Template:DKCGBClevelbox Loopy Lights is the thirty-second level of the popular Donkey Kong game, Donkey Kong Country. It is also the fourth level of the Chimp Caverns area. In the Game Boy Color version in Donkey Kong Country, this level is instead the thirty-third level, as well as the fifth area in Chimp Caverns, as a result of the added level, Necky Nutmare.

Taking place in a mine, this level is similar to another level, Stop & Go Station, as the Kongs will have to hit barrel switches to keep the lights on. This time, however, Rockkrocs are not present, and the lights will have to be kept on so they can see. Throughout the whole level, the mine shaft's lights will be turned off, so the monkeys will have to hit 'On' barrels to put them back on, or otherwise not be able to surpass the hazards found in the area. To make things worse, the lights will only stay on for a limited amount of time, so the group will have to hit the 'On' barrels constantly. The job will not be made easier here either by the wandering Kritters and Zingers blocking the way, as well as the new breed of jumping, red Klaptraps. There is also a Manky Kong at the end of the level to ruin the Kongs' adventure.

Level Layout

At the beginning of the level, the heroes will walk into the dark mine shaft. To light it up, they should hit the barrel above them. Quickly, then, they will have to jump over a rare, red Klaptrap and touch two more floating barrels to keep the lights on longer. After hitting the third of these light barrels, the Kongs should head east to find another. Since the light will only last for a short amount of time, the group will have to race onto a platform and ride over an abyss to find the next barrel. Once they hit it, they will need to use two more platforms to ride over a wide abyss, much wider than the one before it. When the monkeys get over the pit, they should hit a nearby light-giving barrel and bounce off of a tire to get over another abyss. On the other end up the gap is the next barrel. It should be hit by using a stationary tire. After this is done, the Kongs will have to hop along a set of several platforms and hit a nearby light barrel. With light to see the area with, they should jump platform to platform through the mines, defeating a few red Klaptraps. After crossing the final small gap in the area, the group will find another barrel to hit and then have to walk along the solid path to find the level's Star Barrel.

Now halfway through the level, the monkeys will need to hit a light barrel and drop down on a small ledge. There, they will have to defeat a Kritter and touch another barrel, keeping the lights on for a longer amount of time. Near the next Kritter, the heroes will see a tire. They should push the old, bouncy tire under another light barrel and bounce on it to keep the lights on. After this, the apes will need to ride over an abyss with a platform and run along a short, bumpy path to find yet another barrel to brighten up the level. Soon, the animals will enter an area where they will have to hop up a few ledges to be greeted by a Necky. Without hitting into the enemy's nuts, they should run down the area after hitting a nearby light barrel. Once they get away from the Necky and hit the next light barrel, Donkey and Diddy will have to climb up a few more ledges to find another barrel. After they touch it to turn the lights on, they will have to jump platform to platform again and make it to a small area with a Kritter and a barrel. They should hit the barrel to make the mine shaft bright, and then bounce along a set of stationary tires to get over a pit. Once they cross the pit, they will enter an area full of Zingers. The Kongs will have to hit a light barrel above a Zinger and then jump over the foes to find the next light barrel. Once the level is made bright again, the group will need to jump up several small ledges while jumping over many barrels. The source of these barrels will be the Manky Kong standing near the end of the area. When the heroes meet this foe, they should beat him and drop down a few large ledges to hit the last light barrel. Farther on, the monkeys will need to jump over a lone, red Klaptrap and exit the level.

Bonus Level(s)

  • When the monkeys come up to the level's first pit, they should see a barrel sticking out of the bottom of the screen. They should drop into the pit and be caught by the barrel, taking them to the first Bonus Level, where they will need to hit a barrel to turn the lights on. After that, they will have to jump into another barrel and blast through a long chain of several more barrels, collecting a few special items. At the end of the area, the monkeys can walk into a small opening to exit.
  • At some point in the level, the heroes will meet a Necky. They should defeat the foe and pick up a normal barrel under it. They should then carry it over a small gap and past a red Klaptrap to a small wall. After they blast away the wall, the two apes will have to walk into the newly created opening and enter the second Bonus Level. There, they will need to hit a barrel to turn the lights on, giving the monkeys a clear view of the area. After that, they should jump platform to platform, collecting several prizes, such as an Animal Token and the letter N. After bouncing on a lone tire, the group will find the bonus's exit.

Names in other Languages
