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Artwork on the back of each type of card: Level Cards, Power-Up Cards, and Demo Cards
Artwork on the back of each type of card: Level Cards, Power-Up Cards, and Demo Cards
Artwork on the back of each type of card: Level Cards, Power-Up Cards, and Demo Cards
Artwork on the back of each type of card: Level Cards, Power-Up Cards, and Demo Cards

Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 features e-Reader compatibility, in that it can link up to a second Game Boy Advance with an e-Reader. Upon scanning in one of three types of cards, something will then be triggered in the game. This feature is normally absent in the European version of the game, but it can be enabled using a cheat device. These are the types of cards that were released:

  • Level Cards upload a brand-new level into the game, which can be played in World-e. Note that only 32 levels can be saved on the game at a time, and up to 73 levels can be listed.
  • Power-Up Cards upload an item (or a set of items) into either Mario or Luigi's inventory. There is no limit as to how many times an item card can be used. A variant type of Power-Up Cards are Switch Cards, which will trigger something in the game upon being scanned.
  • Demo Cards play a movie of Mario speedrunning through a level, collecting enough coins in a certain level to trigger a White Mushroom House, or racking up numerous 1-Up Mushrooms via a special trick.


Series 1
US Series 1
Series 2
US Series 2
Super Mario Advance 4 Japanese e-Reader Series 1
Japan Series 1
Super Mario Advance 4 Japanese e-Reader Series 2
Japan Series 2

The majority of the cards were released in two series (sets) of cards. However, a few cards were included with brand new copies of the game. While most copies only came with two cards, copies purchased at Wal-Mart early on came with an additional five cards.

In Japan, while most cards were still released within two series, things worked differently. Instead of each pack containing every card for that series, the cards were released in a format similar to trading cards, where each pack had five random cards. The cards had a uniformity to their arrangement within the packs, though it changed between Series 1 and 2. In Series 1, it went one level, one demo, three power-ups. In Series 2, it went two levels, two demos, one power-up. In both series, however, an extra level was included if the pack contained a classic level. This deducted a power-up from the pack. Excluding promotional cards and Switch Cards, Japanese power-up cards do not depict or mention what item the player will get, leaving it a surprise until the card is scanned.

All North American cards (excluding promotional cards) were released in Series 1 in Japan.

While 106 cards existed in Japan, only 43 cards were made available to foreign markets. Therefore, there are over twenty levels that remain unavailable to non-Japanese players. Other missing cards include various Switch Cards and Boomerangs. However, all versions of the game on the Wii U Virtual Console support all the e-Reader levels by default including levels formerly exclusive to Japan.

Note: Due to the discontinuation of the e-Reader, newer copies of the game do not come with cards, although the game itself is still compatible with the e-Reader. When ported to the Wii U in 2016, largely because of it lacking e-Reader compatibility, the level cards are pre-included into the World-e section (also marking the first time the Japanese-exclusive cards were made playable and localized outside Japan). However, the player cannot use any item or demo cards.

Level Cards

Number Japan card Japan series US card US series Notes
07-A001 ★01 クラシックコース W1-1
☆01 Classic Course W1-1
Promo (Pack-in) ★01 Classic World 1-1
07-A002 ★02 クラシックコース W1-2
☆02 Classic Course W1-2
1 N/A N/A Classic World 1-2
07-A003 ★03 クラシックコース W1-3
☆03 Classic Course W1-3
2 N/A N/A Classic World 1-3
07-A004 ★04 クラシックコース W1-4
☆04 Classic Course W1-4
2 N/A N/A Classic World 1-4
07-A005 ★05 クラシックコース W2-2
☆05 Classic Course W2-2
2 N/A N/A Classic World 2-2
07-A011 ●02 すべりだいのようなさか!?
●02 A Slide-like Hill?
1 ●02 Slidin' the Slopes
07-A012 ●06 おんぷブロックでジャンプ!
●06 Jump on Note Blocks!
1 ●06 Magical Note Blocks
07-A013 ●10 パタメットをのりこなせ!
●10 Para-Beetles Acrobatic!
1 ●10 Para Beetle Challenge
07-A014 ●05 ボムへいのたいぐん!
●05 Big Army of Bob-ombs!
1 ●05 Bombarded by Bob-ombs
07-A015 ●08 パックンフラワーがいっぱい
●08 So Many Piranha Plants
1 ●08 Piped Full of Plants
e-Reader card for Piped Full of Plants
07-A016 ●07 ゴールドラッシュ!!
●07 Gold Rush!
1 ●07 The ol' Switcheroo
07-A017 ●03 ブルにやさいをぶつけろ!
●03 Hit vegetables to Chargin' Chucks!
1 ●03 Vegetable Volley
07-A018 ●04 くるくるめいろのおばけやしき
●04 Round and Round In The Maze of Ghosts and Thresholds
1 ●04 Doors o' Plenty
07-A019 ●09 ファイアバーをくぐりぬけろ!
●09 Strike among Fire Bars!
1 ●09 Swinging Bars of Doom
07-A020 ●11 おんぷブロックでアスレチック!
●11 Note Block Athletic!
2 N/A N/A A Musical Trek
07-A021 ●12 ひこうせんはとまらない!
●12 The Airship Never Stops!
2 N/A N/A Armored Airship
07-A022 ●13 こおりのちかでおおあわて!!
●13 Razzle-Dazzle in the Ice Cave!
2 N/A N/A Ice Dungeon
07-A023 ●14 タヌキスーツのひみつ
●14 The Secret of the Tanooki Suit
2 N/A N/A A Sky-High Adventure
07-A024 ●15 へんしんマリオでつきすすめ!!
●15 Use Mario's Transformation!!
2 N/A N/A Sea to Sky
07-A025 ●16 クツをはいてGO!GO!
●16 With Boots On, GO! GO!
2 N/A N/A It's a Shoe-In
07-A026 ●01 おおぞらでアスレチック!
●01 Athletics in the Skies!
1 ●01 Wild Ride in the Sky
SMA4 Pack-In Card.jpg
Promo (Pack-in)
07-A027 ●17 ターくんにきをつけろ!
●17 Watch out for Bumpty!
2 N/A N/A Slip Slidin' Away
07-A028 ●18 こおりのとりで
●18 Ice Fortress
2 N/A N/A Ice Cubed
07-A029 ●19 さばくのパイプめいろ
●19 Desert Pipe Maze
2 N/A N/A Puzzling Pipe Maze
07-A030 ●20 とうのうえからかけおりろ!
●20 From the Top of the Tower!!
2 N/A N/A A Towering Tour
07-A031 ●21 とりでをかけぬけろ!!
●21 Run the Tower!!
2 N/A N/A Castle Dash
07-A032 ●22 ロープをのぼってアスレチック!
●22 Rope Athletics!
2 N/A N/A Rich with Ropes
07-A033 ●23 おばけやしきはなぞだらけ!
●23 The Haunted House of Mystery!
2 N/A N/A Vexing Doors
07-A034 ●24 マントでおおぞらをとべ!
●24 Fly Over The Sky With a Cloak!
2 N/A N/A Caped Escape
07-A035 ●25 ほって!ほって!ほりまくれ!!
●25 Fly Over The Sky With a Cloak!
2 N/A N/A Ground Work
07-A036 ●26 うみのなかはきけんでいっぱい!
●26 The Ocean is Full of Danger!
2 N/A N/A An Aqueous Adventure
07-A037 ●27 かくしクッパじょう
●27 Hidden Bowser's Castle
2 N/A N/A Bowser's Last Stand
07-A038 ●28 コクッパにだまされるな!
●28 Don't be Fooled by the Koopalings!
2 N/A N/A Koopaling Confusion
07-A039 ●29 クッパのひこうせん ぜんぺん
●29 Bowser's Airship: Part 1
2 N/A N/A Bowser's Airship 1
07-A040 ●30 クッパのひこうせん こうへん
●30 Bowser's Airship: Part 2
2 N/A N/A Bowser's Airship 2
07-A051 PR ひこうせんのぎゃくしゅう!
PR Revenge of the Airship!
Promo (CoroCoro Comic October 2003) PR Airship's Revenge
Promo (Wal-Mart)
07-A052 PR Bダッシュでかけぬけろ!
No Time to Dawdle / Break Through with B-Dash!
Promo (In-store only) N/A N/A No Time to Dawdle
07-A053 PR チャレンジ!! トゲトゲとりで
PR Challenge!! Spiky Fortress
Promo (CoroCoro Comic February 2004) N/A N/A Treacherous Halls

Power-Up Cards

Number Japan card Japan series US card US series Notes
07-C040 PR 100UPキノコ
100-Up Mushroom Power-Up card for Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
Promo (CoroCoro Comic September 2003) N/A N/A 100-Up Mushroom
07-D001 N/A N/A Item: 01 Super Mushroom
Super Mushroom e-Reader card from Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
Promo (Wal-Mart) US version of 07-D011
07-D002 N/A N/A Item: 02 Fire Flower
Fire Flower e-Reader card from Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
Promo (Wal-Mart) US version of 07-D012
07-D003 アイテム:03 スーパーこのは
Super Leaf Power-Up card from Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3. This is a promotional card packed-in with the Japanese release.
Promo (Pack-in) Item: 03 Super Leaf
Promo (Pack-in) Same as 07-D013 but different card design
07-D004 N/A N/A Item: 04 Frog Suit
1 US version of 07-D014
07-D005 N/A N/A Item: 05 Tanooki Suit
2 US version of 07-D015
07-D006 N/A N/A Item: 06 Hammer Suit
1 US version of 07-D016
07-D007 N/A N/A Item: 07 Starman
2 US version of 07-D017
07-D008 N/A N/A Item: 08 P-Wing
1 US version of 07-D018
07-D009 N/A N/A Item: 09 Cape
2 US version of 07-D019
07-D011 アイテム:01
Super Mushroom card from Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
パクパクパクパク こいつはおいしそうなおたからだ!
Munch munch Wow, this item's so yummy!
1 N/A N/A Japan version of 07-D001 (Super Mushroom)
07-D012 アイテム:02
Fire Flower card from Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
カランコロン カロンもあるけばおたからはっけん!
Crack crock, even a Drybone can find an item! (This is a reference to a Japanese idiom 犬も歩けば棒に当たる "Even a dog can find a stick if it tries")
1 N/A N/A Japan version of 07-D002 (Fire Flower)
07-D013 アイテム:03
Super Leaf Power-Up Card from Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
マリオさん! すてきな宝物をどうぞ!何がでるかはお楽しみですよ。
Hi Mario! Here's a great item. Check out what's inside yourself.
1 N/A N/A Same as 07-D003 (Super Leaf) but different card design
07-D014 アイテム:04
Frog Suit card from the Japanese version of Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
ちょっと探検したらびしょぬれだ! もうかえる!
Just a little walk and I'm sopping wet! I'm hopping mad! (かえる can also mean frog, so もうかえる! has a double meaning of "I'm a frog!")
1 N/A N/A Japan version of 07-D004 (Frog Suit)
07-D015 アイテム:05
Tanooki Suit card from Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
ルイージさん! この宝物をお使いください! お役に立つはずです!
Hi Luigi! Here's a useful item. It should help you!
1 N/A N/A Japan version of 07-D005 (Tanooki Suit)
07-D016 アイテム:06
Hammer Suit card for Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
ぼくの~だいじな たからもの~ なかみはぜったい おしえない~
This is my precious treasure, I'll never tell you what's inside...
1 N/A N/A Japan version of 07-D006 (Hammer Suit)
07-D017 アイテム:07
Super Star card from Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
10, 9, 8… こんなアイテム使ってボクのそばにこないで!
Ten, nine, eight... Don't come near me with that!
1 N/A N/A Japan version of 07-D007 (Super Star)
07-D018 アイテム:08
P-Wing card for Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
いろんな場所で役に立つ宝物です! こまったときに使ってください!
Here's an item that's useful everywhere! Use this if you are struggling!
1 N/A N/A Japan version of 07-D008 (P-Wing)
07-D019 アイテム:09
Cape Feather card from Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
おしゃれなすてきなたからもの~ どかんのかげにかくしておこお~
What a handsome item this is, I'll hide it in the shade of a Pipe...
1 N/A N/A Japan version of 07-D009 (Cape Feather)
07-D020 アイテム:10
Boomerang from Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
1 N/A N/A Boomerang
07-D021 アイテム:11
3 Super Mushrooms card for Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
1 N/A N/A 3 Super Mushrooms
07-D022 アイテム:12
3 Fire Flowers card for Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
フ~! フー! フゥ~~!
1 Item: 10 3 Fire Flowers
07-D023 アイテム:13
3 Super Leaves card for Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
カランコロン カロンのなかみはかるいのだ!
1 Item: 11 3 Super Leaves
07-D024 アイテム:14
5 Starmen card for Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
パクパクパクパク これはたべられないようだぞ!
1 Item: 12 5 Starmen
07-D025 アイテム:15
4-Item Set card for Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
この宝物は黄長貴重なものですよ! おすきなものを使ってくださいね!
1 Item: 13 4-Item Set
2 Super Mushroom, Fire Flower, Super Leaf and a Starman
07-D026 アイテム:16
3-Suit Set card for Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
1 Item: 14 3-Suit Set
2 Frog Suit, Tanooki Suit and a Hammer Suit
07-D027 アイテム:17
1 Item: 15 8-Item Set
1 Super Mushroom, Fire Flower, Super Leaf, Starman, P-Wing, Frog Suit, Tanooki Suit and a Hammer Suit
07-D028 アイテム:22
2 N/A N/A 5 P-Wings
07-D029 アイテム:23
3 Cape Feathers card for Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
イッヒッヒ! そんなものでかくれようとしてもムダだ~
2 N/A N/A 3 Cape Feathers
07-D030 アイテム:24
3 Boomerangs card for Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
マリオさん! この宝物で クッパたちをこらしめてください!
2 N/A N/A 3 Boomerangs
07-D031 アイテム:25
10-Item Set card for Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
この宝物はキノコ王国みんなの気持ちです! おうえんしています!
2 N/A N/A 10-Item Set (Super Mushroom, Fire Flower, Super Leaf, Starman, P-Wing, Frog Suit, Tanooki Suit, Hammer Suit, Cape Feather and a Boomerang)
07-D081 アイテム:18
1-Up Mushroom card from Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
あれれ? 宝物はどこにいったかな? こっちかな?
1 Item: 18 1-Up Mushroom
1-Up Mushroom e-Reader card from Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
Promo (Wal-Mart)
07-D082 アイテム:19
3-Up Mushroom card from Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
フ~! フー! フゥ~~~ン!
1 N/A N/A 3-Up Mushroom
07-D083 アイテム:20
5-Up Mushroom card from Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
とってもいいものをプレゼントします! 何度も使えますよ!
1 Item: 17 5-Up Mushroom
07-D084 アイテム:21
いつでも使える不思議な宝物です。 くじけそうなときに希望をあたえてくれるはず。
1 Item: 16 10-Up Mushroom
07-D101 1UPキノコが3UPムーンに変わる!
Blue e-Switch Card.jpg
1 N/A N/A 1-Up Mushrooms turn into 3-Up Moons
07-D102 ファイアボールで敵がコインに変わる!
Japan version of the Orange Switch card for Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
1 Orange Switch
1 Fireballs turn enemies into coins
07-D103 オリジナルコースに野菜出現!!
Japan version of the Blue Green Switch for Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
1 Blue Green Switch
2 Add vegetables to level
07-D104 ルイージPOWER UP!!
Luigi Power Up!! card for Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
1 N/A N/A Gives Luigi scuttle and higher bouncing fireballs
07-D105 タイマーゆっくり!
Green e-Switch.jpg
2 N/A N/A Slows down Time Limit and music for the first fifty units
07-D106 すぐにまんたん! パワーメーター!!
File:Cyan Switch Card.png
2 N/A N/A Halves P-Meter
07-D107 敵 POWER UP! 得点×2!!
Red e-Switch.jpg
2 N/A N/A Increases difficulty but doubles points

Demo Cards

Number Japan card Japan series US card US series Notes
07-E001 ワールド1コース1 最速クリア
1 World 1-1 Speed Stage
Nintendo 2003 Holiday Press Kit
07-E002 ワールド1コース2 無限1UP
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
1 World 1-2 Unlimited 1-Ups
Nintendo 2003 Holiday Press Kit
07-E003 ワールド3コース4 無限1UP
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
1 World 3-4 Unlimited 1-Ups
World 3-4 demo card from Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
07-E004 ワールド4コース6 無限1UP
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
1 World 4-6 Unlimited 1-Ups
World 4-6 Unlimited 1-Ups e-Reader card from Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
Promo (Wal-Mart)
07-E005 ワールド1コース4 隠れキノピオの家
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
1 N/A N/A World 1-4 Toad's Hidden House
07-E006 ワールド2コース2 隠れキノピオの家
1 World 2-2 Toad's Hidden House
World 2-2 Toad's Hidden House Demo Card from Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3.
07-E007 ワールド3コース8 隠れキノピオの家
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
1 World 3-8 Toad's Hidden House
07-E008 ワールド4コース2 隠れキノピオの家
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
1 World 4-2 Toad's Hidden House
World 4-2 Toad's Hidden House demo card from Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3.
07-E009 ワールド5コース5 隠れキノピオの家
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
1 World 5-5 Toad's Hidden House
07-E010 ワールド6コース7 隠れキノピオの家
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
1 World 6-7 Toad's Hidden House
07-E011 ワールド7コース2 隠れキノピオの家
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
1 World 7-2 Toad's Hidden House
World 7-2 Toad's Hidden House demo card from Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
07-E012 ワールド3コース2 連続スター
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
1 World 3-2 Star Power
07-E013 ワールド3コース3 隠し1UP
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
1 N/A N/A World 3-3 1-Up Trick
07-E014 ワールド1コース6 最速クリア
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
2 N/A N/A World 1-6 Fastest Clear
07-E015 ワールド7コース6 最速クリア
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
2 N/A N/A World 7-6 Fastest Clear
07-E016 ワールド8 とりで 最速クリア
2 N/A N/A World 8-Fortress Fastest Clear
07-E017 ワールド2コース1 連続1UP
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
2 N/A N/A World 2-1 Continuous 1-Ups
07-E018 ワールド2 とりで 無限1UP
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
2 N/A N/A World 2-Fortress 1-Up Trick
07-E019 ワールド2コース5 無限1UP
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
2 N/A N/A World 2-5 1-Up Trick
07-E020 ワールド3コース9 無限1UP
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
2 N/A N/A World 3-9 1-Up Trick
07-E021 ワールド5コース7 無限1UP
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
2 N/A N/A World 5-7 1-Up Trick
07-E022 ワールド6コース10 無限1UP
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
2 N/A N/A World 6-10 1-Up Trick
07-E023 ワールド8コース1 無限1UP
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
2 N/A N/A World 8-1 1-Up Trick
07-E024 ワールド7コース3 連続スター
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
2 N/A N/A World 7-3 Continuous Stars
07-E025 ワールド5 とりで1 隠し1UP
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
2 N/A N/A World 5-Fortress 1 Hidden 1-Up
07-E026 ワールド6コース2 隠し1UP
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
2 N/A N/A World 6-9 Hidden 1-Up
07-E027 ワールド8コース1 隠し1UP
2 N/A N/A World 8-1 Hidden 1-Up
07-E028 ワールド3コース7 隠しアイテム
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
2 N/A N/A World 3-7 Hidden Item
07-E029 ワールド5コース1 隠しアイテム
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
2 N/A N/A World 5-1 Hidden Item
07-E030 ワールド6コース3 隠しアイテム
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
2 N/A N/A World 6-3 Hidden Item
07-E101 ★01クラシックコース W1-1
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
1 N/A N/A Classic World 1-1 1-Up Trick
07-E102 ●05 ボムへいのたいぐん!
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
2 N/A N/A Bombarded by Bob-ombs 3-Up
07-E103 ●10 パタメットをのりこなせ!
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
2 N/A N/A Para Beetle Challenge Hidden 1-Up
07-E104 ●21 とりでをかけぬけろ!!
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 demo card
2 N/A N/A Castle Dash Fastest Clear