Hot-Head Hop

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Template:Level Hot-Head Hop is the sixth level of Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest and Donkey Kong Land 2. It is the first area of Crocodile Cauldron in Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest and Krem Cauldron in Donkey Kong Land 2.

The level takes place inside a volcano, and the Kongs must use Krocheads as stepping stones in order to cross rivers of lava. This level also marks Squitter's first appearance, and he'll prove himself useful for reaching and completing bonus areas, as well as the DK Coin. Klampons make their debut here as well. Other enemies include Neeks, Klobbers, Zingers and Krunchas.

Level Layout

Donkey Kong Country 2

From the start of the level, the heroes need to go east, watching out for a Klobber on the way. They must then hop onto the Krocheads in the fire and make their way back to land. After the monkeys beat a few enemies, such as a Klobber, they can hop onto more Krocheads in the fire. The third krock will bounce the Kongs up to higher land, where there is another Klobber to avoid. Afterwords, they will jump back onto more Krocheads sticking out of the fire. One-by-one, the monkeys can be flung to each krock until a large section of land is reached. Once they Kongs pass the few enemies there, they should hop onto more Krocheads, who will bounce the monkeys to smaller parts of ground, and then to a large part of land, where a cannon is. Then the group must get onto even more Krocheads, who will bounce them to the Star Barrel.

When the monkeys safely reach land from here, they can find Squitter, whom they can ride on. Then they must continue forward, defeating a few Neeks on the way. The group will eventually find a small abyss with the letter N above it. Once this is crossed using the Krochead in the fire, they need to climb up the path, watching out for enemies. There is a short trail of bananas to follow downward. The animals must jump down and collect them, then landing on the Krochead and bouncing to solid ground. There is a Zinger in the way, so the heroes must be careful. They should then move on, jumping on some red Krocheads on the way to bounce them to the next section of land, while watching out for a Zinger again. Later on, the group will find a large gap. They can choose to enter the barrels nearby and get shot to the other side, or use Squitter's webs to walk across. Either direction, the heroes should end up on solid ground and cross a "No Squitter" sign, which will make Squitter disappear. Finally, the monkeys can bounce off the last Krochead and finish the level.

Donkey Kong Land 2

The Kongs must begin this level by going forward and jumping across the two Krocheads in the fire. Then, they need to continue up and avoid a few different kinds of enemies, such as a Neek, a Klampon, and a Klobber. The monkeys should eventually reach a part of the level where there is a raised piece of land and two Klampons in their way. They must simply defeat these hazards and move on. There is a Kruncha on the way that the Kongs must also watch out for. Then, they must hop onto the Krocheads sticking in the fire. The last krock will bounce both of the Kongs over a Zinger and back to flat land. The group must move on and fight some enemies, where they should see a box with Squitter in it. Once they ride on top of the spider, they need to break open the Star Barrel.

Halfway through the level, the animals will jump across several Krocheads, who will eventually bounce them back to land. Then, the group should keep moving east and watch out for Klampons and other enemies on the way. Then, they will hop another Krochead and walk up some steep sections of land. Here, they must avoid some enemies and cross the "No Squitter" sign, making Squitter disappear. Without the spider, the Kongs need to continue on, where they will jump on more Krocheads and also avoid a Zinger. Land will be reached briefly, but the monkeys will then have to jump back on more Krocheads. When the monkeys are back on solid ground, they must keep going east and jump up all the steep hills, then jump down and get on more Krocheads. Afterwords, the small group must move forward and hop off a spring, leading out of the level.


Donkey Kong Country 2

Bonus Level(s)

  • Near the middle of the level, Diddy and Dixie will find a place with two Klampons, and a raised piece of land. There are a few treasure chests nearby. The Kongs need to break open one of these chests bt hitting an enemy with it. One box should contain a Kannonball. They must carry it across all the Krocheads to the cannon on a flat piece of land. When the kannonball is put in the cannon, it will glow, and if the Kongs walk in, they will be transported to a Bonus Level. Here, they will jump off several Krocheads and collect stars. When all 60 stars are obtained, the Kremkoin will appear.
  • A little while after Squitter is obtained, the Kongs should find two bananas right next to each other. Using the spiders web abilities, they must jump up to those bananas on a web, where more bananas will be seen. If the group climbs higher than that, the Bonus Barrel will be found. Once in the Bonus Level, they animals will find bananas in the formation of an arrow pointing strait up. They must follow that arrow, and use Squitters special webs to climb up in that direction. The Kremkoin will be found at the top of the screen.
  • Right before the "No Squitter" sign, a couple of Klampons will be found with a Bonus Barrel above them in plain view. It is too high to jump to, Squitter's web ability can be used to climb up in the air and reach it. Even without the spider, the monkeys can Team-up and throw each other up into the barrel. In the Bonus Level, they animals must use Squtter's special ability again and reach the other end of land. It should be noted that Squitter will appear at the begining of the special level to ride on if the monkeys don't have him. Once on the other end, the Kremkoin can be reached.

DK Coin

The level's DK Coin is found directly above Squitter's crate. When the Kongs get the spider, they must use his webs to climb up. The coin will be surrounded by several bananas to get.

Golden Feather (GBA Only)

After the second set of Knocheads, there will be a treasure chest on the ground. The Kongs should pick it up and throw it at the Klobber nearby. It will break and the level's Golden Feather will pop out. Once the monkeys collect it, the feather will be replaced by a Banana Bunch in later playthroughs of the course.

Photograph (GBA Only)

When the monkeys ride on Squitter, they should head past the letter N to find the way to the second Bonus Barrel. There, they should head a little more eastward to find a Klobber. With his webs, Squitter must shoot the foe. Once the Klobber is defeated, the group will be awarded with a photograph. This will grant them with another picture for Wrinkly's Scrapbook.

Donkey Kong Land

Bonus Level(s)

  • Near the start of the level, the Kongs will see two Klampons, as well as bananas in the formation of arrows. They should see a Bonus Barrel up in that direction, but it is too high to jump up to. The monkeys should briefly leave the barrel, and get Squitter farther on, then come back. The spider's webs can be used to reach the barrel. In the Bonus Level, the group must use Squitters webs to reach the other side of a big abyss. The Kremkoin is on the other side.
  • Near the end of the level, the group should see a Kannonball next to a Klampon. They must carry the ball across some Krocheads and up steep hills, where a cannon will be found. They should put the Kannonball in, and then walk into the cannon, which will transport them into a Bonus Level. In the special level, the heroes will defeat four Klampons. When they are all beat, the Kremkoin will appear.

DK Coin

Once the Kongs obtain Squitter, they must use his webs to climb diagonal to the right. They should see a Zinger, along with the DK Coin right next to it. The group can easily defeat the bee, and then grab their coin.
