List of quotes in Mario & Luigi: Dream Team

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This is a list of quotes from the game Mario & Luigi: Dream Team.


"Vee go now! SCREEECH! Back to the real vorld!" "SCREEEHEEEEECH! SCREEP! SCREEEEEEBTH!"

Beef Cloud


  • "Say it, don't spray it, dingbat! I don't "Vork" with anyone!"

Dream Stone Soul


Heavy Zest


  • "Actually... Yeah, you know, this frilly pink thing is pretty darn cute, I must say."
  • "I mean, those blue robes are so DRAB. Sometimes i open the closet and just gag."

Kylie Koopa

  • "YOIKS!"
  • "Didn't even notice customers! Kylie's losing a step!"
  • "All right!"
  • "What'll it be, fellas?"
  • "You wanna know why I'm here? Glad you asked, boys!"
  • "Name's Kylie Koopa!"
  • "Ace guidebook writer for the entire island!"
  • "Eh? You think we met somewhere before?"
  • "You're sure ol' Kylie was a reporter back then?"
  • "Fellas, I've had so many jobs, I can't even start!"
  • "Anyway, it ain't got nothing to do with the fix I'm in!"
  • "I'm busy as a beaver and ain't got time for yakking..."
  • "Well now... Say..."
  • "You whisker boys'd be ace assistants, huh!"
  • "You look like a coupla limp noodles, but I'm betting you got some guts!"
  • "Lookit them stong gams! Nice getaway sticks!"
  • "Give it to me straight, fellas! Help a dame write guidebooks?"
  • "Hey, and, fellas, of course I ain't asking you to work for free!"
  • "It'll be my dime! You're game, you come gab with Kylie again!"
  • "If you ain't got time to help... You boys come on back later!"
  • "Sorry, but I'm busy as a hive of bees and can't slow down!"


  • "The fresh sweet taste and lovely scent of the water courses through Mario's and Luigi's bodies, plunging them into a deep sleep."
  • "In time, a pleasant smell wafts into their noses and pulls them from their deep slumber."
  • "Lured by the wonderful scent, Mario and Luigi press forward. Their bodies feel oddly light. Their legs flex into the earth. Their moustasches flutter like gossamer in the mountain breeze. The smell grows stronger. They travel for great leagues... Or do they barely travel at all? Soon they find the smell's source."
  • "They find endless mushrooms. An unimaginable mound of mushrooms. MUSHROOMS! Mario jumps into the mushroom pile... Luigi leaps into the mushroom pile... They chew and inhale mushrooms... They devour as many as they can, their banquet interrupted by no one."
  • "They know not how much they ate. A white cloud appears beside Mario. His gloves caress the atmosphere. His soaking boots absorb the sea. Hills shrink... No! The bros are huge! They have grown as big as the island! Thousands of times bigger than life! A finger flick could smash Bowser! There is nothing for them to fear. In this moment, they are ecstatic."
  • "Soon after that, they realise they cannot go back to normal..."


"You're tellin' me...We fought...Over a stupid...F-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-ffffffffffffffffff....FLOWER GARDEN?!"

Sorrow Fist


  • "First the stache, now the nose?! What're you, five years old?!"
  • "HEY NOW! Nude?! Who's nude?! Open your eyes! I have SHOES!"

Thunder Sass
