Rattle Battle (Donkey Kong Country 2)

Revision as of 20:07, January 30, 2010 by Fawfulfury65 (talk | contribs) (Here we go again...)

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Template:Level Rattle Battle is the fourteenth level of Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest and Donkey Kong Land 2. It is the fourth area of Krem Quay in Diddy's Kong Quest, as well as the ninth area of Krem Cauldron in Donkey Kong Land 2.

Taking place on the deck of Glimmer's Galleon, the Kongs will discover their first Animal Barrel here, containing Rattly the Rattlesnake, who must be played as throughout almost the whole level. Rattly's jumping skills prove useful here, as they are needed to cross large gaps and to reach highly-placed items. Kannons, Kaboings, Zingers and Flitters can be found here.

Level Layout

Donkey Kong Country 2

Donkey Kong Land 2


Donkey Kong country 2

Bonus Level(s)

DK Coin

Golden Feather (GBA Only)

Donkey Kong Land 2

Bonus Level(s)

DK Coin