List of Super Mario Maker 2 quotes

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This is a list of quotes from Super Mario Maker 2.


  • "Well, it wasn't easy, but we finally finished the castle."
  • "Huh?! Who left that Reset Rocket lyin' around?!"
  • "Ugh..."
  • "I can't believe it... Princess Peach's castle... WE HAVE TO REBUILD IT!"
  • "But we've used up our entire budget! This is really bad..."
  • "Of course! Why didn't I think of that?! You can collect enough Coins for us to rebuild!"
  • "With your help, we can make an even bigger and better castle than before!"
  • "Go see if the Taskmaster can scrape together a few jobs for you. We need funding!"


  • "Parton me..."
  • "Hello. Have time for a job?"
  • "There's something good in it for you..."
  • "OK then."
  • "Thank you!"
  • "All right. I'm gonna make something good!"
  • "♪Buildy buildy roo roo miracle roo!♪"
  • "I put a special ? Block somewhere. *wink*"
  • "I have another job for you."
  • "And the reward is particularly good."
  • "I put a hidden block somewhere. Your hint flower."
  • "I have one last job for you."
  • "It comes with a special outfit."
  • "Thanks for your help. I have no more jobs for you."


  • "We couldn't have done it without you, Chief. Princess Peach will be thrilled!"
  • "It wasn't me, Chief! Pretty sure it was-"
  • "See, this is why I'm a cat person..."
  • "All that hard work... Just...gone..."
  • "So, I wasn't eavesdroppin' or nothin', but I kinda sorta overheard your entire conversation with the Chief."
  • "Lucky for us, I got a line on some jobs from around the world."
  • "If you complete enough jobs, we should be able to make enough Coins to rebuild the whole castle!"
  • "I gotta say... Knowing you're gonna single-handedly fund this entire construction effort really takes the pressure off me, ya know?"
  • "OK, no time to waste. Check out this job from someone named...uh... Goomba Lover."
  • "Most of these clients don't use their real names. I don't ask too many questions as long as they cough up the Coin."
  • "Take care out there."