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Template:Character-infobox Rabbid Cranky is a Rabbid dressed as Cranky Kong. He appears in the Donkey Kong Adventure add-on content for Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, where he works with Donkey Kong, Rabbid Peach, and Beep-0 to rid Donkey Kong Island of Rabbid Kong and his army[1], and to decontaminate the island's bananas.[2]


Rabbid Cranky seems to share many personality traits with Cranky Kong. When Rabbid Peach took his walking stick to use as a selfie stick without permission, he became angry at her, although he did pose with her for her selfies.[1] Rabbid Cranky also seems to dislike moving on his own, as he rides around on Beep-0.[1]


  1. ^ a b c Nintendo (June 12, 2018) Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle: Donkey Kong Adventure - Release Date Announcement - Nintendo E3 2018 YouTube Retrieved June 20, 2018
  2. ^ Nintendo Switch news post