Template:Level Lemguin Lunge is the twenty-fifth level in the Super Nintendo and Game Boy Advance game, Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble. It is also the fifth area of K3.

During this snowy level, the monkeys will meet the new enemy species, Lemguins. These penguin-like foes can be found all over the level, jumping out of small holes and diving into the Kongs. The heroes will have to jump over the enemies one-by-one to avoid them easily. The level is also filled with many steep and bumpy slopes, so the Lemguins can move more quickly when sliding down them. The hills might also serve as an obstacle to the Kongs while they try to dodge the Lemguins, as the ice makes the area quite slippery. Other than the pesky Lemguins, Skiddas and a single Buzz can be found in this level.

Level Layout

When the level begins, the monkeys will make their way to a small alcove, consisting of a lone Skidda. They should dodge the enemy and continue on, where they will cross a small gap, grabbing the letter K. After landing on the other side of the gap, they will be confronted with several Lemguins sliding down the pathway. If they manage to get past the foes, they will make their way to another gap, which must be crossed. Walking eastward from the abyss, the Kongs will find another tribe of Lemguins coming at them. The monkeys should hop on a small housetop to dodge them, as well as grab the letter O. Farther on, they will pass the whole Lemguin group and travel over a small set of gaps. Upon approaching the third gap, they will meet the next Lemguin tribe. The penguins will get in their way until the apes tread up a few small hills and pass their hideout. After that, however, Dixie and Kiddy will find another group of Lemguins. If the heroes avoid all the enemies and race over a small gap, they will find the Star Barrel at the top of a hill.

About halfway into the level, the heroes will slide down a hill to find the letter N and meet some more Lemguins. They should dodge the enemies and cross a small gap. Landing on a platform, they will need to defeat a lone Skidda and cross a second small gap in the area. Once this is done, they will encounter some more Lemguins. Following behind one of the penguins, they will soon make their way to another gap, one slightly larger than the previous pits. After crossing it, the apes will slide up and down a few icy hills, moving into the letter G at some point. Heading on, the group will pass another gap and walk up a fairly steep hill. Though this would normally be easily for the monkeys, Lemguins will slide down the same hill, trying to attack the Kongs. After getting up the hill, they will continue to dodge the foes, climbing over a rooftop to avoid getting hit. Soon, they will pass the enemies' hideout and head down a few stair-like platforms. Traveling a little farther from there, Dixie and her young partner will jump over a small gap again to reach a large and steep hill. As they climb this dangerous slope, the apes will meet more Lemguins, constantly getting in their way. Eventually, the Kongs will pass the foes and spot a flagpole. Raising the pole's flag will end the level.


Bonus Levels

  • At the beginning of the level, the heroes will see a lone red Buzz in the air with a Bonus Barrel above it. They should use their Team-up move there, where Kiddy will throw Dixie upwards. If Dixie lands in the special barrel, they will be taken into a Bonus Level. There, the monkeys will need to walk up the rugged, but snowy, area. As they travel, they will encounter many Lemguins sliding towards them, whom they should jump over. At the end of the stage, the group will find a Bonus Coin.
  • Not too long after the letter G, the heroes will notice a Bonus Barrel in front of a snow-bound house. With the Lemguins heading towards them, the monkeys can not walk right into the barrel. However, if they walk to the right side of the house and run between two Lemguins heading to the left, they will make their way into the object. It will lead them into a Bonus Level, where they will have to dash through the area and collect thirty stars. If they manage to collect all the stars, without hitting into any Lemguins around the stage, they will find a Bonus Coin to the right of the start.

DK Coin

  • Shortly after the letter O, the Kongs will meet the Koin with the DK Coin. This enemy will not give up the coin without a fight, so the monkeys will have no choice but to use the nearby Steel Barrel to attack. With the barrel in their hands, they should stand on the Koin and then throw the object into the nearest wall. If done correctly, the barrel will bounce off of the wall and hit the distracted Kremling, as he watches the heroes above him. This will defeat the foe, thus giving the Kongs the DK Coin.