Stone-Cold Statue

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Wario near a Stone-Cold Statue from Wario World.
The Stone-Cold Statue
“The blue in front of the ladder is made up of three blocks that contain its eyes, nose, mouth, and a weak spot. To destroy it, red and topple all of its blocks! Crash! Down it goes!”
Spriteling, Wario World

The Stone-Cold Statue is a sub-boss in Wario World on the Pecan Sands level. The Stone-Cold Statue is made up of three four-sided tiers; on each tier there is a mouth, a nose, a pair of eyes, and a green orb; also note the bird-like antenna growing out of its head. A pair of stone feet support it, but it never attempts to move. As Wario slowly dismantles the sub-boss, a purple rib-cage can be seen within it.

The Stone-Cold Statue has three attacks. The eyes fire homing lasers at Wario, the mouth breathes fire, and the nose sucks him in to be hit by one of the other tiers' attacks.

To defeat the Stone-Cold Statue, Wario must take out all three of the tiers by destroying the green orbs. Wario fights two Stone-Cold Statues: once in the middle of the level, and once at the very end near the Stone Doohickey.

See also

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ルービックル
Pun on "Rubik's Cube" and「クルクル」(kurukuru, onomatopoeia for spinning around)