Close Call (microgame)

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Close Call
CloseCall WarioWareGold.png
Appears in WarioWare Gold
Type Jimmy T
Command(s) Which side?
Info "As the umpire of this tennis game, it's your job to determine on which side of the line the ball bounced. And if you see something other than a ball, well then...that's just your imagination!"
Controls +Control Pad left or right – Select
Time limit 8 beats
Points to clear 15

Close Call is one of Jimmy T's microgames in WarioWare Gold.


The player must pay attention to which side of the bound stripe on the tennis court the object landed. Afterwards, they must use +Control Pad left or right to make their guess.

  • 1st level difficulty: The object is a tennis ball. It lands a fair distance from the line, making it easy to tell.
  • 2nd level difficulty: The object is a banana. It lands near the line, making it harder to tell.
  • 3rd level difficulty: The object is a five-pointed star. It lands very close to the line, making it very hard to tell.

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese テニスしんぱん
Tenisu Shinpan
Tennis Referee

French Sur la ligne
On the line
German Eine knappe Sache!
A close call!
Italian Dentro o fuori?
In or out?
Spanish Ojo de halcón
Hawk eye