Koopas!"
  • "Ahh! Reptile breath tornado! I'm a goner!"
  • "Oh, I'm super no more! I'm just plain old Mario!"
  • "Uh, first you gotta catch me!"
  • "Quick! Get us outta here!"
  • "It's our only chance to save Prince Hugo. And all my friends!"
  • "I'll get you your royal cage back!"
  • "Promise. Fly, bird! Fly!"
  • "I can't get it open. But never mind, Princess! I've got a way to trick ol' Koopa, and we'll have to work together. Listen close."
  • "You're not taking over any land, you Bowser Koopa!"
  • "Return my friends and turn Prince Hugo the Poodle, back into Prince Hugo the Huge, or else!"
  • "Eh, just let 'em go, and I'll come back Tuesday and tell ya!"
  • "Good Truthful Honest Giant Ninja Mario! That's who!"
  • "C'mon, Prince! Let's catch some Koopa!"
  • "Ah, forget it, Prince! We're just glad to have you unpoodle!"
  • "Well, I did, kinda. Besides, Luigi and I can fix it!"
  • "Just what we need, a Miserable Squawking Angry Giant Ninja Parrot."

Reptiles in the Rose Garden[edit]

  • "Oh, no! It's King Koopa's Doomship!"
  • "Look, Luigi! There in The White House! That's the president of the United States!"
  • "{*with Luigi*} You mean these things?!"
  • "Even better! The Super Mario Bros. Super Plumbing Service! And what this place a super drain!"
  • "Positive! Huh, you're my own brother and even I don't recognize ya!"
  • "You hold them off, while I get this flying battleship in the air!"
  • "First, I'll warp The White House back where it belongs!"
  • "Whoops! Don't worry, Mrs. President! Next time, I'll put The White House right where it belongs! Maybe I shoulda read the instructions..."
  • "Forget it, Kootie Pie. We just brought the president back home!"
  • "Get up here! You're goin' back to the Mushroom Kingdom!"
  • "Don't forget to tell him about this!"
  • "Yeah, be a long time before Koopa can warp anything else outta the real world!"
  • "Well, sounds like Koopa's finally giving Kootie Pie the present she deserves!"

Mind Your Mummy Mommy, Mario[edit]

  • "Yeah, I'm so tired nothin' could drag me outta this bed!"
  • "We better get that mummy back where it belongs, before it scares the pasta outta everybody!"
  • "Don't worry! I'll calm her down! As soon as I get up from under this...tent!"
  • "Don't worry, Princess!"
  • "Excuse me, Miss Mummy! May I have a word with you?"
  • "Her little prince? What's she talkin' about?!"
  • "Yuck! A hug from her could be bad for my health! I'd better scram!"
  • "Now for my giant getaway leap!"
  • "Great leap... Lousy landing! Luigi! Princess! Help!"
  • "Lady, if you weren't so wrapped up in yourself, you could see I'm not your little boy!"
  • "I like long naps, but not THAT long!"
  • "Somehow, I doubt it!"
  • "I can't sleep for 10,000 years. I'll get too hungry!"
  • "Aw, lighten up, Luigi! I've had more huggin' today than I can stand!"
  • "I left her in the tomb! No way she can get to us...except for crashing through that wall!"

The Beauty of Kootie[edit]

  • "Well, as long as these camels keep the big mouth shut..."
  • "In that case, Your Royal Sultaness, we gotta re-plumb your plumbing! Before the oil pressure builds, then your palace blows sky-high!"
  • "A super guest, my super beautiful lady!"
  • "Ahem! Please forgive my little brother for being so rude. Perhaps you'll like a gourmet snack!"
  • "Isn't she wonderful, Luigi? Always lookin' out for other people?"
  • "Lady Fettuccine says this is the safest place to be!"
  • "You mean, I fell for Kootie Pie Koopa?!"
  • "C'mon, Luigi! We gotta put a clog in Koopa's plans!"
  • "I think it's time Lady Fettuccine met her dream reptile: Cassanova Koopa!"
  • "Eh, wrong voice."
  • "Sweep Kootie Pie off her feet, while I take care of plumbing matters upstairs!"
  • "We're all set! Princess, when I give the signal, turn the wheel!"
  • "Princess, NOW!"
  • "We've only got one chance!"
  • "Let 'er rip, Luigi!"
  • "Doomship, here I come!"
  • "Thank you! Thank you!"
  • "In that case, I got first dibs on the jacuzzi!"
  • "Well, I rode it!"

Princess Toadstool for President[edit]

  • "Nasty time is over, Koopa! Get those Goombas back in that cage!"
  • "Leap, Luigi!"
  • "Koopa's too chicken to let people vote!"
  • "We gotta do somethin', Princess!"
  • "{*with Luigi and Toad*} You tell 'em, Princess!"
  • "Now, the Princess is gonna set up the Founder's Day fireworks!"
  • "Princess!"
  • "Oh, the poor Princess, pushed by a mud-slinging campaign."
  • "Speak to us!"
  • "Oh, thank goodness for Warp Zones."
  • "That creepy Koopa! He's using a Nice Guy Potion! We gotta stop him from gettin' more!"
  • "Yeah, but there are two of us!"
  • "That's because it's filled with 'em."
  • "No time for jokes, Luigi! Make tracks!"
  • "Wrench attack, Luigi! Let's tool on outta here!"
  • "C'mon! We got it made once we once we get that fire pit!"
  • "You keep the Koopalings busy. I'll snatch the potion!"
  • "No more Mr. Nice Guy!"
  • "The votes have been counted! And the winner a vote of 6,436,212 to 1...Princess Toadstool!!!"

Never Koop a Koopa[edit]

  • "Impastable! King Koopa's throwin' in the towel?!"
  • "Yeah, Koopa! Tell us something we don't already know!"
  • "You always worry too much, Luigi! I'll walk along and protect her. How dangerous can Kastle Koopa be?"
  • "I'll go first! Hmmm."
  • "Look out! A Ptooie!"
  • "Some retirement home!"
  • "Yeah! Once a sewer-slime breath-slime wagon, always a sewer-slime breath-slime wagon!"
  • "Save your bad breath, Koopa!"
  • "Bob-ombs! Next to Koopa himself, they're my most unfavorite things!"
  • "Let us out, you sneaky Koopaling!"
  • "Let us out! Let us out! Let us out!"
  • "Not a bad idea! Maybe we can find a Super Leaf!"
  • "Not anymore!"
  • "Give it up. We already flew the Koopa!"

Reign Storm[edit]

  • "Doctor's orders, Princess. You've overworked overtime."
  • "Right! Luigi and I can run the kingdom while you're gone."
  • "Oh, Ptooies! You're goin' and that's final!"
  • "Trouble? Not with us in charge! How hard can it be to run a kingdom anyway?"
  • "As your temporary rulers..."
  • "Hey, Luigi. This is my speech!"
  • "As I was about to say, your village will never...BE FLOODED AGAIN!!!"
  • "Look at all these complaint letters!"
  • "Stairway to Sky Land keeps flying off and dropping people in the garbage dump!"
  • "The Princess needs her rest. You heard what the doctor said."
  • "I'll send her a Warp-o-gram message to get back here pronto."
  • "And not a moment too soon, Princess!"
  • "Everybody in your kingdom can't wait for you to rule 'em again!"
  • "I've never seen her act so strange."
  • "Maybe it's time we had an old-fashioned Plumber-to-Princess talk."
  • "Tea? With Koopa? Princess, how can you be so nice to Bowser Koopa?"
  • "Luigi, do you get the feeling Princess Toadstool isn't exactly herself lately?"
  • "Tell me, Luigi! If the Princess had a vacation in Hawaii, why doesn't she have a suntan?"
  • "Heh! Toad's right! Looks like your Hawaiian vacation really really came in handy!"
  • "{*with Luigi*} Welcome home, Princess!"

Toddler Terrors of Time Travel[edit]

  • "Sure, we can!"
  • "Nope. Just your imagination!"
  • "Don't be a baby, Luigi."
  • "The crash must've messed up the time tube."
  • "We don't have much time to get to that apartment where we fell down the drain!"
  • "This is our chance! Let's scoot!"
  • "The lady who lives here is a little dowdy. Let me do the talking!"
  • "We're not abandoned, we're plumbers! Have you called for us, remember?"
  • "We can't let Koopa get away with this!"
  • "Come on, ya half-pint! I need some baby power!"
  • "We'll sneak up behind 'em and back-flush 'em!"
  • "Okay! Time to stop playing patty-cake! Turn on the water!"
  • "The Koopas cut off the water!"
  • "Quick! Crawl after me!"
  • "Beats me, but we only got 30 seconds to unplug that drain!"
  • "And here's the hairy clog that started it all!"
  • "Thanks, but we got a date with Princess!"
  • "Don't count on it, Koopas!"
  • "And now we're gonna clog you out of the Mushroom Kingdom! HAIRBALL!"
  • "Or, with us!"


  • "A Fire Flower? Hey, thanks, little buddy! This makes my day!"
  • "No time to admire the scenery, Princess! We've got to find those Koopalings!"
  • "Who-oa! Who's that?"
  • "We'd better warn him he's in dangerous company. MADZILLA!!!"
  • "Uh, I never did anything to them they didn't deserve. Uh, across my overalls and-"
  • "Lucky I kept this Fire Flower!"
  • "Back off, Madzilla!"
  • "My fire powers are gone! Run for it!"
  • "Oh, sure we can! Look!"
  • "This place is crammed with parts of old movie monsters! Not for long, big little brother! Look! We can build our own movie monsters starting with her!"
  • "Let 'er rip!"
  • "Okay, Mama Madzilla! Onto the main event!"
  • "(as Madzilla's mom) Junior! This is your mother! Stop that!"
  • "(as Madzilla's mom) Of course I'm your mommy, you naughty boy! Now put those people down!"
  • "(as Madzilla's mom) Junior! Are these your children? Alright, grandchildren! It's time for your nap!"
  • "(as Madzilla's mom) In our family, you must take naps every afternoon so you'll be rested for your chores!""
  • "(as Madzilla's mom) I HATE ugly brats who talk back! Junior, if you don't make your children behave, I WILL!!!"
  • "Whoooa! That's right, Madzilla!"

Tag Team Trouble[edit]

  • "I dunno. I'll talk to him."
  • "Toad, I know this means a lot to you, but why the waterworks?"
  • "Yeah?"
  • "Oh no! I'd better tell the Princess!"
  • "We can fix that! Right, big little brother? We used to wrestle back in Brooklyn!"
  • "Right! I'm volunteering for ya! Meet the Masked Mashers of Mayhem!"
  • "Don't worry, my mushroom pal! We're gonna win those orphans all the money they need!"
  • "Woah! Nice catch, Koopa!"
  • "Invincible Stars? Invincible timing, Princess!"

Oh, Brother![edit]

  • "Well, I wanna listen to music! This record's hot!"
  • "That was my favorite record!"
  • "Oooooh! I hate it when you do that!"
  • "Brothers are all...oof...good for nothing! Ow! Garbanzo beans!"
  • "As a matter of fact, I wish I didn't even HAVE a brother!"
  • "Ugh, I guess I'll have to go; he is my brother. Even if that hammerhead can be more trouble than a flooded basement."
  • "There you are, you former brother! I've been looking all over for you!"
  • "Oooooh! How many times do I have to tell you not to do that!?"
  • "Oh YEAH?! Ya don't even know enough to wear a Frog Suit out on the wet!"
  • "Hey! Where'd this hook and line come from? It's not fishing season."
  • "Uh oh, a Pipe World! I'm goin' down the drain!"
  • "Looks like I'm plumber out of luck! Gulp!"
  • "Fix your own leaky plumbing, you Koopa crackpot! I'll never help you!"
  • "Heh heh, nice try, Koopa! But it's gonna take a lot more than this silly party hat to make me-"
  • "(Mind-controlled) Koopmasters, your wish is my command!"
  • "(Mind-controlled) Mmm! I'm starving!"
  • "(Mind-controlled) Ew! I hate pasta! Yuck!"
  • "(Mind-controlled) There, my Koopmasters! The leak in the Power Shower is fixed!"
  • "(Mind-controlled) Yes, Koopmaster!"
  • "(Mind-controlled) Smash! Crush! Pound! Destroy!"
  • "(Mind-controlled) I'll get that frog!"
  • "Ooooooh! I hate it when you do that!"
  • "Fine as a newt fossil thanks to you, brother! Glad to see you took my advice on wearing a Frog Suit!"
  • "Kooky, give ol' Koopa a Koop where it counts!"
  • "Heh heh! Same to you, brother!"
  • "That's right! And besides, that argument was all my fault!"
  • "No, brother, it was all mine!"
  • "Well, I insist it was all mine, brother!"
  • "Brothers. Ya can't live with 'em. Ya can't live without 'em."

Misadventure of Mighty Plumber[edit]

  • "If I'd known you're gonna get this excited, I'd have never brought this Real World TV into the Mushroom Kingdom."
  • "Count on it, Luigi! Our hero always gets his clog!"
  • "Aw, meatballs! The TV's on the blink!"
  • "Right! We can't let King Koopa cop all those gold coins!"
  • "What we did see was an inspiration. Now we can do our best to stop Koopa, just like Mighty Plumber would."
  • "I'm afraid all your plans have just hit a clog!"
  • "{*with Luigi*} Mighty Plumber!"
  • "Mighty Plumber, wait! You're our hero! We've brought a TV set from Brooklyn so we can watch your show!"
  • "Aim it up there!"
  • "Koopa's fire message said he was gonna rob the Treasury! I bet that's where he's taking Mighty Plumber right now!"
  • "Simple as pizza pie! Eeney-meeney-miney-Mario! C'mon, Luigi!"
  • "He can't steal it if we get it first! All you gotta do is grab Koopa's map!"
  • "Trust me!"
  • "Luigi's in trouble!"
  • "You don't have it anymore!"
  • "Look! Plumber-prints and Koopa-prints! Come on!"
  • "We tried to tell ya, big guy!"
  • "No you're not, you're our hero! You taught us everything we know!"
  • "C'mon, Luigi! Let's make Koopa's escape a real washout!"
  • "Oughta tell you to use your wand to put Mighty Plumber back in the TV set."
  • "Do your thing, Cheatsy!"
  • "Just in case you're thinking of taking Mighty Plumber off the air again!"
  • "(*with Luigi*) GO, MIGHTY PLUMBER, GO!!!"
  • "Hey, are we big heroes or what?"

A Toadally Magical Adventure[edit]

  • "Take a look, Toad. One Super Mario turn of the wrench, and all that stopped up water will run out of your tub faster than Invincible Mario!"
  • "Oh no, the message went down the drain, Toad!"
  • "Not if Fire Mario's got anything to say about it!"
  • "(*with Luigi and Princess Toadstool*) No way!"
  • "Luigi, do you like pancakes?"
  • "Cause if we don't think of something fast, that's what we're all gonna be squashed into!"
  • "It seems those blocks are after you, Toad!"
  • "We'll discuss that later. But for now, we gotta lead them away from the house! The Princess is still inside taking her nap! Run!"
  • "In that case, we JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMP!"
  • "So, Toad. Is there anything else you wanna tell us?"
  • "Don't worry, Princess! We'll save you!"
  • "WHOA! If I don't wanna be plant food, I'd better get moving!"
  • "Hang on, Toad! I'll wrench ya loose!"
  • "If you wanna make it right, help me with this plan I just got, and bring back those stampeding blocks!"
  • "Hold tight! If I can just find a super block!"
  • "Okay, Toad! It's time for your final magic trick!"

Misadventures in Babysitting[edit]

  • "Ow! That's my head!"
  • "Only one way to find out!"
  • "You're right! Because if that's the Brooklyn Bridge, my name's not-"
  • "But, uh, we're not-"
  • "Lasagna?!"
  • "Shhhh! That lasagna looks GOOD!"
  • "(*with Luigi*) 98...99...100! Ready or not, here we come!"
  • "Oh no, Ptooies! And they're spitting mad!"
  • "Quick! Luigi! Batter up!"
  • "Look! There's Junior!"
  • "Bully Koopa's got him!"
  • "They went in here! Let's go!"
  • "Hey! What's goin' on here?"
  • "If we don't get outta here fast, we're toast!"
  • "Not anymore!"
  • "I'd hate to have to tell this to his mom."
  • "Let's show that big bad Boom Boom some of our patented Super Mario super moves!"
  • "Super Mario!"
  • "They're gonna call us barbecued! It looks like the Koopas superheated the volcano!"
  • "C'mon, Junior, we gotta move fast and plug that leaking volcano!"
  • "Don't worry, Luigi! We still gotten raccoon power!"
  • "That's it! BOULDERS AWAY!"
  • "A little to the left...a little let 'er rip!"
  • "For a first-time plumber's helper, you weren't bad yourself!"
  • "Then we'd better boogie back to that Warp Zone, and get back to Brooklyn!"
  • "Now, hold your breath, Junior, cause we're takin' a dive!"

Do the Koopa[edit]

  • "Hey! We can use this Doom Dancer to keep King Koopa and his brat pack under control! Let's go get him!"
  • "Relax, Luigi! We can do it! Just follow my lead!"
  • "When we get the Doom Dancer, it'll be a lot more hazardous for Koopa! C'mon! Let's boogie!"
  • "QUIET! You wanna wake the dead? You don't want Koopa to find out we're in his kingdom, do ya?"
  • "A Mario Bro. never says 'can't', Luigi!"
  • "Start the music!"
  • "We're almost to the Temple of Gloom!"
  • "Dry Bones Troopas! Let's shake, rattle and roll these boneheads!"
  • "Gotcha!"
  • "Gulp. I don't gotcha!"
  • "SOCK A BLOCK!!!"
  • "Temple of Gloom, here we come!"
  • "Hey, Luigi. You got any Plumber's Putty on ya?"
  • "No way, Koopa!"
  • "I think that's our cue to leave!"
  • "Ah, sounds like the Koopas are back to playing their old kinda music!"

Kootie Pie Rocks[edit]

  • "THAT'S dressed up?"
  • "I never saw so many tonsils in all my life!"
  • "Hey, how come we don't get this kind of applause when we do good plumbing?"
  • "Heh! There's only one sneaky two-faced reptile who laughs like that!"
  • "If we get to Castle Koopa in time, maybe we can save 'em! Let's warp!"
  • "Don't worry, Princess! We'll get in there and save Rob and Fab from Kootie Pie!"
  • " You heard what Fab said. They need a backup band to give Kootie Pie her concert!"
  • "Hey, you got a better way to get into that throne room? Come on!"
  • "Uh, hi! Uh, we're the famous traveling band called, 'Backups R We!' Eh, do you know anyone who might need our services?"
  • "What'll it be, fellow maestros?"
  • "One! And a two! And a-"
  • "Yeah! Time to get back to your Real World concert!"
  • "Lights out, Princess! Err, uh, Princess?"
  • "Maybe if we keep our band, we'll be that popular!"


  • "Yeah, but if ya haven't seen them, uh, how do you know what they look like?"
  • "Sounds like you Mushroomers are spreading mush-rumors."
  • "Hmm, I'll bet you a jar of marinara sauce that these aliens are Real-Worlders like Luigi and me!"
  • "Luigi, we'd better check this out."
  • "I was right, Luigi! They are humans!"
  • "Oh, those poor people are goners!"
  • "Hang on! We'll get ya outta here!"
  • "I'll betcha three spaghettis to one lasagna he's taking them to Kastle Koopa!"
  • "Quick! Luigi! Make sure Kooky's invention can't hurt them!"
  • "Follow me, and I'll get you to a Warp Zone so you can go home!"
  • "I'll explain the way! Hurry! We left the engine running in your station wagon!"
  • "Just drive in, and it'll take you back to the Real World!"

The Ugly Mermaid[edit]

  • "Stroke! Stroke! Stroke!"
  • "What do you say we throw a wrench or two in Koopa's works?"
  • "Look out! Princess!"
  • "My Frog Suit's been covered by a block of cement!"
  • "I can't reach! I-I can't s-swim, I can't breathe, I-I can't hang on...SAVE ME! HOLY MACKEREL!"
  • "Someone turn off the water... Oh boy...what a nightmare. I dreamed I was drowning! It was horrible! I was saved by the most hideous, disgusting creature."
  • "Ma'am, lady, fish, em, whatever you are? You're great for saving me, but I'm no frog prince! What I am is leaving!"
  • "I'd rather face a thousand Koopas than one mermaid mackerel with marriage on her mind! But you can't run from your problems forever!"
  • "Psst! Over here, Mackerel!"
  • "I'm sorry. I'm sure you're a swell fish, and I, uh, we're just not each other's type!"
  • "Uh-uh! No buts! I gotta go!"
  • "C'mon! Let's get outta here!"
  • "OH NO NO NOOOOO!!!"
  • "I-I-I can't go back out there into the water, I, I-I'm afraid!"
  • "I'd rather marry a fish than swim with one, Luigi."
  • "I-I'd really like to help you, but...b-but-"
  • "Of course I'm not afraid of Koopa! I-I'm afraid of the water!"
  • "Yipes! Water!"
  • "Alright, I'm coming in! One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, and no way I can go! I'm just too chicken to be a frog!"
  • "Wave?! Did he say wave?! Where?! Where?!"
  • "'Oh, sure, don't worry.' I'll just stay here and be a lily-leapin' frog forever..."
  • "Don't worry, King Mackerel! My brother and the Princess will take care of him!"
  • "Now THAT'S something to be scared of."
  • "I can't just hide under the table. I gotta do something!"
  • "Come on, Mario! That creep Koopa's got the Princess, Toad, AND Luigi. Scared or not, I've gotta do something!"
  • "Brave men die a single death; cowards marry fish-head mermaids!"
  • "I told ya all along for each other!"
  • "Phew! For a while there I thought I was sunk! Come on, let's get outta here before Holly gets over HER fear!"

Crimes R Us[edit]

  • "Hey Luigi, ya ever notice how clouds can look like other things? Well, like that one over there! Looks sorta like the Princess!"
  • "(*with Luigi*) THE DOOMSHIP?!"
  • "We gotta stop those lunkhead Koopas from robbing the bank!"
  • "Hey, Bully! Catch this!"
  • "It's coming from over there!"
  • "Those lousy Koopas! Which way did they go?!"
  • "Heh! He's just lucky he didn't have to face the Koopa Kids on a bad day! Eh, Luigi? (laughs)"

Up, Up, and a Koopa[edit]

  • "Mmm, well at least the pancakes look edible."
  • "Luigi, what's going...UUUUUUUP?!"
  • "What could be causing it?"
  • "I wonder what that was all about?"
  • "Well, Luigi, looks like we'd better take Emperor Ed back to Sky World, and bring King Koopa down to Earth!"
  • "Hey! I found one!"
  • "{*with Luigi*} RACCOON POOOOOW! ER!"
  • "Now we can fly to the Doomship, and trash Koopa's Raiser-Upper!"
  • "Looks like Koopa's firing up the Raiser-Upper again!"
  • "We'll sneak in here and surprise those two lamebrains!"
  • "Ah, you won't get away with this, Koopa!"
  • "Hang loose, Luigi. I'll get us outta here!"
  • "Hey! Rocky Wrench! All you gotta do is open our cage, and this yummy chocolate bar is yours!"
  • "Okay, that's it! See if we ask you along in our next plumbing job!"
  • "I hate to say it, but King Koopa finally won up! It looks like curtains for Mushroom Land!"
  • "Princess! Boy, are we glad to see you!"
  • "Hey, that gives me an idea! C'mon, let's grab the Raiser-Upper and take it over to Toad's house!"
  • "Heheh, you'll get exactly what you deserve, Koopa!"
  • "Alright, you asked for it! Crank it to full power! We're levitating the Doomship, back to Koopa Kingdom!"
  • "Now we'll put everything from the Mushroom Kingdom, back where it belongs!"
  • "Alright! Mission accomplished!"
  • "You were taking a small bite of pancake and floating to the ceiling!"

7 Continents for 7 Koopas[edit]

  • "Great flooded basements, that's no rain cloud! Look!"
  • "Yeah! We're gonna be slurped right along if we don't hold on!"
  • "C'mon! We've gotta get out of these Frog Suits and find Raccoon power, so we can fly after the Doomship!"
  • "Come on, raccoons! There's the Warp Pipe those Princess-nabbing Koopas went through!"
  • "This time, I-I think we got it!"
  • "You're right! That's the WORST clog I've EVER seen!"
  • "Heh, thanks to you, Princess Toadstool, you've saved every continent of our Real World from Kooptastrohe!"

True Colors[edit]

  • "Let's go, Luigi, maybe if WE can straighten this out!"
  • "C'mon, fellas! Fighting won't solve anything! The color you are doesn't matter!"
  • "Luigi?!"
  • "We gotta sneak into Kastle Koopa and find out what Koopa's up to, with his Color Goopa, BEFORE the Mushroom Kingdom has a rumble that'll tear it apart!"
  • "{*with Luigi*} Oh no!"
  • "I say left!"
  • "You go your way, I'll go mine!"
  • "{*with Luigi*} Center!"
  • "Pipe number ONE is the way to go!"
  • "Ooh, you're so stubborn now that you're red, Luigi!"
  • "{*with Luigi*} Pipe number three."
  • "We have been king-sized colossal jerks!"
  • "Even when we know better, we let our different colors drive us apart! Sorry, Luigi!"
  • "Hey, I just thought of a way we can unrumble that rumble! Come on!"
  • "Hold it! Emergency! The Princess Toadstool needs you!"
  • "And the fact that you're all here, reds and blues, shows your true colors!"
  • "{*with Luigi*} Brother!"
  • "Sure! They've already started, but it doesn't matter anymore! Everyone's learned that it's not a person's color that counts, it's the kind of person they are inside!"
  • "Heheh, yeah, when humans get as smart as Mushrooms!"

Recycled Koopa[edit]

  • "'WORLD'S REPULSIVEST REPTILE.' Koopa, that's who!"
  • "That's it! We'll get a Koopa Kid's magic wand and send this trash back to Koopa!"
  • "Looks like Koopa's hot on our trail!"
  • "You're right, Koopa! We SHOULD give you back what's yours!"
  • "Garbage, garbage, on our stoopa, get out of here and go back to Koopa!"
  • "No! I lost the wand!"
  • "Just what we need to make sure Koopa really DID learn his lesson."
  • "Those Koopa Kids haven't learned a thing! They're contaminating someone's land now!"
  • "Super Mario Trash Busters to the rescue!"
  • "Let's look down that drain pipe and see where that trash is going!"
  • "Luigi, this is our home! It's the Real World! Koopa's garbage is polluting Brooklyn!"
  • "Now this Koopa garbage is starting to give me, one big headache!"
  • "Let's go tug that litterbug's tail, Luigi!"
  • "Your trash-dumping days are through, Koopa!"
  • "There's City Hall! Maybe the mayor can help us!"
  • "We gotta get rid of this Koopa garbage before the whole Real World gets Koopafied!"
  • "Come on, Luigi! Looks like these garbage ghouls wanna bag us like yesterday's litter!"
  • "Whew! Looks like another fine mess Koopa's gotten us into!"
  • "Um...a stray Christmas tree?"
  • "Oh no, Luigi! We gotta get rid of this trash before it turns me all the way into a Koopa!"
  • "I think you're right, Luigi! The garbage won't go away by magic! There's only one real solution to this mess!"
  • "But it's not finished...and I'm almost Koopafied!"
  • "You gotta take charge, Luigi! I'm fading fast!"
  • "{Koopafied} Koopa! Koopa!"
  • "And we've got plenty more ways to recycle!"
  • "No way, Koopa! We're going to stay right on your tail!"

The Venice Menace[edit]

  • "Holy sandpiles!"
  • "What's a Real World gondola from Venice, Italy, doing in Desert Land?"
  • "Hey, slow down, paisano! There's no sea monster in Venice!"
  • "Oh no, not Venice!"
  • "This is terrible! Venice, Italy is my favorite city! Next to Brooklyn, USA."
  • "I don't know why, there-there's some mysterious something about Venice that I just feel in my bones!"
  • "Pack Frog Suits; don't leave for the Real World without 'em!"
  • "Look at all those Koopa guards! Koopa must be up to something in Venice! We've gotta stop him!"
  • "Into the Warp Pipe, Luigi, Venice needs us!"
  • "Hey, Luigi. Never challenge me to a game of underwater horseshoes."
  • "With these gondolier disguises, we can sneak up on Koopa, and if you can keep your frog in your pocket!"
  • "Hey, you feel what I feel, Luigi?"
  • "No, no, I'm talkin' about something in the, in the Venice air, something that wrenches a Mario Bro.'s soul!"
  • "I don't know, Luigi. But I'll tell you one thing, I'm gonna solve this mystery before we leave!"
  • "That's no sea monster, it's Koopa's Doomsub!"
  • "Wait! There's a gondola with more go!"
  • "Let's see Koopa catch us now!"
  • "That Doomsub's been, laundry-blinded! It'll crash for sure!"
  • "This is no time to be Italian, Luigi! Be Polish!"
  • "If Koopa gets us, it won't be our vault!"
  • "No way, Luigi! We're gonna get a good night's sleep and then find out what mysterious something pulls us to Venice, like water is pulled down a drain pipe!"
  • "Uuuhh, I'll get it."
  • "I must be having a nightmare."
  • "Let you guys catch us? Heheeeh, we'd rather croak!"
  • "We gotta get on that Doomsub and stop Koopa from sinking Venice!"
  • "Huhuhuhu! You'll be washed up loooong before Venice, Koopa!"
  • "Uhhhh, I get the message!"
  • "Oh yeah? Never say 'never' to Mario!"
  • "Let's warp this sub, outta here!"
  • "And why we're the best plumbers in the Real World, and the Mushroom Kingdom!"

Super Koopa[edit]

  • "Quick, we've got trouble! It's Koopa's Doomship!"
  • "Let go of my brother, Koopa!"
  • "He's shoving Luigi into the Warp Zone!"
  • "I'm coming, Luigi!"
  • "In the Real World, in Paris, France. And there's Koopa with Luigi!"
  • "Pinch me, Luigi!"
  • "Raccoon Koopa! We've got you covered! Put down your getup and surrender peacefully!"
  • "Uh, not exactly. Look!"
  • "Ahem, I'm afraid you'd better believe it Captain. That frog is hopping mad!"
  • "Aww, without super powers, we're no match for Super Koopa!"
  • "We've gotta get outta here fast before Paris is ruined!"
  • "This isn't a cake, Luigi, it's a Super Block!"
  • "Look! Up in the sky!"
  • "Thanks for everything, Captain!"
  • "Got it, Princess!"
  • "I don't believe it! Karoobi Koopa!"
  • "Eh, I don't think Paris will be seeing THEM ever again!"
  • "Yeah, but we couldn't have done it without our Toad!"

Mayor of New York City[edit]

  • "Uh oh! Nobody will re-elect me looking like this! Not even in New York!"
  • "Koopa!"


  • "'ACE MAGIC WAND FACTORY: A NEW WAND MADE EVERY CENTURY.' Hmm... Yeah, this must be the place!"
  • "Only a trained magician can touch that wand without danger, a-a-and you don't qualify!"

Mighty Plumber[edit]

  • "Mighty Plumber to the rescue! Faster than a speeding plunger!"
  • "More powerful than a pipe wrench!"
  • "Able to snag disgusting drain clogs, with a flick of the wrist!"
  • "You'll have to make an appointment. I have a leaky kitchen to fix!"
  • "Have no fear! Mighty Plumber will teach them that crime never pays!"
  • "Through muck, sweat, and slime, Mighty Plumber does it with no overtime!"
  • "Traitor!"
  • "You disgraced our profession!"
  • "I've snagged 'em this time!"
  • "We've sprung a leak!"
  • "I let that slimy reptile trick me! I'm a disgrace to the plumbing profession!"
  • "Okay, fellow drain surgeons! We have a job to do!"
  • "Not quite, Koopa!"
  • "He got away!"
  • "What about the Pipe Land Treasury?"

Milli Vanilli[edit]

  • "Hello, New York!"
  • "Hey! Who's behind that mondo bizarro joke?" - Fab
  • "We've got a concert to play!" - Rob
  • "Well, I don't dig tails and scaly lips!" - Rob
  • "And if we don't?" - Fab
  • "Accountants?" - Rob
  • "That is a good one!" - Fab
  • "No!" - Rob
  • "We're nerds!" - Fab
  • "We're dweebs!" - Rob
  • "This is terrible! You turn us back to normal people right now!" - Fab
  • "Great. Who wants to be a band from the 60s?" - Fab
  • "Hmmm... Never heard of them. Do they have an album?" - Rob
  • "Look, Mrs. Reptile. We can't do ze concert for you. We don't have ze backup band!" - Fab
  • "No stall! We can't sing for you without a band!" - Rob
  • "Oh, it's ze girl from the front row of our concert!" - Fab
  • "How about, 'Girl, You Know it's True?'" - Rob
  • "You won't believe where we've been. But we're back, thanks to some new friends!" - Rob
  • "This one's for a real princess! One and a two and a..." - Rob


  • "Are we there yet?"
  • "Are we there? Are we at Wild Waldo's One-of-a-Kind Amusement Park?"
  • "Oh, dad, cut it out."
  • "This is freaky!"
  • "Watch out, dad!"
  • "Did you figure out where we are yet, dad?"
  • "Boy, dad. I'm sure glad you brought us here!"
  • "I think I'd rather be back home."
  • "Next year, can we go someplace that's popular?"
  • "Are you Uncle Waldo?"
  • "Are we there yet?"

Mrs. President[edit]

  • "Are you from the secret service?"
  • "You're a brilliant plumber, Super Mario. I know the president will recommend you to all our friends!"
  • "Oh my goodness! What's going on?"
  • "Mario! Oh, Mario! I hate to complain, Mario, but my husband can't run the country under these conditions!"

Mushroom boy (Crimes R Us)[edit]

  • "Help! Someone help!"
  • "Ugly green monsters! They stole my lunch money!"
  • "Down that big pipe!"

Mushroom boy (Mind Your Mummy Mommy, Mario)[edit]

  • "There's a mad mummy loose in Desert Land!"

Mushroom boy (Mush-Rumors)[edit]

  • "What was that? A monster?"
  • "Wow! I think they're aliens from another planet!"
  • "ALIENS!!"
  • "But...I saw them! They had a bizarre vehicle, and they wore strange outfits, and they had four eyes! They even had hair on their heads! Yech! Oh! Uh, sorry, Mario!"
  • "They were alien monsters, I tell you!"
  • "The aliens are gone!"

Mushroom Marauder and Jake the Crusher Fungus[edit]

Mushroom Marauder[edit]

  • "Sure, well do it! Right, Jake?"
  • "Ya really wanna win this thing, don'tcha?"
  • "Yes!"

Jake the Crusher Fungus[edit]

  • "Anything for our favorite half-pint cousin! Huh? Where'd the little squirt go?"
  • "We'll show 'em our place, cous!"
  • "Yes!"

Mushroom Nanny[edit]

  • "You mustn't laugh at Toad. Without this money, we'd have to close the orphanage. You wouldn't have a home."
  • "Sweet dreams, Toad!"
  • "Oh! Another bag of gold? How wonderful! Please, give the Princess double thanks for her double generosity!"

Mushroom Referee[edit]

  • "And now for the main event: The Super Slob Sledge Brothers vs. The Masked Mashers of Mayhem!"
  • "Hey, who did that?"
  • "And the winners are-"
  • "And the winners are, The Masked Mashers of Mayhem! I am pleased to present- Hey!"

Nipper Plant[edit]

Reign Storm[edit]

  • "Warp-a-Gram message to Princess Toadstool intercepted as ordered, your royal rottenness!"


  • "How many times are you going to ask that, Missy?"
  • "Yes, Missy, we're there! This is the amusement park! You wanna get out?"
  • "No, we're not lost, Bud!"
  • "We're sure not in Kansas anymore! Maybe we're in Iowa."
  • "Sure! Sure! Right!"
  • "Who's there?"
  • "Well, I'm pretty sure it's not Iowa! Maybe it's Nebraska."
  • "Wait! You can't do this! I belong to the Auto Club!"
  • "Gulp! I don't know what you are or where you are, but I'm reporting you to my travel agent!"
  • "I've had just about enough of this! This is not fun anymore!"
  • "Warp zone?! What are you talking about? Who are you?"
  • "This is all highly irregular! I demand an explanation!"

Old lady[edit]

  • "I love cute babies! Coochie coochie!"


  • "No respect! No respect!"
  • "My red friend was here first!"
  • "Yeah? You bumpus blue booble!"
  • "This booble, says only blues should be allowed!"
  • "Tomorrow morning!"
  • "This rumble stuff is kinda scary! I really gotta fight my own cousin?"
  • "She'll always be our princess!"
  • "(with Baker) Cousin!"


Mind Your Mummy Mommy, Mario[edit]

  • "Invaders! Get King Koopa!"
  • "We got 'em trapped in the tower, your royal meanness!"

Prince Hugo[edit]

  • "I really need you, my friends. I'm in gigantic trouble!"
  • "My royal army has just been defeated by Giant Ninja Koopas, and now they're marching here to capture me!"
  • "Leave them alone!"
  • "Thank you, Mario! You've been a BIG help in saving Giant Land!"

Princess Toadstool[edit]

Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopas[edit]

  • "We came as soon as we got your message, Prince Hugo!"
  • "Oh, no! Poor Prince Hugo!"
  • "Oh, this is horrible! Koopa's SO mean, I bet he's gonna turn Mario into a miniature poodle too!"
  • "Here, Mario, I'd better turn you back to normal!"

Reptiles in the Rose Garden[edit]

  • "It sure is nice not to worry about the Koopas for a while!"
  • "I'll see if I can stall 'em while you guys run!"
  • "If we don't get him and The White House back to the real world, Kootie Pie will ruin America!"
  • "Leave it to me, Luigi!"
  • "Hey! That guy in the funny helmet told me his boomerang was more powerful than your fireball!"
  • "So, go ahead. Let him call you a wimp."
  • "Are you gonna let him do that to you?"
  • "You're not gonna let him get away with that, are you?"
  • "Quick! Hold up your chains!"
  • "Get over here, right into the crossfire!"
  • "Quick! Run for it!"
  • "Hurry, Mario! Once The White House hits bottom, America is sunk!"
  • "Mario!"
  • "You and Luigi are the only ones who can stop the Real World from becoming Koopa's world!"

Mind Your Mummy Mommy, Mario[edit]

  • "Sure is nice to relax after a rough adventure."
  • "I wonder why the mummy's so upset?"
  • "I bet it has something to do with that golden mummy case those bratty Koopa twins are sneaking off with! We gotta get that case! Luigi, Toad, follow me! Mario, keep the mummy from hurting anyone until we get back!"
  • "If we only had a map of the pyramids..."
  • "I'll take a map to the mummy tombs!"
  • "Look!"
  • "No, don't you see? The prince looks like Mario!"
  • "The only way we're gonna get Mario back is to break into Castle Koopa, grab the mummy case, and trade the real mummy prince for Mario!"
  • "This Steam Cloud Balloon was a brilliant idea, Luigi!"
  • "At least Koopa's guards haven't spotted us."
  • "Quick! Into the tower! Maybe there's another way out!"
  • "Ah, great! Now if we only had a way to get it past King Koopa."
  • "What happened to the queen mummy?"
  • "Uh, you made a mistake, Queen Mushroomkhamen! This is our friend Mario! There's your real son!"

The Beauty of Kootie[edit]

  • "Whose dress doesn't even match her tail?"
  • "Just watch this."
  • "I dare ya to come over here and say that!"
  • "You wanna bet?"

Princess Toadstool for President[edit]

  • "If you're so eager to rule my people, why don't you do it the right way?"
  • "There's an election coming up! Let the people decide who they want, and the loser will leave the kingdom!"
  • "You're on, Koopa! We'll settle this fair and square, once and for all! Deal?"
  • "I challenged King Koopa to run against me in a fair election! But obviously, he isn't reptile enough to come and debate me."
  • "Don't worry, guys! I'm making a speech at the Mushroom Kingdom Founder's Day Picnic! Other mind people of what Koopa's really like."
  • "My fellow Mushroomers, ask not what Koopa does for you today, ask what he did to you in the past!"
  • "Whaddaya want me to say, Mario?"
  • "You heard my speech, now listen to King Koopa, then decide who you want as your leader!"

Never Koop a Koopa[edit]

  • "Kastle Koopa...I can turn it into a retirement home for elderly Mushrooms!"
  • "But there are so many old people in my kingdom who need a nice place to live... Ah, I'm gonna take a look at it right now."
  • "Just a little sprucing up, and this place will be a real...homey. With a little work, of course."
  • "Ugh! That picture will be the first thing to go! Ugh, it's as ugly and repulsive as King Koopa was in person."
  • "You gotta say one thing for it! The old folks wouldn't get bored living here."
  • "Gee! Uh, which way back to the door?"
  • "I should've known not to trust you!"
  • "The Mushroom Kingdom? Never!"
  • "I'll never sign MY kingdom over to you!"
  • "Will your court photographers be there if I sign over the kingdom?"
  • "Then I'll do it on two conditions: That you move us to the throne room, and that you change that tacky outfit!"
  • "I guess I have no choice..."
  • "There!"
  • "Get ready, guys! Uh, The Sledge Brothers are breaking you out of here."

Reign Storm[edit]

  • "I really shouldn't go to the Real World, Mario. I have a kingdom to run."
  • "Toad, we're only going for a couple of days. Maybe we shouldn't go at all!"
  • "Promise me you'll call for me if you have any trouble-"
  • "I can't stop worrying about my kingdom!"
  • "The doctor DID say I need to relax..."
  • "I'm okay, thank you!"
  • "Not really."
  • "I'm not sure if I ever wanna go home..."
  • "Well, why not? C'mon! I'm gonna tell Toad we're gonna stay a couple more weeks!"
  • "Great news, Toad! I've decided to spend another week here in Hawaii!"
  • "What?! Kooky?! Oh, I've gotta get home! My subjects may need me!"
  • "I'm a Princess."
  • "And it's time that I started acting like one! Where's the nearest drain pipe?"
  • "Uh, Cutter, thanks for the most fun I've ever had in my life! Someday, I hope I can make you feel as welcome in my world, as you made me feel in yours!"
  • "Hurry, Toad!"

Toddler Terrors of Time Travel[edit]

  • "Good going, guys! That'll teach Koopa! Never mess with history!"


  • "That's REAL trouble! C'mon, guys! We better follow them!"
  • "So, this is your glamorous Hollywood kingdom?"
  • "Now, we'll take you back to the Mushroom Kingdom, where you'll have a wonderful new life!"
  • "Nope!"

Tag Team Trouble[edit]

  • "Toad, lighten up! It’s just a silly old wrestling match! What’s that compared to the really important things like... like feeding those poor Mushroom orphans?"
  • "What's that all about? I've never seen Toad so upset."
  • "Yes, we will! We just need help, and I'm gonna get some!"
  • "QUICK!!! GRAB ONE!!!"

Oh, Brother![edit]

  • "Two straight weeks of rain. Ah, the Mushroom Kingdom is gonna float away if this doesn't stop soon!"
  • "Toad's right. Whatever happened to Super Mario Brotherly Love?"
  • "Luigi, it's really wet out there! You better take your Frog Suit!"
  • "Somebody better go after Luigi."
  • "Thanks to you, Mario and Luigi, the Power Shower has been dismantled, and all the gold coins have been returned to the Pipe World where they belong!"
  • "{*with Toad*} Oh, brother!"

A Toadally Magical Adventure[edit]

  • "There's the messenger, and he's still got the wand!"
  • "We're home, Toad! We're safe! The wand is safe!"
  • "(*with Mario and Luigi*) No way!"
  • "Mario! Luigi, where'd ya go?"

Do the Koopa[edit]

  • "Quick, Luigi! Let me see it!"
  • "Luigi, you've done it! I've been searching for this map to the Doom Dancer Music Box for years! C'mon, we gotta tell Mario! This could be the beginning of the end of King Koopa!"
  • "The Doom Dancer Music Box is said to possess great magical power! Crank it fast, and it makes everybody dance, faster and faster! Crank it slow, and it makes them slow down and stop."
  • "It's hidden in Dark Land's Temple of Gloom."
  • "Those turtles take a licking and come back kicking! What now?"
  • "According to our map, the Doom Dancer is in the inner temple, right through that door."
  • "It's really here!"
  • "Look out, Mario! A Thwomp!"
  • "Oh no!"
  • "Do you suppose he takes requests?"

Kootie Pie Rocks[edit]

  • "I'm ready!"
  • "Next stop, the Real World, New York City, AND... my favorite music group!"
  • "Hey, guys. Why so formal? We're going to a Milli Vanilli concert, not a symphony!"
  • "It's okay! The audience will be so busy looking at Milli Vanilli, they won't even notice what you guys are wearing!"
  • "Oh, what an exit! Didn't I tell you they were great?"
  • "Oh no! It can't be!"
  • "This is terrible! Milli Vanilli have been Koopnapped!"
  • "If we don't change those two accountants back to Milli Vanilli, I'll never hear my favorite music again!"
  • "My greatest band! Shhh! Shhh! We're here to help!"
  • "But who's gonna sing with us? These two accountants?"
  • "They LOOK like accountants..."
  • "Prove it."
  • "Quick! Into the Warp Pipe before Kootie Pie comes out of her trance!"

The Ugly Mermaid[edit]

  • "Mario? Mario, speak to me!"
  • "Hurry! We gotta get the water outta his lungs!"
  • "Don't worry, King Mackerel! We'll save Mertropolis somehow..."
  • "Come ON, Mario! Time to get your sea legs back! We'll be right here with you! You can do it!"
  • "You can't let your fears stop you, Mario!"
  • "Koopa's invading Mertropolis!"
  • "Marvelously, Luigi! But we've got more Koopas to Koop up."
  • "Calm down! Calm down! Don't worry, Mario! You stay here. We'll stop the Doomsub."
  • "Oh no!"

Up, Up, and a Koopa[edit]

  • "Toad, I thought you were gonna fix me a bowl of healthy bran."
  • "Huh? What's goin' on?"
  • "Beats me, but we've gotta stop it right away or I'm gonna hit the ceiling!"
  • "This is terrible! Everything is going up, even the ice cream man!"
  • "There's important stuff going on here, Luigi!"
  • "Toad...are you alright?"
  • "Emperor Ed, now nice of you to drop in!"
  • "While you're doing that, we'll tie down everything we can, in case Koopa starts levitating again."
  • "Hurry! Inside!"
  • "Mario and Luigi should have been back by now. They must be in trouble."
  • "Hidden somewhere in the basement of my castle, is a golden chest containing golden magic wings! We'll use them, to fly to Sky World and see what happened to Mario and Luigi."
  • "We've got to find the secret chamber, inside the hidden room, and the end of the unknown tunnel."
  • "Good! I'll go that way!"
  • "Look, you can't expect me to rule a kingdom and have time to take on the garbage too!"
  • "No, it's a hidden chamber!"
  • "There's the golden box! Let's get those magic wings!"
  • "Don't be so self-conscious. It's not like you're on television with millions of people watching you. Now come on. We've gotta find Mario and Luigi."

7 Continents for 7 Koopas[edit]

  • "What a great day for a swim! Sure isn't a cloud in the sky!"
  • "It's Koopa's Doomship! Dive for cover!"
  • "I can't hold on! I lost my grip!"
  • "It's a good thing my crown is wash-and-wear! Now, it's time to find out just what those cruddy Koopas are up to!"
  • "I've gotta do something fast, before those creepy Koopalings take over the entire Real World! Oh, if I can just switch off the Koopa Klogger."
  • "Nastier villans than you have failed to conquer the Real World! You'll never get away with this!"
  • "How am I gonna get outta here?"
  • "Hmmm...that Bob-omb looks like he has a short fuse!"
  • "I'll bet you're a dud! Bet you won't even explode!"
  • "It worked! With the Koopa Klogger kaput, Mario and Luigi can escape from the Mushroom Kingdom, and help me clobber these Koopas!"
  • "After all the times you Super Mario Bros. have saved the Mushroom Kingdom, it was the least I could do!"

True Colors[edit]

  • "What's going on here?"
  • "Oh, for Mushroom sakes! You can both use this street like you always have!"
  • "Everyone, please! We all know Koopa's behind this..."
  • "Oh, this is terrible! The Mushroom Kingdom is splitting apart!"
  • "I'm right here, Baker! And I'm fine, now that all my friends are off the battlefield."
  • "Do you think everyone's colors will ever fade back to normal?"

Recycled Koopa[edit]

  • "What kind of person would throw trash into a beautiful garden?"
  • "This Koopa crud could kill the whole kingdom!"
  • "Try to find a Super Leaf!"
  • "You go high, I'll go low!"
  • "Ugh! We have to get rid of it, before it spreads through the kingdom and kills everything off!"
  • "Well, that oughta teach Koopa to keep his garbage to himself."
  • "You'd better stop 'em! Toad and I will stay and guard the Mushroom Castle in case there's another garbage attack."

The Venice Menace[edit]

  • "Venice Pizza Delivery?"
  • "Only one way to find out, guys: ask!"
  • "Why's that, Mario?"
  • "Well, if you both feel that strongly, you must go to Venice right away and save 'em from the sea monster!"
  • "Must've been distant relatives of Mario and Luigi!"
  • "And the most modest!"

Super Koopa[edit]

  • "Toad, we need you to stay behind in the Mushroom Kingdom."
  • "I have my reasons, Toad! You'll find out!"
  • "Mario, where are we?"
  • "I've GOT to get a message to Toad to bring help!"
  • "Mario, heads up!"


  • "King Koopa promises he's quitting being bad for good, and I make the biggest mistake I've ever made when I believe him." - NBC promo for "Never Koop a Koopa"


Never Koop a Koopa[edit]

  • "'Ptooie' to you TOO, Mario!"
  • "Ouch! You make me SO mad, I could spit!"

Queen Mushroomkhamen[edit]

  • "My little prince! At last I've found you!"
  • "Come, my little Prince Mushroomkhamen! Give mommy a hug!"
  • "I'll take you home to our tomb, my son, and I'll never let ANYONE take you away again!"
  • "Awww, give your mummy mommy a big kiss!"
  • "All that running around has made you grouchy! It's time for a nice 10,000-year nap!"
  • "You'll feel better after your nap!"
  • "What are you doing with my son?"
  • "You imposter, how DARE you pretend to be my son! You don't look anything like him!"
  • "But YOU look exactly like my husband! Come to me, my darling!"

Robot Princess[edit]

  • "Mario! Luigi! I'm back!"
  • "He's having such a great time, I let him stay another week!"
  • "And I can't wait to start ruling!"
  • "Welcome, King Koopa! I am so glad you could come!"
  • "Why shouldn't I be nice? After all, I'm turning my kingdom over to him!"
  • "And you two, are FIRED! You have exactly, 1 hour to get out of King Koopa's Mushroom Kingdom!"
  • "The Mushroom Kingdom, is about to crown a new ruler! It is with great pleasure, that I turn the crown of Mushroom Kingdom over to, the great..."
  • "Over to the magnificent...King Koopa!"
  • "By the power vested in me as princess of the Mushroom Kingdom..."
  • "I hereby name you...ruler of all the Mushroom Kingdom!"

Royal Parrot[edit]

  • "Brawwwwww! Gigantic trouble! Gigantic!"
  • "Brawwwwww! These shrimpy guys couldn't help the royal flea!"
  • "This is too scary! I can't watch!"
  • "You can't evict me! BRAWW! I'm the Royal Parrot!"
  • "Get off my back, will ya?"
  • "I'm not leaving here without my cage! My whole life's in that cage! My Big Bird poster, my Worms From Outer Space comic book collecton...EVERYTHING!"
  • "Promise?"
  • "My cage! Mario ruined my cage! You promised me you'd get me back my cage!"
  • "You'd better fix that cage, Mario, or you'll be one sorry plumber!"

Sledge Brother[edit]

Reptiles in the Rose Garden[edit]

  • "Puttin' on a little weight, aren't you, Mario?"

Tag Team Trouble[edit]

  • "Soon to be the Marshmallow Marauder and Jake 'The Crushed' Fungus!"
  • "Tag! You're it!"

Super Koopa[edit]

  • "Prisoners! Since it's your birthday, you're allowed visitors!"
  • "Okay, you delivered your present. You gotta go!"
  • "King Koopa! King Koopa! The prisoners have escaped!"

Statue of Liberty[edit]

  • "Those Mario Bros. ARE super!"

Submarine captain[edit]

  • "Is everybody okay?"
  • "Filet Mignon! We are being dive-bombed by a flying reptile-raccoon? Oui, oui! This is too much for me!"
  • "Cordon Bleu! I don't believe it! Ze sonar scope says we are being attacked by a gigantic frog!"
  • "Au revoir, raccoons!"


  • "Help! I've struck oil!"
  • "What would anyone do when their bath water turns crude? Get me the Mario Bros.!"
  • "My palace is built over an oil well. And somehow, the oil pipes leading up from my well, must have gotten crossed with the water pipes from the oasis!"
  • "Mario, Luigi! You must stop King Koopa before my palace is destroyed!"
  • "But what are we going to do about my palace? It's ruined!"
  • "But my PERFECT!"

Sultan's servant[edit]

  • "Sultan, what should I do?"


Never Koop a Koopa[edit]

  • "Now that you've been enticed at Kastle Koopa, TAKE THIS!"
  • "Rats! I missed! Oooh, I HATE it when I miss!"


Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopas[edit]

  • "First message we ever got that was bigger than the post office!"
  • "(with Princess Toadstool) Yikes!"
  • "Those ARE the Mario Bros.! And if you don't let us go, they'll make ya (in singsong voice) SORRY!"

Mind Your Mummy Mommy, Mario[edit]

  • "Oh no!"
  • "Wow! That mummy really throws her weight around!"
  • "Give up, Koopas! You're finished!"
  • "I dare ya to come back here and say that!"
  • "If it's maps ya want, I got a cousin who can help!"
  • "Yeah, I get it...that's why the mad mummy shanghaied him."
  • "Yeah! Nothin' stops Raccoon Luigi!"
  • "Until now!"
  • "Hey, look! The real prince's mummy case!"
  • "Compared to what?"

The Beauty of Kootie[edit]

  • "Yeah! But where'd the oil come from?"
  • "You'd take the word of an amateur plumber?"
  • "Luigi! This way!"

Princess Toadstool for President[edit]

  • "Princess! Major trouble! King Koopa has brought a plague of Paragoombas to eat your kingdom for lunch!"
  • "Yeah! All the awesome things he's given away might make people vote for him!"
  • "{*with Mario and Luigi*} You tell 'em, Princess!"

Never Koop a Koopa[edit]

  • "Stupid, ugly, twoface-"
  • "Yeah, remind me NEVER to grow old."
  • "They've been in there too long, Luigi! Looks like someone better go in and see what happened!"
  • "I agree, Luigi. Come to me when- HEY!"
  • "Us mushrooms get all gross and soggy and-"
  • "If we could only fly, we'd be outta here!"
  • "Bye, Koopa!"

Reign Storm[edit]

  • "Hey! Let's go to the islands! Hawaii, here we come! LET'S PARTY!"
  • "Kick back, Princess! Catch some Z's in UVs! We're in paradise!"
  • "Mario and Luigi can handle it. Last one in is a rotten Koopa!"
  • "C'mon, Princess! This is awesome!"
  • "Check THIS out, Princess!"
  • "And he thinks I look weird? Well, maybe he'll take her mind off her dumb worries that a kingdom will fall apart..."
  • "Eat pineapple, kid!"
  • "Rockstar? Where?!"
  • "That's no rockstar. That's Kooky von Koopa!"
  • "If Kooky's here by himself, then the rest of the Koopas must be up to somethin'! Why didn't Mario and Luigi let us know?"
  • "She's not kiddin', Cutter! She really is a princess, of the Mushroom Kingdom!"
  • "Over there!"
  • "In the meantime, kiddo, you'd appreciate it if you kept all this secret."
  • "Great surfin', Princess!"

Toddler Terrors of Time Travel[edit]

  • "Well, it's a good thing I've planted myself here! Wait till Mario and Luigi hear this!"
  • "Mario's always...gettin' us into...tight...spots..."
  • "How come we're still babies?"
  • "But what can we do?"
  • "Now what do we do?"
  • "Phew, am I drained?"
  • "If I can just focus this time tube beam on the basement window..."


  • "Give up, Mario! There aren't any Fire DOWN!!!"
  • "Not for long! Look! Koopa's Doomship!"
  • "The Doomship just warped into the Real World!"
  • "Hey, Mario got a face-lift!"
  • "I just love family reunions!"
  • "You're gonna love it in Giant Land!"

Tag Team Trouble[edit]

  • "The next time the Princess needs someone to deliver 1,000,000 gold coins to the Mushroom Orphanage, I’m on vacation!"
  • "Gulp! Easy money... Mmm, not this money! It's flyin' to Koopa!"
  • "I'll be glad to hand over this money... A million gold coins...big responsibil...ity."
  • "Huh? Someone stole the coins right up from under me! Koopa, that creep! He's the only one mean enough to swipe money meant for orphans!"
  • "How can I face those poor kids? I'll just have to make that money back someway. Hmm, but how?"
  • "Doesn't that Koopa creep know about trash cans?"
  • "'Mushroom Wrestling Federation PRESENTS: TAG TEAM WRESTLING TOURNAMENT?' Meh. Whoop-dee-doo."
  • "'1st PRIZE: 1,000,000 GOLD COINS?!' WHOOP-DEE-DOO!!!"
  • "Now, all I need is a wrestling team! Hmm...I got it!"
  • "I can't tell the Princess. I'm too ashamed! So I REALLY need you guys to be in this tournament."
  • "I'd like to enter my team, The Mushroom Marauder and Jake 'The Crusher' Fungi!"
  • "No fair, Cheatsy! You took our place in line!"
  • "Hey, save it for the match! That's when we need to beat these guys!"
  • "We GOTTA win it! We just GOTTA!"
  • "Rise 'n' shine! Today's the big match!"
  • "Here! Get a whiff of this! That'll wake ya!"
  • "HEY!!! COUSIN!!!"
  • "Oh! Oh no!"
  • "Wake up, guys! If we don't win this match, those poor orphans will be out on the street! WAKE UP!"
  • "Jake! Rise 'n' shine! Ya have to win this tournament!"
  • "You know all that money I was supposed to deliver to the orphanage?"
  • "I fell asleep and Koopa stole it!"
  • "No, Mario! She trusted me and I let her down! I thought I could make it up to her if my cousins won the prize money! Now all those poor orphans will go hungry!"
  • "I dunno, guys. Maybe you...overtrained just a little?"
  • "This match is dirtier than Koopa Kastle! We're never gonna win!"
  • "Get up, guys, please! Think about those poor little orphans..."
  • "Mario thanks you, Luigi thanks you...and the orphans thank you!"
  • "Another bag? Wait a second... If Koopa didn't steal it, and the orphans had it all along, then I didn't need to...!"

Oh, Brother![edit]

  • "Yeah, but the storm outside the house is nothing compared to the one inside!"
  • "Hey guys, chill out, will ya? It's being cooped up that's making ya crazy!"
  • "Yeah! It's not a fit night out for man nor Mushroom!"
  • "Way to go, plumber dudes!"
  • "{*with Princess Toadstool*} Oh, brother!"

A Toadally Magical Adventure[edit]

  • "What's goin' on and what's he sayin'?"
  • "Hey, look on the bright side, guys. We did fix the tub, and I can find that waterfall!"
  • "I told ya we'd find it! Let's just hope we're not too late..."
  • "Where are we? Did we lose King Koopa? What's happenin'?"
  • "That's great! And since I save the magic wand from the Koopas... Do you think-"
  • "'Only a trained magician can touch that wand!' Huh? But what if the Koopas find my house and attack?"
  • "I couldn't let the Princess be captured, could I?
  • "To save us all, I MUST use the wand!"
  • "Wo-o-ow! I feel like I'm a wizard already!"
  • "Play!"
  • "Heeheehee! And 5, 6, 7, 8!"
  • "Whoa, awesome! It works! IT WORKS! Buuuuut a dancing chair isn't enough to defeat the Koopas..."
  • "I've gotta create something more powerful like, a couple of giant Pipe Creatures!"
  • "Heehee, this is great! And now it's your turn to fight them!"
  • "5, 6, 7, 8!"
  • "Come on, faster! I want more dancing! FASTER! FASTER!"
  • "Oooh, I don't like that tone of voice! I am the wizard Toad, and I order you to-"
  • "Whoa, oops! Whoa!"
  • "H-hey, guys! What are ya doin'? I-I was only kiddin', honest! Yyyyyikes!"
  • "Honest, guys! I-I-I didn't do anything! The wand jumped right outta the case!"
  • "ME? Buuuuuut why would they be after me?"
  • "How can we run? There's nothing here but a cliff!"
  • "Eheh...great rescue, guys..."
  • "I'm free! Haha! I'M FREE! And, uh, Mario...the wand didn't really jump outta the case by itself! I, uh...I thought I could be a great magician, but...I was wrong..."
  • "Be my guest!"
  • "I'm really sorry, guys! From now on, I'm leaving magic to the real expert."
  • "You waited 50 years for that? Huh. Maybe I'm not the only guy who doesn't know what he's doin'."

Do the Koopa[edit]

  • "Whoa! Try blasting those blocks, Mario!"
  • "Yeah, but we got the crank!"

Kootie Pie Rocks[edit]

  • "Pull in the pasta, Mario!"
  • "The Princess is REALLY countin' on us! She'll be all dressed up and want us to be too!"
  • "Hehehe. Sorry, guys! I have a hard time figuring out the Real World's weird customs!"
  • "Gotcha, Mario! It's time to rock 'n' roll!"
  • "What good would that do? None of us knows how to play these things!"

The Ugly Mermaid[edit]

  • "We gotta stop that crazy Koopa!"
  • "The Boomerang Brothers!"
  • "You're history, Koopa breath!"
  • "Look out for Koopa's Nasty Nets!"
  • "Ooh, our clams are REALLY fried now!"

Up, Up, and a Koopa[edit]

  • "Ran out, but I got some wholesome hay!"
  • "Hey, what's goin' on?"
  • "Yow! Someone must've defeated the law of gravity!"
  • "Well, whatever it was, it's over."
  • "Don't worry, I'll get him on the next round!"
  • "I can't believe it! All the properties in Mushroom Land are going sky-high!"'
  • "As usual..."
  • "My gosh! Didn't anyone believe in taking out the trash? This looks like landfill heaven!"
  • "Okay! I'll search the left side!"
  • "It's hopeless! All this junk! Frankly, Princess, I had NO idea you were such a...secret slob."
  • "Look! The secret room!"
  • "It's really hard to control these Raccoon Power Wings! I must look ridiculous!"
  • "Hey! Mr. Rocky Wrench!"
  • "Hey! There's my house!"

7 Continents for 7 Koopas[edit]

  • "Trouble, Princess Toadstool's been Koopnapped, by accident!"
  • "Ya see that? The Warp Pipe's blocked by some kind of forcefield!"
  • "Keep...pulling! Puuuull! Puuuuuuull!"
  • "Don't worry! Princess Toadstool can handle this out! I'll bet she's got ol' Koopa Stoopa beggin' for mercy right now!"

True Colors[edit]

  • "Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk. To think those two are cousins..."
  • "It's no use, Princess! They're all being pigment-headed!"

Recycled Koopa[edit]

  • "Let's get out while the getting's good!"
  • "That toxic Koopa trash is polluting the whole garden, Princess!"
  • "Never trust a Koopa unless ya check up on him!"

The Venice Menace[edit]

  • "They sure look familiar!"

Super Koopa[edit]

  • "What for, and why do I have to stay behind? I ALWAYS stay behind!"
  • "'We need you to stay behind, Toad!' It's always me! It's NOT fair!"
  • "Hmm, a message from the Princess! Good thing I'm told by Princess I should stay behind!"
  • "Real World, here I come!"
  • "Is it a plane?"
  • "Luigi, catch!"
  • "Now I know why you left me behind, Princess! Sorry I got mad."
  • "You're right! That King Koopa may have thought he was super, but when you're talkin' Super Mario Bros., there's just no substitute for the real thing!"


  • "I lost 1,000,000 gold coins meant for the Mushroom Kingdom orphans! Now the Mario Bros. have to wrestle the money back from the Koopas! Have we ever got tag team trouble?" - NBC promo for "Tag Team Trouble"
  • "Attention all citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom! Mushrooms everywhere are under Koopa attack! Call the Super Mario Bros., or we're all lined up in the soup!" - NBC promo for "Super Koopa"

Toad's cousin[edit]

  • "I've got maps to the pyramids! Maps to the tombs of the mummies! Maps to the houses of the Mushroom Stars! You name it, I got it!"
  • "Good choice, your royal cuteness!"

Wand maker[edit]

  • "Here it is, young fella! The magic wand your Wizard King ordered! Personally handcrafted by the best little old wand maker in the world, heheheh, me!"

Wizard King of the West[edit]

  • "It's about time! I've been waiting for that slowpoke to finish that wand for 50 years!"
  • "A Koopa?"
  • "This is horrible! King Koopa and his brats are gonna Koopacly my wand!"
  • "Luigi! Mario! Those cruddy Koopas are gonna capture my wand if you don't stop them!"
  • "They plan to spring their ambush near this waterfall-"
  • "Only too true! That wand should only be used by me!"
  • "Faster Lightning, pull faster! The sooner that wand is in my possession, the better!"
  • "Kootie Pie, I couldn't agree with you more."
  • "And to help you on your way, I'm going to ask the Pipe Creatures to lend you a hand."
  • "All I care about is getting my special wand back!"
  • "It's just what I need to roast weenies..."