List of WarioWare: Get It Together! quotes

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This article is under construction. Therefore, please excuse its informal appearance while it is being worked on. We hope to have it completed as soon as possible.

This is a list of quotes pertaining to WarioWare: Get It Together!




Winning a microgame

  • "Haha!"
  • "BAM!"
  • "So cool!"
  • "Rad!"
  • "Haha!" - Within microgame
  • "Yay!" - Within microgame
  • "Sweet!" - Within microgame
  • "So easy!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "No big!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Aced it!" - Completing Memory/Attention-based game
  • "Duh." - Completing microgame when considered as a Very Good Fit
  • "Nifty!" - Completing microgame when considered as a Very Bad Fit
  • "Epic ride!" - (Multiple of 10) microgames won in a row
  • "I got this." - One life left

Losing a microgame

  • "(cries)"
  • "Not cool..."
  • "It wasn't me!" - Losing microgame when considered as a Very Good Fit
  • "So what?" - Losing microgame when considered as a Very Bad Fit
  • "My lives!" - One life left


  • "Press Play!" - Game start
  • "My turn!" - Ready
  • "Let's go!" - Ready
  • "Game over..." - Game over
  • "Top that score!" - New high score
  • "Ugh... I'm not tired..." - Quit



  • "Check it! I'm here too!"
  • "And get this... I can throw this disc on my head as many times as I want!"
  • "And know what's even better? I don't have to move!"
  • "Hmm... I bet that was a game bug. They make games act all glitchy."


Winning a microgame

  • "Yeah, yeah!"
  • "Check it!"
  • "Ta-daaa!"
  • "Alright!"
  • "I did it!"
  • "Boom!"
  • "I got it!"
  • "Too easy!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "No sweat!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "That's my jam!" - Completing microgame when considered as a Very Good Fit
  • "Wowza!" - Completing microgame when considered as a Very Bad Fit
  • "Right on!" - Within microgame
  • "Hehe!" - Within microgame
  • "Whoo!" - Within microgame

Losing a microgame

  • "Aw, shucks!"
  • "No way!" - Losing microgame when considered as a Very Good Fit
  • "My bad." - Losing microgame when considered as a Very Bad Fit
  • "(Disappointed groan)" - Within microgame
  • "Uh-oh!" - One life left


  • "This is it!" - Game start
  • "Aw, yeah!" - Ready
  • "Fire it up!" - Ready
  • "On it!" - Ready
  • "Turn it up!" - Speed up
  • "Gettin' faster!" - Speed up
  • "Boss time!" - Boss stage
  • "Earned that!" - 1-up
  • "Making money!" - Bonus stage

Jimmy T.


  • "Yo, hurry up and show us!"



  • "Ooh, it's all done?"
  • "What's wrong with it?"


Winning a microgame

  • "Ninja-riffic!"
  • "I win!"
  • "Kid stuff!"


  • "Ready!" - Ready
  • "Ninja speed!" - Speed up




Winning a microgame

  • "In tune."
  • "That computes."
  • "Sing it."
  • "(hums)"
  • "Yay." - Within microgame
  • "Good!" - Within microgame
  • "Mm-hmm!" - Within microgame
  • "Pah." - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking

Losing a microgame

  • "Sad robot."
  • "Angry..."
  • "Womp womp."
  • "Oh..."
  • "Tech support!"
  • "Warning!" - One life left


  • "Initiating." - Game start
  • "Activated." - Ready
  • "(freestyles)" - Ready
  • "Go time!" - Ready
  • "That is all." - Game over
  • "High score! Yes!" - New high score
  • "Powering dooooooown..." - Quit



  • "All our hard work!"
  • "Hello! Wario, is that you?"
  • "AHHHH! My scooter! It won't stop!"
  • "What a mess! My level looks awful!"
  • "Bugs... inside the game... did THIS? Unacceptable! Let's go!"
  • "Be good!"
  • "I'm home!" (spoken)
  • "Oh no!"
  • "What a mess!" (spoken)
  • "Behave!"
  • "Really?!" (spoken)
  • "All tidied up. Good work, everyone!"


Winning a microgame

  • "Cool!"
  • "Walk in the park!"
  • "(Giggles)"
  • "Yay!" - Within microgame
  • "Impressed?" - Completing microgame when considered as a Very Good Fit

Losing a microgame

  • "No good..."


  • "Let's ride!" - Game start
  • "Ready!" - Ready
  • "Beep, beep!" - Ready
  • "Ciao!" - Ready
  • "Rev it up!" - Speed up
  • "Beep, beep! Faster!" - Speed up
  • "Challenge accepted!" - Boss stage
  • "And that's how it's done!" - Complete



  • "My game! It's finished!"
  • "Yes! This is it! My best one yet!"
  • "Huh?"
  • "Gaaah!"
  • "Huh? What's this?"
  • "No wonder I feel like flying. I AM flying!"
  • "Is it because I'm inside the game? Bah, who cares! This is going to come in handy!"
  • "Is this... It is! It's the level I made!"
  • "Huh?"
  • "Eh?!"
  • "That thing! It messed up everything it touched!"
  • "This is bad. It's going to ruin my level!"
  • "GAH! WAIT!"
  • "Start! Start! Start!"
  • "There you are! You can't hide from Wario!"
  • "OK! Time to smash some bugs!"
  • "Get a load of this place. The bugs really did a number on it, eh?"


Winning a microgame

  • "Oh yeah!"
  • "Alright!"
  • "I win!"
  • "Ho-ho!"
  • "Take that!"
  • "Nailed it!"
  • "Ha-ha!" - Within microgame
  • "Yes!" - Within microgame
  • "Hah!" - Within microgame
  • "Piece of cake!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Easy peasy!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Of course!" - Completing microgame when considered as a Very Good Fit
  • "Not bad..!" - Completing microgame when considered as a Very Bad Fit

Losing a microgame

  • "Oh, boo."
  • "Gaahh..."
  • "Drat!"
  • "Rats!"
  • "Not nice!"
  • "Oh, pfffft."
  • "Awrwrwrwrwr..."
  • "No way!" -Losing microgame when considered a Very Good Fit
  • "Eh, whatever." - Losing microgame when considered a Very Bad Fit
  • "Last chance." One life left
  • "Ow!" - Damaged within microgame
  • "D-oh!" - Damaged within microgame


  • "Wario Time!" - Game start
  • "It's-a me!" - Ready
  • "Haha-haa!" - Ready
  • "Why not?" - Ready
  • "Faster! FASTER!" - Speed up
  • "Wah! Keep up!" - Speed up
  • "Bring it on!" - Boss stage
  • "Heh, heh, heh. Pretty good, eh?" - Complete
  • "Needed that!" - 1-up
  • "Cha-ching!" - Bonus stage
  • "No match for me!" - Level up

Young Cricket


  • "Mr. Wario! There you are!"
  • "Time to join forces. It's the only way! C'mon, let's tag team our foe!"
  • "Whoa! The corruption... It's disappearing!"
  • "I see. So, if we get rid of the bugs... everything will go back to normal?"
  • "This is no time to rest. We must keep going!"


Winning a microgame

  • "Impressive!"
  • "Wow!"
  • "Great!"
  • "Ho-ahh!"
  • "Take that!"
  • "Done!"
  • "Simple."
  • "Good!" - Within microgame
  • "Indeed!" - Within microgame
  • "Nice!" - Within microgame
  • "Naturally." - Completing microgame when considered as a Very Good Fit
  • "(Astonished laugh)" - Completing microgame when considered as a Very Bad Fit
  • "Perfect!" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
  • "No pressure!" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life

Losing a microgame

  • "Fumbling..."
  • "Lost focus..."
  • "Off balance..."
  • "I've failed..."
  • "(Disappointed groan)" - Within microgame
  • "Last chance..." - One life left


  • "Let's begin!" - Game start
  • "I'm ready!" - Ready
  • "On it!" - Ready
  • "Hyah!" - Ready
  • "Prepare for speed!" - Speed up
  • "Kick it up!" - Speed up
  • "Formidable..." - Boss stage
  • "Phew!" - 1-up
  • "Time to focus!" - Level up
  • "So it ends here..." - Game over
  • "Yes! New high score!" - New high score
  • "We rest... for now." - Quit