Tree Top Town

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Template:Level Tree Top Town is the twelfth level of the classic Super Nintendo Entertainment System game, Donkey Kong Country. It is also the second level of the Vine Valley area on Donkey Kong Island.

This level is set in a village built in the treetops above the forests of Vine Valley. In Tree Top Town, houses and walkways are made of wood and are tacked or bound with ropes to the enormous tree trunks. The town seems to be quite widespread, as the background shows several huts (which do not appear in the Game Boy Color remake), and even tall wooden ladders. The main obstacle in this level is the numerous Barrel Cannons that are scattered all over the area. The Kongs must be careful when using these barrels, as there are many abysses under them that they can fall into if they aim to a barrel incorrectly. There are also Gnawtys, Neckys, and blue Kritters to make their job harder.

Most notably, artwork of an area called Tree Top Village is available for the Bonus Gallery of Donkey Kong Country Returns. However, this location is unplayable in the actual game and is considered a mere cameo.

Level Layout

The level begins.

The Kongs begin the level by exiting a small hut and walking towards a bridge that a Gnawty walks along. As the Kongs walk through the area, a Necky flies over their heads. The primates soon travel to a Barrel Cannon placed on the edge of a platform composed of several planks. It can shoot them over a small abyss and optionally to a DK Barrel. On the other side of the abyss, the Kongs can find another wooden area that wraps around a tree trunk. A Gnawty drops onto it as they approach a large gap full of Barrel Cannons. Each of these Barrel Cannons, with the exception of the stationary Auto Fire Barrel at the end the pit, move in a vertical path when entered, they the Kongs can shoot through each of them to cross the abyss, which is followed by another wooden platform that is structured around a tree trunk.

The platform is connected by another just like it by a bridge that some Gnawties march along. A wide abyss is ahead, and it contains many Barrel Cannons that, with the exception of the Auto Fire Barrel at the end of the pit, move in a horizontal path when entered. The Kongs must blast among the many barrels in order to cross the abyss, which is followed by two sets of wooden platforms that surrounded tree trunks. The letter K hovers over a small pit between them, and a few Gnawties also walk along the second platform. They can discover another wide abyss near here with numerous Barrel Cannons in it. Aside from the Auto Fire Barrel at the beginning of the pit, all of the Barrel Cannons move in diagonal paths, aiming the heroes one barrel to the next. Once they make their way over the abyss, they slam into the level's Star Barrel.

A raised set of planks follow the Star Barrel, and they support a lone barrel. After crossing a small pit ahead of here, the Kongs reach a pair of platforms that circle tree trunks. An Auto Fire Barrel is placed between them, and if they enter it, they are blasted up into a Barrel Cannon that moves back ad forth in a horizontal path. The letter O is to the right of this barrel. A bridge holding a DK Barrel connects the platform to the right of the Auto Fire Barrel to another platform composed of planks. The primates can find a wide abyss after it that consists of four Auto Fire Barrels. They must jump in the first of the barrels with good timing, as it immediately blasts them to the next barrel, which moves in a vertical path up and down. The primates can land in the abyss if they do not shoot at it when it is positioned in front of the first Auto Fire Barrel.

Donkey and Diddy Kong can find another platform made of planks ahead of here, and a Gnawty and another Auto Fire Barrel are located on it. The Auto Fire Barrels fires them above a wide abyss towards a few other barrels that they must use to shoot over the remaining part of the hazard. On the other side of the abyss, the Kongs can find a wooden platform that wraps around a tree trunk, which carries a lone Gnawty. Another wide pit is ahead of here, and the Kongs can only cross it with the help of a mixture of Auto Fire Barrels and Barrel Cannons. As they cross, they must make sure to shoot into the Auto Fire Barrels with good timing so they can blast them into the following barrel while it is positioned in the correct place. On the opposite side of the pit, the duo can discover two platforms composed of planks being connected by a long bridge that supports a multitude of hopping Kritters. A barrel also sits on the first of the platforms. An abyss can be found after the platforms that contains three Auto Fire Barrels and a Barrel Cannon.

The Kongs stand at the end of the level.

As they blast over the beginning of the pit, they must hop into the first Auto Fire Barrel so that it blasts them into the next at a good time, due to the second Auto Fire Barrel shooting them into a moving Barrel Cannon that they are able to miss. Another wooden platform that circles a tree trunk follows the abyss. The Kongs can find another pit immediately after it the contains many Barrel Cannons that move back in forth in vertical paths. After using them to cross a great deal of the pit, the heroes reach a Necky that flies above the remaining part of the pit. They are able to blast on top of it to cross the rest of the obstacle, which is followed by a wooden platform. The letter G hovers high above the platform, which holds a tire that can help them bounce to a higher set of planks. A sign can be found on the higher planks, and it indicates that the level is near complete. After the two friends jump over a small pit ahead of here, which contains a Zinger with an Animal Token of Expresso above it, they can find an exit sign that is followed by a small hut. The level is completed when they enter it.

Hidden Collectibles and Objects

K-O-N-G Letters

  • K: After crossing the first three abysses in the level, the Kongs approach a smaller abyss that contains the letter K.
  • O: The letter O is located near a Barrel Cannon found shortly after the first abyss from the Star Barrel. They can shoot to it with the barrel.
  • N: The letter N is high in the air inside of the second Bonus Level. They can shoot to it with the bonus's Barrel Cannon.
  • G: Near the end of the level, the Kongs can find a sign that indicates that the level is almost over. The letter G is located just before it, and the primates can reach it by bouncing off of a nearby tire.

Bonus Levels

  • At the very beginning of the level, the Kongs should see a barrel in the top-left corner of the screen. To reach it, they must wait for the Necky nearby to fly under it. At this time, they need to jump on the foe and bounce into the barrel. It shoots them to the Bonus Level, where they have to hit four different barrels in order to spell out the word, "Kong," in order. If all of the letters are stopped on the barrels correctly, they are awarded with an Animal Token of Expresso. If not, they are forced out of the bonus without a prize. When they done collecting their prize if they are victorious, they can exit the Bonus Stage.
  • To find the second Bonus Level, the heroes must get into the barrels over the second abyss past the Star Barrel. In the last barrel over this abyss, the Kongs should shoot out of the barrel as it moves downwards. If done at the right time, they land in the Bonus Level. There, they have to use another barrel that constantly tilts to shoot upwards into an area filled with many bananas. After flying to the top of the area, they quickly descend. If they miss the barrel upon falling, the bonus ends.

Warp Barrel

  • At the beginning of the level, the Kongs should race towards the first Necky and bounce on it to reach an area above a nearby Barrel Cannon. They can find a Warp Barrel hidden high in the air. The barrel sends them in the area immediately after the letter G. This warp only appears in the Super Nintendo Entertainment System version of the game.


Names in Other Languages
