List of rumors and urban legends about Mario

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Being a long-running and popular franchise, there have been many rumors, misconceptions, and urban legends regarding production history, fictional details, and gameplay elements within the Mario franchise.


Donkey Kong's name origin

The origin of Donkey Kong's name has been the subject of several conflicting explanations over time. One popular myth states that the original Donkey Kong game was intended to be titled "Monkey Kong", and was actually named "Donkey Kong" due to either a mistranslation[1] or typo.[2] However, the words monkey and donkey are completely different from each other in Japanese, so it is unlikely to be a translation error. Additionally, while typos resulting in popular names do exist, the accuracy of the latter claim is questionable considering the conflicting viewpoints surrounding it.

Another explanation states that donkey was used to avoid copyright issues with the character King Kong. The etymology of the word "donkey" can be traced back to the word ass, which can also mean fool, with the word fool traditionally being the opposite of the word king. This may suggest that the name "Donkey Kong" was intended as a subversion of "King Kong", and a way to refer to the movie and character without violating copyright law. However, Nintendo was sued by Universal Studios in 1982 for the exact reason that Donkey Kong was too similar to King Kong. Notably, a written statement produced in 1983 regarding this lawsuit states that Nintendo employee Shinichi Todori came up with the name "Donkey Kong" towards the end of May 1981.[3]

Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of Donkey Kong, has claimed multiple times that he found the name from a Japanese-English dictionary when looking for something "stubborn" or "stupid".[4][5] While "donkey" is not usually considered to be an adjective or a synonym of those terms, the animals themselves are often associated with those traits. In an interview published in 2016, Miyamoto stated that he was informed by Nintendo of America staff that "donkey" does not mean "stupid" as the dictionary said, but that he ignored their feedback, as he liked the sound of the name "Donkey Kong".[6]

Donkey Kong 64 only required the Expansion Pak to fix a memory leak

On May 28, 2013, former Rare employee Chris Marlow published a Let's Play video of Conker's Bad Fur Day in which he shared an anecdote revealing that Donkey Kong 64 was allegedly not initially planned to support the Expansion Pak RAM expansion. Marlow explained that Rare found a memory leak to occur after a short amount of playtime and, as they were unable to pinpoint the exact cause of the issue before release, were forced to bundle the Expansion Pak with the game as a quick fix.[7] The story was immediately picked up by video game news websites[8], and was presented as fact on the Super Mario Wiki page for Donkey Kong 64.

Mark Stevenson, a developer of Donkey Kong 64, would deny this claim in a November 2019 interview, stating that Rare's management instructed the game's developers to support the Expansion Pak early in development to accommodate advanced graphical effects.[9] (Dynamic lighting was specifically cited as a feature that made use of the Expansion Pak in another interview with Stevenson.[10]) He added that while Donkey Kong 64 did contain a game-breaking bug during development, it only affected one revision of the Nintendo 64 hardware, and was eventually resolved. Stevenson speculated that these two stories were likely conflated into one, creating the memory leak rumor.[9]

Donkey Kong Country 2 for the Virtual Boy

Screenshot of a quote from the Rareware English/UK website, dated 10th of August, 2001 and written by Leigh Loveday. Officially confirming that the development of the Virtual Boy port of Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest was cancelled very early in development, not very far beyond designing the title screen.
The Scribes fan letter and response

On August 10, 2001, in response to a letter sent to Rare's Scribes website about a Donkey Kong Country game on the Virtual Boy, Rare employee Leigh Loveday stated that a Virtual Boy port of Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest had been in development, but that it "didn't get very far".[11]

However, an article on the DK Vine fan website showcased that subsequent statements were made by former Rare artist Steven Hurst and, more notably, engineer Paul Machacek, employees who worked on the project. They clarified that there were no concrete plans for any Donkey Kong Country game on the system, and that what Loveday referred to was a short demo to test the capabilities of the Virtual Boy which consisted of a short stretch of land featuring reused Donkey Kong Land and Battletoads graphics. No evidence suggests this demo was ever planned to become a full game, and DK Vine assumed that it was ultimately scrapped after it became clear that the Virtual Boy was a commercial failure.[12]

The usage of the name "Jumpman"

The flyer for the original Donkey Kong arcade game, distributed among arcades and those toy stores where video games were sold. This is one of the first materials to use the name Mario for the character. The artist is Zavier Leslie Cabarga.
The flyer containing the first public usage of the name "Mario"

Due to Mario initially being referred to as "Jumpman" in the arcade version of Donkey Kong, it is sometimes believed that he was not given the name of "Mario" until the release of Donkey Kong Jr., the game produced immediately after Donkey Kong. This theory is supported by the name "Jumpman" being common throughout English material related to the game, appearing in its operation manual[13] and several graphics containing instructions for play, including a page, card, and banner.

While no Japanese material included the name "Mario" until Donkey Kong Jr. as the theory states, a flyer with story information was released to arcades internationally, in which the protagonist was referred to as "little Mario" in its English localization, proving that he was known as "Mario" to the public before games other than Donkey Kong had released. All subsequent ports of Donkey Kong to home console removed the name "Jumpman" in favor of "Mario", with the exception of Arcade Archives: Donkey Kong on the Nintendo Switch.

Gunpei Yokoi is the creator of Wario and Daisy

Due to being the most notable member of Nintendo's former Research & Development 1 department and having a role as producer for many of their games, Gunpei Yokoi is often attributed as the sole creator of its franchises and characters up to his departure. This has led fans to credit Yokoi for the creation of the characters Princess Daisy and Wario, two main characters of R&D1's Super Mario Land games.[14][15][16] In reality, Yokoi has never been credited as a character designer in any of the games he was involved with, and no report done during Yokoi's lifetime or modern interviews with former R&D1 staff stated he created any characters for its games.

While no specific creator has been attributed to Princess Daisy, Satoru Okada, the director of Super Mario Land, or Hirofumi Matsuoka and/or Masahiko Mashimo, graphic designers for the game, would be more likely candidates. Hiroji Kiyotake, director and graphic designer for Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins, is the creator of Wario, as stated by multiple interviewees in a 2004 interview in the magazine Nintendo Dream[17]; he is also credited as the original designer of Wario throughout the WarioWare series.

Inspiration for the Super Mushroom

Some rumors have questioned the origin of the Super Mushroom, suggesting that it was inspired by real-world drugs such as the magic mushroom[18][19], or Amanita muscaria.[20] While the spores of the latter species look similar to the Super Mushroom and other power-ups such as the 1-Up Mushroom, no evidence has confirmed that this was an intentional design decision.

On June 19, 2015, the nonprofit organization NPR published an interview with Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of Mario, in which he mentioned the story Alice in Wonderland in relation to the origin of mushrooms in Mario games.[21] However, in an earlier Iwata Asks interview, he stated that there was no influence from Alice in Wonderland, simply citing "a relationship between mushrooms and magical realms".[22] This more generic explanation also appears in an interview from October 2010 in the magazine Famitsu, in which Miyamoto describes that "you see people in folk tales wandering into forests and eating mushrooms all the time".[23]

An article on the website for the newspaper The Guardian contains an unsourced claim that Miyamoto drew inspiration from "enchanted foodstuffs in myths and folklore" to create the Super Mushroom.[24]

Larry Koopa's namesake

On April 30, 2010, the Official Nintendo Magazine in Great Britain published an article to their website stating the name origins of the Koopalings, with Larry Koopa said to be named after the talk show host Larry King. [25] This was contested by former Nintendo of America employee Dayvv Brooks, who named all of the Koopalings during the production of Super Mario Bros. 3. According to Brooks, Larry is named after a musician like his siblings, in this case the inspiration being Larry Mullen, Jr., the drummer for the rock band U2.[26]

However, on December 29, 2015, the gaming site Kotaku published an interview with Brooks contradicting this action. Brooks asserted that all of the Koopalings were named after real-world figures except Larry, stating that "there’s no real-world equivalent—he’s not Larry Mullen Jr. from U2 or Larry King—he just looked like a Larry."[27]

Mario and Luigi's last names

With the introduction of Luigi as Mario's brother, the pair began to be collectively referred to as "the Mario brothers", which has led many to believe that Mario and Luigi's last names are actually "Mario". This theory was supported by The Super Mario Bros. Super Show live-action episodes "Dance" and "Treasure of the Sierra Brooklyn", and, more famously, the 1993 Super Mario Bros. live-action film, all of which used "Mario" as the brothers' surname. Several other sources, such as the Mario Party 2 Prima Games guide and a promotional flyer for the Donkey Kong/Donkey Kong Jr./Mario Bros. arcade cabinet, also use the "Mario" last name. Charles Martinet, Mario's current voice actor, has given it as his response when asked about Mario's last name.[28]

Various Nintendo employees and representatives, including series creator Shigeru Miyamoto, have stated that Mario and Luigi do not have a last name at all.[29][30][31] However, Miyamoto later retracted this stance, stating during the Super Mario Bros. 30th Anniversary festival held in Shibuya that Mario's full name is "Mario Mario".[32]

Norton AntiVirus: Dr. Mario

Box art of a Norton AntiVirus software titled Norton AntiVirus: Dr. Mario, of unknown origin
The box art for Norton Antivirus: Dr. Mario, of unknown origin

In 2008, Symantec Corporation announced a new version of their Norton AntiVirus software. Subtitled the "Gaming Edition", it used less computer resources to make it easier to play video games while the antivirus was running. However, when an article about the software was published to gaming site Kotaku on November 11, 2008, it was accompanied by a picture of a different software, labeled Norton AntiVirus: Dr. Mario.[33] No text in the article mentioned or alluded to Dr. Mario nor this image.

Other news websites would later republish the image[34]; some mistakenly stated that the software was directly related to Dr. Mario, likely due to them interpreting the image as the official art created for the software.[35] While the Gaming Edition version of Norton AntiVirus was officially published, it did not contain any connection to Nintendo nor the Mario franchise.

The original source of the image remains unknown. It is most likely that the art was faked use image-editing software and presented to Kotaku as a genuine product, leading it to be spread and believed as such by other news outlets and their readers. However, as no proof of this is currently known, there is still a possibility that Norton AntiVirus: Dr. Mario was legitimate, cancelled software.

Peeka and Lahla in the Japanese version of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

Peeka and Lahla's appearance in the Japanese version (left) compared to international versions (right)
Peeka and Lahla's appearance in the Japanese version (left) compared to international versions (right)
Peeka and Lahla's appearance in the Japanese version (left) compared to international versions (right)

In Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, there is a regional difference involving the Boo sisters Peeka and Lahla. In the Japanese release, they both wear a headband with fake bunny ears resembling the Playboy Bunny, the icon of the adult magazine Playboy, but international releases replace the bunny ears with cat ears. This change was made either to avoid a reference to adult headgear or out of legal concern, as the Playboy Bunny is a copyrighted icon.

On the unused-content wiki The Cutting Room Floor, the regional differences page for Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door originally listed that only Peeka underwent this change. This was potentially due to Lahla not being a mandatory character to see to complete the game, meaning that Lahla wearing bunny ears may have gone unnoticed for an extended period of time. In reality, both sisters wear identical accessories in all versions, and the wiki page was edited to reflect this once it was discovered.[36]

Shigeru Miyamoto's opinions on Donkey Kong Country

A long-surfacing internet rumor stated that Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of the original Donkey Kong, disliked the series' reboot, Donkey Kong Country. This was accompanied by a supposed quote by Miyamoto, saying "Donkey Kong Country proves that players will put up with mediocre gameplay as long as the art is good". The claim originates from the 2001 book "The Ultimate History of Video Games", which has author Steven Kent claiming that Shigeru Miyamoto made the comment to Rare co-founder and Donkey Kong Country director Tim Stampers during an interview; the book goes on to detail that Miyamoto was frustrated after the original graphical style of Yoshi's Island was rejected for "not having enough punch" and that he was pressured by marketing to feature graphics more similar to Donkey Kong Country.[37]

The interview alluded to in The History of Video Games and which would be the source of quote was conducted in the May 1995 issue of the magazine Electronic Games by Stephen Kent; however, the interview as featured in the magazine does not feature the quote, leading to doubts about the veracity of the statement[38]. In an E3 2010 interview, Miyamoto alluded to the rumor, declaring it false: "And apparently recently some rumor got out that I didn't really like that game? I just want to clarify that that's not the case, because I was very involved in [the game's production]."[39] The infamous quote, if even real, was stated by The Ultimate History of Video Games itself to be the result of the initial rejection of Yoshi's Island, and was not Miyamoto's true thoughts on Donkey Kong Country; regardless, it was frequently used out-of-context and viewed that way by many.

Super Mario FX

A rumor suggests that a 3D platformer named "Super Mario FX" was in development for the SNES, which would have used the Super FX chip to display 3D graphics. Variants of this rumor claim that the game became or was otherwise the inspiration for Super Mario 64.

As SnesCentral elaborates, there is no actual proof that such a game was in development (which would have been unlikely due to the timetable of Super Mario 64's development), and claims of its existence seem to originate from IGN misinterpreting an interview in the January 1996 issue of Nintendo Power, where Shigeru Miyamoto stated he got the idea of developing a 3D Mario platformer (without specifying platform) while developing Star Fox, a game released on the SNES that used the Super FX chip to display full 3D graphics. Furthermore, said article's writer contacted Dylan Cuthbert (a game programmer who designed the Super FX chip and collaborated with Miyamoto on Star Fox), who confirmed that no 3D Mario platformer was in development for the SNES and that "Super Mario FX" was actually a codename for the chip itself.[40]

Super Mario Galaxy DS

On December 9, 2007, a video showcasing a downloadable, Nintendo DS version of Super Mario Galaxy was uploaded to YouTube.[41] The footage showed a hidden galaxy unlocked by collecting all 121 Power Stars as both Mario and Luigi and feeding them all to a Hungry Luma, which would allow the player to access the Nintendo DS version of the game using the Download Play feature. The player used the stylus to control Mario, and both brothers were shown in the game's galaxies simultaneously, implying a co-op mode. The video also stated that each Power Star collected in the Nintendo DS version would be redeemable for 10 Wii Points on the Wii Shop Channel.

About ten days after the video's release, an article on Engadget proved the footage to be faked by discovering a shorter but cleaner version of the same video on the video site Stage6. The video was posted by psycho3ler, the username of Pablo Belmonte, who had previously created a hoax video of a "Nintendo ON" console in 2005 (the original Super Mario Galaxy DS video even showed a Nintendo ON planet, adding credibility to this theory).[42] Belmonte himself would later upload a high-quality version of the video, explaining in the description that it was created for a school project involving designing a viral video.[43]

Coincidentally, a homebrew Nintendo DS game exists named Super Mario Galaxies.[44] A group of four homebrewers are working on a Super Mario Galaxy DS project unrelated to the hoax video, which recreates gameplay from Super Mario Galaxy on real DS hardware.[45]

Super Mario Galaxy box art hidden message

SMG Logo.png
The logo for Super Mario Galaxy 2
Preliminary logo of Super Mario Odyssey.

On September 16, 2007, shortly before the release of Super Mario Galaxy, a post about the game's logo art was made to the forum site NeoGAF.[46] It noted that some letters of the logo contained a small twinkle; if these letters are singled out and read together, the end result is "UR MR GAY" (You are Mr. Gay). This led some to suggest that the twinkles may be a hidden message created by the logo artist.[47]

In Super Mario Galaxy 2, these sparkles are still present in the game's logo, but have been rearranged. They now spell out "UR MI AY", although this can be interpreted as "YA, I M, R U?" (Yeah, I am, are you?) if read backwards.[48] The preliminary logo of Super Mario Odyssey contains similar sparkles, which spell out "MARIO DYS" (interpreted by some as "Mario dies").[49]

It is most likely that all three logos simply arrange the twinkles to be aesthetically pleasing, with any "messages" being entirely unintentional.

Mario Party: Star Rush cover artwork

Stock promotional artwork of Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, and Toad. This image has been used on various products and promotional material, including a webpage promoting the "Nintendo Experience Tour" event held at Simon Mall locations from August 31 to November 3 of 2013. It was later edited for use on the pre-release Mario Party: Star Rush boxart, sparking a rumor that the edited artwork originated from cans of Spaghetti-O's.
The original stock art used as the basis for the tentative cover of Mario Party: Star Rush.

Shortly after Mario Party: Star Rush was announced, a post on Twitter was made joking about Nintendo reusing stock art for the game's tentative cover which was also used on cans of Spaghetti-O's.[50] The post quickly gained popularity, leading to it being picked up by several mainstream gaming sites[51][52][53][54][55], giving the impression that the artwork was indeed derived from the render used on the can, when it is simply stock promotional artwork. The original art has also been used on other products and packaging, including stationery and the official Super Mario Brothers 2013 Wall Calendar, which was released on August 1, 2012. The stock art was also used for the Simon Mall event and the Mario Kart 8 Best Buy Event Demo in 2013, well before the official promotion of Campbell's Spaghetti-Os in November.[56]

French title of the Donkey Kong Country animated series

Over the years, various English-language databases and fansites[citation needed] have stated that the original French version of the 1996 Donkey Kong Country animated series is titled La planète de Donkey Kong (lit. "Planet Donkey Kong"). "La planète de Donkey Kong" actually refers to a programming block (later renamed DKTV) which aired from 1996 to 2001 exclusively in France, and that hosted the Donkey Kong Country series alongside a large number of other children's programmes.

The Donkey Kong Country cartoon proper was also named "Donkey Kong Country" when it aired in France and Québec, with some ads and TV listings shortening the title to simply "Donkey Kong".

Yoichi Kotabe's involvement in Super Mario 3D Land

Various sources[citation needed] have stated that long-time Mario artist Yoichi Kotabe came back from retirement to draw the artwork for Peach's letters in Super Mario 3D Land, likely due to an unsourced claim on MarioWiki's Yoichi Kotabe page that was removed from the page in August 2018. While the art style is similar to Kotabe's Mario artwork, Yoichi Kotabe's name is not listed in the staff credits for Super Mario 3D Land, nor is he mentioned in the two Iwata Asks interviews dedicated to the game[57][58]. The artwork was actually drawn by current Mario artist Shigehisa Nakaue, who is credited for "Illustrations" on Super Mario 3D Land by the January 2012 issue of the Japanese magazine Nintendo Dream, as well as the in-game credits of Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8 and Mario Party: Star Rush.

Yoshiaki Koizumi and Donkey Kong Country

In February 2005, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat producer Takao Shimizu and co-director Yoshiaki Koizumi conducted an interview with Nintendo Online Magazine regarding the game. An English translation of the interview was produced by the Nintendo fansite N-Sider and posted by IGN as part of a partnership between the two websites. One of the questions centered around the game's characters, with N-Sider's English translation rendering Koizumi's answer as "All the characters outside of Donkey Kong and the banana are completely original. We don't really feel the past look of Donkey Kong was fresh enough for today. We really gave our new development team the chance to really create something unique and stylish."[59]. Due to its dismissive implications, the statement was the subject of substantial negative backlash from Donkey Kong fans.

This was a mistranslation: the original Japanese had Koizumi stating that the development team of Donkey Kong Jungle Beat decided to go with an original cast as the game's tone was very different from that of previous Donkey Kong titles, and that he hoped Jungle Beat would represent the style of the newly-formed EAD Tokyo team[60]. Notably, N-Sider has been found guilty of mistranslations and even forgery in its purported translations of Japanese material[61].


The breakable bricks in Super Mario Bros. are transformed Toads

Due to the story in the instruction manual for the original Super Mario Bros. stating that the citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom were turned into bricks[62], many people assume that the Brick Blocks that Mario can break throughout the game are transformed Toads, which has led to many parodies regarding them being "murdered." However, page 8 of the same manual specifies that the ones that were turned into blocks give items upon being hit, meaning that they are in fact specifically the blocks that act like ? Blocks, as well as the ? Blocks and Hidden Blocks that contain power-ups, with the manual additionally stating that they give these items to Mario as rewards for finding them[63].

Princess Toadstool was intended to be a Toad in early production of Super Mario Bros.

An image from an early guide has led to people mistakenly believing that Princess Peach was intended to be a Toad at some point early in development, with the illustrations being mistaken as actual concept artwork; this theory became more widespread after Peachette was revealed, with the image being used as "proof" for this theory. However, Template:Media link was from a strategy guide called How to Win at Super Mario Bros., which was written and illustrated by people outside of Nintendo Entertainment Analysis and Development, and as such was likely illustrated based off of vague descriptions given to the illustrator.

Super Mario Bros. 3 is a stage play

Because of several design elements in the game, such as the rising and closing curtains at the beginning of the game, the end of each stage being a black void representing an exit stage, several platforms being held up in midair, and some platforms being bolted into the background and casting shadows onto the sky, it has become a popular idea that Super Mario Bros. 3 is actually a stage play rather than a real adventure.[64] The theory began to spread around the Internet with an image showing evidence for the theory. In 2015, however, Shigeru Miyamoto, in a video discussing various Mario rumors and myths, would claim that the theory is true.[65] This does not appear to be true of the Super Mario All-Stars and Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 versions, however, due to the latter's opening cutscene, the more realistic backgrounds, and the removal of platform shadows.

The Koopalings being Bowser's children is a Western addition

Following the release of New Super Mario Bros. Wii and its Japanese bios stating the Koopalings are minions of Bowser rather than his children, as well as Shigeru Miyamoto's statement in a 2012 interview that Nintendo's "current story" is that Bowser Jr. is Bowser's only child[66], there have been claims that the concept of the Koopalings being Bowser's children was a change made for the English releases of the games.[67]

Though Nintendo of America effectively did change the Koopalings' dialogue in the Super Mario Bros. 3 manual and gave the originally unnamed characters their names that have been used in Japanese versions of the games ever since[27][68], the Koopalings being Bowser's children has also been present in official Japanese material since Super Mario Bros. 3. This is stated in the Japanese manual of said game,[69], in books written in cooperation with Nintendo and released during the 1990's such as the Super Mario Complete Encyclopedia (「スーパーマリオ全百科」),[70] in the description for Bowser's main trophy in Super Smash Bros. Melee[71] and in the Nintendo Official Guidebooks for Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2[72] and Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3,[73] the latter case being notable as the game and its guide were released after the introduction of Bowser Jr. in Super Mario Sunshine.

Ashley's age

It is commonly claimed among online fans that Ashley is 9/10 years old in Japanese WarioWare material and that her age was "changed" for the western localization. The claim was featured for a time on MarioWiki's Ashley and Red page, although it was later removed for being unsourced.

The claim is only partially true in that Ashley's bio on the western WarioWare: Touched! website stated her to be 15 where its Japanese equivalent does not give a precise age to Ashley: while there are hints that Ashley is meant to be younger than 15 years old (such as her voice and Ashley referring to herself in the third person in Japanese material, a speaking pattern that usually denotes young, immature characters in Japanese media), she has never been given a precise age in any Japanese WarioWare media, beside the description for the Crazy Galaxy badges in Nintendo Badge Arcade stating that this specific incarnation of Ashley is older.

Clawdia Koopa

A popular rumor states that an unspecified UK Nintendo magazine issue once joked that Bowser's wife is named "Clawdia Koopa". However, despite the rumor's popularity, no scan or direct quotation of the statement has surfaced. Furthermore, most sites making this claim attribute it to "Nintendo Power UK", a publication that does not exist (the actual official UK Nintendo magazine went through a variety of names, but none of them were related to Nintendo Power).

The idea that Bowser has a wife named Clawdia Koopa likely originates from the Mario fansite Lemmy's Land. Lemmy Koopa, the webmaster, created an original character named Clawdia to play the role of Bowser's wife in his fanfiction. She appeared on the site as early as 2002.[74] As Lemmy Koopa has always been open about Clawdia being his original character, it is most likely that a third party started the "Nintendo Power UK" rumor.

King K. Rool's costumes are separate characters in Japanese

King K. Rool's trophy description in Super Smash Bros. Brawl states that "His brother, Kaptain K. Rool, made an appearance in the game Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest". This lead to several fans wondering if this was a change in the Japanese localization of the Donkey Kong Country games, which, due to the broken telephone effect, was morphed into a "fact" that King K. Rool's disguises are separate characters in Japanese. In truth, Japanese material for the Donkey Kong Country series also has K. Rool's aliases being mere disguises[75], and thus the trophy description is merely an error.

The Donkey Kong Country animated series featured Kaptain Skurvy, a pirate-themed texture swap of General Klump who is eventually revealed to be Klump's long-lost brother. As the Donkey Kong Country series was relatively popular in Japan, it may have been a possible source of confusion.

The Mario characters are actors

In September 2012, Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi Tezuka held an interview with gaming magazine Game Informer, which was reported by several sites. Among other information, the interview had Shigeru Miyamoto stating he pictured the Mario cast as "[...] a troupe of actors".[31] As many who reported the interview omitted the context of the statement (with at least one site running it as the headline), this lead to several assuming that the statement was meant to be taken literally, that is, the Mario characters are actors playing a role and that their adventures are not "real" in the context of the Mario universe. Further supporting this idea is the above interpretation that Super Mario Bros. 3 is a play.

Miyamoto's answer, however, was of a different nature. When asked by the interviewer why Mario and Princess Peach partake in friendly sporting competitions with Bowser despite their antagonistic relationship in the platforming games, Miyamoto responded that he pictured the Mario cast as being similar to old comic and cartoon characters (specifically mentioning Popeye), which frequently changed time period and occupation depending on the scenario with no explanation, concluding that he envisions them as "one big family, or maybe a troupe of actors."[76].

Interviewer: Time and again, Bowser kidnaps Peach. Why do Mario and Peach still race go-karts and play tennis with him??
Miyamoto: If you're familiar with things like Popeye and some of the old comic characters, you would oftentimes see this cast of characters that takes on different roles depending on the comic or cartoon. They might be businessman in one [cartoon] or a pirate in another. Depending on the story that was being told, they would change roles. So, to a certain degree, I look at our characters in a similar way and feel that they can take on different roles in different games. It's more like they're one big family, or maybe a troupe of actors.

Toads' genders

On November 17, 2014, GameSpot posted an article featuring a segment of an interview with Koichi Hayashida on Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, who, when discussing the Toad's genders, stated that, "[...]we never really went out of our way to decide on the sex of these characters, even though they have somewhat gendered appearances." This led the article's writer and many others to conclude that the Toad species is a genderless race. Other more direct sources reveal, however, that Toads are not exactly genderless. An interview with Shigeru Miyamoto, for instance, has clarified that when Toads were designed, the developers did not focus on their genders until Toadette, who was clearly designed to be female, was introduced, and then players began assuming the Toad character as male.[77] In other words, Toads were more likely viewed with an ambiguous gender at first rather than being flat-out genderless as the GameSpot article seems to imply.


Luigi in Super Mario 64 / "L is real 2401"

The plaque on the star statue in-game (top) and its isolated texture ripped from game files (bottom)
The plaque on the star statue in-game (top) and its isolated texture ripped from game files (bottom)
The plaque on the star statue in-game (top) and its isolated texture ripped from game files (bottom)

A famous rumor surrounding Super Mario 64 was that Luigi can be unlocked as a secret playable character, with proponents often citing the star statue in the courtyard of Peach's Castle as proof. The statue contains a plaque with small, blurry characters that purportedly read "L is real 2401", which supports the idea that Luigi (the character "L" stands for) exists in the game. (The inscription has also been said to read "Eternal Star" by many, but this interpretation does not prove the point as clearly.) After the discovery of this plaque, many theories regarding the meaning of the "L is real 2401" message circulated, many being that the number "2401" hinted at the method of unlocking Luigi. These methods, which varied in levels of absurdity, included running 2,401 laps around the courtyard statue or collecting every single coin in the game (there supposedly being 2,401 coins in total).[78] On April 1, 2000, the user Hairball published several fake screenshots onto the blog site Super Mario 128 Central with their own explanation, claiming that unlocking Luigi would also unlock a co-op gameplay mode.[79]

After receiving numerous fake explanations and controller input codes from fans, the gaming website IGN offered a $100 reward for an authentic method of unlocking Luigi in the game.[80] A week later, the staff would post an update stating that, while no legitimate methods had been found, the number of false submissions had significantly dropped. They concluded that Luigi's inclusion in the game was simply a myth.[81]

Data-rendered model of Luigi intended for Super Mario 64, found during an asset leak in July 2020
The unused model of Luigi found during the asset leak

Nintendo itself acknowledged the rumor in an April Fools' feature in the April 1998 issue of Nintendo Power, which stated that it would discuss the "L is real 2401" message on the non-existent page 128. During the same year, a fan sent a letter to Nintendo of America asking about the message on the statue. According to Game Play Counselor Michael D. Chandler's response letter, the message has no actual meaning and was only added as a joke to trick players into thinking that it had a hidden meaning.[82]

Post-release interviews for the game would reveal that the developers had initially planned to include a cooperative multiplayer mode featuring Luigi, with early prototypes allowing players to run around in a large space simultaneously, but that this feature had to be cut due to hardware limitations.[83][84]

A variant of the rumor claims that "L is real 2401" instead refers to Paper Mario, a game that Luigi does appear in, though as a non-playable character. According to the rumor, the "2401" refers to the game's supposed North American release date of February 4, 2001[85][86], even though the actual date was one day later, on February 5. In addition, Paper Mario was initially released in Japan on August 11, 2000, and was originally scheduled for a December 26, 2000, launch in North America before being delayed to February 2001.[87] As the development team of Super Mario 64 could not have predicted the exact release date of any game years in advance, it is highly unlikely that the text was foreshadowing Luigi's appearance in this game.

Eventually, Luigi was made a playable character in the remake of the original game, Super Mario 64 DS. Coincidentally, due to a large-scale asset leak of pre-release Nintendo games, a prototype model of Luigi in Super Mario 64 was found and assembled on July 25, 2020, 24 years and one month (hence, 24-01) after the game was released.[88] Additionally, the numbers that make up the day and month relate as well, with 7 (July) being all four digits added together and 25 being 24 + 01.

Ninja Mario in Super Mario 64

Former Nintendo Power columnist Dan Owsen would state in a subscriber-exclusive feature of the magazine that one question he was asked many times was how to unlock "Ninja Mario" in Super Mario 64. Despite repeatedly confirming that such a form does not exist, fans continued to ask him about it. After some time, his answers went from tongue-in-cheek responses such as "A ninja never reveals his secrets" and "I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you" to actively flaming anyone who mentioned it.[89]

Luigi's Mansion early versions

Main article: List of Luigi's Mansion pre-release and unused content

Various rumors have circulated regarding earlier versions of and cut content from Luigi's Mansion, most of which claim that the game was meant to have a darker and more violent tone than the final version. Two recurring parts of these rumors are a cut "hunter" Portrait Ghost and the presence of an in-game time limit.

Hunter ghost

The Nintendo Power page mentioning a hunter ghost in the top-right corner

The October 2001 issue of Nintendo Power included a page with preview screenshots of Luigi's Mansion, including a screenshot of an earlier build of the Safari Room with the caption "When your ghoul-busting mission takes you to the trophy room, proceed with caution. If you meet up with the ghost of a hunter, he'll want to add Luigi to his collection." This created rumors that the Safari Room originally featured a hunter boss who wanted Luigi's head as one of his trophies, and players speculated that it was removed from the game for being too frightening to the target audience of children.

However, no evidence of a hunter ghost is present in the game's data despite the presence of other unused ghosts, and no direct mentions of the boss exist in previews prior to the game's release in Japan in September 2001. The caption was likely an attempt at hyperbole rather than a serious indication that a hunter-themed ghost was in the game, as the article was written after Luigi's Mansion released in Japan, meaning all characters would have been finalized long before the article was published.

Time limit

During E3 2001, a playable demo of Luigi's Mansion featured an on-screen timer of 1 minute 30 seconds.[90] After this time elapsed, Professor E. Gadd would appear and return the player to the title screen, ending their time with the game. This time limit may have been subject to a broken telephone effect leading to the belief that original versions of the game featured a mandatory time limit, after which the titular mansion would disappear with Mario still inside. Similar to the hunter ghost, no evidence of a scrapped time limit exists in the data of the final release. Additionally, no other previews of the game mention or showcase it.

Another contributor to this rumor may have been a commercial for the game in the United States, in which the narrator states "You only have one night to save Mario."[91]

Luigi's hanging shadow

Luigi answering the phone in the Telephone Room. Note the shadow behind him apparently depicting him being hung from a noose.
Luigi's raised shadow

In Luigi's Mansion, when entering Area 4 after defeating Boolossus, a blackout occurs, and Luigi must proceed to the Telephone Room. If the player waits while he answers a telephone, lightning strikes and reveals his shadow, which appears to be suspended from the ceiling. This led many to believe that it purposely depicted Luigi hanging himself, and the shadow became a source of creepypasta and speculation about the development of the game.[92]

The appearance of Luigi's shadow is simply a glitch caused by shadow positions being based on the angle of the in-game camera. Because the camera moves slightly lower while Luigi is answering a telephone, his shadow is projected slightly higher.[93] Additionally, what appears to be Luigi's arm to the right of his shadow is actually the shadow of the Poltergust 3000, which converges with Luigi's shadow in this instance. This graphical effect can be replicated while speaking to a Toad or Professor E. Gadd over the Game Boy Horror, as a similar camera angle change occurs.

In the Nintendo 3DS remake of Luigi's Mansion, the lighting system is improved, and shadow positions are no longer based on camera position; therefore, the error is not present.

Waluigi in Super Mario 64 DS

The "Purple Prizes" image

After Super Mario 64 DS released on November 21, 2004, its inclusion of multiple playable characters caused rumors to surface about Waluigi appearing in the game, similar to the original Super Mario 64 Luigi rumors. Various fake and sometimes very elaborate ways to supposedly unlock Waluigi were shared, some even involving the original "L is real 2401" statue.[94] However, no evidence in the game's files suggests Waluigi was ever planned to appear.

One of the most popular pieces of evidence that Waluigi was both present and playable in the game was a fake magazine scan titled "Purple Prizes." It stated that Waluigi could be unlocked by collecting every Power Star and becoming "the fastest foot racer in the land," then triggering a hidden switch to reveal his door and defeating the "Rabbit King" to collect the key; the page also described his standard and Power Flower abilities, as well as stating that he has a "special ending." The image was created by Andrew Brown, who edited a custom-made Waluigi model into game screenshots and compiled them into a scan for a nonexistent magazine. He posted the image onto art-sharing site DeviantART and some small gaming forums as a joke for April Fools' Day 2005, but it quickly spiked in popularity and began to be shared as fact, despite his detailed explanation of how the image was created only two days after it was first uploaded.[95]

Marty the Thwomp

Bowser's Castle
"Marty the Thwomp" in Bowser's Castle

A popular rumor surrounding Mario Kart 64 involves the Thwomp locked behind a cage at the beginning of Bowser's Castle. Its peculiar color and situation led fans to name it "Marty". While the exact origin of this name is unknown, it was popularized by user Clay McElveen, who uploaded two videos to YouTube on March 24 and April 1 of 2007, showcasing complex methods to unlock Marty as a playable character in the game. Both videos involved playing as Bowser and making various complicated movements around the track, such as driving around a statue of Bowser or driving in reverse to a specific point of the track, before returning to the room with Marty, where the bars on his cage would rise, indicating that he was unlocked.[96][97]

There is no evidence in the data or code of the game to indicate that this Thwomp or any other character is unlockable. Additionally, no green Thwomp textures exist in the game, and the green appearance of this specific Thwomp is a result of the yellow light from its cage reflecting off of its surface.

Laser Suit in Super Mario World

On April 21, 2007, a video showcasing a secret exit in the Top Secret Area of Super Mario World was uploaded to YouTube. In the video, Mario jumps between the two right ? Blocks of the level and enters an invisible Warp Pipe. This takes the player to a hidden Giant Gate, which unlocks a new level titled "???". In this level is a Message Block containing a congratulatory message supposedly from Nintendo staff presenting the Laser Suit power-up. In this form, Mario has the gliding property of Cape Mario, but can also shoot lasers directly forwards.[98]

In reality, the power-up was created by Super Mario World hacker KPhoenix, who added the secret exit, new level, and Laser Suit in a ROM hack of the game. On an online message board, they stated that they included the Message Block "so people would be fooled on Youtube", and made the hack publicly available to download on February 4, 2007.[99] While this original download is no longer available, the files for the power-up were uploaded to ROM hacking site Super Mario World Central by KPhoenix on March 7, 2011.[100]

Rosalina in Mario Tennis Open

Some time after the release of Mario Tennis Open on May 20, 2012, a Nindori magazine scan appeared on Japanese websites depicting Rosalina's head edited over the QR code used to unlock Black Yoshi in the game, despite Rosalina not appearing in Mario Tennis Open.[101]

Chunky Kong in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U

In June of 2014, a playable demo of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U was available at select North American Best Buy locations. On July 28, 2014, Smashboards user wildvine47 reported that he saw Chunky Kong as an Assist Trophy character while playing the demo at a Best Buy in Schaumburg, Illinois. He described Chunky Kong Ground Pounding, after which bananas fell from the sky to damage opponents.[102] While the rumor was initially seen as credible, suspicion arose due to there being no video or image captured of the alleged Assist Trophy. The rumor was confirmed to be false when Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS were released, with no sighting or mention of Chunky Kong as one of the Assist Trophies in either version. On December 22, 2014, wildvine47 admitted in a forum post that he had invented the rumor, both to see which fake leaks would include the information as legitimate, and for his own amusement.[103]

Mario Party DS anti-piracy measures

The fake image of Mario Party DS's nonexistent antipiracy screen. Only for use on the List of rumors and urban legends page.
The fake screen

On October 13, 2020, YouTube user Joey Perleoni uploaded a video titled "Mario Party DS Anti Piracy Screen", showcasing what appears to be piracy detection features in Mario Party DS. In the video, the minigame Cherry-Go-Round is played normally until an error message appears stating that a pirated copy of the game is being played. The game then cuts to the eponymous anti-piracy screen. On the bottom screen, an image taken from a story cutscene where Bowser shrinks Mario and friends and traps them in a cage is used, meant to evoke a prison cell in the video. The phrase "Piracy Is No Party!" and a message about video game piracy are displayed on the top screen.[104] During this portion of the video, ominous music plays in the background; an extended version of this track was uploaded by the same user on December 17, 2020.[105] While both videos became very popular, with both accruing at least 500,000 views on YouTube, there is no evidence in the game's files that this screen, music, or any anti-piracy measure exists in the game.

After the success of the first video, Joey Perleoni would continue to post several other videos showing additional supposed anti-piracy measures in Mario Party DS. On December 20, 2020, a second video titled "Mario Party DS Anti Piracy | Item Shop Dialogue/Secret Boss HD" was uploaded, in which Luigi enters the Item Shop, only for the Monty Mole to state "I don't serve criminals". The player is then taken to a boss minigame version of Mole Thrill with the name "RUN"; the rules state "There is nothing you can do", and the controls are "None". When the minigame starts, the Monty Mole burrows through the ground until it comes into contact with Luigi and, as in the previous video, an error message appears, followed by the game cutting to the anti-piracy message screen.[106] Other videos include one showing a version of the Final 5 Frenzy event where the player is unceremoniously squashed by a Thwomp, ending the game prematurely[107]; a self-reporting protocol that appears should the player wait on the anti-piracy screen for too long without turning the console off[108]; and a boss minigame called "Host Hoedown" which involves apologizing to a host named "DJ Hallyboo", inspired by MC Ballyhoo from Mario Party 8.[109] Eventually, a "finale" to the video series was uploaded, dropping any pretense of legitimacy in favor of a live-action black comedy short in which Hallyboo escapes into the real world and hunts Perleoni himself down for pirating the game.[110]

On December 21, 2020, the unused-content wiki The Cutting Room Floor's Mario Party DS page was protected due to vandalism related to the hoax.[111] Several other YouTube creators have since uploaded similar videos showing fabricated anti-piracy measures in other games.


"Wii Music U" patent

Image from a patent filed by Nintendo regarding the Bugband feature in Game & Wario
An image from the patent document
Screenshot of the Bugband feature in Game & Wario
A Bugband session

On May 22, 2014, the United States Patent and Trademark Office approved a patent application filed by Nintendo describing a music-based game using the Wii U GamePad.[112] The user Rösti created a thread on the video game forum NeoGAF about the patent, speculating that it was related to a sequel or follow-up to the Wii game Wii Music.[113] In response to this thread, video game news websites ran articles stating that a sequel to Wii Music was rumored to be in development.[114]

In reality, the patent did not pertain to a sequel to Wii Music or any other standalone game, but instead a small feature in Game & Wario. The Cluck-A-Pop mode features a series of prizes in toy capsules labeled with the name Bugband, and each one is a sound test where each layer of a song is represented by characters which the player can isolate, remove or interact with from the Wii U GamePad screen. This matches the description and images found on the patent.

Another indicator that the patent was for Game & Wario is that the inventors listed are Goro Abe and Takehiko Hosokawa, the director and assistant director of the game, respectively. Both worked for Nintendo SPD rather than Nintendo EAD, the developer of Wii Music, and neither had any involvement in Wii Music. Goro Abe is also listed as the inventor on several other patents filed around this time, all of which clearly describe aspects of Game & Wario: one patent application is for the Pirates minigame,[115] another describes Disco,[116] and a third depicts Bowling.[117]

External links


  1. ^ Dougherty, Kerry (January 4, 1997). "Pretendo — Oops, Nintendo — Separates Males from Females". The Virginian-Pilot. Retrieved June 25, 2021. "It seems the entire game is a misnomer. Legend has it that the Japanese wonk who developed the game made a mistake when translating the Japanese for 'Monkey Kong' into English. By the time the error was discovered millions of labels had already been printed." (Archived December 12, 2020, 11:28:54 UTC via Wayback Machine.)
  2. ^ Burrill, William (August 4, 1994). "Game Boy Cart More Fun Than Barrel of Donkeys." The Toronto Star. p. F5. "Why exactly the giant ape is called 'Donkey Kong' is a mystery, although I heard one story that sounds plausible: The original arcade game, designed in Japan, was supposed to be called 'Monkey Kong,' but somebody misspelled it and the name stuck."
  3. ^ Norman Caruso [@GamingHistorian] (January 30, 2020). "Before settling on the name "Donkey Kong," Nintendo considered a ton of other ideas. - ....not sure who suggested "Kong Dong" 😳" (Tweet) – via Twitter. Retrieved June 25, 2021. (Archived April 16, 2021, 06:37:36 UTC via Wayback Machine.)
  4. ^ Mingo, Jack (1994). How the Cadillac Got Its Fins. New York: HarperBusiness. pp. 136-141. ISBN 0-88730-677-2. "[Miyamoto] consulted a Japanese-English dictionary and found 'donkey' listed as an English equivalent to the Japanese word for stupid or goofy. He decided that Kong would be a good name for the gorilla, so he called the game Donkey Kong."
  5. ^ "Exclusive Interview with Donkey Kong Creator Shigeru Miyamoto". The Mushroom Kingdom. Archived from the original February 27, 2021, 12:51:47 UTC via Wayback Machine. Retrieved June 25, 2021. "I had always been under the impression that Kong meant gorilla. So I wanted to name him "something-something" Kong. And so, because I wanted to make a dumb character, I went and looked that word up in an English dictionary. When I did that, I found that the word "donkey" had that meaning in addition to that of the animal. And so with that, I gave him the name Donkey Kong, but when we brought him to America, it was said over and over that "That's a weird name... Donkey doesn't mean dumb." But I was just like, "Well, whatever," and left the name that way. (laughs) Even after all that, Donkey Kong is still loved all over America, right? I think that when something is called "weird," there's a strong negative connotation to it, but on the other hand, by leaving it that way I think it definitely sticks in people's minds better."
  6. ^ Kohler, Chris (October 14, 2016). "Miyamoto Spills Donkey Kong’s Darkest Secrets, 35 Years Later". Wired. Retrieved October 14, 2016. ""For example, for the game's title, I was trying to convey the idea of 'stupid monkey,'" [Miyamoto] said. "'Donkey' of course referred to the animal, but the dictionary I used said that it had a secondary meaning of 'idiot.' Nintendo of America said that this was not the case, and 'donkey' didn't mean 'idiot.'" "Even though it was in the dictionary," the interviewer said. "It's a mystery," Miyamoto replied. "But I just liked the sound of it, so I decided to stand my ground on 'Donkey Kong.' And within a year, everyone was saying 'Donkey Kong' with no hesitation."" (Archived June 7, 2021, 16:10:51 UTC via Wayback Machine.)
  7. ^ Conker King (May 28, 2013). "CONKER'S BFD : DIRECTORS COMMENTARY PRT 1". YouTube. Retrieved June 26, 2021. (Archived November 20, 2020, 12:24:18 UTC via Wayback Machine.)
  8. ^ Watts, Martin (May 28, 2013). "Donkey Kong 64 Required Expansion Pak to Prevent Game-Breaking Bug". Nintendo Life. Retrieved December 1, 2016. (Archived April 1, 2021, 19:13:48 UTC via Wayback Machine.)
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  10. ^ Power, Tom (December 6, 2019). "As Donkey Kong 64 turns 20, the devs reflect on its design, the infamous DK Rap, and how a shocked Shigeru Miyamoto created the Coconut Shooter". GamesRadar. Retrieved December 6, 2019. (Archived June 10, 2021, 08:06:27 UTC via Wayback Machine.)
  11. ^ "Scribes - August 10, 2001". Rarewhere. August 10, 2001. Retrieved October 16, 2020. (Archived June 27, 2021, 14:33:44 UTC via Wayback Machine.)
  12. ^ Cameron. "Red Dead Reflection". DK Vine. n.d. Retrieved October 16, 2020. (Archived January 23, 2021, 10:24:34 UTC via Wayback Machine.)
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  14. ^ "5 Awesome Princess Daisy Facts". TeeChu. April 22, 2019. Retrieved June 28, 2021. (Archived June 28, 2021, 18:23:11 UTC via Wayback Machine.) "When creating the first handheld Mario game, producer Gunpei Yokoi wanted to create a land like the Mushroom Kingdom, Sarasaland. Princess Daisy would rule the land, and it would be down to Mario to help her out when aliens invade!"
  15. ^ "Nintendo’s Tomboyish Princess at 30". Scoop. n.d. Retrieved June 28, 2021. (Archived June 28, 2021, 18:26:17 UTC via Wayback Machine.) "Daisy was created by Gunpei Yokoi, Super Mario Land’s producer, who had intended for the game to give the overall feel of a traditional Mario title, but set in a different world. This led to the creation of the kingdom of Sarasaland, with Princess Daisy as its ruler."
  16. ^ Jones, Thomas (2013). "The Life and Legacy of Gunpei Yokoi". Pure Nintendo. Retrieved June 28, 2021. (Archived June 28, 2021, 18:31:10 UTC via Wayback Machine.) "Yokoi’s contributions to Nintendo not only consisted of hardware developments, during this highly groundbreaking period at the company he was responsible for the creation of a plethora of well loved games such as Metroid, Kid Icarus and thought up many of the characters featured in the games, including the likes of Wario and Pitt [sic]."
  17. ^ Translation of "Famicom Disk System: The More You Play It, the More You'll Want to Play" on Metroid Database. Archived from the original March 26, 2016, 01:19:58 UTC via Wayback Machine. Retrieved October 11, 2015. "Took part in the development of the original Metroid; creator of Wario in Super Mario Land: Six Golden Coins."
  18. ^ Burch, Anthony (December 19, 2006). "Six sinister things about Super Mario". Destructoid. Retrieved June 29, 2021. "It may have taken some of us longer than others to make the connection, but at some point Mario’s innocent mushroom and flower powerups begin to take on a much more sinister, substance-abuse-related-meaning... The only rational answer is that all of these “transformations” are nothing more than visual and auditory hallucinations, brought on by heavy drug use." (Archived June 26, 2021, 21:16:14 UTC via Wayback Machine.)
  19. ^ Cooper, Hollander (August 13, 2012). "The Top 7... Most disturbing things about the Mushroom Kingdom". GamesRadar. Retrieved June 29, 2021. "Yeah, the mushrooms Mario devours to increase, decrease, greatly increase, or greatly decrease his size are drugs. Let's get that out of the way right now." (Archived May 19, 2021, 03:59:41 UTC via Wayback Machine.)
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  62. ^ "One day the kingdom of the peaceful mushroom people was invaded by the Koopa, a tribe of turtles famous for their black magic. The quiet, peace-loving Mushroom People were turned into mere stones, bricks and even field horse-hair plants, and the Mushroom Kingdom fell into ruin." Super Mario Bros. North American instruction booklet, page 2.
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  67. ^ As an example, on a thread on GameFAQs about the Japanese bios of the Koopalings in New Super Mario Bros. Wii comment number 7 states: Well, minions is correct. They aren't bowser's children in Japan. That was a "The Adventures of Super Mario Brothers 3" invention, which they ran with in the USA. Ko-kuppa just means little koopa, or young koopa..
  68. ^ Official Japanese site for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. The Koopalings' names are direct transcriptions of their English names.
  69. ^ In the Japanese instruction booklet of Super Mario Bros. 3, they are called 「自分子供コクッパ7兄弟」 (Bowser's own children, the 7 Koopalings siblings), in the story section (Template:Media link), and Bowser's line (Template:Media link) reads 「ワッハハ。これから俺様息子達がこのゲームの説明をするぜ。息子達うことをよーくいてせいぜいガンバルことだな。ワッハハ。」 Bowser's use of 「俺様息子たち」 (ore-sama no musuko-tachi)equates to "my children" (or, literally, "my sons"). Larry (Template:Media link), Morton (Template:Media link) and Lemmy (Template:Media link) refer to King Koopa as 「オヤジ」 (oyaji), which is both a Japanese word for "father" as well as a term of endearment.
  70. ^ In both Template:Media link and Template:Media link of the Super Mario Complete Encyclopedia (「スーパーマリオ全百科」), the Koopalings are considered part of the Royal Family (「」), this is further confirmed on Template:Media link, where both Bowser and the Koopalings are stated to be part of it. In particular, their relationship is explained in the Super Mario Bros. 3 section of the book, where the Koopalings are stated, on Template:Media link, to be Bowser's children 「クッパのども、コクッパたち」) and where Bowser on Template:Media link is referred to as the demon/sorcerer king (「大魔王」) and on Template:Media link Larry Koopa is stated to be the youngest child of the demon/sorcerer king (「大魔王」), while the Koopalings are stated to be siblings as well (「コクッパ7兄弟」).
  71. ^ Template:Media link.
  72. ^ Template:Media link. The Koopalings are stated being 「7の子ども=コクッパ」, roughly meaning (Bowser's) seven children=Koopalings using an implicit possessive pronoun.
  73. ^ Template:Media link. Note how, while in the story they are referred as [Bowser's] own children (「自分どもの「コクッパ7兄弟」」), in Bowser's bio the possessive referred to the children term (「どもたち」) is missing like in the case of the Nintendo Official Guidebook of Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2.
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