List of WarioWare: Get It Together! quotes: Difference between revisions

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{{rewrite|Remove non-quotes; exclamations like "Gah!" are not quotes}}
{{italic title|List of ''WarioWare: Get It Together!'' quotes}}
{{italic title|List of ''WarioWare: Get It Together!'' quotes}}
This is a list of quotes pertaining to ''[[WarioWare: Get It Together!]]''
This is a list of quotes pertaining to ''[[WarioWare: Get It Together!]]''
*"''So sweet!''" (spoken)
*"''Grrrr! 9-Volt!''"
*"''Unacceptable! You know better than to wander off by yourself! It's not safe!''"
*"''Oh my... getting upset... makes me so... sleepy...''"
*"''Onwards and upwards! There's no time to lose!''"
*"''My, my, wasn't that fun!''"
*"''Hey! What on earth are we going to do with this giant bug?''"

====Winning a microgame====
*"''What a win!''"
*"''Works for me!''"
*"''So proud!''"
*"''Oh, my!''" - Within microgame
*"''Correct!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Still got it!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Barely made it.''" - Winning after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Quick work!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''No worries!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''Well, yes!''" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''What a twist!''" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Spotless!''" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
*"''Stick with it!''" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life
====Losing a microgame====
*"''Not my best.''"
*"''Good try.''"
*"''Step it up.''"
*"''Don't think so!''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Excuse me?!''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''I'm hurt!''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Hang on!''" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Stay positive.''" - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''What's this!?''" - One life left
*"''What to do...''" - Losing three microgames in a row
*"''Too hot!''" - Burned
*"''Game start!''" - Game start
*"''Happy to!''" - Ready
*"''I'm right here!''" - Ready
*"''Better hurry!''" - Speed up
*"''Ready as ever!''" - Speed up
*"''Mom is on it!''" - Boss stage
*"''Just try me.''" - Boss stage with only one life
*"''Just in time!''" - 1-Up
*"''Done and done!''" - Story complete
*"''Outta my way!''" - Bonus stage
*"''Let's have fun!''" - Level up
*"''Noooo!''" - Game over
*"''What a shame...''" - Game over
*"''New score to beat!''" - New high score
*"''Well done!''" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
*"''It all paid off!''" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
*"''Try, try again!''" - Play again/Continue
*"''Can't give up now!''" - Continuing on first playthrough
*"''Time to rest...''" - Quit
===Break Room===
*"''It's under control!''" - Select
*"''Onwards and upwards!''" - Select
*"''We'll do our best!''" - Select
*"''I simply adore it!''" - {{color|↑↑↑|red}} Prezzy
*"''Thank you so much!''" - {{color|↑↑|orange}} Prezzy
*"''How'd you know?''" - {{color|↑|gold}} Prezzy
*"''Aww... aren't you sweet.''" - {{color|↑|green}} Prezzy
*"''It's the thought that counts.''" - {{color|↑|blue}} Prezzy
*"''This oughta come in handy!''" - Level up

*"''My skateboard... it's...''"
*"''Rad! Did you see that? That was so scary... and SO AWESOME!''"
*"''Huh? What's wrong with my level? Is it broken?''"
*"''OK then, let's go get 'em. Nobody messes with my games!''"
*"''She's coming!''"
*"''Haha! Talk about a KO!''"
*"''We can cover a lot of ground in that.''"
*"''Uh, I have a bad feeling about this. Forget the mine cart. Let's go this way instead.''"
*"''Aaaah! Mom!''"
*"''She has these... out-of-body experiences, I guess.''"
*"''Get back here!''"
*"''THREE of our friends! You gotta help us!''"
*"''Huh? Is that... [[Pyoro]]?''"
*"''I knew it! It's Pyoro, star of that super-popular game!''"
====Winning a microgame====
*"''So cool!''"
*"''Look at me!''"
*"''Yay!''" - Within microgame
*"''Sweet!''" - Within microgame
*"''So easy!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''No big!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''Aced it!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''I knew it!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Duh.''" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Nifty!''" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Epic run!''" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
*"''I got this.''" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life
====Losing a microgame====
*"''Got an F!''"
*"''Got me...''"
*"''Not cool!''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Ow...''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Come on!''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Huh!?''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''It wasn't me!''" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''So what...?''" - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''My lives!''" - One life left
*"''This stinks!''" - Losing three microgames in a row
*"''Hot!''" - Burned
*"''Press Play!''" - Game start
*"''My turn!''" - Ready
*"''Let's go!''" - Ready
*"''I'm up!''" - Ready
*"''Haha, faster!''" - Speed up
*"''Speedrun!''" - Speed up
*"''Yes! Boss battle!''" - Boss stage
*"''So intense!''" - Boss stage with only one life
*"''Oh... that was epic!''" - Story complete
*"''1-Up!''" - 1-Up
*"''Allowance time!''" - Bonus stage
*"''Here we go!''" - Level up
*"''Game over...''" - Game over
*"''Agh... good game.''" - Game over
*"''Top that score!''" - New high score
*"''Heroic!''" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
*"''Solid score!''" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
*"''Yes, another turn!''" - Play again/Continue
*"''Let's keep playing!''" - Continuing on first playthrough
*"''Ugh... I'm not tired...''" - Quit
===Break Room===
*"''9-Volt joins the party!''" - Select
*"''No contest!''" - Select
*"''Adventure awaits!''" - Select
*"''Yay! Just what I wanted!''" - {{color|↑↑↑|red}} Prezzy
*"''Awesome, thanks!''" - {{color|↑↑|orange}} Prezzy
*"''Thanks a lot!''" - {{color|↑|gold}} Prezzy
*"''I... guess I'll take it.''" - {{color|↑|green}} Prezzy
*"''Huh, okay...''" - {{color|↑|blue}} Prezzy
*"''Leveled up!''" - Level up

*"''Check it! I'm here too!''"
*"''And get this... I can throw this disc on my head as many times as I want!''"
*"''And know what's even better? I don't have to move!''"
*"''Hmm... I bet that was a [[game bug]]. They make games act all glitchy.''"
*"''Hey, I could get used to this!''"
*"''Yikes! 9-Volt?!''"
*"''Totally! There's these bugs in the game, and they're chewing it all up!''"

==[[Kat and Ana|Ana]]==
====Winning a microgame====
*"''Yeah, yeah!''"
*"''Check it!''"
*"''I did it!''"
*"''Right on!''" - Within microgame
*"''Hehe!''" - Within microgame
*"''Whoo!''" - Within microgame
*"''See that?''" - Winning after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Too easy!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''No sweat!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''I got it!!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''I'm right?!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''That's my jam!''" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Wowza!''" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Like a pro!''" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
*"''I got this!''" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life

==[[Ashley and Red|Ashley]]==
====Losing a microgame====
*"''Come on...''"
*"''No no no!''"
*"''That's rough.''"
*"''Aw, shucks!'''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Lousy!''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Hey!''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''No way!''" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''My bad.''" - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Uh-oh!''" - One life left
*"''Snap out of it!''" - Losing three microgames in a row
*"''Ouchie!''" - Burned
*"''This is it!''" - Game start
*"''Aw, yeah!''" - Ready
*"''Fire it up!''" - Ready
*"''I'm in!''" - Ready
*"''Turn it up!''" - Speed up
*"''Gettin' faster!''" - Speed up
*"''No match for me!''" - Level up
*"''Boss time!''" - Boss stage
*"''No problem!''" - Boss stage with only one life
*"''My raps are the best!''" - Story complete
*"''Earned that!''" - 1-Up
*"''Making money!''" - Bonus stage
*"''Guess that's that.''" - Game over
*"''Ah, not cool!''" - Game over
*"''Woah... high score!''" - New high score
*"''Killer score!''" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
*"''Nice one!''" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
*"''Let's go again!''" - Play again/Continue
*"''I'm not done yet!''" - Continuing on first playthrough
*"''I'm wiped out...''" - Quit
===Break Room===
*"''Time to hit play!''" - Select
*"''Yo, here we go!''" - Select
*"''Yeah, let's do this!''" - Select
*"''Yeah, yeah! This is great!''" - {{color|↑↑↑|red}} Prezzy
*"''I'm feelin' it!''" - {{color|↑↑|orange}} Prezzy
*"''Okie-dokie!''" - {{color|↑|gold}} Prezzy
*"''That's... somethin'.''" - {{color|↑|green}} Prezzy
*"''I guess...''" - {{color|↑|blue}} Prezzy
*"''That's how I roll!''" - Level up
==[[Kat & Ana|Ana]]==
*"''Hyaaa! Hyaaa!''"
*"''We can't help it! Our legs won't stop jumping!''"
*"''NAP TIME!''"
*"''STAR POWER!''"
*"''You got it, Sis!''"
*"''Oooh, I'm scared!''"
*"''This stuff won't go away until we take out those mean ol' game bugs.''"
*"''Bad Wario!''"
====Winning a microgame====
*"''Take that!''"
*"''A+!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Gold star!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Oh, wow!''" - Winning after damaged and KO'd in microgame
*"''So fun!''" - Completing a microgame long before bomb starts ticking
*"''Zippy!''" - Completing a microgame long before bomb starts ticking
*"''Aww, shucks.''" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Aw snap!''" - Completing a microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Wowsers!''" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
====Losing a microgame====
*"''Aw, pickles.''"
*"''Oh no!''"
*"''Stinker...''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Oops.''"- Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Hey now!''" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''I tried.''" - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Yipes!''" - One life left
*"''Carrot sticks!''" - Losing three microgames in a row
*"''Hot!''" - Burned
*"''My turn!''" - Game start
*"''Oh, goodie!''" - Ready
*"''Yay!''" - Ready
*"''I'm in!''" - Ready
*"''Here we go!''" - Speed up
*"''Ninja speed!''" - Speed up
*"''Meanie...''" - Boss stage
*"''I'll show 'em!''" - Boss stage with only one life
*"''I did it! I did it!''" - Story complete
*"''Sparklies!''" - Bonus stage
*"''I can do it!''" - Level up
*"''Fun's over...''" - Game over
*"''Whee! High score!''" - New high score
*"''Look at that!''" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
*"''Neato!''" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
*"''Again, again!''" - Play again/Continue
*"''Ready for more!''" - Continuing on first playthrough
*"''I need a snack...''" - Quit
===Break Room===
*"''Mission accepted!''" - Select
*"''Ninja at the ready!''" - Select
*"''I can't wait!''" - Select
*"''I'm so, so happy!''" - {{color|↑↑↑|red}} Prezzy
*"''Whoa, I love it!''" - {{color|↑↑|orange}} Prezzy
*"''You're sooo nice!''" - {{color|↑|gold}} Prezzy
*"''Uh, okay. Thanks.''" - {{color|↑|green}} Prezzy
*"''Do I hafta?''" - {{color|↑|blue}} Prezzy
*"''I'm a big ninja now!''" - Level up
*"''Oh joy. And here I was finally having some fun.''"
*"''Why should I?''"
*"''Please. Of course you do.''"
*"''Entrée incantato.''" (spoken)
*"''Abra-ca-hamburger.''" (spoken)
*"''Snacko-attacko.''" (spoken)
*"''Red, what have you done now?''"
====Winning a microgame====
*"''That'll do.''"
*"''Mmm, yes.''"
*"''Good.''" - Within microgame
*"''Simple.''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''Whatever.''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''Please.''" - Winning after damaged and KO'd in microgame
*"''Heh, heh.''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Thought so.''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Of course...''" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Well, well.''" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Perfect.''" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
*"''Tricky.''" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life
====Losing a microgame====
*"''A shame.''"
*"''I failed?''"
*"''Oh.''" - Within microgame
*"''Hmm...'' - Within microgame
*"''I see.''" - Within microgame
*"''Broomsticks...''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''The horror...''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Excuse me?''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Curses!''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Strange.''" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Bad luck...''" - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Beware.''" - One life left
*"''Ghastly.''" - Losing three microgames in a row
*"''Let's begin.''" - Game start
*"''If I must.''" - Ready
*"''Fine.''" - Ready
*"''Why not?''" - Ready
*"''Keep up.''" - Speed up
*"''Let's fly.''" - Speed up
*"''It's time.''" - Boss stage
*"''I fear nothing.''" - Boss stage with only one life
*"''Oh, joy.''" - 1-Up
*"''Hm... how very amusing...''" - Story complete
*"''Treasure awaits.''" - Bonus stage
*"''A challenge, at last.''" - Level up
*"''Time to ghost...''" - Game Over
*"''Spell's broken...''" - Game Over
*"''Flying high.''" - New high score
*"''Magical.''" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
*"''Not bad.''" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
*"''Once more can't hurt.''" - Play again/Continue
*"''I'm not done here.''" - Continuing on first playthrough
*"''Time to rest a spell...''" - Quit
===Break Room===
*"''Hocus-pocus.''" - Select
*"''Oh, fine.''" - Select
*"''Let's scare up some fun.''" - Select
*"''I'm... pleased.''" - {{color|↑↑↑|red}} Prezzy
*"''Thanks.''" - {{color|↑↑|orange}} Prezzy
*"''This is... acceptable.''" - {{color|↑|gold}} Prezzy
*"''Hmm...''" - {{color|↑|green}} Prezzy
*"''*Sighs*''" - {{color|↑|blue}} Prezzy
*"''Yes. I like it.''" - Level up

==[[Dr. Crygor]]==
==[[Dr. Crygor]]==
*"''Hrmm... am I swimming? Am I flying? Paddle, paddle, paddle! Look at my flippers go!''"
*"''Indeed, what the gallium is going on around here?''"
*"''I don't recall my level looking like this at all.''"
*"''Ah! You're here too? Extraordinary!''"
*"''My part of the game... something's gone awry! Do you know what it might be?''"
*"''Game bugs? Glitches? Wonderful! I shall be sure to study them in my laboratory!''"
*"''They work!''" (spoken)
*"''Precisely!''" (spoken)
*"''Not again!''" (spoken)
*"''You see! I AM a genius!''"
*"''Mike! There you are! I'm not letting you out of my sight again. You're coming with us.''"
*"''What's with all the bouncing? You look like a couple of tiny kangaroos!''"
*"''It is rather s-s-spooky!''"
*"''I am not! My superior intellect is incapable of such an irrational fear.''"
*"''I say! The corruption is particularly pervasive here.''"
*"''OH NO!''"
*"''My intellect IS truly formidable, but this... this is rather beyond even me.''"
*"''Ah! I've got it! Let's see if my granddaughter Penny can be of assistance.''"
*"''Alright then, I'll give Penny a call.''"
*"''Ah, so glad you're here! Allow me to explain...''"

==[[Dribble and Spitz|Dribble]]==
====Winning a microgame====
*"''I see!''"
*"''Perfection!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"'''Twas nothing!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''Correct!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Precisely!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''My, my!''" - Winning after being damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''But of course!''" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Auspicious...!''" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Exciting!''" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
*"''Carry on!''" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life

==[[Jimmy T.]]==
====Losing a microgame====
==[[Kat and Ana|Kat]]==
*"''I say, now!''"
===Winning a microgame===
*"''A travesty!''"
*"''For shame!''"
*''"I win!"''
*"''Nonsense!''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*''"Kid stuff!"''
*"''Drat!''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''That stings!''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd in microgame
*"''Ruuude!''" - Losing after damaged and KO’d in microgame
*"''Impossible!''" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Dreadful...''" - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Beware!''" - One life left
*"''Oh dear.''" - Losing 3 microgames in a row
*"''It burns...''" - Burned
*"''Let's begin!''" - Game start
*"''For science!''" - Ready
*"''Of course!''" - Ready
*"''I'm honored!''" - Ready
*"''Faster! Chop-chop!''" - Speed up
*"''Quickly, now!''" - Speed up
*"''Steady, now!''" - Boss stage
*"''The pressure!''" - Boss stage with only one life
*"''A successful experiment!''" - Story complete
*"''Thank gallium!''" - 1-Up
*"''Riches await!''" - Bonus stage
*"''Most amusing!''" - Level up
*"''I'm done for...''" - Game Over
*"''Back to the drawing board...''" - Game Over
*"''What a score!''" - New high score
*"''Impressive results!''" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
*"''Not bad at all!''" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
*"''Another go it is!''" - Play again/Continue
*"''I have work to do.''" - Continuing on first playthrough
*"''My work here is done...''" - Quit
===Break Room===
*"''Dr. Crygor at your service!''" - Select
*"''The experiment... begins!''" - Select
*"''Genius at work!''" - Select
*"''Splendid I say, splendid!''" - {{color|↑↑↑|red}} Prezzy
*"''I am grateful, to be sure.''" - {{color|↑↑|orange}} Prezzy
*"''You have my thanks.''" - {{color|↑|gold}} Prezzy
*"''I shall accept this.''" - {{color|↑|green}} Prezzy
*"''Oh, honestly, now.''" - {{color|↑|blue}} Prezzy
*"''I am a genius, after all.''" - Level up
==[[Dribble & Spitz|Dribble]]==
*"''Wario! We've been lookin' for you!''"
*"''We took a look around. There are messes like this all over the place!''"
*"''Let's go exterminate some bugs then!''"
*"''We'll show you the stars!''" (spoken)
*"''We're back!''"
*"''Unbelievable! Every single time!''"
====Winning a microgame====
*"''That's it!''"
*"''Nailed it!''"
*"''How 'bout that?''"
*"''Not bad!''"
*"''Booyah!''" - Within microgame
*"''No sweat!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''That's nothin'!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''Correct-a-mundo!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Heh!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Close shave!''" - Winning after being damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''What'cha expect?''" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Ya don't say?''" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Cruisin'!''" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
*"''Keep it up!''" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life
====Losing a microgame====
*"''You're kiddin' me!''"
*"''Come on!''"
*"''Grr!''" - Within microgame
*"''Aww...''" - Within microgame
*"''Hmm...''" - Within microgame
*"''Oopsy.''"- Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''For real?!''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Humiliating!''" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Forget about it.''" - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Fender bender!''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Watch it.''" - One life left
*"''The worst!''" - Losing 3 microgames in a row
*"''Ooh! Hot!''" - Burned
*"''Let's go!''" - Game start
*"''Okay, okay.''" - Ready
*"''Vroom, vroom!''" - Ready
*"''You bet!''" - Ready
*"''Hit the gas!''" - Speed up
*"''Floor it!''" - Speed up
*"''Here I go!''" - Boss stage
*"''Toughen up!''" - Boss stage with only one life
*"''We did good!''" - Story complete
*"''Aw yeah!''" - 1-Up
*"''Rake it in!''" - Bonus stage
*"''Buckle up!''" - Level up
*"''Red light...''" - Game over
*"''I'm out!''" - Game over
*"''High score, eh?''" - High score
*"''Out of this world!''" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
*"''Nice drivin'!''" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
*"''Motor's runnin'!''" - Play again/Continue
*"''I've got the wheel.''" - Continuing on first playthrough
*"''Tank's on empty...''" - Quit
===Break Room===
*"''Dribble drive!''" - Select
*"''Hold on tight!''" - Select
*"''It's go time!''" - Select
*"''Whoa, thanks a lot, pal!''" - {{color|↑↑↑|red}} Prezzy
*"''For me? Aw, you shouldn't have!''" - {{color|↑↑|orange}} Prezzy
*"''That's really somethin'!''" - {{color|↑|gold}} Prezzy
*"''I'll... take what I can get.''" - {{color|↑|green}} Prezzy
*"''Eh, I ain't sayin' no.''" - {{color|↑|blue}} Prezzy
*"''Hey, I got a promotion!''" - Level up
*"''Prepare to swap!''"
*"''Almost swapping time...''"
*"''Swap incoming!''"
*"''Aaaand swap!''"
*"''Remain strong!''"
*"''Don't let me down!''"
*"''Good luck to you!''"
*"''Last swap!''"
*"''Hurry, now!''"
*"''It's almost over...''"
*"''A valiant effort!''"
*"''I am in awe.''"
==[[Jimmy T]]==
*"''Yo, hurry up and show us!''"
*"''Oh YEAH!''"
*"''Aw, my dance floor...''"
*"''Alright! Game bugs don't stand a chance against my dance moves.''"
*"''Start the music!''"
*"''Ha HA! That was groovy!''"
*"''So, like, what's up with your mom... and, uh, your other mom?''"
*"''Your mom's got spooky moves, eh? That's weird. I dig it!''"
*"''That didn't look like any ordinary game bug, ya dig? Stay on your toes!''"
*"''Oh yeah! The glitches are fadin' away!''"
*"''Haha! Time to shuffle on outta here!''"
*"''Alright! Somethin' tells me they're in this tower. Time to boogie!''"
====Winning a microgame====
*"''Real cool!''"
*"''Feel the heat!''"
*"''I like it!''"
*"''Yeah!''" - Within microgame
*"''Ha-ha!''" - Within microgame
*"''Smooth!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''No sweat!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''Alright!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''All good!''" - Winning after damaged and KO'd in microgame
*"''Uh-huh!''" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''How 'bout that?''" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''On fire!''" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
*"''Careful now!''" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life
====Losing a microgame====
*"''Man oh man...''"
*"''Too bad.''"
*"''My bad.''"
*"''So close.''"
*"''Busted!''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''No good.''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Not cool!''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''No way!''" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''C'est la vie!''" - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Watch it.''" - One life left
*"''Not groovy!''" - Losing three microgames in a row
*"''Scorcher!''" - Burned
*"''Hey, DJ!''" - Game start
*"''Okay!''" - Ready
*"''Right on!''" - Ready
*"''Come on!''" - Ready
*"''Heatin' up!''" - Speed up
*"''Move to the beat!''" - Speed up
*"''Now we're talking!''" - Boss stage
*"''Stay cool!''" - Boss stage with only one life
*"''I dig it!''" - 1-Up
*"''Haha! Nailed it!''" - Story complete
*"''Party time!''" - Bonus stage
*"''Next level!''" - Level up
*"''Two left feet.''" - Game over
*"''Lost the beat.''" - Game over
*"''Can't beat that!''" - New high score
*"''Fantastic!''" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
*"''Solid moves!''" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
*"''Got all night.''" - Play again/Continue
*"''The beat goes on.''" - Continuing on first playthrough
*"''My feet are flat.''" - Quit
===Break Room===
*"''Hit it!''" - Select
*"''Let's dance!''" - Select
*"''Time to boogie!''" - Select
*"''Oh, yeah! That's groovy!''" - {{color|↑↑↑|red}} Prezzy
*"''Out of sight!''" - {{color|↑↑|orange}} Prezzy
*"''Pretty cool.''" - {{color|↑|gold}} Prezzy
*"''Nice. Nice.''" - {{color|↑|green}} Prezzy
*"''Uhh... alright...''" - {{color|↑|blue}} Prezzy
*"''Groovalicious!''" - Level up
==[[Kat & Ana|Kat]]==
*"''Ooh, it's all done?''"
*"''What's wrong with it?''"
*"''Hyaaa! Hyaaa!''"
*"''Hey! We found you!''"
*"''Ha! It's probably just our suuuuper awesome ninja powers!''"
*"''Listen up! Something really weird jumped into our level!''"
*"''You can help us take it down... if you're not too scared!''"
*"''NAP TIME!''"
*"''STAR POWER!''"
*"''Let's get him!''"
*"''We did it! Mission complete!''"
*"''We can fix it, but we gotta take out those rotten game bugs!''"
*"''Bad Wario!''"
====Winning a microgame====
*"''I win!''"
*"''Take that!''"
*"''Yes!''" - Within microgame
*"''Kid stuff!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''Simple!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''Got it!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Ha ha!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Yikes!''" - Winning after damaged and KO'd in microgame
*"''Cool.''" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''I did it...''" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Flawless!''" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
*"''Stay sharp!''" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life
====Losing a microgame====
*"''That stinks!''"
*"''The worst.''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''No way!''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''What?!''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Oh no...''" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Good try.''" - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Watch out...''" - One life left
*"''Awful!''" - Losing three microgames in a row
*"''Hot!''" - Burned
*"''So ready!''" - Game start
*"''Ready!''" - Ready
*"''Leave it to me.''" - Ready
*"''On it!''" - Ready
*"''Ninja speed!''" - Speed up
*"''Faster it is!''" - Speed up
*"''Fiend...''" - Boss stage
*''"I'll show 'em!''" - Boss stage with only one life
*"''Mission complete!''" - Story complete
*"''Reward time!''" - Bonus stage
*"''Prepare yourself.''" - Level up
*"''It's over...''" - Game Over
*"''Too bad...''" - Game Over
*"''High-flying score!''" - New high score
*"''Terrific score!''" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
*"''Good one!''" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
*"''A ninja never quits!''" - Play again/Continue
*"''Back in the fight!''" - Continuing on first playthrough
*"''I need a nap...''" - Quit
===Break Room===
*"''Mission accepted!''" - Select
*"''Ninja at the ready!''" - Select
*"''I'll do my best!''" - Select
*"''Wow, this is the best!''" - {{color|↑↑↑|red}} Prezzy
*"''I am thankful for your kindness!''" - {{color|↑↑|orange}} Prezzy
*"''Thank you very much.''" - {{color|↑|gold}} Prezzy
*"''Um... sure. Heh, why not?''" - {{color|↑|green}} Prezzy
*"''I... will... take it?''" - {{color|↑|blue}} Prezzy
*"''I feel so grown up!''" - Level up
*"''Prepare for ninja spell...''"
*"''Ninja spell...''"
*"''LION'S ROAR!''"

*''"Ready!"'' - Ready
*''"Ninja speed!"'' - Speed up
*"''Oh! Cricket!''"
*"''You came to rescue me! You are so, so, SOOO amazing!''"
*"''Um... I think it took this elevator to Floor 5.''"
*"''I can't wait to see what happens next!''"
*"''Oh! There it is! That's the thing that kidnapped me!''"
*"''Hey! What are YOU doing in our game?!''"

==[[Young Cricket and Master Mantis|Master Mantis]]==
====Winning a microgame====
*"''Good stuff!''"
*"''All me!''"
*"''Love it!''"
*"''So good!''" - Within microgame
*"''Ya like that?''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''Pssh, easy!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''Score!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Called it!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Missed me!''" - Winning after being damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Next!''" -  Completing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''I've got skills!''" -  Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Flawless!''" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
*"''In the zone!''" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life
====Losing a microgame====
*"''Aw, nuts!''"
*"''No no no!''"
*"''No fair!''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Ouchie!''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Get over it!''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Ah geez!''" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Whaaatever.''" - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Uh-oh.''" - One life left
*"''For real?''" - Losing three microgames in a row
*"''Hot! Hot! Hot!''" - Burned
====Intermission ====
*"''Lemme at 'em!''" - Game start
*"''Game time!''" - Ready
*"''Watch out!''" - Ready
*"''Oh, I'm ready!''" - Speed up
*"''Hah, let's do this!''" - Speed up
*"''No fear!''" - Boss stage
*"''I can take 'em!''" - Boss stage with only one life
*"''Safe!''" - 1-Up
*"''I'm the best!''" - Story complete
*"''Me first, me first!''" - Bonus stage
*"''I’m fired up!''" - Level up
*"''This isn't over!''" - Game over
*"''What a letdown.''" - Game over
*"''Best score yet!''" - New high score
*"''I rule!''" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
*"''I'm killin' it!''" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
*"''Gimme a redo!''" - Play again/Continue
*"''There's no stopping me!''" - Continuing on first playthrough
*"''(yawns) Just a quick nap...''" - Quit
===Break Room===
*"''Lulu's on it!''" - Select
*"''I was born ready!''" - Select
*"''Let's play!''" - Select
*"''This totally rocks!''" - {{color|↑↑↑|red}} Prezzy
*"''Whoa! So cool!''" - {{color|↑↑|orange}} Prezzy
*"''No way. For me?''" - {{color|↑|gold}} Prezzy
*"''Yeah, okay.''" - {{color|↑|green}} Prezzy
*"''Seriously?''" - {{color|↑|blue}} Prezzy
*"''Nothing's gonna stop me!''" - Level up
==[[Master Mantis]]==
*"''I am most grateful for your assistance.''"
*"''Hmmm... yes... I sense our foe's presence coming from somewhere on Floor 10.''"
*"''Let's go! One of us remains captive. We mustn't fail now!''"
*"''Perhaps this is the end you seek... Treasure not the gold but the journey it inspired.''"
====Winning a microgame====
*"''A triumph!''"
*"''Mmm. Clever.''"
*"''I see!''" - Within microgame
*"''Yes!''" - Within microgame
*"''Oho!''" - Within microgame
*"''Swiftly done!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''Strike fast!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''As I thought!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Ah-ha!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Moving on.''" - Winning after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Mm-hmm!''" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Masterful!''" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Good form!''" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
*"''Stay alert!''" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life
====Losing a microgame====
*"''Learn from this.''"
*"''Not good.''"
*"''How humbling.''"
*"''Stand strong!''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Unacceptable.''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Curious...''" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Onwards.''" - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''I'm... fine.''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Stay afloat!''" - One life left
*"''Regain focus.''" - Losing 3 microgames in a row
*"''Hot...''" - Burned
*"''We begin!''" - Game start
*"''I accept!''" - Ready
*"''You chose well.''" - Ready
*"''A challenge!''" - Ready
*"''Act quickly now!''" - Speed up
*"''Prepare yourself.''" - Speed up
*"''Stay centered!''" - Boss stage
*"''I shall not lose!''" - Boss stage with only one life
*"''That... is the way of the Mantis.''" - Story complete
*"''I approve.''" - 1-Up
*"''A golden opportunity!''" - Bonus stage
*"''A new challenge!''" - Level up
*"''I regret nothing.''" - Game over
*"''My path ends here.''" - Game over
*"''New heights!''" - New high score
*"''My strength grows!''" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
*"''A worthy outcome!''" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
*"''Ah, a clean slate.''" - Play again/Continue
*"''One's training never ends.''" - Continuing on first playthrough
*"''Resting is beneficial.''" - Quit
===Break Room===
*"''Training begins now.''" - Select
*"''We must act with intention.''" - Select
*"''My only fear... is fear.''" - Select
*"''A wonderous surprise!''" - {{color|↑↑↑|red}} Prezzy
*"''I'm filled with gratitude!''" - {{color|↑↑|orange}} Prezzy
*"''I thank you.''" - {{color|↑|gold}} Prezzy
*"''Gladly received.''" - {{color|↑|green}} Prezzy
*"''Ermmm... yes...?''" - {{color|↑|blue}} Prezzy
*"''One's journey is never complete.''" - Level up
==[[Mega Bug]]==
*"''Ziiip zooorp! (Thank you!)''"

*"''La-la-la-laaa! The acoustics in there are perfect for karaoke.''"
*"''Fine. If I must.''"
*"''Too bad. There goes my solo career.''"
*"''Good. We survived.''"
*"''Sing it!''"
*"''Ha. Ha. Dr. Crygor is afraid of the dark.''"
*"''Good grief. Your superior intellect is a scaredy-cat.''"
====Winning a microgame====
*"''In tune.''"
*"''Sing it!''"
*"''Yay.''" - Within microgame
*"''Good!''" - Within microgame
*"''Mm-hmm!''" - Within microgame
*"''Pah.''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''Pitch perfect!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''That computes.''" - Completing IQ/choice-based game
*"''Logical.''" - Completing IQ/choice-based game
*"''Close.''" - Winning after being damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''MIKE DROP!''" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Superior.''" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''I rock.''" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
*"''Remain calm.''" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life
====Losing a microgame====
*"''Sad robot.''"
*"''Womp wooomp.''"
*"''Off key...''"
*"''Womp womp!''" - Within microgame
*"''Angry.''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Tech support!''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Incompatible!''" - Losing IQ/choice-based game
*"''Error.''" - Losing IQ/choice-based game
*"''Oops...''" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''My bad.''" - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Warning!''" - One life left
*"''Gasp.''" - Losing 3 microgames in a row
*"''Noooo!~♪''" - Damaged
*"''Too hot!''" - Burned
*"''Initiating.''" - Game start
*"''Activated.''" - Ready
*"''Go time!''" - Ready
*"''Accelerating!''" - Speed up
*"''High velocity!''" - Speed up
*"''Bring it!''" - Boss stage
*"''Fear not.''" - Boss stage with only one life
*"''I'm a karaoke machine!''" - Story complete
*"''Gladness!''" - 1-Up
*"''Time to clean up.''" - Bonus stage
*"''Challenge detected.''" - Level up
*"''That is all.''" - Game over
*"''Show's over...''" - Game over
*"''High score! Yes!''" - New high score
*"''Tears of joy!''" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
*"''Happy face!''" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
*"''Encore!''" - Play again/Continue
*"''My song isn't over.''" - Continuing on first playthrough
*"''Powering dooooooown...''" - Quit
===Break Room===
*"''Laa-la-la-laaa!''" - Select
*"''The stage awaits.''" - Select
*"''And a-one. And a-two.''" - Select
*"''I am happy so I sing! La-la-la!''" - {{color|↑↑↑|red}} Prezzy
*"''Emotional response!''" - {{color|↑↑|orange}} Prezzy
*"''Expression of thanks.''" - {{color|↑|gold}} Prezzy
*"''I will accept this.''" - {{color|↑|green}} Prezzy
*"''If you insist.''" - {{color|↑|blue}} Prezzy
*"''Robots rule! Humans drool.''" - Level up
*''"Ready!"'' - Ready
*"''All our hard work!''"
*''"Beep, beep!"'' - Ready
*"''Hello! Wario, is that you?''"
*''"Rev it up!"'' - Speed up
*"''AHHHH! My scooter! It won't stop!''"
*''"Beep, beep! Faster!"'' - Speed up
*"''What a mess! My level looks awful!''"
*"''Bugs... inside the game... did THIS? Unacceptable! Let's go!''"
*"''Be good!''"
*"''I'm home!''" (spoken)
*"''Oh no!''"
*"''What a mess!''" (spoken)
*"''Really?!''" (spoken)
*"''All tidied up. Good work, everyone!''"
*"''Look at all of this corruption. It's just awful.''"
*"''Ugh! Wario! How could you say that?''"
*"''The game bugs must have corrupted the entire game.''"
*"''Hello! Dr. Crygor!''"
*"''Gah! Dr. Crygor! Down here!''"
*"''We're back!''"
*"''Hmm, I wonder...''"
*"''Where did all those bugs come from?''"
*"''It seems some of our friends are still stuck inside the game.''"
====Winning a microgame====
*"''Looking good!''"
*"''With style!''"
*"''Yay!''" - Within microgame
*"''Yeah!''" - Within microgame
*"''Walk in the park!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''Thought so!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based game
*"''Smart.''" - Completing IQ/choice-based game
*"''Too close!''" - Winning after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''That's right!''" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Neato!''" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''So exciting!''" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
*"''Stay focused!''" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life
====Losing a microgame====
*"''No good.''"
*"''Oh phooey...''"
*"''Wrong?''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Wait, what?!''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Mean!''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Unbelievable!'''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Embarrassing...''" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Oh dear...''" - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Oh no...''" - One life left
*"''Hot!''" - Burned
*"''Let's ride!''" - Game start
*"''Ready!''" - Ready
*"''Beep, beep!''" - Ready
*"''Ciao!''" - Ready
*"''Rev it up!''" - Speed up
*"''Beep, beep! Faster!''" - Speed up
*"''Challenge accepted!''" - Boss stage
*"''Time to focus.''" - Boss stage with only one life
*"''And that's how it's done!''" - Story complete
*"''Thank goodness!''" - 1-Up
*"''It's pay day!''" - Bonus stage
*"''This is serious.''" - Level up
*"''End of the road...''" - Game over
*"''Got a flat!''" - Game over
*"''Top-notch score!''" - New high score
*"''Totally awesome!''" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
*"''Great score!''" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
*"''One more time.''" - Play again/Continue
*"''Me, done? No way!''" - Continuing on first playthrough
*"''Out of gas...''" - Quit
===Break Room===
*"''Go go Mona!''" - Select
*"''Let's motor!''" - Select
*"''Time to scoot!''" - Select
*"''Yay! I love it!''" - {{color|↑↑↑|red}} Prezzy
*"''Whoa! Thank you!''" - {{color|↑↑|orange}} Prezzy
*"''That's so nice of you!''" - {{color|↑|gold}} Prezzy
*"''I... like it.''" - {{color|↑|green}} Prezzy
*"''For... me?''" - {{color|↑|blue}} Prezzy
*"''Hey, I like this!''" - Level up
*"''Oops! The bad is mine.''"
*"''My beam of tractoring... It does not work on this glitchy yuck!''"
*"''I see! Then Orbulon will dispose of these bugs... with style!''"
*"''My travel show begins!''"
*"''Tourist time!''" (spoken over above line)
*"''I see your sights!''"
*"''I absorb your culture!''"
*"''For all my friends!''"
*"''First I conquer the game bugs! Then I conquer THE WORLD!''"
*"''Oh no! There is much corruption here. A great amount of much!''"
*"''Yerg! Orbulon has feelings of confusion and excitement!''"
====Winning a microgame====
*"''Fun, fun!''"
*"''Aha!''" - Within microgame
*"''Yay!''" - Within microgame
*"''Hmhmhm!''" - Within microgame
*"''Peasy easy!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''Speedy!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''High IQ!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Right-o!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Not so fun!''" - Winning after being damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''My specialty!''" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Lucky!''" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''See me roll!''" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
*"''Focus, focus.''" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life
====Losing a microgame====
*"''Try again!''"
*"''Bad work.''"
*"''I failed...''"
*"''Oh no...''"
*"''It stings...''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''So angry...''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Such wrongness.''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Unacceptable.''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Undo, undo!''" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Unimportant.''" - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Doom...''" - Within microgame
*"''High stakes...''" - One life left
*"''D'oh!''" - Damaged
*"''Guuh!''" - Damaged
*"''Fire!''" - Burned
*"''Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.''" - Electrocuted
*"''Ready now!''" - Game start
*"''Fly time!''" - Ready
*"''Behold!''" - Ready
*"''It is on!''" - Ready
*"''I like this...''" - Speed up
*"''Go, baby, go!''" - Speed up
*"''Gulp...!''" - Boss stage
*"''It's risky biz!''" - Boss stage with only one life
*"''I quite enjoyed that!''" - Story complete
*"''More lives!''" - 1-Up
*"''Ooh, cash-grab!''" - Bonus stage
*"''More difficulty!''" - Level up
*"''Is it over?''" - Game over
*"''The end has come.''" - Game over
*"''So high! So score!''" - New high score
*"''I am amazing.''" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
*"''Satisfactory.''" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
*"''More, please!''" - Play again/Continue
*"''I am re-energized.''" - Continuing on first playthrough
*"''Mmm... sleepy time.''" - Quit
===Break Room===
*"''Galactical adventure!''" - Select
*"''Ohhh... OOH! Ha-ha-ha!''" - Select
*"''Commencing fun time!''" - Select
*"''I am full of delight!''" - {{color|↑↑↑|red}} Prezzy
*"''So much greatfulness!''" - {{color|↑↑|orange}} Prezzy <!--Unsure-->
*"''Thanks to you!''" - {{color|↑|gold}} Prezzy <!--Unsure-->
*"''I wish you hadn't.''" - {{color|↑|green}} Prezzy
*"''But why, Earth-folk?''" - {{color|↑|blue}} Prezzy
*"''Now Earth will be mine!''" - Level up

*"''Finished at last!''"
*"''I give you... [[Jet Tank One]]!''"
*"''Ta-da!''" (spoken over above line)
*"''Grandpa?! Hi!''"
*"''Yeah... Uh-huh...''"
*"''Sure! I'll be right there!''"
*"''Here goes!''"
*"''Woo-hoo!''" (spoken)
*"''Hi, everyone! Sorry to keep you waiting.''"
*"''I bet you want me to turn that junk into something awesome. I'm on it!''"
*"''All done!''"
*"''Oh, wow! That beanstalk! It's incredible!''"
*"''OK, time to start climbing! I bet there's something at the top!''"
====Winning a microgame====
*"''High note!''"
*"''That's it!''"
*"''Positive results!''"
*"''Uh-huh!''" - Within microgame
*"''Yes!''" - Within microgame
*"''Hah!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''So easy!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''Spot on!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Knew it!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''That was close!''" - Winning after being damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Just like that.''" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Brainpower!''" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Exemplary!''" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
*"''Still here!''" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life
====Losing a microgame====
*"''Messed up...''"
*"''Next time.''"
*"''But-''" - Within microgame
*"''Awww!''" - Within microgame
*"''Awww...''" - Within microgame
*"''That smarts.''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Ouch.''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Ah!''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Hold on!''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''My formula!''" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Solid effort.''" - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''This is it.''" - One life left
*"''Get it together!''" - Losing three microgames in a row
*"''Yowza!''" - Burned
*"''Alright!''" - Game start
*"''For science!''" - Ready
*"''Hi!''" - Ready
*"''For me?" - Ready
*"''The faster, the better!''" - Speed up
*"''Increase velocity!''" - Speed up
*"''Safety goggles: on!''" - Level up
*"''That was a blast!''" - Story complete
*"''Another challenge!''" - Boss stage
*"''Ooh, a test!''" - Boss stage with only one life
*"''Whew!''" - 1-Up
*"''Showtime!''" - Bonus stage
*"''Back to square one...''" - Game over
*"''Thwarted...''" - Game over
*"''Record-breaking!''" - New high score
*"''Look at that!''" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
*"''Stellar results.''" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
*"''Keep on trying!''" - Continue
*"''I don't give up!''" - Continuing on first playthrough
*"''I need a power nap...''" - Quit
===Break Room===
*"''Ready, Penny!''" - Select
*"''Let's experiment!''" - Select
*"''This is intriguing!''" - Select
*"''I'm totally speechless!''" - {{color|↑↑↑|red}} Prezzy
*"''Perfect for my collection!''" - {{color|↑↑|orange}} Prezzy
*"''Thanks!''" - {{color|↑|gold}} Prezzy
*"''I'll... find a use for this.''" - {{color|↑|green}} Prezzy
*"''How... interesting.''" - {{color|↑|blue}} Prezzy
*"''Knowledge is power!''" - Level up
==[[Red (WarioWare series)|Red]]==
*"''OK! I'm on it!''"
*"''Ashley! I knew you'd come to rescue little ol' me!''"
*"''Oh boy, am I glad to see you! This big... thing... locked me up in here.''"
*"''OK, so... I'm pretty sure it took this elevator up to Floor 18.''"
*"''What the hexsaroonie?! That thing jumped out the window... from FLOOR 18!''"
*"''Yes! Time to fly to the next level!''"
*"''Oh brother. He sure is eager.''"
*"''Huh. That's some pretty weird treasure.''"
*"''Huh? How are we supposed to put all this junk together?''"
*"''Hmm, let's see. He says... "I just stopped by to play for a bit."''"
*"''And, uh, he wants to know... "Did you have a good time playing with me?"''"
====Winning a microgame====
*"''Heh, heh, heh!''"
*"''I got moves!''"
*"''Translate that!''"
*"''Ya see that?''"
*"''Whoo!''" - Within microgame
*"''Yeah!''" - Within microgame
*"''I'm fast!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''Knew it!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Righty-roo!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Whew...''" - Winning after being damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Clearly...''" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Woah...''" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Clean sweep!''" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
*"''Still kickin'!''" - Completing 5 microgames with one life left
====Losing a microgame====
*"''Aw man!''"
*"''Slipped up!''"
*"''I'm cursed!''"
*"''That stunk.''"
*"''That was mean.''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Figures.''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''You're kidding!''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''I'm shocked!''" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''This is hard!''" - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Wha?!''" - Damaged
*"''Hot! Hot!''" - Burned
*"''My turn!''" - Game start
*"''So ready!''" - Ready
*"''All set!''" - Ready
*"''Uh-huh!''" - Ready
*"''Ready for speed!''" - Speed up
*"''Faster!''" - Speed up
*"''Uhh...''" - Boss stage
*"''You sure about this?''" - Boss stage with only one life
*"''I finished something! Ha, ha, ha, ha!''" - Story complete
*"''I'm saved!''" - 1-Up
*"''For the taking!''" - Bonus stage
*"''I can take it!''" - Level up
*"''No luck!''" - Game over
*"''Red's out.''" - Game over
*"''Oooh, high score!''" - New high score
*"''Yay-worthy!''" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
*"''Pretty good!''" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
*"''One more for the win!''" - Continue
*"''Raring to go!''" - Continuing on first playthrough
*"''My poor, poor wings! Oh!''" - Quit
===Break Room===
*"''Uhh... I'm not scared!''" - Select
*"''Wa-hoo! Heh, heh.''" - Select
*"''No turning back!''" - Select
*"''I love, love, love it!''" - {{color|↑↑↑|red}} Prezzy
*"''Ooooh! A present for me?''" - {{color|↑↑|orange}} Prezzy
*"''Huh, this is fun.''" - {{color|↑|gold}} Prezzy
*"''Uhh... I accept.''" - {{color|↑|green}} Prezzy
*"''Meh, I've gotten worse.''" - {{color|↑|blue}} Prezzy
*"''I could get used to this!''" - Level up
==[[Dribble & Spitz|Spitz]]==
*"''C'mon, hop aboard!''" (spoken)
*"''Ha HA! Now that's more like it!''"
====Winning a microgame====
*"''I like it!''"
*"''That's right!''"
*"''Aw yeah.''"
*"''Mreow!''" - Within microgame
*"''Haha!''" - Within microgame
*"''Slick!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''No big.''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''Clever, huh?''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Told ya!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Mee-yowza!''" - Winning after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Puh-lease!''" - Completing a microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Well, well!''" - Completing a microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Purrfecto!''" - Completing 10 microgames in a row without losing a life
*"''Stay cool.''" - Completing 5 microgames in a row with only one life

====Losing a microgame====
*"''Get out!''"
*"''Oh boy.''"
*"''Hiss!''" - Within microgame
*"''No!''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''What a joke.''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Hey now!''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Spittin' mad!''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''What a joke!''" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Not my day...''" - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Easy now!''" - One life left
*"''Strugglin'...''" - Losing three microgames in a row
*"''D-oi!''" - Damaged
*"''Kyyhhh!''" - Burned

==[[Ashley and Red|Red]]==
*"''Go time!''" - Game start
*"''My pleasure!''" - Ready
*"''Why not?''" - Ready
*"''Purr-ime time!''" - Ready
*"''Here we go!''" - Speed up
*"''Speed up!''" - Speed up
*"''Now or never!''" - Boss stage
*"''Do or die!''" - Boss stage with only one life
*"''Who's laughing now?''" - Story complete
*"''Needed that!''" - 1-up
*"''Moolah!''" - Bonus stage
*"''It's gettin' real!''" - Level Up
*"''What a drag.''" - Game over
*"''Ride's over...''" - Game over
*"''Straight to the top!''" - New high score
*"''Hohoho! Nice!''" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
*"''Not bad, not bad!''" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
*"''I can do this all day.''" - Play again/Continue
*"''I've got rubber to burn!''" - Continuing on first playthrough
*"''I'm clockin' out...''" - Quit
===Break Room===
*"''Spitzy speed!''" - Select
*"''Pedal, meet metal!''" - Select
*"''Buckle up!''" - Select
*"''Me-WOW! This is fantastic!''" - {{color|↑↑↑|red}} Prezzy
*"''Very impressive indeed!''" - {{color|↑↑|orange}} Prezzy
*"''Thank you very much!''" - {{color|↑|gold}} Prezzy
*"''O-kay, then.''" - {{color|↑|green}} Prezzy
*"''You shouldn't have! Really.''" - {{color|↑|blue}} Prezzy
*"''I'm one cool cat, alright!''" - Level up
==[[The Supreme Developer]]==
*"''I am the Supreme Developer. I watch over this game, you might say.''"
*"''I am the one who brought you all here. Yes, that was all me.''"
*"''The game bugs arrived, quite uninvited. I knew not what to do. So I brought you here. To help.''"
*"''I thank you for tidying up their mess. Difficult work, I'm sure. Now, your home is right this way.''"
*"''Please, come back and play anytime.''"
*"''You have returned. And so soon. Welcome.''"
*"''Yes. Of course. I shall check...''"
*"''Mm, yes, strange. It appears they have been captured by... something.''"
*"''This is not the work of a game bug. Wait... Oh dear...''"
*"''One of your friends is nearby.''"

==[[Dribble and Spitz|Spitz]]==
===Losing a microgame===
*''"Oh, boo."''
*"''My game! It's finished!''"
*"''Yes! This is it! My best one yet!''"
*"''Huh? What's this?''"
*"''No wonder I feel like flying. I AM flying!''"
*"''Is it because I'm inside the game? Bah, who cares! This is going to come in handy!''"
*"''Is this... It is! It's the level I made!''"
*"''That thing! It messed up everything it touched!''"
*"''This is bad. It's going to ruin my level!''"
*"''GAH! WAIT!''"
*"''Start! Start! Start!''"
*"''There you are! You can't hide from Wario!''"
*"''OK! Time to smash some bugs!''"
*"''Get a load of this place. The bugs really did a number on it, eh?''"
*"''Meh. I'm starting to think it isn't so bad after all.''"
*"''Hey! Crygor!''"
*"''I think this guy has some glitches of his own, if you know what I mean.''"
*"''A mine cart! That's more like it.''"
*"''What's with this place? It's so dark and boring.''"
*"''Hello? Is anyone there?''"
*"''Aha! Ashley! I should have known.''"
*"''It's time to stomp some game bugs. And you! You're gonna help us!''"
*"''Because I said so! And because... BAH! Fine! We don't need you anyway!''"
*"''What's that weird sound?''"
*"''Wah! You nincompoop! What are you doing?!''"
*"''Ah-ha, another mine cart! I call driver's seat!''"
*"''Huh? Is something in there?''"
*"''OK! Now we're getting somewhere. This is the last level I made!''"
*"''Eh?! What is THAT?!''"
*"''It's taking over my game! We've got to stop it!''"
*"''OK! We've got you now!''"
*"''Hmmm... I say we leave it alone.''"
*"''It's grimy and stinky and messed everything up. Which makes it perfect for my level!''"
*"''What?! Supreme who?! C'mon! Everyone knows Wario is number one!''"
*"''OK, let's get outta here before I, uh, remember something I'm forgetting.''"
*"''Well...''" (spoken)
*"''We make games! I make money! ALL THE MONEY!''"
*"''Huh? What's going on?''"
*"''Eh-hehe... oops.''"
*"''Uh-oh.''" (spoken)
*"''I'm the boss! ME!''" (spoken)
*"''Look! Someone's missing. Three someones!''"
*"''Meh. Why?''"
*"''OK. OK. But this better be worth it!''"
*"''Aw, c'mon! I thought we took care of all the game bugs!''"
*"''It dropped something.''"
*"''Eh-hehehe! TREASURE!''"
*"''OK! Let's go find more treas——I mean, let's go find our friends!''"
*"''Bah! He got tired of waiting and fell asleep.''"
*"''Eh! Where'd that thing go? And did it have any treasure with it?''"
*"''OK! Floor 10, got it! Time to get a move on!''"
*"''More treasure! I knew it!''"
*"''AH HA HA! So what?! Treasure is treasure!''"
*"''Hey! Kid! Which way did that weird blobby thing go?''"
*"''No time to waste. Treasure awaits! I mean, we gotta take that guy down or whatever.''"
*"''Yes! THERE IT IS!''"
*"''What's this? "I dare you to put all three treasures together."''"
*"''Eh-hehe! A dare?! Wario never turns down a dare. Let's do this!''"
*"''Hey! Crygor! Use that robo-noodle of yours and think of something!''"
*"''WAAHHHH! My treasure! My beautiful treasure!''"
*"''Arrrgh! We've been climbing this thing forever! There's nothing here!''"
*"''Does it have more treasure?! WAAAAIT! COME BACK!''"
*"''OK! Let's get it, once and for all!''"
*"''We've got you cornered! Give it up!''"
*"''What did you say?!''"
*"''Good time! Bad time! Who cares?! Where is the TREASURE?!''"
*"''C'mon! There has to be treasure! Some gold, maybe? Just a teensy bit?!''"
*"''You're kidding.''"
*"''NO! There's nothing at all?! But... but... IT CAN'T END LIKE THIS!''"
====Winning a microgame====
*"''Oh yeah!''"
*"''I win!''"
*"''Take that!''"
*"''Ha-ha!''" - Within microgame
*"''Yes!''" - Within microgame
*"''Hah!''" - Within microgame
*"''Wah-ha!''" - Winning after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Piece of cake!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''Easy peasy!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''Nailed it!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''So good.''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Of course!''" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Not bad!''" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''More, more!''" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
*"''Keep it up!''" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life
====Losing a microgame====
*"''Oh, boo.''"
*"''No way!''"
*"''Ergh!''" - Within microgame
*"''Boo!''" - Within microgame
*"''Not nice!''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Not fair!''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Wrongo!''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Ah- wh- what?''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Awrwrwrwrwr...''" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Eh, whatever.''" - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Last chance.''" - One life left
*"''Oh... *raspberry*''" - Losing 3 microgames in a row
*"''D-oh!''" - Damaged
*"''Hot! Hot!''" - Burned
*"''Wario time!''" - Game start
*"''It's-a me!''" - Ready
*"''Ta-da!''" - Ready
*"''Why not?''" - Ready
*"''Faster! FASTER!''" - Speed up
*"''Wah! Keep up!''" - Speed up
*"''Bring it on!''" - Boss stage
*"''I got this!''" - Boss stage with only one life
*"''Heh-heh-heh! Pretty good, eh?''" - Story complete
*"''Needed that!''" - 1-Up
*"''Cha-ching!''" - Bonus stage
*"''No match for me!''" - Level up
*"''Ehh... whatever.''" - Game over
*"''All over...''" - Game over
*"''I'm the best!''" - New high score
*"''Amazing!''" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
*"''Hey, not bad!''" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
*"''Oh yeah! Back for more!''" - Play again/Continue
*"''Here we go!''" - Continuing on first playthrough
*"''Wah, I'm pooped...''" - Quit
===Break Room===
*"''Alright! Let's-a go!''" - Select
*"''Let me at 'em!''" - Select
*"''Heh-heh. Time to do this!''" - Select
*"''Eh-ha-ha-ha-ha! Gimme, gimme, gimme!''" - {{color|↑↑↑|red}} Prezzy
*"''Nice, very nice!''" - {{color|↑↑|orange}} Prezzy
*"''Ooh... don't mind if I do...''" - {{color|↑|gold}} Prezzy
*"''Eh, sure why not?''" - {{color|↑|green}} Prezzy
*"''Ehh. I suppose.''" - {{color|↑|blue}} Prezzy
*"''Wa-ha! How do you like me now?''" - Level up
==[[Young Cricket]]==
*"''Mr. Wario! There you are!''"
*"''Time to join forces. It's the only way! C'mon, let's tag team our foe!''"
*"''Whoa! The corruption... It's disappearing!''"
*"''I see. So, if we get rid of the bugs... everything will go back to normal?''"
*"''This is no time to rest. We must keep going!''"
*"''Yes! Game bugs have taken over. They're causing these... glitches.''"
*"''All of this pushing IS good for my training, but can't you walk just a little bit?''"
*"''OH NO!''"
*"''Yes! We must rescue them.''"
*"''Did you see where this big thing went?''"
*"''The time for action is now! To the elevator!''"
*"''We must not lose focus. Time to rescue the other two!''"
*"''Look at him! So calm despite being captured. That's master for you.''"
*"''Good. Everyone is here. Now we must defeat our foe!''"
====Winning a microgame====
*"''Take that!''"
*"''Good!''" - Within microgame
*"''Indeed!''" - Within microgame
*"''Nice!''" - Within microgame
*"''Close!''" - Winning after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Simple.''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''Done!''" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
*"''I knew it!''" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''On target!''" -Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Naturally.''" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Ha ha!''" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Perfect!''" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
*"''No pressure!''" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life
====Losing a microgame====
*"''Lost focus...''"
*"''Off balance...''"
*"''I've failed...''"
*"''Oh no...''"
*"''Troubling...''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Humbling...''" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
*"''Got me...''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''Dah!''" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
*"''But how!?''" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
*"''Next time.''" - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
*"''Last chance...''" - One life left
*"''Not good...''" - Losing 3 microgames in a row
*"''Uuuaaahhh! Hot!''" - Burned

*''"It's-a me!"'' - Ready
*"''Let's begin!''" - Game start
*''"Faster! FASTER!"'' - Speed up
*"''I'm ready!''" - Ready
*''"Wah! Keep up!"'' - Speed up
*"''On it!''" - Ready
*"''Hyah!''" - Ready
*"''Prepare for speed!''" - Speed up
*"''Kick it up!''" - Speed up
*"''Formidable...''" - Boss stage
*"''I cannot lose!''" - Boss stage with only one life
*"''I learned much.''" - Story complete
*"''Dumpling money...''" - Bonus Stage
*"''Time to focus!''" - Level up
*"''So it ends here...''" - Game over
*"''Still much to learn.''" - Game over
*"''Yes! New high score!''" - New high score
*"''Woah, nice!''" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
*"''A worthy showing!''" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
*"''Let's begin again!''" - Play again/Continue
*"''The training continues!''" - Continuing on first playthrough
*"''We rest... for now.''" - Quit

<!--==[[Young Cricket and Master Mantis|Young Cricket]]==-->
===Break Room===
*"''My training starts now!''" - Select
*"''Never lose focus!''" - Select
*"''I must grow stronger!''" - Select
*"''Whoa, what an honor!''" - {{color|↑↑↑|red}} Prezzy
*"''That is very generous!''" - {{color|↑↑|orange}} Prezzy
*"''You have my gratitude.''" - {{color|↑|gold}} Prezzy
*"''That is... nice.''" - {{color|↑|green}} Prezzy
*"''Uhh... thanks?''" - {{color|↑|blue}} Prezzy
*"''My dedication is paying off!''" - Level up
[[Category:Quotes|WarioWare: Get It Together!]]
[[Category:Quotes|WarioWare: Get It Together!]]
[[Category:WarioWare: Get It Together!|*]]
[[Category:WarioWare: Get It Together!|*]]

Revision as of 13:19, May 21, 2024

It has been requested that this article be rewritten. Reason: Remove non-quotes; exclamations like "Gah!" are not quotes

This is a list of quotes pertaining to WarioWare: Get It Together!



  • "So sweet!" (spoken)
  • "Grrrr! 9-Volt!"
  • "Unacceptable! You know better than to wander off by yourself! It's not safe!"
  • "Oh my... getting upset... makes me so... sleepy..."
  • "Onwards and upwards! There's no time to lose!"
  • "My, my, wasn't that fun!"
  • "Hey! What on earth are we going to do with this giant bug?"


Winning a microgame

  • "What a win!"
  • "Works for me!"
  • "So proud!"
  • "Oh, my!" - Within microgame
  • "Correct!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Still got it!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Barely made it." - Winning after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Quick work!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "No worries!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Well, yes!" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "What a twist!" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Spotless!" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
  • "Stick with it!" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life

Losing a microgame

  • "Not my best."
  • "Good try."
  • "Step it up."
  • "No!"
  • "Don't think so!" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Excuse me?!" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "I'm hurt!" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Hang on!" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Stay positive." - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "What's this!?" - One life left
  • "What to do..." - Losing three microgames in a row
  • "Too hot!" - Burned


  • "Game start!" - Game start
  • "Happy to!" - Ready
  • "I'm right here!" - Ready
  • "Better hurry!" - Speed up
  • "Ready as ever!" - Speed up
  • "Mom is on it!" - Boss stage
  • "Just try me." - Boss stage with only one life
  • "Just in time!" - 1-Up
  • "Done and done!" - Story complete
  • "Outta my way!" - Bonus stage
  • "Let's have fun!" - Level up
  • "Noooo!" - Game over
  • "What a shame..." - Game over
  • "New score to beat!" - New high score
  • "Well done!" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
  • "It all paid off!" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
  • "Try, try again!" - Play again/Continue
  • "Can't give up now!" - Continuing on first playthrough
  • "Time to rest..." - Quit

Break Room

  • "It's under control!" - Select
  • "Onwards and upwards!" - Select
  • "We'll do our best!" - Select
  • "I simply adore it!" - red Prezzy
  • "Thank you so much!" - orange Prezzy
  • "How'd you know?" - gold Prezzy
  • "Aww... aren't you sweet." - green Prezzy
  • "It's the thought that counts." - blue Prezzy
  • "This oughta come in handy!" - Level up



  • "HEEEELP!"
  • "My skateboard... it's..."
  • "Rad! Did you see that? That was so scary... and SO AWESOME!"
  • "Huh? What's wrong with my level? Is it broken?"
  • "OK then, let's go get 'em. Nobody messes with my games!"
  • "Quiet!"
  • "She's coming!"
  • "Haha! Talk about a KO!"
  • "We can cover a lot of ground in that."
  • "Uh, I have a bad feeling about this. Forget the mine cart. Let's go this way instead."
  • "Aaaah! Mom!"
  • "She has these... out-of-body experiences, I guess."
  • "Get back here!"
  • "THREE of our friends! You gotta help us!"
  • "Huh? Is that... Pyoro?"
  • "I knew it! It's Pyoro, star of that super-popular game!"


Winning a microgame

  • "BAM!"
  • "So cool!"
  • "Rad!"
  • "Look at me!"
  • "Yay!" - Within microgame
  • "Sweet!" - Within microgame
  • "So easy!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "No big!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Aced it!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "I knew it!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Duh." - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Nifty!" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Epic run!" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
  • "I got this." - Completing 5 microgames with only one life

Losing a microgame

  • "Awww..."
  • "Got an F!"
  • "Got me..."
  • "Not cool!" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Ow..." - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Come on!" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Huh!?" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "It wasn't me!" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "So what...?" - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "My lives!" - One life left
  • "This stinks!" - Losing three microgames in a row
  • "Hot!" - Burned


  • "Press Play!" - Game start
  • "My turn!" - Ready
  • "Let's go!" - Ready
  • "I'm up!" - Ready
  • "Haha, faster!" - Speed up
  • "Speedrun!" - Speed up
  • "Yes! Boss battle!" - Boss stage
  • "So intense!" - Boss stage with only one life
  • "Oh... that was epic!" - Story complete
  • "1-Up!" - 1-Up
  • "Allowance time!" - Bonus stage
  • "Here we go!" - Level up
  • "Game over..." - Game over
  • "Agh... good game." - Game over
  • "Top that score!" - New high score
  • "Heroic!" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
  • "Solid score!" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
  • "Yes, another turn!" - Play again/Continue
  • "Let's keep playing!" - Continuing on first playthrough
  • "Ugh... I'm not tired..." - Quit

Break Room

  • "9-Volt joins the party!" - Select
  • "No contest!" - Select
  • "Adventure awaits!" - Select
  • "Yay! Just what I wanted!" - red Prezzy
  • "Awesome, thanks!" - orange Prezzy
  • "Thanks a lot!" - gold Prezzy
  • "I... guess I'll take it." - green Prezzy
  • "Huh, okay..." - blue Prezzy
  • "Leveled up!" - Level up



  • "Check it! I'm here too!"
  • "And get this... I can throw this disc on my head as many times as I want!"
  • "And know what's even better? I don't have to move!"
  • "Hmm... I bet that was a game bug. They make games act all glitchy."
  • "Hey, I could get used to this!"
  • "Yikes! 9-Volt?!"
  • "Totally! There's these bugs in the game, and they're chewing it all up!"


Winning a microgame

  • "Yeah, yeah!"
  • "Check it!"
  • "Ta-daaa!"
  • "I did it!"
  • "Boom!"
  • "Right on!" - Within microgame
  • "Hehe!" - Within microgame
  • "Whoo!" - Within microgame
  • "See that?" - Winning after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Too easy!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "No sweat!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "I got it!!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "I'm right?!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "That's my jam!" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Wowza!" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Like a pro!" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
  • "I got this!" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life

Losing a microgame

  • "Yikes!"
  • "Come on..."
  • "No no no!"
  • "That's rough."
  • "Aw, shucks!'" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Lousy!" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Hey!" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "No way!" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "My bad." - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Uh-oh!" - One life left
  • "Snap out of it!" - Losing three microgames in a row
  • "Ouchie!" - Burned


  • "This is it!" - Game start
  • "Aw, yeah!" - Ready
  • "Fire it up!" - Ready
  • "I'm in!" - Ready
  • "Turn it up!" - Speed up
  • "Gettin' faster!" - Speed up
  • "No match for me!" - Level up
  • "Boss time!" - Boss stage
  • "No problem!" - Boss stage with only one life
  • "My raps are the best!" - Story complete
  • "Earned that!" - 1-Up
  • "Making money!" - Bonus stage
  • "Guess that's that." - Game over
  • "Ah, not cool!" - Game over
  • "Woah... high score!" - New high score
  • "Killer score!" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
  • "Nice one!" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
  • "Let's go again!" - Play again/Continue
  • "I'm not done yet!" - Continuing on first playthrough
  • "I'm wiped out..." - Quit

Break Room

  • "Time to hit play!" - Select
  • "Yo, here we go!" - Select
  • "Yeah, let's do this!" - Select
  • "Yeah, yeah! This is great!" - red Prezzy
  • "I'm feelin' it!" - orange Prezzy
  • "Okie-dokie!" - gold Prezzy
  • "That's... somethin'." - green Prezzy
  • "I guess..." - blue Prezzy
  • "That's how I roll!" - Level up



  • "Hyaaa! Hyaaa!"
  • "We can't help it! Our legs won't stop jumping!"
  • "NAP TIME!"
  • "You got it, Sis!"
  • "Oooh, I'm scared!"
  • "This stuff won't go away until we take out those mean ol' game bugs."
  • "Bad Wario!"


Winning a microgame

  • "Ninja-riffic!"
  • "Yippee!"
  • "Take that!"
  • "Awesome!"
  • "A+!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Gold star!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Oh, wow!" - Winning after damaged and KO'd in microgame
  • "So fun!" - Completing a microgame long before bomb starts ticking
  • "Zippy!" - Completing a microgame long before bomb starts ticking
  • "Aww, shucks." - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Aw snap!" - Completing a microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Wowsers!" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life

Losing a microgame

  • "Aw, pickles."
  • "Yeesh."
  • "Sorry!"
  • "Oh no!"
  • "Stinker..." - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Oops."- Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Hey now!" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "I tried." - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Yipes!" - One life left
  • "Carrot sticks!" - Losing three microgames in a row
  • "Hot!" - Burned


  • "My turn!" - Game start
  • "Oh, goodie!" - Ready
  • "Yay!" - Ready
  • "I'm in!" - Ready
  • "Here we go!" - Speed up
  • "Ninja speed!" - Speed up
  • "Meanie..." - Boss stage
  • "I'll show 'em!" - Boss stage with only one life
  • "I did it! I did it!" - Story complete
  • "Sparklies!" - Bonus stage
  • "I can do it!" - Level up
  • "Fun's over..." - Game over
  • "Whee! High score!" - New high score
  • "Look at that!" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
  • "Neato!" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
  • "Again, again!" - Play again/Continue
  • "Ready for more!" - Continuing on first playthrough
  • "I need a snack..." - Quit

Break Room

  • "Mission accepted!" - Select
  • "Ninja at the ready!" - Select
  • "I can't wait!" - Select
  • "I'm so, so happy!" - red Prezzy
  • "Whoa, I love it!" - orange Prezzy
  • "You're sooo nice!" - gold Prezzy
  • "Uh, okay. Thanks." - green Prezzy
  • "Do I hafta?" - blue Prezzy
  • "I'm a big ninja now!" - Level up



  • "Oh joy. And here I was finally having some fun."
  • "Why should I?"
  • "Please. Of course you do."
  • "Dinnertime."
  • "Entrée incantato." (spoken)
  • "Abra-ca-hamburger." (spoken)
  • "Snacko-attacko." (spoken)
  • "Whatever."
  • "Red, what have you done now?"


Winning a microgame

  • "That'll do."
  • "Mmm, yes."
  • "Thrilling."
  • "Acceptable."
  • "Wicked."
  • "Good." - Within microgame
  • "Simple." - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Whatever." - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Please." - Winning after damaged and KO'd in microgame
  • "Heh, heh." - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Thought so." - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Of course..." - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Well, well." - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Perfect." - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
  • "Tricky." - Completing 5 microgames with only one life

Losing a microgame

  • "A shame."
  • "Vexing."
  • "Frightful."
  • "I failed?"
  • "Oh." - Within microgame
  • "Hmm... - Within microgame
  • "I see." - Within microgame
  • "Broomsticks..." - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "The horror..." - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Excuse me?" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Curses!" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Strange." - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Bad luck..." - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Beware." - One life left
  • "Ghastly." - Losing three microgames in a row


  • "Let's begin." - Game start
  • "If I must." - Ready
  • "Fine." - Ready
  • "Why not?" - Ready
  • "Keep up." - Speed up
  • "Let's fly." - Speed up
  • "It's time." - Boss stage
  • "I fear nothing." - Boss stage with only one life
  • "Oh, joy." - 1-Up
  • "Hm... how very amusing..." - Story complete
  • "Treasure awaits." - Bonus stage
  • "A challenge, at last." - Level up
  • "Time to ghost..." - Game Over
  • "Spell's broken..." - Game Over
  • "Flying high." - New high score
  • "Magical." - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
  • "Not bad." - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
  • "Once more can't hurt." - Play again/Continue
  • "I'm not done here." - Continuing on first playthrough
  • "Time to rest a spell..." - Quit

Break Room

  • "Hocus-pocus." - Select
  • "Oh, fine." - Select
  • "Let's scare up some fun." - Select
  • "I'm... pleased." - red Prezzy
  • "Thanks." - orange Prezzy
  • "This is... acceptable." - gold Prezzy
  • "Hmm..." - green Prezzy
  • "*Sighs*" - blue Prezzy
  • "Yes. I like it." - Level up

Dr. Crygor


  • "Hrmm... am I swimming? Am I flying? Paddle, paddle, paddle! Look at my flippers go!"
  • "Indeed, what the gallium is going on around here?"
  • "I don't recall my level looking like this at all."
  • "Ah! You're here too? Extraordinary!"
  • "My part of the game... something's gone awry! Do you know what it might be?"
  • "Game bugs? Glitches? Wonderful! I shall be sure to study them in my laboratory!"
  • "They work!" (spoken)
  • "Precisely!" (spoken)
  • "Not again!" (spoken)
  • "You see! I AM a genius!"
  • "Mike! There you are! I'm not letting you out of my sight again. You're coming with us."
  • "What's with all the bouncing? You look like a couple of tiny kangaroos!"
  • "It is rather s-s-spooky!"
  • "I am not! My superior intellect is incapable of such an irrational fear."
  • "WAAAAAH!!!"
  • "I say! The corruption is particularly pervasive here."
  • "OH NO!"
  • "HEY!"
  • "My intellect IS truly formidable, but this... this is rather beyond even me."
  • "Ah! I've got it! Let's see if my granddaughter Penny can be of assistance."
  • "Alright then, I'll give Penny a call."
  • "Ah, so glad you're here! Allow me to explain..."


Winning a microgame

  • "Marvelous!"
  • "I see!"
  • "Indeed!"
  • "Superb!"
  • "Remarkable!"
  • "Perfection!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "'Twas nothing!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Correct!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Precisely!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "My, my!" - Winning after being damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "But of course!" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Auspicious...!" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Exciting!" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
  • "Carry on!" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life

Losing a microgame

  • "Nauseating!"
  • "I say, now!"
  • "A travesty!"
  • "For shame!"
  • "Nonsense!" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Drat!" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "That stings!" - Losing after damaged and KO'd in microgame
  • "Ruuude!" - Losing after damaged and KO’d in microgame
  • "Impossible!" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Dreadful..." - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Beware!" - One life left
  • "Oh dear." - Losing 3 microgames in a row
  • "It burns..." - Burned


  • "Let's begin!" - Game start
  • "For science!" - Ready
  • "Of course!" - Ready
  • "I'm honored!" - Ready
  • "Faster! Chop-chop!" - Speed up
  • "Quickly, now!" - Speed up
  • "Steady, now!" - Boss stage
  • "The pressure!" - Boss stage with only one life
  • "A successful experiment!" - Story complete
  • "Thank gallium!" - 1-Up
  • "Riches await!" - Bonus stage
  • "Most amusing!" - Level up
  • "I'm done for..." - Game Over
  • "Back to the drawing board..." - Game Over
  • "What a score!" - New high score
  • "Impressive results!" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
  • "Not bad at all!" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
  • "Another go it is!" - Play again/Continue
  • "I have work to do." - Continuing on first playthrough
  • "My work here is done..." - Quit

Break Room

  • "Dr. Crygor at your service!" - Select
  • "The experiment... begins!" - Select
  • "Genius at work!" - Select
  • "Splendid I say, splendid!" - red Prezzy
  • "I am grateful, to be sure." - orange Prezzy
  • "You have my thanks." - gold Prezzy
  • "I shall accept this." - green Prezzy
  • "Oh, honestly, now." - blue Prezzy
  • "I am a genius, after all." - Level up



  • "Wario! We've been lookin' for you!"
  • "We took a look around. There are messes like this all over the place!"
  • "Let's go exterminate some bugs then!"
  • "We'll show you the stars!" (spoken)
  • "We're back!"
  • "Unbelievable! Every single time!"


Winning a microgame

  • "That's it!"
  • "Nice!"
  • "Nailed it!"
  • "How 'bout that?"
  • "Not bad!"
  • "Booyah!" - Within microgame
  • "No sweat!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "That's nothin'!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Correct-a-mundo!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Heh!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Close shave!" - Winning after being damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "What'cha expect?" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Ya don't say?" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Cruisin'!" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
  • "Keep it up!" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life

Losing a microgame

  • "You're kiddin' me!"
  • "Woof!"
  • "Come on!"
  • "Grr!" - Within microgame
  • "Aww..." - Within microgame
  • "Hmm..." - Within microgame
  • "Oopsy."- Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "For real?!" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Humiliating!" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Forget about it." - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Fender bender!" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Watch it." - One life left
  • "The worst!" - Losing 3 microgames in a row
  • "Ooh! Hot!" - Burned


  • "Let's go!" - Game start
  • "Okay, okay." - Ready
  • "Vroom, vroom!" - Ready
  • "You bet!" - Ready
  • "Hit the gas!" - Speed up
  • "Floor it!" - Speed up
  • "Here I go!" - Boss stage
  • "Toughen up!" - Boss stage with only one life
  • "We did good!" - Story complete
  • "Aw yeah!" - 1-Up
  • "Rake it in!" - Bonus stage
  • "Buckle up!" - Level up
  • "Red light..." - Game over
  • "I'm out!" - Game over
  • "High score, eh?" - High score
  • "Out of this world!" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
  • "Nice drivin'!" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
  • "Motor's runnin'!" - Play again/Continue
  • "I've got the wheel." - Continuing on first playthrough
  • "Tank's on empty..." - Quit

Break Room

  • "Dribble drive!" - Select
  • "Hold on tight!" - Select
  • "It's go time!" - Select
  • "Whoa, thanks a lot, pal!" - red Prezzy
  • "For me? Aw, you shouldn't have!" - orange Prezzy
  • "That's really somethin'!" - gold Prezzy
  • "I'll... take what I can get." - green Prezzy
  • "Eh, I ain't sayin' no." - blue Prezzy
  • "Hey, I got a promotion!" - Level up


  • "Prepare to swap!"
  • "Almost swapping time..."
  • "Swap incoming!"
  • "Aaaand swap!"
  • "Remain strong!"
  • "Don't let me down!"
  • "Good luck to you!"
  • "Last swap!"
  • "Hurry, now!"
  • "It's almost over..."
  • "A valiant effort!"
  • "I am in awe."

Jimmy T


  • "Yo, hurry up and show us!"
  • "Oh YEAH!"
  • "Aw, my dance floor..."
  • "Alright! Game bugs don't stand a chance against my dance moves."
  • "Start the music!"
  • "Ha HA! That was groovy!"
  • "So, like, what's up with your mom... and, uh, your other mom?"
  • "Your mom's got spooky moves, eh? That's weird. I dig it!"
  • "That didn't look like any ordinary game bug, ya dig? Stay on your toes!"
  • "Oh yeah! The glitches are fadin' away!"
  • "Haha! Time to shuffle on outta here!"
  • "Alright! Somethin' tells me they're in this tower. Time to boogie!"


Winning a microgame

  • "Real cool!"
  • "Feel the heat!"
  • "I like it!"
  • "Solid!"
  • "Groovy!"
  • "Yeah!" - Within microgame
  • "Ha-ha!" - Within microgame
  • "Smooth!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "No sweat!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Alright!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "All good!" - Winning after damaged and KO'd in microgame
  • "Uh-huh!" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "How 'bout that?" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "On fire!" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
  • "Careful now!" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life

Losing a microgame

  • "Man oh man..."
  • "Harsh!"
  • "Too bad."
  • "My bad."
  • "So close."
  • "Busted!" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "No good." - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Not cool!" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "No way!" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "C'est la vie!" - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Watch it." - One life left
  • "Not groovy!" - Losing three microgames in a row
  • "Scorcher!" - Burned


  • "Hey, DJ!" - Game start
  • "Okay!" - Ready
  • "Right on!" - Ready
  • "Come on!" - Ready
  • "Heatin' up!" - Speed up
  • "Move to the beat!" - Speed up
  • "Now we're talking!" - Boss stage
  • "Stay cool!" - Boss stage with only one life
  • "I dig it!" - 1-Up
  • "Haha! Nailed it!" - Story complete
  • "Party time!" - Bonus stage
  • "Next level!" - Level up
  • "Two left feet." - Game over
  • "Lost the beat." - Game over
  • "Can't beat that!" - New high score
  • "Fantastic!" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
  • "Solid moves!" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
  • "Got all night." - Play again/Continue
  • "The beat goes on." - Continuing on first playthrough
  • "My feet are flat." - Quit

Break Room

  • "Hit it!" - Select
  • "Let's dance!" - Select
  • "Time to boogie!" - Select
  • "Oh, yeah! That's groovy!" - red Prezzy
  • "Out of sight!" - orange Prezzy
  • "Pretty cool." - gold Prezzy
  • "Nice. Nice." - green Prezzy
  • "Uhh... alright..." - blue Prezzy
  • "Groovalicious!" - Level up



  • "Ooh, it's all done?"
  • "What's wrong with it?"
  • "Hyaaa! Hyaaa!"
  • "Hey! We found you!"
  • "Ha! It's probably just our suuuuper awesome ninja powers!"
  • "Listen up! Something really weird jumped into our level!"
  • "You can help us take it down... if you're not too scared!"
  • "NAP TIME!"
  • "Let's get him!"
  • "We did it! Mission complete!"
  • "We can fix it, but we gotta take out those rotten game bugs!"
  • "Bad Wario!"


Winning a microgame

  • "Ninja-riffic!"
  • "I win!"
  • "Take that!"
  • "Awesome!"
  • "Yay!"
  • "Yes!" - Within microgame
  • "Kid stuff!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Simple!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Got it!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Ha ha!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Yikes!" - Winning after damaged and KO'd in microgame
  • "Cool." - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "I did it..." - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Flawless!" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
  • "Stay sharp!" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life

Losing a microgame

  • "Whoops..."
  • "That stinks!"
  • "The worst." - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "No way!" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "What?!" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Oh no..." - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Good try." - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Watch out..." - One life left
  • "Awful!" - Losing three microgames in a row
  • "Hot!" - Burned


  • "So ready!" - Game start
  • "Ready!" - Ready
  • "Leave it to me." - Ready
  • "On it!" - Ready
  • "Ninja speed!" - Speed up
  • "Faster it is!" - Speed up
  • "Fiend..." - Boss stage
  • "I'll show 'em!" - Boss stage with only one life
  • "Mission complete!" - Story complete
  • "Reward time!" - Bonus stage
  • "Prepare yourself." - Level up
  • "It's over..." - Game Over
  • "Too bad..." - Game Over
  • "High-flying score!" - New high score
  • "Terrific score!" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
  • "Good one!" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
  • "A ninja never quits!" - Play again/Continue
  • "Back in the fight!" - Continuing on first playthrough
  • "I need a nap..." - Quit

Break Room

  • "Mission accepted!" - Select
  • "Ninja at the ready!" - Select
  • "I'll do my best!" - Select
  • "Wow, this is the best!" - red Prezzy
  • "I am thankful for your kindness!" - orange Prezzy
  • "Thank you very much." - gold Prezzy
  • "Um... sure. Heh, why not?" - green Prezzy
  • "I... will... take it?" - blue Prezzy
  • "I feel so grown up!" - Level up


  • "Prepare for ninja spell..."
  • "Ninja spell..."
  • "LION'S ROAR!"



  • "Oh! Cricket!"
  • "You came to rescue me! You are so, so, SOOO amazing!"
  • "Um... I think it took this elevator to Floor 5."
  • "I can't wait to see what happens next!"
  • "Oh! There it is! That's the thing that kidnapped me!"
  • "Hey! What are YOU doing in our game?!"


Winning a microgame

  • "Good stuff!"
  • "All me!"
  • "Yesss!!"
  • "Hahaha!"
  • "Love it!"
  • "So good!" - Within microgame
  • "Ya like that?" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Pssh, easy!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Score!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Called it!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Missed me!" - Winning after being damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Next!" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "I've got skills!" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Flawless!" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
  • "In the zone!" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life

Losing a microgame

  • "Aw, nuts!"
  • "Awwrrrr!"
  • "No no no!"
  • "P.U.!"
  • "No fair!" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Ouchie!" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Get over it!" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Ah geez!" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Whaaatever." - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Uh-oh." - One life left
  • "For real?" - Losing three microgames in a row
  • "Hot! Hot! Hot!" - Burned


  • "Lemme at 'em!" - Game start
  • "Game time!" - Ready
  • "Watch out!" - Ready
  • "Oh, I'm ready!" - Speed up
  • "Hah, let's do this!" - Speed up
  • "No fear!" - Boss stage
  • "I can take 'em!" - Boss stage with only one life
  • "Safe!" - 1-Up
  • "I'm the best!" - Story complete
  • "Me first, me first!" - Bonus stage
  • "I’m fired up!" - Level up
  • "This isn't over!" - Game over
  • "What a letdown." - Game over
  • "Best score yet!" - New high score
  • "I rule!" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
  • "I'm killin' it!" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
  • "Gimme a redo!" - Play again/Continue
  • "There's no stopping me!" - Continuing on first playthrough
  • "(yawns) Just a quick nap..." - Quit

Break Room

  • "Lulu's on it!" - Select
  • "I was born ready!" - Select
  • "Let's play!" - Select
  • "This totally rocks!" - red Prezzy
  • "Whoa! So cool!" - orange Prezzy
  • "No way. For me?" - gold Prezzy
  • "Yeah, okay." - green Prezzy
  • "Seriously?" - blue Prezzy
  • "Nothing's gonna stop me!" - Level up

Master Mantis


  • "I am most grateful for your assistance."
  • "Hmmm... yes... I sense our foe's presence coming from somewhere on Floor 10."
  • "Let's go! One of us remains captive. We mustn't fail now!"
  • "Perhaps this is the end you seek... Treasure not the gold but the journey it inspired."


Winning a microgame

  • "Splendid!"
  • "A triumph!"
  • "Excellent!"
  • "Mmm. Clever."
  • "I see!" - Within microgame
  • "Yes!" - Within microgame
  • "Oho!" - Within microgame
  • "Swiftly done!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Strike fast!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "As I thought!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Ah-ha!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Moving on." - Winning after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Mm-hmm!" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Masterful!" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Good form!" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
  • "Stay alert!" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life

Losing a microgame

  • "Learn from this."
  • "Challenging!"
  • "Not good."
  • "How humbling."
  • "Stand strong!" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Unacceptable." - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Curious..." - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Onwards." - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "I'm... fine." - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Stay afloat!" - One life left
  • "Regain focus." - Losing 3 microgames in a row
  • "Hot..." - Burned


  • "We begin!" - Game start
  • "I accept!" - Ready
  • "You chose well." - Ready
  • "A challenge!" - Ready
  • "Act quickly now!" - Speed up
  • "Prepare yourself." - Speed up
  • "Stay centered!" - Boss stage
  • "I shall not lose!" - Boss stage with only one life
  • "That... is the way of the Mantis." - Story complete
  • "I approve." - 1-Up
  • "A golden opportunity!" - Bonus stage
  • "A new challenge!" - Level up
  • "I regret nothing." - Game over
  • "My path ends here." - Game over
  • "New heights!" - New high score
  • "My strength grows!" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
  • "A worthy outcome!" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
  • "Ah, a clean slate." - Play again/Continue
  • "One's training never ends." - Continuing on first playthrough
  • "Resting is beneficial." - Quit

Break Room

  • "Training begins now." - Select
  • "We must act with intention." - Select
  • "My only fear... is fear." - Select
  • "A wonderous surprise!" - red Prezzy
  • "I'm filled with gratitude!" - orange Prezzy
  • "I thank you." - gold Prezzy
  • "Gladly received." - green Prezzy
  • "Ermmm... yes...?" - blue Prezzy
  • "One's journey is never complete." - Level up

Mega Bug

  • "Ziiip zooorp! (Thank you!)"



  • "La-la-la-laaa! The acoustics in there are perfect for karaoke."
  • "Fine. If I must."
  • "Too bad. There goes my solo career."
  • "Good. We survived."
  • "Sing it!"
  • "Ha. Ha. Dr. Crygor is afraid of the dark."
  • "Good grief. Your superior intellect is a scaredy-cat."


Winning a microgame

  • "In tune."
  • "Sing it!"
  • "High-five!"
  • "Approval."
  • "Yay." - Within microgame
  • "Good!" - Within microgame
  • "Mm-hmm!" - Within microgame
  • "Pah." - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Pitch perfect!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "That computes." - Completing IQ/choice-based game
  • "Logical." - Completing IQ/choice-based game
  • "Close." - Winning after being damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "MIKE DROP!" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Superior." - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "I rock." - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
  • "Remain calm." - Completing 5 microgames with only one life

Losing a microgame

  • "Sad robot."
  • "Womp wooomp."
  • "Ohhh..."
  • "Off key..."
  • "Fail."
  • "Womp womp!" - Within microgame
  • "Angry." - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Tech support!" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Incompatible!" - Losing IQ/choice-based game
  • "Error." - Losing IQ/choice-based game
  • "Oops..." - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "My bad." - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Warning!" - One life left
  • "Gasp." - Losing 3 microgames in a row
  • "Noooo!~♪" - Damaged
  • "Too hot!" - Burned


  • "Initiating." - Game start
  • "Activated." - Ready
  • "Go time!" - Ready
  • "Accelerating!" - Speed up
  • "High velocity!" - Speed up
  • "Bring it!" - Boss stage
  • "Fear not." - Boss stage with only one life
  • "I'm a karaoke machine!" - Story complete
  • "Gladness!" - 1-Up
  • "Time to clean up." - Bonus stage
  • "Challenge detected." - Level up
  • "That is all." - Game over
  • "Show's over..." - Game over
  • "High score! Yes!" - New high score
  • "Tears of joy!" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
  • "Happy face!" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
  • "Encore!" - Play again/Continue
  • "My song isn't over." - Continuing on first playthrough
  • "Powering dooooooown..." - Quit

Break Room

  • "Laa-la-la-laaa!" - Select
  • "The stage awaits." - Select
  • "And a-one. And a-two." - Select
  • "I am happy so I sing! La-la-la!" - red Prezzy
  • "Emotional response!" - orange Prezzy
  • "Expression of thanks." - gold Prezzy
  • "I will accept this." - green Prezzy
  • "If you insist." - blue Prezzy
  • "Robots rule! Humans drool." - Level up



  • "All our hard work!"
  • "Hello! Wario, is that you?"
  • "AHHHH! My scooter! It won't stop!"
  • "What a mess! My level looks awful!"
  • "Bugs... inside the game... did THIS? Unacceptable! Let's go!"
  • "Be good!"
  • "I'm home!" (spoken)
  • "Oh no!"
  • "What a mess!" (spoken)
  • "Behave!"
  • "Really?!" (spoken)
  • "All tidied up. Good work, everyone!"
  • "Look at all of this corruption. It's just awful."
  • "Ugh! Wario! How could you say that?"
  • "The game bugs must have corrupted the entire game."
  • "Hello! Dr. Crygor!"
  • "Gah! Dr. Crygor! Down here!"
  • "We're back!"
  • "Hmm, I wonder..."
  • "Where did all those bugs come from?"
  • "It seems some of our friends are still stuck inside the game."


Winning a microgame

  • "Cool!"
  • "Looking good!"
  • "With style!"
  • "Impressed?"
  • "Yay!" - Within microgame
  • "Yeah!" - Within microgame
  • "Walk in the park!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Thought so!" - Completing IQ/choice-based game
  • "Smart." - Completing IQ/choice-based game
  • "Too close!" - Winning after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "That's right!" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Neato!" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "So exciting!" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
  • "Stay focused!" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life

Losing a microgame

  • "No good."
  • "Oh phooey..."
  • "Ohh..."
  • "Wrong?" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Wait, what?!" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Mean!" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Unbelievable!'" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Embarrassing..." - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Oh dear..." - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Oh no..." - One life left
  • "Hot!" - Burned


  • "Let's ride!" - Game start
  • "Ready!" - Ready
  • "Beep, beep!" - Ready
  • "Ciao!" - Ready
  • "Rev it up!" - Speed up
  • "Beep, beep! Faster!" - Speed up
  • "Challenge accepted!" - Boss stage
  • "Time to focus." - Boss stage with only one life
  • "And that's how it's done!" - Story complete
  • "Thank goodness!" - 1-Up
  • "It's pay day!" - Bonus stage
  • "This is serious." - Level up
  • "End of the road..." - Game over
  • "Got a flat!" - Game over
  • "Top-notch score!" - New high score
  • "Totally awesome!" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
  • "Great score!" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
  • "One more time." - Play again/Continue
  • "Me, done? No way!" - Continuing on first playthrough
  • "Out of gas..." - Quit

Break Room

  • "Go go Mona!" - Select
  • "Let's motor!" - Select
  • "Time to scoot!" - Select
  • "Yay! I love it!" - red Prezzy
  • "Whoa! Thank you!" - orange Prezzy
  • "That's so nice of you!" - gold Prezzy
  • "I... like it." - green Prezzy
  • "For... me?" - blue Prezzy
  • "Hey, I like this!" - Level up



  • "Oops! The bad is mine."
  • "My beam of tractoring... It does not work on this glitchy yuck!"
  • "I see! Then Orbulon will dispose of these bugs... with style!"
  • "Greetings!"
  • "My travel show begins!"
  • "Tourist time!" (spoken over above line)
  • "I see your sights!"
  • "I absorb your culture!"
  • "Souvenirs!"
  • "For all my friends!"
  • "First I conquer the game bugs! Then I conquer THE WORLD!"
  • "Oh no! There is much corruption here. A great amount of much!"
  • "Yerg! Orbulon has feelings of confusion and excitement!"


Winning a microgame

  • "Fun, fun!"
  • "Huzzah!"
  • "Likey!"
  • "A-ha!"
  • "Hahaha!"
  • "Aha!" - Within microgame
  • "Yay!" - Within microgame
  • "Hmhmhm!" - Within microgame
  • "Peasy easy!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Speedy!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "High IQ!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Right-o!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Not so fun!" - Winning after being damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "My specialty!" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Lucky!" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "See me roll!" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
  • "Focus, focus." - Completing 5 microgames with only one life

Losing a microgame

  • "Try again!"
  • "Bad work."
  • "I failed..."
  • "Oh no..."
  • "Hmmm...'"
  • "It stings..." - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "So angry..." - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Such wrongness." - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Unacceptable." - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Undo, undo!" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Unimportant." - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Doom..." - Within microgame
  • "High stakes..." - One life left
  • "D'oh!" - Damaged
  • "Guuh!" - Damaged
  • "Fire!" - Burned
  • "Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow." - Electrocuted


  • "Ready now!" - Game start
  • "Fly time!" - Ready
  • "Behold!" - Ready
  • "It is on!" - Ready
  • "I like this..." - Speed up
  • "Go, baby, go!" - Speed up
  • "Gulp...!" - Boss stage
  • "It's risky biz!" - Boss stage with only one life
  • "I quite enjoyed that!" - Story complete
  • "More lives!" - 1-Up
  • "Ooh, cash-grab!" - Bonus stage
  • "More difficulty!" - Level up
  • "Is it over?" - Game over
  • "The end has come." - Game over
  • "So high! So score!" - New high score
  • "I am amazing." - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
  • "Satisfactory." - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
  • "More, please!" - Play again/Continue
  • "I am re-energized." - Continuing on first playthrough
  • "Mmm... sleepy time." - Quit

Break Room

  • "Galactical adventure!" - Select
  • "Ohhh... OOH! Ha-ha-ha!" - Select
  • "Commencing fun time!" - Select
  • "I am full of delight!" - red Prezzy
  • "So much greatfulness!" - orange Prezzy
  • "Thanks to you!" - gold Prezzy
  • "I wish you hadn't." - green Prezzy
  • "But why, Earth-folk?" - blue Prezzy
  • "Now Earth will be mine!" - Level up



  • "Finished at last!"
  • "I give you... Jet Tank One!"
  • "Ta-da!" (spoken over above line)
  • "Grandpa?! Hi!"
  • "Yeah... Uh-huh..."
  • "Sure! I'll be right there!"
  • "Here goes!"
  • "Woo-hoo!" (spoken)
  • "Hi, everyone! Sorry to keep you waiting."
  • "I bet you want me to turn that junk into something awesome. I'm on it!"
  • "All done!"
  • "Oh, wow! That beanstalk! It's incredible!"
  • "OK, time to start climbing! I bet there's something at the top!"


Winning a microgame

  • "High note!"
  • "That's it!"
  • "Yeah!"
  • "Positive results!"
  • "Uh-huh!" - Within microgame
  • "Yes!" - Within microgame
  • "Hah!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "So easy!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Spot on!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Knew it!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "That was close!" - Winning after being damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Just like that." - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Brainpower!" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Exemplary!" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
  • "Still here!" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life

Losing a microgame

  • "Shuuucks!"
  • "Inconclusive."
  • "Messed up..."
  • "Next time."
  • "Drat!"
  • "But-" - Within microgame
  • "Awww!" - Within microgame
  • "Awww..." - Within microgame
  • "That smarts." - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Ouch." - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Ah!" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Hold on!" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "My formula!" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Solid effort." - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "This is it." - One life left
  • "Get it together!" - Losing three microgames in a row
  • "Yowza!" - Burned


  • "Alright!" - Game start
  • "For science!" - Ready
  • "Hi!" - Ready
  • "For me?" - Ready
  • "The faster, the better!" - Speed up
  • "Increase velocity!" - Speed up
  • "Safety goggles: on!" - Level up
  • "That was a blast!" - Story complete
  • "Another challenge!" - Boss stage
  • "Ooh, a test!" - Boss stage with only one life
  • "Whew!" - 1-Up
  • "Showtime!" - Bonus stage
  • "Back to square one..." - Game over
  • "Thwarted..." - Game over
  • "Record-breaking!" - New high score
  • "Look at that!" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
  • "Stellar results." - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
  • "Keep on trying!" - Continue
  • "I don't give up!" - Continuing on first playthrough
  • "I need a power nap..." - Quit

Break Room

  • "Ready, Penny!" - Select
  • "Let's experiment!" - Select
  • "This is intriguing!" - Select
  • "I'm totally speechless!" - red Prezzy
  • "Perfect for my collection!" - orange Prezzy
  • "Thanks!" - gold Prezzy
  • "I'll... find a use for this." - green Prezzy
  • "How... interesting." - blue Prezzy
  • "Knowledge is power!" - Level up



  • "OK! I'm on it!"
  • "Ashley! I knew you'd come to rescue little ol' me!"
  • "Oh boy, am I glad to see you! This big... thing... locked me up in here."
  • "OK, so... I'm pretty sure it took this elevator up to Floor 18."
  • "What the hexsaroonie?! That thing jumped out the window... from FLOOR 18!"
  • "Yes! Time to fly to the next level!"
  • "Oh brother. He sure is eager."
  • "Huh. That's some pretty weird treasure."
  • "Huh? How are we supposed to put all this junk together?"
  • "Hmm, let's see. He says... "I just stopped by to play for a bit.""
  • "And, uh, he wants to know... "Did you have a good time playing with me?""


Winning a microgame

  • "Heh, heh, heh!"
  • "I got moves!"
  • "Translate that!"
  • "Yes!"
  • "Ya see that?"
  • "Whoo!" - Within microgame
  • "Yeah!" - Within microgame
  • "I'm fast!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Knew it!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Righty-roo!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Whew..." - Winning after being damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Clearly..." - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Woah..." - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Clean sweep!" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
  • "Still kickin'!" - Completing 5 microgames with one life left

Losing a microgame

  • "How?!"
  • "Aw man!"
  • "Slipped up!"
  • "I'm cursed!"
  • "That stunk."
  • "That was mean." - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Figures." - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "You're kidding!" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "I'm shocked!" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "This is hard!" - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Wha?!" - Damaged
  • "Hot! Hot!" - Burned


  • "My turn!" - Game start
  • "So ready!" - Ready
  • "All set!" - Ready
  • "Uh-huh!" - Ready
  • "Ready for speed!" - Speed up
  • "Faster!" - Speed up
  • "Uhh..." - Boss stage
  • "You sure about this?" - Boss stage with only one life
  • "I finished something! Ha, ha, ha, ha!" - Story complete
  • "I'm saved!" - 1-Up
  • "For the taking!" - Bonus stage
  • "I can take it!" - Level up
  • "No luck!" - Game over
  • "Red's out." - Game over
  • "Oooh, high score!" - New high score
  • "Yay-worthy!" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
  • "Pretty good!" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
  • "One more for the win!" - Continue
  • "Raring to go!" - Continuing on first playthrough
  • "My poor, poor wings! Oh!" - Quit

Break Room

  • "Uhh... I'm not scared!" - Select
  • "Wa-hoo! Heh, heh." - Select
  • "No turning back!" - Select
  • "I love, love, love it!" - red Prezzy
  • "Ooooh! A present for me?" - orange Prezzy
  • "Huh, this is fun." - gold Prezzy
  • "Uhh... I accept." - green Prezzy
  • "Meh, I've gotten worse." - blue Prezzy
  • "I could get used to this!" - Level up



  • "C'mon, hop aboard!" (spoken)
  • "Ha HA! Now that's more like it!"


Winning a microgame

  • "I like it!"
  • "Alright!"
  • "That's right!"
  • "Aw yeah."
  • "Mreow!" - Within microgame
  • "Haha!" - Within microgame
  • "Slick!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "No big." - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Clever, huh?" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Told ya!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Mee-yowza!" - Winning after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Puh-lease!" - Completing a microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Well, well!" - Completing a microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Purrfecto!" - Completing 10 microgames in a row without losing a life
  • "Stay cool." - Completing 5 microgames in a row with only one life

Losing a microgame

  • "Meeyow!!"
  • "Criminy!"
  • "Get out!"
  • "Oh boy."
  • "What?"
  • "Hiss!" - Within microgame
  • "No!" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "What a joke." - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Hey now!" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Spittin' mad!" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "What a joke!" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Not my day..." - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Easy now!" - One life left
  • "Strugglin'..." - Losing three microgames in a row
  • "D-oi!" - Damaged
  • "Kyyhhh!" - Burned


  • "Go time!" - Game start
  • "My pleasure!" - Ready
  • "Why not?" - Ready
  • "Purr-ime time!" - Ready
  • "Here we go!" - Speed up
  • "Speed up!" - Speed up
  • "Now or never!" - Boss stage
  • "Do or die!" - Boss stage with only one life
  • "Who's laughing now?" - Story complete
  • "Needed that!" - 1-up
  • "Moolah!" - Bonus stage
  • "It's gettin' real!" - Level Up
  • "What a drag." - Game over
  • "Ride's over..." - Game over
  • "Straight to the top!" - New high score
  • "Hohoho! Nice!" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
  • "Not bad, not bad!" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
  • "I can do this all day." - Play again/Continue
  • "I've got rubber to burn!" - Continuing on first playthrough
  • "I'm clockin' out..." - Quit

Break Room

  • "Spitzy speed!" - Select
  • "Pedal, meet metal!" - Select
  • "Buckle up!" - Select
  • "Me-WOW! This is fantastic!" - red Prezzy
  • "Very impressive indeed!" - orange Prezzy
  • "Thank you very much!" - gold Prezzy
  • "O-kay, then." - green Prezzy
  • "You shouldn't have! Really." - blue Prezzy
  • "I'm one cool cat, alright!" - Level up

The Supreme Developer

  • "I am the Supreme Developer. I watch over this game, you might say."
  • "I am the one who brought you all here. Yes, that was all me."
  • "The game bugs arrived, quite uninvited. I knew not what to do. So I brought you here. To help."
  • "I thank you for tidying up their mess. Difficult work, I'm sure. Now, your home is right this way."
  • "Please, come back and play anytime."
  • "You have returned. And so soon. Welcome."
  • "Yes. Of course. I shall check..."
  • "Mm, yes, strange. It appears they have been captured by... something."
  • "This is not the work of a game bug. Wait... Oh dear..."
  • "One of your friends is nearby."



  • "My game! It's finished!"
  • "Yes! This is it! My best one yet!"
  • "Huh? What's this?"
  • "No wonder I feel like flying. I AM flying!"
  • "Is it because I'm inside the game? Bah, who cares! This is going to come in handy!"
  • "Is this... It is! It's the level I made!"
  • "That thing! It messed up everything it touched!"
  • "This is bad. It's going to ruin my level!"
  • "GAH! WAIT!"
  • "Start! Start! Start!"
  • "There you are! You can't hide from Wario!"
  • "OK! Time to smash some bugs!"
  • "Get a load of this place. The bugs really did a number on it, eh?"
  • "Meh. I'm starting to think it isn't so bad after all."
  • "Hey! Crygor!"
  • "I think this guy has some glitches of his own, if you know what I mean."
  • "A mine cart! That's more like it."
  • "What's with this place? It's so dark and boring."
  • "Hello? Is anyone there?"
  • "Aha! Ashley! I should have known."
  • "It's time to stomp some game bugs. And you! You're gonna help us!"
  • "Because I said so! And because... BAH! Fine! We don't need you anyway!"
  • "What's that weird sound?"
  • "Wah! You nincompoop! What are you doing?!"
  • "Ah-ha, another mine cart! I call driver's seat!"
  • "Huh? Is something in there?"
  • "OK! Now we're getting somewhere. This is the last level I made!"
  • "Eh?! What is THAT?!"
  • "It's taking over my game! We've got to stop it!"
  • "OK! We've got you now!"
  • "Hmmm... I say we leave it alone."
  • "It's grimy and stinky and messed everything up. Which makes it perfect for my level!"
  • "What?! Supreme who?! C'mon! Everyone knows Wario is number one!"
  • "OK, let's get outta here before I, uh, remember something I'm forgetting."
  • "Well..." (spoken)
  • "We make games! I make money! ALL THE MONEY!"
  • "Huh? What's going on?"
  • "Eh-hehe... oops."
  • "Uh-oh." (spoken)
  • "I'm the boss! ME!" (spoken)
  • "Look! Someone's missing. Three someones!"
  • "Meh. Why?"
  • "OK. OK. But this better be worth it!"
  • "Aw, c'mon! I thought we took care of all the game bugs!"
  • "It dropped something."
  • "Eh-hehehe! TREASURE!"
  • "OK! Let's go find more treas——I mean, let's go find our friends!"
  • "Bah! He got tired of waiting and fell asleep."
  • "Eh! Where'd that thing go? And did it have any treasure with it?"
  • "OK! Floor 10, got it! Time to get a move on!"
  • "More treasure! I knew it!"
  • "AH HA HA! So what?! Treasure is treasure!"
  • "Hey! Kid! Which way did that weird blobby thing go?"
  • "No time to waste. Treasure awaits! I mean, we gotta take that guy down or whatever."
  • "Yes! THERE IT IS!"
  • "What's this? "I dare you to put all three treasures together.""
  • "Eh-hehe! A dare?! Wario never turns down a dare. Let's do this!"
  • "Hey! Crygor! Use that robo-noodle of yours and think of something!"
  • "WAAHHHH! My treasure! My beautiful treasure!"
  • "Arrrgh! We've been climbing this thing forever! There's nothing here!"
  • "Does it have more treasure?! WAAAAIT! COME BACK!"
  • "OK! Let's get it, once and for all!"
  • "We've got you cornered! Give it up!"
  • "What did you say?!"
  • "Good time! Bad time! Who cares?! Where is the TREASURE?!"
  • "C'mon! There has to be treasure! Some gold, maybe? Just a teensy bit?!"
  • "You're kidding."
  • "NO! There's nothing at all?! But... but... IT CAN'T END LIKE THIS!"


Winning a microgame

  • "Oh yeah!"
  • "Alright!"
  • "I win!"
  • "Ho-ho!"
  • "Take that!"
  • "Ha-ha!" - Within microgame
  • "Yes!" - Within microgame
  • "Hah!" - Within microgame
  • "Wah-ha!" - Winning after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Piece of cake!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Easy peasy!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Nailed it!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "So good." - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Of course!" - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Not bad!" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "More, more!" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
  • "Keep it up!" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life

Losing a microgame

  • "Oh, boo."
  • "Gaahh..."
  • "Drat!"
  • "Rats!"
  • "No way!"
  • "Ergh!" - Within microgame
  • "Boo!" - Within microgame
  • "Not nice!" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Not fair!" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Wrongo!" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Ah- wh- what?" - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Awrwrwrwrwr..." - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Eh, whatever." - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Last chance." - One life left
  • "Oh... *raspberry*" - Losing 3 microgames in a row
  • "D-oh!" - Damaged
  • "Hot! Hot!" - Burned


  • "Wario time!" - Game start
  • "It's-a me!" - Ready
  • "Ta-da!" - Ready
  • "Why not?" - Ready
  • "Faster! FASTER!" - Speed up
  • "Wah! Keep up!" - Speed up
  • "Bring it on!" - Boss stage
  • "I got this!" - Boss stage with only one life
  • "Heh-heh-heh! Pretty good, eh?" - Story complete
  • "Needed that!" - 1-Up
  • "Cha-ching!" - Bonus stage
  • "No match for me!" - Level up
  • "Ehh... whatever." - Game over
  • "All over..." - Game over
  • "I'm the best!" - New high score
  • "Amazing!" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
  • "Hey, not bad!" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
  • "Oh yeah! Back for more!" - Play again/Continue
  • "Here we go!" - Continuing on first playthrough
  • "Wah, I'm pooped..." - Quit

Break Room

  • "Alright! Let's-a go!" - Select
  • "Let me at 'em!" - Select
  • "Heh-heh. Time to do this!" - Select
  • "Eh-ha-ha-ha-ha! Gimme, gimme, gimme!" - red Prezzy
  • "Nice, very nice!" - orange Prezzy
  • "Ooh... don't mind if I do..." - gold Prezzy
  • "Eh, sure why not?" - green Prezzy
  • "Ehh. I suppose." - blue Prezzy
  • "Wa-ha! How do you like me now?" - Level up

Young Cricket


  • "Mr. Wario! There you are!"
  • "Time to join forces. It's the only way! C'mon, let's tag team our foe!"
  • "Whoa! The corruption... It's disappearing!"
  • "I see. So, if we get rid of the bugs... everything will go back to normal?"
  • "This is no time to rest. We must keep going!"
  • "Yes! Game bugs have taken over. They're causing these... glitches."
  • "All of this pushing IS good for my training, but can't you walk just a little bit?"
  • "OH NO!"
  • "Yes! We must rescue them."
  • "HEY!"
  • "Did you see where this big thing went?"
  • "The time for action is now! To the elevator!"
  • "Wait!"
  • "We must not lose focus. Time to rescue the other two!"
  • "Master!"
  • "Look at him! So calm despite being captured. That's master for you."
  • "Good. Everyone is here. Now we must defeat our foe!"


Winning a microgame

  • "Impressive!"
  • "Wow!"
  • "Great!"
  • "Ho-ahh!"
  • "Take that!"
  • "Good!" - Within microgame
  • "Indeed!" - Within microgame
  • "Nice!" - Within microgame
  • "Close!" - Winning after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Simple." - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Done!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "I knew it!" - Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "On target!" -Completing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Naturally." - Completing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Ha ha!" - Completing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Perfect!" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
  • "No pressure!" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life

Losing a microgame

  • "Lost focus..."
  • "Off balance..."
  • "I've failed..."
  • "Oh no..."
  • "Troubling..." - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Humbling..." - Losing IQ/choice-based microgame
  • "Got me..." - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "Dah!" - Losing after damaged and KO'd within microgame
  • "But how!?" - Losing microgame when considered the best fit
  • "Next time." - Losing microgame when considered the worst fit
  • "Last chance..." - One life left
  • "Not good..." - Losing 3 microgames in a row
  • "Uuuaaahhh! Hot!" - Burned


  • "Let's begin!" - Game start
  • "I'm ready!" - Ready
  • "On it!" - Ready
  • "Hyah!" - Ready
  • "Prepare for speed!" - Speed up
  • "Kick it up!" - Speed up
  • "Formidable..." - Boss stage
  • "I cannot lose!" - Boss stage with only one life
  • "I learned much." - Story complete
  • "Dumpling money..." - Bonus Stage
  • "Time to focus!" - Level up
  • "So it ends here..." - Game over
  • "Still much to learn." - Game over
  • "Yes! New high score!" - New high score
  • "Woah, nice!" - Scoring above Master Mission requirement
  • "A worthy showing!" - Scoring above Expert Mission requirement
  • "Let's begin again!" - Play again/Continue
  • "The training continues!" - Continuing on first playthrough
  • "We rest... for now." - Quit

Break Room

  • "My training starts now!" - Select
  • "Never lose focus!" - Select
  • "I must grow stronger!" - Select
  • "Whoa, what an honor!" - red Prezzy
  • "That is very generous!" - orange Prezzy
  • "You have my gratitude." - gold Prezzy
  • "That is... nice." - green Prezzy
  • "Uhh... thanks?" - blue Prezzy
  • "My dedication is paying off!" - Level up