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In-game render of a Book from Donkey Kong 64
A Ghost Book.

The Ghost Books are ghostly library books only found in Creepy Castle's library which can only be accessed by Donkey Kong. When Donkey Kong triggers a switch, it opens a secret passageway. Once he gets to it, there is a path that leads to a Golden Banana, but several Ghost Books are flying through the walls blocking the path. Donkey Kong must use the Strong Kong ability to pass the flying Ghost Books. Ghost Books can not be defeated, they can only be passed by. Ghost Books only appear in Donkey Kong 64.


  • If Donkey Kong is blocking the path of a Ghost Book, it'll just glare at him and disappear rather than fly through him despite the fact that they can fly through solid walls.
  • The attack pattern of Ghost Books is similar to the Bookends of Super Mario 64.
  • The Ghost Books look similar to the Banjo-Kazooie character, Cheato.
