List of Skill Trees in Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope

Revision as of 19:46, February 27, 2023 by Zootalo (talk | contribs) (→‎Rabbid Luigi)

Below is a list of the Skill Tree upgrades for the heroes in Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope, showing how many Skill Prisms each upgrade costs, along with the effects of the upgrades. The "Health" and "Spark" branches are the same for all heroes, with the exception of Rabbid Peach, who requires one less Skill Prism for the "Healing Sponge" upgrade. Some upgrades must be purchased to allow purchase for other upgrades. One Skill Prism is earned each time the heroes level up, and after completing each of Madame Bwahstrella's Gateway Challenge battles. To unlock the Spark branch, a Gold Prism must be used, which are obtained by defeating Giant enemies. If all Giant enemies are defeated, there will be enough Gold Prisms for all of the heroes. Skills listed in bold are unique to that hero. There is a total of 33 Skill Prisms in the game, with 29 from leveling up, and 4 from Madame Bwahstrella's Gateway Challenges. The Palette Prime Gateway Challenge does not have a Skill Prism.


Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Extra Health
1, 1, 2 Increases Max Health by 10%, 10%, 20% (110%, 120%, 140%) Increases Mario's maximum number of Health Points.
HP Chill Out
2 Heal 15% HP after a battle Mario recovers 15% of HP after winning a battle.
Heal Sponge
1, 2 Increases received healing by 10%, 20% (110%, 130%) Increases the effectiveness of any healing Mario receives.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Glide Boost
1, 1 Increases glide time for Mario by 1 second, 1 second (4.75 seconds, 5.75 seconds) Increases the glide time after Mario performs a Team Jump.
3 Stomp 1 time per turn for (x) damage Mario can perform a stomp on an enemy while gliding.
▼ These skills are locked until Stomp is unlocked ▼
Stomp & Glide
2, 3 Glide for 3.75 seconds, 5.75 seconds after Stomp Mario can glide for a short time after stomping an enemy.
Extra Stomp
3, 3 Adds 1, 1 stomp(s) for Mario (2 Stomps, 3 Stomps) Increases the number of Stomps Mario can perform during a turn.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Critical Hit Chance 1, 1 Increases the chances of critical hits by 10%, 10%, (30%, 40%) Increases the chances of a critical hit.
Weapon Range 1, 1 Increases the weapon range by 3, 3 meters (24, 27) Increases the range of Mario's Dual Slingers.
Jump Shot
3 Allows Mario to shoot enemies while gliding, which increases his damage by 50% (150%). Also able to move after landing. Mario can target and attack an opponent while gliding in the air. Jump Shot also deals additional damage.
Second Helping
4 Plus 100% DMG if first target is surely defeated If the first shot defeats defeats an opponent, the second shot will deal 100% more damage.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Hero Sight Damage
1, 1, 2 Increases Hero Sight damage by 15%, 15%, 25% (115%, 130%, 155%) Increases Mario's Hero Sight damage.
Hero Sight Cooldown
2, 2 Reduces the turn cooldown by 1, 1 (2 turn cooldown, 1 turn cooldown) Mario's Hero Sight takes less turns to recharge.
Additional Hero Sight Charge
4 Adds 1 Hero Sight Charge Gives an additional Hero Sight Charge.
▼ This skill is locked until Additional Hero Sight Charge is unlocked ▼
Sight Again
4 Adds 1 extra react if target defeated If Mario's Hero Sight defeats an opponent, a bonus charge is added.
▼ These skills are locked until a   Gold Prism is used for this   Skill branch ▼
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Description
Spark Gift
2 At the first turn, a Spark has 25% chance to gift a random item.
Spark Refresher
3 After activation, each Spark has 35% chance to avoid the cooldown.
Spark Guard
3 A Spark has 30% to save a Hero from a deathblow.
Spark Energy
4 When used, each Spark has a 25% chance of granting a new Action Point.

Rabbid Peach

Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Extra Health
1, 1, 2 Increases Max Health by 10%, 10%, 20% (110%, 120%, 140%) Increases Rabbid Peach's maximum number of Health Points.
HP Chill Out
2 Heal 15% HP after a battle Rabbid Peach recovers 15% of HP after winning a battle.
Heal Sponge
1, 1 Adds 10%, 10% healing restored (110%, 120%) Increases the effectiveness of any healing Rabbid Peach receives.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Glide Boost
1, 1 Adds 1, 1 second(s) to Rabbid Peach's glide (4.75 seconds, 5.75 seconds) Increases the Glide time after Rabbid Peach performs a Team Jump.
Healing Jump
2 Landing heal 5% HP in 5 meters range Upon her first landing during a turn Rabbid Peach restores 5% of Teammates' health (within 5m).
Extra Dash 3, 4 Adds 1, 1 more dash(es) for Rabbid Peach (2 dashes, 3 dashes) Increases the number of Dashes Rabbid Peach can perform during a turn.
▼ This skill is locked until Healing Jump is unlocked ▼
Healing Jump HP
3, 4 Adds 5%, 5% heal effect (10% HP, 15% HP) Increases Rabbid Peach Healing Jump's restorative ability.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Critical Hit Chance 1, 1 Adds 20%, 20% critical hit chance (40%, 60%) Increases the chance of a critical hit.
Weapon Range 1, 2 Adds 3, 3 meters to Rabbid Peach's Triple-Troll (24, 27) Increases the range of Rabbid Peach's Triple-Troll.
Final Hit
1, 2 Adds 20% 20% more damage for the third rocket (120%, 140%) Increases the damage of 3rd rocket for Rabbid Peach's Triple-Troll.
Life Trade
3 Weapon defeat will heal Rabbid Peach by 20% HP Rabbid Peach recovers 20% of her health if the target of her Triple-Troll attack is defeated.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Mega Heal
2, 3 Adds 10%, 10% healing effect (30%, 40%) Increases the amount of Health Points restored by Rabbid Peach's Heal.
Heal Range
2, 3 Adds 3, 3 meters to Heal range (16, 19) Increases Rabbid Peach's Heal range.
Heal Cooldown
2 Minus 1 turn to Heal cooldown Rabbid Peach's Heal takes fewer turns to recharge.
▼ This skill is locked until at least one upgrade for Mega Heal is unlocked ▼
Emergency Heal
4 Heal effect: Adds 50% on heroes below 30% HP Rabbid Peach's Heal is super effective on Heroes with fewer than 30% of their Health Points.
▼ These skills are locked until a   Gold Prism is used for this   Skill branch ▼
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Description
Spark Gift
2 At the first turn, a Spark has 25% chance to gift a random item.
Spark Refresher
3 After activation, each Spark has 35% chance to avoid the cooldown.
Spark Guard
3 A Spark has 30% to save a Hero from a deathblow.
Spark Energy
4 When used, each Spark has a 25% chance of granting a new Action Point.

Rabbid Luigi

Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Extra Health
1, 1, 2 Increases Max Health by 10%, 10%, 20% (110%, 120%, 140%) Increases Rabbid Luigi's maximum number of Health Points.
HP Chill Out
2 Heal 15% HP after a battle Rabbid Luigi recovers 15% of HP after winning a battle.
Heal Sponge
1, 2 Increases received healing by 10%, 20% (110%, 130%) Increases the effectiveness of any healing Rabbid Luigi receives.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Glide Boost 1, 1, 1 Adds 1, 1, 1, second(s) to Rabbid Luigi's Glide (4.75 seconds, 5.75 seconds, 6.75 seconds) Increases the Glide time after Rabbid Luigi performs a Team Jump.
Movement Range 1, 1 Adds 2, 2 meters to Rabbid Luigi's movement (15, 17) Increases Rabbid Luigi's Area of Movement.
Exhaust Dash
2 Enable Weaken Dash Rabbid Luigi's Dash applies Weaken Effect to the target.
▼ This skill requires Exhaust Dash
Extra Dash 4 Adds 1 Dash Increases the number of Dashes Rabbid Luigi can perform in a turn.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Critical Hit Chance 1, 1 Adds 20%, 20% critical hit chance (40%, 60%) Increases the chance of a critical hit.
Weapon Damage 2, 3 Adds 10%, 15% DMG (110%, 125%) Increases the damage of Rabbid Luigi's Discruptor.
Discruptor Richochet Distance
2 Adds 2 meters chain distance Increases the richochet distance, so it's easier to chain multiple opponents in a single attack.
▼ This skill requires Discruptor Richochet Distance
Discruptor Chained Targets Plus
3, 3 Adds 2, 2 chained targets (4, 6) Increases the number of targets Rabbid Luigi's Discruptor can chain in an attack.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Exhaust Cooldown
1 Minus 1 turn cooldown Rabbid Luigi's Exhaust takes fewer turns to recharge.
Exhaust Range
1, 2 Adds 3, 3 meters to range of Exhaust (20, 23) Increases Rabbid Luigi's Exhaust range of effectiveness.
Weaken Effect Plus
2, 2 Adds 10%, 10% Weaken effect (60%, 70%) Further improve the Weaken effect of Rabbid Luigi's Exhaust.
▼ This skill requires at least one upgrade of Weaken Effect Plus
4 Vulnerable target takes 30% extra damage Rabbid Luigi's Exhaust now also make the opponent more vulnerable to damage.
▼ These skills are locked until a   Gold Prism is used for this   Skill branch ▼
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Description
Spark Gift
2 At the first turn, a Spark has 25% chance to gift a random item.
Spark Refresher
3 After activation, each Spark has 35% chance to avoid the cooldown.
Spark Guard
3 A Spark has 30% to save a Hero from a deathblow.
Spark Energy
4 When used, each Spark has a 25% chance of granting a new Action Point.


Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Extra Health
1, 1, 2 Increases Max Health by 10%, 10%, 20% (110%, 120%, 140%) Increases Luigi's maximum number of Health Points.
HP Chill Out
2 Heal 15% HP after a battle Luigi recovers 15% of HP after winning a battle.
Heal Sponge
1, 2 Increases received healing by 10%, 20% (110%, 130%) Increases the effectiveness of any healing Luigi receives.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Movement Range 1, 1 Adds 2, 2 meters (15, 17) Increases Luigi's Area of Movement.
Extra Team Jump
2 Adds 1 Team Jump Increases the number of Team Jumps Luigi can perform during a turn.
Team Jump Extra Dash
4 Team Jump adds 1 Dash Add an extra Dash after performing a Team Jump.
▼ This skill requires Extra Team Jump
Landing Range
1, 2 Adds 2, 2 meters to Luigi's landing range (7, 9) Increases the Area of Movement after Luigi lands from a Team Jump.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Critical Hit Damage 1, 1 Adds 10%, 10% Critical hit damage (140%, 150%) Increases the damage of a critical hit.
Weapon Range
1, 2 Adds 3, 3 meters to range (34, 37) Increases the range of Luigi's Sharpshooter.
▼ These skills require Critical Hit Damage
Damage Dropoff
1, 2 Minus 10%, 10% DMG dropoff within 8m (60%, 50%) Decreases the damage dropoff at close range for Luigi's Sharpshooter.
High Ground
4 Adds 100% Critical hit chance from high ground Increases the critical chance of Luigi's Sharpshooter when he targets an opponent from a high ground.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Steely Stare Damage 1, 1 Adds 10%, 10% weapon DMG usage (110%, 120%) Increases Luigi's Steely Stare damage.
Steely Stare Cooldown 2 Minus 1 turn cooldown Luigi's Steely Stare takes less turns to recharge.
Ghost Bullet 3 Projectile passes through any obstacle Luigi's Steely Stare projectile will pass through all obstacles until it reaches its intended target.
▼ This skill requires Ghost Bullet
Additional Steely Stare Charge 4, 4 Adds 1, 1 react charge(s) (2, 3) Gives additional Steely Stare charges.
▼ These skills are locked until a   Gold Prism is used for this   Skill branch ▼
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Description
Spark Gift
2 At the first turn, a Spark has 25% chance to gift a random item.
Spark Refresher
3 After activation, each Spark has 35% chance to avoid the cooldown.
Spark Guard
3 A Spark has 30% to save a Hero from a deathblow.
Spark Energy
4 When used, each Spark has a 25% chance of granting a new Action Point.

Rabbid Mario

Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Extra Health
1, 1, 2 Increases Max Health by 10%, 10%, 20% (110%, 120%, 140%) Increases Rabbid Mario's maximum number of Health Points.
HP Chill Out
2 Heal 15% HP after a battle Rabbid Mario recovers 15% of HP after winning a battle.
Heal Sponge
1, 2 Increases received healing by 10%, 20% (110%, 130%) Increases the effectiveness of any healing Rabbid Mario receives.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Movement Range
1, 1, 2 Adds 2, 2, 2 meters (15, 17, 19) Increases Rabbid Mario's Area of Movement.
Extra Dash 3 Adds 1 Dash Increases number of Dashes Rabbid Mario can perform in a turn.
Area Dash
3 Adds an explosion of 2 meters to Rabbid Mario's Dash Rabbid Mario's Dash generates an area of damage, hitting all opponents nearby.
▼ This skill requires Area Dash
Area Dash Range Increase
2, 3 Adds 1, 1 meter(s) (3, 4) Further increases the range of Rabbid Mario's Area Dash.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Critical Hit Chance 1, 1 Adds 5%, 5% critical hit chance (10%, 15%) Increases the chances of a critical hit.
Weapon Damage
2, 3 Adds 10%, 15% DMG (110%, 125%) Increases the damage of Rabbid Mario's The Dukes.
▼ This skill requires Critical Hit Chance
Punch Frenzy
4 Adds 2 weapon hits Rabbid Mario's The Dukes deals 2 additional hits to opponents.
▼ This skill requires Weapon Damage
No Limits
4 Attacking does not end Movement phase Rabbid Mario is able to move even after attacking.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Counter Blow Range 1, 2 Adds 2, 3 meters to Counter Blow range (23, 26) Increases the range of Rabbid Mario's Counter Blow.
Counter Blow Cooldown 2 Minus 1 turn cooldown Rabbid Mario's Counter Blow takes less turns to recharge.
Additional Counter Blow Charge 4, 5 Adds 1, 1 Counter Blow Charge(s) (2, 3) Gives additional Charges to Rabbid Mario's Counter Blow.
▼ This skill requires at least one upgrade of Counter Blow Charge
Pay Back 4 Counter Attack returns 50% of DMG taken Rabbid Mario's Counter Blow does additional damage based on the damage taken from the attacker.
▼ These skills are locked until a   Gold Prism is used for this   Skill branch ▼
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Description
Spark Gift
2 At the first turn, a Spark has 25% chance to gift a random item.
Spark Refresher
3 After activation, each Spark has 35% chance to avoid the cooldown.
Spark Guard
3 A Spark has 30% to save a Hero from a deathblow.
Spark Energy
4 When used, each Spark has a 25% chance of granting a new Action Point.

Princess Peach

Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Extra Health
1, 1, 2 Increases Max Health by 10%, 10%, 20% (110%, 120%, 140%) Increases Peach's maximum number of Health Points.
HP Chill Out
2 Heal 15% HP after a battle Peach recovers 15% of HP after winning a battle.
Heal Sponge
1, 2 Increases received healing by 10%, 20% (110%, 130%) Increases the effectiveness of any healing Peach receives.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Glide Boost 1, 1, 1 Adds 1, 1, 1 second(s) to Princess Peach's Glide (4.75, 5.75, 6,75) Increases the Glide time after Peach performs a Team Jump.
Movement Range 1, 1 Adds 2, 2 meters (15, 17) Increases Peach's Area of Movement.
Extra Dash 3 Adds 1 Dash Increases the number of Dashes Peach can perform during a turn.
Barrier Jump Assist
4 Blocks all damage and Super Effects Peach can give one charge of Barrier to the Hero who assists her Team Jump.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Weapon Damage 1, 1, 2 Adds 10%, 10%, 10% DMG (110%, 120%, 130%) Increases the damage of Peach's Boom-Brella.
Damage Dropoff 2, 2 Minus 20%, 20% DMG dropoff at long range (Minus 40%, minus 20%) Decrease the damage dropoff.
Wider Shot
3 Adds 10 degrees Gives a wider angle to Peach's Boom-Brella.
▼ This skill requires Wider Shot
Fighting Spirit
4 Recover 1 Team Barrier charge if attack defeats an enemy If the first shot defeats an opponent, a Team Barrier charge is added to Peach.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Team Barrier Range 1, 1 Adds 3, 3 meters to range (12, 15) Increases Peach's Team Barrier range of effectiveness.
Team Barrier Cooldown 2 Minus 1 turn to cooldown Peach's Team Barrier takes fewer turns to recharge.
Team Barrier Charge 3, 4 Adds 1, 1 Team Barrier charge(s) (3, 4) Gives additional Team Barrier charges.
Team Barrier Discharge 4 Produces an explosion upon Team Barrier destruction Produce a 5m Area Damage when a Team Barrier charge is destroyed.
▼ These skills are locked until a   Gold Prism is used for this   Skill branch ▼
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Description
Spark Gift
2 At the first turn, a Spark has 25% chance to gift a random item.
Spark Refresher
3 After activation, each Spark has 35% chance to avoid the cooldown.
Spark Guard
3 A Spark has 30% to save a Hero from a deathblow.
Spark Energy
4 When used, each Spark has a 25% chance of granting a new Action Point.


Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Extra Health
1, 1, 2 Increases Max Health by 10%, 10%, 20% (110%, 120%, 140%) Increases Edge's maximum number of Health Points.
HP Chill Out
2 Heal 15% HP after a battle Edge recovers 15% of HP after winning a battle.
Heal Sponge
1, 2 Increases received healing by 10%, 20% (110%, 130%) Increases the effectiveness of any healing Edge receives.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Glide Boost
1, 1 Adds 1, 1 second(s) to Edge's Glide (4.75, 5.75) Increases the Glide time after Edge performs a Team Jump.
Extra Dash
3, 3, 4 Adds 1, 1, 1 Dash(es) (2, 3, 4) Increases the number of Dashes Edge can perform during a turn.
▼ These skills require at least one upgrade of Extra Dash
Dash Increments Movement
3 Dashing a target increases Area of Movement by 3 meters Dashing an opponent increases Edge's Area of Movement by 3 meters.
Critical Dash
3 Each following Dash deals plus 20% damage Starting from the first Dash, each following one deals 20% more damage.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Critical Hit Chance
1, 1 Adds 20%, 20% critical hit chance (40%, 60%) Increases the chances of a critical hit.
Blade Halo Increase
4 Impact area radius plus 1 meter Increases the Flying Blade Halo area.
▼ These skills require at least one upgrade of Critical Hit Chance
Weapon Range 2 Adds 4 meters to weapon range Increases the range of Edge's Flying Blade.
Chain Boost
4 Adds 5% DMG per hit Starting from the first hit, each following one deals 5% more damage.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Stormblade Damage 1, 2 Adds 20%, 35% Weapon DMG usage (160%, 195%) Increases damage caused by Edge's Stormblade.
Stormblade Range 2, 2 Adds 2, 2 meters to Stormblade range (9, 11) Increases the target range of Edge's Stormblade.
Mountain Stance 4 Stormblade activated provides 50% DMG reduction When Stormblade is active, Edge receives 50% less damage from any source.
▼ This skill requires at least one upgrade of Stormblade Damage
Additional Stormblade Charge 4 Adds 1 react charge Gives an additional Stormblade charge.
▼ These skills are locked until a   Gold Prism is used for this   Skill branch ▼
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Description
Spark Gift
2 At the first turn, a Spark has 25% chance to gift a random item.
Spark Refresher
3 After activation, each Spark has 35% chance to avoid the cooldown.
Spark Guard
3 A Spark has 30% to save a Hero from a deathblow.
Spark Energy
4 When used, each Spark has a 25% chance of granting a new Action Point.

Rabbid Rosalina

Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Extra Health
1, 1, 2 Increases Max Health by 10%, 10%, 20% (110%, 120%, 140%) Increases Rabbid Rosalina's maximum number of Health Points.
HP Chill Out
2 Heal 15% HP after a battle Rabbid Rosalina recovers 15% of HP after winning a battle.
Heal Sponge
1, 2 Increases received healing by 10%, 20% (110%, 130%) Increases the effectiveness of any healing Rabbid Rosalina receives.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Glide Boost
1, 1 Adds 1, 1 second(s) to Rabbid Rosalina's Glide (4.75, 5.75) Increases the Glide time after Rabbid Rosalina performs a Team Jump.
Movement Range 1, 1 Adds 2, 2 meters to movement (15, 17) Increases Rabbid Rosalina's Area of Movement.
Ennui Dash
4 Cannot Perform any action Rabbid Rosalina's Dash will also apply Ennui to the opponent.
▼ This skill requires at least one upgrade of Movement Range
Dash Damage
1, 1, 2 Adds 20%, 20%, 40% Dash Damage (120%, 140%, 180%) Increases damage dealt when Rabbid Rosalina performs a Dash.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Weapon Range 1, 1 Increases weapon range by 3, 3 meters (18, 21) Increases the range of Rabbid Rosalina's Kaboomer.
Critical Hit Chance 1, 1, 1 Adds 20%, 20%, 20% critical hit chance (40%, 60%, 80%) Increases the chances of a critical hit.
Extra Ammo
1, 2 Adds 2, 3 weapon hits (12, 15) Increases the number of bullets fired per attack for Rabbid Rosalina's Kaboomer.
▼ This skill requires at least one upgrade of Extra Ammo
Heat Up
4 Each consecutive projectile does 5% more damage Starting from the first projectile, each following one does 5% more damage.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Ennui Cooldown 1 Minus 1 turn cooldown Rabbid Rosalina's Ennui takes fewer turns to recharge.
Wakeup Slap 4 Plus 30% DMG boost against target in stasis Enemies in Stasis take 30% more damage from all sources.
▼ These skills require at least one upgrade of Ennui Cooldown
Ennui Range 1, 2 Adds 3, 3 meters to Ennui range (14, 17) Increases the target range of Rabbid Rosalina's Ennui.
Ennui Duration 3 Adds 1 turn The effect of Rabbid Rosalina's Ennui will last longer on enemies.
▼ These skills are locked until a   Gold Prism is used for this   Skill branch ▼
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Description
Spark Gift
2 At the first turn, a Spark has 25% chance to gift a random item.
Spark Refresher
3 After activation, each Spark has 35% chance to avoid the cooldown.
Spark Guard
3 A Spark has 30% to save a Hero from a deathblow.
Spark Energy
4 When used, each Spark has a 25% chance of granting a new Action Point.


Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Extra Health
1, 1, 2 Increases Max Health by 10%, 10%, 20% (110%, 120%, 140%) Increases Bowser's maximum number of Health Points.
HP Chill Out
2 Heal 15% HP after a battle Bowser recovers 15% of HP after winning a battle.
Heal Sponge
1, 2 Increases received healing by 10%, 20% (110%, 130%) Increases the effectiveness of any healing Bowser receives.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Glide Boost
1, 1 Adds 1, 1 second(s) to Bowser's Glide (4.75, 5.75) Increases the Glide time after Bowser performs a Team Jump.
Damage Landing
3 (x) Landing DMG in 1 meter range Upon his first landing during a turn Bowser generates area damage.
▼ These skills require Damage Landing
Damage Landing Boost I
1, 2 Adds 40%, 60% DMG (140%, 200%) Increases the damage for Bowser's Damage Landing.
Damage Landing Boost II
2, 3 Adds 2, 2 meters to Bowser's Damage landing range (7, 9) Increases the area of effect of Bowser's Damage Landing.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Critical Hit Damage 1, 1 Adds 40%, 40% Critical hit DMG (170%, 210%) Increases the damage of a critical hit.
Weapon Range 1, 1 Adds 3, 3 meters to weapon range (24, 27) Increases the range of Bowser's Bowzooka.
Damage Dropoff
1, 2 Minus 20%, 20% DMG dropoff within blast radius (Minus 40%, minus 20%) Decrease the damage dropoff within the blast radius of Bowser's Bowzooka.
▼ This skill requires at least one upgrade of Weapon Range
3 Plus 10 cover DMG Bowser's Bowzooka shatters destructible covers with one shot.
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Effect Description
Rabbid Mechakoopa's Cooldown 2 Minus 1 turn cooldown Bowser's Rabbid Mechakoopas takes fewer turns to recharge.
Rabbid Mechakoopas Damage 1, 2 Summoned Rabbid Mechakoopas deal plus 10%, 10% DMG (110%, 120%) Increases the blast damage of summoned Rabbid Mechakoopas.
Fire Rabbid Mechakoopas 3 Fire Rabbid Mechakoopas explode with Burn Super Effect Adds a Burn Effect to the blast damage of summoned Rabbid Mechakoopas.
Rabbid Mechakoopas Number 2, 3 Adds 1, 1 Rabbid Mechakoopa(s) (4, 5) Increases the number of Rabbid Mechakoopas Bowser can summon.
▼ These skills are locked until a   Gold Prism is used for this   Skill branch ▼
Upgrade   Skill Prism cost Description
Spark Gift
2 At the first turn, a Spark has 25% chance to gift a random item.
Spark Refresher
3 After activation, each Spark has 35% chance to avoid the cooldown.
Spark Guard
3 A Spark has 30% to save a Hero from a deathblow.
Spark Energy
4 When used, each Spark has a 25% chance of granting a new Action Point.