Snake Charmer's Challenge

Template:Level Snake Charmer's Challenge is the thirteenth level of the Game Boy game, Donkey Kong Land. It is also the fourth area of Kremlantis, the second world of the game.

This is the second temple level of the game. It is filled with baskets of snakes that shoot Slippas at Donkey and Diddy Kong. Swirlwinds also make their first appearance here, but only for a short time. Alongside those hazards, a few ropes are encountered here, and the Kongs can ride on them as they move left and right. Although Slippas are the main enemy in this level, Gnawtys, a Klaptrap, and Zingers can be found here as well.

Level Layout

Donkey Kong using TNT Barrels to destroy the enemies.

From the start of the level, the Kongs should travel east and grab onto the nearby rope. It will move right and left. When it gets by the next ledge, they need to jump off, and continue on. They will soon find the level's first basket of snakes, shooting Slippas at them. When it is passed, the heroes should use a Swirlwind to get an extra boost on hopping over a gap. Then, they should bounce off of a tire and grab a Kong Token, and keep going east after that. They'll later dodge a basket of snakes, along with its contents, and soon grab onto a rope. It will take them over a large abyss, where they can find the letter K. When back on land, they need to continue east, avoid a basket of snakes, and grab onto yet another rope. As the rope before, it will guide them over a huge gap. As they go, there will a Zinger flying around to knock them off. After that, the Kongs will have to keep going forward and travel under another Zinger. After jumping over a rather small abyss, they will find the check point.

Halfway through the level, they Kongs will come up to two baskets of snakes, which can be destroyed with the TNT Barrels nearby. From there, they must leap across a small gap and continue east. They'll soon find the letter N, and have to hop over another small gap. There is a basket of snakes after this, as well as yet another small gap. Both obstacles can be overcome easily, and the Kongs should be able to move on. After they drop down a large ledge, they must cross a few big abysses. One of these abysses must be cross with the aid of a floating basket of snakes, which the Kongs can step on. After that, the heroes must avoid another basket of snakes and grab onto a rope. As it takes them over the large abyss below, they need to watch out for the Zinger buzzing around them. There is another rope after this in mid-air, and it will, as usual, move when the Kongs get on it. More Zingers than before are here, and they are flying all around. Soon, though, the group will reach land again, where they can exit the level.

Bonus Level(s)

  • To find the Bonus Level, the Kongs must get to the basket of snakes that is located before the check point. They should throw a TNT Barrel at it, and then bounce on the tire in the hole. It will bounce them right to the Bonus Level, where the Kongs will ride along moving platforms. Zingers are around to push the Kongs off the platform, but they can be easily jumped over. There are Banana Bunches through this stage too, and can be helpful when getting lots of life. Soon, they will reach a dead end, and have to exit the Bonus Area by jumping into a barrel (in which the letter O is found above).

Names in other languages



  • The player can choose whether they complete this stage or Chomp's Coliseum, as both stages have an explosive barrel that can be used to blow up the rock blocking the path to Nautilus Chase.