List of Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U quotes: Difference between revisions

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{{italic title|List of ''Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS'' / ''Wii U'' quotes}}
{{italic title|List of ''Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS'' / ''Wii U'' quotes}}
This is the list of quotes from ''[[Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS]]'' and ''[[Super Smash Bros. for Wii U]]''.
This is the list of quotes from ''[[Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS]]'' and ''[[Super Smash Bros. for Wii U]]''. ''[[Super Mario (franchise)|Super Mario]]''-related quotes have been listed above the others.
*''"[[Donkey Kong]]!"''
*"''[[Donkey Kong]]!''"
*''"[[Samus Aran|Samus]]."''
*"''[[Princess Peach|Peach]]!''"
*"''[[Bowser]]!''"/"''Koopa!''" (Japanese version)
*''"[[Fox McCloud|Fox]]!"''
*"''[[Diddy Kong]]!''"
*"''[[Rosalina]] & [[Luma]]!''"/"''Rosetta & Chiko!''" (Japanese version)/"''Harmonie & Luma!''"/"''Estella & Destello!''"/"''Rosalinda & Sfavillotto!''"
*''"[[Captain Falcon]]!"''
*"''[[Bowser Jr.|Bowser... Jr.]]!''"/"''Koopa... Jr.!" (Japanese version)/"''Bowsy.''"/"''Bowser.. Junior.''"
*''"[[Princess Peach|Peach]]."''
**"''[[Larry Koopa|Larry]]!''"
*''"[[Bowser]]."'' / ''"Koopa!"'' (Japanese version)
**"''[[Morton Koopa Jr.|Morton]]!''"
*''"[[Princess Zelda|Zelda]]."''
**"''[[Wendy O. Koopa|Wendy]]!''"
**"''[[Iggy Koopa|Iggy]]!''"
**"''[[Roy Koopa|Roy]]!''"  (''Super Mario Bros.''; low register)
*''"[[Meta Knight]]!"''
**"''[[Lemmy Koopa|Lemmy]]!''"
*''"[[Pit (character)|Pit]]!"''
**"''[[Ludwig von Koopa|Ludwig]]!''"
*''"[[Zero Suit Samus]]."''
*"''[[Dr. Mario]]!''"
*''"[[Charizard]]!"'' / ''"Lizardon!"'' (Japanese version)
*''"[[Diddy Kong]]!"''
*''"[[King Dedede]]!"'' / ''"Dedede!"'' (Japanese version, pronounced "Day-day-day")
*''"[[Captain Olimar|Olimar]]...!"'' / ''"[[Pikmin]] & Olimar!"'' (Japanese version)
**''"[[Alph]]!"'' / ''"Pikmin & Alph!"'' (Japanese version)
*"''[[Captain Falcon]]!''"
*''"[[Toon Link]]!"''
*''"[[Villager]]."'' / ''"Murabito...!"'' (Japanese version)
*''"[[Wii Fit Trainer]]!"''
*"''[[Meta Knight]]!''"
*''"[[Rosalina]] & [[Luma (species)|Luma]]!"'' / ''"Rosetta & Chiko!"'' (Japanese version)
*"''[[Pit (character)|Pit]]!''"
*''"[[Little Mac]]!"''
*"''[[Samus|Zero Suit Samus]].''"/"''Samus Sans Armure.''"/"''Samus Sans Combinaison.''"/"''Samus Zero.''"/"''Samus Tutta Zero.''"
*''"[[Greninja]]..."'' / ''"Gekkouga..."'' (Japanese version)
*"''[[Charizard]]!''"/"''Lizardon!''" (Japanese version)/"''Dracaufeu!''"/"''Glurak!''" (PAL version)
*''"[[Robin]]!"'' / ''"Reflet!"'' (Japanese version)
*"''[[King Dedede]]!''"/"''Dedede!''" (Japanese version, pronounced "Day-day-day")/"''Roi Dadidou!''"/"''Köning Dedede!''"/"''Rey Dedede!''"
*"''[[Captain Olimar|Olimar]]...!''"/"''[[Pikmin]] & Olimar!''" (Japanese version)
*''"[[Sonic the Hedgehog|Sonic]]!"''
**"''[[Alph]]!''"/"''Pikmin & Alph!''" (Japanese version)
*''"[[Mega Man]]!"'' / ''"Rockman!"'' (Japanese version)
*"''[[Link|Toon Link]]!''"/"''Link Cartoon!''"/"''Toon-Link!''"/"''Link Cartone!''"
*"''[[Villager]]!''"/"''Murabito...!''" (Japanese version)/"''Villageois!''" (Male)/"''Habitant!''" (Male)/"''Villageoise!''" (Female)/"''Habitante!''" (Female)/"''Bewohner!''" (Male)/"''Bewohnerin!''" (Female)/"''¡Aldeano!''" (Male)/"''¡Aldeana!''" (Female)/"''Abitante!''"
*"''[[Wii Fit Trainer]]!''"/"''Entraîneuse Wii Fit!''" (Female)/"''Entraîneur Wii Fit!''" (Male)/"''Wii Fit-Trainerin!''" (Female)/"''Wii Fit-Trainer!''" (Male)/"''¡Entrenadora de Wii Fit!''" (Female)/"''¡Entrenador de Wii Fit!''" (Male)/"''Trainer di Wii Fit!''"
*''"[[Jigglypuff]]."'' / ''"Purin!"'' (Japanese version)
*"''[[Little Mac]]!''"
*''"[[Falco Lombardi|Falco]]!"''
*"''[[Greninja]]!''"/"''Gekkouga!''" (Japanese version)/"''Amphinobi!''"/"''Quajutsu!''"
*''"[[Mr. Game & Watch]]!"''
*"''[[Robin]]!''"/"''Reflet!''" (Japanese version)/"''Daraen!''"
*''"[[R.O.B.]]!"'' / ''"Robot!"'' (Japanese version)
*''"[[Duck Hunt (character)|Duck Hunt]]!"'' / ''"Duck Hunt... Duo!"'' (British English version)
*"''[[Mega Man]]!''"/"''Rockman!''" (Japanese version)
*''"[[Bowser Jr.|Bowser... Jr.]]!"'' / ''"Koopa... Jr.!" (Japanese version)
**''"[[Larry Koopa|Larry]]!"''
**''"[[Morton Koopa Jr.|Morton]]!"''
**''"[[Wendy O. Koopa|Wendy]]!"''
*"''[[Jigglypuff]]!''"/"''Purin!''" (Japanese version)/"''Rondoudou!''"/"''Pummeluff!''" (PAL version)
**''"[[Iggy Koopa|Iggy]]!"''
*"''[[Falco Lombardi|Falco]]!''"
**''"[[Roy Koopa|Roy]]."'' (''Super Mario Bros.''; low register)
**''"[[Lemmy Koopa|Lemmy]]!"''
*"''[[Mr. Game & Watch]]!''"
**''"[[Ludwig von Koopa|Ludwig]]!"''
*"''[[R.O.B.]]!''"/"''Robot!''" (Japanese version)
*''"[[Dr. Mario]]."''
*"''[[Duck Hunt (character)|Duck Hunt]]!''"/"''Duck Hunt... Duo!''" (British English version)/"''Duo Duck Hunt!''"/"''Duck-Hunt-Duo!''"/"''Dúo Duck Hunt!''"
*''"[[Lucina]]!"'' (Pronounced "Lukina" in the Japanese version)
*"''[[Lucina]]!''"/"''Lukina!''" (Japanese version)
*''"[[Dark Pit]]."'' / ''"Black Pit!"'' (Japanese version)
*"''[[Dark Pit]]!''" / "''Black Pit!''" (Japanese version)/"''Pit Maléfique!''"/"''Finsterer Pit!''"/"''¡Pit Sombrío!''"/"''Pit Oscuro!''"
*''"[[Roy (Fire Emblem)|Roy]]!"'' (''Fire Emblem''; high register)
*"''[[Roy (Fire Emblem)|Roy]]!''" (''Fire Emblem''; high register)
*''"[[Cloud Strife|Cloud]]!"''
*"''[[Cloud Strife|Cloud]]!''"
*''"[[Corrin]]."'' / ''"Kamui."'' (Japanese version)
*"''[[Corrin]]!''"/"''Kamui!''" (Japanese version)
*''"[[Fighting Mii Team]]!"''
*"''[[Fighting Mii Team]]!''"/"''Equipe Mii!''"/"''Team Mii!''"/"''¡El Equipo Mii!''"/"''Squadra Mii!''"
*''"[[smashwiki:Share stock|Share Stock]]!"'' / "Share Player Stock!" (Japanese version)
*"''[[smashwiki:Share stock|Share Stock]]!''"/"Share Player Stock!" (Japanese version)/"''Participez!''"/"''Aktien Teilen!''/"''¡Y Vidas Compartidas!''"/"''Rientra in Gioco!''"
*''"Game!"'' / ''"Game Set."'' (Japanese version)
*"''Game!''"/"''Game Set.''" (Japanese version)/"''Fini!''"/"''Ende!''"/"''¡Se acabó!''"/"''Fine!''"
*''"Time!"'' / ''"Time Up!"'' (Japanese version)
*''"[[Sudden Death]]!"''
*"''Time!''"/"''Time Up.''" (Japanese version)/"''Temps Écoule!''"/"''Vorbei!''"/"''¡Tiempo!''"/"''Tempo Scaduto!''"
*"''[[Sudden Death]].''"/"''Mort Subite.''"/"''Muerte Subita.''"/"''Scontro Decisivo.''"
*"''Five...''" (when counting down the final seconds in timed matches, Target Blast, and Home-Run Contest)/"''Cinq...''"/"''Fünf...''"/"''Cinco...''"/"''Cinque...''"
*''"Player 1..."''
*''"Player 2..."''
*''"Player 3..."''
*"''Player One...''"/"''Jouer Un...''"/"''Spieler Eins...''"/"''Jugador Uno..."/"''Giocatore Una...''"
*''"Player 4..."''
*"''Player Two...''"/"''Jouer Deux...''"/"''Spieler Zwei...''"/"''Jugador Dos...''"/"''Giocatore Due...''"
*''"Player 5..."''
*"''Player Three...''"/"''Jouer Trois...''"/"''Spieler Drei...''"/"''Jugador Tres...''"/"''Giocatore Tre...''"
*''"Player 6..."''
*"''Player Four...''"/"''Jouer Quatre...''"/"''Spieler Vier...''"/"''Jugador Cuatro''"/"''Giocatore Quatro...''"
*''"Player 7..."''
*"''Player Five...''"/"''Jouer Cinq...''"/"''Spieler Fünf...''"/"''Jugador Cinco...''"/"''Giocatore Cinque...''"
*''"Player 8..."''
*"''Player Six...''"/"''Jouer Six...''"/"''Spieler Sechs...''"/"''Jugador Seis..."/"''Giocatore Sei...''"
*"''Player Seven...''"/"''Jouer Sept...''"/"''Spieler Sieben...''"/"''Jugador Siete...''"/"''Giocatore Sette...''"
*''"Computer player..."''
*"''Player Eight...''"/"''Jouer Heit...''"/"''Spieler Acht...''"/"''Jugador Ocho.../"''Giocatore Otto...''"
*''"Finished!"'' / ''"Finish!!" (Japanese version)
*"''Computer player...''"/"''Ordinateur...''"/"''Com...''"/"''PNJ...''"/"''CPU...''"
*"''...Defeated.''"/"''...A Perdue.''"/"''...Besiegt.''"/"''...Derrotado.''"/"''...Fuori.''"
*''"New recoooord!"''
*"''Finished!''"/"''Finish!!" (Japanese version)
*''"Free-for-all!"'' / ''"Battle Royal."'' (Japanese version)
*"''New recoooord!''"/"''Nouveau Record!''"/"''Neuer Rekord!''"/"''¡Nuevo Record!''"/"''Nuovo Record!''" (when breaking a record in Home-Run Contest, Target Blast, and Multi-Man Smash)
*''"Grab the [[Smash Coin|coins]]!"'' / ''"Get the coins." (Japanese version) (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
*"''Free-for-all!''"/"''Battle Royal!''" (Japanese version)/"''Chacun-por-soi!''"/"''Smash!''"/"''¡Todos-contra-Todos!''"/''Tutti-contro-Tutti!''"
*''"[[Super Smash Bros. for Wii U#8-Player Smash|8-player Smash]]!"'' (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
*"''Survival!''"/"''Des Stock Survie!''"/"''Siegen!''"/"''Sobrevive!''"/"''Sopravvivi!''"
*''"[[smashwiki:Special Smash|Special Smash]]!"'' (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's Sound Test)
*"''Grab the [[Smash Coin|coins]]!''"/"''Get the coins!''" (Japanese version)/"''Prenez les Pieces!''"/"''Schnapp dir die Münzen!''"/"''¡Coge los Monedas!''"/"''¡A por los Monedas!''"/"''Raccogli le Monete!''" (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
*''"Choose your fighter!"''
*"''[[Super Smash Bros. for Wii U#8-Player Smash|Eight Player Smash]]!''"/"''Smash à Huit!''"/"''Acht-Kämpfer-Smash''"/"''¡Smash Para Ocho!''"/"''Mischia a Otto!''" (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
*''"[[Super Smash Bros. for Wii U#All-Star|All-Star Mode]]!"'' / ''"All-Star!"'' (Japanese version)
*"''[[smashwiki:Special Smash|Special Smash]]!''"/"''Smash Spécial!''"/"''Spezial-Smash!''"/"''¡Smash Especial!''"/"''Mischia Speciale!''" (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's Sound Test)
*''"[[Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS#Smash Run|Smash Run]]!"'' / ''"Field Smash!"'' (Japanese version) (3DS version only)
*"''Choose your fighter!''"/"''Choisissez votre personnage!''"/"''Wähle deinen charakter!''"/"''Elige a tu personaje!''"/"''Seleziona il personaggio!''"
*''"[[smashwiki:For Glory|For Glory]]!"'' / ''"Gachi Room!"'' (Japanese version)
*"''[[Super Smash Bros. for Wii U#All-Star|All-Star Mode]]!''"/"''All-Star!''" (Japanese version)/"''Étoile!''"/"''Alle-Star!''"/"''¡Modo Estrellas!''"/"''¡Leyendas de la Lucha!''"/"''Modalità All-Star!''"
*''"[[smashwiki:For Fun|For Fun]]!"'' / ''"Enjoy Room!"'' (Japanese version)
*"''[[Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS#Smash Run|Smash Run]]!''"/"''Field Smash!''" (Japanese version)/"''Aventure Smash!''"/"''Smash-Abenteuer!''"/"''¡Smashventura!''"/"''Avventura Smash!''" (3DS version only)
*''"Team Battle!"''
*"''[[smashwiki:For Glory|For Glory]]!''"/"''Gachi Room!''" (Japanese version)/"''Pour la Gloire!''"/"''Hart auf Hart!''"/"''¡En Serio!''"/''Por la Fama!''"/"''Per la Gloria!''"
*"''[[smashwiki:For Fun|For Fun]]!''"/"''Enjoy Room!''" (Japanese version)/"''Pour le Fun!''"/"''Pour le Plaisir!''"/"''Geplänkel!''"/"''¡Por Diversión!''"/"''Per Gioco!''"
*''"[[Super Smash Bros. for Wii U#Smash Tour|Smash Tour]]!"'' / ''"World Smash!"'' (Japanese version) (Wii U version only)
*"''Team Battle!''"/"''Smash en Équipe!''" (in game, it reads Combat en équipe)/"''Team-Kampf!''"/"''¡Smash por Equipos!''"/"''Mischia a Squadre!''" (in game, it reads Scontro a squadre)
*''"Choose a Mii!"'' (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's Sound Test)
*''"Boss battle!"'' (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's Sound Test)
*"''[[Super Smash Bros. for Wii U#Smash Tour|Smash Tour]]!''"/"''World Smash!''" (Japanese version)/"''Odysée Smash!''"/"''Smash-Tour!''"/"''¡Mundo Smash!''"/''Mischia da Tavolo!''" (Wii U version only)
*''"Final battle!"''
*"''Choose a Mii!''"/"''Choisissez un Mii!''"/"''Wähle ein Mii Charakter!''"/"''¡Elige un Mii!''"/"''Scegli un Mii!''" (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
*''"[[Special Orders#Master Orders|Master Orders]]!"'' / ''"Master Side!"'' (Japanese version) (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
*"''Boss battle!''" (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
*''"[[Special Orders#Crazy Orders|Crazy Orders]]!"'' / ''"Crazy Side!"'' (Japanese version) (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
*"''Final battle!''"
*''"Ticket selection!"'' (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
*"''[[Special Orders#Master Orders|Master Orders]]!''"/"''Master Side!''" (Japanese version)/"''Commandes Créa-Main!''"/"''Meister-Aufträge!''"/"''¡Retos Master Hand!''"/"''Richieste Master!''" (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
*''"Victory!"'' / ''"Alive...!"'' (Japanese version)
*"''[[Special Orders#Crazy Orders|Crazy Orders]]!''"/"''Crazy Side!''" (Japanese version)/"''Commandes Dé-Mainaque!''"/"''Crazy-Aufträge!''"/"''¡Retos Crazy Hand!''"/"''Richieste Crazy!''" (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
*''"Defeat."'' / ''"Miss..."'' (Japanese version)
*"''Ticket selection!''" (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
*''"[[Super Smash Bros. for Wii U#Event Match|Event Match]]!"'' (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
*"''Victory!''"/"''Alive...!''" (Japanese version)
*''"[[smashwiki:Spectator Mode|Spectate]]!"'' / ''"Watch."'' (Japanese version)
*"''Defeat.''"/"''Miss...''" (Japanese version)
*''"Replay Channel!"''
*"''[[Super Smash Bros. for Wii U#Events|Event Match]]!''"/"''Evenement!''"/"''Missionen!''"/"''¡Evento!''"/"''Eventi!''" (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
*''"[[Trophy Rush]]!"'' / ''"Figure Rush!"'' (Japanese version)
*"''[[smashwiki:Spectator Mode|Spectate]]!''"/"''Watch!''" (Japanese version)/"''Spectateur!''"/"''Zuschauer!''"/"''¡Espectador!''"/"''Spettadore!''" (Six Smash 4 Announcer quotes have been removed from the Sound Test after the removal of the N Network Mode from the Main Menu after Nintendo Network was discontinued)
*''"[[Target Blast]]!"'' / ''"Smash Bomber."'' (Japanese version)
*"''Replay Channel!''"/"''Chaîne Videos!''"/"''Video Kanai!''"/"''¡Repeticiones!''" (NTSC version)/"''¡Repetciones!''" (PAL version)/"''Centro Replay!''" (Six Smash 4 Announcer quotes have been removed from the Sound Test after the removal of the N Network Mode from the Main Menu after Nintendo Network was discontinued)
*''"[[Home-Run Contest]]."''
*"''[[Trophy Rush]]!''"/"''Figure Rush!''" (Japanese version)/"''Trophées à Gogo!''"/"''Trophée Se Ruer!''"/"''Trophäenrausch!''"/"''¡Cazatesoros!''"/"''¡Carrera de Trofeos!''"/"''Cuccagna di Trofei!''"
*''"[[Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS#Stadium|Multi-Man Smash]]!"'' (Not in the Wii U version's Sound Test)
*"''[[Target Blast]]!''"/"''Smash Bomber.''"/"''Bombe Smash!''"/"''Scheiben-Bomber!''"/"''¡Bomba Smash!''"/"''Scoppia Bersagli!''" (Japanese version)
*"''[[Home-Run Contest]].''"/"''Coup de circuit Smash.''"/"''Home Run Smash.''"/"''Home-Run-Wettkampf.''"/"''El rey del Jon Rón.''"/"''Béisbol Smash.''"/"''Gara di Home-Run.''"
*''"[[Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS#StreetSmash|StreetSmash]]!"'' / ''"SurechigaiSmash!"'' (Japanese version) (3DS version only)
*"''[[Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS#Stadium|Multi-Man Smash]]!''"/"''Smash En Masse!''"/"''Multi Smash!''"/"''¡Asalto!''"/"''Mischia Multipla!''" (3DS version only but in the Wii U version's data)
*"''[[Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS#StreetSmash|StreetSmash]]!''"/"''SurechigaiSmash!''" (Japanese version)/"''Smash StreetPass!''"/"''Street-Smash!''"/"''¡StreetSmash!''"/"''Mischia StreetPass!''" (3DS version only)
*"''Team...''"/"''Equipe...''"/"''El Equipo...''"/"''Squadra...''"
*''"[[Super Mushroom|Giant...!]]"''
*''"[[Metal Cap|Metal...!]]"''
*''"No contest."''
*"''[[Super Mushroom|Giant...!]]''"/"''Maxi...!''"/"''Riesen...!''"
*''"Blue Team!"''
*"''[[Metal Cap|Metal...!]]''"/"''Métal!''"/"''¡De Metal...!''"/"''D'Acciaio...!''"
*''"Green Team!"''
*"''No Contest.''"/"''Partie Annulee.''"/"''Spiel Abgelaufen.''"/"''Combate Suspendido.''"/"''Partita Nulla.''"
*''"Red Team!"''
*"''Blue Team!''"/"''Equipe Bleue!''"/"''Team Blaue!''"/"''¡El Equipo Azul!''"/"''Squadra Blu!''"
*''"Yellow Team!"'' (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
*"''Green Team!''"/"''Equipe Verte!''/"''Team Grün!''"/"''¡El Equipo Verde!''"/"''Squadra Verde!''"
*''"The winner is..."''
*"''Red Team!''"/"''Equipe Rouge!''"/"''Team Rote!''"/"''¡El Equipo Rojo!''"/"''Squadra Rossa!''"
*''"[[Master Hand]]."''
*"''Yellow Team!''"/"''Equipe Jaune!''"/"''Team Gelb!''"/"''¡El Equipo  Amarillo!''"/"''Squadra Gialla!''" (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
*''"[[Crazy Hand]]!"''
*"''The winner is...''"
*"''[[Master Hand]]!''"
*"''[[Crazy Hand]]!''"
*''"Wow! Incredible!"''
*"''Jackpot!''"/"''¡Bote!''"/"''Fantastico!''" (Five Smash 4 Announcer quotes have been removed from the Sound Test after the removal of the N Network Mode from the Main Menu after Nintendo Network was discontinued)
*''"Final results."''
*"''Wow! Incredible!''"/"''Ouah! Impressionnant!''"/"''Wow! Unglaublich!''"/"''¡Guau! ¡Increíble!''"/"''Straodinario!''"
*''"[[smashwiki:Tourney (SSB4-Wii U)|Tourney]]!"'' (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data) / ''"Tournament!"'' (Japanese version)
*''"Round 1!"'' (Wii U version only)
*"''Final results.''"
*''"Round 2!"'' (Wii U version only)
*"''[[smashwiki:Tourney (SSB4-Wii U)|Tourney]]!''"/"''Tournament!''" (Japanese version)/"''Tournoi!''"/"''Turnier!''" (in game, it reads Auto-Turnier)/"''¡Torneo!''" (in game, it reads Torneo periódico)/"''Torneo!''" (in game, it reads Torneo normale) (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
*''"Round 3!"'' (Wii U version only)
*"''Round One!''"/"''Ronde Un!''"/"''Kampf Eins!''"/"''¡Primer Combate!''"/"''Primo Round!''" (Wii U version only)
*''"Quarterfinals!"'' (Wii U version only)
*"''Round Two!''"/"''Ronde Deux!''"/"''Kampf Zwei!''" (Wii U version only)
*''"Semifinals!"'' (Wii U version only)
*"''Round Three!''"/"''Ronde Trois!''"/"''Kampf Drei!''" (Wii U version only)
*''"Finals!"'' (Wii U version only)
*"''Quarterfinals!''"/"''Quarts de finale!''"/"''Viertielfinale!''"/"''¡Cuartos de final!''"/"''Quarti di finale!''" (Wii U version only)
*''"Ready to fight!"'' (Wii U version only)
*"''Semifinals!''"/"''Demi-finales!''"/"''Halbfinale!''"/"''¡Semifinales!''"/"''Semifinali!''" (Wii U version only)
*"''Final!''"/"''Finale!''" (Wii U version only)
*"''Ready to fight!''"/"''Prêt à combattre!''"/"''Kampfbereit!''"/"''¡Adelante!''"/"''Tutto pronto!''"  (Wii U version only)
===Not in Sound Test===
===Not in Sound Test===
*''"The champion is..."''
*"''The champion is...''" (Later used in ''Super Smash Bros. Ultimate'')

*''"[[Super Smash Bros. for Wii U#Online Smash|Online Smash]]!"''
*"''[[Super Smash Bros. for Wii U#Online Smash|Online Smash]]!''"
*''"Smash World!"''   
*"''Smash World!''"  
**''"Tour Smash!"'' (Japanese version)
**"''Tour Smash!''" (Japanese version)
*''"Choose a Build!"''   
*"''Choose a Build!''"  
**"Choose a Set!" (Japanese version)
**"Choose a Set!" (Japanese version)
*''"Official Tourney!"''   
*"''Official Tourney!''"  
**''"Official Tournament!"'' (Japanese version)
**"''Official Tournament!''" (Japanese version)
*''"Super Smash Brothers for Wii U!"''<ref>[ Xander on saying the game's title]</ref>
*"''Super Smash Brothers for Wii U!''"<ref>[ Xander on saying the game's title]</ref>
*''"Round 1!"'' (said differently from the used version)
*"''Round 1!''" (said differently from the used version, and later used in ''Super Smash Bros. Ultimate'')
*''"Round 2!"'' (said differently from the used version)
*"''Round 2!''" (said differently from the used version, and later used in ''Super Smash Bros. Ultimate'')
*''"Round 3!"'' (said differently from the used version)
*"''Round 3!''" (said differently from the used version, and later used in ''Super Smash Bros. Ultimate'')
*''"Round 4!"''
*"''Round 4!''"
*''"Final Round!"''
*"''Final Round!''"
*''"[[Mii Brawler]]!"'' / ''"Mii Fighter!"'' (Japanese version)
*"''[[Mii Brawler]]!''" / "''Mii Fighter!''" (Japanese version) (Later used in ''[[Super Smash Bros. Ultimate]]'')
*''"[[Mii Swordfighter]]!"'' / ''"Mii Swordman!"'' (Japanese version)
*"''[[Mii Swordfighter]]!''" / "''Mii Swordman!''" (Japanese version) (Later used in ''Super Smash Bros. Ultimate'')
*''"[[Mii Gunner]]!"''
*"''[[Mii Gunner]]!''" (Later used in ''Super Smash Bros. Ultimate'')
*''"[[Special Orders]]!"'' / ''"Order!"'' (Japanese version)
*"''[[Special Orders]]!''" / "''Order!''" (Japanese version)

*"''Let's-a go...''"
*"''Pow pow.''"
==[[Princess Peach|Peach]]==
*"''Oh, did I win?''"
*"''This is fun!''"

*''"Hi!"'' (Said differently in Smash Tour)
*"''All right!''"

=== Copy Abilities ===
*''"Pikachu!"'' (when using [[Pikachu#Thunder Jolt|Thunder Jolt]])
*''"[[Ness#PK Flash|PK Flash]]!"''
*''"[[Captain Falcon#Falcon Punch|Falcon Punch]]!"''
*''"Purin!"'' (when using [[Jigglypuff#Rollout|Rollout]]
*''"[[Lucas#PK Freeze|PK Freeze]]!"''
*''"[[Palutena#Autoreticle|Autoreticle]]!"'' / ''"Auto Shōjun!"'' (Japanese version)
*''"[[Robin#Thunder|Thunder]]!"'' (Said differently in the Japanese version)
*''"Elthunder!"'' (Said differently in the Japanese version)
*''"Arcthunder!"'' (Said differently in the Japanese version)
*''"Thoron!"'' (Said differently in the Japanese version)

==[[Kat & Ana]]==
*"''Hi!''" (Said differently in Smash Tour)
===Copy Abilities===
*"''Pikachu!''" (when using [[Pikachu#Thunder Jolt|Thunder Jolt]])
*"''[[Ness#PK Flash|PK Flash]]!''"
*"''[[Captain Falcon#Falcon Punch|Falcon Punch]]!''"
*"''Purin!''" (when using [[Jigglypuff#Rollout|Rollout]]
*"''[[Lucas#PK Freeze|PK Freeze]]!''"
*"''[[Palutena#Autoreticle|Autoreticle]]!''" / "''Auto Shōjun!''" (Japanese version)
*"''[[Robin#Thunder|Thunder]]!''" (Said differently in the Japanese version)
*"''Elthunder!''" (Said differently in the Japanese version)
*"''Arcthunder!''" (Said differently in the Japanese version)
*"''Thoron!''" (Said differently in the Japanese version)
====[[Shulk#Monado Arts|Monado Arts]]====
====[[Shulk#Monado Arts|Monado Arts]]====
*''"Jump!"'' / ''"Tobu!"'' (Japanese version)
*"''Jump!''" / "''Tobu!''" (Japanese version)
*''"Speed!"'' / ''"Hashiru!"'' (Japanese version)
*"''Speed!''" / "''Hashiru!''" (Japanese version)
*''"Shield!"'' / ''"Mamoru!"'' (Japanese version)
*"''Shield!''" / "''Mamoru!''" (Japanese version)
*''"Buster!"'' / ''"Tataku!'' (Japanese version)
*"''Buster!''" / "''Tataku!'' (Japanese version)
*''"Smash!"'' / ''"Buttobasu!"'' (Japanese version)
*"''Smash!''" / "''Buttobasu!''" (Japanese version)
==== Unused ====
*''"[[Palutena#Explosive Flame|Explosive Flame]]!"'' / ''"Bakuen!"'' (Japanese version)
*''"[[Palutena#Heavenly Light|Heavenly Light]]!"'' / ''"Ten no hikari!"'' (Japanese version)

==[[Fox McCloud|Fox]]==
*"''[[Palutena#Explosive Flame|Explosive Flame]]!''" / "''Bakuen!''" (Japanese version)
*''"[[Fox McCloud#Landmaster|Landmaster]]!"''
*"''[[Palutena#Heavenly Light|Heavenly Light]]!''" / "''Ten no hikari!''" (Japanese version)
*''"Here I come!"''
*''"Come on!"''
*''"This is Fox. Returning to base."''
*''"Mission complete!"''
*''"Better luck next time, [[Falco]]!"''

*''"Let's-a go..."''
*''"Pow pow."''
*"''Here I come!''"
*"''Come on!''"
*"''This is Fox. Returning to base.''"
*"''Mission complete!''"
*"''Better luck next time, [[Falco]]!''"

==[[Captain Falcon]]==
==[[Captain Falcon]]==
*''"[[Falcon Kick]]!"''
*"''[[Falcon Kick]]!''"
*''"[[Blue Falcon]]!"''
*"''[[Blue Falcon]]!''"
*''"Come on!"''
*"''Come on!''"
*''"Show me your moves!"''
*"''Show me your moves!''"
==[[Princess Peach|Peach]]==
*''"Oh, did I win?"''
*''"This is fun!"''

*''"Minna, miteite kure!"'' (Everyone, look at me!)
*"''Minna, miteite kure!''" (Everyone, look at me!)
*''"Konkaiwa bokuno kachidane!"'' (It's my victory this time!)
*"''Konkaiwa bokuno kachidane!''" (It's my victory this time!)
*''"Kyoumo ikinobiru kotoga dekita."'' (Even today I was able to survive.)
*"''Kyoumo ikinobiru kotoga dekita.''" (Even today I was able to survive.)
*''"Bokuwa makeru wake niwa ikenainda!"'' (There's no way I can lose!)
*"''Bokuwa makeru wake niwa ikenainda!''" (There's no way I can lose!)
*''"Sokoda!"'' (Here!) (when using [[Marth#Counter|Counter]])
*"''Sokoda!''" (Here!) (when using [[Marth#Counter|Counter]])
*''"Mikita!"'' (I saw it!)
*"''Mikita!''" (I saw it!)
*''"Saseru-monoka!"'' (I won't allow that!)
*"''Saseru-monoka!''" (I won't allow that!)

==[[Meta Knight]]==
==[[Meta Knight]]==
*''"Behold..."'' (when using [[Meta Knight#Galaxia Darkness|Galaxia Darkness]])
*"''Behold...''" (when using [[Meta Knight#Galaxia Darkness|Galaxia Darkness]])
*''"Know my power!"''
*"''Know my power!''"
*''"Fight me!"''
*"''Fight me!''"
*''"Come back when you can put up a fight."''
*"''Come back when you can put up a fight.''"
*''"You've much yet to learn."''
*"''You've much yet to learn.''"
*''"Victory... is my destiny."''
*"''Victory... is my destiny.''"
*''"Now, my power is without rival."'' (Not in Sound Test)
*"''Now, my power is without rival.''" (Not in Sound Test)

==[[Pit (character)|Pit]]==
==[[Pit (character)|Pit]]==
*''"I'm finished..."''
*"''I'm finished...''" (KO)
*''"Stay back!"''
*"''Stay back!''"
*''"[[Three Sacred Treasures]]!"''
*"''[[Three Sacred Treasures]]!''"
*''"Bye now!"''
*"''Bye now!''"
*''"Come on!"''
*"''Come on!''"
*''"That all you got?"''
*"''That all you got?''"
*''"It's game over for you!"''
*"''It's game over for you!''"
*''"What's up now?"''
*"''What's up now?''"
*''"That was easy!"''
*"''That was easy!''"
*''"Lady Palutena!"'' (Palutena reveal trailer)
*"''Lady Palutena!''" (Palutena reveal trailer)
*''"Woohoo! Two down!"'' (Bayonetta reveal trailer)
*"''Woohoo! Two down!''" (Bayonetta reveal trailer)
*''"Huh?"'' (Bayonetta reveal trailer)
*"''Huh?''" (Bayonetta reveal trailer)

==[[Zero Suit Samus]]==
==[[Samus|Zero Suit Samus]]==
*''"Try me."''
*"''Try me.''"
*''"Is that all?"''
*"''Is that all?''"
*''"You're mine."''
*"''You're mine.''"
*''"Be still."''
*"''Be still.''"

*''"You're open!"''
*"''You're open!''"
*''"You're through!"''
*"''You're through!''"
*''"[[Great Aether|Great... AETHER]]!"''
*"''[[Great Aether|Great... AETHER]]!''"
*''"Prepare yourself."''
*"''Prepare yourself.''"
*''"I fight for my friends."''
*"''I fight for my friends.''"
*''"You'll get no sympathy from me."''
*"''You'll get no sympathy from me.''"

*''"Max Aura!"'' (when using [[Lucario#Mega Lucario|Mega Lucario]])
*"''Max Aura!''" (when using [[Lucario#Mega Lucario|Mega Lucario]])
*''"Behold, the power of Aura!"''
*"''Behold, the power of Aura!''"
*''"The Aura is with me!"''
*"''The Aura is with me!''"

==[[Wii Fit Trainer]] (Female)==
==[[Wii Fit Trainer]] (Female)==
{{rewrite-expand|British quotes}}
{{rewrite-expand|British quotes}}
*''"[[Sun Salutation|Salute the sun]]!"''
*"''[[Sun Salutation|Salute the sun]]!''"
*''"High energy, move that body!"''
*"''High energy, move that body!''"
*''"That's it, feel the burn!"''
*"''That's it, feel the burn!''"
*''"Let's step up the intensity!"''
*"''Let's step up the intensity!''"
*''"Let's work on your balance!"''
*"''Let's work on your balance!''"
*''"Now, let's try it together!"''
*"''Now, let's try it together!''"
*''"Let's get fired up!"''
*"''Let's get fired up!''"
*''"Let's get a good stretch."''
*"''Let's get a good stretch.''"
*''"Stretch those shoulders."''
*"''Stretch those shoulders.''"
*''"Let's stretch our legs."''
*"''Let's stretch our legs.''"
*''"The key is to focus on your balance."''
*"''The key is to focus on your balance.''"
*''"Work hard to tone that tummy."''
*"''Work hard to tone that tummy.''"
*''"Work toward strong, firm abs."''
*"''Work toward strong, firm abs.''"
*''"Let's tone up those legs."''
*"''Let's tone up those legs.''"
*''"Your lower body is key for support."''
*"''Your lower body is key for support.''"
*''"Good posture begins with a strong base."''
*"''Good posture begins with a strong base.''"
*''"Firm up those abs!"''
*"''Firm up those abs!''"
*''"When exerting yourself, remember to keep breathing."''
*"''When exerting yourself, remember to keep breathing.''"
*''"Feel the burn in your thighs and gluts."''
*"''Feel the burn in your thighs and gluts.''"
*''"Don't forget to exhale when exerting yourself."''
*"''Don't forget to exhale when exerting yourself.''"
*''"How about some deep breathing?"''
*"''How about some deep breathing?''"
*''"You're wobbling. Try to keep your balance."''
*"''You're wobbling. Try to keep your balance.''"
*''"Watch your posture. Keep those gluts tucked in!"''
*"''Watch your posture. Keep those gluts tucked in!''"
*''"Tuck in those gluts!"''
*"''Tuck in those gluts!''"
*''"Now that was a great workout!"''
*"''Now that was a great workout!''"

==[[Wii Fit Trainer]] (Male)==
==[[Wii Fit Trainer]] (Male)==
{{rewrite-expand|Same here}}
{{rewrite-expand|Same here}}
*''"Salute the sun!"''
*"''Salute the sun!''"
*''"High energy! Move that body!"''
*"''High energy! Move that body!''"
*''"Stretching your spine will help stimulate your body."''
*"''Stretching your spine will help stimulate your body.''"
*''"Stabilize your upper body."''
*"''Stabilize your upper body.''"
*''"Let's work on your coordination."''
*"''Let's work on your coordination.''"
*''"Now, let's try it together."''
*"''Now, let's try it together.''"
*''"Let's get fired up!"''
*"''Let's get fired up!''"
*''"Let's get a good stretch."''
*"''Let's get a good stretch.''"
*''"Stretch those shoulders."''
*"''Stretch those shoulders.''"
*''"Let's stretch our legs."''
*"''Let's stretch our legs.''"
*''"Feel the stretch through your arm and leg."''
*"''Feel the stretch through your arm and leg.''"
*''"Let's work on building a strong upper body."''
*"''Let's work on building a strong upper body.''"
*''"Work towards strong, firm abs."''
*"''Work towards strong, firm abs.''"
*''"Stretching your spine will help stimulate your body."''
*"''Stretching your spine will help stimulate your body.''"
*''"Time to firm up your thighs and back muscles."''
*"''Time to firm up your thighs and back muscles.''"
*''"Your lower body is key for support."''
*"''Your lower body is key for support.''"
*''"This pose strengthens the back and improves posture."''
*"''This pose strengthens the back and improves posture.''"
*''"Firm up those abs!"''
*"''Firm up those abs!''"
*''"When exerting yourself, remember to keep breathing."''
*"''When exerting yourself, remember to keep breathing.''"
*''"Stabilize your upper body."''
*"''Stabilize your upper body.''"
*''"Let's work on your coordination."''
*"''Let's work on your coordination.''"
*''"This exercise works your core muscles."''
*"''This exercise works your core muscles.''"
*''"Keep at it everyday to improve your posture."''
*"''Keep at it everyday to improve your posture.''"
*''"Let's do some Jackknife exercises."''
*"''Let's do some Jackknife exercises.''"
*''"You're wobbling. Try to keep your balance."''
*"''You're wobbling. Try to keep your balance.''"
*''"Follow my lead as we do this together."''
*"''Follow my lead as we do this together.''"
*''"Now, let's try it together.''''
*"''Now, let's try it together.''''
*''"Exercise everyday to tone your body."''
*"''Exercise everyday to tone your body.''"
*"''Let's get fired up!''''
*''"Let's get fired up!''''
*''"That was a great workout."''
*"''That was a great workout.''"
*''"All right!"''

==Doc Louis==
==Doc Louis==
*''"Hit 'em baby!"''
*"''Hit 'em baby!''"
*''"Let 'em have it, Mac!"''
*"''Let 'em have it, Mac!''"
*''"Show 'em what you got, Mac baby!"''
*"''Show 'em what you got, Mac baby!''"
*''"You win, Mac!"''
*"''You win, Mac!''"
*''"Was that a little too easy for you, son?"''
*"''Was that a little too easy for you, son?''"
*''"Nice work, Mac. You got it all figured out."''
*"''Nice work, Mac. You got it all figured out.''"
*''"World Circuit is all yours, Mac!"''
*"''World Circuit is all yours, Mac!''"
*''"And the winner is... [[Little Mac]]! Hahaha!"''
*"''And the winner is... [[Little Mac]]! Hahaha!''"
*''"You got what it takes, Mac!"''
*"''You got what it takes, Mac!''"
*''"Hah, winnin' feels good, don't it?"''
*"''Hah, winnin' feels good, don't it?''"
*''"Way to go, Mac! You're the champ, baby!"''
*"''Way to go, Mac! You're the champ, baby!''"
*''"All right! I think I hear a chocolate bar callin'."''
*"''All right! I think I hear a chocolate bar callin'.''"
*''"Y'know, that belt looks good on you, son."''
*"''Y'know, that belt looks good on you, son.''"
*''"Nice moves, Mac. I can barely keep my eyes on you, son."''
*"''Nice moves, Mac. I can barely keep my eyes on you, son.''"
*''"Ain't too flashy! You're making my eyes water, son."''
*"''Ain't too flashy! You're making my eyes water, son.''"
*''"You're looking mighty good, son! Just like old times, huh?"''
*"''You're looking mighty good, son! Just like old times, huh?''"

*''"Oh, no!"''
*"''Oh, no!''" (KO)
*''"Goddess wings!"''
*"''Goddess wings!''"
*''"[[Heavenly Light]]!"''
*"''[[Heavenly Light]]!''"
*''"[[Explosive Flame]]!"''
*"''[[Explosive Flame]]!''"
*''"[[Reflect Barrier|Reflect]]!"''
*"''[[Reflect Barrier|Reflect]]!''"
*''"[[Angelic Missile]]!"''
*"''[[Angelic Missile]]!''"
*''"[[Super Speed]]!"''
*"''[[Super Speed]]!''"
*''"[[Rocket Jump]]!"''
*"''[[Rocket Jump]]!''"
*''"[[Jump Glide]]!"''
*"''[[Jump Glide]]!''"
*''"[[Counter (Kid Icarus)|Counter]]!"''
*"''[[Counter (Kid Icarus)|Counter]]!''"
*''"[[Celestial Firework]]!"''
*"''[[Celestial Firework]]!''"
*''"Watch this!"''
*"''Watch this!''"
*''"[[Black Hole Laser|Black Hole... and Mega Laser!]]"''
*"''[[Black Hole Laser|Black Hole... and Mega Laser!]]''"
*''"You shall be purified."''
*"''You shall be purified.''"
*''"Ready when you are."''
*"''Ready when you are.''"
*''"No one can hide from the light."''
*"''No one can hide from the light.''"
*''"Too bad for you."''
*"''Too bad for you.''"
*''"Oh, so sorry about that, [[Pit (character)|Pit]]."''
*"''Oh, so sorry about that, [[Pit (character)|Pit]].''"
*''"Poor little [[Dark Pit|Pittoo]]..."''
*"''Poor little [[Dark Pit|Pittoo]]...''"
*''"Oh, I'm not here to save you, Pit."'' (Palutena reveal trailer)
*"''Oh, I'm not here to save you, Pit.''" (Palutena reveal trailer)
*''"Don't get careless, Pit. A challenger approaches."'' (Bayonetta reveal trailer)
*"''Don't get careless, Pit. A challenger approaches.''" (Bayonetta reveal trailer)

==[[Robin]] (Male)==
==[[Robin]] (Male)==
*''"Reckless fool..."''
*"''Reckless fool...''" (KO)
*''"[[Thunder (Fire Emblem)|Thunder]]!"''
*"''[[Thunder (Fire Emblem)|Thunder]]!''"
*''"Chrom!"'' (when using [[Pair Up]])
*"''Chrom!''" (when using [[Pair Up]])
*''"Let's tip the scales!"''
*"''Let's tip the scales!''"
*''"Prepare yourself."''
*"''Prepare yourself.''"
*''"You're not ready."''
*"''You're not ready.''"
*''"The key to victory lies within."''
*"''The key to victory lies within.''"
*''"I'm always three steps ahead."''
*"''I'm always three steps ahead.''"
*''"It seems our fates are joined."''
*"''It seems our fates are joined.''"
*''"[[Lucina]], I hope I didn't hurt you."''
*"''[[Lucina]], I hope I didn't hurt you.''"
*''"Time to tip the scales!"'' (Lucina and Robin reveal trailer)
*"''Time to tip the scales!''" (Lucina and Robin reveal trailer)

*''"On my mark!"''
*"''On my mark!''"
*''"We're not done yet!"''
*"''We're not done yet!''"
*''"My strength is yours."''
*"''My strength is yours.''"

==[[Robin]] (Female)==
==[[Robin]] (Female)==
*''"I was careless!"''
*"''I was careless!''" (KO)
*''"Time to tip the scales!"''
*"''Time to tip the scales!''"
*''"Prepare yourself!"''
*"''Prepare yourself!''"
*''"Here I go!"''
*"''Here I go!''"
*''"Heh! Checkmate!"''
*"''Heh! Checkmate!''"
*''"A good tactician has nothing to fear."''
*"''A good tactician has nothing to fear.''"
*''"I've got your back."''
*"''I've got your back.''"
*''"How can [[Lucina|you]] protect Chrom if you can't protect yourself?"''
*"''How can [[Lucina|you]] protect Chrom if you can't protect yourself?''"

*''"Not good!"''
*"''Not good!''" (KO)
*''"[[Back Slash]]!"''
*"''[[Back Slash]]!''"
*''"[[Air Slash]]!"''
*"''[[Air Slash]]!''"
*''"A [[Vision (move)|Vision]]!"''
*"''A [[Vision (move)|Vision]]!''"
*''"I see it!"''
*"''I see it!''"
*''"Let's go, everyone!"''
*"''Let's go, everyone!''"
*''"Time for a [[Chain Attack]]!"''
*"''Time for a [[Chain Attack]]!''"
*''"Now it's Shulk time!"''
*"''Now it's Shulk time!''"
*''"I'm really feeling it!"''
*"''I'm really feeling it!''"
*''"This is the Monado's power!"''
*"''This is the Monado's power!''"
*''"I got through that pretty good!"''
*"''I got through that pretty good!''"
*''"This is a good result!"''
*"''This is a good result!''"
*''"I've got a good rhythm going!"''
*"''I've got a good rhythm going!''"
*''"The future is ours to decide!"''
*"''The future is ours to decide!''"
*''"I can feel the power!"''
*"''I can feel the power!''"
*''"I can change the future!"''
*"''I can change the future!''"

*''"On my mark!"''
*"''On my mark!''"
*''"Shulk, go!"''
*"''Shulk, go!''"
*''"[[Riki]], don't mess up!"''
*"''[[Riki]], don't mess up!''"

*''"Riki leave that one for Dundun!"''
*"''Riki leave that one for Dundun!''"
*''"Crush Power!"''
*"''Crush Power!''"
*''"Here, Riki go!"''
*"''Here, Riki go!''"
*''"Get 'em, Shulk! Smash-pow!"''
*"''Get 'em, Shulk! Smash-pow!''"
*''"Leave it to Heropon!"''
*"''Leave it to Heropon!''"
*''"You Can... Do It!"''
*"''You Can... Do It!''"
*''"Happy Happy Time!"''
*"''Happy Happy Time!''"
*''"Roly-poly, keep on rolling!"
*"''Roly-poly, keep on rolling!"
*''"Hehe! Yoink!"''
*"''Hehe! Yoink!''"
*''"Sleepy... Sleepy... Bed Time!"''
*"''Sleepy... Sleepy... Bed Time!''"
*''"All go to plan."''
*"''All go to plan.''"

==[[Sonic the Hedgehog|Sonic]]==
*''"[[Super Sonic]] style!"''
*"''[[Sonic#Super Sonic|Super Sonic]] style!''"
*''"Sonic speed!"''
*"''Sonic speed!''"
*''"Come on!"''
*"''Come on!''"
*''"That was almost too easy!"''
*"''That was almost too easy!''"
*''"Piece of cake!"''
*"''Piece of cake!''"
*''"Let's do that again some time!"''
*"''Let's do that again some time!''"

*''"[[PK Flash]]!"''
*"''[[PK Flash]]!''"
*''"[[PK Fire]]!"''
*"''[[PK Fire]]!''"
*''"[[PK Thunder]]!"''
*"''[[PK Thunder]]!''"
*''"[[PK Freeze]]!"''
*"''[[PK Freeze]]!''"
*''"[[Ness#PK Starstorm|PK... Starstorm]]!"''
*"''[[Ness#PK Starstorm|PK... Starstorm]]!''"

==[[Falco Lombardi|Falco]]==
==[[Falco Lombardi|Falco]]==
*''"Personally, I prefer the air."'' (when using [[Falco Lombardi#Landmaster|Landmaster]])
*"''Personally, I prefer the air.''" (when using [[Falco Lombardi#Landmaster|Landmaster]])
*''"Get some!"''
*"''Get some!''"
*''"Piece of cake!"''
*"''Piece of cake!''"
*''"Hands off my prey!"''
*"''Hands off my prey!''"
*''"You're off your game, [[Fox McCloud|Fox]]."''
*"''You're off your game, [[Fox]].''"
*''"Had enough already?"''
*"''Had enough already?''"
*''"You aren't worth the trouble."''
*"''You aren't worth the trouble.''"

*''"You're mine!"'' (when using [[Lucina#Counter|Counter]])
*"''You're mine!''" (when using [[Lucina#Counter|Counter]])
*''"My turn!"''
*"''My turn!''"
*''"Time to change fate!"'' (when using [[Lucina#Critical Hit|Critical Hit]])
*"''Time to change fate!''" (when using [[Lucina#Critical Hit|Critical Hit]])
*''"Come at me."''
*"''Come at me.''"
*''"I cannot lose."''
*"''I cannot lose.''"
*''"The future is not written!"''
*"''The future is not written!''"
*''"[[Chrom|Father]], I won!"''
*"''[[Chrom|Father]], I won!''"
*''"You'll never defeat me!"''
*"''You'll never defeat me!''"
*''"'''This''' is the [[Marth|Hero-king]]?"''
*"'''''This''' is the [[Marth|Hero-king]]?''"
*''"And they call '''[[Ike|you]]''' the Radiant Hero?"''
*"''And they call '''[[Ike|you]]''' the Radiant Hero?''"
*''"What is this power?"'' (Lucina & Robin reveal trailer)
*"''What is this power?''" (Lucina & Robin reveal trailer)
*''"For my father."'' (Lucina & Robin reveal trailer)
*"''For my father.''" (Lucina & Robin reveal trailer)

==[[Dark Pit]]==
==[[Dark Pit]]==
*''"It's not over...!"''
*"''It's not over...!''" (KO)
*''"[[Electroshock Arm|Electro-shock]]!"''
*"''[[Electroshock Arm|Electro-shock]]!''"
*''"No way!"''
*"''No way!''"
*''"Goodbye!"'' (when using [[Dark Pit Staff]])
*"''Goodbye!''" (when using [[Dark Pit Staff]])
*''"It's time!"'' (Not in Sound Test)
*"''It's time!''" (Not in Sound Test)
*''"Who wants some?"''
*"''Who wants some?''"
*''"Watch out!"''
*"''Watch out!''"
*''"Game on!"''
*"''Game on!''"
*''"Can't help but feel sorry for ya."''
*"''Can't help but feel sorry for ya.''"
*''"Looks like I'm last man standing."''
*"''Looks like I'm last man standing.''"
*''"Nice try."''
*"''Nice try.''"
*''"Where's [[Pit (character)|your]] [[Palutena|goddess]] now?"''
*"''Where's [[Pit (character)|your]] [[Palutena|goddess]] now?''"
*''"Don't be such a wimp!"'' (Bayonetta reveal trailer)
*"''Don't be such a wimp!''" (Bayonetta reveal trailer)

*''"[[Lucas#PK Freeze|PK Freeze]]!"''
*"''[[Lucas#PK Freeze|PK Freeze]]!''"
*''"[[Lucas#PK Fire|PK Fire]]!"''
*"''[[Lucas#PK Fire|PK Fire]]!''"
*''"[[Lucas#PK Thunder|PK Thunder]]!"''
*"''[[Lucas#PK Thunder|PK Thunder]]!''"
*''"[[Lucas#PK Starstorm|PK... Starstorm]]!"''
*"''[[Lucas#PK Starstorm|PK... Starstorm]]!''"

*"''What?''" (KO)
*''"[[Ryu#Tatsumaki Senpukyaku|Tatsumaki Senpukyaku]]!"''
*"''[[Ryu#Tatsumaki Senpukyaku|Tatsumaki Senpukyaku]]!''"
*''"[[Ryu#Shinku Hadoken|Shinku Hadoken]]!"''
*"''[[Ryu#Shinku Hadoken|Shinku Hadoken]]!''"
*''"[[Ryu#Shin Shoryuken|Shin Shoryuken]]!"''
*"''[[Ryu#Shin Shoryuken|Shin Shoryuken]]!''"
*''"Talk is cheap."''
*"''Talk is cheap.''"
*''"Come on!"''
*"''Come on!''"
*''"Give it your all!"''
*"''Give it your all!''"
*''"The journey... has just begun."''
*"''The journey... has just begun.''"
*''"Your range is one fist short."''
*"''Your range is one fist short.''"

==[[Roy (Fire Emblem)|Roy]]==
==[[Roy (Fire Emblem)|Roy]]==
*''"Imada!"'' (Now!) (when using [[Roy (Fire Emblem)#Counter|Counter]])
*"''Imada!''" (Now!) (when using [[Roy (Fire Emblem)#Counter|Counter]])
*''"Soko!"'' (There!)
*"''Soko!''" (There!)
*''"Boku wa makenai!"'' (I won't lose!)
*"''Boku wa makenai!''" (I won't lose!)
*''"Shin no tatakai wa korekara da."'' (The true battle starts now.)
*"''Shin no tatakai wa korekara da.''" (The true battle starts now.)
*''"Kurushii tatakai datta."'' (It was a tough battle.)
*"''Kurushii tatakai datta.''" (It was a tough battle.)
*''"Mamoru beki mono no tameni, makerarenai!"'' (For those whom I must protect, I won't lose!)
*"''Mamoru beki mono no tameni, makerarenai!''" (For those whom I must protect, I won't lose!)

==[[Cloud Strife|Cloud]]==
==[[Cloud Strife|Cloud]]==
*''"Mis tta."'' (I made a mistake.)
*"''Mis tta.''" (I made a mistake.) (KO)
*''"Genkai wo koeru."'' (Breaking the limits.) (when using [[Limit Charge]])
*"''Genkai wo koeru.''" (Breaking the limits.) (when using [[Limit Charge]])
*''"Ima da!"'' (Now!)
*"''Ima da!''" (Now!)
*''"Kyōmi nai ne."'' (Not interested.)
*"''Kyōmi nai ne.''" (Not interested.)
*''"Tsuki ga nakatta na."'' (Your luck has run out.) (when using [[Omnislash]])
*"''Tsuki ga nakatta na.''" (Your luck has run out.) (when using [[Omnislash]])
*''"Waruku omou na."'' (No hard feelings.)
*"''Waruku omou na.''" (No hard feelings.)
*''"Tsuite nai na."'' (Better luck next time.)
*"''Tsuite nai na.''" (Better luck next time.)
*''"Omae ni ore ha taosenai."'' (You cannot defeat me.)
*"''Omae ni ore ha taosenai.''" (You cannot defeat me.)

==[[Corrin]] (Male)==
==[[Corrin]] (Male)==
*''"How... can this...?"''
*"''How... can this...?''" (KO)
*''"My path is clear!"''
*"''My path is clear!''"
*''"I've made my choice."''
*"''I've made my choice.''"
*''"Are you ready?"''
*"''Are you ready?''"
*''"Out of the way!"'' (when using [[Torrential Roar]])
*"''Out of the way!''" (when using [[Torrential Roar]])
*''"I win!"''
*"''I win!''"
*''"That went well."''
*"''That went well.''"

==[[Corrin]] (Female)==
==[[Corrin]] (Female)==
*''"How... can this..."''
*"''How... can this...''" (KO)
*''"Let's do this!"''
*"''Let's do this!''"
*''"Your fate is clear!"''
*"''Your fate is clear!''"
*''"You ready for this?"''
*"''You ready for this?''"
*''"This ends here!"'' (when using [[Torrential Roar]]
*"''This ends here!''" (when using [[Torrential Roar]])
*''"That was great."''
*"''That was great.''"

*''"Get out!"''
*"''Get out!''"
*''"See you!"''
*"''See you!''"
*''"So close."''
*"''So close.''"
*''"Jūnen hayandayo!"'' (Ten years early!)
*"''Jūnen hayandayo!''" ("Ten years early!")
*''"Is that all you got?"''
*"''Is that all you got?''"
*''"If you need to learn how to talk to a lady, ask your mum."''
*"''If you need to learn how to talk to a lady, ask your mum.''"
*''"New 'do, dead you."''
*"''New 'do, dead you.''"
*''"Avavago!"''(when using [[Infernal Climax]])
*"''Avavago!''" (when using [[Bayonetta#Infernal Climax|Infernal Climax]])
*''"That all you got?"''
*"''That all you got?''"
*''"You're making it easy."''
*"''You're making it easy.''"
*''"Miss me, baby?"''
*"''Miss me, baby?''"
*''"Don't make me beg."''
*"''Don't make me beg.''"
*''"Oh. Another angel. Must have missed one!"'' (Bayonetta reveal trailer)
*"''Oh. Another angel. Must have missed one!''" (Bayonetta reveal trailer)
*''"Let's dance, boys!"'' (Bayonetta reveal trailer)
*"''Let's dance, boys!''" (Bayonetta reveal trailer)


==[[Knuckle Joe]]==
==[[Knuckle Joe]]==
*''"Leave it to me!"''
*"''Leave it to me!''"
*''"Vulcan Jab!"''
*"''Vulcan Jab!''"
*''"Rising Break!"''
*"''Rising Break!''"
*''"Smash Punch!"''
*"''Smash Punch!''"

*''"Prepare yourself."''
*"''Prepare yourself.''"
*''"I'll handle this."''
*"''I'll handle this.''"
*''"Taste my blade!"''
*"''Taste my blade!''"

==[[Magnus (Kid Icarus)|Magnus]]==
==[[Magnus (Kid Icarus)|Magnus]]==
*''"Sorry I'm late. I had other business to attend to."''
*"''Sorry I'm late. I had other business to attend to.''"
*''"My work is done here. Good luck on your own."''
*"''My work is done here. Good luck on your own.''"
*''"Well, that was fun!"''
*"''Well, that was fun!''"

*''"Yes, you called?"''
*"''Yes, you called?''"
==[[Kat & Ana]]==

*''"Iizou, omae!"'' (Well, it's you!)
*"''Iizou, omae!''" (Well, it's you!)
*''"Gomen!"'' (Sorry!)
*"''Gomen!''" (Sorry!)
*''"Munen..."'' (Regrettable...)
*"''Munen...''" (Regrettable...)

==[[Prince of Sablé]]==
==[[Prince of Sablé]]==
*''"Teuchi ni itasu!"'' (I'll beat you!)
*"''Teuchi ni itasu!''" (I'll beat you!)
*''"Sarabada!"'' (Farewell!)
*"''Sarabada!''" (Farewell!)
*''"Kaeru!"'' (Frog!)
*"''Kaeru!''" (Frog!)
*''"Hebi!"'' (Snake!)
*"''Hebi!''" (Snake!)

==[[Saki Amamiya]]==
==[[Saki Amamiya]]==
*''"Take this!"''
*"''Take this!''"

==[[Shadow the Hedgehog|Shadow]]==
==[[Shadow (character)|Shadow]]==
*''"Chaos... Control!"''
*"''Chaos Control!''"

==[[Gaur Plain|Metal Face]]==
==[[Gaur Plain|Metal Face]]==
*''"What do you lot think you're doing then?"''
*"''What do you lot think you're doing then?''"
*''"Hope I'm not interrupting!"''
*"''Hope I'm not interrupting!''"
*''"Nice night for a stroll, don't ya think?"''
*"''Nice night for a stroll, don't ya think?''"
*''"I love the feeling of the wind in my claws!"''
*"''I love the feeling of the wind in my claws!''"
*''"There we go!"''
*"''There we go!''"
*''"See how you like this!"''
*"''See how you like this!''"
*''"Out of my way!"''
*"''Out of my way!''"
*''"Oi, make way, come on!"''
*"''Oi, make way, come on!''"
*''"You're a funny-looking lot, ain't ya?"''
*"''You're a funny-looking lot, ain't ya?''"
*''"This better be a good show!"''
*"''This better be a good show!''"
*''"Whatever you're doing, it looks smashing! Hahaha!"''
*"''Whatever you're doing, it looks smashing! Hahaha!''"
*''"Didn't expect all this racket out here!"''
*"''Didn't expect all this racket out here!''"
*''"If it's one thing I'd like to see, it's carnage!"''
*"''If it's one thing I'd like to see, it's carnage!''"
*''"Carry on, you lot! Don't mind me! Hahaha!"''
*"''Carry on, you lot! Don't mind me! Hahaha!''"
*''"I think I've got the best seat in the house! Hahaha!"''
*"''I think I've got the best seat in the house! Hahaha!''"
*''"Maybe I'll watch, and give you a few pointers!"''
*"''Maybe I'll watch, and give you a few pointers!''"
*''"Come on, fight harder, you little maggots!"''
*"''Come on, fight harder, you little maggots!''"
*''"Come near my claws, and you might get a nasty surprise!"''
*"''Come near my claws, and you might get a nasty surprise!''"
*''"If it isn't the puny boy himself! You miss me?"''
*"''If it isn't the puny boy himself! You miss me?''"
*''"Hey, [[Shulk|Monado boy]], hope you don't think you can hurt me with that thing!"
*"''Hey, [[Shulk|Monado boy]], hope you don't think you can hurt me with that thing!"
*''"Oh, looks like Monado boy's been practicing!"''
*"''Oh, looks like Monado boy's been practicing!''"
*''"If the brat's here, I bet Dunban can't be far behind!"''
*"''If the brat's here, I bet Dunban can't be far behind!''"
*''"Let's get things started!"''
*"''Let's get things started!''"
*''"Don't mind if I join in, do ya?"''
*"''Don't mind if I join in, do ya?''"
*''"Watch and learn, maggots!"''
*"''Watch and learn, maggots!''"
*''"Time to cut you down to size!"''
*"''Time to cut you down to size!''"
*''"Hey, hey! Time to die!"''
*"''Hey, hey! Time to die!''"
*''"I'll slice you into pieces!"''
*"''I'll slice you into pieces!''"
*''"Let me hear you scream!"''
*"''Let me hear you scream!''"
*''"Ugh! You'll pay for that!"''
*"''Ugh! You'll pay for that!''"
*''"Think that's clever, do you?"''
*"''Think that's clever, do you?''"
*''"You're getting on my bad side!"''
*"''You're getting on my bad side!''"
*''"Hey, that's not fair!"''
*"''Hey, that's not fair!''"
*''"Why, you little...!"''
*"''Why, you little...!''"
*''"Ugh! Get off me!"''
*"''Ugh! Get off me!''"
*''"This isn't over!"''
*"''This isn't over!''"
*''"All that work for nothing!"''
*"''All that work for nothing!''"
*''"This ain't how it's meant to go!"''
*"''This ain't how it's meant to go!''"
*''"Huh, look at the time. See ya, kiddies!"''
*"''Huh, look at the time. See ya, kiddies!''"
*''"It's been good laugh, but I'm off!"''
*"''It's been good laugh, but I'm off!''"
*''"That's it for now. See ya, kiddies!"''
*"''That's it for now. See ya, kiddies!''"
*''"Time for a little parting gift!"''
*"''Time for a little parting gift!''"
*''"I'm off. See ya, kiddies! But first..."
*"''I'm off. See ya, kiddies! But first..."
*''"If you've got any final words, now's the time!"''
*"''If you've got any final words, now's the time!''"
*''"Fancy meeting you here, Monado boy!"'' (Shulk reveal trailer)
*"''Fancy meeting you here, Monado boy!''" (Shulk reveal trailer)

<references />

[[Category:Quotes|Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U]]
[[Category:Quotes|Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U]]
[[Category:Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U|*]]
[[Category:Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U|*]]

Latest revision as of 23:53, August 18, 2024

This is the list of quotes from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. Super Mario-related quotes have been listed above the others.


  • "Mario!"
  • "Donkey Kong!"
  • "Yoshi!"
  • "Luigi!"
  • "Peach!"
  • "Bowser!"/"Koopa!" (Japanese version)
  • "Diddy Kong!"
  • "Rosalina & Luma!"/"Rosetta & Chiko!" (Japanese version)/"Harmonie & Luma!"/"Estella & Destello!"/"Rosalinda & Sfavillotto!"
  • "Wario...!"
  • "Bowser... Jr.!"/"Koopa... Jr.!" (Japanese version)/"Bowsy."/"Bowser.. Junior."
  • "Dr. Mario!"
  • "Link!"
  • "Samus!"
  • "Kirby!"
  • "Fox!"
  • "Pikachu!"
  • "Captain Falcon!"
  • "Zelda!"
  • "Sheik!"
  • "Marth!"
  • "Meta Knight!"
  • "Pit!"
  • "Zero Suit Samus."/"Samus Sans Armure."/"Samus Sans Combinaison."/"Samus Zero."/"Samus Tutta Zero."
  • "Ike!"
  • "Charizard!"/"Lizardon!" (Japanese version)/"Dracaufeu!"/"Glurak!" (PAL version)
  • "King Dedede!"/"Dedede!" (Japanese version, pronounced "Day-day-day")/"Roi Dadidou!"/"Köning Dedede!"/"Rey Dedede!"
  • "Olimar...!"/"Pikmin & Olimar!" (Japanese version)
    • "Alph!"/"Pikmin & Alph!" (Japanese version)
  • "Lucario!"
  • "Toon Link!"/"Link Cartoon!"/"Toon-Link!"/"Link Cartone!"
  • "Villager!"/"Murabito...!" (Japanese version)/"Villageois!" (Male)/"Habitant!" (Male)/"Villageoise!" (Female)/"Habitante!" (Female)/"Bewohner!" (Male)/"Bewohnerin!" (Female)/"¡Aldeano!" (Male)/"¡Aldeana!" (Female)/"Abitante!"
  • "Wii Fit Trainer!"/"Entraîneuse Wii Fit!" (Female)/"Entraîneur Wii Fit!" (Male)/"Wii Fit-Trainerin!" (Female)/"Wii Fit-Trainer!" (Male)/"¡Entrenadora de Wii Fit!" (Female)/"¡Entrenador de Wii Fit!" (Male)/"Trainer di Wii Fit!"
  • "Little Mac!"
  • "Greninja!"/"Gekkouga!" (Japanese version)/"Amphinobi!"/"Quajutsu!"
  • "Palutena!"
  • "Robin!"/"Reflet!" (Japanese version)/"Daraen!"
  • "Shulk!"
  • "Sonic!"
  • "Mega Man!"/"Rockman!" (Japanese version)
  • "Pac-Man!"
  • "Mii!"
  • "Ness!"
  • "Jigglypuff!"/"Purin!" (Japanese version)/"Rondoudou!"/"Pummeluff!" (PAL version)
  • "Falco!"
  • "Ganondorf!"
  • "Mr. Game & Watch!"
  • "R.O.B.!"/"Robot!" (Japanese version)
  • "Duck Hunt!"/"Duck Hunt... Duo!" (British English version)/"Duo Duck Hunt!"/"Duck-Hunt-Duo!"/"Dúo Duck Hunt!"
  • "Lucina!"/"Lukina!" (Japanese version)
  • "Dark Pit!" / "Black Pit!" (Japanese version)/"Pit Maléfique!"/"Finsterer Pit!"/"¡Pit Sombrío!"/"Pit Oscuro!"
  • "Mewtwo...!"/"Mewtu...!"
  • "Lucas!"
  • "Roy!" (Fire Emblem; high register)
  • "Ryu!"
  • "Cloud!"
  • "Corrin!"/"Kamui!" (Japanese version)
  • "Bayonetta!"
  • "Fighting Mii Team!"/"Equipe Mii!"/"Team Mii!"/"¡El Equipo Mii!"/"Squadra Mii!"
  • "Share Stock!"/"Share Player Stock!" (Japanese version)/"Participez!"/"Aktien Teilen!/"¡Y Vidas Compartidas!"/"Rientra in Gioco!"
  • "Success!"
  • "Failure."
  • "Game!"/"Game Set." (Japanese version)/"Fini!"/"Ende!"/"¡Se acabó!"/"Fine!"
  • "Ready..."/"Prêt..."/"Bereit?"/"¿Listos?"/"Pronti..."
  • "Go!"/"Partez!"/"Los!"/"¡Ya!"/"Via!"
  • "Time!"/"Time Up." (Japanese version)/"Temps Écoule!"/"Vorbei!"/"¡Tiempo!"/"Tempo Scaduto!"
  • "Sudden Death."/"Mort Subite."/"Muerte Subita."/"Scontro Decisivo."
  • "Five..." (when counting down the final seconds in timed matches, Target Blast, and Home-Run Contest)/"Cinq..."/"Fünf..."/"Cinco..."/"Cinque..."
  • "Four..."/"Quatre..."/"Vier..."/"Cuatro..."/"Quatro..."
  • "Three..."/"Trois..."/"Drei..."/"Tres..."/"Tre..."
  • "Two..."/"Deux..."/"Zwei..."/"Dos..."/"Due..."
  • "One..."/"Un..."/"Eins..."/"Uno..."/"Una..."
  • "Player One..."/"Jouer Un..."/"Spieler Eins..."/"Jugador Uno..."/"Giocatore Una..."
  • "Player Two..."/"Jouer Deux..."/"Spieler Zwei..."/"Jugador Dos..."/"Giocatore Due..."
  • "Player Three..."/"Jouer Trois..."/"Spieler Drei..."/"Jugador Tres..."/"Giocatore Tre..."
  • "Player Four..."/"Jouer Quatre..."/"Spieler Vier..."/"Jugador Cuatro"/"Giocatore Quatro..."
  • "Player Five..."/"Jouer Cinq..."/"Spieler Fünf..."/"Jugador Cinco..."/"Giocatore Cinque..."
  • "Player Six..."/"Jouer Six..."/"Spieler Sechs..."/"Jugador Seis..."/"Giocatore Sei..."
  • "Player Seven..."/"Jouer Sept..."/"Spieler Sieben..."/"Jugador Siete..."/"Giocatore Sette..."
  • "Player Eight..."/"Jouer Heit..."/"Spieler Acht..."/"Jugador Ocho.../"Giocatore Otto..."
  • "amiibo!"
  • "Computer player..."/"Ordinateur..."/"Com..."/"PNJ..."/"CPU..."
  • "...Defeated."/"...A Perdue."/"...Besiegt."/"...Derrotado."/"...Fuori."
  • "Finished!"/"Finish!!" (Japanese version)
  • "Perfect!"
  • "New recoooord!"/"Nouveau Record!"/"Neuer Rekord!"/"¡Nuevo Record!"/"Nuovo Record!" (when breaking a record in Home-Run Contest, Target Blast, and Multi-Man Smash)
  • "Free-for-all!"/"Battle Royal!" (Japanese version)/"Chacun-por-soi!"/"Smash!"/"¡Todos-contra-Todos!"/Tutti-contro-Tutti!"
  • "Survival!"/"Des Stock Survie!"/"Siegen!"/"Sobrevive!"/"Sopravvivi!"
  • "Grab the coins!"/"Get the coins!" (Japanese version)/"Prenez les Pieces!"/"Schnapp dir die Münzen!"/"¡Coge los Monedas!"/"¡A por los Monedas!"/"Raccogli le Monete!" (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
  • "Eight Player Smash!"/"Smash à Huit!"/"Acht-Kämpfer-Smash"/"¡Smash Para Ocho!"/"Mischia a Otto!" (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
  • "Special Smash!"/"Smash Spécial!"/"Spezial-Smash!"/"¡Smash Especial!"/"Mischia Speciale!" (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's Sound Test)
  • "Choose your fighter!"/"Choisissez votre personnage!"/"Wähle deinen charakter!"/"Elige a tu personaje!"/"Seleziona il personaggio!"
  • "All-Star Mode!"/"All-Star!" (Japanese version)/"Étoile!"/"Alle-Star!"/"¡Modo Estrellas!"/"¡Leyendas de la Lucha!"/"Modalità All-Star!"
  • "Smash Run!"/"Field Smash!" (Japanese version)/"Aventure Smash!"/"Smash-Abenteuer!"/"¡Smashventura!"/"Avventura Smash!" (3DS version only)
  • "For Glory!"/"Gachi Room!" (Japanese version)/"Pour la Gloire!"/"Hart auf Hart!"/"¡En Serio!"/Por la Fama!"/"Per la Gloria!"
  • "For Fun!"/"Enjoy Room!" (Japanese version)/"Pour le Fun!"/"Pour le Plaisir!"/"Geplänkel!"/"¡Por Diversión!"/"Per Gioco!"
  • "Team Battle!"/"Smash en Équipe!" (in game, it reads Combat en équipe)/"Team-Kampf!"/"¡Smash por Equipos!"/"Mischia a Squadre!" (in game, it reads Scontro a squadre)
  • "One-on-One!"/"Un-sur-Un!"/"Tête!"/"Eins-gegen-Eins!"/"¡Uno-contra-Uno!"/"Una-contro-Una!"
  • "Smash Tour!"/"World Smash!" (Japanese version)/"Odysée Smash!"/"Smash-Tour!"/"¡Mundo Smash!"/Mischia da Tavolo!" (Wii U version only)
  • "Choose a Mii!"/"Choisissez un Mii!"/"Wähle ein Mii Charakter!"/"¡Elige un Mii!"/"Scegli un Mii!" (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
  • "Boss battle!" (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
  • "Final battle!"
  • "Master Orders!"/"Master Side!" (Japanese version)/"Commandes Créa-Main!"/"Meister-Aufträge!"/"¡Retos Master Hand!"/"Richieste Master!" (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
  • "Crazy Orders!"/"Crazy Side!" (Japanese version)/"Commandes Dé-Mainaque!"/"Crazy-Aufträge!"/"¡Retos Crazy Hand!"/"Richieste Crazy!" (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
  • "Ticket selection!" (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
  • "Victory!"/"Alive...!" (Japanese version)
  • "Defeat."/"Miss..." (Japanese version)
  • "Event Match!"/"Evenement!"/"Missionen!"/"¡Evento!"/"Eventi!" (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
  • "Spectate!"/"Watch!" (Japanese version)/"Spectateur!"/"Zuschauer!"/"¡Espectador!"/"Spettadore!" (Six Smash 4 Announcer quotes have been removed from the Sound Test after the removal of the N Network Mode from the Main Menu after Nintendo Network was discontinued)
  • "Replay Channel!"/"Chaîne Videos!"/"Video Kanai!"/"¡Repeticiones!" (NTSC version)/"¡Repetciones!" (PAL version)/"Centro Replay!" (Six Smash 4 Announcer quotes have been removed from the Sound Test after the removal of the N Network Mode from the Main Menu after Nintendo Network was discontinued)
  • "Trophy Rush!"/"Figure Rush!" (Japanese version)/"Trophées à Gogo!"/"Trophée Se Ruer!"/"Trophäenrausch!"/"¡Cazatesoros!"/"¡Carrera de Trofeos!"/"Cuccagna di Trofei!"
  • "Target Blast!"/"Smash Bomber."/"Bombe Smash!"/"Scheiben-Bomber!"/"¡Bomba Smash!"/"Scoppia Bersagli!" (Japanese version)
  • "Home-Run Contest."/"Coup de circuit Smash."/"Home Run Smash."/"Home-Run-Wettkampf."/"El rey del Jon Rón."/"Béisbol Smash."/"Gara di Home-Run."
  • "Multi-Man Smash!"/"Smash En Masse!"/"Multi Smash!"/"¡Asalto!"/"Mischia Multipla!" (3DS version only but in the Wii U version's data)
  • "Training!"/"Entrainement!"/"Trainings!"/"¡Entrenamiento!"/"Allenamento!"
  • "StreetSmash!"/"SurechigaiSmash!" (Japanese version)/"Smash StreetPass!"/"Street-Smash!"/"¡StreetSmash!"/"Mischia StreetPass!" (3DS version only)
  • "Team..."/"Equipe..."/"El Equipo..."/"Squadra..."
  • "And..."/"Et..."/"Und..."/"Y..."/"E..."
  • "Versus..."/"Contre..."/"Gegen..."/"Contra..."/"Contro..."
  • "Giant...!"/"Maxi...!"/"Riesen...!"
  • "Metal...!"/"Métal!"/"¡De Metal...!"/"D'Acciaio...!"
  • "No Contest."/"Partie Annulee."/"Spiel Abgelaufen."/"Combate Suspendido."/"Partita Nulla."
  • "Blue Team!"/"Equipe Bleue!"/"Team Blaue!"/"¡El Equipo Azul!"/"Squadra Blu!"
  • "Green Team!"/"Equipe Verte!/"Team Grün!"/"¡El Equipo Verde!"/"Squadra Verde!"
  • "Red Team!"/"Equipe Rouge!"/"Team Rote!"/"¡El Equipo Rojo!"/"Squadra Rossa!"
  • "Yellow Team!"/"Equipe Jaune!"/"Team Gelb!"/"¡El Equipo Amarillo!"/"Squadra Gialla!" (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
  • "The winner is..."
  • "Master Hand!"
  • "Crazy Hand!"
  • "Continue?"
  • "Jackpot!"/"¡Bote!"/"Fantastico!" (Five Smash 4 Announcer quotes have been removed from the Sound Test after the removal of the N Network Mode from the Main Menu after Nintendo Network was discontinued)
  • "Congratulations!"/"Felicitations!"/"Glückwunsch!"/"¡Enhorabuena!"/"Complementi!"
  • "Wow! Incredible!"/"Ouah! Impressionnant!"/"Wow! Unglaublich!"/"¡Guau! ¡Increíble!"/"Straodinario!"
  • "Complete!"
  • "Final results."
  • "Tourney!"/"Tournament!" (Japanese version)/"Tournoi!"/"Turnier!" (in game, it reads Auto-Turnier)/"¡Torneo!" (in game, it reads Torneo periódico)/"Torneo!" (in game, it reads Torneo normale) (Wii U version only but in the 3DS version's data)
  • "Round One!"/"Ronde Un!"/"Kampf Eins!"/"¡Primer Combate!"/"Primo Round!" (Wii U version only)
  • "Round Two!"/"Ronde Deux!"/"Kampf Zwei!" (Wii U version only)
  • "Round Three!"/"Ronde Trois!"/"Kampf Drei!" (Wii U version only)
  • "Quarterfinals!"/"Quarts de finale!"/"Viertielfinale!"/"¡Cuartos de final!"/"Quarti di finale!" (Wii U version only)
  • "Semifinals!"/"Demi-finales!"/"Halbfinale!"/"¡Semifinales!"/"Semifinali!" (Wii U version only)
  • "Final!"/"Finale!" (Wii U version only)
  • "Ready to fight!"/"Prêt à combattre!"/"Kampfbereit!"/"¡Adelante!"/"Tutto pronto!" (Wii U version only)

Not in Sound Test[edit]

  • "The champion is..." (Later used in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)


  • "Online Smash!"
  • "Smash World!"
    • "Tour Smash!" (Japanese version)
  • "Choose a Build!"
    • "Choose a Set!" (Japanese version)
  • "Official Tourney!"
    • "Official Tournament!" (Japanese version)
  • "Super Smash Brothers for Wii U!"[1]
  • "Clear!"
  • "Round 1!" (said differently from the used version, and later used in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
  • "Round 2!" (said differently from the used version, and later used in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
  • "Round 3!" (said differently from the used version, and later used in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
  • "Round 4!"
  • "Final Round!"
  • "Mii Brawler!" / "Mii Fighter!" (Japanese version) (Later used in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
  • "Mii Swordfighter!" / "Mii Swordman!" (Japanese version) (Later used in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
  • "Mii Gunner!" (Later used in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
  • "Special Orders!" / "Order!" (Japanese version)


  • "Let's-a-go!"


  • "Let's-a go..."
  • "Bang-bang!"
  • "Pow pow."


  • "Sweet!"
  • "Uh-huh!"
  • "Hi!"
  • "Oh, did I win?"
  • "This is fun!"
  • "Peachy!"


  • "All right!"


  • "Go!"
  • "Wa-Wa-Wa!"
  • "Yes!"

Kat & Ana[edit]

  • "Katana!"
  • "Ninja!"
  • "Shuriken!"
  • "Hi-ya!"


  • "Hi!" (Said differently in Smash Tour)

Copy Abilities[edit]

  • "Pikachu!" (when using Thunder Jolt)
  • "PK Flash!"
  • "Falcon Punch!"
  • "Purin!" (when using Rollout
  • "PK Freeze!"
  • "Autoreticle!" / "Auto Shōjun!" (Japanese version)
  • "Thunder!" (Said differently in the Japanese version)
  • "Elthunder!" (Said differently in the Japanese version)
  • "Arcthunder!" (Said differently in the Japanese version)
  • "Thoron!" (Said differently in the Japanese version)
  • "Hadoken!"
  • "Shakunetsu!"

Monado Arts[edit]

  • "Jump!" / "Tobu!" (Japanese version)
  • "Speed!" / "Hashiru!" (Japanese version)
  • "Shield!" / "Mamoru!" (Japanese version)
  • "Buster!" / "Tataku! (Japanese version)
  • "Smash!" / "Buttobasu!" (Japanese version)



  • "Fire!"
  • "Landmaster!"
  • "Here I come!"
  • "Come on!"
  • "This is Fox. Returning to base."
  • "Mission complete!"
  • "Better luck next time, Falco!"

Captain Falcon[edit]


  • "Minna, miteite kure!" (Everyone, look at me!)
  • "Konkaiwa bokuno kachidane!" (It's my victory this time!)
  • "Kyoumo ikinobiru kotoga dekita." (Even today I was able to survive.)
  • "Bokuwa makeru wake niwa ikenainda!" (There's no way I can lose!)


  • "Sokoda!" (Here!) (when using Counter)
  • "Mikita!" (I saw it!)
  • "Saseru-monoka!" (I won't allow that!)

Meta Knight[edit]

  • "Fool!"
  • "Behold..." (when using Galaxia Darkness)
  • "Know my power!"
  • "Fight me!"
  • "Come."
  • "Come back when you can put up a fight."
  • "You've much yet to learn."
  • "Victory... is my destiny."
  • "Now, my power is without rival." (Not in Sound Test)


  • "I'm finished..." (KO)
  • "Stay back!"
  • "Three Sacred Treasures!"
  • "Equipped!"
  • "Bye now!"
  • "Come on!"
  • "That all you got?"
  • "It's game over for you!"
  • "Victory!"
  • "What's up now?"
  • "That was easy!"
  • "Lady Palutena!" (Palutena reveal trailer)
  • "Woohoo! Two down!" (Bayonetta reveal trailer)
  • "Huh?" (Bayonetta reveal trailer)

Zero Suit Samus[edit]

  • "Try me."
  • "Is that all?"
  • "You're mine."
  • "Be still."


  • "Aether!"
  • "You're open!"
  • "Gotcha!"
  • "You're through!"
  • "Great... AETHER!"
  • "Prepare yourself."
  • "I fight for my friends."
  • "You'll get no sympathy from me."


  • "Weak!"
  • "Max Aura!" (when using Mega Lucario)
  • "Behold, the power of Aura!"
  • "The Aura is with me!"

Wii Fit Trainer (Female)[edit]

It has been requested that this article be rewritten and expanded to include more information. Reason: British quotes

  • "Salute the sun!"
  • "High energy, move that body!"
  • "That's it, feel the burn!"
  • "Let's step up the intensity!"
  • "Let's work on your balance!"
  • "Now, let's try it together!"
  • "Let's get fired up!"
  • "Let's get a good stretch."
  • "Stretch those shoulders."
  • "Let's stretch our legs."
  • "The key is to focus on your balance."
  • "Work hard to tone that tummy."
  • "Work toward strong, firm abs."
  • "Let's tone up those legs."
  • "Your lower body is key for support."
  • "Good posture begins with a strong base."
  • "Firm up those abs!"
  • "When exerting yourself, remember to keep breathing."
  • "Feel the burn in your thighs and gluts."
  • "Don't forget to exhale when exerting yourself."
  • "How about some deep breathing?"
  • "You're wobbling. Try to keep your balance."
  • "Watch your posture. Keep those gluts tucked in!"
  • "Tuck in those gluts!"
  • "Now that was a great workout!"

Wii Fit Trainer (Male)[edit]

It has been requested that this article be rewritten and expanded to include more information. Reason: Same here

  • "Salute the sun!"
  • "High energy! Move that body!"
  • "Stretching your spine will help stimulate your body."
  • "Stabilize your upper body."
  • "Let's work on your coordination."
  • "Now, let's try it together."
  • "Let's get fired up!"
  • "Let's get a good stretch."
  • "Stretch those shoulders."
  • "Let's stretch our legs."
  • "Feel the stretch through your arm and leg."
  • "Let's work on building a strong upper body."
  • "Work towards strong, firm abs."
  • "Stretching your spine will help stimulate your body."
  • "Time to firm up your thighs and back muscles."
  • "Your lower body is key for support."
  • "This pose strengthens the back and improves posture."
  • "Firm up those abs!"
  • "When exerting yourself, remember to keep breathing."
  • "Stabilize your upper body."
  • "Let's work on your coordination."
  • "This exercise works your core muscles."
  • "Keep at it everyday to improve your posture."
  • "Let's do some Jackknife exercises."
  • "You're wobbling. Try to keep your balance."
  • "Follow my lead as we do this together."
  • "Now, let's try it together.''
  • "Exercise everyday to tone your body."
  • "Let's get fired up!''
  • "That was a great workout."

Doc Louis[edit]

  • "Hit 'em baby!"
  • "Let 'em have it, Mac!"
  • "Show 'em what you got, Mac baby!"
  • "You win, Mac!"
  • "Was that a little too easy for you, son?"
  • "Nice work, Mac. You got it all figured out."
  • "World Circuit is all yours, Mac!"
  • "And the winner is... Little Mac! Hahaha!"
  • "You got what it takes, Mac!"
  • "Hah, winnin' feels good, don't it?"
  • "Way to go, Mac! You're the champ, baby!"
  • "All right! I think I hear a chocolate bar callin'."
  • "Y'know, that belt looks good on you, son."
  • "Nice moves, Mac. I can barely keep my eyes on you, son."
  • "Ain't too flashy! You're making my eyes water, son."
  • "You're looking mighty good, son! Just like old times, huh?"


Robin (Male)[edit]

  • "Reckless fool..." (KO)
  • "Thunder!"
  • "Elthunder!"
  • "Arcthunder!"
  • "Thoron!"
  • "Arcfire!"
  • "Elwind!"
  • "Nosferatu!"
  • "Chrom!" (when using Pair Up)
  • "Bolganone!"
  • "Let's tip the scales!"
  • "Prepare yourself."
  • "You're not ready."
  • "The key to victory lies within."
  • "I'm always three steps ahead."
  • "It seems our fates are joined."
  • "Lucina, I hope I didn't hurt you."
  • "Time to tip the scales!" (Lucina and Robin reveal trailer)


  • "On my mark!"
  • "We're not done yet!"
  • "My strength is yours."

Robin (Female)[edit]

  • "I was careless!" (KO)
  • "Thunder!"
  • "Elthunder!"
  • "Arcthunder!"
  • "Thoron!"
  • "Arcfire!"
  • "Elwind!"
  • "Nosferatu!"
  • "Chrom!"
  • "Bolganone!"
  • "Time to tip the scales!"
  • "Prepare yourself!"
  • "Here I go!"
  • "Heh! Checkmate!"
  • "A good tactician has nothing to fear."
  • "I've got your back."
  • "How can you protect Chrom if you can't protect yourself?"


  • "Not good!" (KO)
  • "Jump!"
  • "Speed!"
  • "Shield!"
  • "Buster!"
  • "Smash!"
  • "Back Slash!"
  • "Air Slash!"
  • "A Vision!"
  • "I see it!"
  • "Dunban!"
  • "Riki!"
  • "Let's go, everyone!"
  • "Time for a Chain Attack!"
  • "Now it's Shulk time!"
  • "I'm really feeling it!"
  • "This is the Monado's power!"
  • "I got through that pretty good!"
  • "This is a good result!"
  • "I've got a good rhythm going!"
  • "The future is ours to decide!"
  • "I can feel the power!"
  • "I can change the future!"


  • "On my mark!"
  • "Shulk, go!"
  • "Riki, don't mess up!"


  • "Riki leave that one for Dundun!"
  • "Crush Power!"
  • "Here, Riki go!"
  • "Get 'em, Shulk! Smash-pow!"
  • "Leave it to Heropon!"
  • "You Can... Do It!"
  • "F-F-F-Freezinate!"
  • "Happy Happy Time!"
  • "Roly-poly, keep on rolling!"
  • "Hehe! Yoink!"
  • "Sleepy... Sleepy... Bed Time!"
  • "All go to plan."


  • "Super Sonic style!"
  • "Sonic speed!"
  • "Come on!"
  • "That was almost too easy!"
  • "Piece of cake!"
  • "Let's do that again some time!"



  • "Fire!"
  • "Personally, I prefer the air." (when using Landmaster)
  • "Get some!"
  • "Piece of cake!"
  • "Hands off my prey!"
  • "You're off your game, Fox."
  • "Had enough already?"
  • "You aren't worth the trouble."


  • "You're mine!" (when using Counter)
  • "My turn!"
  • "Time to change fate!" (when using Critical Hit)
  • "Come at me."
  • "I cannot lose."
  • "The future is not written!"
  • "Father, I won!"
  • "You'll never defeat me!"
  • "This is the Hero-king?"
  • "And they call you the Radiant Hero?"
  • "What is this power?" (Lucina & Robin reveal trailer)
  • "For my father." (Lucina & Robin reveal trailer)

Dark Pit[edit]

  • "It's not over...!" (KO)
  • "Electro-shock!"
  • "No way!"
  • "Goodbye!" (when using Dark Pit Staff)
  • "It's time!" (Not in Sound Test)
  • "Who wants some?"
  • "Watch out!"
  • "Game on!"
  • "Can't help but feel sorry for ya."
  • "Looks like I'm last man standing."
  • "Nice try."
  • "Where's your goddess now?"
  • "Don't be such a wimp!" (Bayonetta reveal trailer)




  • "Imada!" (Now!) (when using Counter)
  • "Soko!" (There!)
  • "Boku wa makenai!" (I won't lose!)
  • "Shin no tatakai wa korekara da." (The true battle starts now.)
  • "Kurushii tatakai datta." (It was a tough battle.)
  • "Mamoru beki mono no tameni, makerarenai!" (For those whom I must protect, I won't lose!)


  • "Mis tta." (I made a mistake.) (KO)
  • "Genkai wo koeru." (Breaking the limits.) (when using Limit Charge)
  • "Ima da!" (Now!)
  • "Kyōmi nai ne." (Not interested.)
  • "Tsuki ga nakatta na." (Your luck has run out.) (when using Omnislash)
  • "Waruku omou na." (No hard feelings.)
  • "Tsuite nai na." (Better luck next time.)
  • "Omae ni ore ha taosenai." (You cannot defeat me.)

Corrin (Male)[edit]

  • "How... can this...?" (KO)
  • "My path is clear!"
  • "I've made my choice."
  • "Are you ready?"
  • "Out of the way!" (when using Torrential Roar)
  • "I win!"
  • "That went well."

Corrin (Female)[edit]

  • "How... can this..." (KO)
  • "Let's do this!"
  • "Your fate is clear!"
  • "You ready for this?"
  • "This ends here!" (when using Torrential Roar)
  • "That was great."
  • "Good!"


  • "Get out!"
  • "Fire!"
  • "Boo!"
  • "Bingo!"
  • "See you!"
  • "So close."
  • "Almost."
  • "Gotcha!"
  • "Goodbye!"
  • "Jūnen hayandayo!" ("Ten years early!")
  • "Is that all you got?"
  • "If you need to learn how to talk to a lady, ask your mum."
  • "New 'do, dead you."
  • "Avavago!" (when using Infernal Climax)
  • "Smashing!"
  • "That all you got?"
  • "You're making it easy."
  • "Miss me, baby?"
  • "Dreadful."
  • "Don't make me beg."
  • "Oh. Another angel. Must have missed one!" (Bayonetta reveal trailer)
  • "Let's dance, boys!" (Bayonetta reveal trailer)


  • "Hey!"
  • "Kooloo-Lim..."
  • "Pah!"

Knuckle Joe[edit]

  • "Leave it to me!"
  • "Vulcan Jab!"
  • "Rising Break!"
  • "Smash Punch!"


  • "Prepare yourself."
  • "I'll handle this."
  • "Taste my blade!"


  • "Sorry I'm late. I had other business to attend to."
  • "My work is done here. Good luck on your own."
  • "Well, that was fun!"


  • "Yes, you called?"


  • "Iizou, omae!" (Well, it's you!)
  • "Ushouken!"
  • "Gomen!" (Sorry!)
  • "Munen..." (Regrettable...)

Prince of Sablé[edit]

  • "Teuchi ni itasu!" (I'll beat you!)
  • "Sarabada!" (Farewell!)
  • "Kaeru!" (Frog!)
  • "Hebi!" (Snake!)

Saki Amamiya[edit]

  • "Take this!"


  • "Chaos Control!"
  • "Hmph."

Metal Face[edit]

  • "What do you lot think you're doing then?"
  • "Hope I'm not interrupting!"
  • "Nice night for a stroll, don't ya think?"
  • "I love the feeling of the wind in my claws!"
  • "There we go!"
  • "See how you like this!"
  • "Out of my way!"
  • "Oi, make way, come on!"
  • "You're a funny-looking lot, ain't ya?"
  • "This better be a good show!"
  • "Whatever you're doing, it looks smashing! Hahaha!"
  • "Didn't expect all this racket out here!"
  • "If it's one thing I'd like to see, it's carnage!"
  • "Carry on, you lot! Don't mind me! Hahaha!"
  • "I think I've got the best seat in the house! Hahaha!"
  • "Maybe I'll watch, and give you a few pointers!"
  • "Come on, fight harder, you little maggots!"
  • "Come near my claws, and you might get a nasty surprise!"
  • "If it isn't the puny boy himself! You miss me?"
  • "Hey, Monado boy, hope you don't think you can hurt me with that thing!"
  • "Oh, looks like Monado boy's been practicing!"
  • "If the brat's here, I bet Dunban can't be far behind!"
  • "Let's get things started!"
  • "Don't mind if I join in, do ya?"
  • "Watch and learn, maggots!"
  • "Time to cut you down to size!"
  • "DIE!!"
  • "Hey, hey! Time to die!"
  • "I'll slice you into pieces!"
  • "Let me hear you scream!"
  • "Ahahahahahaha!"
  • "Ugh! You'll pay for that!"
  • "Think that's clever, do you?"
  • "You're getting on my bad side!"
  • "Hey, that's not fair!"
  • "Why, you little...!"
  • "Ugh! Get off me!"
  • "This isn't over!"
  • "All that work for nothing!"
  • "This ain't how it's meant to go!"
  • "Huh, look at the time. See ya, kiddies!"
  • "It's been good laugh, but I'm off!"
  • "That's it for now. See ya, kiddies!"
  • "Time for a little parting gift!"
  • "I'm off. See ya, kiddies! But first..."
  • "If you've got any final words, now's the time!"
  • "Fancy meeting you here, Monado boy!" (Shulk reveal trailer)
