Alien Trap

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Alien Trap
Alien Trap
Appears in WarioWare: Get It Together!
Type Fantasy
Command(s) Trap! (Levels 1 and 2)
Trap 2! (Level 3)
Info "A trap has been set to catch some sneaky space aliens. But listen up...You gotta cut the vine at just the right time, or they'll escape. Trust me, pal, ya don't want that."
Points to clear 15

Alien Trap is one of the microgames in Dribble & Spitz's Fantasy level in WarioWare: Get It Together!


The object of this microgame is to trap the alien when it comes into the cage by cutting the rope at the right time. Cutting it at the wrong time causes the alien to escape.

  • Level 1: There is one alien to trap.
  • Level 2: There is one alien to trap. The alien may stop or step out before entering.
  • Level 3: There are two aliens to trap. The aliens may stop or step out, either once or twice. One alien may also briefly enter the cage while the other does not.

If two players are utilized for this microgame, the player that successfully traps the alien(s) receives an effort point, and the player that cuts the rope at the wrong time loses an effort point.


Good Fit
Wario character selection grid icon from WarioWare: Get It Together!Young Cricket character selection grid icon from WarioWare: Get It Together!18-Volt character selection grid icon from WarioWare: Get It Together!Mona character selection grid icon from WarioWare: Get It Together!Dribble & Spitz character selection grid icon from WarioWare: Get It Together!Dr. Crygor character selection grid icon from WarioWare: Get It Together!9-Volt character selection grid icon from WarioWare: Get It Together!Mike character selection grid icon from WarioWare: Get It Together!Kat & Ana character selection grid icon from WarioWare: Get It Together!Jimmy T character selection grid icon from WarioWare: Get It Together!Ashley character selection grid icon from WarioWare: Get It Together!Orbulon character selection grid icon from WarioWare: Get It Together!5-Volt character selection grid icon from WarioWare: Get It Together!Red character selection grid icon from WarioWare: Get It Together!Master Mantis character selection grid icon from WarioWare: Get It Together!Lulu character selection grid icon from WarioWare: Get It Together!Penny character selection grid icon from WarioWare: Get It Together!Pyoro character selection grid icon from WarioWare: Get It Together!
Bad Fit
  • All characters are average fits as the player only needs to focus on timing. This is the only microgame where everyone has equal suitability.

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese わな

French Piège à extraterrestres
Alien trap
German Alienfang
Alien Trap
Italian Trappola per alieni
Alien trap
Korean 함정

Spanish Emboscada alien
Same as Alien Ambush.

See also[edit]