World 1 (Dr. Mario World)

Revision as of 10:56, April 3, 2021 by Winstein (talk | contribs)


World 1 is a grassy-themed world in Dr. Mario World which serves as a tutorial for the game. Prior to playing a stage, Dr. Toad guides the player through a tutorial stage. The first area, or the first 20 stages give the player infinite hearts. Players start out with Dr. Mario, where players can obtain Dr. Peach or Dr. Bowser by stage 3. Players earn their first assistant, the Goomba, after beating Stage 5, as well as unlocking versus mode, staffing and the ability to add friends. Since version 2.0.0, skill summit is also unlocked and Dr. Toad is obtained as an extra doctor.

When areas are cleared, Toads of different colors appear, including purple, yellow, blue, green, and red. In the second area, Dorrie also appears after clearing it.

Area 1

Image Stage Overview
  Stage 1 In this stage, there are three colors of viruses in groups.

Prior to version 1.3.5, this stage only has red viruses, and Empty Blocks exist. Additionally, the layout since that version had changed in version 1.4.0, and taken from version 1.4.0 of Stage 2 for version 2.0.0.

  Stage 2 This stage has gaps within the columns of red and blue viruses, along with yellow viruses in groups.

In the initial version of this stage, it only has red and blue viruses. Newer version of this stage has all three colors of viruses. In version 2.0.0, this stage's layout is moved to stage 1 while this stage has a new layout.

  Stage 3 This stage introduces Brick Blocks, which are interspersed among the red viruses. Blue viruses are placed on the two leftmost and two rightmost columns. Since version 2.0.0, when players complete this stage, they can choose to be either Dr. Mario, Dr. Peach, or Dr. Bowser, rendering the other two unavailable after they have made their choice.

In the initial version of this stage, this was the first stage to have three colors of viruses (red, blue and yellow) along with empty blocks. In version 2.0.0, this stage's layout from a later version of this stage is moved to stage 2 while this stage is using a new layout. Prior to version 2.1.0, this stage layout was different, where three viruses of different colors were present.

  Stage 4 This stage introduces Skill Chargers, energy bottles that grant doctors a substantially-charged skill meter when activated.

In the initial version of this stage, there is a long column and row of yellow viruses, with the two other colors of virus to the left and right of the stage. A later version of this stage is the first stage to introduce skill chargers along with brick blocks, but since version 1.4.0, the stage layout changed in a way that brick blocks are not present.

  Stage 5 This stage has viruses arranged in rows and columns in pairs of identical colors, lined up alongside brick blocks and a couple empty blocks. Additionally, players are introduced to the rainbow capsule, which will appear as the capsule after the next one after making seven clears, as indicated by the rainbow meter at the sides of the stage. Since version 2.0.0, players are able to select different characters, play the versus mode and add friends, as well as obtain their first assistant, a Goomba.

In the initial version of this stage, this is the first stage to introduce Brick Blocks, blocks that are eliminated when an adjacent feature, such as viruses or pills, are destroyed. The current version of this stage's layout used the stage layout of stage 9 prior to version 1.4.0, but with the capsule amount reduced from 30 to 25.

  Stage 6 This stage introduces shells as stage features, objects that can eliminate items horizontally when activated.

In the initial version of this stage, this stage orients viruses and brick blocks horizontally as opposed to the vertical orientation of Stage 5. Since then, this stage is the first stage to introduce shells, with a later version of this stage in particular being shaped like an "M".

  Stage 7 This stage has six shells in six rows: three on the left in line with viruses, and three on the left in line with brick blocks.

In the initial version of this stage, The stage orients viruses in a less consistent manner than previous stages, which also introduces empty blocks mixed in as obstacles. Rainbow capsules can be obtained in this level due to the increased number of matches required to obtain one. A later version of this stage has skill chargers alongside shells.

  Stage 8 This stage introduces Exploders, bombs that destroy objects in tiles adjacent to them when activated.

In the initial version of this stage, this stage introduces shells as stage features, objects that can eliminate items horizontally when activated. A later version of this stage continues using shells as a stage feature.

  Stage 9 A stage where players can first obtain a fully charged skill meter, which lets doctors perform a special ability specific to them. Dr. Toad also gives a free Capsule+ item prior to starting this stage. This stage has red and blue viruses, along with a few exploders and brick blocks.

In the initial version of this stage, there are brick blocks and viruses along with a shell. The stage layout used in a later version of this stage is moved to stage 5 in version 1.4.0.

  Stage 10 At this stage, players have access to the rest of the items prior to starting a stage: the Skill Up, Rainbow Start, Score+, and Random. The former three items are given a freebie each. By clearing this stage, this area of the world map gets cleared from viruses. This stage has viruses interspersed with two shells and an exploder.

In the initial version of this stage, viruses are arranged in rows, with brick blocks and empty blocks in the rows between the rows with viruses. A later version of this stage is shaped like a "10". Prior to version 2.0.0, when players complete this stage, they can choose to be either Dr. Mario, Dr. Peach, or Dr. Bowser.

Prior to March 18, 2021, the stage layout was different. The following changes were made:

  • The available colors are changed to red and blue only.
  Stage 11 In this stage, there are shells and red viruses in the middle column, with each shell being blocked off by an empty block on either the left side or the right side. Blue and yellow viruses are found on the two leftmost columns and two rightmost columns. Brick blocks are also found throughout the stage.

Prior to version 1.3.5, this stage has skill chargers, and in the initial version is also the first stage to introduce them. Since version 1.3.5, this stage is changed to have shells in the middle column, along with empty blocks beside each shell. Since version 1.4.0, the empty blocks in the fourth row are changed to brick blocks.

  Stage 12 This stage consists of red viruses arranged in a knot, alongside brick blocks and empty blocks.

In the initial version of this stage, this is the second stage to have a Skill Charger, with viruses in more varied positions. Prior to version 1.4.0 there are viruses and brick blocks only. In version 1.4.0, the stage layout has changed and a shell is added. This stage is revamped in version 2.0.0.

  Stage 13 In this stage, there are a lot of exploders and brick blocks. Two of the viruses are partially surrounded by brick blocks.

In the initial version of this stage, three colors of shells appear in this stage, which need to be individually activated to remove viruses horizontal of it. A later version of this stage only has one shell but more viruses. Since version 1.4.0, this stage has fewer viruses and more exploders.

  Stage 14 In this stage, there are four groups of viruses separated into four sections by brick blocks.

In the initial version of this stage, this stage features long rows and columns of viruses and brick blocks, with two shells on the upper left region. A previous version of this stage features exploders. Since version 1.4.0, this stage has two colors of viruses and exploders. This stage is revamped in version 2.0.0.

  Stage 15 In this stage, the shells, exploders and viruses are in a checkered pattern, with brick blocks in between them.

In the initial version of this stage, this stage introduces exploders. A later version of this stage takes the layout from the initial version of stage 16. Since version 1.4.0, this stage is revamped to have only two colors of viruses (blue and yellow), along with adding shells.

  Stage 16 In this stage, there is a group fo viruses surrounded by brick blocks and empty blocks. A shell outside this group is in the same row as two exploders in that group.

In the initial version of this stage, this stage has long rows of viruses and brick blocks, with two exploders that need only a half capsule to be activated. In a previous version of this stage, the stage is revamped so that there is a shell in line with two exploders. Since version 1.4.0, the capsule amount is increased from 20 to 30, and the colors of an exploder and a virus are changed to match the virus below and exploder above them, respectively.

  Stage 17 This stage has Dr. Toad giving players a free boomerang, a special item that clears the selected row. In this stage, there are four rows of viruses, where two of them each have an exploder and one has a shell.

In the initial version of this stage, this stage introduces viruses hidden in brick blocks, which get revealed when the block is destroyed. A previous of this stage increases the capsule amount from 25 to 30. In version 1.3.5, a few more viruses are not inside brick blocks and an exploder is added to the stage. Since version 1.4.0, this stage is revamped.

Prior to March 18, 2021, the stage layout was different. The following changes were made:

  • The available colors are changed to red and blue only.
  • An exploder replaced a virus in the middle of the topmost row.
  Stage 18 This stage has Dr. Toad giving players a free hammer, a special item that enables players to destroy a single tile. This stage introduces viruses hidden in brick blocks, which get revealed when the block is destroyed. Additionally, this stage has exploders and all viruses hidden in brick blocks.

In the initial version of this stage, this stage has hidden viruses inside brick blocks and viruses not hidden in brick blocks. Since version 1.4.0, this stage takes its layout from stage 20 prior to version 1.4.0.

Prior to March 18, 2021, the stage layout was different. The following changes were made:

  • The second and seventh Brick Blocks in row #2 are replaced with exploders, removing 2 hidden viruses in the process.
  Stage 19 This stage has Dr. Toad giving players a free Capsule Swapper, a special item that allows the player to substitute the current capsule with a capsule of their choice. This stage is shaped like a heart formed by red viruses and exploders with a blue shell in the topmost row, where they are surrounded by Brick Blocks that contain hidden viruses, shells and an exploder.

In a previous version of this stage, the capsule amount is increased from 15 to 25. The Capsule Blaster was given by Dr. Toad prior to version 1.4.0, which eliminates all capsules currently in the stage. Since version 1.4.0, the stage is revamped and included more viruses, but only two shells and one exploder (previously more exploders were included).

Since March 18 2021, this stage is revamped, and the capsule amount is increased from 25 to 30. Initially, this stage featured a few Brick Blocks and both an exploder and two shells, with the objective of eliminating all viruses (43).

  Stage 20 The last stage of the first area, the stage has Dr. Toad giving players a free Skill Filler, a special item that fills up a doctor's skill meter. This stage is shaped like the number 20, which contains viruses, shells, exploders and brick blocks that contain hidden viruses and exploders.

When cleared, the rest of the first area in the world map gets cleared of viruses. Additional data gets downloaded when the stage gets cleared, and players do not have infinite hearts past this point. Since version 2.0.0, Dr. Toad is obtained (players who beaten this stage prior to this update will obtain him through their doc box) and skill summit is unlocked.

The changes for this stage before version 1.4.0 reduced the amount of hidden viruses from 51 (initial version) to 47 (version 1.0.4) to 43 (version 1.2.0). Prior to version 1.4.0, the stage layout was different. Previously, this stage is basic and has exploders and viruses all hidden in brick blocks. The original version of this stage revamped since version 1.2.0 was moved to Stage 18. Prior to version 2.0.0, players obtain their first assistant, a Goomba and versus mode is unlocked after beating this stage.

Area 2

Image Stage Best Doctors Overview
  Stage 21  
Dr. Mario

Dr. Ludwig

This stage introduces viruses partially covered in ice, which require a match to remove and another to eliminate viruses.

Prior to version 1.3.5, the stage layout was different. The following changes were made:

  • The viruses in the first three rows are no longer randomised: the two leftmost columns always have red viruses, the two rightmost columns always have yellow viruses while the middle ones always have blue viruses.
  Stage 22  
Dr. Wario

Dr. Wendy

All viruses are either partially encased in ice or hidden in brick blocks in this stage.
  Stage 23  
Dr. Mario

Dr. Peach

The center items in this stage are all partially encased in ice, including the shells.

Prior to version 1.2.0, the stage layout was different. The following changes were made:

  • Capsule amount is increased from 20 to 23.
  • The viruses and Brick Blocks in the first three and last three columns at the first row are moved to the second row.
  • The yellow half-frozen virus in the third row is changed to a Brick Block.
  • For the viruses that are not yellow, the first and third columns always have red viruses while the seventh and last columns always have blue viruses.
  Stage 24  
Dr. Mario

Dr. Peach

The stage is vertically-oriented, with viruses partially encased in ice and an exploder on the upper area.

The capsule amount is increased from 25 to 29 since version 2.1.0. Besides that, this stage is otherwise the same.

Prior to March 18, 2021, the stage layout was different. The following changes were made:

  • All Empty Blocks are replaced with Brick Blocks.
  • The skill charger is replaced with an exploder.
  Stage 25  
Dr. Mario

Dr. Peach

This stage introduces the objective of finding coins in brick blocks rather than the main objective being to eliminate viruses. Upon completion of this stage, players have access to the timed challenge stages, starting with Stage 1A.
  Stage 26  
Dr. Mario

Dr. Daisy

In this stage, the rightmost column has shells while the topmost row has viruses where the first eight are half-frozen. The brick blocks in the fourth to eighth rows have hidden viruses while the brick blocks in the second row contain hidden exploders.

Prior to version 1.2.0, the stage layout was different. Previously, the stage only has brick blocks where not all of them has hidden viruses, along with two viruses that are not hidden. Moreover, the capsule amount is reduced from 35 to 32.

Prior to March 18, 2021, the stage layout was different. The following changes were made:

  • Exploders are hidden within the Brick Blocks within rows #5 to #8, replacing some hidden viruses. 3 of them are in row #5 while the other rows have 1 each.
  Stage 27  
Dr. Mario

Dr. Peach

A long line of exploders are in the center of the stage, which then activates the shell on top of the exploder.

The capsule amount is increased from 18 to 23 since version 1.3.5. Besides that, this stage is otherwise the same.

Prior to March 18, 2021, the stage layout was different. The following changes were made:

  • Shells are added at the left edge of rows #1, #5 and #6, replacing the viruses that used to be there.
  • All Empty Blocks are replaced with Brick Blocks.
  • The exploder is removed in row #7.
  Stage 28  
Dr. Peach

Dr. Bowser

Many of the viruses are frozen in this stage, with two shells on the top. Brick Blocks cover much of the viruses.

The capsule amount is increased from 18 to 23 since version 1.3.5. Besides that, this stage is otherwise the same.

Prior to March 18, 2021, the stage layout was different. The following changes were made:

  • All Empty Blocks are replaced with Brick Blocks.
  • Brick Blocks are added directly below each virus in row #8.
  Stage 29  
Dr. Wendy

Dr. Peach

Much of the viruses are hidden in brick blocks, with two exploder surrounded by Brick Blocks.

Prior to March 18, 2021, the stage layout was different. The following changes were made:

  • Capsule amount is reduced from 32 to 28.
  • The available color is changed to red only.
  • Two viruses are added in row #7 directly below viruses in those columns, where each of them are surrounded by Brick Blocks.
  • Half-frozen viruses are added in columns #4 and #6 in between the normal viruses and Brick Blocks.
  • The revealed skill chargers are replaced with exploders, while the hidden skill charger in the middle of row #6 is replaced with a hidden virus.
  Stage 30  
Dr. Mario

Dr. Wendy

The second stage that requires players to obtain coins from brick blocks. The stage additionally has two exploders.
  Stage 31  
Dr. Mario

Dr. Peach

The empty blocks in this stage form an upside-down staircase, with viruses at the bottom of each step. In the topmost row, there are three groups of two viruses in a row with a brick block in between the groups.

The capsule amount is increased from 27 to 31 since version 1.3.5. Besides that, this stage is otherwise the same.

Prior to version 2.0.0, the stage layout was different. Previously, there was an exploder in the central part of the stage, as well as having the central row of viruses partially encased in ice.

  Stage 32  
Dr. Baby Rosalina

Dr. Mario

The stage has viruses hidden in brick blocks and partially encased in ice. A few shells and exploders are found within the stage.

Prior to March 18, 2021, the stage layout was different. The following changes were made:

  • The available colors are changed to red and blue only.
  • The leftmost viruses in rows #3 and #5 are replaced with an exploder and a shell respectively, while the rightmost half-frozen virus in row #2 is changed to an exploder.
  • The skill charger in row #6 is replaced with a shell.
  • The second Brick Block in row #2 is replaced with a virus.
  • The contents of the Brick Block next to the frozen virus is replaced with an exploder, previously containing a virus.
  Stage 33  
Dr. Mario

Dr. Yoshi

The stage has long rows and columns of viruses, some partially encased in ice. The shell can be activated early on the left part of the stage.

Prior to March 18, 2021, the stage layout was different. The following changes were made:

  • All Empty Blocks are replaced with Brick Blocks.
  • The first virus in row #6 is replaced with a shell while the viruses in the rest of the row are changed to be hidden inside Brick Blocks.
  • All viruses that were half-frozen are no longer in ice.
  Stage 34  
Dr. Peach

Dr. Baby Luigi

The red shell on the left area of the stage can be activated early to destroy the ice on the viruses as well as destroy the row of viruses blocking the viruses on the right portion of the stage.

The capsule amount is increased from 30 to 33 since version 1.3.5. Besides that, this stage is otherwise the same.

Prior to March 18, 2021, the stage layout was different. The following changes were made:

  • Capsule amount is increased from 30 to 33.
  • The available colors are changed to red and yellow only.
  • All Empty Blocks are replaced with Brick Blocks.
  • The leftmost virus in row #7 is replaced with a shell.
  Stage 35  
Dr. Wendy

Dr. Mario

The third stage where the objective is to find coins. In this stage, there are half-frozen viruses with brick blocks in between that contain coins, while the brick blocks in the fourth and sixth columns do not contain anything.

Prior to version 1.2.0, the stage layout was different. Previously, the stage featured a long column of blue viruses on the left and right parts of the stage. Moreover, the capsule amount is increased from 32 to 33.

  Stage 36  
Dr. Bowser

Dr. Peach

This stage has no blocks, with some viruses being partially encased in ice. The stage features an exploder on the center, which removes the ice on the adjacent viruses and eliminates the remaining viruses resulting from opening up the exploder.

The capsule amount is increased from 30 to 33 since version 1.3.5. Besides that, this stage is otherwise the same.

  Stage 37  
Dr. Mario

Dr. Baby Rosalina

This stage has many viruses hidden in brick blocks. Viruses of the same color are found adjacent to the exploders on the stage.

The capsule amount is increased from 30 to 34 since version 1.3.5. Besides that, this stage is otherwise the same. All the Brick Blocks in rows #1 and #3 plus the third and fifth Brick Blocks in row #4 contain hidden viruses, while the middle Brick Block contains a hidden shell.

Prior to March 18, 2021, the stage layout was different. The following changes were made:

  • The available colors are changed to red and blue only.
  • The second and second-last Brick Blocks are removed, revealing the viruses that were previously hidden.
  • The first revealed virus in the topmost row is changed to a shell.
  • The contents of the middle Brick Block in row #4 is changed to contain a shell instead of a virus, while hidden viruses are added into the two Brick Blocks next to it.
  Stage 38  
Dr. Bowser

Dr. Ludwig

This stage features a large amount of exploders and viruses hidden in brick blocks. The exploders on the lower rows remove the ice covering the viruses, while the upper row exploders start a chain reaction, revealing viruses hidden in brick blocks.
  Stage 39  
Dr. Mario

Dr. Peach

This stage has half-frozen red viruses placed alongside Brick Blocks. The first three and last three Brick Blocks in columns #3 and #7 contain hidden viruses, while the middle Brick Blocks in rows #2 and #6 contain hidden exploders.

Since March 18 2021, this stage is revamped, although the capsule amount remains at 28. Initially, this stage's upper portions have many viruses of the same color clustered together, and the upper center viruses require that players earn the Skill Charger blocking to remove them, with the objective of eliminating all viruses (35).

  Stage 40  
Dr. Toadette

Dr. Lakitu

The final stage of the world represented by a castle introduces viruses coming downward when enough get eliminated. It is vertically-oriented and primarily features red and blue viruses. Since version 1.4.0, if the stage is about to scroll, the arrows will change to blue as a warning, and when the arrows tilt back and forth, it will scroll after a few seconds.

This stage will scroll for one line each time enough objects are cleared or enough capsules are added to the stage and will stop after 8 lines are introduced.

Once it is cleared, the remaining area of the stage map gets cleared of viruses, and players can access World 2. Upon completion, players earn a free Staff Ticket.

Prior to version 1.2.0, the stage layout was different. The following changes were made:

  • Capsule amount is increased from 45 to 47.
  • The viruses in the first four rows before the stage scrolls are changed to half-frozen viruses.
  • The empty blocks in the first four rows are changed to Brick Blocks.

Challenge stages

Image Stage Best Doctors Overview
  Stage 1A  
Dr. Peach

Dr. Wario

Within a 100 second time limit, players need to eliminate all viruses. The stage is vertically oriented and it introduces pink viruses, which replace red viruses.

Starting from version 1.2.0, completing this stage awards the player 500 coins.

The timer is increased from 80 seconds to 100 seconds since version 1.0.4. Besides that, this stage is otherwise the same.

Prior to version 1.2.0, the stage layout was different. The following changes were made:

  • The viruses that were half-frozen are no longer frozen.

Prior to March 18, 2021, the stage layout was different. The following changes were made:

  • The timer is reduced from 100 seconds to 70 seconds.
  • The available color is changed to pink only.
  • In rows #1, #2, #5 and #6, viruses are replaced with Brick Blocks and vice versa.
  • The Brick Blocks in rows #3 to #6 are changed to become half-frozen.
  Stage 1B  
Dr. Yoshi

Dr. Bowser

Within a 125 second time limit, players need to eliminate all viruses. The viruses form a circular shape on the center of the stage, with the innermost pink viruses encased in ice.

Starting from version 1.2.0, completing this stage awards the player 500 coins.

The timer is increased from 90 seconds to 120 seconds since version 1.0.4. Besides that, this stage is otherwise the same.

Prior to version 1.2.0, the stage layout was different. The following changes were made:

  • Timer is increased from 120 seconds to 125 seconds.
  • The blue viruses in the innermost circle are no longer frozen, while the pink viruses in the innermost circle become half-frozen.

Prior to March 18, 2021, the stage layout was different. The following changes were made:

  • The timer is reduced from 125 seconds to 80 seconds.
  • The available colors are changed to pink and blue only.
  • The blue viruses (including all the green viruses being replaced with blue ones) are changed to be half-frozen.
  • The contents of the first Brick Block in row #5 and the last Brick Block in row #6 are changed to exploders instead of viruses.
  Stage 1C  
Dr. Peach

Dr. Wendy

Within a 130 second time limit, players need to eliminate all viruses. In this stage, viruses and Brick Blocks are arranged in vertical pairs, and the Brick Blocks in the three topmost rows have hidden objects, with the topmost row having a shell and 8 viruses and the two rows below it having 3 exploders and 3 viruses among them.

Completing this stage awards the player 1000 coins and a Staff Ticket (3 Hearts prior to version 1.2.0).

The timer is increased from 90 seconds to 120 seconds since version 1.0.4. Besides that, this stage is otherwise the same.

Prior to version 1.2.0, the stage layout was different. The following changes were made:

  • Timer is increased from 120 seconds to 130 seconds.
  • The viruses in this stage is changed around, and a few that were originally half-frozen are no longer frozen and vice-versa. The amount of viruses is reduced from 41 to 38.

Since March 18 2021, this stage is revamped, although the timer remains at 130 seconds. Initially, this stage featured viruses that are more dotted across the stage with less regular patterns, with no blocks and some viruses being partially encased in ice, with the objective of eliminating all viruses (38).

Special Stage

Image Stage Best Doctors Overview
  Special Stage  
Dr. Yoshi

Dr. Diddy Kong

This stage is split into four parts, with a row of viruses down the middle. Two parts are diagonally oriented and contain Brick Blocks, the other two have small spaces that the player must put half-capsules in. Red viruses are replaced with pink ones. Completing this stage awards the player 1000 coins, and as of Version 1.2.0, Dr. Toad is also awarded.

Stage layouts in previous versions