Wario Land II

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Wario Land II, a game that was released in November 1998 for Nintendo's Gameboy, is the second installment of the Wario Land series. It is a 2D platformer starring Wario, the greedy treasure hunter, who was also the main protagonist of the games predecessor Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3. The game became popular enough to be remaked for the Game Boy Color three months later in February 1999, featuring coloured sprites and backgrounds. A successor to the game was produced and released in 2000, namely Wario Land 3, which adapted most of this game's gameplay mechanics.


“Aaargh! I can't believe that Captain Syrup and the Black Sugar Gang have stolen my treasures! I am one angry Wario! I'm going to get my treasures back if it's the last thing I do!”
Wario, Wario Land II
The Black Sugar Gang approaches Wario Castle in the morning.

The story begins at the castle that Wario received from Denpuu during the previous game. There he lies at his bed, taking a deep nap. However, three shadowy figures approach the castle from outside. They are Spear Guys, loyal minions of Captain Syrup and members of the Black Sugar Pirates. The pirates infiltrate the building and steal Wario's treasures, which he collected during his earlier adventures. To distract Wario and prevent him from chasing them, the pirates cause havoc in the castle by turning on a giant faucet, abandoning a vicious snake in his cellar, and installing an oversized alarm clock. After this, the pirates escape and leave Wario in the mess they caused. Wario eventually wakes up by Crazy Alarm's commotion and sets off to pursue the thieves, but not before rectifying the state of things in his home.

During his pursuit of the pirates, Wario learns that the fleeing bandids have scared his pet chicken Hen away, so he ditches his quest for a brief moment to rescue his beloved pet. He resumes the pursuit after Hen is safe again. Wario manages to get to the pirate's ship before they can set off. He drops the anchor, so the ship is forced to halt, but is then stopped by the ship guard Bobo, who delays his progress so the pirates can escape via a hot-air ballon. Wario chases them through the overgrown jungle of Maze Woods and a city with an unknown name.

Wario eventually arrives at Syrup Castle, the hideout of the mischievous pirate gang. Horrified that the pirates managed to return to their fortress, he continues his pursuit and breaks in the building. After battling many of the pirate grunts and four Elite Dangerous Ducks, Wario confronts the pirate leader herself in combat. After defeating Captain Syrup and demolishing her aircraft, Wario blasts the pirates out of their fortress, reclaims his treasures and returns home to resume his nap.

The game is noteable for its branching storyline. Throughout the levels, the player can discover many secret exits which lead to five additional chapters. Six different endings can be unlocked in this way, not counting the real ending that is accessed after completing the unlockable Time Attack level.


“Wario Land 2 is much better than any of my previous games. Why, you ask? Because in this game, I'm immortal! There's no Game Over! With multiple endings, you can play my game MANY times. Isn't that great?! ”
Wario, Wario Land II
File:WL2 S NavMap.PNG
The navigation map.

Wario Land II is a 2D platforming game, like its predecessor Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3. It is divided into five Worlds (called Chapters), which each are divided into five respective Levels (called Stories). The chapters are accessed one after another, so when the player completes a level, they will be instantly transported to the next level. However, after completing the game for the first time, the player will receive a navigation map which allows them to choose the level they visit at will.

Basic Abilities

Wario's primary abilities remain the same as in the previous game. The player can walk, crouch, and enter doors with the directional pad, jump using the A Button and perform Wario's signature ramming attack by pressing the B Button. If the directional pad is pressed up while jumping, Wario will jump slightly higher. The Player can use this technique while jumping on an enemy to jump even higher. When standing on a slope, pressing down will cause Wario to perform a rolling attack, that can smash blocks and defeat enemies. Unlike earlier, Wario can now use a Ground Pound to create shockwaves even without using a Bull Pot. This can be used to reverse enemies' movement, as well as to defeat them. When Wario stuns an enemy by jumping on it, he can pick up the motionless foe and carry it around. Wario's speed will decrease while he is carrying a heavy foe (e.g. a Grunt, or a Dangerous Duck). A carried foe can be used to defeat other foes by throwing it on them. The player can now also power up Wario's throw by pressing and holding the B Button. This will increase Wario's throwing distance and also instantly defeats the tossed enemy if it hits an obstacle.

Transformation Abilities

One of the most prominent features in Wario Land 2 is Warios immunity against death. Being hit by an enemy will only cause him to lose some coins, but are not life-threatening. In addition, some enemies cause Wario to assume new, sometimes bizzare forms which the player can use to make progress. While some abilities can be used to gain advantages, some are rather a hindrance than useful, which depends on the situation. Most transformations can be cured by having Wario touch a body of water, while some wear off after a certain amount of time has passed.

Bouncy Wario
Bouncy Wario – When getting hit by an Ape's mallet, Wario transforms into a spring-like creature and bounces around, which can be used to reach higher levels. After a while, the effect will wear off.
Artwork of the Bubble Wario transformation from Wario Land 4
Bubble Wario – By touching a bubble that emerges from a hole under water, Wario will be trapped in the bubble and float upwards. In this form, Wario can pass currents that would reject him normally. Hitting a ceiling or the surface will end this condition abruptly.
Crazy Wario – A useless condition that is evoked by ball-throwing Penguins. In this state, Wario will stumble around and controlling him is much harder. When the player presses the B Button, Wario will exhale a cloud of poisonous gas. Touching water will restore his senses.
Fat Wario – When Wario eats one of Cook's cakes, he will turn fat and his jumping skills will decrease massively. While being obese, any enemy that comes in contact with Wario will instantly be defeated. The effect wears off after Wario moved around enough.
Flaming Wario – When getting burned by a Flame's torch, Wario will be set on fire and he will run around panicing. After a while, the flames will spread over his whole body, transforming him into a wandering fireball. In this state he can break Fire Blocks. The condition ends when Wario touches water or is burned to ash.
Flat Wario
Flat Wario – Being smashed by a Bat's grindstone will cause Wario to get flat. In this state, he cannot attack anymore, but can glide through the air and fit into small holes. To assume his normal form, Wario has to touch water or use a bat without a grindstone.
Frozen Wario – When get hit by a Snowman's chilling breath, Wario will be covered in ice and slide backwards untill he hits a wall. Every enemy in his way will be defeated.
Puffy Wario – Getting stung by a bee will cause Wario's head to swell to abnormous proportions. He will float upwards like a balloon untill he hits a ceiling. This can be used to reach higher locations.
Tiny Wario – When being cursed by a Wizard Goom's magic, Wario will transform into a dwarf. In this form, he fits through narrow holes and can jump higher. Touching water or suffering a hit from an enemy attack will revert him to his original form.
Zombie Wario – After suffering a bite from an undead, Wario will become a zombie. Zombie Wario cannot jump anymore, but he is impervious and will defeat any enemy upon contact. He can also fall through thin floors and thereby reach locations he cannot enter by normal means. Being exposed to light will change him back to his old form.

Treasures and Minigames

Like in every installment of the Wario Land series, the player can obtain various optional treasures during Wario's adventure. The kinds of treasure that can be found in the game contains different artifacts, seemingly useless junk, strange odditys, and even references to other Nintendo series. To obtain a treasure, a coin-consuming minigame must be completed. There are two different categories of treasures in the game, each having 50 parts, making 100 obtainable objects in total. Once all the treasures are collected, the player will gain access to the games final level Time Attack, as well as to a remake of the Game & Watch minigame Flagman, called Flagman DD.

Hidden Treasure

Hidden treasures are items that are hidden somewhere in the games levels. Each story has one of these, making a total of 50 hidden treasures in the game. The treasure can be obtained by playing a minigame behind the respective tresure door.

Matching Game

Before the Matching Game can be played, the player has to pay a certain amount of coins. The price for one try depends on the difficulty mode that is chosen at the beginning of the game, so the amount of necessary coins vary between 50, 100 and 200 coins. After the preparations are set, a lock will float down from above and attach itself to the treasure chest. The lock shows a picture of an enemy. After that, eight cards will be displayed in the lower half of the screen. The cards will turn around for a short time, showing pictures of various enemies. Then after a moment (the duration of the moment depends on the earlier payment) the cards will turn around again. The player has to choose the card that shows the same enemy as that on the chest's lock to open the chest and receive the treasure. If the player makes a wrong decision, the game is forfeit and it has to be played again (at the full price).

Picture Panel

The picture panel is a panel of 50 parts that, when completed, shows a sketch of a landscape. One part of the picture panel is hidden at the end of each of the game's levels. The player has to play a minigame to obtain the treasure.

Number-Matching Game

The Number-matching Game is a minigame mainly composed of nine cards, arranged in a 3x3 pattern, facing to the ground. When turned around, they form the shape of a didgit, which can be either didgit from zero to nine. The player has to guess which didgit is displayed on the cards to obtain the treasure. By paying 50 coins, they can make one of the nine cards turn around. The respective card will be chosen by random. When the player wishes, they can make a guess. If the guess is right, the chest will open and release the picture panel part. if the guess proves to be false, the minigame is forfeit and the player will have to replay the whole level in order to get a new chance.

After beating the game for the first time, the minigame will slightly change. The cards will now turn around automatically, while Wario's amount of coins is steadily decreasing. This leaves the player with less time to think and makes the minigame more fast-paced.


Regular Chapters

Chapter 1: One Noisy Morning

  1. Turn Off the Alarm Clock!
  2. Turn Off the Giant Faucet!
  3. Let the Water Out!
  4. Go Down to the Cellar
  5. Defeat the Giant Snake

Chapter 2: SS Tea Cup

  1. Return the Hen to Her Nest
  2. Escape from the Woods!
  3. Get in the Tea Cup
  4. Drop the Anchor!!
  5. Defeat Bobo!!

Chapter 3: Maze Woods

  1. Get to Maze Woods
  2. Defeat the Giant Spear Man
  3. Through the Thorny Maze!!
  4. Escape from Maze Woods
  5. Defeat the Giant Bee!

Chapter 4: In Town

  1. Stop that Train!
  2. Up on the Rooftop!!
  3. Down in the Cellar
  4. Escape from the Factory!
  5. Anyone for B-Ball?

Chapter 5: Syrup Castle

  1. Get to the Castle!!
  2. Storm the Castle!!
  3. Defeat four Ducks!
  4. Find the Hidden Door!!
  5. The Final Battle!!

Additional Chapters

Chapter 2': Invade Wario Castle

  1. To the Castle!!
  2. Storm the Castle!!
  3. Defeat the Giant Spear Man
  4. Go Through the Grand Hall
  5. Kick'em Out!

Chapter 2": Go to the Cellar!!

  1. Defeat the Giant Spear Man
  2. Avoid the Rocks!
  3. Stop that Train!
  4. Find the Exit!!
  5. Defeat the Cave Master!!

Chapter 3': Ruins at the Bottom of the Sea

  1. Escape from the Tea Cup!
  2. Defeat the Giant Spear Man
  3. Inside the Ruins!
  4. Escape from the Ruins!
  5. Captured Syrup!

Chapter 5': Mysterious Factory!

  1. Defeat the Giant Spear Man
  2. Into the Factory!
  3. Move Through the Water!
  4. Don't Shock the Owl!
  5. Awaiting Syrup!

Chapter 5": Uncanny Mansion

  1. Defeat the Giant Spear Man
  2. Hold on to the Owl
  3. The Way to the Open Door
  4. Coming Back is Difficult
  5. Capture the Ghost!

Time Attack

  1. Steal the Syrup's Treasure!!



Objects, Traps and Allies

WL2 O Coin.png

Coin: These are Wario's favourite. They are used to pay the minigames that must be won to obtain a treasure. The player should collect as many as possible.

WL2 O WarioCoin.png

Wario Coin: A golden coin with Wario's face on it. It is worth 10 regular coins.

100 Coin in Wario Land II (Game Boy Color).

Blue Coin: A rare flashing coin that randomly appears when defeating an enemy or breaking a block. It is worth 100 regular coins.

Brick in the Game Boy Color version of Wario Land II.

Breakable Block: These come in various forms and sizes, depending on the level. Wario can break them with any attack.

Passable Floor: Wario can pass these floor tiles when jumping up. Zombie Wario will fall right through them.

Loose Floor: It looks similar to a regular floor tile but it is slightly more outstanding. They will fall down once Wario stepped on them.

WL2 O EnemyBlock.png

Enemy Block: These blocks can only be broken by throwing an enemy at them. They are sometimes disguised as normal walls.

WL2 O FireBlock.png

Fire Block: Only Flaming Wario can break these while in his flame state.

Doughnut block

Cracked Block: A block with cracks in it. Only Fat Wario can break them.


Switch Block: Switches that trigger various events. The effects range from switching lights on to moving blocks.

Ice block that can be thrown and respawns upon breaking in Wario Land II (Game Boy Color).

Glass Block: A special kind of block that appears in Level 5-3. It can be picked up and thrown like an enemy, but will break when touching the ground.

WL2 O Stove.png

Stove: Stoves like that can be found in many different areas. They can be moved by ramming and used as stepping stones to reach higher locations.

WL2 O Elevator.png

Elevator: A platform that connects two floors. It will move in the direction the arrow is facing. If the arrow is pointing down it can only be activated by Fat Wario

WL2 O ConveyorBelt.png

Conveyor Belt: It moves in a certain direction and will affect Wario's movements. When crouching it is impossible to move against it's direction.


Blade: A sharp Blade that launches itself in the air in a set rhythm. Only the tip is dangerous, so Wario can slip underneath it while it is risen.

WL2 O Thorn.png

Spiked Ball: Floating obstacles with thorns. They are usually found in levels featuring the owl. They change their appearance depending on the area. Sometimes they are electric.

WL2 O Spikes.png

Spikes: Spikes that are usually found embedded in the ground. Wario will lose coins when touching them.

A gull in Wario Land II (Game Boy Color).

Seagull: A harmless bird that appears in some levels. Wario can abuse them as plattforms to reach remote locations. Touching them will cause them to fly away.

WL2 O Owl.png

Owl: A sleepy owl that appears in some levels. When awakened, it can carry Wario around.

The turtle in Wario Land II (Game Boy Color).

Turtle: A sea turtle that can be found near water. It helps Wario by carrying him over strong currents.


  • The game manual states that Wario is unable to jump while being in his flat form, this is not true however.

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