Ghost T. is a deceased Toad in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door who died on the Excess Express many years ago, and now exists in limbo between this world and the next (in cabin 004, to be precise). As with many ghosts, he is trying to resolve earthly conflicts before moving on to the next life. He lingers on the train because he left his diary in the baggage car and does not want anybody except himself to read it. Mario retrieves the diary for him and gives it to Ghost T. Soon, a light shines on Ghost T., and he begins to ascend into heaven. However, he stops halfway, deciding to stay in the earthly realm. His reason for staying is that he likes the wallpaper of his train cabin.

Ghost T. warns Mario not to read his diary. However, if Mario is curious and begins to read the diary, Ghost T. will appear and kill him (game over).

Later, Ghost T. writes an e-mail to Mario. He writes the e-mail by possessing the conductor of the Excess Express.