World 21 (Dr. Mario World)

Revision as of 09:49, December 3, 2020 by Winstein (talk | contribs) (Completed stages up to 822)


World 21 is a forest world during autumn in Dr. Mario World. The first area is available as of 11 PM PT on Oct. 21, 2020[1], while the second area, challenge stages and special stage are available as of 11 PM PT on Nov. 4, 2020[2]. This world was mistakenly announced earlier than planned[3].

When an area is cleared, Goombrats, Wigglers and Galoombas appear. The viruses featured in the regular stages are red, blue and yellow.

Area 1

Image Stage Best Doctors Overview
  Stage 801  
Dr. Larry

Dr. Daisy

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (22) and collect all keys (5).

In this stage, the viruses in the first three columns and the last three columns are surrounded by colorful crates. Exploders are in the middle column in between two empty spaces surrounded by colorful crates. The keys and doors are in the leftmost and rightmost columns, as well as the middle three columns.

  Stage 802  
Dr. Roy

Dr. Nabbit

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (8) and collect all virus coins (7).

In this stage, the virus coins are covered by crates forming a checkered pattern with exploders, electric exploders and barrels in the gaps. The middle two barrels in the sixth row contain electric exploders while the other barrels contain floatie viruses. There are two large exploder jars in the top-left and top-right corners.

  Stage 803  
Dr. Wendy

Dr. Baby Mario

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (8) and collect all coins from Coin Blocks (72).

In this stage, there is a square of objects that include crates and Brick Blocks (all containing coins). The exploders and lock block are surrounded by crates and Coin Blocks. The sides of the square of objects contain floatie viruses and cages containing exploders, shells and pop cannons.

  Stage 804  
Dr. Baby Luigi

Dr. Baby Peach

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (12) and collect all purple coins (32).

In this stage, the purple coins (caged and uncaged) and fully-frozen viruses form four pinwheel blades, with its axle being represented with a barrel containing a flask. The filled flask in this stage will shoot out electric exploders.

Purple coins are unlocked in the following sequence:

  1. The 4 coins diagonally adjacent to the flask.
  2. The coins two diagonal spaces away from the flask, along with the coins horizontally and vertically in between those points, for a total of 8 coins.
  3. The coins three diagonal spaces away from the flask, along with the coins horizontally and vertically in between those points, for a total of 8 coins.
  4. The coins four diagonal spaces away from the flask, along with the coins horizontally and vertically in between those points, for a total of 12 coins.
  Stage 805


Dr. Waluigi

Dr. Bowser

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (24) and destroy all barriers (40).

In this stage, an "X" is formed by Empty Blocks with a crate in the center, which is surrounded by barriers in a checkered pattern and dust clouds in between. A Capsule Plus is at the bottom-left corner of the objects. Among the dust clouds, the corners contain Capsule Plus while the rest are dust viruses. All Capsule Plus start from +5.

  Stage 806  
Dr. Boo

Dr. Diddy Kong

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (30) and clear all ice (43).

In this stage, the cages which contain viruses and electric exploders, frozen electric exploders and lock blocks form a path with half-frozen crates forming the barrier. The start of the path contains yellow cages and its lock block, continuing on with red cages and its lock block, with the blue cages and its lock block at the end.

  Stage 807  
Dr. Baby Daisy

Dr. Roy

The objective of this stage is to destroy all crates (17) and collect all virus coins (15).

In this stage, bubble machines are scattered throughout with crates near them. Barrels containing viruses are also scattered, and each of them are covering a virus coin. Additional viruses are located in the ninth row.

  Stage 808  
Dr. Yoshi

Dr. King Boo

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (30).

In this stage, viruses are scattered across the stage along with Empty Blocks and crates. There are also three Capsule Plus in this stage, starting from +10, +15 and +20.

  Stage 809  
Dr. Morton

Dr. Koopa Troopa

The objective of this stage is to collect all coins from Coin Blocks (24) and collect all purple coins (12).

In this stage, there are four layers of squares, in which the center is an Empty Block. The second innermost layer contains caged coins and Coin Blocks, the third innermost layer contains viruses with ice fans in the corners while the outemost layer contains purple coins (caged and uncaged) and colorful crates. Outside of the layers of squares are ice fans in the corners, Coin Blocks on the sides and viruses between those Coin Blocks.

Purple coins are unlocked in the following sequence:

  1. The rightmost coins in the fifth and eighth rows, for a total of 2 coins.
  2. The second and third coins in the second row, for a total 2 coins.
  3. The leftmost coins in the second and fifth rows, for a total of 2 coins.
  4. The first and second coins in the eighth row, for a total 2 coins.
  5. The 4 coins directly adjacent to the Empty Block in the middle.
  Stage 810


Dr. Bowser Jr.

Dr. Blooper

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (73) and collect all keys (4).

In this stage, the barrels are scattered throughout, with bubbles containing viruses surrounding them. The barrels contain Brick Blocks in the fourth and fifth rows, colorful crates in the second and third rows, barriers in the first row and the first revealed row, pop cannons in the second and third revealed rows, exploders in the fourth to sixth revealed rows and electric exploders in the seventh and eighth revealed rows. The keys are in the even-numbered columns, while the doors are found in the ninth revealed row, where there are also bubbles containing floatie viruses.

This stage will scroll for one line each time enough objects are cleared or enough capsules are added to the stage and will stop after 9 lines are introduced.

  Stage 811  
8-Bit Dr. Mario

Dr. Kamek

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (12) and collect all virus coins (32).

In this stage, there are crates in the even-numbered rows. Barriers are located in the second and eighth columns, where a pop cannon is also found. The third, fifth and seventh columns contain viruses and floatie viruses, each with a bubble containing a barrier below them. Each of the barriers (including the ones in the bubbles) and viruses cover a virus coin. The leftmost and rightmost columns contain barrels containing electric exploders.

  Stage 812  
Dr. Ludwig

Dr. Fire Mario

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (38) and collect all purple coins (28).

In this stage, the purple coins (caged and uncaged) form walls that contain viruses, with most of them being frozen. Additional viruses are located in the second row and the ninth row, with the ones in the second row being fully-frozen. The topmost row contains exploders, the third row contain pop cannons while shells are found in the third row and the eighth row.

Purple coins are unlocked in the following sequence:

  1. The leftmost and rightmost coins in the second and fourth rows, for a total of 4 coins.
  2. The coins in the third, fifth and sixth rows, as well as the middle coin in the fourth and seventh rows, for a total of 14 coins.
  3. The coins in the eighth row, as well as the leftmost and rightmost coins in the seventh row, for a total of 10 coins.
  Stage 813  
Dr. Dry Bowser

Dr. Toadette

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (9) and collect all coins from Coin Blocks (60).

In this stage, the Brick Blocks (all containing coins) are in the even-numbered columns, where the ones in the seventh row are half-frozen. Within the second to eighth rows, fully-frozen crates form a checkered pattern. Exploders are located in the second row, pop cannons are located in the ninth row while floatie viruses are located in the fourth and sixth rows. In the first row, there are two exploder jars, two pop cannon jars and one shell jar.

  Stage 814  
Dr. Koopa Troopa

Dr. Luma

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (23).

In this stage, the two leftmost, two rightmost and middle three columns contain Brick Blocks and bubbles containing viruses, plus blue and yellow lock blocks inside bubbles in the first and eighth columns respectively, with Empty Blocks at the bottom of each column of objects. The red lock block in the second column is not inside a bubble. The Brick Blocks in the second and eighth columns are locked inside red cages, the ones in the sixth column are locked inside blue cages while the ones in the middle column is locked inside yellow cages.

  Stage 815


Dr. King Boo

Dr. Yoshi

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (30), collect all purple coins (10) and collect all keys (5).

In this stage, The odd-numbered columns contain keys and doors, and between each pair are Brick Blocks containing hidden viruses, floatie viruses and purple coins (one caged, one uncaged) inside bubbles. Crates are located in between the bubbles containing purple coins.

Purple coins are unlocked in the following sequence:

  1. The 5 coins inside bubbles in the ninth row.
  2. The 5 coins inside bubbles in the fifth row.
  Stage 816  
Dr. Fire Rosalina

Dr. Baby Wario

The objective of this stage is to collect all purple coins (25).

In this stage, the ice fans, fully-frozen viruses and barrels are lined up in columns of three across nine rows. The barrels in the leftmost and rightmost columns, the middle three columns as well as the rightmost barrel in the sixth row contain purple coins, while the rest contain viruses.

  Stage 817  
Dr. Baby Rosalina

Dr. Dolphin

The objective of this stage is to collect all coins from Coin Blocks (24) and collect all keys (7).

In this stage, Brick Blocks are arranged in a grid within the even-numbered columns and the even-numbered rows from the second row to the eighth row. Surrounding the Brick Blocks are bubbles and keys, with the bubbles containing viruses and doors. Among the Brick Blocks, the leftmost and rightmost ones in the second and eighth rows and the middle two ones in the fourth and eighth rows are Coin Blocks, while the rest contain hidden electric exploders.

  Stage 818  
Dr. Ludwig

Dr. Larry

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (48).

In this stage, the outer layer of the square of objects contain half-frozen viruses. The next outermost layer contain cages which contain viruses, colorful crates, Brick Blocks and a blue lock block, except for the left side where a red lock block between Brick Blocks are found. The layer of dust clouds cover viruses except for the corners, which has colorful crates instead. In the middle is a yellow lock block surrounded by caged Brick Blocks and colorful crates.

  Stage 819  
Dr. Baby Wario

Dr. Toad

The objective of this stage is to collect all virus coins (9).

In this stage, the outside layer contain Brick Blocks with clouded pop cannons and shells in the corners. Brick Blocks are also found in the middle layer and the center, and between the layers of Brick Blocks are crates. The five small virus coins are covered by the clouded shells and pop cannons, as well as the middle Brick Block, while there are four large virus coins covered by various Brick Blocks and crates. Behind the outer layer of Brick Blocks are three flasks, three exploder jars, three shell jars and three pop cannon jars. The rest of the Brick Blocks including the ones in the other layers contain hidden floatie viruses. Filled flasks in this stage will shoot out viruses.

  Stage 820


Dr. Lemmy

Dr. Wario

The last stage of the first area, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (35), collect all purple coins (47) and collect all keys (8).

In this stage, purple coins (caged and uncaged) are placed throughout, with viruses, barrels and electric exploders placed among those coins. The barrels contain coins, viruses, one electric exploder and one lock block. Exploders are located in the fifth row and the eighth revealed row, while lock blocks are located in the sixth row and in the middle of the last revealed row. The second and eighth columns contain two sets of keys and doors each, while the leftmost, fourth, sixth and rightmost columns contain one set of key and door each.

Purple coins are unlocked in the following sequence:

  1. The 3 coins in the fourth and fifth rows.
  2. The 5 coins in the second and third rows.
  3. The 7 coins in the first row and the first revealed row.
  4. The 32 coins from the second revealed row to the last revealed row.

This stage will scroll for one line each time enough objects are cleared or enough capsules are added to the stage and will stop after 10 lines are introduced.

When cleared, the rest of the first area in the world map gets cleared of viruses. Players also obtain the Galoomba assistant upon completing this stage.

Area 2

Image Stage Best Doctors Overview
  Stage 821  
Dr. Peach

Dr. Goomba Tower

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (22) and collect all keys (14).

In this stage, the barrels form a tilted square with blue floatie viruses inside, keys below it and doors above it. The barrels contain keys and doors. Starting from the fifth row to the topmost row besides the square of objects, there are purple coins (caged and uncaged), viruses and more doors.

Purple coins are unlocked in the following sequence:

  1. The line of coins starting from the leftmost coin in the fourth row, going to the first coin in the topmost row, ending at the coin in the fifth row, for a total of 8 coins.
  2. The rest of coins in the four topmost rows, for a total of 6 coins.
  Stage 822  
Dr. Roy

Dr. Daisy

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (31) and destroy all crates (37).

In this stage, viruses are located at the even-numbered rows from the second row to the eighth row, in which the fourth to eighth rows of viruses are behind cages while the second row of viruses are in between exploders. Crates are located at the odd-numbered rows from the first row to the ninth row, where the ones in the topmost row is behind cages, the ninth row is in between electric exploders and a shell, while the other three rows have one lock block within each of them.

  Stage 823  
Dr. Dolphin

Dr. Baby Luigi

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses and collect all virus coins. In this stage, the crates form a crosshair covering a virus coin, and on each of the quadrant around the crosshair are frozen viruses that cover the rest of the virus coins. Bubble machines are placed around the objects of this stage.
  Stage 824  
Dr. Fire Rosalina

Dr. Larry

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses and collect all keys. In this stage, the barrels form a diamond that surrounds and is surrounded by fully-frozen viruses. That outer ring of viruses is below the doors and above the keys. Next to the keys and doors are more fully-frozen viruses. There are pop cannon jars in the top-left and top-right corners.
  Stage 825


Dr. Baby Mario

Dr. Wendy

The objective of this stage is to collect all coins from Coin Blocks and collect all virus coins. In this stage, each of the virus and floatie virus has a virus coin behind them, while Brick Blocks (all containing coins) are found in the second, middle and eighth columns. Filling the space between the viruses and Coin Blocks are colorful crates.
  Stage 826  
Dr. Lemmy

Dr. Toad

The objective of this stage is to collect all virus coins and collect all purple coins. In this stage, frozen viruses and virus coins are placed throughout, where ice fans are also found. The three large virus coins are located in the three topmost rows.
  Stage 827  
Dr. Ludwig

Dr. Baby Luigi

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses and collect all coins from Coin Blocks. In this stage, the caged Brick Blocks (all containing coins) and caged exploder jars form two question marks, one in a normal position and one in an upside-down position. Within the curves of each question mark and between the symbols are floatie viruses and lock blocks.
  Stage 828  
Dr. Baby Daisy

Dr. Fire Rosalina

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses and collect all keys. In this stage, there are purple coins that surround a few viruses, where one group is caged and the other is uncaged. Some of the coins and doors are frozen. The yellow lock block is blocked off by two doors, which corresponds to cages that include a shell in the vicinity of a pop cannon that aims two other shells. One of those shells targets the light-blue lock block, which unlocks a portion of purple coins and a red lock block. The red cages include an exploder that targets a shell that will lead to a pop cannon that targets a number of viruses.

Purple coins are unlocked in the following sequence:

  1. The coins in the seventh to ninth rows, for a total of 15 coins.
  2. The coins in the second to fourth rows, for a total of 11 coins.
  Stage 829  
8-Bit Dr. Mario

Dr. Daisy

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses and collect all purple coins. In this stage, the purple coins (caged and uncaged) are placed in diagonal lines parallel to the cages. The lock blocks for those cages are located at the top-right corner, while the cages contain either crates, exploder jars or Empty Blocks. Half-frozen viruses are located in the top-left corner, the top-right corner and the uncaged exploder jars. Exploders are connected so that it reaches the only uncaged purple coin.

Purple coins are unlocked in the following sequence:

  1. The middle coin in the first row.
  2. The second coin in the ninth row.
  3. The coins from the sixth column to the rightmost column, plus the second coin in the seventh row and the first coin in the ninth row, for a total of 10 coins.
  4. The rest of the coins, for a total of 9 coins.
  Stage 830


Dr. Roy

Dr. Yoshi

The objective of this stage is to collect all virus coins. In this stage, bubbles containing exploders are located next to bubble machines, where Brick Blocks are directly above and below them. The Brick Blocks contain hidden viruses. The filled flask in this stage will shoot out Brick Blocks containing hidden viruses.
  Stage 831  
Dr. Baby Rosalina

Dr. Goomba Tower

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses and collect all coins from Coin Blocks. In this stage, two rows of dust viruses are in between three rows of Brick Blocks and two rows of Brick Blocks plus one containing Brick Blocks and viruses. The odd-numbered columns of Brick Blocks below the rows of dust and the even-numbered columns of Brick Blocks above the rows of dust are Coin Blocks, while the rest contain hidden viruses and hidden Capsule Plus (each starting from +5).
  Stage 832  
Dr. Ludwig

Dr. Fire Luigi

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses and collect all keys. At the beginning of this stage are mostly barrels containing viruses, with a few normal and half-frozen normal viruses in the mix. Of the Brick Blocks, only the ones in the eighth row contain hidden viruses. In the first revealed row, there are three keys and two barrels containing shell jars. Barrels containing viruses are scattered in the first eight revealed rows, while the final revealed row contain doors in between Empty Blocks.

This stage will scroll for one line each time enough objects are cleared or enough capsules are added to the stage and will stop after 9 lines are introduced.

  Stage 833  
Dr. Koopa Troopa

Dr. Baby Luigi

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses and collect all keys. In this stage, clouded pop cannons are arranged in an "X", with barrels vertically in between them and Brick Blocks next to them. Of the Brick Blocks, the ones below the fifth row contain keys, while the ones above the fourth row contain doors and the one in the fourth row containing a pop cannon. The barrels in this stage contain either viruses, exploders, barriers or pop cannons, with only the middle barrel in the third row containing a door.
  Stage 834  
Dr. Waluigi

Dr. Peach

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses. In this stage, there are two groups of caged viruses between a line of ice fans with a pop cannon jar on one end and a shell jar on the other end. Near the pop cannon jar are two lock blocks, while near the shell jar is two caged exploder jars. The shells that are shot out from the shell jar will be inside bubbles. On the same row or column as the lock blocks are crates.
  Stage 835


Dr. Baby Wario

Dr. Lemmy

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses, collect all purple coins and collect all keys. In this stage, the shells and pop cannons are connected in a way that when the shell in eighth row is activated, the chain reaction will cause the frozen viruses and exploders to be cleared of ice, while the doors and the crate will still be half-frozen. The Brick Blocks contain hidden purple coins (caged and uncaged), except for the first two ones in both the third column and the seventh column, as well as the first coin in the topmost column.

Purple coins are unlocked in the following sequence:

  1. The rightmost coin in the seventh row.
  2. The coins in the first column and the first, third and fourth coins in the third column, for a total of 7 coins.
  3. The 2 coins to the right of the door in the fifth row.
  4. The rest of the coins, for a total of 17 coins.
  Stage 836  
Dr. Toad

Dr. Daisy

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses and collect all virus coins. In this stage, the viruses are scattered among colorful crates in diamond patterns, where bubbles containing exploders and half-frozen bubble machines are also found. The exploders that are shot out from the exploder jars will be inside bubbles.
  Stage 837  
Dr. Diddy Kong

Dr. Bowser

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses. In this stage, the viruses, dust clouds and barrels are arranged in diagonal lines, where barriers are also found. The barrels contain viruses, floatie viruses, barriers or Capsule Plus, while barriers are found in a few of the dust clouds.
  Stage 838  
Dr. Fire Mario

Dr. Baby Rosalina

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses and collect all keys. In this stage, there are two lines of caged exploders that separate two groups of Brick Blocks, where one group has two normal viruses. The top side has fully-frozen doors and the bottom side has fully-frozen keys. Each side also has a lock block and both a key and a door. Most of the Brick Blocks contain hidden viruses, while three of the four Brick Blocks between each pair of key and door with them have hidden Capsule Plus.
  Stage 839  
Dr. Lakitu

Dr. Kamek

The objective of this stage is to collect all virus coins. In this stage, the Brick Blocks have virus coins behind them. The Brick Blocks all contain hidden floatie viruses. In addition to Brick Blocks, there are three pop cannon jars and one shell jar, as well as two pop cannons. The pop cannons that are shot out from the pop cannon jars will be hidden inside Brick Blocks.
  Stage 840


Dr. Goomba Tower

Dr. Wendy

In the final stage of this world, the objective is to eliminate all viruses, destroy all colorful crates and collect all keys. In this stage, the keys are in the odd-numbered columns. At the beginning of this stage, there are three rows of viruses above the keys. In the two topmost rows (before the stage scrolls) and the next four revealed rows, there are six groups of four viruses in a row segmented by crates, where each group has two half-frozen viruses. The next six revealed rows contain alternating rows of viruses and colorful crates. In the next five revealed rows, there are two rows of bubbles with barriers inside sandwiched between three rows of viruses where the odd-numbered position of viruses are half-frozen. Doors are located in the final revealed row, where Empty Blocks are in between.

This stage will scroll for one line each time enough objects are cleared or enough capsules are added to the stage and will stop after 16 lines are introduced.

Once it is cleared, the remaining area of the stage map gets cleared of viruses, and players can access World 22. Upon completion, players earn a free Staff Ticket.

Challenge stages

Image Stage Best Doctors Overview
  Stage 21A  
Dr. Fire Luigi

Dr. Fire Peach

Within a 48 second time limit, players need to eliminate all viruses (39) and destroy all colorful crates (33).

In this stage, the fully-frozen viruses and fully-frozen pop cannons are between colorful crates, where they are arranged in a cascade pattern. Only blue and pink viruses are found in this stage.

Completing this stage awards the player 500 coins.

  Stage 21B  
Dr. Dry Bowser

Dr. Ludwig

Within a 70 second time limit, players need to eliminate all viruses (36) and collect all keys (12).

In this stage, the fully-frozen viruses and fully-frozen electric exploders are between barrels, where they are arranged in a cascade pattern. Within each pair of barrels are a key and a door.

Completing this stage awards the player 500 coins.

  Stage 21C  
Dr. Baby Peach

Dr. Wario

Within a 70 second time limit, players need to eliminate all viruses (36), collect all coins from Coin Blocks (36) and collect all purple coins (12).

In this stage, the fully-frozen viruses and fully-frozen exploders are between Brick Blocks, where they are arranged in a cascade pattern. The fully-frozen Brick Blocks are Coin Blocks, while the other Brick Blocks contain hidden purple coins.

Completing this stage awards the player 1000 coins and a Staff Ticket.

Special Stage

Image Stage Best Doctors Overview
  Special Stage  
Dr. Toad

Dr. Baby Wario

The objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (21), collect all coins from Coin Blocks (39) and collect all purple coins (32).

In this stage, there are clouded floatie viruses in the shape of a diamond surrounded by two layers of purple coins (caged and uncaged). The bottom-most object in each column is a pop cannon, in which there are nine of them, where caged coins are directly above all of them except the one in the middle. Brick Blocks are located near the purple coins. Of the Brick Blocks, the ones two rows above each pop cannon contain hidden viruses, while the rest are Coin Blocks.

Purple coins are unlocked in the following sequence:

  1. The outer layer of coins in the diamond surrounding the clouded floatie viruses, for a total of 13 coins.
  2. The inner layer of coins in the diamond surrounding the clouded floatie viruses, for a total of 11 coins.
  3. The coins directly above the pop cannons, for a total of 8 coins.

Completing this stage awards the player 1000 coins and Dr. Roy.


  • Dr. Mario World Twitter:
    • Yellow: "New stages will be added on Oct. 21 at 11 p.m. PT. You're saying that they look familiar? Uh...I don't know what you're talking about!"[1]
    • Yellow: "A new half a world was added, and the special stage reward is Dr. Roy! Is it just me, or does Roy look a bit like Red? Oh, maybe it's just the red glasses... Heh."[2]
    • Yellow: "New stages will be added Sept. 24, 12 AM PT. It's suddenly getting cooler outside... You know what that means? Fall is here!"[3]


Category:Forests and Jungles Category:Dr. Mario World Worlds