Large Fry

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Large Fry
Artwork of Large Fry from Wario Land: Shake It!
Species Fish
First appearance Wario Land: Shake It! (2008)
“I am the world-famous Large Fry! I have an appetite for destruction!”
Large Fry, Wario Land: Shake It!

Large Fry is a boss that appears in Large Fry Cook-Off of Quiver Cliffs in Wario Land: Shake It! He appears as a giant fish dressed as a chef, and his name references the phrase "small fry."


Large Fry starts by attacking with a Ground Pound, causing two sacks of enemies to drop down. Inside each sack is a mixture of red and yellow Bandineros, Buccaneros, Shortfuses, Nosedozers, or Recapitators. Large Fry also attacks by dashing from one side of the screen to the other, telegraphed by him starting to glow green; Wario can avoid the attack by ducking. The boss may also spit out giant missiles from his mouth, which home in on Wario.

Wario can only damage Large Fry by throwing an enemy into his mouth; he will spit out a bomb, which Wario must then throw back in. The bomb explodes inside Large Fry, dropping him to the floor and leaving vulnerable to attack. Defeating this boss awards the player with the Large Fry Emblem and access to the Shakedown Schooner, where Shake King, the final boss, awaits.



  • Defeat the boss without taking any damage.
  • Defeat the boss within a set time limit.
  • Feed Large Fry two bombs in a row.


Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ガマック

From「」(gama, toad) and possibly「コック」(kokku, cook)

French Cuistoperche
From "cuistot" (cook) and "perche" (perch)
German Wütewok
From "wüten" (to anger) and the Cantonese-derived word "wok"
Italian Fritturone
From "frittura" (frying) and the augmentative suffix "-one"
Korean 멕기
Homophone between "메기" (megi, catfish) and "먹기" (meog'gi, eating)

Spanish (NOA) Tezena
Corruption of "te cena" (the phrase "dines on you")