List of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door beta elements

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This is a list of beta elements of the game Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Early Builds

Reveal Trailer

This game was initially titled Paper Mario 2 and featured a far different logo, one reminiscent of the original Paper Mario's logo.

Part of the original trailer shows an extra ledge above the pipe in the room directly east of the Thousand Year Door, with an HP Plus badge on it. It could be accessed via a moving platform which had a wall over it halfway, which appeared to be passable with help from Vivian. Also, Beldam and Doopliss were originally going to be fought somewhere in Riverside Station. The trailer also showed that Item Shops would be labeled with Mushrooms, much as in Super Paper Mario, rather than the Fire Flowers seen in the final game. Red Bones was initially named "Red Koopa Skeleton". In the same trailer, one can see that "Tornado Jump" was initially called "Hurricane Jump". The status element Slow had a different icon, a snail instead of a sad purple face.


The script of the demo version has a few differences. If tattle is used, Goombella will say "I usually would have something witty to say here, but I'm waiting for the final version!", which would imply that the actual tattles for areas had not yet been written. X-Nauts were also called "Boomer Gangers" and Dry Bones were called "Koopa Skeletons". Petal Meadows was also called Star Crystal Field (Petal Field by Goombella).

Unused Data


All of the partners from Paper Mario were going to appear but were cut-off as well. Lady Bow and Parakarry were the only ones left. There was also a strange robot creature and two palette swaps of Screamy. Admiral Bobbery also had a different sprite, which depicts him wearing army gear. There was also going to be a probable mini-boss called Dark Atomic Boo. Dark Atomic Boo would be a Dark Boo version of Atomic Boo, and was going to be fought on floor 50 of the Pit of 100 Trials.


There are two unused tracks. One sounds like a theme used for an introduction of a character, and the other sounds like a boss fight. This may mean that another character was going to be in the game but was written out of the final version like these songs.


Inside the game data, dialog files are stored in the directory "root/msg/$C", where "$C" is an appropriate language or country code, such as "US". The dialog is split between 1 global file and 259 local files. English and other Latin languages are stored in raw ASCII format. Japanese and other non-Latin languages are stored in 2Byte unicode format, with a few modifications to save space.

Names in parenthesis in the table headers (eg. "hom_00" below) are the names of the text files in which the dialog can be found. Names in the first column of the table are identifier strings used for specific dialog scenes within those files.

The dialog uses several XML-like tags to alter the presentation of the text. These are enclosed between "<>".

  • <wait> causes the text to pause.
  • <dynamic> causes the dialog to be rendered as "falling" onto the screen.
  • <wave> causes the letters of the dialog to move in small circles.
  • <k> pauses the text until the player presses A Button
  • <p> scrolls the text upwards to make room for more.
  • <icon> renders a small image into the text. Typically, this is a button used in explaining controls.
  • <col> changes the text to a color in RGBA format.
  • <NUM> represents a number of coins.
  • <ITEM> represents an item name.
  • <s> has an unknown use.
  • <AN> represents either "a" or "an" depending on which is appropriate grammatically.
  • <system> renders the text box in blue and plays a short tone.
  • <o> has an unknown use.
  • <dkey> has an unknown use.
  • <shake> causes the letters of the text to move erratically.
  • <housou> creates a "mechanical" text box.
  • <tec> creates the text box used by TEC-XX
  • <diary> creates a "ripped paper" text box.
  • <scale> changes the font size.
  • <wpos> has an unknown use.
  • <S> represents either nothing or the letter s, depending on which is appropriate grammatically.
  • <small> creates a small text box.
  • <select> creates a list of choices.
  • <keyxon> allows the text box to be advanced with (x).
  • <kanban> creates a wooden sign background.
  • <speed> controls the speed with which individual letters appear on the screen.
  • <boss> creates the special text box used by Hooktail.
  • <se> has an unknown use.
  • <majo> creates the text box used by the Shadow Queen.
  • <anim> has an unknown use.
  • <!> is a comment. [?]
  • <plate> creates the text box used by the Rogueport notice board.
  • <pos> positions the text at a specified location in the text box
  • <AN_ITEM> combines <AN> with <ITEM>

Internal Name Original Text Translation Notes
X-naut Base (aji_10)
stg7_aji_34 シンニュウシャ ハッケン! Intruder detected! Written in katakana, which could indicate unusual accent or incorrect speech.
stg7_aji_35 タダチニ ハイジョスル!! Leave at once!!
Riverside Station (eki_00)

このエレベーターを 使ったら
きりかえスイッチが ある部屋まで
まっすぐ 行けるんですけど・・・

エレベーターを 動かすキーが
じむ室に あるのです・・・

わるいヤツらに せんりょうされて
手も あしも 出ないのです・・・

If you use this elevator, you'll
be taken straight to the room
with the railway switch, but...

The key that makes the elevator
move is in the office now...

Bad people have taken over,
and I'm at my wit's end...

The speaker uses "yatsu-ra," a derogatory word for a group of people, in the last paragraph. However, the speaker does not specify who "yatsu-ra" refers to.


I'm on guard here to make
sure there's no more funny

Riverside Station (eki_05)

<icon PAD_A 0.6 -15 34 0>を おしながら <icon STICK 0.6 -25 45 0>を グルグル 回して
<icon PAD_A 0.6 -15 34 0>を はなすと ウルトラジャンプ!

Push the A Button button, rotate the Control Stickcontrol stick as fast as you can, and release
the Control Stickcontrol stick to do a Ultra Jump!
Attack Descriptions (global)
msg_pnk_koura_ippatsu てきを ホノオのコウラで こうげきする Hit the enemy with a flaming shell. "pnk_koura" refers to Koops's attacks. "Ippatsu" means charge.

かみなりを すべてのてきに おとす
おまけに 『ビリビリ』させることがある

Drop thunder on all enemies,
Occasionally, you'll be electrified.

"Dengeki" is an electric shock.

ぶたいセットの ウラに アイテムなどが
かくされていないか しらべる

Search the back of the battle
stage for items or something.

"Shiraberu" means "to investigate."
E-mails (global)
free_mail_name_00 ステキなであいをアナタに・・・ Lovely Meeting With You

あなたにぴったりの ステキな
いせいを ごしょうかいします
ドラマのような こいを
ゆめみる アナタ まずは
いかのダイアルへ レッツコール!

 (どうぎょう たしゃの
 サギまがいの あくしつな
 てぐちに ごちゅういください)

For only 1000 coins,
meet up with your
perfect match
If you dream of love
like in a drama, call
the following number!

 (Please be careful
 of other companies
 in this business
 tricking you with
 low-quality shams.)

free_mail_name_01 おばさん/はやくかえりな! Old Woman/Hurry Home!

あんた! きょうは ムスメの
たんじょうび なんだから
よりみちせずに  かえってきなよ!

Hey! Today's my daughter
birthday so don't return
without dropping in!
Don't forget that
there will be presents

free_mail_name_02 リーザ/たのしみだよ! リーザ/It's fun!


こんどのやすみの  デートは
キノコタウンに  いきたいな
ちゃんと  よてい  あけておいてね!
いーっぱい  つくっちゃうから

To Ruu san

Next time you want to
vacation in Toad Town,
Create perfect plans in advance!
A full Delicious Lunch
will be made just for you.
We look forward to it!

Item Descriptions (global)

A key that opens a door
inside the cave.


A key that opens a door to
some room


A key to a house. Whoever
lost it likely needs it back.


譎らおいしそうだけど どうして
こんなところに ケーキがあるの?

It looks deceptively/wickedly delicious,
but why is there cake in a place like this?


A letter that looks like it has
lots of important stuff in it.


A Silver Club routing slip. It's
so well used, it's tattered.


『星の石』で ございます
メッセージは かりで ございます

It's the "Stone of Stars"
Message is Temporary.


このメッセージが 見れるのは おかしいよ

It's funny that you can see this message.


いわゆる 『ケーキ』
いわゆる うまい

This is "cake"
It is "appetizing"



It's the "Turtle's Curse"

Battle Messages (global)

These are messages that appear on screen when an event happens during battle. An example of such a message in the final game is "The crowd by the Bulky / Bob-omb was blown away!"

btl_msg_escape_wall_close1 ヘイホーが いたずらをした The Shy Guy has played a trick.
btl_msg_cant_move_zero_gravity You can barely move!
msg_st_chg 猥に なった Became Obscene.
msg_st_chg_poison_pr どくに なった Became Poisoned.
msg_st_chg_charge_pr チャージを した Charged.
msg_st_chg_sleep_pr ねむりに なった Became Sleepy.
msg_st_chg_stan_pr ストップに なった Became Stopped.
msg_st_chg_guruguru_pr グルグルに なった Became Dizzy Literally "Became Spin"
msg_st_chg_confusion_pr こんらんに なった Became Confused
msg_st_chg_biribiri_pr ビリビリに なった Became Electrified
msg_st_chg_dodge_pr ヨケヨケに なった Became Protected
msg_st_chg_fire_pr ほのおに なった Became a Flame Possibly simply "Became Burning"
msg_st_chg_freeze_pr こおりに なった Became Ice Possibly "Became Frozen"
msg_st_chg_big_pr デカデカに なった Became Huge
msg_st_chg_small_pr ミニミニに なった Became Miniature
msg_st_chg_tuyotuyo_pr ツヨツヨに なった Became Powerful
msg_st_chg_yowayowa_pr ヨワヨワに なった Became Frail
msg_st_chg_hard_pr カチカチに なった Became Rock Hard
msg_st_chg_soft_pr ふにゃふにゃに なった Became Soft
msg_st_chg_allergy_pr You're allergic! The message "Status hasn't changed!" is found at "msg_st_chg_allergy"
msg_st_chg_trans_pr とうめいに なった Became Transparent
msg_st_chg_quick_pr はやいに なった Became Quick
msg_st_chg_slow_pr のろいに なった Became Slow
msg_st_chg_counter_pr しかえしに なった Became Vengeful For the Badge Return Postage
msg_st_chg_bombcounter_pr You're a bomb counter! The message "Direct attacks will be / countered!" is found at "msg_st_chg_bombcounter"
msg_st_chg_reg_hp_pr じわじわHPに なった HP is recovering bit-by-bit
msg_st_chg_reg_fp_pr じわじわFPに なった FP is recovering bit-by-bit
btl_msg_audience_puni_meeting Many Punies gathered!
Tattle Logs (global)

Tattle Logs that were scrapped. Those that start "btl_hlp" are messages that Goombella says during battle. Those that begin "menu_enemy" can be found in the Tattle Log after battle.


Unused Message

Would appear when Magnus von Grapple's hands were tattled.


That's Doopliss.
<col c00000ff>REPORT THIS AS A BUG
Global #796.

This was already in English in the ISO


こうげき力『5』 ぼうぎょ力『0』
ペケダーの 部下たち
しょせんは 下っぱ
ユメは エリートに なること

Max HP "6"
Attack Power "5" Defense Power "6"
Lord Crump's underlings.
At the start of the fight,
they're defeated.
They'll never become Elites

This is the group of X-nauts that assists Lord Crump in Chapter 5.


ロケットパンチ マーク2

Rocket Punch Mark II

Would appear when Magnus von Grapple 2.0's hands were tattled.


こうげき力『7』 ぼうぎょ力『0』
ピーチ姫の 体が うばわれたもの
その正体は 『カゲの女王』
世界を やみに おおおうとしたが
マリオによって たおされる
ピーチ姫も 無謀ぎもとに もどって
めでたし めでたし

Max HP "150"
Attack Power "7" Defense Power "0"
It stole Princess Peach's body.
In reality, it was the "Queen of Shadows"
It tried to cover the world with darkness.
It was defeated thanks to Mario, though.
Princess Peach 無謀ぎもとに recovered.
And they all lived happily ever after.

The last line literally translates "wonderful, wonderful." It is used similarly to the phrase "And they all lived happily ever after," in English.



こうげき力は『X』 ぼうぎょ力は『0』よ

It's "Lord Crump"
This is Type One

Max HP "5."
Attack Power "X" Defense Power "0"

Lord Crump's Japanese name is "Pekedaa", but he is called "Kanbu" internally by the game. "Kanbu" is simply Japanese for "leader" or "executive."



こうげき力は『X』 ぼうぎょ力は『0』よ

It's "Lord Crump"
This is Type Two

Max HP "15."
Attack Power "X" Defense Power "0"


ヒラヒラと さそっているようね

こうげき力は『1』 ぼうぎょ力は『0』よ

モタモタしていると 二人とも
ゲソに ペシッと やられるわよ
<dkey><wait 500></dkey>
それほど たいしたことは ないけどね

いきなり 本体を こうげきできないから
まずは 2本のゲソを こうげきして
よわらせてからに しましょう

It's the "Left Tentacle"
It flutters and bends as it moves, huh?

Max HP "2"
Attack Power "1" Defence Power "2"

モタモタしていると 二人とも
ゲソに ペシッと やられるわよ
<dkey><wait 500></dkey>
They don't amount to much

いきなり 本体を こうげきできないから
Anyway, we should attack
and weaken the two tentacles.


見ているだけで ヨダレが 出そうよ

こうげき力は『1』 ぼうぎょ力は『0』よ

モタモタしていると いっぱつ
ゲソに ペシッと やられるわよ
<dkey><wait 500></dkey>
ま たいしたことは ないけどね

いきなり 本体を こうげきできないから
まずは 2本のゲソを こうげきして
よわらせてからに しましょう

It's a "Right Tentacle"
Look at the slime coming out.

Max HP "2"
Attack Power "1" Defense Power "2"

It can be defeated in
one shot
<dkey><wait 500></dkey>
ま たいしたことは ないけどね

いきなり 本体を こうげきできないから
Anyway, we should attack
and weaken the two tentacles


ニセモノって わかったら つまらないよ

It's "Magikoopa"
This enemy has split into these fakes.

Bunsin 「分身」 is Japanese for "one's other self."



Red Buzzy Beetle



Red Parabuzzy



Red Spiked Parabuzzy



It's Maaario!



It's "Vivian"!
(Tricked Goombella's "Tattle")



よく見ると マリオじゃないような・・・
<dkey><wait 500></dkey>
まさか 気のせいよね?

Is this the real Mario?

It doesn't look like Mario...
<dkey><wait 500></dkey>
Is it imaginary?



よく見ると マリオじゃないような・・・
<dkey><wait 500></dkey>
まさか 気のせいよね?

Is this the real Mario?

It doesn't look like Mario...
<dkey><wait 500></dkey>
It can't be imaginary...?



こうげき力は『X』 ぼうぎょ力は『0』よ

It's the "Stubborn Army Corps group"
This is type 2.

Max HP "XX"
Attack Power "X" Defense Power "0"

This is probably the group of X-nauts that assists Lord Crump in Chapter 5. They are referred to as "gundan_zako_group" internally by the game.



こうげき力は『X』 ぼうぎょ力は『0』よ

It's the "Stubborn Army Corps group"
This is type 3.

Max HP "XX"
Attack Power "X"
Defense Power "0"


『モアモアの しょくしゅ』よ

こうげき力は『5』 ぼうぎょ力は『0』よ

It's "Smorg's Tentacle"

Max HP "6"
Attack Power "5" Defense Power "0"


『モアモアの しょくしゅ』よ

こうげき力は『7』 ぼうぎょ力は『0』よ

It's "Smorg's Tentacle"

Max HP "7"
Attack Power "7", Defense Power "0"


『モアモアの しょくしゅ』よ

こうげき力は『6』 ぼうぎょ力は『0』よ

It's "Smorg's Tentacle"

Max HP "8"
Attack Power "6", Defense Power "0"


こうげきすると おこりだすよ

こうげき力は『1』 ぼうぎょ力は『0』よ

おこっている時に こうげきすると
バクハツするから ちゅうい!

ハンマーや コウラのように
かたいモノで こうげきすると

It's a "Hyper Bob-omb"
Attack, and it'll lose its temper.

Max HP "5"
Attack Power "1" Defense Power "0"

Careful! When it gets angry,  It will attack and explode!

Use something like a hammer or shell,
something hard to break, to attack it. 
You should be okay if you do that.


こうげきすると おこりだすよ

こうげき力は『1』 ぼうぎょ力は『0』よ

おこっている時に こうげきすると
バクハツするから ちゅうい!

ハンマーや コウラのように
かたいモノで こうげきすると

It's an "Ultra Bob-omb"
Attack, and it'll lose its temper.

Max HP "7"
Attack Power "1" Defense Power "0"

Careful! When it gets angry,
It will attack and explode!

Use something like a hammer or shell,
something hard to break, to attack it. 
You should be okay if you do that.


こうげき力『?』 ぼうぎょ力『?』
リーテ ラトバリタ ウルス
アリアロス バル ネトリール
『われを たすけよ
 ひかりよ よみがえれ』

Max HP "?"
Attack Power "?" Defense Power "?"
リーテ ラトバリタ ウルス
アリアロス バル ネトリール
『われを たすけよ
 ひかりよ よみがえれ』

menu_enemy_062 ハイパーボムへい Hyper Bob-omb
menu_enemy_063 ウルトラボムへい Ultra Bob-omb
menu_enemy_072 マホマホのぶんしん Mahomaho's Doppelganger. "Mahomaho" is the Japanese name for the Wizzerd enemy.
menu_enemy_087 カメックぶんしん Magikoopa Doppelganger
menu_enemy_105 マジョリン2 Beldam2
menu_enemy_106 マジョリン3 Beldam3
menu_enemy_109 マリリン2 Marilyn2
menu_enemy_110 マリリン3 Marilyn3
menu_enemy_113 ビビアン2 Vivian2
menu_enemy_119 しょくしゅ Tentacle
menu_enemy_120 しょくしゅ Tentacle
menu_enemy_121 しょくしゅ Tentacle
menu_enemy_128 だまされクリスチーヌ Tricked Kurisuchiinu Apparently a misspelling of Goombella's Japanese name.
menu_enemy_129 だまされノコタロウ Tricked Koops
menu_enemy_130 だまされヨッシー Tricked Yoshi
menu_enemy_131 だまされクラウダ Tricked Flurrie
menu_enemy_133 ほねづか Bonepile
menu_enemy_134 コルテスクロウ Cortez Claw
menu_enemy_135 コルテスレイピア Cortez Rapier
menu_enemy_136 コルテスソード Cortez Sword
menu_enemy_137 コルテスサーベル Cortez Saber
menu_enemy_138 クリクリ5兄弟 GoomGoom 5 Brothers
menu_enemy_143 ペケダー Lord Crump
menu_enemy_145 ペケダー Lord Crump
menu_enemy_147 たいぐんぐんだんいん Large Army Corps Member
menu_enemy_148 たいぐんぐんだんいん Large Army Corps Member
menu_enemy_155 きになるき Worried Heart
menu_enemy_156 Switch
menu_enemy_157 Test Character
menu_enemy_158 BOMBZO GLOBAL 1776
menu_enemy_159 System
menu_enemy_160 Mario
menu_enemy_161 Shell
menu_enemy_162 Goombella
menu_enemy_163 Koops
menu_enemy_164 Yoshi
menu_enemy_165 Flurrie
menu_enemy_166 Vivian
menu_enemy_167 Bobbery
menu_enemy_168 Ms. Mowz
menu_enemy_192 アカメット Red Buzzy Beetle
menu_enemy_193 アカパタメット Red Parabuzzy
menu_enemy_194 アカパタトゲメット Red Spiked Parabuzzy
Area/Object Tattles (global)

Messages that Goombella would say if she tattles while standing by a significant object.


<dkey><wait 300></dkey>
一で <icon PAD_Y_ON 0.5 -15 35 0>を  おすと
ヒコーキモードに  へんしんするわ

It's a Paper Plane Panel
<dkey><wait 300></dkey>
Press Y Button to
Transform to Plane Mode

"Yuka" means "floor."

<dkey><wait 300></dkey>
一で  <icon PAD_Y_ON 0.5 -15 35 0>を  おすと
ボートモードに  へんしんするわ

It's a Boat Panel
<dkey><wait 300></dkey>
Press <icon PAD_Y_ON 0.5 -15 35 0> to
Transform to Boat Mode


It's a Boat Panel
<dkey><wait 300></dkey>
Press Y Button to
Transform to Boat Mode


Hah! I'm not telling you my
secrets at the show!
Wait for the final version!


<keyxon> Hah! I'm not telling you my
secrets at the show!
Wait for the final version!

Luigi's Stories (global)

An unknown group of messages that appear with Luigi's Stories


やあ にいさん

Hey big bro.
This is Luigi Work 1.


やあ にいさん

Hey big bro.
This is Luigi Work 2.


やあ にいさん

Hey big bro.
This is Luigi Work 3.


やあ にいさん

Hey big bro.
This is Luigi Work 4.


やあ にいさん

Hey big bro.
This is Luigi Work 5.


やあ にいさん

Hey big bro.
This is Luigi Work 6.


やあ にいさん

Hey big bro.
This is Luigi Work 7.

Item and Badge Names (global)
in_unknown_item Invalid Item
in_poisoned_cake Poisoned Cake
in_super_coin Shine Sprite
in_kairanban Routing Slip
in_star_stone 星の石 Stone of Stars
in_monte Pianta
in_teki_kyouka Trade Off
in_cake Cake
in_kame_no_noroi Koopa Curse
in_3kai_item Triple Dip
in_3kai_item_p Triple Dip P
Battle Commands (global)

Menu commands during battle. "Run Away" is such a command in the final game.

btl_cmd_op_wakeup Rise
btl_wn_3kai_item Triple Dip
btl_wn_sac_yukapera ヒラヒラメクール Fluttering Pages "sac" in the internal name indicates that this was a crystal star attack. "Yukapera" means "floor flipping".
btl_wn_sac_aud_ball ラッキーボール Lucky Ball
btl_wn_sac_deka_mario デカマリオ Huge Mario
btl_wn_sac_heart_shoot ハートシュート Heart Shoot
btl_wn_sac_kagenui カゲヌイ Shadow Stitch "Stitch" as in sewing.
btl_wn_pnk_lv3 コウラいっぱつ Shell Hit This may correspond with "msg_pnk_koura_ippatsu" above.
btl_wn_pcr_search しらべる Investigate Probably corresponds to "msg_pch_shiraberu" above.
btl_wn_unknown_attack Attack Test
btl_wn_default_confuse_attack Confuse Attack
btl_wn_unknown_item Unregistered Item
Battle Debug Messages (global)

Messages used in a debug menu during battles.

btl_wn_debug_poison Poisoned
btl_wn_debug_sleep Sleepy
btl_wn_debug_stan Stop
btl_wn_debug_guruguru Dizzy
btl_wn_debug_confuse Confused
btl_wn_debug_biribiri Stunned
btl_wn_debug_dodge Dodgy
btl_wn_debug_fire Burned
btl_wn_debug_freeze Frozen
btl_wn_debug_big Huge
btl_wn_debug_small Tiny
btl_wn_debug_tuyotuyo Strong
btl_wn_debug_yowayowa Weak
btl_wn_debug_hard Brave
btl_wn_debug_soft Soft
btl_wn_debug_charge Charged
btl_wn_debug_charge9 Charged 9
btl_wn_debug_trans Invisible
btl_wn_debug_quick Swift
btl_wn_debug_slow Cursed
btl_wn_debug_counter Payback
btl_wn_debug_regeneration_hp Gradual HP
btl_wn_debug_regeneration_fp Gradual FP
btl_wn_debug_allergy Allergic
btl_wn_debug_dead Instant Death
btl_wn_debug_iroiro Change Parameters "Iroiro" means "various."
btl_wn_debug_metya Mess 'Em Up "Metya" means "Chaos"
btl_wn_debug_recover Instant Tasty Tonic
Enemy Names (global)

Generally, if an enemy is encountered multiple times with different stats, they will have multiple entries in the enemy name table. Since Beldam and Marlyn each have four entries, (not listed below) and Vivian has 2, it can be inferred that the Shadow Sirens were intended to be fought four times (twice before Vivian defects to Mario's team) at one stage of development.

btl_un_test テストキャラ Test Char.
btl_un_hyper_bomhei Hyper Bob-omb
btl_un_ultra_bomhei Ultra Bob-omb
btl_un_mecha_kuri メカクリ Mecha Goom
btl_un_mecha_kame メカカメ Mecha Turtle
btl_un_okorl オコール Okooru Okoru means several things: To get angry, to scold, to be angular, to rise, to occur.
btl_un_yowarl ヨワール Yowaaru Yowaru means "to weaken."
btl_un_tuyonarl ツヨナール Tsuyonaaru
btl_un_wanawana ワナワナー Wanawanaa "Wanawana" means "Trembling with fear."
btl_un_minarai_kamec みならいカメック Apprentice Magikoopa
btl_un_heiho ヘイホー Shy Guy
btl_un_dancing_heiho ダンシングヘイホー Dancing Shy Guy
btl_un_fire_heiho ファイアヘイホー Fire Shy Guy
btl_un_command_heiho コマンドヘイホー Command Shy Guy
btl_un_black_heiho ブラックヘイホー Black Shy Guy
btl_un_hatty ハッチー Hacchii
btl_un_kohatty コバッチー Kobacchii
btl_un_ufo キャッチャン Kyacchan
btl_un_gesso_left_arm L. Tentacle
btl_un_gesso_right_arm R. Tentacle
btl_un_powan Pennington
btl_un_fighter Fighter
btl_un_faker_mario MASAOglobal1664 Positioned in the ISO by Doopliss's name. "MASAO" means "deep blue; ghastly pale"
btl_un_faker_mario_gra MASAOglobal1665
btl_un_kurikuri Goomba Bros.
btl_un_tree Odd Tree
btl_un_switch Switch
btl_un_testnpc TEST GLOBAL 1700
btl_un_bomzou BOMBZO GLOBAL 1701
btl_un_system System
btl_un_mario Mario
btl_un_koura Shell
btl_un_sanders Bobbery In reality, all of Mario's partners are included in this block of names. However, the others are fought in game at other times. They have separate entries for these times.
btl_un_chuchurina Ms. Mowz
Badge Descriptions (global)

Wear this to become able to
use three items in one turn
during battle. This move
requires 8 FP.


During battle, become able to
use three items in one turn.


During battle, let your ally
use three items in one turn.

Pit of 100 Trials Traps (global)

The devices on this level are
now active.<wait 100> You can no longer
change allies during battle!


The device on this level is
now active.<wait 100> You can no longer
use your hammer in battle!


The device on this level is
now active. <wait 100>You can no longer
use your jump in battle!


The device on this level is
now active.<wait 100> You now receive
double coins after battle!

Miscellaneous (global)
nok_01_for_E3 To the Special Stage!

スロットAの メモリーカードの
セーブデータは こわれています
データを けしても いいですか?

Slot A's Memory Card's
Save Data is damaged.
Is it OK to erase the data?

msg_mcard_savefile_delete_finish データを けしました Data was deleted.




Hooktail's Castle (gon_01)

So, Hooktail Castle, huh?

Well...<wait 250> It sure is ominous,
that's for sure.


Oh, man... Hooktail Castle...

The stories were all true...
This place is TERRIFYING...

By the way, Mario,<wait 250> the
bridge is out up ahead.

First, go in this building and
use the jump platform to go
to the second floor.

Stand on the pedastal on the
second floor and press <icon PAD_Y_ON 0.5 -20 35 -10> to
become a paper airplane.

Oh, man... Hooktail Castle...

The stories were all true...
This place is TERRIFYING...

By the way, Mario,<wait 250> the
bridge is out up ahead.

First, go in this building and
use the jump platform to go
to the second floor.

Stand on the pedastal on the
second floor and press Y Button to
become a paper airplane.

A similar message is used in the final game, but it ends after "terrifying."

Roguport (gor_02)

やあ マリオ
<wait 160>
わたしが おしえられることは
一通り 話したと おもうよ

ほかにも いろいろと じょうほうは
あったんだけど いまは わすれちゃった

また なにか おもいだしておくから
こんど きてくれよ

This is Grifty's text.
Twilight Trail (gra_02)

ワシは なにを していたんだ・・・

店で 売るための やくそうを とりに
この森に きたところだったが・・・

Riverside Station Outside (hom_00)


しかし マジョリンは つぎなる
手を うっていた みたいだぜ

アンタも あきらめた方が

<wait 250>
オレは マジョリンに ハナから
あてに されてなったのか・・・



トロンの ニセモノよ

やっぱり ニセモノだったのね この人
<wait 250>
だって ホンモノの トロンだったら
あんなに えらそうに しないはずだもの

Taron's Doppelganger

As I expected, it was a fake
<wait 250>
But then, what about the real one?

One of Goombella's tattles.

Pit of 100 Trials (jon_04)

<select 0 1 150 40>
は い

<select 0 1 150 40>
Y e s

The space in the word はい (yes) may simply be to make it and いいえ (no) take up the same amount of space. This has the opposite effect when translated, obviously.


ラクガキは ねんいりに かかれていて

Pit of 100 Trials (jon_06)
jon_00 Who dares approach me? This is Hooktail's dialog, but it appears in the room where Bonetail is found. The reason for this is unknown.

Hmm...<wait 250> are friends
of the strange-garbed one
who came earlier?

I didn't expect more to come
to steal the stone I protect...
Such rashness...


That was foolish, I fear.
<wait 250>
Do you really think you
can beat me?


But you're so small. And you
don't appear tasty. I suppose
you might make a good snack.

And the bottoms of your feet
smell like they might make a
good sauce with some spices.

What I'll do is saute you
to crispy goodness and gobble
you down...HEADFIRST!

Palace of Shadow (las_05)

<dynamic 3>
We're totally done for!
<wait 500>
</dynamic><wait 500>


<dynamic 3>
Oh, no, we're finished!
<wait 500>
</dynamic><wait 500>


<dynamic 3>
Oh, it's the end for us!
<wait 500>
</dynamic><wait 500>


<dynamic 3>
Awww, game over, man!
<wait 500>
</dynamic><wait 500>


<dynamic 3>
We've had it!
<wait 500>
</dynamic><wait 500>


<dynamic 3>
We're through!
<wait 500>
</dynamic><wait 500>


<dynamic 3>
This is the end!
<wait 500>
</dynamic><wait 500>

Palace of Shadow (las_28)
stg8_las_106_kur あかないわ マリオ! Don't open it, Mario! This is the same line as phrased by each of Mario's seven partners. The differences in their styles of speech don't translate well.
stg8_las_106_nok マリオさん あきません! Mr. Mario, don't open it!
stg8_las_106_win マリオちゃん あかないわン! Mario, dear, don't open it!
stg8_las_106_yos ダメだ あかないぜ! It's useless, don't open it!
stg8_las_106_viv あかないわ マリオ! Don't open it, Mario!
stg8_las_106_bom マリオ あかないぞ! Mario, don't open it!
stg8_las_106_chu ひらきませんわ マリオ! Don't open it, Mario!
Keelhaul Key (muj_00)

<wait 250>
どうなってんの この島は~!
<wait 250>
オバケのあとは ホンモノの海賊~!?

<wait 250>
What is going on with this island?!
<wait 250>
Is it really the ghost pirate?

These would be said by two NPCs standing on the beach as Lord Crump fired his cannons.

メガネの ヤロウ~!
<wait 250>
おれたちを ダマしやがって!
<wait 250>

That rascal in the glasses...!
<wait 250>
He tricked us!
<wait 250>


</wave><wait 250>

</wave><wait 250>
It's not spinning...

Whacka's text.
Keelhaul Key (muj_04)

なにを グズグズしている!

コイツらは ワシに まかせろ!
<wait 250>
ワシに かまわず さっさと 行け!!

What's the holdup?!

Trust me with this!
<wait 250>
Don't worry about me, hurry and go!!

Petalberg (nok_01)

Mario!<wait 250> I'm so glad I got to
see you again!


So, you're off on another
adventure, eh?<wait 250> Yes, of
course I'll go with you!


Koops has joined your party!

nok_01_aed_nok_04 Come on! Let's go!
Inner Poshley Sanctum (pik_03)

いまは もう だいざの上に
ガーネットスターは ない

The Garnet Star is no longer on the pedestal.

Unused Badges

Name of Badge Icon BP Needed Effect/Description
All or Nothing P File:Pmttyd all or nothing p.gif 4 Hit Action Commands, up ally's Attack. Fail, it goes to 0.
FP Drain P File:FP Drain P.gif 1 Drops ally's attack by 1, but gain 1 FP per attack.
Happy Flower P File:Pmttyd happy flower p.gif 2 Mario's partner will occasionally recover 1 FP even though there is no separate FP for the partner.
Lucky Day P File:Pmttyd lucky day p.gif 7 When the ally's attacked, make foes miss more often.
Invalid Item File:Pmttyd mega jump.gif 3 Behaves like a possible Mega Jump badge.
Invalid Item File:Pmttyd mega quake.gif 4 Behaves like a possible Mega Quake badge.
Invalid Item File:Pmttyd mega smash.gif 1 Behaves like a possible power smash badge.
Pity Flower P File:Pmttyd pity flower p.gif 3 When Mario's ally is attacked, it will occasionally recover 1 FP.
Triple Dip File:Pmttyd triple dip.gif 6 Allows Mario to use three items in one turn. "Triple Dip" and this icon are shown in battle under the Items menu if both Double Dip badges are worn.
Triple Dip P File:Pmttyd triple dip p.gif 6 Allows Mario's partner to use three items in one turn. "Triple Dip P" and this icon are shown in battle under the Items menu if both Double Dip P badges are worn.
Turtle Curse File:Koopaskull.gif 0 Early Double Pain.
Invalid Item File:Pmttyd badge01.gif 2 Has no known effect.
Invalid Item File:Pmttyd badge01 p.gif 2 Has no known effect.
Unknown Badge File:Pmttyd badge02.gif Maybe 1 Possible early Ice Power. Could have been the early version of Ice Smash.
Invalid Item File:Pmttyd badge03.gif 2 Looks like old or powered up version of Charge. In battle it says Super Charge but it only charges by 2. Having 2 or more of these increase the Charge by 2. No other effects.
Invalid Item File:Pmttyd badge03 p.gif 2 Looks like old or powered up version of Charge P. In battle it says Super Charge but it only charges by 2. Having 2 or more of these increase the Charge by 2. No other effects.
Invalid Item File:Zaptap.gif 1 Looks exactly like the Zap Tap Badge. It makes Mario and his partner superguard every time an enemy attacks and automatically activates all action commands and stylish moves. It also makes the runaway meter full for Mario and partner.
Invalid Item File:Luckystart.gif 2 Looks exactly like the Lucky Start Badge. Can also be known as Lucky Start P because it makes something good happen to Mario's partner in the beginning of battle. For Example: Being dodgy or electric charged.

Though it is not shown in the chart above, there are two badges that uses -31 BP and - 128, and through basic mathematics, it gives the player BP instead of taking it. The second one gives 128 BP although it glitches the graphics of the Badge page it is on, and glitches the next page if it is in the bottom quarter (Last two of that page).


The official site depicts KP Pete as a red Koopa Troopa and a trash-talker. This may represent KP Pete's personality and appearance in the Beta version, or is simply an error on the part of the website's creators. Template:BetaElements