Water Tank Bathroom
The Water Tank Bathroom in Luigi's Mansion 3
Floor Twisted Suites

The Water Tank Bathroom is a location in Luigi's Mansion 3. It is found in Twisted Suites, located on the eleventh floor of The Last Resort. It is north of the Lounge, and east of the Trainer's Bedroom.

Luigi must reveal a door to the Trainer's Bedroom and Gooigi must go into the vent to capture the Spirit Balls.

After Nikki, Lindsey, & Ginny scrambled the door ways, it is north of the Inverted Bedroom, and east of the Lounge. When Luigi enters the Water Tank Bathroom again, a Hammer is seen punching and breaking the tank and revealed, which must be defeated to proceed.

Names in other languagesEdit

Language Name Meaning
Italian Bagno con vasca d'acqua
Bathroom with water tank
Spanish Baño del tanque de agua
Water Tank Bathroom