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{{italic title|id=yes}}
|title=Rattle Battle
{{level infobox
|image=[[File:Rattle Battle.png]]
|code=3 - 4 (DKC2) <br> 2 - 9 (DKL2)
|code=3 - 4
|game=''[[Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest]]'', ''[[Donkey Kong Land 2]]''
|world=[[Krem Quay]]
|notes=This level is played almost entirely as Rattly the rattlesnake.
|game=''[[Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest]]''
|track=Snakey Chantey
|before=[[Krockhead Klamber|<<]]
|before=[[Krockhead Klamber (Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest)|<<]]
|after=[[Slime Climb|>>]]
|after=[[Slime Climb (Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest)|>>]]
|secret=<sup>[[Black Ice Battle (Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest)|KK]]</sup>
'''Rattle Battle''' is the fourteenth level of ''[[Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest]]'' and ''[[Donkey Kong Land 2]]''. It is the fourth area of [[Krem Quay]] in ''Diddy's Kong Quest'', as well as the ninth area of [[Krem Cauldron]] in ''Donkey Kong Land 2''.
'''Rattle Battle''' is the fourteenth level of ''[[Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest]]'' and the fourth level of [[Krem Quay]]. From the world map, Rattle Battle is shown to take place on the deck of [[Glimmer's Galleon (Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest)|Glimmer's Galleon]], and features green water in the background. [[Diddy Kong]] and [[Dixie Kong]] are transformed into [[Rattly]] for most of the level, as they must enter his [[Animal Barrel|Rattly Barrel]] found in a cabin shortly after the start. The level requires Rattly to use his high jumping ability and the even higher [[super move|Superjump]] to both reach higher areas and continue further into the level. The most common enemies in the level are [[Zinger]]s and [[Kaboing]]s (both their gray and uncommon green variant). There are also [[Kannon]]s, who blast out either cannonballs or barrels. Jumping from a Kannon's barrels is another way for Rattly to go across gaps. The level's theme is "Snakey Chantey," which also has an arrangement in ''[[Super Smash Bros. Ultimate]]''.
[[File:Rattle Battle DKC2 GBA.png|thumb|left|Rattle Battle in the Game Boy Advance version]]
The level begins on a ship deck under a hidden [[Blast Barrel]] that can shoot the heroes into the air and onto a high section of the ship that contains a [[Banana Coin]], a [[Banana Bunch]], and a [[Bonus Barrel]]. Across from the level's start, there is an entryway that leads into part of the ship, which strongly resembles the cabin with K. Rool's ransom note in [[Pirate Panic (Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest)|Pirate Panic]]. Here, the Kongs can find an Animal Barrel with a trio of bananas under it. If they enter the barrel, they turn into Rattly, who must proceed by heading through the nearby entryway on the end of the room. After traveling through the opening, the rattlesnake finds himself outside on the ship deck again. Above him, there is a [[DK Barrel]] with a few bananas around it. A pile of two large barrels is also ahead, but a Kaboing bounces in front of it. If Rattly reaches the top of these barrels, he can collect the [[KONG Letters|letter K]] that is placed on top of them. After passing some bananas that float in the air, Rattly makes his way up a small stairway and to a pair of Kaboings that jump in front of a large barrel. He can use this barrel to help him cross a small pit nearby. On the other side of this pit, there is another Kaboing and a lone Banana Bunch. A pit is also ahead of here with a Flitter flying above it. The enemy can be bounced on to help the rattlesnake cross the pit, even though Rattly's jumping abilities can also allow him to cross the pit with a single jump.

Taking place on the deck of [[Glimmer's Galleon]], the Kongs will discover an [[Animal Barrel]] here, containing [[Rattly the Rattlesnake]], who must be played as throughout almost the whole level. Rattly's jumping skills prove useful here, as they are needed to cross large gaps and to reach highly-placed items. [[Kannon]]s, [[Zinger]]s and [[Flitter]]s can be found here, as well as [[Kaboing]]s, who populate most of the stage.
A trio of Kaboings bounce in the area ahead of here, and they are followed by a Zinger above a large barrel. The Zinger flies in front of a Banana Coin, so Rattly must defeat the foe in order to grab the item safely. The rattlesnake can find another DK Barrel ahead of here, along with some more Kaboings and some large barrels that he can use to help him cross an additional pit. Although he can cross this pit with his jumping ability alone, a Zinger is also above the abyss, and it can be bounced on to help him cross. Once the pit is crossed, Rattly approaches some Kaboings, two of which that bounce on the edges of a small gap. The [[Animal Friend]] is able to jump into this gap without falling in the water, as ground is at bottom of the gap. From the inside of this gap, he can head to the left to find a Bonus Barrel, or he can travel right to discover a Blast Barrel that immediately shoots him back onto the top of the ship deck when entered. A pit is farther ahead of here, and it is noticeably wider than the previous ones in the level. Two Zingers float in the pit, and one of them circles the letter O. Once Rattly crosses the pit, either by bouncing over it or by bouncing on the Zingers to cross, he approaches a Kaboing and a small stairway leading downwards. Some more Kaboings are after here, and they bounce on top of a large pile of barrels with a Zinger flying in front of it. The level's [[DK Coin|Video Game Hero Coin]] hides in an area inside the ship, which is placed to the right of the Zinger. The large barrel pile is followed by a small pit, and once the pit it crossed, Rattly can find the level's [[Star Barrel]].

==Level Layout==
The Star Barrel is followed by two small ledges with a DK Barrel and some bananas around them. A pile of six large barrels is after the ledges, and a Kannon with a Banana Coin behind it stands on it. Once the rattlesnake passes a few bananas located after this foe, he reaches a small pit with a Zinger above it. If he manages to cross this pit, he can find some more bananas and a Kaboing that bounces in front of a few large barrels. A [[golden feather]], found only in the [[Game Boy Advance]] version of the game, is placed on top of these barrels. The letter N and some bananas float above a pit placed nearby. A Kannon shoots barrels over this pit, which must be crossed to progress to an additional pit with a Zinger above it. On the other side of this abyss, Rattly can find a large barrel with an arrow, formed by bananas, above it. The arrow points upwards, where a Bonus Barrel is hidden. A DK Barrel is ahead of here, being followed by some larger barrels that Kaboings bounce on. Once these foes and the barrels are passed, the rattlesnake makes his way down a small stairway and towards a pit with a Zinger above it.
===''Donkey Kong Country 2===
At the beginning of the level, the monkeys must walk into the ship and turn into [[Rattly]]. When the rattlesnake gets back on deck, he must travel east and defeat a few Kaboings hopping along. Soon, the snake needs to jump across a big gap on the ship, and then cross an even larger abyss. Rattly must then beat three Kaboings in his path, and continue east. He will pass more enemies and have to hop over another abyss. There is a Zinger over this abyss, who can help Rattly get to the other side of bounced on. The rattlesnake needs to move on and defeat more Kaboings, then jump across a small gap. This gap may be easy to pass, but he will, not long after, find a large abyss, where he should either use his special jump to get over, or bounce off a Zinger in mid-air. After this obstacle is overcome, Rattly must jump on a pile of barrels and go over another gap, with the aid of a Zinger. Here, the snake will find the [[Star Barrel]].  

Halfway through the level, Rattly now must continue forward and avoid a Kannon shooting [[kannonball]]s at him. Then, the snake needs to jump across a small gap. A Zinger is between both sides of the abyss, whom he can jump on to reach the other end. After that, the rattlesnake should travel more eastward and hop over two more abysses. Rattly needs to keep moving on and attack a few Kaboings after that, and he will soon come up to another very large abyss. A Zinger, located in the center of it, must be bounced off of to get across. Eventually, the snake will cross it and continue forward, where he will pass more enemies, such as Kannons, Zingers, and Kaboings. On his way, he will also cross one small gap. Soon, Rattly should come up to a very big abyss, that is way too big to cross with any of his jumps. The only way to cross, is by using barrels shooting in the air, coming from a nearby Kannon. The Animal Buddy needs to use his special jump move to bounce high in hte air, and then reach one of the barrels. He should hop off of it, and jump to the other end of the abyss, finally crossing it. From here, Rattly keep going east and defeat a few more enemies, until he passes the [[No Animal Sign]], which will make him turn back into the Kongs. Without the help of their Animal Buddy, the heroes need to continue forward, where they will very shortly be able to exit the level.
The only way to cross this pit is by first bouncing off of the Zinger and then landing on the other side of the pit, where a [[Cannonball|kannonball]]-shooting Kannon stands. Another Kannon is located on top of some large barrels piled nearby, and it shoots kannonballs downwards. There is a small abyss farther ahead of this foe, and a Zinger flies above it. If this pit is successfully crossed, Rattly makes his way towards a large pile of barrels with many Kaboings on them. In the Game Boy Advance version of the game, one of these Kaboings sports a camera icon above its head, indicating that it is in possession of a [[photograph]]. The letter G is also on the barrel pile, which is followed by a pit that can only be crossed by bouncing off of the barrels shot by a Kannon on the other side of it. Once this pit is crossed, the rattlesnake makes his way down a small stairway with a Kaboing near it. On the bottom of the stairs, there is a Kannon, who stands on top of a pile of barrels and shoots kannonballs on the ground below it. After Rattly passes another pile of two barrels and heads up a small stairway, he comes up to a [[No Animal Sign]]. When this is passed, he turns back into the Kongs, who are given a Banana Bunch as a prize. An [[End of Level Target]] is located just ahead of here, and if it is jumped on, the level is completed. A [[Dixie Barrel]] is positioned above this target, and if the heroes shoot to the target with this barrel, they win a prize from the target, such as a [[Red Balloon|Life Balloon]]. A DK Barrel is also hidden to the right of the target, and it is able to give the player Dixie Kong if they need her to enter the Dixie Barrel.

===''Donkey Kong Land 2===
From the start of the level, the heroes must get into a Rattly Barrel, and turn into the rattlesnake. Rattly must go east and pass a few enemies. Soon, he will get to an abyss, which can easily be crossed by a simple jump. There is another gap after this. Rattly needs to bounce off the Flitter flying in the air to get to the other end. After that, he will, yet again, come up to a third abyss. The snake should hop off the Zinger in the center of the gap to get across easily. Then, Rattly must move forward, where he will have to climb up a pile of barrels to cross a gap, followed by another gap. After that, he needs to keep going east and avoid several Kaboings in his path. Later, the snake will have to cross the next abyss, where he will bounce off of two Zingers to cross. The Star Barrel can be seen right after this obstacle is overcome.
The following enemies appear in the following quantities:
Flitter DKC2.png|[[Flitter]] (1)
Kaboing DKC2 gray.png|[[Kaboing]] (gray) (14)
Kaboing DKC2 green.png|Kaboing (green) (13)
Kannon DKC2 enemy.png|[[Kannon]] (6)
Zinger DKC2 yellow.png|[[Zinger]] (yellow) (16)

From there, Rattly must move on, and defeat many enemies, including Kannons and Kaboings. Another gap will be reached on the way, too, but is is small and easy to pass. Again, the rattlesnake will get to yet another gap, and this one is far too big to cross with a regular jump. Instead, he should use his special move to jump extra high, and extra far. If done correctly, Rattly should be on the other side, where he must cross the next abyss, with the aid of two Zingers. This gap is followed by yet another one, which can be passed by bouncing off of a Flitter. After this, the hero should continue east and pass a small gap. A Zinger is between this abyss to help him cross. Right after he crosses that abyss, Rattly will come up to the final gap. He must bounce off of two Zingers to get passed it. Once he gets to the ground again, the snake must make way to a spring nearby. It leads out of the level.
==Items and objects==
The following items and objects appear in the following quantities, and items marked in '''bold''' are also an [[End of Level Target]] prize:
Banana DKC SNES.png|[[Banana]] (125)
Banana Bunch DKC SNES.png|'''[[Banana Bunch]]''' (1)
Banana Coin.png|'''[[Banana Coin]]''' (3)
DK Barrel.png|[[DK Barrel]] (5)
Red Extra Life Balloon DKC2.png|'''[[Red Balloon|Life Balloon]]''' (1)
===KONG Letters===
*'''K:''' After exiting the cabin, Rattly can find the letter K floating slightly over a stack of two barrel platforms.
*'''O:''' After the second Bonus Level, Rattly encounters a Zinger circling around the letter O. To safely collect it, Rattly must bounce on the Zinger when it is underneath the letter O.
*'''N:''' Shortly after the Star Barrel, Rattly can find the letter N hovering over a gap, which is just after a green Kaboing.
*'''G:''' After the third Bonus Level, Rattly has to continue past three green Kaboings and two Kannons. He then encounters four green Kaboings from some stacked barrels. The letter G is hovering over the highest stack of three barrels to the right.

===Key items===
===''Donkey Kong Country 2===
*'''[[DK Coin|Cranky's Video Game Hero Coin]]:''' After the second Bonus Level, Rattly encounters some Kaboings and a Zinger around a few columns of two barrels stacked onto each other. A small gap divides the stacks of barrel from the next portion of the shipwreck. If Rattly is on the ground beneath the stack of barrels, the player can see a lone banana from a small window at the bottom-left of the following portion of the ship. Rattly must jump to the banana to enter a hidden alcove, to be caught in an Arrow Barrel, which blasts him up to a Video Game Hero Coin and back onto the main path, before the Star Barrel.
====Bonus Level(s)====
*'''[[Golden feather]] ([[Donkey Kong Country 2 (Game Boy Advance)|Game Boy Advance version]] only):''' After passing the Star Barrel, Rattly encounters the first Kannon of the level. He must continue past the Kannon and jump across the following abyss. Rattly then encounters a green Kaboing on a barrel platform, and to the left is a stack of two large barrels, which the golden feather is hovering over.
*At the very start of the level, the Kongs must jump in the air. They should land in an invisible barrel, which will shoot them to a higher part of the ship. The heroes can collect a [[Banana Coin]] and a [[Banana Bunch]]. They will also find a [[Bonus Barrel]] up here, but it is too high in the air to reach with a normal jump. The group need to use their [[Team-up]] move and toss a monkeys into it. Now in the [[Bonus Level]], they must climb atop rows of barrels. The [[Kremkoin]] is on the top row.
*'''[[Photograph]] (Game Boy Advance version only):''' Late into the level, around where the letter G is, Rattly encounters four green Kaboings. The third one has a photograph icon floating over its head. If Rattly defeats it, the Kongs obtain a picture of a Kaboing in the second page of the [[Scrapbook (Donkey Kong Country series)|scrapbook]].
*At some point of the level, the monkeys will find a bunch of Kaboings bouncing around near a small gap in the ship. They need to jump down in the gap and grab two bananas, then travel west into the ship. They will get in a hidden Bonus Barrel, leading to the Bonus Level. Here, Rattly must be used to bounce off of several Zingers over a large abyss. Once he hops across the gap, the Kremkoin will appear.
*Later in the level, Rattly and the Kongs should find a barrel with an arrow above it, pointing up. The rattlesnake needs to get on this barrel and use his special jump to fling high into the air, where he should land in a Bonus Barrel, leading to the Bonus Level. In this special stage, the snake must bounce on piles of barrel to collect stars in the air. Once he grabs them all, the Kremkoin will appear.

====DK Coin====
==Bonus Levels==
At some point of the level, the heroes should see several barrels pile up on each other, with Kaboings bouncing on them. Rattly and the monkeys must approach the abyss near this part, and jump into the side of the ship, watching out for the Zinger above. They should get the [[DK Coin]] here, and then be shot out of the inside by a hidden barrel.  
[[File:Rattle Battle Bonus Area 1.png|thumb|The first Bonus Level of Rattle Battle involves jumping from several barrel stacks]]
Rattle Battle has three [[Bonus Level]]s, listed by their type:
*'''''Find the Token!''''': At the start of the level, the Kongs must jump straight up to enter a hidden Blast Barrel, which shoots them onto a higher part of the ship. From there, Diddy and Dixie can find a Banana Coin, a Banana Bunch, and a Bonus Barrel, which can be entered using a [[team up]] throw. In the Bonus Level, the Kongs have 25 seconds to go through a vertical area, jump from several barrel platforms along the way, and obtain the [[Kremkoin]], which is hovering above two stacks of barrels at the top right of the area.
*'''''Find the Token!''''': After passing the second DK Barrel, Rattly has to bounce onto a Zinger to reach a higher portion of the shipwreck, where he encounters a few gray Kaboings. Rattly must fall into the gap below, which is hinted at by two bananas, to land on a wooden platform. He must go left and enter a hole, where he can enter into a Bonus Barrel. The Bonus Level takes place in a rigging area with a green sky in the background, and Rattly is given ten seconds to bounce from seven Zingers to travel across a wide gap and collect the Kremkoin.
*'''''Collect the Stars!''''': After the letter N, Rattly must bounce on a Zinger to get up onto a higher portion of the shipwreck. A large barrel platform appears at the very left of the next portion, and above it is a group of bananas arranged as an up arrow. The specified direction indicates that Rattly must perform a Superjump, and by doing so, he enters up into a Bonus Barrel, which floats high into the air. In the Bonus Level, Rattly has 40 seconds to collect 75 [[Star (Donkey Kong franchise)|star]]s by bouncing from stacks of barrel platforms. After collecting every star, Rattly can collect the Kremkoin, which appears in the center above the two rightmost barrel stacks.

====Golden Feather (GBA Only)====
About halfway through the level, the heroes will find the first [[Kannon]]. They need to pass him and jump across a large abyss, where they will spot a pile of two barrels. They must climb up these barrels, and grab the [[Golden Feather]] on top of it.
===Super Nintendo Entertainment System===
====Photograph (GBA Only)====
RattleBattleSNES.png|Rattly in the cabin of the ship
Around the letter G, found on a large pile of barrels, the heroes will find several Kaboings. One of these enemies will have a [[Photograph]] over its head. The heroes must defeat this certain foe to get the photo. Once the photo is obtained, [[Diddy]] and [[Dixie]] will be given a picture to add in [[Wrinkly's Scrapbook]].
Rattle Battle DKC2 two Kaboings.png|Rattly encountering two Kaboings at the start of the level
Rattle Battle DKC2 shot.png|Rattly jumping from a barrel platform
===''Donkey Kong Land 2===
Rattle Battle DKC2 shot 2.png|Rattly crossing the pit with the letter N above it
====Bonus Level(s)====
Rattle Battle DKC2 Star Barrel.png|Rattly near the Star Barrel
*Around the beginning of the level, the heroes should find an arrangement of barrels, with three barrels on the bottom row, and two on the top. Rattly's special jump should be used to bounce high in the air to the left. If he jumped high enough, he should land in the Bonus Barrel, leading to the Bonus Level. Here, the rattlesnake needs to bounce off of several Zingers floating around. After he hop off of all of them all the way to the end of the stage, the Kremkoin will appear.
Rattle Battle Bonus Area 2.png|The second Bonus Level
Rattle Battle Bonus Area 3.png|The third Bonus Level
Rattle Battle DKC2 letter G.png|Rattly at the letter G
Rattle Battle DKC2 End of Level Target.png|The Kongs at the end of the level

====DK Coin====
===Game Boy Advance===
At some point in the level, before the Star Barrel, Rattly should find a barrel with an arrow above it, pointing upwards. He needs to stand on that barrel, and then jump up in the air, where he might get the [[DK Coin]].
Rattle Battle GBA start.png|The Kongs at the very start of the level
Rattle Battle GBA Bonus Level 1.png|Diddy and Dixie reach the end of the first Bonus Level
Rattle Battle GBA letter K.png|Rattly jumping to the letter K
Rattle Battle GBA Zinger and Banana Coin.png|Rattly jumping to a Zinger who is just above a Banana Coin.
Rattle Battle GBA Kannon.png|Rattly avoids a kannonball shot by a Kannon
Rattle Battle GBA photograph.png|The Kaboing with the level's photograph
Rattle Battle GBA end.png|Dixie performs on her guitar from the End of Level Target

== Names in Other Languages ==
==Names in other languages==
{{foreign names
|Spa=Batalla Sonajero
|JapR=Ratorī ni Daihenshin
|JapM=Great Transformation into Rattly
|Spa=Batalla Sonajero/Cascabel
|SpaM=Rattle Battle
|SpaM=Rattle Battle
|Fre=Bataille Canaille
|FreM=Blackguard Battle
|Ger=Klapper Misere (SNES)<br>Klapper-Misere (GBA)
|GerM=Rattle Misery
|Ita=Serpente a Molla
|ItaM=Spring Snake
Image:Rattle_Battle.png|Rattly adventures through the level.
Image:Rattly's adventure 65.jpg|The beginning of the level.
<br clear=all>
[[Category:Donkey Kong Levels]]
[[Category:Crocodile Isle]]
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[[Category:Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest levels]]
[[Category:Levels with Rattly]]

Revision as of 10:49, April 18, 2024

Rattle Battle
Rattle Battle
Level code 3 - 4
World Krem Quay
Game Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
Music track Snakey Chantey
<< Directory of levels >> KK

Rattle Battle is the fourteenth level of Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest and the fourth level of Krem Quay. From the world map, Rattle Battle is shown to take place on the deck of Glimmer's Galleon, and features green water in the background. Diddy Kong and Dixie Kong are transformed into Rattly for most of the level, as they must enter his Rattly Barrel found in a cabin shortly after the start. The level requires Rattly to use his high jumping ability and the even higher Superjump to both reach higher areas and continue further into the level. The most common enemies in the level are Zingers and Kaboings (both their gray and uncommon green variant). There are also Kannons, who blast out either cannonballs or barrels. Jumping from a Kannon's barrels is another way for Rattly to go across gaps. The level's theme is "Snakey Chantey," which also has an arrangement in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.


Rattle Battle
Rattle Battle in the Game Boy Advance version

The level begins on a ship deck under a hidden Blast Barrel that can shoot the heroes into the air and onto a high section of the ship that contains a Banana Coin, a Banana Bunch, and a Bonus Barrel. Across from the level's start, there is an entryway that leads into part of the ship, which strongly resembles the cabin with K. Rool's ransom note in Pirate Panic. Here, the Kongs can find an Animal Barrel with a trio of bananas under it. If they enter the barrel, they turn into Rattly, who must proceed by heading through the nearby entryway on the end of the room. After traveling through the opening, the rattlesnake finds himself outside on the ship deck again. Above him, there is a DK Barrel with a few bananas around it. A pile of two large barrels is also ahead, but a Kaboing bounces in front of it. If Rattly reaches the top of these barrels, he can collect the letter K that is placed on top of them. After passing some bananas that float in the air, Rattly makes his way up a small stairway and to a pair of Kaboings that jump in front of a large barrel. He can use this barrel to help him cross a small pit nearby. On the other side of this pit, there is another Kaboing and a lone Banana Bunch. A pit is also ahead of here with a Flitter flying above it. The enemy can be bounced on to help the rattlesnake cross the pit, even though Rattly's jumping abilities can also allow him to cross the pit with a single jump.

A trio of Kaboings bounce in the area ahead of here, and they are followed by a Zinger above a large barrel. The Zinger flies in front of a Banana Coin, so Rattly must defeat the foe in order to grab the item safely. The rattlesnake can find another DK Barrel ahead of here, along with some more Kaboings and some large barrels that he can use to help him cross an additional pit. Although he can cross this pit with his jumping ability alone, a Zinger is also above the abyss, and it can be bounced on to help him cross. Once the pit is crossed, Rattly approaches some Kaboings, two of which that bounce on the edges of a small gap. The Animal Friend is able to jump into this gap without falling in the water, as ground is at bottom of the gap. From the inside of this gap, he can head to the left to find a Bonus Barrel, or he can travel right to discover a Blast Barrel that immediately shoots him back onto the top of the ship deck when entered. A pit is farther ahead of here, and it is noticeably wider than the previous ones in the level. Two Zingers float in the pit, and one of them circles the letter O. Once Rattly crosses the pit, either by bouncing over it or by bouncing on the Zingers to cross, he approaches a Kaboing and a small stairway leading downwards. Some more Kaboings are after here, and they bounce on top of a large pile of barrels with a Zinger flying in front of it. The level's Video Game Hero Coin hides in an area inside the ship, which is placed to the right of the Zinger. The large barrel pile is followed by a small pit, and once the pit it crossed, Rattly can find the level's Star Barrel.

The Star Barrel is followed by two small ledges with a DK Barrel and some bananas around them. A pile of six large barrels is after the ledges, and a Kannon with a Banana Coin behind it stands on it. Once the rattlesnake passes a few bananas located after this foe, he reaches a small pit with a Zinger above it. If he manages to cross this pit, he can find some more bananas and a Kaboing that bounces in front of a few large barrels. A golden feather, found only in the Game Boy Advance version of the game, is placed on top of these barrels. The letter N and some bananas float above a pit placed nearby. A Kannon shoots barrels over this pit, which must be crossed to progress to an additional pit with a Zinger above it. On the other side of this abyss, Rattly can find a large barrel with an arrow, formed by bananas, above it. The arrow points upwards, where a Bonus Barrel is hidden. A DK Barrel is ahead of here, being followed by some larger barrels that Kaboings bounce on. Once these foes and the barrels are passed, the rattlesnake makes his way down a small stairway and towards a pit with a Zinger above it.

The only way to cross this pit is by first bouncing off of the Zinger and then landing on the other side of the pit, where a kannonball-shooting Kannon stands. Another Kannon is located on top of some large barrels piled nearby, and it shoots kannonballs downwards. There is a small abyss farther ahead of this foe, and a Zinger flies above it. If this pit is successfully crossed, Rattly makes his way towards a large pile of barrels with many Kaboings on them. In the Game Boy Advance version of the game, one of these Kaboings sports a camera icon above its head, indicating that it is in possession of a photograph. The letter G is also on the barrel pile, which is followed by a pit that can only be crossed by bouncing off of the barrels shot by a Kannon on the other side of it. Once this pit is crossed, the rattlesnake makes his way down a small stairway with a Kaboing near it. On the bottom of the stairs, there is a Kannon, who stands on top of a pile of barrels and shoots kannonballs on the ground below it. After Rattly passes another pile of two barrels and heads up a small stairway, he comes up to a No Animal Sign. When this is passed, he turns back into the Kongs, who are given a Banana Bunch as a prize. An End of Level Target is located just ahead of here, and if it is jumped on, the level is completed. A Dixie Barrel is positioned above this target, and if the heroes shoot to the target with this barrel, they win a prize from the target, such as a Life Balloon. A DK Barrel is also hidden to the right of the target, and it is able to give the player Dixie Kong if they need her to enter the Dixie Barrel.


The following enemies appear in the following quantities:

Items and objects

The following items and objects appear in the following quantities, and items marked in bold are also an End of Level Target prize:

KONG Letters

  • K: After exiting the cabin, Rattly can find the letter K floating slightly over a stack of two barrel platforms.
  • O: After the second Bonus Level, Rattly encounters a Zinger circling around the letter O. To safely collect it, Rattly must bounce on the Zinger when it is underneath the letter O.
  • N: Shortly after the Star Barrel, Rattly can find the letter N hovering over a gap, which is just after a green Kaboing.
  • G: After the third Bonus Level, Rattly has to continue past three green Kaboings and two Kannons. He then encounters four green Kaboings from some stacked barrels. The letter G is hovering over the highest stack of three barrels to the right.

Key items

  • Cranky's Video Game Hero Coin: After the second Bonus Level, Rattly encounters some Kaboings and a Zinger around a few columns of two barrels stacked onto each other. A small gap divides the stacks of barrel from the next portion of the shipwreck. If Rattly is on the ground beneath the stack of barrels, the player can see a lone banana from a small window at the bottom-left of the following portion of the ship. Rattly must jump to the banana to enter a hidden alcove, to be caught in an Arrow Barrel, which blasts him up to a Video Game Hero Coin and back onto the main path, before the Star Barrel.
  • Golden feather (Game Boy Advance version only): After passing the Star Barrel, Rattly encounters the first Kannon of the level. He must continue past the Kannon and jump across the following abyss. Rattly then encounters a green Kaboing on a barrel platform, and to the left is a stack of two large barrels, which the golden feather is hovering over.
  • Photograph (Game Boy Advance version only): Late into the level, around where the letter G is, Rattly encounters four green Kaboings. The third one has a photograph icon floating over its head. If Rattly defeats it, the Kongs obtain a picture of a Kaboing in the second page of the scrapbook.

Bonus Levels

Rattle Battle
The first Bonus Level of Rattle Battle involves jumping from several barrel stacks

Rattle Battle has three Bonus Levels, listed by their type:

  • Find the Token!: At the start of the level, the Kongs must jump straight up to enter a hidden Blast Barrel, which shoots them onto a higher part of the ship. From there, Diddy and Dixie can find a Banana Coin, a Banana Bunch, and a Bonus Barrel, which can be entered using a team up throw. In the Bonus Level, the Kongs have 25 seconds to go through a vertical area, jump from several barrel platforms along the way, and obtain the Kremkoin, which is hovering above two stacks of barrels at the top right of the area.
  • Find the Token!: After passing the second DK Barrel, Rattly has to bounce onto a Zinger to reach a higher portion of the shipwreck, where he encounters a few gray Kaboings. Rattly must fall into the gap below, which is hinted at by two bananas, to land on a wooden platform. He must go left and enter a hole, where he can enter into a Bonus Barrel. The Bonus Level takes place in a rigging area with a green sky in the background, and Rattly is given ten seconds to bounce from seven Zingers to travel across a wide gap and collect the Kremkoin.
  • Collect the Stars!: After the letter N, Rattly must bounce on a Zinger to get up onto a higher portion of the shipwreck. A large barrel platform appears at the very left of the next portion, and above it is a group of bananas arranged as an up arrow. The specified direction indicates that Rattly must perform a Superjump, and by doing so, he enters up into a Bonus Barrel, which floats high into the air. In the Bonus Level, Rattly has 40 seconds to collect 75 stars by bouncing from stacks of barrel platforms. After collecting every star, Rattly can collect the Kremkoin, which appears in the center above the two rightmost barrel stacks.


Super Nintendo Entertainment System

Game Boy Advance

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning Notes
Japanese ラトリーに大へんしん[?]
Ratorī ni Daihenshin
Great Transformation into Rattly
French Bataille Canaille[?] Blackguard Battle
German Klapper Misere (SNES)
Klapper-Misere (GBA)
Rattle Misery
Italian Serpente a Molla[?] Spring Snake
Spanish Batalla Sonajero/Cascabel[?] Rattle Battle