Magma-River Cruise

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This article is about Magma-River Cruise, a level in New Super Mario Bros. U. For other uses, see Peach's Castle-2.
Not to be confused with Magmaw River Cruise, its New Super Luigi U equivalent.
Magma-River Cruise
New Super Mario Bros. U
Level code World 8-2
World Peach's Castle
Game New Super Mario Bros. U
Primary power-up Ice Flower
Time limit 400 seconds
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Magma-River Cruise, or Peach's Castle-2, is the second course of Peach's Castle in New Super Mario Bros. U.


The level begins near a Limited Lift, which is used to ride across the lava in the area and can only hold up to five enemies/objects aside from Mario and other playable characters. Ash moves from the left side of the area that kills Mario instantly if he touches it. Monty Moles are encountered, along with groups of Mini Goombas on a platform above. Magmaws can also be found throughout the area in the lava. Buzzy Beetles are found on the bottom of some platforms with Mini Goombas on them, and are followed by structures of Brick Blocks containing Mini Goombas and a P Switch. More Monty Moles are found in the section leading to the end of the area, where a Warp Pipe is located. The Goal Pole can be found through the Warp Pipe.

Star Coins[edit]

  • Star Coin 1: The first Star Coin is on a ledge, and the player must use the Brick Blocks that appear to reach it.
  • Star Coin 2: The second Star Coin is blocked off by Brick Blocks. The player needs to use the P Switch below to reach it.
  • Star Coin 3: The third Star Coin is found below the red Warp Pipe that leads to the exit.


Image Name Count
KoopaTroopaNSMBU.png Green Koopa Troopa 1
KoopatroopaNSMBU.png Red Koopa Troopa 3
Magmaw Magmaw 6
MontymoleNSMBU.png Monty Mole 12
Mini Goombas in New Super Mario Bros. 2 Mini Goomba 53
NSMBU Buzzy Beetle Artwork.png Buzzy Beetle 3

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese パニックようがんクルーズ
Panikku Yōgan Kurūzu
Panic Lava Cruise

Chinese 惊恐熔岩巡航 (Simplified)
驚恐熔岩巡航 (Traditional)

Jīngkǒng Róngyán Xúnháng
Frightening Lava Cruise

Dutch Rondvaart op de magmarivier
Roundtrip on the magma river
French Océan de lave
Ocean of lava
German Reise übers Magmameer
Journey over the Magmasea
Italian Sul fiume di magma
On the magma river
Korean 패닉 용암 크루즈
Paenik Yong'am Keuruseu
Panic Lava Cruise

Portuguese Cruzeiro na Lava
Cruise on Lava
Russian Круиз по реке магмы
Kruiz po reke magmy
Cruise on magma river

Spanish Un crucero de pesadilla
A Nightmare Cruise

Level map[edit]

Level map