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Catch Card of a PatrolMeow from Super Paper Mario
First appearance Super Paper Mario (2007)
Variant of Meowmaid

PatrolMeows are robotic cat-like enemies found in Super Paper Mario in Chapter 3-4. They are creations of Francis that patrol around the halls of Fort Francis always found in groups of three, attacking any intruder. PatrolMeows walk slowly until they spot the player, then speed up as they chase after them. The red flashing light bulb located in their mouth is activated when they attack, as well as an alarm siren. As stated in Tippi's tattle, it is possible Francis bought them on the internet and customized them himself.

Profiles and statistics[edit]

Super Paper Mario[edit]

Super Paper Mario enemy
PatrolMeow Max HP 5 Role Common Location(s) Fort Francis (3-4)
Attack 2 Card type Common
Defense 1 (2 against fire) Items Card location(s) Card Shop; Catch Card/SP
Score 300
Card description This patrol puss is the hall monitor of Fort Francis. Ever vigilant...and flea resistant!
  List of Catch Cards  
  125      126      127  
Tattle That's a PatrolMeow. These security bots patrol Fort Francis day and night... Max HP is 5. Attack is 2. Defense is 1. Defense against fire is 2. They look cute, but if they spot you, they'll go into battle mode... I think Francis bought these robots on the Internet and customized them himself...

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese パトニャン
Pato Nyan
Pat (clipping of "patrol") Meow

French Miaougarde
From "miaou" (meow) and "garde" (guard)
German Miaustreife
Italian Pattugliamiao
Korean 경비냐옹
Gyeongbi Nyaong
Security Meow

Spanish Patrobot