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“Ooh, another Bibliofold! I can't wait to see what powers this one gives me...”
Olivia, Paper Mario: The Origami King
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King.An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King.An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King.An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King.
First appearance Paper Mario: The Origami King (2020)

Bibliofolds are items in Paper Mario: The Origami King. Each Bibliofold is collected after defeating its corresponding Vellumental, grants Olivia the power to fold into one, and comes in the Vellumental's respective color and Magic Circle displayed on the cover.


Additional names[edit]

Internal names[edit]

Game File Name Meaning

Paper Mario: The Origami King \romfs\data\data_item_elf.zst 折り方の書 (Orikata no sho) Origami Book
Paper Mario: The Origami King \romfs\item\Item_OrigamiBookEarth.bfres.zst OrigamiBookEarth Earth Origami Book
Paper Mario: The Origami King \romfs\item\Item_OrigamiBookWater.bfres.zst OrigamiBookWater Water Origami Book
Paper Mario: The Origami King \romfs\item\Item_OrigamiBookFire.bfres.zst OrigamiBookFire Fire Origami Book
Paper Mario: The Origami King \romfs\item\Item_OrigamiBookIce.bfres.zst OrigamiBookIce Ice Origami Book

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Tsuchi-gami No Sho
Mizu-gami No Sho
Hi-gami No Sho
Kōri-gami No Sho

Book of Earth God
Book of Water God
Book of Fire God
Book of Ice God

French Codex
Codex Terrae
Codex Aquae
Codex Ignis
Codex Glaciae

Codex of Earth(in Latin)
Codex of Water(in Latin)
Codex of Fire (in Latin)
Codex of Ice (in Latin)
German Faltfibel der Erde
Faltfibel des Wassers
Faltfibel des Feuers
Faltfibel des Eises

Folding primer of Earth
Folding primer of Water
Folding primer of Fire
Folding primer of Ice
Italian Tomo della terra
Tomo dell’acqua
Tomo del fuoco
Tomo del ghiaccio

Book of Earth
Book of Water
Book of Fire
Book of Ice
Spanish Códice
Códice de la tierra
Códice del agua
Códice del fuego
Códice del hielo

Earth Codex
Water Codex
Fire Codex
Ice Codex