List of Paper Mario: Color Splash quotes

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This is a list of quotes from the game Paper Mario: Color Splash, listed by character, in alphabetical order.

Accordion Goomba

  • "We ain't your father's Goombas."
  • "Boing, boing!"
  • "We expand, you contract!"
  • "Try jumping! Or, y'know... don't..."

Animal Trainer Shy Guy

  • "It's OK... Everything is OK..."
  • "Thweep!"
  • "Wait!"
  • "I'm a professional!"

Big Paint Stars

  • "Thank you... both."
  • "That is correct, Huey. I am using the power of paint to color your thoughts."
  • "Thank you both for saving me, but there's work yet to do."
  • "As you can see, the other Big Paint Stars are still missing."
  • "If it will help, I can share my memory of what happened here with you."
  • "But be warned... it is not pleasant. Please, close your eyes..."
  • "Yes, we have been scattered far and wide, preventing us from supplying the fountain–and our world–with life-giving paint."
  • "But there is hope! Mario, Huey... if you can find the remaining five Big Paint Stars, the fountain can be restored."
  • "Good luck, and let the paint be your guide."
  • "Mario... and you too, Huey..."
  • "Thanks for saving me. I am the yellow Big Paint Star."
  • "My memory is a little better than the red Big Paint Star's. Allow me to get you up to speed."
  • "Before Bowser scattered up across the land, his underlings showed up..."
  • "Thank you... I am the blue Big Paint Star."
  • "Allow me to share my memories with you..."
  • "I am the purple Big Paint Star. Mario, Huey, thank you for saving me."
  • "I remember the attack on Port Prisma very clearly..."
  • "I am the Orange Big Paint Star."
  • "I remember what happened just before Bowser's army attacked Port Prisma."
  • "Let me show you... what happened to Bowser. I warn you: it's not for the faith of heart."
  • "Mario, Huey... You've both done splendidly."
  • "I'm the green Big Paint Star."
  • "My account of these unfortunate events should make everything clear."
  • "You're probably still wondering why the fountain's paint turned black."
  • "The truth is..."
  • "Oh ye of little faith!"
  • "Mario, Huey... as promised, we will show you the way. Behold! The power of paint!"

Big Spiny

  • "Well, if it ain't the delusional duo."
  • "Who woulda thunk that some hairy-lipped senior citizen and a rusty trash can would make it this far?"
  • "Not me, boys. Not me."
  • "Course, now that you're here, I'm afraid this is where your story ends."
  • "Can it, can man!"
  • "This shiny, painty thing is property of the Spiny tribe of Kiwano Temple. It's not going anywhere."
  • "Now, you gonna throw yourselves in the lava, or do I gotta do it for you?"


  • "When did we fall so madly in love?"
  • "Those plump pursed lips."
  • "The overdone purple eye shadow."
  • "You only call me by moonlight..."
  • "Two hearts in doki doki panic."
  • "My heart Flutter Jumps."
  • "Kiss me, my darling."
  • "Oops! There's an egg on your face..."

Black Shy Guy

  • "Slicing through the mist
    Paint will be spilled here today
    The shy ninja strikes"
  • "My belt is black too!"
  • "I know all your moves."
  • "*fwish*"
  • "....."


  • "Thanks for saving me, Mario!"
  • "I got jumped by a bunch of Shy Guys out of nowhere, and I just broke down and started crying..."
  • "One of these days, I'll toughen up and become a Toad who stands up for himself!"
  • "Whoa, the gang's all here! Well, mostly here..."
  • "What's up with Piper though? Sending out that letter and not even showing up himself?!"
  • "I guess I better keep it down just in case he shows up. He was usually pretty laid back, but when he was angry... LOOK OUT!"
  • "Remember the time we got ambushed by that gang of thugs?"
  • "They all started making fun of Piper, saying his legs were short, his head was big... Really dumb stuff."
  • "And Piper just laughed! Just totally shrugged 'em off! But THEN they came after me sayin' "Why so blue, ya crybaby?!""
  • "Which really hit home, y'know, since I am a crybaby and all. So I start crying, and Piper starts gnashing his teeth and breathing heavy..."
  • "Before I know what's goin' on, Piper jumps on one of 'me and swallows him whole!"
  • "Piper had to lay low for a while after that, but those thugs never bothered US again, that's for sure!"
  • "WHAT?!
  • "The flowers..."
  • "HE'S ALIVE!"
  • "Let's go, Piper! Best friends together again!"

Blue Chosen Toad

  • "Quiet! This isn't about finding a pretty place or being cool!"
  • "I'm embarking on this long, foolish, potentially deadly journey in order to discover my destiny!"
  • "I don't have time for your silly festivals!"
  • "It's time to discover my destiny!"
  • "Hey, that WAS pretty cool, huh?!"
  • "That's it! I've found my destiny! I am the greatest surfer in the history of forever!"
  • "Relax, guys. You act like you've never met a surf legend before."
  • "Wait... I'm confused. Should I stick to surfing or not?"
  • "Whatever, I can't swim anyway. But you said my head might fit the gate to the Crimson Tower?!"
  • "Of course! How did I not see it before!"
  • "Legend has it that there are three Chosen Toads who are meant to open that sacred gate."
  • "Until this very moment, I never knew what to do with my life or my oddly shaped head! But it all makes sense now!"
  • "I'm one of the Chosen Toads, and my destiny is to open the gate to the Crimson Tower!"
  • "Mario, we've been waiting!"
  • "Uhh... Nothing's haaaaaappening!"
  • "Hurry up and smack me already! It's my destiny!"
  • "DAOWWW!"
  • "We're still alive. You were really going to smooth us and leave?"


  • "Quit staring!"
  • "Ahahaha!"
  • "Mind turning around for a minute?"
  • "Boo! Yeah!"
  • "Why, I never!"
  • "This is a ghosts-only spa!"

Boomerang Bro

  • "BOOM! ERANG!"
  • "How's my boomerang taste?"
  • "You 'rang?"
  • "RANGZZZ!"
  • "We've made soooo many Bob-ombs already today..."
  • "Whaddaya say we play hooky this afternoon? Maybe toss the ol' boomerang a little?"
  • "AHHHHHH! Oh, it's just Mario. Whew!"
  • "For a second I thought Bowser caught us slacking off."


  • "BWAHAHA! Feast your eyes!"
  • "I have harnessed the power of the black paint! Nothing can stop me now! Soon I will share the dark gift of black paint with the entire world! GWAHAHA! Later, chumps!"
  • "Well, well, well. Mario! I must admit–I didn't think you'd make it this far."
  • "Your beloved Princess Peach is here too! I knew she wouldn't want to miss this. Of course, I couldn't have her sending out those pesky little letters behind my back... You know what she said when I caught her spying on me? "I've been framed!" BAHAHAHA!"
  • "BWAHAHA! Put a lid on it, Rusty! I'll show you the true meaning of PAINT!"
  • "Huh? Mario?! What are you doing in my castle, chump?! Princess Peach with you?"
  • "Running won't get you anywhere! This doesn't end until one of us drops. Most likely you!"
  • "Wha...? What's going on? MARIO?! What are YOU doing here? Do we have a kart race scheduled for today? WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BRAIN, CHUMPS?! And why do I feel like I just got hit by a bus?!"

Buzzy Beetle

  • "Buzzy Beetle Blocker...engage!"
  • "Bah!"
  • "Can't flip me!"
  • "Buzzy Beetle beatdown!"
  • "Clickity-clack!"
  • "Bzzzzz!"
  • "Buzz-side down..."
  • "Whoopsie!"

Card Connoisseur Toad

  • "You there! The strong-looking fellow with the hammer!"
  • "You seem as though you've seen a battle or two, which means you must have a Battle Card... or two."
  • "Please forgive the intrusion, but might I take a look at them?"
  • "Oh, yes. Exquisite..."
  • "You, sir, have the finest collection of Battle Cards I've ever laid my stubby fingers on. Bar none!"
  • "Oh, incidentally, here are your cards back. Thank you for allowing me to fondle them."
  • "I'll take my leave of you now. Thank you for sharing your wondrous Battle Cards with me."
  • "Ah, Mr. Mario. How splendid that you had the good sense to entertain my offer. Follow me, please."
  • "Come, this way."
  • "I've spent long years of my life designing and constructing this place in order to document the history and culture of Prism Island..."
  • "Welcome, friends, to a little place that I like to call..."
  • "Prisma Museum!"
  • "Au contraire, my friend! My mission is to make our collection as accessible as possible."
  • "Even a common undergraduate art student should be able to appreciate it!"
  • "There's just one tiny thing. I don't actually HAVE anything to display as of yet."
  • "And having seen your collection of Battle Cards, my dear Mario... I feel we would be in rather good hands if you chose to donate..."
  • "Splendid. I knew I could count on someone with such fine taste in Battle Cards..."
  • "With that, please allow me to give you the grand tour."
  • "The three blue doors in front of you are card galleries displaying Battle Cards."
  • "From left to right, the blue doors contain Basic Cards, Enemy Cards, and Thing Cards."
  • "If you have cards that you can donate to a room, the star above the door will light up."
  • "To donate a card, simply enter the room and follow the Toad's instructions."
  • "Moving on! The red door to the left leads to the art exhibit."
  • "The more cards you donate, the more pieces we'll be able to add to each exhibit!"
  • "Finally, the green door to the right leads to the sound exhibit."
  • "You'll be able to populate it with sounds by completely repainting courses."
  • "Ask the guide Toad in each exhibit for more information, or ask me if you'd like to know about the state of the overall collection."
  • "I can't thank you enough for your assistance. Take care."
  • "My, my, you've been busy with the old paint hammer, haven't you? Well, don't think we haven't noticed."
  • "Thanks to your fine efforts, we've been able to procure some records for the sound gallery."
  • "Welcome to the Prisma Museum! Let's check your donations so far..."
  • "• Basic Cards [Number of cards donated]/60
    • Enemy Cards
    [Number of cards donated]/72
    • Thing Cards
    [Number of cards donated]/27"
  • "Aside from that, there's also...
    • Artwork
    [Number of artwork unlocked]/40
    • Records
    [Number of records unlocked]/33"
  • "Thanks again for you help, old sport."
  • "Welcome back to Prisma Museum. Please take some time to enjoy the fruits of your labor."

Circus Bro

  • "My form is perfect."
  • "Fly, boomerang!"
  • "Boomerang, come back!"
  • "Hattack!"
  • "Lemmy vanished into thin air? Knowing him, it's probably part of his act."
  • "I bet he's somewhere shaking his groove thing. I swear–that guy! Once he hits the dance floor, he's totally incapacitated!"

Fire Bro

  • "Here comes the heat!"
  • "I'm gonna light you up!"
  • "FWOOSH!"
  • "Burn!"
  • "Sound off!"
  • "Last one!"
  • "Coach, is this a drill?"
  • "We've been practicing hard!"
  • "Let's make sure Mario can't tell the boss on us."
  • "C'mon, fam! We'll knock off Mario, and then knock off early!"

Fire Bro 8-Stack

  • "Fear the power of eight!"
  • "Our 7-stack is still pretty hot!"
  • "Super six, baby!"
  • "Still alive with five, bro!"
  • "Half strength is more than enough!"
  • "We've still got our big three!"
  • "We're still 2 much for you!"
  • "I'm going down with the stack!"

Five Fun Guys

  • "My eyes are shut tight so I don't get any sand in them!"
  • "I can't see anything... but I can still sense awkward situations."
  • "You found me, didn't you?"
  • "Nice hat, pal! Gotta protect that scalp from the sun!"
  • "Phew! I'm getting a wicked sunburn. The sun sure is angry today."
  • "You know a thing or two about the Angry Sun, don't ya?"
  • "I think I got thum thand in my mouth. Pweh pthew!"
  • "I got in here to hide, and then the shell closed on me!"
  • "Now my hair is messed up. Maybe no one will notice."
  • "Ugh... my hair is totally messed up now."
  • "Welco–"
  • "Oh, you got me. On the plus side, I can make a mean latte now!"
  • "I had the sunglasses! I had the mannerisms! I can't believe you found me!"
  • "Man, it was really hot up there."
  • "Makes you really feel the plight of the coconut, you know?"
  • "I need to find some sunscreen STAT."
  • "Maybe I've got the key, maybe I don't."
  • "Maybe I've got the key."
  • "Why, yes–I AM a Toad."
  • "Are you paying attention?"
  • "Don't mess this up, OK?"
  • "You think I have the key?"
  • "Tough luck, pal! I had the key!"
  • "Sorry, we were just trying to have a little fun."
  • "No hard feelings?"
  • "You knew it was me all along, huh? It's usually easy to spot a gem among stones."
  • "I'm afraid I overdid it a little with the shuffling. Threw my back out."
  • "Apparently there's a copycat group called the Five Shy Guys. What a bunch of hacks."
  • "The five of us are really good friends. We never get sick of one another's insufferable personalities and irritating faces."
  • "Well done, Mario! Quick thinking, paint bucket... thing."

Ghost Toads

  • "Argh! Where did that book go?! I've been tearing this place apart trying to find it."
  • "For some reason this book here is way heavier than the others, and I can't seem to move it!"
  • "I can't find that book! It doesn't seem to be this super-heavy one either."
  • "It was definitely on this bookshelf before! Someone must have borrowed it and not brought it back!"
  • "YEAH! This is the book! Thanks so much!"
  • "Now that I have my book, the meeting should go great! I'd better get to work!"
  • "I'm looking for room 201, but I can't seem to find it."
  • "Huh?"
  • "Oh, you're right! Room 201! How did I miss that?!"
  • "Thanks to you I was finally able to check in!"
  • "But I've got a tea party to get to, so I've gotta jet. Ta-ta!"
  • "I can't find them anywhere!"
  • "I can't see anything without them!"
  • "My glasses! I can see for days! I'm off to the party."
  • "No! It's gone! He stole it!"
  • "Ah, yes. This is it. Thank you!"
  • "Oh, but look at the time! I'm going to be late for my tea party!"
  • "Hello? HELLO? Can't you hear me? Why don't you answer?!"
  • "FINE. Whatever! The service in this hotel stinks!"
  • "My bedsheets are all wrinkly and creased, so I keep calling the front desk to have them changed."
  • "But they never seem to answer! It's like they can't even hear my voice!"
  • "Makes me wanna tear this whole room up again just to get some service!"
  • "My bedsheets are wrinkled! I swear–if they don't change them out, I'm gonna turn this room upside down again!"
  • "And then I'm gonna give this place a bad review online!"
  • "Really? Well, hurry up and change them before I have a chat with your manager!"
  • "Now, change 'em for the fresh ones!"
  • "Ahhhh... So smooth. So soft."
  • "Thanks a bunch for the sheets. All I wanted was to slide around on them for a minute."
  • "I would tip you but you took forever. Later!"
  • "My beautiful red bird has flown the coop!"
  • "My beautiful red bird has flown away..."
  • "It must've gotten sick of staying in this hideous color-drained cage..."
  • "Ah, you've fixed my birdcage! Thanks ever so much."
  • "Perhaps my red bird will come back home now."
  • "If you see my red bird around, please try to get it back in this cage."
  • "Ah, yes! My beautiful red bird! Thank you!"
  • "I'm afraid I've got an appointment for tea, so I really must be going!"
  • "We can't have a tea party without a teapot!"
  • "What's the holdup?!"
  • "What is the meaning of this?"
  • "Hurry! We need the teapot with purple flowers!"
  • "Where is our teapot?!"
  • "Would you care for some tea?"


  • "Goomba power!"
  • "I'm small, but I won't give up!"
  • "I am a bit tired of being stomped."
  • "GOOM! I mean BOOM!"
  • "Ugh... I waited all day just to say that, and I totally blew it. Whatever. FIGHT ME!"
  • "If only I had said BOOM instead of GOOM..."
  • "You want some of this, pretty boy? I'll slap that mustache off your face!"
  • "I may be weak, but I'm... also slow."
  • "This is the third floor. Nosebleed section."
  • "Shh! I'm spying on these guys to get a few tips for my next battle. You want in?"
  • "You couldn't get me in that ring. Nope. When it's my time to go, I want to go out with dignity."
  • "Getting stomped by Mario or Luigi, of course."
  • "We're just simple country Goombas, here to watch some family-friendly paintshed."
  • "We're the Shai Guyz' first fans! We're predebut groupies! That's the highest level of groupie!"
  • "I may be weak, but I'm...also slow."
  • "I'm just a simple country Goomba..."
  • "I'll never give up!"
  • "Goombakalaka!"
  • "Locomotives belch out so much smoke! It makes it hard to see. Not to mention the environmental impact!"
  • "If you were to elect me, Goomba, as supreme leader, I would be more environmentally friendly than your current supreme leader. Just sayin'."


  • "I ran into this Shy Guy, and at first I was like, fine, whatever, no big deal, just a Shy Guy. But then he whipped out a straw!"
  • "I thought he'd leave me alone if I pretended to be a tree. You know, my standard go-to move. But he figured me out somehow!"
  • "Guess I still can't act my way out of a paper bag... Anyway, later!"
  • "'Sup, Toadz!"
  • "Man, Piper was such a solid dude. He'd always do the stuff that no one else wanted to do."
  • "Remember the school play? No one wanted to play the role of the down-on-his-luck potted plant, but Piper was all like, "I'll do it.""
  • "And he was absolutely AMAZING! Everyone totally thought he was a real plant!"
  • "I still don't know how he got all those butterflies to land on him. I guess method acting really works..."
  • "Bloo! I didn't know you were coming!"
  • "WHAT?!"
  • "NOOO! That can't be true! Piper..."
  • "PIPER!"
  • "Oh no! Piper!"

Hammer Bro

  • "Bring down the hammer!"
  • "Hit it!"
  • "Need a general contractor?"
  • "It's always gotta be the boomerang. Why can't we ever toss the ol' hammer around?"
  • "Oh... right."


Main article: List of Huey quotes
  • "OW! What was that for?"
  • "How would you like it if I whacked you with a hammer while you were sleeping?"
  • "A paint can? You think I'm just some regular paint can?!"
  • "Alright, you don't look like you're from around here, so I'll forgive that comment."
  • "But I am SO much more than a regular paint can!"
  • "Anyway, now that I'm awake, you wanna grab a burger or something? Your treat."
  • "That didn't sound good!"
  • "What are you waiting for, Mario?! Use those Battle Cards on this sucker!"
  • "Here he comes!"
  • "HOLD IT!"
  • "Do you even have any paint, Mario?"
  • "You know... paint! That colorful stuff coursing through our bodies? No?"
  • "What are we gonna do? There's no paint around here!"
  • "Argh! There's no other choice."
  • "Mario, you're going to have to wring me out."
  • "Just press A Button to give me a squeeze. Don't be shy now."
  • "Whooo... I'm so light and airy! Is this what you paperfolk feel like all the time?"
  • "All right, enough flapping in the wind!"
  • "The paint you just absorbed is basically my blood, sweat, and tears. You'll have time to shower later."
  • "Use that paint to power up those Battle Cards your friend gave you."
  • "And then use the Battle Cards to plaster this introverted assassin!"
  • "No, that's definitely NOT cool! And since when are there three of you?"
  • "Whatever... We've got cards, we've got paint..."
  • "You have no idea what to do, do you?"
  • "No worries, Uncle Huey's here to give you a primer!"

Ice Bro

  • "Freeze!"
  • "Climate change!"
  • "Cool it, bro!"
  • "Hope you like... cold stuff."
  • "Coach! Put me in, coach!"
  • "C'mon, coach! Gimme a chance!"
  • "Intruder alert!"
  • "Wait a second... That's no ordinary intruder. That's Mario!"

Iggy Koopa

  • "AHAHAHA! You should see the look on your face! No, really. Can we get a mirror over here? Ah, forget it... Let's shred this paper pusher!"
  • "So anyway, I'm Iggy! I'll be your frustratingly overpowered opponent today!"
  • "Let's see what you're made of, pretty boy!"
  • "Come at me!"
  • "OK, so you're not a COMPLETE waste of paint."
  • "Eyes on the prize, boys. Let's show him the REAL power of our chariots!"
  • "AHAHAHA! I'll let my minions wreck you while I go for a leisurely drive!"
  • "NOPE! You can't touch our chariots!"
  • "DENIED! You can't touch our chariots!"
  • "AHAHAHA! These chariots were such a good investment."
  • "What's the matter, Mario? Battle Royal not going the way you thought it would? Well it's about to get even worse! Line 'em up, boys!"
  • "No fair! Where'd you get that thing?"
  • "JUST KIDDING! Did you think it was over? That you could just win like that? AHAHAHA!"
  • "AHAHAHA!"
  • "Now, unless you brought two of those things... I'll just go ahead and END THIS! Lights out, Mario!"
  • "A pretend bone? OK, I'll pretend to lose! AHAHAHA!"
  • "AW MAN! The sales guy told me those chariots were invincible! I want a refund!"
  • "UGH! I lost on my home turf? That's embarrassing... Well, I guess you can take the Big Paint Star now... Shut it down! Show's over!"

Juggler Bro

  • "Wheeee!"
  • "Glad you could make it today, folks! The encore is about to begin!"
  • "Please put your hands together for the exclusive encore performance by the legendary Pentabros!"
  • "This was just a sneak peak of the face-melting spectacles on display at the Emerald Circus!"
  • "Please check out the Emerald Circus just up ahead, and follow us on social media!"
  • "The ball that Lemmy rides on is a lot more fragile than it looks. I bet a super-sharp Thing could pop it."
  • "He'd have to be distracted first, though."

Justice Toad

  • "Mario! Thanks for the save! Too bad you couldn't save my dignity."
  • "My clothes fell off when I fell from the airship!"
  • "I wanted to teach those paint-stealing villains a lesson, so I jumped on their ship!"
  • "But that thing is faster than it looks! I was hanging on for dear life, and my grip finally gave out."
  • "But mark my word–I will deliver swift Toad justice to those filthy paint pilferers!"
  • "I am the Toad who casts light on the shadows of injustice! I am... (DUN DUH NUH NUH...)"
  • "I assure you there is no face straighter! I am the hero that Prism Island needs!"
  • "But before I can save the world, I'll need to... comply with public indecency laws."
  • "Do you think you could go find my clothes? Pretty please?"
  • "Ah! My Overdrive Gravity Boots! Using those, I can harness the power of gravity to stay on the ground!"
  • "BEHOLD! The Mega-Splendiferous Tights, crucial for protecting my heroic hindquarters!"
  • "Justice Toad is feeling slightly more confident in his appearance! By I'm still a teensy bit nekkid."
  • "Ah, my heroic journal! That's, uh, just something I was doodling in. Don't worry about it!"
  • "Yes! Just a little more clothing, and Justice Toad can use his power of memory suppression to forget this ever happened!"
  • "Ah, yes! That's my legendary chest armor, the Hyper-Fabulous Jacket!"
  • "Tada! Behold my Super Justice Suit! Now..."
  • "Stamd back, citizen! Justice Toad, savior of Prism Island, has returned to crush evildoers!"
  • "Don't hesitate to light the Justice signal if you're in need of help! Nothing lies beyond the reach of the long arm of JUSTICE!"
  • "Whaaaaat?! Somebody actually wants my help?"
  • "*ahem* I mean... Sounds like a job for Justice Toad! Let's go!"
  • "You need some help with this star, right?"
  • "It certainly is a little far out there..."
  • "But don't worry! This star is no match for the power of JUSTICE!"
  • "Stand back!"
  • "Whoa! I ACTUALLY DID IT!"
  • "I mean, I wished real hard, but I didn't think I actually had superpowers!"
  • "So... I... I really AM a hero!"
  • "Yeah–a crazy-powerful person!"
  • "Thanks for helping me discover my true power. I promise to use it to uphold JUSTICE throughout the land!"
  • "Until then, I guess I'll wait here until someone needs my help."
  • "If you ever need help with anything, don't hesitate to call on me! Nothing lies beyond the reach of the long arm of JUSTICE!"
  • "The Crimson Tower, huh?"
  • "It's close enough to walk, but scrap that! I've got superpowers now! Justice take flight!"
  • "It's time to fulfill our destiny..."
  • "Hey, Mario. Think you could give us a little... oomph? Like some... KAPOW! You know what I mean?"
  • "C'mon, Mario! Kapow me! For Justice!"
  • "JUSTICE!"
  • "Take care! I hope you find the Big Paint Star... for justice!"
  • "Go get that Big Paint Star!"


  • "Ah, Mario! I didn't expect to see YOU here."
  • "I'd love to stick around and sweep the floor with you, but I've got places to be, lives to ruin. You know how it is for us big wigs."
  • "But I suppose I could leave you with a little taste of my Koopa magicks..."
  • "Oh, you sad little Goomba..."
  • "Let's make you a sad HUGE Goomba! Eheeheehee!"
  • "Ah, Mario! Fancy meeting you here!"
  • "I've heard much about your exploits. Searching for the Big Paint Stars. Journeying here and there."
  • "Lord Bowser went through the trouble of scattering the Paint Stars, and you're undoing his hard work!"
  • "In other words... you're being Mario."
  • "You may have bested us before, but this time will be different."
  • "You'll leave this battle looking like a pile of confetti! Confetti in a parade honoring our fearless Koopa King!"
  • "I've sized you up, Mario! But my magicks may size you down! Eheeheehee!"
  • "Oh goodness. Big words for such a little can."
  • "But... with Mario here I must take every precaution."
  • "Prepare yourself for the fury of the Koopa magicks!"
  • "Kickety kaw, kickety koo! Make Mario the size of a shrew!"
  • "Eheeheehee! It's itsy-bitsy wittle Mawio! Let's see you stomp some Goombas now, you greedy little coin snatcher! True power needs not material wealth!"
  • "Lippety lap, lappet licks! Trim your hand right down to six!"
  • "Paralyzed by choice, are we? Allow me to help. Eheeheehee! And you're never getting your other cards back! ...Well, unless you win the fight."
  • "Tickety tatch, tickety twos! All of your cards are crummy shoes!"
  • "Koopatee kaw, koopatee konn! Where's your hand? Opps—it's gone!"
  • "Oh, you didn't want those cards, did you? You can always pay for a Battle Spin! Cross your fingers for a good card. Eheeheehee!"
  • "Huh? NO! But how...?! I was so busy tormenting Mario that I failed to realize my color has drained completely! Which means... The words I'm now speaking are my last! Quick, Kamek, say something profound! Uh... Did I lock my front door this morning? GAH! NO! Curse you, Mario! With my last ounce of power, I'll trap you in this forest...forever! I'm going to make you so big, you'll never fit in a pipe again, plumber boy! Eheeheehee!"
  • "Oh... I guess I only had enough power left to turn you back to normal size. Shoot..."
  • "My power... Drained. My once striking visage... So pale and colorless..."
  • "Like a bleached Boo riding a beached Blooper. Say THAT 10 times fast!"
  • "Bah... You could probably do it anyway. You're one tough cookie, Mario."
  • "My Koopa magicks, which were once called "a veritable all-you-can-eat buffet of chaos" by the Prisma Times, were not enough to stop you."
  • "I admit defeat. You've earned my respect all over again. Here, you deserve this... more than I. *cough*"

Koopa Paratroopa

  • "Nyah, nyah! Can't get me!"
  • "The ground is for suckers."
  • "Why walk when you can fly?"
  • "Hammers can't hurt me up here!"
  • "I'm, like, a regular Koopa Troopa..."
  • "Broken wings, broken heart..."
  • "No! I've been grounded!"
  • "I'm a shell of my former self."
  • "Mind helpin' a guy out here?"
  • "I'm done for..."
  • "I ain't no stinkin' boid."
  • "Roger, Your Evilness!"
  • "Koopa Paratroopa 2nd Division, reporting for battle! We're in position, sir!"
  • "Seize Mario!"
  • "Don't panic, guys!"
  • "Don't mess up our formation!"
  • "Executing orders!"

Koopa Troopa

  • "I'm a Koopa Troopa. Deal with it."
  • "Don't you dare kick my shell!"
  • "I can't do much from inside my shell."
  • "You step on me? I hide, bro!"
  • "I'm in my shell, biding my time."
  • "In your face!"
  • "This isn't good..."
  • "Gah! Everything's upside down!"
  • "Didja here? The winner of the big Battle Royal is gettin' some fancy star thing!"
  • "I heard they're still waiting for the sacrificial lamb. Heh..."
  • "Supposed to be a some guy named Mario. Never heard of him."
  • "Ugh... I hope they do well in the Battle Royal... My self-esteem is entirely based on them!"
  • "No bone? No problem. I got a shell!"
  • "Here I go!"
  • "Who's the special guest?"
  • "One step at a time..."
  • "Ooh, so this is "it," huh? A-amazing!"
  • "Mario! Where'd you come from?! Don't tell me you're after "it" too?!"
  • "Wait just one minute!"
  • "My best Sunday shell was in that washing machine!"
  • "I won't use the gentle cycle on you!"
  • "What did that washer do to you?"
  • "Dry clean only?!"
  • "Now I have to rewear this gross shell."
  • "One day I'll settle down–maybe near a pond–have a couple of kids, and kiss this fool's life good-bye."

Larry Koopa

  • "HEY!"
  • "How long are you plannin' on making us wait? We're starving over here!"
  • "...Crumpled body? Two to four weeks to recover? Well, get someone else to make the food!"
  • "I swear I can here Toads eating pizza out there. Who made THAT? And why can't they cook for ME?"
  • "Are you the guy who made that pizza I can here everybody eating?"
  • "You are, aren't you! Well, why are you wasting your time here? Get in the kitchen, and make me something delicious!"
  • "Here's a little something to help you get started. Heh..."
  • "What's this?"
  • "It's too tender and it's too raw."
  • "It looks like meat; that's all I can give you. I can't eat this scrap."
  • "I really want to chastise you... but I'm simply too weak from hunger."
  • "WHAT SORT OF... Oh, I can't even finish my sentence. This is terrible!"
  • "My whole mouth tastes like a replica!"
  • "I'm going to give you one more chance. If you mess it up again, don't think I won't... think of something to do! Because I will!"
  • "Bon appetit!"
  • "Oooh!"
  • "Th-Th-This is the best steak I've ever eaten!"
  • "You really are a very talented chef! This flavor is so unique!"
  • "I'll officially recognize this place as one of my favorite one and a half star restaurants!"
  • "And I'll leave this here."
  • "Took you long enough, pal… I’m almost done digesting that giant steak I ate. *BELCH*"
  • "You grill a mean steak, Mario. You should have been a chef! At least that way, you would’ve had a nice long culinary experience. But instead, I’m gonna cook you up a tuna-fist sandwich before we get to Starlight Cape!"
  • "Lord Bowser is expecting the Big Paint Star, and I have no intention of disappointing him. Have you even seen his disappointed face? It’s heartbreaking! Enough small talk. Let’s get this over with."
  • "Ahaaaaaaaaa! I love the smell of impending doom! It was my henchmen who hijacked this train, and it’ll be my henchmen who…keep the train, uh…hijacked."
  • "Crush that dirty Toad!"
  • "Amateurs…"
  • '"'Minions! Crush them!"
  • "Agh! Stupid Toad!"
  • "If you love engines so much, then why don’t you marry this smoke!"
  • "Well, that was fun, but I'm bored. Thanks for playing, loser!"
  • "Was that a Replica just now? Tacky, Mario. I expected more."
  • "You stopped up my smokestack, you little pest!"
  • "I haven’t lost yet!"
  • "WHAT…?! No! This can’t be… I… I lost! I can’t ever face Lord Bowser again! I’ll have to go on the lam. No, maybe I’ll go on the lamb… Lamb chops sound pretty good righ-"

Laundry Guy

  • "Today is a perfect day for doing laundry. I chucked in all the dirty stuff that's been piling up lately."
  • "How dare you wring that out! It was right in the middle of the spin cycle!"
  • "Now what am I gonna wear?"
  • "AND I left my wallet in my jeans!"
  • "I was doing laundry!"
  • "This is a great article...of clothing."

Legendary Captain

  • "Ahoy! Were you drawn here by this oh-so-delicious aroma?"
  • "Well, keep your boots on–it'll be ready in a minute!"
  • "I said keep yer boots on! It'll be done when it's done!"
  • "How dare you wring out my grill! It was almost medium rare, too..."
  • "You done messed up, boy! There's no fury like a hungry-captain fury!"
  • "I'm gonna follow you around all passive-aggressively until you're mildly annoyed!"
  • "I'd been sittin' there savoring that sweet smoky scent for hours... and you had to go and ruin it!"
  • "So I'm gonna stick to you like a bad rash until you make it up to me somehow."
  • "There's no fury like hungry-captain fury! You annoyed yet, boy?!"
  • "Is that another Toad over there? It's been so long since I've seen another Toad, I almost forgot what we look like."
  • "Oi, Toad! Come over here! I don't have any barbecue to offer you on account o' this plumber guy here, but..."
  • "That's right, bub. I have absolutely no idea why I'm on this here island."
  • "By the way, I really like your garb, but... it looks a little familiar. Are you copying me, mate?"
  • "Meeting another Toad after such a long time is a breath o' fresh air."
  • "So while I haven't FORGOTTEN about the grill incident, I'll let it go fer now."
  • "Yes... about that. As I discovered long ago, the treasure of Fortune Island has already been claimed."
  • "Yeah... I remember everything."
  • "I crossed the Lost Sea... and the Violet Isles. I came alone to the island."
  • "Sure, I opened up a few treasure chests here and there, but most of 'me were empty."
  • 'Aye, but the only REAL treasure in my view was that lovely grill."
  • "I conked my noggin pretty bad while explorin' that funny parallel world. Totally knocked myself out."
  • "And when I came to, I was there in the parallel world, just fryin' up some fish."
  • "Anyway, the fish was pretty good. Nothing like a li'l amnesia to work up the ol' appetite, lemme tell ya!"
  • "Don't get down in the mouth now!"
  • "The sea is wide! The world is wide! There are incredible, undiscovered treasures waiting to be plundered!"
  • "Go get yer hands salty in the sea, mate. You'll make a fine legend yet."
  • "C'mon. I'll show ya."

Lemmy Koopa

  • "Thank you, thank you! It is I, Lemmy, the greatest and most humble illusionist in all the world! The things you’re about to see may shock you. They might astound you. But they’ll definitely impress you."
  • "Now, the ringmaster here is just your average, garden-variety Shy Guy. Yes, you. Don’t look so surprised."
  • "Now feast your eyes on this! My magic wand! PHENOMENAL ARCANE POWER…in a slim and user-friendly stick! Now you see him…"
  • "What?! Where did he go? Did I vaporize him?!"
  • "You, sir! Have you seen him?"
  • "Thank you, thank you! You’re easily entertained. And now…"
  • "That’s right! (That’s EXACTLY right!) It’s a shiny green Big Paint Star! Now, watch closely!"
  • "Heeheekee! Now, wherever could the Big Paint Star have gone?"
  • "You, there! With the ridiculous moustache and the rusty can. Where do you think that extra-special Big Paint Star ran off to? You didn’t need that, did you? Heeheekeeeeeeeeee!"
  • "Well done! It seems I’ve been caught."
  • "For some reason, my magic wand doesn’t have any effect on the Paint Star. So the only way I could make it disappear was to employ a little…sleight of hand. But no matter - the point of this circus wasn’t to show off my magical prowess. The point was to steal the Paint Star and embarrass you in front of a giant crowd at the same time! And now it’s time for the grand finale! Heeheekee!"
  • "You're back! Such tenacity. Oooh, yes. I like you! Come now - the show must go on!"
  • "This is it! The moment you’ve all been waiting for. The FINAL performance of Mario’s career!"
  • "Now you see it! Now you don’t!"
  • "Bye-bye, card! Surprised ya, huh? APPLAUSE!"
  • "Oooh! Nicely done! APPLAUSE!"
  • "Thing Cards?! What is this, baby’s first battle? APPLAUSE!"
  • "The show is in full swing. It’s almost time for the grand finale!"
  • "Yes! My magic wand can transform into a magic ball. A Wonder Ball! Yes, yes! Clap for the Wonder Ball!"
  • "That Disco Ball Replica is sooooo last decade! Can't really get into it!"
  • "A discotheque with a Disco Ball! The groove…is too much to bear! I’VE GOT TO BOOGIE!"
  • "That Ice Pick Replica looks like it's from the bargain bin!"
  • "Ooooh, you sly dog! How am I supposed to defend myself when I'm getting down? Ya dig? And now for the grand finale!"
  • "My Wonder Ball deftly avoids your pathetic attack. APPLAUSE!"
  • "Here it comes--the grand finale!"
  • "This is it! Wonder Ballistic! Eheeheekee! Go ahead and struggle! It adds to the drama of it all!"
  • "NOOO! You popped my Wonder Ball! Do you even know what that thing retails for?!"
  • "Heeheekeeeee… You’re really fired up tonight, Mario. You must’ve really enjoyed the show. I admit defeat. A spectacular defeat! There’s more drama in defeat anyway. Victory is soooo overdone. And…scene."

Lighthouse Keeper

  • "Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa..."
  • "Welcome to the lighthouse, bro."
  • "I'm the lighthouse keeper."
  • "I wanna illuminate the darkness and all, but the light won't work... 'cause there's no power... or something."
  • "I dunno. I'm not an electramatrician, bro."
  • "This darkness is really getting to me. It's, like, extinguishing the light in my heart... and stuff."
  • "Whoaaaaa, bros... You'd do that for me? Well, lemme help you out in turn."
  • "I'm about to BLOW YOUR MINDS."
  • "I'll introduce you to... wait for it... the PARALLEL WORLD!"
  • "Oh... You already know about it..."
  • "Well, yeah... the funky pipe leads to a parallel universe."
  • "When you make your way out of the lighthouse, I'll be waiting for you across the waterfall."
  • "Bro! Long time, no see!"
  • "I let my boys know that you're good to visit the parallel world."
  • "But be careful in there. It's not the friendliest place."
  • "And thanks for helping me with the lighthouse and junk. Good luck."
  • "The lighthouse... is still dark... and junk."
  • "YEAH, BABY!"
  • "Aww, yeah. This is more like it. Thanks a milli, bro!"

Ludwig von Koopa

  • "Gwehehe!"
  • "I’ve been waiting, Mario! I designed this weapon specifically for you. I think you’re gonna LOVE it. Gaze upon its glory! Cower in fear of its might!"
  • "Gwehehehe! My new anti-Mario weapon! Ludwig’s Megabad Super Battleship of Dooooooooooom! But its friends call it the Super Ludship! What do you think? Isn’t it FIERCE?"
  • "But you did show up a little, uh, earlier than I anticipated, so we had to cut production a bit…short."
  • "You’re right. I do have the blue Big Paint Star. But I’m not just going to let you take it… If you really want it, you’ll have to get through me and my Super Ludship! Come at me!"
  • "The first movement begins! I hope you enjoy my Cannon in Sea Major!"
  • "Target: Mario! Fire!"
  • "Ho ho! A counterattack, eh? Aren’t we doing well? Prepare tactical auxiliary forward-mounted attack units! Oh, you know what I mean. Queue the dang Koopa Paratroopas!"
  • "Gwehehe! You think your puny attack is going to damage my Super Ludship?"
  • "Grrrreh! My ship has taken serious damage! Don’t think I’m going to let it happen again! BOMBERS! Do your stinking jobs!"
  • "Gyaaahhh! She’s going down!"
  • "Gwehehe! This was my plan all along! The Ludship was just a temporary design! Say hello to the flagship of my fleet: the Super Ludsub! Go ahead - just try to attack it. Gwehehe!"
  • "Gwehehe! Bust out the streamers and blow up the balloons - it’s time to celebrate your demise!"
  • "Gwehehe! Get that Replica garbage out of here!"
  • "This will LIFT your spirits: I'm going to end this battle next turn... BY BLASTING YOU INTO CONFETTI!"
  • "You put up quite a fight, but I'm afraid I must bid you adieu. Here comes my final attack... Meteor Missile Storm!"
  • "Super Ludsub, dive! Huh? Dive! DIVE! Why won’t you dive?!"
  • "You wrecked my Super Ludsub! HOW DARE YOU!"
  • "Mario… The world-famous Super Mario… I wanted to fight you, if not only once. That’s why I lured you in here with the Big Paint Star. But it looks like I underestimated you. I admit defeat. Even now, I’m glad that I got to trade blows with you. I guess I’ll just have to hope Lord Bowser can defeat you… Good-bye."


  • "Mario! It's-a me!"
  • "I don't know how it happened, but some green paint fell out of the sky and repainted my kart!"
  • "Let's-a race down Rainbow Road and save Peach!"
  • "Okeydokey! You-a ready?"
  • "Yes! Here we gooooo!"
  • "Well, it sounds like you've been on quite an adventure without me, Bro!"
  • "But at least I can help you out a little a-bit with the driving, Princess-a Peach-a here we come!"
  • "We're getting a-close... to something."
  • "MAMMA MIA! It leads to a giant creepy rock in the sky!"
  • "But we can't stop a-now! You guys have worked way too hard for me to chicken out here!"
  • "Hold on! I'm-a gonna floor it! Hopefully we won't fall off the road. Lakitu's not a-here to save us!"
  • "Phew! We made it."
  • "You guys be-a careful in there, OK? I'll... I'll just wait here. You know. In case you need a ride back."
  • "Mario! Peach! Huey!"
  • "I wasn't sure you guys were gonna make it!"
  • "Get on the kart! We're a-getting out of here!"
  • "Peach, you're first. Hurry!"
  • "I think he's-a right, Bro. Trust me-I've fallen off Rainbow Road more times than I can count."
  • "It's a-now or never!"

Morton Koopa Jr.

  • "HELLO!"
  • "ME MORTON!"'
  • "EAT STICK!!"

Mountain Sage

  • "Welcome to Daffodil Peak, home of the legendary Mountain Sage."
  • "Cool idea, but you'll need a climbing permit before I let you climb the mountain."
  • "Head through the gate on your right, and buy a permit from the park ranger. You'll find him in his cabin."
  • "Here, I'll open the gate."
  • "Ah, you got a climbing permit."
  • "I'm a bit surprised you got one, considering the park ranger has been rather down in the dumps."
  • "Anyway, let me start my spiel over. Helps me remember my lines. *ahem*"
  • "Welcome to Daffodil Peak, home of the legendary Mountain Sage! You'll find the sage at the peak of the mountain."
  • "All right, I'll open the mountain path."
  • "Whoa! Whoa! Keep your lid on!"
  • "The Mountain Sage isn't real?"
  • "I'm as disappointed as you are..."
  • "Yes, I believed in my heart of hearts that the Mountain Sage was real."
  • "Though I can't remember why I was so convinced..."
  • "Come to think of it, I can't remember anything before accepting this gatekeeper job."
  • "The last thing I remember is the park ranger bringing me here after finding me stranded on the mountaintop."
  • "And it was the ranger who said the Mountain Sage was real! Do you think he lied to us?"
  • "I wonder what happened to the mountain sage. My mind's a complete blank. I've got no idea!"
  • "Eureka... I remember everything."
  • "The color missing from my head must have damaged my memory."
  • "I am one of the Chosen Toads, the divine few imbued with great power."
  • "I spend my days training on the mountaintop, waiting for my destiny to take shape."
  • "Yes, I am the sage of the mountain."
  • "Good question, young one."
  • "Usually we Chosen Toads aren't meant to use our power for such savagery."
  • "But I have some aggression to work out today..."
  • "They must have snuck up and drained my head while I was meditating, the miscreants."
  • "The world is vast, young one, and I am but a Toad."
  • "I have seen no such Paint Stars, but it is a Chosen Toad's duty to serve those in need."
  • "Our paths have crossed for a reason. There's no doubt about that."
  • "Perhaps I am the key to unlocking your true potential..."
  • "No... it turns out I'm just the key to unlock some random door. Well... OK, I guess."
  • "I'll meet you at the Crimson Tower, young one."
  • "The three Chosen Toads hath assembled."
  • "But... it is written! In the book of hitting things with hammers!"
  • "I am but a nail in the 2x4 of fate."
  • "OMMMMM!"
  • "Go make your fate in the Crimson Tower, young ones!"

Mustard Café Chef

  • "Aw, yeah... that's the stuff..."
  • "You don't have to, like, rescue anyone right now, do you?"
  • "'Cause I don't want this to stop. Ever."
  • "'Sup, Mario."
  • "Look, I appreciate you coming all the way down here, but I don't have a table for you, OK?"
  • "If you don't mind sitting at the bar, I can mayyyybe squeeze you in. In three years."
  • "What can I say? The Mustard Café is on fire right now."
  • "We're hotter than the star I stole from the sky, you know?"
  • "Nah, man."
  • "If I make an exception for Mario, then everyone's gonna want one."
  • "What's next? Table for Luigi, party of four? Not in this lifetime, baby!"
  • "Besides, I've got a deep-tissue Thwomp massage scheduled today. Mmm..."
  • "Mario! My man. It's me, the chef."
  • "There are, like, way too many Pokeys around here."
  • "You can come over here and chill with me for a little bit, though."
  • "Oh, hey."
  • "Did you have a reservation for my private parasol paradise?"
  • "I'm just messin' with you, man. You can chill here with me for a bit. This thing has room for two."
  • "Three's a crowd, yo! Look what you did to the parasol!"
  • "Thanks for the help. I guess."
  • "I mean, I was floating kinda peacefully all by myself."
  • "But thanks for rescuing me after you ruined everything."
  • "I was getting bored in there anyway. Figured it was about time to go back and check out the café."
  • "You wanna come with? I got the key right here. Wouldn't let this thing outta my sight, you know?"
  • "You're on the waiting list, aren't you? A few years down the line?"
  • "Well, I got a proposition for you: you get me outta this pit, and I'll seat you right away."
  • "That's A-list, my friend. Higher than A-list. Nobody gets a same-day seat in MY café. Except you."
  • "I'll even get you a prime seat next to that fancy star. You with me?"
  • "Listen to the paint can, yo. We can help each other out here."
  • "Whoa, man. I'm not trying to walk across those skinny little pipes right now!"
  • "I'm allergic to Pokeys, yo. Break out in hives if I get too close."
  • "I'm just gonna wait here for you, all right? Do your thing."
  • "Yo, this is the express pipe. I'm just gonna wait here until you fix it."
  • "Aw, yeah. Now that's how you use a pipe, yo! Easy slidin'."
  • "I knew this thing was messed up."
  • "Oh no. That did NOT just happen."
  • "Mario! Don't ditch me, you! I'm gonna be stuck down here foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!"
  • "NO! I can't live in this hole for the rest of my life... I'm doomed..."
  • "Oh. You're back. I knew you were coming back."
  • "Yo, check that pipe!"
  • "That's a VIP pipe if I've ever seen one. And it's orange, just like the one in front of Mustard Café."
  • "I bet it'll take us straight to the café. Let's hit it."
  • "I should probably get back to the café soon. Peeps need their coffee."
  • "Not cool! HEEEEEEELP!"
  • "I'm just a poor Toad. Don't hurt me!"
  • "Actually, scratch that. I'm rich. Loaded! How many gold coins to get me out of this?"
  • "'Sup, Mario. This place isn't too bad."
  • "I was actually enjoying the peace and quiet, you know?"
  • "But I guess it's time to get back to the grind. Peace out, jail."
  • "Yo, that's my key! These cats were trying to get into my place without a reservation!"
  • "Can you hold on to that thing for me? I can't believe I lost it in the first place. Don't trust myself now."
  • "You're the best, man. You need a job? I could use a man like you watching the door."
  • "That was disgusting, yo! Who's in charge of cleaning these thing, anyway?"
  • "Ahh, that fresh air. Nothing like a little dungeon time to help you appreciate the little things."
  • "Come on–let's head back to the café. Bet I've got quite a line going..."
  • "Hey, the lock takes a special touch. Dish me back that key, and I'll have us in there with the quickness."
  • "Because I'm feeling charitable... we're open! First come, first served!"
  • "And for you, Mario..."
  • "Feast your eyes on THIS!"
  • "Here comes my signature, yo. The chef's famous orange star. Drink it in, y'all."
  • "Boom. Told you it was cool."
  • "Welcome to Mustard Café, home of the chef, AKA yours truly."
  • "Now that you're here, you gonna order something or what?"
  • "The star is free to all, yo. Go bask in its glory."


  • "Ninji shield!"
  • "See ya!"
  • "I am the darkness!"
  • "Ninja double!"

Paint Guy

  • "We dances in circles, We slurps up da paint! If you think that's yer business, Trust me, it ain't!"
  • "The dancing was our downfall..."
  • "I slurped this fair and square!"
  • "Keep your mitts off my paint!"
  • "How'd you find us?"
  • "OK, you got me. I give up. I regret my life choices."
  • "I'll return the paint I stole. It's like they say: you can't fight city hall. Or city plumbing."
  • "C'mon–let's head back to that Paint Star thing. After you, I insist."
  • "Take me back to the Paint Star, and I'll repaint it. I'll follow you."
  • "OK. I will now... un-slurp the paint from the Paint Star."
  • "You'll probably want to supervise me to make sure I don't try anything funny."
  • "There. Good as new."
  • "So, am I free to go?"
  • "Or is this... the end of the road? Heh..."
  • "DANG IT, JOHNSON! I TOLD you to pull up the anchor!"
  • "Hey, you down there! Think you could unsnag our anchor? Pretty please?"
  • "Man I'm tired of red paint."
  • "Wish I could visit Port Prisma..."
  • "This is my 43rd loop today."
  • "I'm on paint detail all week."

Petea Piranha

  • "GLARBOK!"
  • "GLARBOK! (Knock it off!)"
  • "GLORGOK GLEP GLEP GLOP! (Can't you see I'm poisoning here?)"
  • "GLAK GLAW! (Sweet freedom!)"
  • "GLOMBO GLEEP GLA– (You shall rue the da–!)"
  • "GLORP GLAP? GORGLE ORGLE GLEP! (What am I thinking? These guys can't understand me anyway!)
  • "GLAKLAKLAKLAKLAK! (Mwahahahaha!)"
  • "GOOGOO!"
  • "Gagaaaaa..."

Princess Peach

  • "Ahh... it's nice to be on dry land again."
  • "We... have come to the right place, haven't we? Port Prisma?"
  • "I thought this was supposed to be a tourist destination. It seems a little... quiet, don't you think?"
  • "Speaking of Mario... what's he doing?"
  • "Mario! We're here! Come on out!"
  • "Oh! That WAS quite a storm last night, wasn't it? You poor thing."
  • "There's my Mario! Much better."
  • "All right, let me just take another look at this... letter."
  • "Oh, I just can't bear to think about what I'm really holding—a folded-up colorless Toad!"
  • "The only clue we have is that he was postmarked here in Port Prisma."
  • "Sounds like a plan."
  • "But I've got a bad feeling about this place. Let's proceed with caution."
  • "Now who would just leave a crate in front of the stairs like this? It's blocking our way into town!"
  • "White letters on a white sign? That's, like, Bad Design 101! Who approved this layout?"
  • 'Don't make me take that hammer away from you, because I will, mister!"
  • "Wow, this is a real ghost town."
  • "This can't be right. Are you sure this is Prisma Fountain, Toad?"
  • "There's no mistaking the postmark on this poor Toad... He was definitely mailed from Port Prisma."
  • "But who could have done such a thing?"
  • "Look at that! Some kind of... device... just rose out of the fountain!"
  • "Maybe you should take a closer look at it..."
  • "Huh... Is that a... paint can?"
  • "Let's see what's inside. Try opening the lid!"
  • "Oh, right. You need a specialized tool to open a paint can like that."
  • "Well, the only tool we have is a bit more... blunt... but maybe it's worth taking a swing?"
  • "We're so sorry! It's just that... We thought you were a paint can. So we tried to open you up..."
  • "Oh, um... We're actually here to investigate a strange letter we received from your town."
  • "Only... it's not an ordinary letter. It's a Toad... drained of color and postmarked from Port Prisma."
  • "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Princess Peach from the Mushroom Kingdom."
  • "And this is my... friend Mario. He jumps on things and hits them with a hammer when necessary."
  • "And I also have a very bright and hardworking retainer around here somewhere..."
  • "What was that?!"
  • "That sounded like Toad! He might be hurt or in trouble!"
  • "We're coming, Toad!"
  • "That was Toad screaming! Hurry, we've got to find him!"
  • "Goodness! What is that thing doing to him?!"
  • "Poor..."
  • "Toad..."
  • "Oh, poor Toad..."
  • "Everyone, a moment of silence, please..."
  • "Really? You can revive him with paint? That would be a miracle!"
  • "He... won't come back as some kind of freaky zombie Toad, right?"
  • "Oh, Toad. I'm so glad you're OK. Without your colors, we could hardly recognize you."
  • "Oh, that's wonderful news. I was a little worried, because the fountain looked completely dry when we woke you up."
  • "Mario! There's another colorless figure over there!"
  • "We can't just leave him like that... What should we do?"
  • "Um... Don't cry... paint can."
  • "Maybe we could help you find the, uh... what were they called? Big Paint Stars?"
  • "He's right. We definitely owe him a favor."
  • "And besides... I have a feeling that this is related to OUR mystery: the poor Toad who was mailed to us!"
  • "What do you say, Mario? Will you help Mr. Can?"
  • "May you stay crisp in the face of crumpling adversity."
  • "Come see me anytime you're feeling a bit wrinkly."
  • "I can help flatten you out and restore your HP."
  • "How's it going so far, Mario? Have you recovered that Paint Star for Huey yet?"
  • "Oh, thank you... purple Toad."
  • "We are a bit tired after all of this excitement, so we will take you up on that offer."
  • "Good luck, Mario. Don't hesitate to come visit me here if your health runs low."
  • "Or if you need some good old-fashioned encouragement. Go, Mario!"
  • "Look, Mario. Isn't this a quaint room? How adorable!"
  • "I hope you don't mind me resting here while you and Huey go after Paint Stars."
  • "Thank you, Huey."
  • "Welcome back."
  • "Let me flatten your crinkling."
  • "There! Fresh as the day you were painted. Come back anytime!"
  • "Mario! Huey! Oh, thank goodness!"
  • "Understood. But you look terrible! At least let me fix you up first."
  • "We're almost out. Keep moving!"
  • "OK, Mario and Huey... your turn!"
  • "Your turn, Huey! Come on!"
  • "Aww, everyone looks so happy..."
  • "I'm so glad that peace has finally returned to Prism Island!"
  • "Thank you for everything, Mario."
  • "Wait... that's Bowser! And his minions!"
  • "I hope they've learned their lesson this time."
  • "What's wrong? You look so sad..."
  • "You're thinking about Huey, aren't you?"
  • "I know he's still out there somewhere... watching over all of Prism Island..."
  • "I think he's happy. I can feel it."

Pry Guy

  • ""Journal of Justice""
  • ""From the shadows of...darkness, a hero arises to protect those who cannot protect themselves.""
  • ""This hero harnesses the power of justice to strike fear into the hearts of the wicked.""
  • ""Plus he looks really, REALLY cool, and everybody wants to be best friends with him.""
  • ""When bad guys appear... he fights without fear!""
  • "Here comes a bad guy now! Let's see how you like this..."
  • "Not bad! But try this on for size! HEROIC ARROW OF DUE JUSTICE!"
  • "Crud. All right, how about this?! GOOD SAMARITAN NOVA!"
  • "You're in for it now! MAJESTIC BRAVERY STRIKE!"
  • "Um...Uh... SUPER SPECIAL...ATTACK!"
  • "Uh, hold on a B-B-B-B-B-BAM!"
  • ""The End...""
  • "...THE END?!"


  • "Mario! This here is an important spot for me and my five best friends."
  • "Back in the day, the six of us used to gather here and play, tell jokes, sing songs, eat ice cream... You name it!"
  • "We were the six best friends anyone ever did see! But eventually we all got busy with our own lives, and we drifted apart."
  • "And then, out of nowhere, I get this letter from one of my friends!"
  • "It was my old friend Piper who sent me the letter."
  • "He never said much, but he had the most... magnetic personality. You couldn't help but love him."
  • "But it wasn't just a letter that he sent me... There was something else in the envelope. A SEED!"
  • "I'm gonna try planting the seed here in our old hangout."
  • "He said when its flowers bloom, we'll all be able to meet here again. I figure it's worth a shot."
  • "Maybe we'll all meet again when the flowers bloom, just like Piper said in his letter!"
  • "Redd! Long time no see!"
  • "Yeah yeah, I planted the seed he sent too. And lo and behold, we got a couple of sprouters!"
  • "Check out how well the seed we planted is doing!"
  • "And look! The tree's really growing fast!"
  • "Woo!"
  • "Finally! Some flowers!"
  • ""When flowers bloom in our old meeting spot, I'm certain we'll meet again"..."
  • "Well, we did what the letter asked! Now what?"
  • "Check it out! That seed we got from Piper really did blossom!"
  • "Now that you're here, Yella, surely Piper can't be far behind! I can't wait until we're all together again!"
  • "WHAT?!"
  • "STOP, MARIO!"
  • "Piper laughed!"
  • "Hahahah!"


  • "Oh, Mario, you restored my color! Thanks so much!"
  • "I've gotta run. Places to be! Good luck out there!"
  • "Yo, Big Purp! Been a minute!"
  • "I was so pale, I was thinkin' about changin' my name to Whyte! But thanks to Mario, I'm good as Redd."
  • "So I heard you got a letter from Piper? Something about how if flowers bloom here, we could all meet again?"
  • "I can't wait until we get some flowers bloomin' in this pot!"
  • "Y'know, hearing from Piper really take me back to the old days..."
  • "It's funny... I remember one time, way before I knew Piper all that well..."
  • "Field day was coming up, and I was trying to get in shape. So I was working out, and I ran into Piper..."
  • "He did his little "foo foo foo" laugh, and I figured he was making fun of me, which made me train even harder. I trained like crazy!"
  • "And then the field-day race comes, and it turns out my training was all for nothin'! I'm running in last place the whole time!"
  • "But when we get close to the finish line, Piper is in the lead, and he just falls down all of a sudden, tripping everyone but me!"
  • "It seemed kind of fishy, so after I won, I asked Piper if he fell on purpose to let me win."
  • "But Piper just got this look on his face like "naw man," and started laughing."
  • "That was really how our friendship started. I still think he fell down and tripped everyone else so I could win."
  • "Greenie! It's been so long!"
  • "Are you here because you heard about Piper's letter?"
  • "Wow! It looks like we really are getting the band back together!"
  • "Yella! You're late, fella!"
  • "WHAT?!"
  • "No! He just lost his paint! We can get Mario to paint him again!"
  • "Piper... The flowers are falling off!"
  • "Piper..."
  • "It's just like the good old days! We're all together again in our hangout spot!"
  • "Wait a minute... Did you fall down on purpose again?"

Rock Paper Wizard

  • "Wait!"
  • "Mario. I pass the crown to you now. You are truly the king of Roshambo."
  • "And with that... it's time for the Rock Paper Wizard to retire."
  • "There's a Rock Paper Wizard inside all of us."

Roy Koopa

  • "Thanks for the paint, old man! Bahaha! Don’t worry - you’ll get it back soon enough…"
  • "Oh, but I almost forgot. We gotta do one more thing before I give back the paint."
  • "All right! Now we’re ready to rock and roll!"
  • "Here comes your paint, buddy. I told you I’d give it back to you."
  • "Buckle up, buttercup!"
  • "Bahaha! Check it out - I’m gonna splat you with your own paint. How’s that for irony? Yeah, I know what irony is. BOOM. Knowledge is power, so I started going to night school."
  • "Bah! This is too slow. Hey, guys, just bring me all of the paint at once!"
  • "There we go! Ooh, that’s mixing up real nice… Get ready for a blackout!"
  • "Bahahaha! What are you even doing? Can't you even see where you're aiming? What am I saying? Of course you can't!"
  • "A Replica? You expect to beat ME with a REPLICA?! Bahaha! Take that weak stuff back to the Mushroom Kingdom."
  • "Aw MAN! You figured it out! No matter. I’ll just have to stomp you the old-fashioned way!"
  • "No more Mr. Nice Roy!"
  • "Gwaaah! How’d you DO that? I took all your paint, and you didn’t even flinch! You weren’t even afraid of the black paint! You may have defeated me, but Lord Bowser won’t fall so easily! Nap time!"

Shady Sledge Bro

  • "HOLD IT!"
  • "Leave this to me, fellas."
  • "You got a lotta guts coming here by yerself, Mario."
  • "I like yer style."
  • "You and me! Mano and mano!"
  • "I got this! Y'all hang back!"
  • "Don't go runnin' nowhere!"
  • "Oi! Oi!"
  • "I hit hard!"
  • "So this is how it ends..."
  • "If only... I coulda sat on "it"... just once."
  • "Urghhhh..."
  • "Hold it!"
  • "I lost my scarf, my gloves, AND my socks! If it weren't for these shades, I'd be naked!"
  • "No mercy!"
  • "Those socks were so comfy!"
  • "So cold..."
  • "Avert your eyes!"

Shield Guy

  • "En garde!"
  • "I'm the hammer jammer, baby!"
  • "Shield ready!"
  • "This pathetic weakling begged us to slurp him out of his misery!"
  • "Your turn to beg, pretty boy!"

Shunned Guy

  • "My favorite color is slurple!"
  • "Paint and suffering...'"'
  • "Not fire! Anything but fire!"
  • "Heh... Eheheheh..."
  • "Eheheheh..."
  • "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."
  • "*sniff* *sniff*"
  • "SCHLURRRRRRP... Tastyyyyyyyyy..."

Shy Guy

  • "You messed up, fleshface!"
  • "You're lucky I misplaced my straw..."
  • "Once smitten, twice shy..."
  • "Red just isn't your color."
  • "One card shy of a full deck!"
  • "I own you now!"
  • "Thanks for the card, fleshface!"
  • "I'm taking this to the pawn shop!"
  • "Jelly of my yelly?"
  • "Don't call me yellow!"
  • "Hello, yellow!"
  • "Shy Guys 4 life!"
  • "Go, go, indigo!"
  • "Feeling blue?"
  • "Blue streak!"
  • "A bolt from the blue!"
  • "Gimme your paint!"
  • "Gang green!"
  • "Shy-yaaa!"
  • "I'm a green, mean, fighting machine!"
  • "Think pink!"
  • "Real Shy Guys wear pink."
  • "Pink power!"
  • "I don't shy away from danger!"
  • "It's so cute that you're trying."
  • "Don't worry–everyone's bad at first."
  • "Is this your first battle?"
  • "Action Commands are for losers!"
  • "Hng..."
  • "Hey, you..."
  • "You wanna here a juicy secret? Just come a little closer... That's it..."
  • "Where'd my straw go?"
  • "You want to here that juicy secret?"
  • "I wear a mask because I'm afraid to put myself out there..."
  • "Mario! In here! Help me!"
  • "Oh, Mario. My heeeeero."
  • "HAHAHA! Did you here that squeaky, annoying voice? I totally CRUSHED that Toad impression!"
  • "Is this that café with the really overrated coffee? Can't wait to waste my hard-earned coins on it!"
  • "Is this line even moving? SOOOO BOOOOOORED."
  • "You trying to cut in line?! UNFORGIVABLE!"
  • "I love lines! I don't even know what this line is for! Don't even care!"
  • "I was so excited about being first in line that I forgot I'm allergic to coffee!"
  • "Owwwwwwwwwwww... I burned mah mouf on the coffee."
  • "This coffee is really expensive, but at least it's... drinkable. *gulp*"
  • "Dude, if that knife and fork on the sign fell off... Eeeeeeh... I don't even want to think about it."
  • "What? You want my seat? Buzz off, plumber boy!"
  • "I got nervous having so many people in line behind me, so I just ordered the first thing on the menu..."
  • "We'll see about that!"
  • "Whee! Playing catch!"
  • "Get outta the way!"
  • "Run for it!"
  • "Can't stop, won't stop..."
  • "WAIT!"
  • "Round and round and round and..."
  • "Perfect landing!"
  • "Pfft. Nice bridge."
  • "Who said anything about a rescue?"
  • "It's a bridge—get over it!"
  • "What a tremendous battle!"
  • "Quickly! Before they notice!"
  • "Maybe they're seasick."
  • "Look—a stowaway!"
  • "Who's the captain here?"
  • "Starboard!"
  • "Port!"
  • "Full speed ahead!"
  • "We came prepared!"
  • "Working overtime!"
  • "How do you like them Shy Guys?"
  • "That pedestal is heavy..."
  • "Heave ho, log throw!"
  • "We're gonna roll ya!"
  • "This factory is ours!"
  • "We should get back to work."
  • "Battle! ROYAAAAAL!"
  • "Ahem. Sorry, what I meant to say was..."
  • "The Golden Coliseum is currently in the middle of a Battle Royal."
  • "I just got caught up in the drama of it all."
  • "Anyway, if you come back later, you can fight battles and win fabulous prizes. Such as..."
  • "A Big Paint Star!"
  • "Mario?"
  • "Did that paint can just call you Mario, Mario?"
  • "Just as I thought!"
  • "You've already been preregistered for the next Battle Royal!"
  • "Please enter through the door to your right and stop by the pre-screening desk. Good luck!"
  • "The spectator seats are being cleaned right now. Please come back later."
  • "If you want to enter the competition, you'll need to visit the registration desk to the right."
  • "Bro, let me clear something up for you. You don't have what it takes. No offense."
  • "*sniff* You reek of self-confidence. And you have a face. You'd make a terrible Shy Guy."
  • "I just know I could win the Battle Royal if I had the right weapon..."
  • "Aw, who am I kidding? I never make it past the entrance quiz."
  • "This is so weird. I definitely left in RIGHT HERE."
  • "How could you lose it? Do you even know how annoying it was to go to Marmalade Valley to steal it in the first place?!"
  • "Man, it was JUST here. It's gotta be in the Coliseum somewhere..."
  • "Guys. GUYS. Calm down and FO-CUS."
  • "Shai!"
  • "Guyzzz!"
  • "So then the guy turns around and starts running, right? And I can just tell, he's shaking in his boots!"
  • "The champ is circling in, and this guy isn't even looking at him! He's looking at the ground!"
  • "Next thing you know, he turns around, sprints under the champ's legs, and runs to the back wall!"
  • "No way!"
  • "What happened next?"
  • "Guys. I'm right here. Stop talking about me in the third person!"
  • "This is my dressing room. But I'm locked out right now."
  • "Good sign before my big fight, right?"
  • "Welcome to the Battle Royal prescreening desk. I'm here to weed out the unqualified."
  • "Now, this is gonna be really easy. I'm just gonna ask you one question."
  • "Are you bad to the bone?"
  • "Now, just a minute. That may have been confusing. Because sometimes bad means good, right?"
  • "Let me rephrase. Would you say you have a bone to pick with your enemies?"
  • "Have you boned up on various battle techniques?"
  • "Can you feel it in your bones?"
  • "You catch my drift?"
  • "All right! You're gonna be a real bone cruncher out there–I just know it."
  • "Just hop on the elevator, and it'll take you where you need to go. Good luck out there!"
  • "Oh? Is that so?"
  • "Well, no bones about it... you're not qualified to fight."
  • "Come back when your inventory isn't so bare bones."
  • "In the meantime, the spectator seats might be a better fit for you."
  • "Just hop on the elevator when you want to give the Battle Royal another shot. Good luck!"
  • "The spectator seats are this way. Watch your step, though–lotta disgruntled losers in there."
  • 'You can take the stairs to get to the upper deck."
  • "Just watch out for the folks who already washed out of the battle. They're not happy about it."
  • "This thing looks super dangerous."
  • "But no one's ever had any luck against the champion with it..."
  • "I wonder how you use this one?"
  • "Man, weapons are so sweet. I wish I had one of my own..."
  • "And you'll never guess what happened when he got to the back wall."
  • "He started attacking boxes like they were enemies or something!"
  • "Like, was he looking for something? What's in the boxes? No one knows!"
  • "Bahaha!"
  • "Talk about losing your cool!"
  • "Hey! I really wanted to know what was in those boxes, OK?"
  • "Were those three yellow Toads in my dressing room this whole time?! I feel so... violated."
  • "Oh, hey... This is the linen closet."
  • "But we, uh, need to... sanitize the linens before they can be used."
  • "We're not doing anything weird down here, so you should just leave and forget you saw us."
  • "Hey!"
  • "Look how cool I am!"
  • "Go home already!"
  • "I ain't scared... I'm terrified!"
  • "HA! It's mine. It's all mine!"
  • "Sorry for the delay, boys."
  • "I got caught and had to take a leap off he balcony."
  • "But don't worry–I have... "it.""
  • "Boss!"
  • "We... ironed your sheets... for you, sir..."
  • "All my friends got in buckets and went to the show without me!"
  • "Now I'm going to miss the show!"
  • "Hurry up. The show's about to start!"
  • "Birdo's a bit past her prime, but she's still got the moves!"
  • "If you approach the drawbridge in a bucket, it'll raise automatically. Technology is something, ain't it?"
  • "The water here is so nice, it makes a guy want to obey the law!"
  • "Yeah! An important secret about the Violet Isles! Oops, I wasn't supposed to tell you that."
  • "YAHAHARRRRRRGH! Two fer the price of one!"
  • "Sir, yes, sir! Top to bottom, back to front!"
  • "Sir, yes sir! Stacking up!"
  • "This burger is ON POINT! *nom nom nom*"
  • "Eating this is like smooching a Draggadon! YOWZA!"
  • "Man, that was spicy. But it so was worth it..."
  • "We're not playing hooky–just taking a break. Gotta keep that work-life balance."
  • "It's easy to get too relaxed and start talking about top-secret work stuff."
  • "You gotta be careful, though. You never know who's listening."
  • "Apparently Magma Burgers are meant to look just like Redpepper Volcano!"
  • "I didn't even eat one! I just sat across from him!"
  • "We surrender!"
  • "We realize the errors in our ways!"
  • "So sorry!"
  • "The sky is heavy and cloudy again here in our world. It's the perfect climate sor doing some laundry."
  • "The post was in the way... so you just hit it, eh?"
  • "I hope that's not how you deal with all of the obstacles in your life."
  • "Welcome to our secret little parallel world!"
  • "Here's a handy tip: the pipe in the garden will take you back to the normal world."
  • "I hope you don't abuse this curious phenomenon to make trouble for us!"
  • "I want to hit that post, but I don't even have a hammer!"
  • "You hit the post. You're everything I wish I was."
  • "You can build a bridge there!"
  • "Rather than waiting for a miracle, you should roll up your sleeves and make your own path."
  • "You're not from around here, are you?"
  • "That tornado is so cool..."
  • "I wonder what it looks like in the quote-unquote normal world..."
  • "Don't waste your time on these posts. They're not going anywhere."
  • "What happened to the tornado?"
  • "I wonder if my hood is dry yet..."
  • "I know it's weird... but I LOVE this wall."
  • "I'll never forget you, wall... *sob*"
  • "HEY!"
  • "We weren't done rolling all the logs!"
  • "That's more like it!"
  • "We shovel the coal, breathing in harmful toxins as we're covered in smoke and ash."
  • "All while Mr. Larry just chills. Typical manager."
  • "You've come all this way. Won't you sit down and rest for a while?"
  • "Mario, please lend me an ear for just a moment."
  • "Don't you ever wish that you could escape from the hardships of your everyday life?"
  • "Take us, for example. Out of nowhere and with no notice, were ordered to attack the trainworks. Or attack the kitchen. No rhyme or reason!"
  • "Mario, every obstacle you've experienced has been the result of our hard and thankless work."
  • "I hope the guys upstairs realize just how much we actually do. Maybe next time, I'll just give them a straw and tell them to get to work!"
  • "I sit here and look out of this window at the evening sky, worn out at the end of every day... wishing that I could go to some faraway place."
  • "But I understand the reality. I'm in Bowser's army for life, so I'll just have to give up on my dreams..."
  • "Mario, I'll probably be ordered to attack you someday. And it'll be Bad Guy versus Good Guy. There's no point lying to ourselves."
  • "Thanks for listening, Mario. I'm sure we'll meet again... maybe as enemies."
  • "Mr. Larry has it good–taking a trip on a luxury train and getting to eat delicious hand-hammered meats?"
  • "I hope I'm that successful one day!"
  • "He said, "Who are you? And what are you doing in my volcano?""
  • "Now he said, "This is my living room. How would you like it if I just walked into YOUR living room?""
  • "He goes on. "I've got the temperature set just the way I want it in here.""
  • ""If you don't like it... TOO BAD! Don't even think about letting any of the heat out.""
  • ""Do you even know how much it costs to heat this place? The rocks don't melt themselves, you know.""
  • "I... I actually think he's wrong about that. The rocks DO melt themselves. But... he seems pretty mad anyway."
  • "Oh, he's giving you a warning. That's pretty thoughtful for an enemy!"
  • "He said, "I'm literally made of fire, and you're made of paper. Good luck, kindling. Bahaha!"
  • "So... maybe not as thoughtful as I originally thought."
  • "*gulp* It's so beautiful..."
  • "Hey! It took us three hours to stack up like this. Don't knock us over!"
  • "What are you doing?! If we fall down, we won't be able to get back up again!"
  • "Find your own spot!"
  • "The greatest show on Prism Island!"
  • "Wheee!"
  • "No cell phones, please."
  • "The circus is fun."
  • "Mario..."
  • "It's me, remember? You listened to my story that time on the Sunset Express."
  • "If it had to happen this way, I'm glad it was you..."
  • "This is fine."
  • "Like, what's the point, man?"
  • "This is NOT fine."
  • "*gasp!*"
  • "Welcome to the world-renowned Emerald Circus!"
  • "The show will start as soon as the house fills up. We only perform in front of sellout crowds!"
  • "But you're the only one here. Everyone else must be stuck in traffic..."
  • "Although I thought there was someone else here a minute ago..."
  • "There was a limit of 50 tickets for Shy Guys, and they're all sold out."
  • "I heard the ringleader is preparing a special surprise for this performance. I wonder what it is."
  • "This is the performers' entrance. You a performer? Nah, didn't think so."
  • "These guys aren't trained, so we can't put them in the circus yet. Their tongues are a liability."
  • "The Emerald Circus will start as soon as we've got a sellout crowd!"
  • "Just one person in line?"
  • "We can't perform until we have a packed house!"
  • "Oh yeah! Now that's an audience! It's going to be a full house!"
  • "Thank you all for waiting! Please go in and take your seats."
  • "WHAT?! Lemmy disappeared?! That's not in the script!"
  • "Oh geez! Oh no... We've gotta stall! Get out there and... do something!"
  • "Um, uh... Hey, folks."
  • "We're experiencing some technical difficulties. It seems that our main performer has vanished! Hehhhh..."
  • "So please enjoy this unscheduled intermission!"
  • "Boo! No intermissions! I want my money back!"
  • "How did he do that?! He just vanished into thin air!"
  • "I wonder if that magic wand is really magic. Looks fake to me."
  • "I had no idea Lemmy was going to vanish like that! What a showman!"
  • "The show got interrupted, and the audience is getting restless!"
  • "Someone's got to entertain them until the next performer is ready!"
  • "The Yoshis escaped during the confusion! They're a rough bunch, so be careful!"
  • "Go!"
  • "Ohhhhh!"
  • "BOO!"
  • "Aw yeah!"
  • "Whaaa?"
  • "I lost my bucket. That's why I'm hiding here."
  • "It's not a good plan, but it's the only one I've got..."

Shy Guy 4-Stack

  • "What's your problem, bub? You don't wanna stack up with us?"
  • "Ooooh, I bet you think you're soooo cool being a single Shy Guy!'"'
  • "We're only rollin' four deep. We need one more to be a 5-Stack, yo!"
  • "Enough talk. Stack 'im, boys!"
  • "Cripes, he ran away!"
  • "Ayy, check out the ratty mustache on this 1-Stack over here!"
  • "HAH! It looks like your upper lip found a Tanooki Suit!'"'
  • "We need a fifth!"
  • "C'mon! It'll be fun!"
  • "Hey losers! Come stack with us! It'll be fun!"
  • "Not just fun—studies show that stacking in groups of five can increase HP and lower cholesterol!"
  • "Join up with us—it’ll be fun!"
  • "4-stack 4 life!"
  • "You seem pretty crisp..."
  • "The power of paper!"

Shy Guy 5-Stack

  • "Five Shy Guys!"
  • "Fore!"
  • "Triple threat!"
  • "Double trouble!"
  • "Don't hurt me!'"'
  • "Not so fast!"
  • "Our clothes were in there! You ruined five perfectly good hoods!"
  • "You'll pay for this..."
  • "Those were our lucky hoods!"
  • "We'll take you to the cleaners!"
  • "We got a discount for buying five!"
  • "We worked so hard to match!"

Sledge Bro

  • "I can jump, too..."
  • "I'm feeling smashy!"
  • "Your hammer is puny!"

Slurp Guy

  • "SLUUURP! *burp*"
  • "Strawmageddon!"
  • "Mmm... Red paint..."
  • "I'ma slurp your face off!"
  • "What's yellow and tastes like paint?"
  • "Paaaaaint..."
  • "This yellow ain't mellow!"
  • "Slurp it up!"
  • "Blue paint..."
  • "Gimme, gimme, gimme..."
  • "Must... steal... blue... paint..."
  • "I bleed blue!"
  • "It's so cute that you're trying."
  • "Don't worry–everyone's bad at first."
  • "Action Commands are for losers!"
  • "Mario?! What are you doing here?"
  • "Let's all drink paint."
  • "Paint tastes better in the country."
  • "Dancing helps us concentrate!"
  • "Hey, so... we're just gonna go ahead and attack you now. I mean... if that's cool."
  • "HANDS OFF MAH STRAW! It's more precious than life itself!"
  • "Yarr! No one interrupts a good old-fashioned keelhaulin' without payin' the price. Which is another keelhaulin'! Get him, boys!"

Slurp Snifit

  • "I like red paint best."
  • "The straw fits perfectly."
  • "I'm feeling a little gun-shy..."
  • "Yellow is my favorite color."
  • "I'll steal yer paint!"
  • "This is not a game!"
  • "I got a straw and I'm using it!"
  • "I regret nothing!"
  • "Just stay calm..."
  • "There's, like, no blue paint in this entire volcano! How are we gonna make our quota?"


  • "You're jealous of my mask. Admit it."
  • "You're in spitting distance!"
  • "Noxious fumes are nothing to me!"
  • "I could go for some go for some coffee..."
  • "Man, this place got way too popular. I used to eat here before it was cool."
  • "It wouldn't be brunch if you didn't spend two hours waiting outside beforehand!"
  • "I just want to meet the chef. He's a legend!"
  • "This place is so exclusive that even the chef can't get in."
  • "Need... coffee..."
  • "This is the line for the bathroom, right?"
  • "I wanna fight in the Battle Royal, but I just don't know if I've got what it takes. You know?"
  • "My guys are pumped and ready to fight. Just look at 'em!"
  • "I want you cheating as hard as you can for the Shai Guyz. Got it?"
  • "I hear they replaced the fountain with some garish teapot."
  • "Not really my thing. Tea is coffee's annoying little brother."
  • "I hear that some famous pop star is performing in front of the fountain."
  • "The Shy Guys are all about it, but we Snifits are a little more... discerning."
  • "Hey, this is MY cool corner. It's the only place that's kind of sheltered from the face-melting heat out there. So bug off!"
  • "Got some good stuff here... How's 1000 coins sound?"
  • "Thanks. And you didn't get 'em from me"
  • "Congrats on winning the legendary prize!"
  • "Squeeze it as hard as you like."
  • "The legendary prize is all yours! Congratulations!"
  • "Your standard prize is through that red pipe there."
  • "Use it wisely."
  • "Come see us again, cutie!"
  • "We've received report that the enemy has infiltrated our base."
  • "They'll be using covert tactics, so I want you to search this place from top to bottom, back to front!"
  • "Strong work, shy men! You found him."
  • "Now, listen up! Mario may look tough on paper, but he's not that tough... on paper."
  • "Stack up, soldiers! GO! GO! GO!"
  • "My men... Decimated!"
  • "Even when they stacked up, they didn't... stack up."
  • "Retreeeeeeeeeeeat!"
  • "Keep quiet! Or else I'll..."
  • "Well, I've already locked you in jail. There isn't actually much worse I can do without raising this game's age rating."
  • "But keep quiet anyway! OR ELSE!"
  • "Huh. I swear I put it right here..."
  • "What's going o–"
  • "Nice try, fleshface!"
  • "Ooh, I hope the chef comes and talks to me..."
  • "Aw man! I can barely even SEE the star from here!"
  • "Now that I'm here, I don't really see what the big deal is."
  • "I'm still waiting for coffee..."
  • "No talking. Only coffee."
  • "Cool star. But was it worth all that time in line? Absolutely."
  • "Don't move or we shoot!"
  • "YOU MOVED!"
  • "Sounds like the quotas are going up, too. I here we're gonna be making more of those black paint bombs..."
  • "No! My specially trained Fire Bros.! What have you done to them?!"
  • "Oh man... I'll never stop Mario at this rate."
  • "You fool! You haven't properly warmed up your shoulder!"
  • "What was that? Throw your fastball, man! Not this off-speed nonsense!"
  • "Well, so much for that team. Now I've got to start from scratch..."
  • "Man, would it kill Bowser to recruit just ONE minion with a decent throwing arm?"
  • "He's right in front of us."
  • "Right. Let's try throwing it again!"
  • "Um, I said in front of us. In FRONT of us. Like, right in front of us!"
  • "Right in front of us!"
  • "You know, it's good to move forwards, but sometimes you have to look back at where you've been, too."
  • "Did I sound like a life coach just then? Good! I've been working on opening a private practice."
  • "Ahhhhhh... I'm not even a Snifit anymore, man. I'm converting to a Soakit."
  • "Yeah, me too. Bowser works us too hard..."
  • "Whoa, you actually found this place? Respect."
  • "No bucket? No tunnel!"

Snifit or Whiffit Host

  • "Let's get ready to play..."
  • "Snifit or..."
  • "Whiffit!!"
  • "That's right, folks! It's that time once again!"
  • "I'm your host, Snifit."
  • "And our contestant today is... Why, if it isn't our old friend Mario!"
  • "There are seven rounds. Win at least four of the rounds, and you'll win the grand prize: a Mini Paint Star!"
  • "Win all seven rounds, and you'll be invited to participate in a special bonus round!"
  • "Use the cards you have on hand to answer the questions. And don't forget to paint them!"
  • "If you're not confident in your answer, you can always pass, but that'll count as an incorrect answer."
  • "So are you ready to play?"
  • "All righty. Please make your way to the contestant area!"
  • "Now let's get started!"
  • "Round 1!"
  • "Spinning Card!"
  • "Identify the card that you see!"
  • "Now, please answer using the cards you have in your hand!"
  • "Let's see how you did."
  • "So far, so good!"
  • "Every time you lose a round, the Urchin's razor-sharp spikes inch a bit closer to that bubble you're in."
  • "Round 2!"
  • "Kelp Cards!"
  • "We're going to show you three cards. You must identify all three!"
  • "Round 3!"
  • "Entwined Cards!"
  • "We're going to show you two cards. Identify both of them!"
  • "Congratulations. That's three correct now! Just one more to clear!"
  • "Round 4!"
  • "Paint That Card!"
  • "We're going to paint a card right in front of you."
  • "You'll need to choose the same card from your hand and then paint it the same amount we painted ours!"
  • "Congratulations! That's four right answers in a row with no misses!"
  • "You've already secured your prize, but keep going and try to get every question right for a shot at that legendary prize!"
  • "Round 5!"
  • "Card Roulette!"
  • "We're going to show you three cards. Identify all three of them!"
  • "Round 6!"
  • "Falling Cards!"
  • "We're going to show you three cards! Identify all three!"
  • "Incredible! You've won all six rounds so far!"
  • "Here we go. Our seventh round."
  • "Get this one right, and you'll earn the right to try the bonus round! Good luck!"
  • "Round 7!"
  • "Card Recall!"
  • "First, we'll show you four cards. Remember all of them!"
  • "Now, tell us which card disappeared!"
  • "Congratulations! You bested all seven rounds!"
  • "Well, Mr. Perfect. You've earned the right to challenge the bonus round."
  • "Get all three questions correct, and you'll receive an extravagant legendary prize you can't find anywhere else!"
  • "But get even one wrong, and it's an instant game over and your save file will be erased forever!"
  • "Just kidding! But seriously, if you get one wrong, it'll be game over and you won't get credit for clearing the other rounds. You in?"
  • "Of course you are! Here we go!"
  • "Bonus Round - Part 1!"
  • "Falling Cards 2!"
  • "We're going to show you three cards. Try to identify all three! Good luck!"
  • "Great work. Let's keep it going!"
  • "You're running low on paint. Want to buy some for 100 coins?"
  • "Fill 'her up!"
  • "Bonus Round - Part 2!"
  • "Kelp Cards 2!"
  • "This is it, folks! The final question of the bonus round!"
  • "Bonus Round - Part 3!"
  • "Card Recall 2!"
  • "First, we'll show you three cards. Try to remember EVERYTHING about the following scene."
  • "OK, which card was the Cheep Cheep/Blooper/Snifit holding?"
  • "Incredible! You cleared the bonus round!"
  • "Congratulations, Mario! You are our newest Snifit or Whiffit champion! Now go and claim your legendary prize!"
  • "Until we meet again, Mario. And for all of you watching at home, we'll see you next time on... Snifit or... Whiffit!"

Soggy Guy

  • "Unnnnnnngh..."
  • "I know you're supposed to be the enemy and stuff, but... thanks for scrapping those guys."
  • "I might be all soggy now, but I'd rather be soggy than stacked with them.'"'
  • "They say that one guy can't make a difference. That I should be another cog in the machine.'"'
  • "But I don't care what they think! I'm living my life as a single layer of Shy Guy awesomeness!'"'
  • "Oh scrap! A talking paint can?!"
  • "I must've hit my head harder than I thought. You better take this before I pass out."
  • "These colors don't run. Oh, wait..."
  • "I'll smear ya!"
  • "So soggy..."
  • "Why's everything so blurry?"

Sombrero Guy

  • "Fear the sombrero!"
  • "I'm all hat, ALL CATTLE!'"'
  • "How do you day? Ah, yes. Attack!'"'
  • "Passionate arpeggio of DOOM!"


  • "This is going to hurt!"
  • "My lips are chapped..."
  • "I'm not big–my shell's just small!"
  • "Dodge this!"
  • "Whoa! So "it" really exists. I... I never seen nothin' like it before!"
  • "YESSIR!"
  • "Bomb squad reporting for battle!"
  • "Whenever I see the exhaust funnel on an engine, I get a weird urge to stuff something into it."
  • "But if I plugged it, the smoke would stop coming out and I'd get into trouble with Mr. Larry..."

Spike Guy

  • "Can't squish me!"
  • "Hattack!"
  • "I hat you so much."
  • "Oh no! Please don't jump on me!"
  • "It's a bridge–get over it!"
  • "M-Mario?!"
  • "How'd you get on this ship?!"
  • "We've got a stowaway here, boys! Get 'im!"
  • "Oi! Look who it is, boys! Mr. Big Nose is here to stick his giant smeller where it doesn't belong!"
  • "Buzz off, mega-schnoz! We're searchin' for somethin' important on this here ship!"

Spike Top

  • "Look who grew a spike!"
  • "I'm basically invincible!"
  • "Only got one spike. Only need one."
  • "Jumps welcome."


  • "Go, Team Spiny!"
  • "Need some foot acupuncture?"
  • "Go ahead–stomp me!"
  • "Lookin' sharp!"
  • "I'm still sharp!"
  • "Just try me!"
  • "Guh?"
  • "I'm dizzy..."

Super Roshambo Toad

  • "Since the dawn of time, warriors have gathered here to do battle, journeying from distant lands for a shot at eternal glory. One must make their own luck to overcome the odds."
  • "The road to victory is long and full of potholes. Will these warriors' journeys end in glory? Or soul-crushing humiliation? Trailblazers, you must carve your own path. Glory is forever!"
  • "The game of Roshambo is a dark forest of self-doubt, home to ravenous beasts that prey on your deepest fears and insecurities. With only three weapons at their disposal, are these warriors destined for glory... or eternal embarrassment?"
  • "Roshambo isn't just some mere game. No. Roshambo is a way of life. It's a reflection of the nature of existence. A distillation of the delicate balance we all create simply by being...or not being."
  • "In Roshambo, victory and defeat are two sides of the same coin. The warrior must first defeat himself in order to claim victory."
  • "The weapons of Roshambo cannot be sheathed. They forever wait in the palms of our hands, ready to strike."
  • "The rock-sturdy and true. The paper-vital and flexible. The scissors-sharp and sudden. The philosophy of Roshambo flows through us all. Clashing and resolving in an eternal struggle."
  • "Fierce warriors have fought and fallen. Only titans remain. The giants of Roshambo have assembled. No matter how grisly the fight, do not avert your eyes. Today we witness the birth of a legend."
  • " the art of Roshambo!"
  • "And with that, the competitors take the stage."
  • "Round three, Mario vs. Rock Paper Wizard. Challengers,!"
  • "Challengers, back to your marks."
  • "RO...SHAM...BO!"
  • "Mario!"
  • "Rock Paper Wizard!"
  • "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! Mario has defeated the Rock Paper Wizard!"


  • "Swoop!"
  • "Swoop?"
  • "Swoooop..."
  • "Woops!"
  • "Nyah, nyah, you can't fly!"
  • "Try the hammer-I dare ya!"
  • "Fly hiiiiigh..."
  • "The higher I fly, the safer I am..."

Tangerino Grill Chef

  • "Mario! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
  • "Now please go and save the other cooks who are being attacked."
  • "Owww..."
  • "Mario! You have brought peace to my culinary oasis!"
  • "I'm the head chef here at Tangerino Grill. My thanks to you!"
  • "I am beaten, but my spirit still flows like a fine passion reduction!"
  • "On the downside, I can't feel most of my body right now..."
  • "I cannot cook until I'm fully healed. However, I see a tasty spring in your gait..."
  • "I see it now! You will take my place as the head chef! A delectable future lies ahead!"
  • "You, sir, are a scholar and a gentleman. Hopefully a chef as well."
  • "Our featured dish today is a time-honored classic. PIZZA!"
  • "You're going to make our house special, the Mamma Mia Pizza!"
  • "There are three steps to our special secret pre-grill prep!"
  • "Step 1: Spread out the pizza dough into a nice, thin circle!"
  • "Step 2: Thinly slice the onions so that they will practically dissolve the second they hit the pan!"
  • "Step 3: Give the onions, and any other topping you want, a quick sear in the frying pan!"
  • "The last thing you need to do is place the pizza in the oven and bake it to perfection!"
  • "If you make a mistake, of course you can start over, but let's try not to waste our ingredients... We use only organic, free-range tomatoes."
  • "Let's see your Mamma Mia Pizza!"
  • "It seems like you've prepared your dough and your toppings. Great!"
  • "Ready to finally bake your pizza?"
  • "Put the pizza in the oven and wait 10 seconds! That's the secret to a well-baked pizza. Not a lot of folks know that."
  • "If you burn your ingredients, you'll have to do all of the preparations over again. Trust your instincts, but be careful!"
  • "Once you think ten seconds have passed, get that pizza outta there!"
  • "Let the baking... BEGIN!"
  • "I really appreciate your help today, Mario."
  • "Why don't you head to the dining room and spy on the customers' reactions?"
  • "Fantastic, Mario!"
  • "I took a little bite myself, and I must say... Mamma Mia! Delicious!"
  • "In fact, that pizza was so good, my crumpled body instantly made a full recovery. I can resume cooking right away!"
  • "Say, Mario, why don't you take a piece yourself? Go ahead. You've earned it."
  • "Ahh, the customers are beaming with satisfaction. The deliciousness of your Mamma Mia Pizza has everyone feeling full of life again!"
  • "What's this? VIP customers have been waiting?!"
  • "Mario, we have a situation. Although my body is willing, I'm not sure I'm mentally prepared to handle this crisis by myself."
  • "However, I believe you have the talent to make a dish that would satisfy the refined tastes of our most exclusive VIP guests."
  • "I trust you can make them something very, very, very, VERY special. No pressure."
  • "Don't take it too hard. The VIP is really picky. Why don't you ask around for some advice? Our regular customers are picky, too!"
  • "You did it, Mario! Thank you!"
  • "That VIP barely ever touched any of the food I cooked for him, but he wolfed down your steak like some kind of... wolf... or something."
  • "And what's more... he gave our restaurant a star! And a half!"
  • "This one star is thanks to you, Mario! I guess there was a plus side to me getting injured after all, eh?"
  • "Wait... where's that extra half star I was promised?!"
  • "I really need to use the freezer, but it's completely frozen over. Is that ironic or what?"
  • "Oh, now I can use the freezer!"
  • "I want to save the last piece of Mamma Mia Pizza to have as a late-night snack!"
  • "Mario, we're in your debt for preparing the VIP meal, too. So I'd like to thank you once again..."
  • "As a sign of your appreciation, please squeeze that strange object as much as you'd like."
  • "It's going to be such a shame when that last piece of the Mamma Mia Pizza is finally gone."

The Emerald Circus Ringleader

  • "Ladies and gentlemen, Toads and Shy Guys, plumbers of all ages!"
  • "You are moments away from experience the Emerald Circus in all its glory!"
  • "Without further ado, allow me to introduce our first act. It's the show everyone's talking about..."
  • "Lemmy's Super Illusion Show!"
  • "Aaaaaaaaaaand we're back! Thanks for your patience, folks."
  • "Please put your hands together for..."
  • "The Mario and Huey-gee Super Funtime Show!"
  • "Don't be shy, fellas!"
  • "Oh, that was just classic, Mario."
  • "And now... the moment you've all been waiting for... The Emerald Circus main act!"
  • "These (potentially) death-defying performances will keep you on the edge of your seat!"
  • "And with that, let's get this party started!"
  • "Please welcome to the stage..."
  • "A terrifying green beast with eight heads, sixteen eyes... and one wheel!"
  • "The trick-riding, introverted UNICYCLE SHY GUUUUUUUUYS!"
  • "Well, THOSE guys are fired. Speaking of fired..."
  • "Let's give an unseasonably warm welcome to our next guests..."
  • "The fire-breathing dino beasts and their miserable trainerrrrrrr!"
  • "What's this? Who let that Yoshi out?!"
  • "Poor Mario! That Yoshi ate your precious card, didn't he?!"
  • "Mario expertly guards himself against the Yoshi's ravenous appetite!"
  • "UH-OH! You done it now, Mario!"
  • "Without a trainer, Wild Dino Rhinos start RAAAAAAAAGING! Hang on to your mustache!"
  • "Ooh! It's a backup trainer. Lucky you."
  • "Let's keep this party rocking!"
  • "It's a balancing act the likes of which the world has never seen!"
  • "Say hello to the iron-shelled Buzzy Beetle Tower of TERROR!"
  • "WHAT?! They lost their balance?! That's not in the script!"
  • "Ahem... And now for the final act!"
  • "The high-flying acrobatic bad boys... the Trampoline Shy Guys!"
  • "Eeeeeh?! The Trampoline Shy Guys fell down!"
  • "What a breathtaking show! Put your hands together for all of our performers tonight!"
  • "And that's our show, folks! Many thanks to the stars of our show tonight... Mario and Hueeeey!"
  • "Thanks for joining us tonight. Don't forget to stop by the merch table on the way out!"

The Shy Bandit

  • "You'll never take me alive!"
  • "I thought I took care of you..."
  • "It's the cops!"
  • "The Shy Bandit strikes again!"


  • "Guys! We're here!"
  • "So this is the famous Port Prisma. It's so peaceful! And quiet. Really quiet..."
  • "Uh, where is everybody?"
  • "Yeah... weird. I even let them know we were coming."
  • "You'd think they'd prepare a warmer welcome for Princess Peach and the world-famous Mario!"
  • "Hah! You look like a used gum wrapper!"
  • "Iron yourself out, man!"
  • "Not to worry, Princess. I've read the Port Prisma guidebook cover to cover!"
  • "We'll want to head to Prisma Fountain in the center of town. It's a big tourist attraction!"
  • "From there, maybe we'll run into some locals who can help us."
  • "Let's get out of the marina and head for the fountain!"
  • "So... we have to break this crate? THAT'S original."
  • "Let's not make this crate another statistic. There's got to be a better way."
  • "Ah, now we're talking. Looks like there's something up on that box."
  • "Think you can jump up there and check it out, Mario?"
  • "Score! This totally makes up for me accidentally tossing your hammer overboard during the voyage!"
  • "I bet it works just like your old one. Try pressing B Button to swing it."
  • "Sorry, crate. You gave us no choice."
  • "Let's go check out the town!"
  • "According to my guidebook, the fountain is "a glorious rainbow of happiness and joy.""
  • "So, um... Yeah, this doesn't feel right. I'll take a look around and see if I can find someone."
  • "STOP IT!"
  • "My... my beautiful colors..."
  • "Mario... Help me!"
  • "I... I can't feel my pants!"
  • "But I did... find something... that might come in... handy..."
  • "Take these... and remember me... fondly..."
  • "I'M ALIVE!"
  • "And I can feel my pants! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH!"
  • "So, this can here just saved my life? I knew all that recycling would pay off one day!"
  • "Hey, just in case we get ambushed by any more freaks with bendy straws..."
  • "Where exactly are we supposed to find this magical life-giving paint you speak of?"
  • "Yeah! So, I guess we just needed to turn it on or something, right? It was definitely dry when we got there."
  • "Paint Stars? I don't know what a Paint Star is, but I definitely didn't see anything like that."
  • "I'm pretty sure he's ugly-crying in there."
  • "First of all, I don't really understand that analogy. And secondly, gross..."
  • "But thirdly, those Paint Stars do sound really important to you, and you DID just save my life."
  • "We're going to wait here for a while, Mario. Go paint the town red! And hopefully other colors too..."
  • "Be careful out there, Mario! If you're running low on HP, hurry back here to rest up. Don't be a hero!"
  • "I mean... DO be a hero! Just... YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!"
  • "Guys, we got one of the Big Paint Stars back–we need to celebrate! Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
  • "Dance party!"
  • "Mario! Princess Peach has been kidnapped by Bowser! No one could have predicted this!"
  • "I know this is highly unusual, but can you help rescue her?"
  • "Whoa! What's that?"
  • "This... is a Holo-Peach!"
  • "You know... a self-delivering postcard shaped like Princess Peach. Obviously."
  • "She must have been able to get one quick message out just as she was being kidnapped."
  • "Well, at least we know she's OK. For now."
  • "All right! Without further ado, let's celebrate the return of the yellow Big Paint Star!"
  • "Everyone, get crazy!"
  • "Luigi wouldn't do this to us!"
  • "I know we're all still tired from the last celebration, but we need to show the blue Big Paint Star how much we care..."
  • "LET'S DANCE!"
  • "OK! How about we blow off some steam, eh? To celebrate the revival of the purple Big Paint Star..."
  • "Let's shake it!"
  • "Just one Big Paint Star left! OK, let's celebrate the return of the orange Big Paint Star..."
  • "Everybody, get on down!"
  • "Mario, sir! I'm a huge fan! Thanks for taking the time to talk to a normal Toad like me with no unique traits or discernable characteristics!
  • "That's right! Now that all the Big Paint Stars are back, it's finally time to fight Bowser!"
  • "OK, let's celebrate the return of ALL the Big Paint Stars..."
  • "GET WILD!"
  • "Mario, this tree got sick, so the four guys that were here before left to find some sort of... tree medicine."
  • "They said they needed to find some flower called a Rainbow Carnation. Its pollen supposedly brings plants back to life!"
  • "But they said it only grows in super-dangerous, high-up, hard-to-reach places. I'm sure they'll be fine though."
  • "Oh, Princess Peach! I'm so relieved to see you! Thank you for everything, Mario!"
  • "Is that a card of... Black Bowser's Castle? But to make one of those, you'd have to wring out the entire castle!"
  • "Who in the world could have done that?"

Toad Captain

  • "So, ye be this... Mario, eh?"
  • "The Mario who saved this vessel, me crew, and yars truly?"
  • "Wish I could give ye a reward, but me thanks'll have to do. I owe ye one."
  • "I'll warn ye, mate–I can't guarantee ye safe passage. It be a treacherous journey."
  • "To get there, we gotta cross... the Lost Sea."
  • "How does one cross the Lost Sea? No clue, mate."
  • "They say it be impossible to navigate. That the mists drive men mad. No soul has ever returned."
  • "Good on ye, mate. Let me know what ye find."
  • "To reach Fortune Island and the Violet Isles, we be needin' to cross the Lost Sea."
  • "But I be havin' no clue how to cross it."
  • "Ahoy, mate. Ye find anything down in the cabin?"
  • "Blimey! Where'd ye find this?! Been searching for this thing forever."
  • "It be a missing page from the legendary captain's journal. It was down there the whole time?!"
  • "They found the captain's journal on this very ship."
  • "But the first five pages were missin'. Of course, those be the pages that detail his crossing of the Lost Sea."
  • "Bingo, mate."
  • "If ye collect all five missing journal entries, we should be able to cross the Lost Sea."
  • "Let me know if you find any more pages."
  • "Aye, this be another missin' page. We be one step closer to crossin' the Lost Sea."
  • "Well, blow me down! That's all five journal entries."
  • "Well... yar. In theory."
  • "Just as the legendary pirate once set sail, so will we... To Fortune Island!"
  • "Yahaharrrr! That be the spirit!"
  • "Ready to set sail, mate?"
  • "Anchors aweigh!"
  • "We be off! Set a course for the Lost Sea!"
  • "Uh..."
  • "Blast it! There be no wind in our sails!"
  • "Not much we can do about that. We be needin' to wait for the perfect breeze to show up."
  • "Old Roger gets his jollies
    On the boundless blue
    From beyond the Lost Sea
    Fortune beckons our crew
    Fate lies on the horizon
    We pay the ultimate price
    There is but one path
    A legend's sacrifice!"
  • "Avast! That be the best part of the song!"
  • "Keep yer pants on, sailor! Bail the water out, and plug the hole. GO!"
  • "*sigh*"
  • "Can ye go down to the cabin and make sure we don't sink?"
  • "Can ye go check out the hole in the cabin? Thanks, mates."
  • "Aye, yer blank stare tells me there be nothin' to worry about... and that he asked for a raise."
  • "This ship be a hand-me-down from the legendary captain. Sometimes it shows its age a bit."
  • "Let's set off. The Lost Sea be close. Keep yer wits about ye."
  • "This is it, mate. The Lost Sea."
  • "This be a good time to show ye how to use this ship."
  • "First, the cannons! They can smash massive rocks with one blow."
  • "Get close to the cannon and pull to fire a cannonball."
  • "Go on–give 'er a pull."
  • "Ye can fire the cannon on the other side, too. Give it a go."
  • "We're about to enter the Lost Sea. The five journal pages ye found will help guide us."
  • "If ye want to turn the rudder or return to port, speak to the helmsman."
  • "Talk to the helmsman when ye be ready to enter the Lost Sea."
  • "Ye got [number of points earned] points, mate."
  • "Giant rock dead ahead! Turn, ye scallywags!"
  • "Avast! What be these mists?"
  • "Yar, we've seen this place before."
  • "This be the dreaded nature of the Lost Sea."
  • "Don't ye lose hope, mates! We may be hopelessly lost without a cent to our names, but... uh..."
  • "Aye... Me motivational speeches be needin' some work."
  • "Ye plundered [number of coins collected] coins."
  • "A dark mist be upon us. Aye..."
  • "We be closin' in on the Violet Isles... or they be closin' in on us."
  • "One careless move could cost us everything. Which way should we go, mate?"
  • "Who hoisted that tattered flag on the stern?"
  • "What are we? Thrift-shop pirates? Fix it or take it down, mate."
  • "YA HA HARRRR! The Compass be a pirate's best friend! Right up there with the letter R and vitamin C."
  • "We've done it, mates! We crossed the Lost Sea! We be legends now!"
  • "On to Fortune Island! Hurry up and grab that thing so we can get movin', will ye?"
  • "What are ye waiting for? Fortune Island awaits! Hurry up!"
  • "Belay the vessel!"
  • "We almost broke the first rule of sailing–never sail into a vortex, no matter how fun it looks."
  • "Sorry, mate. There's no way we can reach it while the sea be raging like this."
  • "Let's make land over there for now."
  • "We'll go ashore first and see about that whirlpool."
  • "Take yer time and meet us there. We'll try to figure out what to do before ye catch up with us."
  • "YARRRRRRRGH! To fortune!"
  • "We can't go any farther, but I'll be darned if that'll stop us from trying!"
  • "Thar she blows!"
  • "I've seen a whirlpool or two in my day, but never one this powerful."
  • "I can't imagine there's anything in this world we can do about it..."
  • "Yahaharr!"
  • "We wished with all our considerable might that the whirlpool would go away, and it did!"
  • "Scares the spores right out of me, mate. I didn't ask for this much power! Let's get back to the ship."
  • "The whirlpool be no more. Let's go get that Mini Paint Starrrrrr."
  • "All right... grab that thing, and let's be on our way."
  • "We're so close to Fortune Island..."
  • "What ye be waiting for, mate? Grab that Paint Starrrrrrrrrrrrr!"
  • "SHIVER... ME... TIMBERS..."
  • "It suddenly be pitch black ahead! Never seen nothin' like this."
  • "Well, if I can navigate me way to the bathroom in the dead of night, I can navigate this. Onward!"
  • "Yar... It be even darker that the way to the little boy's room."
  • "Nope. No. No way. Can't go in there. We're gonna just have to hold it."
  • "We couldn't find treasure in there even if we crashed into it!"
  • "So, what now?"
  • "YAR HAR! How did we miss that?! That be the perfect place for a lighthouse!"
  • "Of course, it would be better if it was turned on..."
  • "Let's make land over there and see if we can't get that lighthouse up and runnin'."
  • "Marrrrrrrrio, we'll go check out the lighthouse. Take yer time lookin' for your paint thingies."
  • "We may even have that ol' house lightin' up the darkness by the time ye catch up with us. Yar har har!"
  • "Move out, mates!"
  • "Oh, there ye are, mate."
  • "We be discussing who should go into the lighthouse first."
  • "Tell ye the truth–as captain, I'd like to be first, but I'll leave the honors to you, Mario. Ya har!"
  • "That sad Toad with the sunglasses went back inside the lighthouse."
  • "Do ye think he LIVES there? Yar... That be depressin'."
  • "Yar har! He lives!"
  • "We heard a crazy scream from the top of the lighthouse."
  • "I was just bucklin' my swashes to come rescue ye, but here ye are!"
  • "And ye lit the lighthouse! Good news all around. Now, let's cast of."
  • "We can push off now, so let's go get that Mini Paint Starrrrrrrrrrr."
  • "That skull! There be a skull like that in the legendary captain's journal. It must be... Fortune Island!"
  • "We've crossed the Lost Sea, quelled a massive whirlpool, and dispelled utter darkness, and now we're finally here. We've done it, mates!"
  • "Go on, mate. Fortune awaits."
  • "After all these years... Fortune Island!"
  • "I can feel me goose bumps gettin' goose bumps!"
  • "And would you look at that giant skull? Yer not scarin' me off!"
  • "After that whirlpool and all the darkness, this may be the LEAST scary Island we've visited. Hehhh..."
  • "End of the line... Fortune Island..."
  • "Well... I suppose it be time to disembarrrrrk... Yo ho ho..."
  • "Yar har har! Yer right, mates!"
  • "What kind of captain gets spooked by a puny little 200-foot-tall skull? Not this one!"
  • "Onward, crew! Let's unearth the treasure of Fortune Island!"
  • "Who's with me?"
  • "Marrrrrrrio!"
  • "I faced my fears head-on and marched right up to this skull-shaped boulder. But there's a small problem."
  • "See, there definitely be an opening over there, but we can't get to it!"
  • "All the guts in the world don't mean squat when paper meets water!"
  • "Clean out yer ears and listen up. We need to find another entrance."
  • "Aye... Perhaps ye can use that yellow rock to enter the giant, terrifying skull."
  • "I mean, we'd do it ourselves, but... we can't jump like ye. Or use Battle Cards or paint hammers, either."
  • "So... yar. Check it out for us? Please?"
  • "Good on ye, mates. We'll, uh, guard this small patch of grass while yer gone."
  • "Aye, just as I thought... This place be burstin' with creepy stuff!"
  • "Don't look like ye can jump back up here, so be careful."
  • "We'll see if we can find another way in while you're doin' your thing."
  • "AHHHHHH! I mean, ARRRRRRRGH. How did ye get out here?!"
  • "Ye went in there... and ye came out here? So there be multiple entrances!"
  • "In that case, it probably be safe for us to explore a little bit."
  • "I set up a... uh... ladder inside for easy access. Feel free to use it."
  • "The yellow spots... the yellow vest... the oversized pirate hat... the jumbo cutlass..."
  • "You're the... You're the..."
  • "You're the legendary captain!"
  • "Let me get this straight: ye lost yer memory? You can't remember nothin' at all?"
  • "Aye... I'll look through the captain's journal to see if I can jog his memory."
  • "You an' Huey go find the Paint Star!"
  • "Yarr! So there WAS treasure on this island. Which means... we be too late to be scavengin' it."
  • "So the treasure of Fortune Island be no more. I was too late."
  • "All those years of searchin'..."
  • "Blimey! You'll teach be yer legendary ways? That be the best treasure of all! YA HA HARRRR!"

Toad Professor

  • "My Princess..."
  • "I am indeed the professor... of super-old things."
  • "But I've suffered a great tragedy. My poor little Princess is missing!"
  • "That's her chain over there... *sob*"
  • "I hope you're safe and sound, my sweet, little baby. Wherever you are..."
  • "OF COURSE! She's probably waiting for me at home!"
  • "My Princess is as smart as she is cute. She would have known just what to do!"
  • "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off! Oh, I can't wait to see the look on her sweet, wittle face!"
  • "Daddy's coming, Princess!"
  • "My sweet, little baby..."
  • "She's gone forever! *sob*"
  • "...So you'll help me find her, then!"
  • "Thank you for putting your little Pant Star quest on the back burner while you find my Princess!"
  • "You'll need this permit to access my dig site. I don't imagine my Princess is there, but you never know."
  • "Come back to me, my darling... *sob*"
  • "What ever are you talking about? That was my beloved Princess!"
  • "Mario, thank you for reuniting me with my sweet little girl."
  • "I suppose she's outgrown her little house here, but I'm glad she was able to visit one last time."
  • "If you come across any more bones, please share with her. She deserves a treat every now and then."
  • "And let her know that, wherever she ends up... I'll be thinking of her."
  • "Oh, and I've got a little something for you, as a small thank-you for helping me out. Follow me!"
  • "Ah, yes. Now, where were we? Of course... I was about to give you a small reward."
  • "A fellow at the dig site was about to throw this out, but I thought it might be of interest to you."
  • "Be careful now! It's as sharp as... erm... something very, very sharp."
  • "You'll have to pardon the analogy. I'm a paleo-archeologist, not one of those... um... good-talking guys."
  • "Ah! I've got it. It's as sharp as the spine on a Spiny. Yes, that will do."

Toadmaster General

  • "Stop! Leave me alone! I'm just trying to deliver the mail!"
  • "Mario?! What happened to me?"
  • "The last thing I remember, I was being assaulted by a bunch of Shy Guys with... straws?"
  • "Was that just a dream? I still feel like there's something wrong with my head. Can you take a look?"
  • "Wait, first things first. I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Toadmaster general here in Port Prisma!"
  • "Please feel free to stop by my humble postal branch over in the blue district when you get a chance."
  • "You can even set up your mail to be forwarded here while you're town. Isn't that great?"
  • "Well, thanks for saving me, Mario. Gotta get back to work!"
  • "I'm afraid I can't make it back to my post until the bridge is fixed."
  • "Oh, I'm so glad that the bridge is fixed. I hate to think of how much mail piled up back at the office!"
  • "Of course, with the bridge out... maybe none piled up..."
  • "Either way, you better come check for yourself, Mario."
  • "I can say without bias or hyperbole that mail is the most important thing in the world!"
  • "Hey, Mario! Great timing–you've got new mail!"
  • "And here's another new letter for you. Exciting!"
  • "Remember, you can always reread old letters. Just open the menu, tap Items, and then type the mail icon."
  • "Crooked sign? That's a terrible sign! I can't have people thinking this is a crooked business!"
  • "I'll send myself to fix it right away! PRIORITY MAILTOAD!"
  • "How's it look? Better?"
  • "Nothing can stop the mail! Not rain, nor sleet, nor hail, nor crooked signs, nor Draggadon..."
  • "Well, maybe Draggadon. But the point is that we're back on the straight and narrow."
  • "Sorry, Mario. You don't have any new mail right now."

Wendy O. Koopa

  • "*yawwwwwwwwwwn* Well, if it isn’t the man of the hour… You’re late. I’ve been waiting for you FOREVER, mister! I was beginning to think you’d stood me up. I thought to myself, ‘’Wendy, is Mario ever going to show up?’’ And then I dozed off. Anyway, Mr. Bowser sent me to stop you from getting your grubby little mitts on this Big Paint Star. And now that I’ve gotten some peaceful rest, it’s time to help you rest in peace!"
  • "Now, since you did come all the way to Fortune Island, I guess you must really like money, honey… Teehee! Get ready for payday!"
  • "All those coins, and you’re not even smiling! Well, I’ll smile big enough for the both of us. Take my picture, honey!"
  • "Now, get ready for something more valuable than coins. Let’s see one last big smile before I end this. Say cheese!"
  • "Teehee! That little Instant Camera Replica is like a baby toy!"
  • "Here it comes! Wendy’s gorgeous golden ring! Protect your neck!"
  • "My golden ring has you in its embrace. Your face is priceless!"
  • "I’m tired of looking at your face, so how about I break it? Sound good?"
  • "WHAT?! Why can’t I beat you?!"
  • "Oh, FINE. You beat me. I get it. I can’t believe I came all the way out to this stupid island…waited in this cramped shell for days on end…only to lose! Well, at least I lost to you. Don’t tell Mr. Bowser I said this, but you’re kind of cute, Mario. Teehee…"

Whistle Snifit

  • "Winners never quit!"
  • "Hmm... The front line seems a little risky."
  • "Can't ya see we're training here?!"
  • "Shut it! And quit being such a baby!"
  • "It's the fleshface!"
  • "Always follow the rules!"


  • "Haven't seen you around... You're not a cop, right? 'Cause you'd have to tell me if you were. It's the law."
  • "Well, lemme assure you that I've pretty much acquired most of my goods basically legally... more or less."
  • "I provide a service that allows you to take some of your favorite Things and give 'em the old SQUEEZE."
  • "They call me... the Wringer."
  • "Since you're new here, your first squeeze is on us."
  • "Now, don't worry about the Wringer. I'll be just fine."
  • "See, once you get your first squeeze, you never wanna let go. You're hooked. That's how I turn a profit."
  • "Enough talk. Let's get to squeezin'."
  • "Wowza! You sure you haven't done this before?"
  • "Now don't be a stranger. Come on back whenever you feel the need to squeeze!"
  • "We ain't got nothin' squeeze-worthy at the moment. Sorry, pal."
  • "Welcome back, pal. The Wringer knew you'd be back."
  • "Now, what can we squeeze for you today?"
  • "Please come again."
  • "All right. Here comes the thing you want to squeeze. Now get to squeezin'!"


  • "It's about time!"
  • "I waited for six months to get into this silly café, and I ended up getting all my color drained..."
  • "All I wanted to do was to relax, sip some coffee, and reminisce about the good ol' days. Is that too much to ask?"
  • "There's too much aggressive action in this world! Mario, we need you to restore love and joy to Prism Island!"
  • "Hey, guyz!"
  • "Oh... You guys... didn't hear?"
  • "Piper died."
  • "No, his color wasn't drained."
  • "His whole body turned brown... and he got all crunchy and crinkly..."
  • "He just... blew away like a fallen leaf in the wind. I think he'd been really sick for a long time."


  • "Yoshi! (Long time no see, Mario!)"
  • "Yoshi! (Thanks for helping be escape that haunted inn!)"
  • "Yoshi! (Just thinking about that place gives me the creeps!)"
  • "Yoshi! (I owe you BIG-time!)"
  • "Yoshi! (I came here to bust my friends out of this cage.)"
  • "Yoshi! (Though I'm not sure why they wanted to get out so badly.)"
  • "Yoshi! (I'll never get tired of this gilded cage! I could live in here forever!)"
  • "Yoshi! (Looking closely, that cage isn't as nice as I thought it was. I've decided I want to be a cage-free Yoshi!)"