List of quotes in Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!

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This is a list of quotes from the game Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!, applying to both the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and Game Boy Advance versions.

Banana Bird Queen

  • "Oh! Thank goodness! At last somebody has found me! That rotten yellow belly K.Rool imprisoned me...behind this evil barrier, which he sealed with a dark and powerful magic spell."
  • "Then he commanded a bunch of his wicked Kremlings to hide the only ones that could split the crystal key - my poor children. Only all of them together have the power to break the spell."
  • "Please, Dixie/Kiddy/Kongs, find all of my children and bring them back to me as soon as you can. In return... I promise to rid this land of K.Rool forever. So keep your eyes peeled and return as soon as you can."
  • "K.Rool had better pack his case now, before I get my claws near him."
  • "It's time to teach K. Rool a lesson he'll never forget!"


  • "Hello there, how's it going, Dixie/Kiddy/Kongs? Barnacle's me name, and I've set up home here to build me shell collection."
  • "Yes, I used to be a scuba diver but I've given it up. I just take it easy here at home now."
  • "This bird is a friendly fellow, isn't he? He flew in once, so I decided to keep him."
  • "You know, I don't think there's anything which would persuade me to get rid of this bird."
  • "Have you seen my shell collection? It's nearly complete!"
  • "What a beautiful shell! It's just what I need to finish off me collection!"
  • "Say, Dixie/Kiddy/Kongs, would you swap that shell for my bird?"
  • "Awww, that's a shame. It would've had pride of place on my shelf."
  • "You would? That's great! Here's the bird - please take care of him."
  • "I miss that bird you know. Never mind, this collection always cheers me up."
  • "Hey there, how's it going? Have you come to look at my world famous shell collection?"

Baron K. Roolenstein

  • "NOOO! What have you done? My wife's going to kill me! I used all of her best pots and pans to make him... And then you just cast him aside as if he were a stack of empty tins!"
  • "WHAT!? How dare you! KAOS was my ticket to world domination... And I'd have gotten away with it, if it weren't for you meddling kids!"
  • "Well, you may have roasted my robot, but I'M the master chef around here, and I reckon it's about time your goose was cooked!"
  • "What the blazes!? So, YOU'RE the one who's been scuttling my super secret submarine! This is the LAST time you'll spoil my plans! I'm gonna bash you good!"
  • "Right!!! Look out, you cheeky monkeys!"


  • "Hello there, young Dixie/Kiddy, my name's Bazaar and this is my general store."
  • "All of my brothers are scattered over these islands..."
  • "Pop in and say hello if you meet them on your travels!"
  • "So then, how may I be of assistance to you?"
  • "Good morning! What would you like to know?"
  • "What will it be on this fine day, Dixie?"
  • "Good day, Dixie, what can I do for you?"
  • "This shell was found at the bottom of Lake Orangatanga and is pretty rare. At 5 bear coins it's a bargain."
  • "Would you like to purchase this fine specimen?"
  • "Not interested? Never mind, I'm sure some lucky person will snap it up soon."
  • "Not interested? I hope you're sure, because I don't think it's going to stay here very long!"
  • "Yes, but it's no ordinary one though! It was Cranky's great grandfather's! I can't let it go for less than 50 coins."
  • "Can I interest you in buying this fabulous item?"
  • "Well, I ventured up there once, but if you want to know what I discovered it'll cost you 2 coins!"
  • "So, what do you think? Are you interested?"
  • "Well, once I got to the castle grounds I saw a sign which said 'Keep right off our land!', so I ran off!"
  • "Are you sure? Some cheeky lad called Link was in just last week and he asked about the castle too."
  • "He didn't have enough coins, but he seemed such a nice fellow that I agreed to accept 500 rupees instead."
  • "After that he left... muttering about my shells being the wrong shape or something. Oh well!"
  • "Hold on there, young Dixie, I'm afraid you don't have enough."
  • "Just a second, Dixie, you don't have enough for this."
  • "Keep saving, Dixie - I'm sure you'll get enough together."
  • "I'm afraid that I'll have to offend you by refusing credit on this fine item - sorry!"
  • "It's a deal! I hope you're very happy together."
  • "Catch you later, Dixie/Kiddy/Kongs. I'm open 24 hours, you know."
  • "Hey, you just have a really nice day now, Dixie, you hear?"
  • "See you, so long, bye-bye."


  • "Morning, Kongs! Brigadier Bazooka here. All present and correct I see! Marvelous."
  • "I fought in the Kremean War, don't you know, but I've retired from the service along with 'Big Bessie'."
  • "Who's 'Big Bessie'!? She's only the biggest and greatest cannon of all time - What a beauty!"
  • "You want to use my cannon, young Kongs? Not without some sort of ammo I'm afraid."
  • "Have you seen 'Big Bessie'? I haven't fired her for years - no ammunition, y'see."
  • "I have lots of old artillery, you know? But Bessie's my favorite - what a noise!"
  • "It would be splendid to fire her one more time. But she needs some ammo to really get going."


  • "H-h-hello there, Dixie/Kiddy/Kongs, how are you? My name's Blue, p-p-pleased to meet you.
  • "You wouldn't have brought... Oh, I can see you haven't. Never mind.
  • "I-I'm afraid you're a little early for the party, Dixie/Kiddy/Kongs. That's if anybody bothers to come at all."
  • "I get lots of post you know, but it's all bills - not a single card."
  • "What's that red circle on the calendar? Oh - sigh - It's nothing of importance."


  • "I've been watching your progress for a while, Dixie/Kiddy/Kongs. The name's Blunder, but you can call me Mr. Blunder."
  • "So you think you're going to find everything in the game, eh? You don't even know there's a Lost World, do you?"
  • "Whoops, I think I just let the cat out of the bag."


  • "Hah, hello there, Dixie/Kiddy/Kongs! Allow me to introduce myself - I am Bramble, the famed botanist."
  • "Yes, I moved up here to get away from the smell of the machines, but it's been too dry to grow anything."
  • "Since I have been unable to grow or study plants, I have taken an interest in collecting animals."
  • "The most beautiful flowers used to grow around here, but they died back when those awful machines came!"
  • "I love plants, don't you? They're so beautiful. This picture reminds me of those I can't grow anymore."
  • "I'm glad those horrible machines are destroyed. Perhaps my beautiful flowers can start to grow again now."


  • "Hey, it's the banana brained Kongs! What do you think you're doing coming into Brash's cabin without asking?"
  • "See that river bank race? I ran that in 01:15:00. You couldn't do it in double that time."
  • "Hey Kongs, did you stop for a picnic on the river bank or did you just get lost?"
  • "Where are your manners? I'm sure I didn't see you wipe your feet on my 'Unwelcome' mat."
  • "Wwwhhhaatt?! Yooouuu can't have beaten my time! I've held that record for the last two years running!"
  • "Yoooou've made me ssssooooo angry! I could............"
  • "I'll get my title back from you, Dixie/Kiddy/Kongs, just you wait!"
  • "Don't get too cocky, I've demanded an inquiry!"
  • "If you think I'm talking to you, Dixie/Kiddy/Kongs, you can forget it. I don't mind you winning, but showing off is just un-cool!!"
  • "GO ON - GET OUT NOW!"

Cranky Kong

  • "So you've reached the bonus game then, have you?"
  • "It's not a simple game of questions and answers this time though!"
  • "Now you've got to beat yours truly if you want to win any prizes!"
  • "You chimps are chumps, I can't believe you'd even try to beat me!"
  • "My shots went clean through the target! Honest!"
  • "It's not fair! Some of their targets were twice the size of mine!"
  • "You only had to blow on your targets for them to fall over!"
  • "You fraudster! I'm off to consult my lawyer about this!"
  • "Wait 'til I tell your parents!"
  • "Hey hey, you cheeky monkey! Have this as a bonus prize!"
  • "Very good, Dixie/Kiddy. No more web-spinning for that eight-legged freak. I'm sure Funky will put that patch to good use. Go see him now!"
  • "Nope, not really."
  • "You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses, would ya??"

Diddy Kong

  • "Hey, don't worry, Donkey! Thanks to Dixie, it's all over! I'm impressed!"

Dixie Kong

  • "Oh! Wrinkly's asleep. I'm sure she won't mind if we save our game, though."
  • "Look! She's asleep! I'm sure she won't mind us saving our game though."
  • "I thought that's what he was!"
  • "I guess this just isn't your day, is it?"
  • "Right- You go that way, Kiddy, and I'll go that way."
  • "Let's do it, Boomer!"
  • "No way, you crazy bear!"
  • "Whoa... Big man!"

Donkey Kong

  • "Whoooooaaaa... My head... What happened? One minute, I was dreaming about the world's biggest pile of bananas... The next, I was a power-crazed madman!"
  • "I bet even Cranky would be... after THAT performance!"

Funky Kong

  • "Yo, Dixie, what's happening? I've set up my smokin' new boat shop on this island. But that's not all..."
  • "...I've also brought your excellent cousin Kiddy Kong along for the ride!"
  • "He may be a toddler, but if you let him throw you upwards, you'll almost reach the stars! Oh yeah!"
  • "And if you throw him, his humongous body can smash through the floor of some areas! Trust me!"
  • "What's up! Have you got me anything new I can use?"
  • "Hey hey, Funky's in the zone! Cash is not a problem, Kongs, 'cause my boats you can loan."
  • "I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour! Yo, hombres, got anything new yet?"
  • "Hey, those heinous boss men have got a hoard of items. If you find anything, bring it on back here, huh?"
  • "Freak out! Freak out! Spare parts for my boats are what it's all about."
  • "Uh uh. Yeah! What we're needing is some sort of spare part situation, you dig?"
  • "Wicked! I only need a few more parts to get my vehicles going."
  • "Keep looking out for those items, Kongs. I'm a few parts short for my new invention!"
  • "A patch? Oh yeah! This is just what I needed!"
  • "Hang on for just a couple of seconds, Dixie/Kiddy/Kongs, and I'll get you a cool new tub for you to rub a dub dub!"
  • "Whoa! Bogus docking, Kongs! Get my crate back in here before that clumsy Bazaar parks it on the rocks!"
  • "Hey, Kongs - a ski! Not toooo shabby!"
  • "Problem is, though, I'm going to need its partner before I can get you on your way."
  • "Wahey! You've found two skis! Awesome! I've now got all the parts I need to make you the ultimate ride!"
  • "Wait right there, Dixie/Kiddy/Kongs, while I get you my latest and greatest boat yet!"
  • "Bonkers! I've built in a cool turbo feature that'll be sure to take you to new heights! Just press Y Button!!"
  • "Time to catch some rays."
  • "Don't stay away for too long, huh?"
  • "Bust a move, gotta groove!"
  • "Gotta go, Kongs. Surf's up."
  • "Take it real easy, Kongs."
  • "Hang five, Kongs."
  • "Catch you later, Dixie/Kiddy/Kongs."
  • "I'll be seein' ya later, Kongs."

Swanky Kong

  • "Well would you believe it! Hello, Kongs! Welcome along to my all new Bonus Tent!"
  • "My show's on the road and it's in every land. The cost of this game? Two coins in the hand!"
  • "There are some great prizes on offer today, so come on in and choose to play. Just do that and you're away!"
  • "So come on, Kongs, and have a go! You could well win, you never know!"
  • "Don't worry, your tokens are safe. Do you want to gamble your coins for the Big Prize?"
  • "It'll be a big day today, if you play it the right way!"
  • "There are some truly great prizes to be won - or my name's not Swanky!"
  • "No age restriction for this game, young Kongs, just pay up and have yourself a ball."
  • "Watch out for that Cranky Kong! He's a right slippery customer - make no mistake!"
  • "Okay, Kongs, it's your choice today. Which game would you like to play?"
  • "Today's event will be a throwing game - the longer you last, the bigger the prize!"
  • "Today's round is a special throwing game where the winner is the first to score 25 points!"
  • "Hey, I think you've played this game before, haven't you?!"
  • "That's one of the best performances I've seen in a long, long time!"
  • "You were great! I hope you'll be back again when the prizes will be even bigger and better!"
  • "Let's have a big round of applause for our contestants!"
  • "Have a nice day! Show them Kremlings what you're made of!"
  • "Feel free to come back whenever you feel like a game!"

Wrinkly Kong

  • "Hello there, it's me - Mrs. Wrinkly Kong!"
  • "I've found life too hectic at school with all those naughty Kremlings pestering me all the time!"
  • "If you need to save your game, Dixie, call here any time..."
  • "...and I'll record your progress on my new vid-me-whatsit machine for you!"
  • "Hello, Kongs, how can I help you today?"
  • "If you bump into Cranky, tell him to stop wasting his monkey on Swanky's bonus games."
  • "If you catch up with Cranky, tell him he still owes me my housekeeping money!"
  • "Have you seen Cranky on your travels? He ate all of my fresh cookies!"
  • "If you spot Cranky on your travels, tell him his dinner's gone cold."
  • "Have you seen my glasses, Kongs? I put them down somewhere, but I can't remember where!"
  • "Make sure you wipe your feet and wash your hands before saving your game, Dixie/Kiddy/Kongs."
  • "When crossing the jungle remember to look left, right, and then up for falling monkeys!"
  • "What's that? You want to see the Lost World? Which channel is that on, Dixie/Kiddy/Kongs?"
  • "It's good to have a visit from you, Kongs! All you ever see on television these days is repeats!"
  • "Hurry up and save your game, Kongs, I'm late for my Bingo!"
  • "Memblesh. Mammble Schwerble. Sorry, Kongs, I've just had my new teeth fitted."
  • "How do you like my new hairdo, Kongs? I've just had a new banana rinse."
  • "You're looking tired, Dixie/Kiddy/Kongs - put your feet up and save your game."
  • "What was that? You'd like to change your name? Oh, sorry! I misheard - you want to SAVE your game!"
  • "What was that? Why don't I use my hearing aid? If I do that then the batteries will run down, silly!"
  • "Do keep a lookout for any banana birds - they're ever such nice company."
  • "Your banana birds are very well behaved, I don't hear a peep out of them."
  • "I love this bird that you've found! It's an energetic little thing, isn't it?"
  • "These birds are such good company, unlike my wretched husband Cranky."
  • "Aren't you going to give your favorite relative a good-bye kiss?"
  • "Don't worry Kongs, I'm always ready to help! Just try not to bother me when I'm exercising!"
  • "All you ever seem to do in these games is shoot this or jump on that. Why don't they make games about knitting?"
  • "I'm glad Cranky doesn't know about this new console. If he did, I'd never be able to get him off it!"
  • "Ssshhhhh, Dixie! I'm on my last life, and you're breaking my concentration!"
  • "Can you help, Dixie/Kiddy/Kongs? I can't get off this level - and I've been playing it for weeks!"
  • "Bye-bye, Dixie/Kiddy/Kongs. Try to find some of those nice banana birds!"
