List of Luigi sightings in Super Mario 3D World

Revision as of 08:57, March 11, 2020 by CBFan5 (talk | contribs)

In a similar vein to New Super Luigi U, 8-bit sprites of Luigi are hidden in most courses of Super Mario 3D World. Note that the 8-bit Luigis that can be found in the levels of World Mushroom and World Flower are in the same locations as their counterparts in the other worlds of the game; as such, only Luigis unique to those levels are listed.


World Picture Luigi Location
World 1   An 8-bit Luigi will occasionally pop out of the pipe on the above ground sections on the World 1-2 icon.
World 3   An 8-Bit Luigi can be seen out on the ocean in the background from the platform with a 1-Up Mushroom.
World 4   By taking the Warp Pipe to the upper platform, an 8-bit Luigi can be seen ducking behind a rock after the camera angle shifts.
World 5   After taking the pipe to the island, the player can get a glimpse of a crouching 8-bit Luigi in the water. This Luigi is also visible from World 6.
World 6   By changing the camera angle near the bridge dividing the two sections of the world, an 8-bit Luigi can be seen in the water below. It is the same Luigi from World 5.
  This same Luigi can be seen if the player takes the Clear Pipe to the platform with the Toad House.
World Castle   By waiting near the beginning of the world, an 8-bit Luigi will appear above the brick behind the gated-off lava flow to the right of the Clear Pipe leading to the world.
World Bowser   Changing the camera angle when near the hidden Toad House reveals an 8-bit Luigi on the wall.
  An 8-bit Luigi can be seen riding on the Ferris wheel.

World 1

Level Number Level Name Picture Luigi Location
World 1-1 Super Bell Hill   After dropping out of the clear pipe near the halfway point, the player can meet a Sprixie with a pair of binoculars who can show them a view of the goal's location. An 8-bit Luigi can be seen behind the fence near the bushes. However, it disappears if players try to approach its hiding location.
World 1-2 Koopa Troopa Cave   In this stage, an 8-bit Luigi can be seen doing a squat dance in the bottom right corner at the beginning of the stage; it can be seen by tilting the camera right.
  At the beginning of the stage, an 8-bit Luigi will appear out of the pipe when the timer has around 105 seconds remaining; after the "hurry up" tune plays the Luigi will go back down the pipe.
World 1-3 Mount Beanpole   Players should meet a Sprixie with binoculars on the left tree at the beginning of the stage. Through the binoculars, the players can see an 8-bit Luigi on a wall hidden within the shadow of the mountain's highest tree.
World 1-4 Plessie's Plunging Falls   Immediately after the first set of boost panels, there is an 8-bit Luigi floating on the surface of the water.
World 1-5 Switch Scramble Circus   A running 8-bit Luigi can be seen in the reflection of the first spade-shaped mirror at the start of the level.
World 1- Castle Bowser's Highway Showdown   During the cutscene that plays when entering the castle, an 8-bit Luigi can be seen on the right brick on top of the arch at the entrance.
  A giant 8-bit Luigi can be seen in the background walking through the water before disappearing below the surface.

World 2

Level Number Level Name Picture Luigi Location
World 2-1 Conkdor Canyon   Underneath the platform past the shifting platforms just after the checkpoint, a large 8-bit Luigi can be seen printed on the wall.
World 2-2 Puffprod Peaks   An 8-bit Luigi can seen within the particle effect on the first platform after touching it on the Wii U GamePad.
World 2-3 Shadow-Play Alley   Climbing up the wall at the start of the level reveals the shadow of an 8-bit Luigi continually ducking in the top left corner.
World 2-4 Really Rolling Hills   An 8-bit Luigi can occasionally be found at the bottom of the large rolling hill before the Checkpoint Flag.
  An 8-bit Luigi will pop out of the Warp Pipe leading to the underground section when the timer has 100 seconds remaining.
World 2-5 Double Cherry Pass   At the right fence at the end of the level, there is an 8-bit Luigi hiding in one of the posts.
World 2- Tank Bowser's Bullet Bill Brigade   At the start of the level an 8-bit Luigi can be found along the right set of tank treads.

World 3

Level Number Level Name Picture Luigi Location
World 3-2 Chain-Link Charge   If the sign near the Checkpoint Flag is broken, an 8-Bit Luigi can be found behind it.
World 3-3 Shifty Boo Mansion   The player must first collect all six + Clocks in the level (those in bold require the Cat Suit):
  • One in the first area next to the Boo painting
  • Three in the second area just above the bookcase
  • One following afterward next to the large mirror
  • One Green Clock just left of the final indoor area

Upon reaching the Goal Pole, they must then wait until 12 seconds remain on the timer; at that point, several 8-bit Luigis can then be seen rising from the graves and running in the background.

World 3-5 Pipeline Lagoon   An-8 bit Luigi can be seen within the Clear Pipe before the Checkpoint Flag, but only if the player is fast enough.
  Near the beginning of the level an 8-bit Luigi can be seen floating in the water.
  An 8-bit Luigi can occasionally be found inside the mouth of a Cheep Cheep, stuck head-first.
World 3-6 Mount Must Dash   Reach the end of the stage within 325-320 seconds on the clock. An 8-bit Luigi will pass by the finish line before vanishing.
World 3-7 Switchboard Falls   Using the Sprixie's binoculars, an 8-bit Luigi can be seen above one of the waterfalls.
World 3- Train The Bullet Bill Express   During the first seconds of the intro, an 8-bit Luigi can faintly be seen outrunning the train.
  At the end of the Bowser Train, an 8-bit Luigi can be seen outrunning the Bullet Bill Train.

World 4

Level Number Level Name Picture Luigi Location
World 4-1 Ant Trooper Hill   An 8-bit Luigi is seen hiding behind a platform with a Sprixie holding binoculars. She isn't needed to see it, but it will vanish in certain camera angles.
World 4-2 Piranha Creeper Creek   After completing the level, a small, ducking 8-bit Luigi can be seen on the bottom right corner of the screen.
World 4-3 Beep Block Skyway   Several 8-bit Luigis and Power-Ups can be seen scrolling across the electronic screens in the level.
World 4-4 Big Bounce Byway   By ground pounding the cloud under the Warp Box near the end of the level an 8-bit Luigi can be seen before the cloud pops back.
World 4-5 Spike's Lost City   Near the beginning of the level, before the first Galoombas, an 8-bit Luigi can be found amongst some vines on the wall.
World 4- Castle Lava Rock Lair   An 8-bit Luigi can be found on the top of the bridge used to access the first Green Star before it is lowered.

World 5

Level Number Level Name Picture Luigi Location
World 5-1 Sunshine Seaside   Using the Sprixie with binoculars reveals an 8-bit Luigi on top of a nearby tree.
  Burning the bush closest to the left side of the Warp Pipe at the end of the Plessie section reveals an 8-bit Luigi.
World 5-2 Tricky Trapeze Theater   An 8-bit Luigi can be seen at the beginning of the level by looking at the bottom of one of the columns, somewhat obscured by the clouds in the bottomless pit below.
World 5-3 Backstreet Bustle File:SM3DW 5-3 Luigi.jpg There is a very faint 8-bit Luigi in the light at the back of the stage.
World 5-4 Sprawling Savanna   After blasting out of the fifth cannon, players should go to the bottom right of the area, where an 8-bit Luigi can be seen painted into the grass.
  There is an 8-bit Luigi seen above the pipe by the Sprixie with binoculars.
World 5-5 Bob-ombs Below   By waiting until the clock reaches 333 at the beginning of the level, an 8-bit Luigi can be seen running across the bottom of the screen.

World 6

Level Number Level Name Picture Luigi Location
World 6-1 Clear Pipe Cruise   When collecting this level's Stamp by travelling on top the Cannon Pipe, a 8 bit Luigi can be seen imprinted on the section going upward.
World 6-2 Spooky Seasick Wreck   Near the beginning of the level, an 8-bit Luigi can be seen inside one of the ships.
World 6-3 Hands-On Hall   If the player continuously hits the gong, an 8-bit Luigi will eventually appear.
  Tilting the camera at the end of the level at the right side of the roof reveals an 8-bit Luigi in one of the windows below.
World 6-4 Deep Jungle Drift   By changing the camera angle near the flagpole a somewhat obscured ducking 8-bit Luigi can be seen in the distance.
World 6-5 Ty-Foo Flurries   Upon reaching a Sprixie with binoculars, players should go next to it and tilt the camera to the right. A small 8-bit Luigi can be seen behind the fence where the Sprixie is.
World 6-6 Bullet Bill Base   Upon reaching a Sprixie with binoculars, players should go next to it and tilt the camera to the right. A small 8-bit Luigi is on the corner of the fence where the Sprixie is.
World 6-7 Fuzzy Time Mine   An 8-bit Luigi can be found by burning a bush near the flagpole.

World Castle

Level Number Level Name Picture Luigi Location
World  Castle-1 Fort Fire Bros.   After defeating the Fire Bro at the end of the level and changing the camera angle to look down and to the right, an 8-bit Luigi can be seen inside one of the windows; this only appears after the Fire Bro is defeated.
World  Castle-2 Switchblack Ruins   By lighting the wall around the location of the Stamp by tapping it with the GamePad, a ducking 8-bit Luigi can be seen.
World  Castle-3 Red-Hot Run   At the end of the level, an 8-bit Luigi can faintly be seen on top of the volcano in the background.
World  Castle-4 Boiling Blue Bully Belt   8-bit Luigis can be found on the spiked rollers.
World  Castle-5 Trick Trap Tower   A large 8-bit Luigi can be seen on the wall near the first Green Star.
World  Castle-6 Rammerhead Reef   By looking off to the right near the Warp Pipe after the Checkpoint Flag, an 8-bit Luigi can be seen jumping on a rock in the distance.
World  Castle-7 Simmering Lava Lake   Changing the camera angle at the beginning of the level reveals an 8-bit Luigi on one side of the barrier behind the starting point.
World  Castle- Castle Bowser's Lava Lake Keep   Like the World 1 castle, an 8-bit Luigi can be seen during the cutscene showing the player entering the castle, over the entrance.

World Bowser

Level Number Level Name Picture Luigi Location
World  Bowser-1 Spiky Spike Bridge   By adjusting the camera near the first Warp Box, an 8-bit Luigi can be seen on the side of the ledge.
World  Bowser-2 Plessie's Dune Downhill   Similar to Sprawling Savanna, this Luigi is imprinted on the left side of the grass after the ride with Plessie.
World  Bowser-3 Cookie Cogworks   Near the Checkpoint Flag is a Sprixie with binoculars. If the player uses her to check the wall on the left, a figure of an 8-bit Luigi can be seen.
World  Bowser- Train The Bowser Express   During the first seconds of the intro, an 8-bit Luigi can faintly be seen outrunning the train.
  An 8-bit Luigi is seen near the Warp Pipe that leads to Pom Pom, imprinted right below a hidden block on the side of the train.
World  Bowser-4 Footlight Lane   Occasionally, an 8-bit Luigi can be seen on the back of the first Thwomp in the level.
World  Bowser-5 Deepwater Dungeon   Shortly after riding Plessie, players should be in Cat Mario form and climb the right wall. Then, players must jump to the adjacent wall and walk along the top of it until they reach the third stone block, where a crouching 8-bit Luigi can be seen.
World  Bowser-6 A Beam in the Dark   By waiting until 90 seconds at the first mirror in the level, a Luigi starts to move toward the player from inside the mirror's reflection before phasing through and into the actual level.
  By waiting until around thirty seconds remain on the timer and jumping on the flagpole, an 8-bit Luigi can be seen on the moon.
World  Bowser-7 Grumblump Inferno   An 8-bit Luigi can occasionally be seen on the second Grumblump after starting the level.
World  Bowser- Castle The Great Tower of Bowser Land   At the beginning of the stage, hitting the Koopa Chase Lv2 can cause an 8-bit Luigi to fly out.

World Star

World Number World Name Picture Luigi Location
World  Star-3 Rolling Ride Run   A Sprixie with binoculars can be used to check the second part of the level to see an 8-bit Luigi on the wall.
World  Star-4 The Great Goal Pole   By running along the endless path of Donut Blocks an 8-bit Luigi can eventually be seen.
World  Star-5 Super Block Land   Breaking a giant Brick Block next to the ground after the Checkpoint Flag reveals an 8-bit Luigi on the wall behind where it was.
World  Star-6 Honeycomb Starway   An 8-bit Luigi is on the upper right honeycomb next to the Warp Box.
World  Star-7 Gargantuan Grotto   An 8-bit Luigi can be seen at the bottom of one of the vines in the foreground of the level, near the first Green Star.

World Flower

World Number World Name Picture Luigi Location
World  Flower-9 Towering Sunshine Seaside   By heading to the left of the level and climbing one of the trees, the camera angle shifts to reveal an 8-bit Luigi over the timer.


Location Picture Luigi Location
Title Screen   An icon of Luigi will appear after Luigi Bros. has been unlocked.
Electronic Manual   An 8-bit Luigi can be seen at the bottom of Page 8 in the game's electronic manual.
(A picture will be coming) Luigi can be seen ducking in the Crouch section of the manual.
Intro   Several 8-bit Luigis are hidden among the items coming out of the Clear Pipe.
Ball minigame   In the ball minigame, sometimes, an 8-bit Luigi can appear on the ball.
Sprixie House   Moving the birds away from the windows reveals an 8-bit Luigi on the very left peeking in, which ducks down out of sight after a few seconds.
Confetti/snow   Levels featuring falling snow or confetti have 8-bit Luigis floating amongst them.
? Blocks   An 8 bit Luigi will occasionally pop out of a ? Block.
Lucky House   A Luigi sprite will appear for a split second during the showering of coins after winning.
Banzai Bill   All Banzai Bills and Cat Banzai Bills have an 8-bit Luigi on their thrusters, which can be seen from behind.
Stamp File:8bitLuigiStamp-SM3DW.png In the Crown World's Sprixie House, the stamp obtained is a 8-bit Luigi.

See also