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Sprite of a Briefcase in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. Icon of an item from Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch)
The Thousand-Year Door description A heavy briefcase with Nitro Honey Syrup specs inside. (GCN)
A heavy briefcase with Nitro Honey Syrup and documents inside. (Switch)

The Briefcase is an item in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. It belongs to the Ratooey businessman on the Excess Express, and it has information about the Nitro Honey Syrup. During the events of Chapter 6, it is stolen by Doopliss (disguised as Zip Toad) while Mario and his teammates are aboard in an effort to prevent them from reaching the Garnet Star. The businessman then asks Pennington for help, who deduces that someone has stolen the briefcase along with Toodles' Gold Ring and the waitress's Shell Earrings to bomb the train with Nitro Honey Syrup. Mario catches the fake Zip Toad, who begrudgingly relinquishes the briefcase, along with the Gold Ring and the Shell Earrings, to him. Mario then returns the briefcase to the businessman.

If the player refuses to return the briefcase by pressing B Button at the item select menu, the businessman will ask Mario to do so, and the player will face the item select menu again.

Later, during the businessman's trouble, he forgets the code to his briefcase. The password is the number of chairs in Kroop's house, Flurrie's house (including ottomans), Don Pianta's office, and Toodles's house (including ottomans and her lawn chair outside), for a sequence of 2625.

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese カバン

Chinese (simplified) 㩦带包
Xiédài Bāo
Belt Bag

Chinese (traditional) 㩦帶包
Xiédài Bāo
Belt Bag

French Serviette
German Koffer
Italian Valigetta
Korean 가방

Spanish Maletín