List of trophies in Super Smash Bros. Melee

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# Name First Game Description
1 Mario Donkey Kong
Arcade 1981
Known worldwide as Mr. Nintendo, Mario uses his incredible jumping ability to thwart the evil Bowser time after time. While he's best known as a hero, Mario has played many roles, including racer, doctor, golfer, and villain. His tastes have changed over 20 years of gaming; he long ago swapped the colors of his shirt and overalls.
2 Mario [Smash] B: Fireball
Smash B: Cape
Mario is a character without any glaring weaknesses and plenty of strong attacks: he's even equipped with a Meteor Smash. He's a straightforward character who'll reflect the actual skills of the player. Mario's Cape will turn other characters in the opposite direction and can also reflect missile weapons.
3 Mario [Smash] Up & B: Super Jump Punch
Down & B: Mario Tornado
Mass determines how easily a character can be sent flying, as well as a character's physical strength: Mario's mass is the standard upon which other Smash fighters are measured. His Super Jump Punch sends foes skyward in a shower of coins, while the Mario Tornado pulls in nearby foes, spins them silly, and scatters them every which way.
4 Donkey Kong Donkey Kong
Arcade 1981
While he now prefers the laid-back jungle lifestyle to construction site mischief, DK is often forced back into action by the Kremling Krew. The great ape is quite fast despite his burly physique, and he keeps his strength up with a steady diet of his favorite food: bananas. His one extravagance (and only piece of clothing) is a monogrammed necktie.
5 Donkey Kong [Smash] B: Giant Punch
Smash B: Headbutt
Donkey Kong is a huge target in a fight, so he hates crowds. When he's in the fray, his Giant Punch deals serious damage to multiple opponents. The big ape's Headbutt hits so hard that it temporarily buries opponent's in the ground. DK is a lot faster than he looks, and he's lethal in the hands of a master.
6 Donkey Kong [Smash] Up & B: Spinning Kong
Down & B: Hand Slap
Being the strongest simian around, DK has the upper hand once he grabs an opponent. He can even lift his foe up and make him or her an unwilling traveling companion; if DK grabs you, shake your Control Stick as fast as you can to break his grip. His Spinning Kong covers more lateral distance than vertical, so use it quickly to recover.
7 Link The Legend of Zelda
Even in his youth, Link was already becoming the warrior who would carry the destiny of Hyrule (and many other lands) on his shoulders. His epic struggles against the forces of darkness are written in legend, and he is bound to the Princess Zelda and the archfiend Ganondorf by the awesome power of the Triforce.
8 Link [Smash] B: Bow
Smash B: Boomerang
Burdened with a shield, a heavy sword, and plenty of equipment, Link is not a very mobile character. Nevertheless, he's skilled with the blade, and his varied supply of missile weapons makes him a powerful fighter. To master Link, you must control the pace by balancing your long-range attacks with head-to-head swordplay.
9 Link [Smash] Up & B: Spin Attack
Down & B: Bomb
Link's Bow, Boomerang, and Bombs all take time to wield, so you may want to try drawing them in midair to prevent your foes from attacking you while you're vulnerable. The Spin Attack can score consecutive midair hits, and the final slash is very powerful. Link's Bombs are his trump card, but he can't pull one out if he's carrying another item.
10 Samus Aran Metroid
This intergalactic bounty hunter's full name is Samus Aran. Clad in a Power Suit made by the Chozo race and infused with their enhanced blood, she cleared the planet Zebes of a Metroid infestation. Samus is an orphan, the sole survivor of a Space Pirate raid that destroyed an Earth colony named K-2L.
11 Samus Aran [Smash] B: Charge Shot
Smash B: Missile
Samus has an abundance of projectile weapons, making her a long-distance attack specialist. The most powerful weapon in her arsenal is her Charge Shot, but be warned: it can be reflected. Her missiles have homing capabilities, but when fired as Smash Attacks, they fly on a straight trajectory and have boosted power.
12 Samus Aran [Smash] Up & B: Screw Attack
Down & B: Bomb
While Samus's arsenal of missile weapons is indeed formidable, her enemies are in for a rude awakening if they guard against nothing else. Her Grappling Beam captures foes and latches on to walls, and the Screw Attack drags foes upwards in a series of spins that doubles as a recovery move. Samus can also use her Bombs to perform Bomb Jumps.
13 Yoshi Super Mario World
Yoshis are gentle, fleet-of-foot dinosaurs that make their home on idyllic Yoshi's Island. They come in a variety of colors and have evolved an interesting trait to help increase their numbers: they can transform anything they swallow into an egg. With adhesive tongues and bottomless bellies, Yoshis have been known to eat anything.
14 Yoshi [Smash] B: Egg Lay
Smash B: Egg Roll
To make up for his lack of powerful airborne attacks, Yoshi has a miraculous jumping ability and is resistant to damage while in the air. Yoshi can also swallow a foe and transform him or her into an egg: try doing this close to an edge! The speed and power of the Egg Roll increases if you hold down the B Button, but it'll be tougher to control.
15 Yoshi [Smash] Up & B: Egg Throw
Down & B: Yoshi Bomb
Yoshi has no third jump, so the timing of his second jump is of vital importance. The angle and distance of his Egg Throw can be altered by how you tilt the Control Stick and how long you press the B Button. When Yoshi lands after doing his Yoshi Bomb, stars appear on either side of him, making it hard for enemies to deliver counterattacks.
16 Kirby Kirby's Dream Land
A denizen of the far-off, peaceful planet Pop Star, Kirby became a citizen of Dream Land after defeating King Dedede. Even though he's only about eight inches tall, Kirby is an extremely skilled technician. He has the ability to absorb the powers of his enemies, and his elastic body makes him a versatile adventurer.
17 Kirby [Smash] B: Swallow
Smash B: Hammer
Kirby's small size lets him dodge many attacks, but his light weight makes him fly far when struck. Using his ability to inflate, he can jump five times. His Swallow attack creates wild combos; not only can he copy foes' moves, but he'll also put on special hats and mimic their voices. His Hammer is unwieldy but powerful.
18 Kirby [Smash] Up & B: Final Cutter
Down & B: Stone
Because of his light weight, Kirby is always in danger of being sent flying, but his ability to puff up and fly allows him to come back from amazing distances. His Final Cutter strikes on the way up and on the way down, and it sends out a beam of force upon landing. Kirby transforms into various objects and crashes down when he uses his Stone technique.
19 Fox McCloud Star Fox
Fox McCloud is the leader of a band of adventurers-for-hire known as Star Fox. Fox and his fellow pilots Peppy, Slippy, and Falco patrol the Lylat system in their mother ship, the Great Fox. From the cockpit of his Arwing, Fox leads the ceaseless pursuit of the evil scientist Andross, who doomed Fox's father.
20 Fox McCloud [Smash] B: Blaster
Smash B: Fox Illusion
Fox is among the quickest and nimblest of the Smash Bros. characters. His speed is offset by low firepower, however, and he's better at one-on-one fights than melees with multiple foes. His Blaster is unique: it does damage but it doesn't make enemies flinch. His Fox illusion is best used as a surprise attack.
21 Fox McCloud [Smash] Up & B: Fire Fox
Down & B: Reflector
Fox falls quickly, so he's a tough target to strike from below; however, this advantage can work against him when he goes flying sideways. You can use the Control Stick to set the direction of the Fire Fox technique while it's charging up. On a side note, Fox is also much lighter than he was in the N64 Super Smash Bros. game.
22 Pikachu Pokémon Red & Blue
It's safe to say that Pikachu is the most famous and popular of all Pokémon. It has electric pouches in both cheeks; when in danger, it shoots electricity at its enemies. Although Pikachu can evolve into Raichu by exposure to a Thunderstone, many trainers like Pikachu so much that they don't let it evolve.
23 Pikachu [Smash] B: Thunder Jolt
Smash B: Skull Bash
While its electrical attacks, such as Thunder and Thunder Jolt, are powerful, Pikachu is at its best speeding around the fray and waiting for its chance to strike. You can control the path of Pikachu's two-directional Quick Attack, allowing you to jump twice. Hold down the B Button to charge up Skull Bash.
24 Pikachu [Smash] Up & B: Quick Attack
Down & B: Thunder
The angle of the Control Stick controls the direction of Pikachu's Quick Attack. Pikachu will move blindingly fast, and it will also cause damage to any character it runs into. Move the Control Stick during Quick Attack and Pikachu will move in up to two directions. Be sure to check out the ceilings on the level when you use Thunder.
25 Ness Earthbound
Ness is a young boy who's mastered the psychic power known as PSI. Ness was living a normal life in the suburbs of Onett until a meteor crashed into a nearby mountain and sent him on a wild adventure. Believing in the ultimate powers of wisdom, courage, and friendship, Ness proves that some heroes come in small packages.
26 Ness [Smash] B: PK Flash
Smash B: PK Fire
The key to mastering Ness is controlling his unique midair jump, which makes up for what he lacks in speed. His PK Flash attack may seem weak at first glance, but it grows more powerful the longer you hold down the B Button. To do a lot of damage with PK Fire, try to burn your opponent as many times as possible.
27 Ness [Smash] Up & B: PK Thunder
Down & B: PSI Magnet
Ness's mind is his best weapon. PK Thunder is a PSI missile weapon that can be guided using the Control Stick, and if Ness hits himself with it, he turns into a living missile capable of doing massive damage. This move can also be used for recovery. PSI Magnet turns energy missile attacks into health; try out certain Pokémon for stamina replenishment.
28 Capt. Falcon F-Zero
Usually a relentless bounty hunter, Captain Falcon shifts gears to become a race pilot once the F-Zero Grand Prix begins. His beloved racer, the Blue Falcon, can exceed the speed of sound, and he knows how to drive it; he'll go down as one of the all time-greats. Now 36 years old, Captain Falcon wears his F-Zero X visor.
29 Capt. Falcon [Smash] B: Falcon Punch
Smash B: Raptor Boost
Falcon's style is a balanced combination of raw power and speed. His attacks are slow, but when combined with Falcon's high mobility, he's a formidable combat force. The Falcon Punch packs the highest degree of destructive power, while the explosive Raptor Boost can be used to smash airborne foes into the depths.
30 Capt. Falcon [Smash] Up & B: Falcon Dive
Down & B: Falcon Kick
The Knee Smash, used in midair on foes in front of you, is slow and has a short reach, but if it connects, it'll send foes flying a long way on a low trajectory. Falcon uses his Falcon Dive to grab an enemy in midair and fling them away with an explosive blast. He can do this technique repeatedly without landing, so it can also be used as a recovery move.
31 Bowser Super Mario Bros.
Bowser has a long history of kidnapping Princess Peach to lure his nemesis, Mario, into traps. He leads an enormous group of mischievous creatures, not the least of which are his seven children. With outrageous strength, flammable breath, and more spikes than you can shake a Star Rod at, Bowser is a constant threat.
32 Bowser [Smash] B: Fire Breath
Smash B: Koopa Klaw
In many ways, Bowser is the toughest character around. Not only does he have near-impervious hide, but his great mass makes him almost impossible to hurl offscreen. Of course, his weight also makes him rather slow to maneuver, so when facing him in battle, it's best to press your attack and not give him a chance to counter.
33 Bowser [Smash] Up & B: Whirling Fortress
Down & B: Bowser Bomb
Bowser's Fire Breath strikes continually, but it grows gradually smaller over time until it's barely smoldering. The Koopa Klaw rakes enemies at a distance and pulls nearby foes in close for a good gnawing. Bowser's Whirling Fortress moves laterally over the ground; it works in midair as a recovery. The Bowser Bomb is powerful and paves the way for more attacks.
34 Peach Super Mario Bros.
Princess Peach presides over the Mushroom Kingdom from her huge castle. Her loyal subject Toad does his best to protect her but always seems to fail spectacularly. Besides her royal duties, Peach is interested in both tennis and golf; since she's so magnanimous, she'll even deign to play a few matches with the evil Bowser.
35 Peach [Smash] B: Toad
Smash B: Peach Bomber
Peach's ability to float is invaluable in Super Smash Bros. Melee, as she can return from incredible distances. Balancing this talent, though, is the fact that she's quite light and can be sent flying with a single powerful attack. Her attacks are fairly weak, so you'll have to hang around to win.
36 Peach [Smash] Up & B: Peach Parasol
Down & B: Vegetable
Peach's Smash A attack will set her swinging with either a frying pan, tennis racket, or golf club. These bludgeoning devices appear randomly and have different reaches and power levels. The princess uses Toad to absorb attacks, and he counters by sending spores out at attackers. Don't worry about the little guy, though; he takes his job seriously.
37 Ice Climbers Ice Climber
That's Popo in the blue and Nana in the pink. These two stars of the game Ice Climber have scaled many an icy summit in their mountaineering careers. Back in their glory days, they chased eggplants, cucumbers, and other vegetables that inexplicably fell from frosty summits when a condor reigned supreme. They're rarely seen apart.
38 Ice Climbers [Smash] B: Ice Shot
Smash B: Squall Hammer
This unique twosome fights together as a team. Your score will not be affected if the CPU-controlled character is KO'd, but a lone Ice Climber won't be able to use teamwork moves, which will make for a tough and frantic solo fight. The Ice Shot fires mini-glaciers out of their hammers, while Squall Hammer is at its strongest when Nana and Popo combine their strength.
39 Ice Climbers [Smash] Up & B: Belay
Down & B: Blizzard
The colors of the Ice Climbers' parkas denotes who's in the lead: Nana's in pink or orange, while Popo's in green or blue. Their hairstyles are also slightly different. Belay allows them to cover great distances, but doesn't give foes the chance to target their landing. Blizzard is best used in close quarters; in the fray, Nana and Popo will sometimes freeze opponents.
40 Zelda The Legend of Zelda
The crown princess of Hyrule. Zelda entrusted Link with the future of Hyrule after a revelation came to her in the world of dreams. She knows much about the Triforce; in fact, the only person who likely knows more about Triforce lore is Ganondorf himself, whom Zelda evaded in Ocarina of Time by transforming into her alter ego, Sheik.
41 Zelda [Smash] B: Nayru's Love
Smash B: Din's Fire
Zelda is a bit slow and, because of her light frame, easy to send flying. On the other hand, her magical skills lend her reliable and explosive attack power. Zelda's easier to use if you focus on waiting and countering rather than pressing attacks. She can use Nayru's Love to reflect projectile attacks or as an offensive weapon.
42 Zelda [Smash] Up & B: Farore's Wind
Down & B: Transform
Zelda's midair Lightning Kick centers immense magical power in the ball of her foot. If she strikes perfectly, the attack is as strong as can be. If her aim is slightly off, it'll be exceedingly weak. Farore's Wind again utilizes Zelda's magical prowess, this time by transporting her great distances. It's vital to know the lay of the land before using this move.
43 Sheik The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
This is Zelda's alter ego. Using a variation of the name of the ancient Sheikah tribe, she appears before Link and teaches him melodies instrumental to his success. It's believed that she's not just a quick-change artist, but rather that she is able to instantaneously alter her clothing and her eye and skin color by using her magical skills.
44 Sheik [Smash] B: Needle Storm
Smash B: Chain
Strategically switching between Zelda and Sheik is key. Compared to her Zelda form, Sheik is nimble and has gorgeous moves, but she lacks a strong knockout attack. The number of needles thrown in Needle Storm is based on how long you hold the B Button before releasing it. Use the Control Stick to wave the Chain after brandishing it.
45 Sheik [Smash] Up & B: Vanish
Down & B: Transform
The best strategy to use when playing as Sheik is to let her flow from one powerful attack into another, like a river of quicksilver. Zelda has some techniques with more punch, however, so in one-on-one battles, use Transform as needed. Sheik only travels a short way when using Vanish, but the move comes with a small explosion that damages foes around her.
46 Luigi Mario Bros.
Arcade 1983
Although Mario's younger brother has always played second fiddle, Luigi finally garnered the spotlight with his very own game, Luigi's Mansion. Things are looking up for the eternal understudy; he's even picked up his own rival in Waluigi. The day he's referred to as the "lean, mean, green machine" may not be too far off.
47 Luigi [Smash] B: Fireball
Smash B: Green Missile
Luigi has worse traction than his brother, but he's a more powerful jumper. His Fireballs aren't affected by gravity, so they fly straight horizontally. The Green Missile is similar to Pikachu's Skull Bash, but there's a 12.5% chance of a spontaneous misfire. Luigi's taunting pose inflicts minor damage.
48 Luigi [Smash] Up & B: Super Jump Punch
Down & B: Luigi Cyclone
Smack someone with Luigi's Super Jump Punch, and if the timing is just right, it will become a Fire Jump Punch of incredible strength. However, Luigi can only jump straight up when delivering this blow, and if his aim is a bit off, he'll only do a single point of damage. The Luigi Cyclone sucks foes in and twirls them about.
49 Jigglypuff Pokémon Red & Blue
This balloon Pokémon invites its opponents in close with its big, round eyes and then puts them to sleep with a soothing lullaby. It puffs itself up when angry, and while it may look adorable, it's not to be trifled with; it knows several powerful techniques. Jigglypuff evolves into Wigglytuff after exposure to a Moon Stone.
50 Jigglypuff [Smash] B: Rollout
Smash B: Pound
Jigglypuff's normal attacks are weak, and because of its light weight it's easily sent flying. However, with its incredible midair agility, it seems to dance when airborne. Rollout is a powerful speed attack, but be careful not to fly off the edge. Pound does serious damage, and it can also help as a recovery move.
51 Jigglypuff [Smash] Up & B: Sing
Down & B: Rest
Jigglypuff can put its enemies to sleep if they are in range of its Sing attack, although the attack does not work on airborne foes. Rest puts Jigglypuff into a deep sleep, but at the instant it drops off, an intense energy force radiates out of the exact center of its body. If this force comes in contact with an enemy, look out! Rest is Jigglypuff's wild card.
52 Mewtwo Pokémon Red & Blue
A genetically created Pokémon, Mewtwo is the result of many long years of research by a solitary scientist. Although Mewtwo was cloned from the genes of the legendary Pokémon Mew, its size and character are far different than its ancestor. Its battle abilities have been radically heightened, making it ruthless.
53 Mewtwo [Smash] B: Shadow Ball
Smash B: Confusion
As Mewtwo relies mostly on its powerful brain, there are times when it scarcely uses its arms and legs. Since Mewtwo spends much of its time floating, it flies far when struck. Shadow Ball traces a jagged path once released: the longer Mewtwo holds it, the more powerful it becomes. Mewtwo uses Confusion to spin its foes around.
54 Mewtwo [Smash] Up & B: Teleport
Down & B: Disable
Mewtwo is definitely not a speedy character, but its ESP-powered grab and throw moves are comparatively strong. Teleport has a short range, but doesn't leave it open to attack. It's best used as an escape move during disturbances. Mewtwo can daze a foe if it makes eye contact and uses Disable; the move is useless unless Mewtwo is facing its enemy.
55 Marth Fire Emblem
Japan Only
The betrayed prince of the Kingdom of Altea, the blood of the hero Anri flows in Marth's veins. He was forced into exile when the kingdom of Dolua invaded Altea. Then, wielding his divine sword Falchion, he led a revolt and defeated the dark dragon Medeus. Afterwards, Altea was annihilated by King Hardin of Akanea.
56 Marth [Smash] B: Shield Breaker
Smash B: Dancing Blade
Marth is a magnificent swordsman. While his swordplay is faster than that of Link, he lacks power, and his quickness if offset by a marginal endurance. His Shield Breaker gains power the longer it's held. The Dancing Blade combination uses both the Control Stick and the B Button to produce a series of up to four attacks.
57 Marth [Smash] Up & B: Dolphin Slash
Down & B: Counter
The tip of Marth's blade causes the most damage, so you should try to create adequate distance between you and your enemy to gracefully strike with that point. Marth's dolphin Slash is fast and powerful, but it leaves him vulnerable upon landing. Marth uses Counter to block a foe's attack and deal a return strike. If you're fighting a Counter-happy Marth, grab him.
58 Mr. Game & Watch Game & Watch
First appearing in 1980, the Game & Watch series is the father of all portable liquid crystal games. The main character is simple and monochrome but has a timeless individuality. There are 39 different games in the series and they've sold over 43 million units worldwide. Pictured at left is the particularly popular Fire model.
59 Mr. Game & Watch [Smash] B: Chef
Smash B: Judgment
A resident of a totally flat world, Mr. Game & Watch's frame-by-frame movement is distinctive. His image is known far and wide and respected by gamers everywhere. In Super Smash Bros. Melee, he hurls sausages with his Chef technique. The random strength of his Judgment is determined by the number displayed; food appears on lucky 7.
60 Mr. Game & Watch [Smash] Up & B: Fire
Down & B: Oil Panic
A man of great stature in the world of Nintendo characters, Mr. Game & Watch is a comparatively light fellow and doesn't feature many powerful attacks. When he's in danger of falling, Fire calls out a rescue brigade to send him skyward once more. He can also catch missile weapons with Oil Panic; once he's caught three, he can dump the bucket on his foes.
61 Dr. Mario Dr. Mario
Immaculate in his medical garb, Dr. Mario destroys killer viruses with his amazing vitamin capsules. With his dedicated nurse, Princess Peach, at his side, Dr. Mario spends day and night in his laboratory working on new miracle cures. Somehow he's managed to keep up with all the new viruses that have arisen over the years.
62 Dr. Mario [Smash] B: Megavitamins
Smash B: Super Sheet
There's hardly any difference in the abilities of Mario and Dr. Mario, so choosing is largely a matter of taste. Dr. Mario is a tad slower due to his lack of exercise, but his Megavitamins pack a bit more punch than Mario's Fireballs. The capsules travel on a unique trajectory and make a distinct sound on impact.
63 Dr. Mario [Smash] Up & B: Super Jump Punch
Down & B: Dr. Tornado
The differences between Dr. Mario and Mario are more pronounced in some areas than others, but basically they can be played in a similar fashion. While it may be hard to spot the contrasts, they do exist. For example, Dr. Mario's Super Sheet is longer and narrower than Mario's cape, and any opponents hit by Dr. Tornado will fly off in diverse directions.
64 Ganondorf The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Said to be the sole man born to the Gerudo tribe in a hundred years, Ganondorf aspired to conquer the world. He plundered a piece of the sacred Triforce from the Temple of Time when Link pulled the Master Sword from its pedestal. With the Triforce of Power in Ganondorf's possession, Hyrule was plunged into darkness until Link and Zelda defeated the fiend.
65 Ganondorf [Smash] B: Warlock Punch
Smash B: Gerudo Dragon
Since he's slow and can't jump very high, Ganondorf relies mainly on his immense physical strength to overwhelm his enemies. His great weight also makes him a difficult foe to send offscreen. Ganondorf's Warlock Punch is slow but absurdly powerful, and when he strikes with his Gerudo Dragon, enemies rise skyward enveloped in dark flames.
66 Ganondorf [Smash] Up & B: Dark Dive
Down & B: Wizard's Foot
Ganondorf's slow speed works against him in single combat, but in melees, his crazy power lets him earn his keep with innumerable KOs. Ganondorf can't strike quickly, but each blow he lands adds up. Ganondorf is at his quickest when he uses the Wizard's Foot, and his Dark Dive blasts foes in a burst of dark energy.
67 Falco Lombardi Star Fox
A Star Fox team pilot, Falco's constant air of casual indifference belies his precise piloting skills. He avoids discussion of what he did before joining the team, but many consider it likely that his past was filled with reckless behavior. He's not much for cooperation, but he does respect those more skilled than he is.
68 Falco Lombardi [Smash] B: Blaster
Smash B: Falco Phantasm
Where his leader, Fox, has blinding speed, Falco has his own distinct skills and advantages. He has both a higher jump and a longer reach than Fox, and although his Blaster lacks rapid-fire capabilities, it strikes with shocking force. Unlike Fox Falco can stop enemies in their tracks with his Blaster fire.
69 Falco Lombardi [Smash] Up & B: Fire Bird
Down & B: Reflector
Falco's amazing jumping abilities have many merits, but it's vital to realize that it comes at the cost of some attack power and defensive strength. He falls at a high speed, which disrupts potential attackers, but this also prevents successful recoveries occasionally. Hit an opponent with Reflector, and he or she will fly straight up; this is Falco's quickest attack.
70 Young Link The Legend of Zelda
Link's younger incarnation is often considered to be the true Link: he was a young boy in the very first Legend of Zelda game, and he has appeared as a youth in most of the subsequent games. Since his debut on the original NES in 1987, Link's appearance has changed over and over again, each time adding to the mystique of his incomparable story.
71 Young Link [Smash] B: Fire Bow
Smash B: Boomerang
Young Link is lighter and faster than his older self, and his Kokiri sword packs less punch. Even though his Boomerang has a shorter range, he has greater control over it. He's a smaller target, and while his Hookshot has less reach than older Link's, you can still use it in midair as a last ditch attempt to grab a ledge.
72 Young Link [Smash] Up & B: Spin Attack
Down & B: Bomb
With a youthful spring in his step, Young Link can perform amazing wall-jumps. Once he hits a wall, tap the Control stick in the opposite direction to send him leaping upward; you can practice to your heart's content in Target Test. His Spin Attack can strike multiple times even on the ground, and although it's hard to discern, so do his Bombs.
73 Pichu Pokémon Gold & Silver
A baby Electric-type Pokémon identifiable by its big ears. Pichu evolves into Pikachu. It's not very skilled at storing up electrical energy and will sometimes discharge it if jarred. Although it's small, it has enough electrical power to give even an adult quite a shock. It's often startled by its own power.
74 Pichu [Smash] B: Thunder Jolt
Smash B: Skull Bash
Compared with Pikachu, Pichu is a tad more nimble and a little more difficult to hit. Those are the only two advantages, however, and since Pichu damages itself when it uses electrical attacks, it's best suited for handicapped matches. Even though Pichu's tough to catch, it's easy to throw its tiny frame great distances.
75 Pichu [Smash] Up & B: Agility
Down & B: Thunder
Pichu is the lightest character in Super Smash Bros. Melee., and it's top of the class in weakness, too! For Pichu, it's all about scampering here and there to pick up items that will help it survive. The first warp in Agility causes 1 point of damage to Pichu, and the second causes 3, so try to limit the number of times you use the move.
76 Roy Fire Emblem
Japan Only
The son of the lord of Pharae Principality, Roy was studying in Ostia when the Kingdom of Bern invaded League of Lycia. His father fell ill at this time, so Roy assumed leadership of Pharae's armies. After his fateful meeting with the Princess Guinevere, his destiny became inextricably linked with the fate of the entire continent.
77 Roy [Smash] B: Flare Blade
Smash B: Double-Edge Dance
While Roy's moves are well balanced, he's a little on the slow side, and doesn't excel at midair combat. His blade, the Sword of Seals, gives him excellent reach, and makes his Double-Edge Dance slightly different then Marth's Dancing Blade. When it's fully charged, Roy's destructive Flare Blade delivers an instant KO.
78 Roy [Smash] Up & B: Blazer
Down & B: Counter
Roy's blade is different than Marth's: he does the most damage hitting with the center of his sword. So, a fearless advance into the arms of his foe is Roy's best bet. Blazer is a bit slower than Marth's Dolphin Slash, but it's still a mighty attack that sets anyone it strikes aflame. Roy's attack after using Counter differs slightly from Marth's.
79 Male Wire Frame Super Smash Bros. Melee
Who built the Fighting Wire Frames and to what purpose remains a mystery. They're a simple collection of wires which house a sparse framework of bones and organs that lends them a rather disturbing appearance. They look rather big and powerful, but in reality, both their offensive and defensive abilities are subpar.
80 Female Wire Frame Super Smash Bros. Melee
This is the female model of the Fighting Wire Frames. The female's abilities are roughly the same as the male model's. All Fighting Wire Frames lack the ability to use special techniques, and their attacks lack any real physical strength. Additionally, they're slow and are therefore easy to outmaneuver. They tend to attack in gangs.
81 Fighting Wire Frames Super Smash Bros. Melee
The Multi-Man Melee mode consists of 10-Man, 3-Minute, Endless, and other such matches, which pit you against the Fighting Wire Frames under varied rules. Of particular note is the Cruel Melee, where the Wire Frames pull no punches; they'll come after you with a single-minded fury rarely seen in CPU opponents.
82 Giga Bowser Super Smash Bros. Melee
An even more imposing figure than the original King of the Koopas. Giga Bowser is roughly twice the size of his scaly, fire-breathing, spike-studded Super Smash Bros. Melee counterpart. Predictably, this monstrous creature's offensive and defensive powers are a grade higher than those of regular Bowser. Good luck defeating this colossus!
83 Master Hand Super Smash Bros.
The Master Hand awaits anyone who survives the long and difficult road to the Final Destination. This symbolic link between the real world and the imaginary battlefields of Super Smash Bros. Melee is quite a handful in battle, and just because it wears a white glove doesn't mean it fights clean. Get ready to be flicked, swatted, punched, and poked like crazy!
84 Crazy Hand Super Smash Bros. Melee
Where the Master Hand loves to create, its alter ego is impulsive and destructive, consumed with that hollow feeling which comes from destroying one’s own creations. The Crazy Hand appears when a player clears obstacles quickly and the Master Hand’s power is low. You have only one chance to defeat the Crazy Hand.
85 Food Super Smash Bros. Melee
These food items will restore your health when you eat them. There are 28 different types of food, and the nutritional value and yumminess quotient differs slightly with each type. Party Balls tend to hold the largest amount of food items. You may be vulnerable when gorging yourself, but you do need to eat to survive.
86 Maxim Tomato Kirby's Dream Land
Maxim Tomatoes cure 50 percentage points of your accumulated damage. Once you eat one, after a brief moment, your damage meter slowly drains the appropriate amount, regardless of whether or not you pick up another item right afterwards. In the Kirby series, these juicy, health-restoring items were a favorite of the pink hero.
87 Heart Container The Legend of Zelda
Heart Containers drift toward the ground slowly and replenish 100 percentage points of health. In The Legend of Zelda, these items beefed up Link's life meter; in most cases, Link found them in the possession of bosses or hidden in secret areas. Heart Containers are often scattered across the land in several fragments.
88 Warp Star Kirby's Dream Land
The Warp Star originated as Kirby's ride: it helped the ponderous puffball get around at high speed. Hop on the Warp Star in Super Smash Bros. Melee, and your character will rapidly launch up and off the screen. You'll return in a flash, causing an explosion as you hit the ground. Try holding a direction to alter your landing.
89 Ray Gun Super Smash Bros.
The Ray Gun is toy-like in appearance and shoots short, fat, highly reflective beams of green light. The gun is fairly weak, but since it fires so fast, it can easily juggle enemies. It contains enough energy for only 16 shots. Try dropping it with a few shots left and watch your foes waste time and energy retrieving it.
90 Super Scope Super Scope
A peripheral device for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, the Super Scope is a wireless weapon that shoots infrared light to a receiver placed on top of the television. In Super Smash Bros. Melee, it can be fired rapidly or charged up to release a more powerful blast. It only has enough energy for 3 charge shots.
91 Fire Flower Super Mario Bros.
Once you grab this item, press and hold down the A Button to make the flower breathe flames until its power gives out. The Fire Flower is incredibly useful when you want to push someone off the edge of a stage. In Super Mario Bros., it transformed Mario into Fire Mario, changing his garb and enabling him to throw fireballs.
92 Lip's Stick Panel De Pon
Japan Only
This magical stick was used by the character Lip in the Japanese game Panel De Pon, which was later released as Tetris Attack in the United States. Lip's Stick causes a flower to sprout from an enemy's head, inflicting damage as it grows. Quickly tap the Control Stick back and forth to get a flower off of your head.
93 Star Rod Kirby's Adventure
This magic wand holds 16 star shots and sends foes flying at a low angle when thrown. It's most powerful when Captain Falcon or Sheik performs a Smash Attack while holding it. In Kirby's Adventure, the Star Rod is the secret power behind the Fountain of Dreams. King Dedede steals the Star Rod in order to seal away the nasty Cloaked Nightmare.
94 Beam Sword Super Smash Bros.
With its distinctive glowing blade, the Beam Sword is eye-catching and lethal. At first, the blade is about the size of a short sword, but the length changes depending on who wields it. The blade also lengthens in direct proportion to the power of an attack, so it reaches its maximum size when swung as a smash attack.
95 Home-Run Bat Super Smash Bros.
Smash an enemy with this slugger, and you'll send them flying out of sight; hence the name Home-Run Bat. The sound of the bat being swung immediately strikes fear into the hearts of opponents and can turn the tide of a battle. It's slightly risky to use, though; it has a very limited range, and it takes a little time to wind up for your swing.
96 Fan Super Smash Bros.
The Fan can be swung so rapidly that it leaves opponents unable to counterattack. It is, however, an exceedingly weak weapon. Despite this shortcoming, the Fan is quite effective as a shield breaker, and it works well at disrupting an enemy's equilibrium. Throw the fan to send your foe bouncing straight up into the sky.
97 Hammer Donkey Kong
Arcade 1981
If you grab the Hammer, you'll run across the screen swinging it back and forth nonstop. In Donkey Kong, Mario used the Hammer in exactly the same fashion. It's an extremely powerful item, but you have no recovery move when carrying it. Every now and then, the mallet head will fall off, and you'll end up completely vulnerable, swinging just the handle.
98 Green Shell Super Mario Bros.
Hit or throw a Green Shell, and it'll follow the contours of the environment, causing heavy damage to any characters it hits. These Koopa shells have many uses in the Mario series: they've been picked up, kicked, swallowed and even spit out. Mario just uses them as tools to pummel Bowser's numberless henchmen.
99 Red Shell Super Mario Bros.
Throw a Red Shell, and it will home in on random characters and send them flying straight up. Red Shells moving around the surface are dangerous to all players, but they may also present attack chances for players with good timing and strategy. Red Shells won't leave the platform they're on once they start moving.
100 Flipper Balloon Fight
Made famous as an unpredictable obstacle in Balloon Fight, the Flipper stops and hangs in midair when thrown. Any character who comes in contact with the bumper-balls on its ends will be knocked away as the Flipper spins wildly. Flippers can be a bit irksome: in Balloon Fight they caused accidents to friends and foes alike.
101 Freezie Mario Bros.
Arcade 1983
Freezies slip and slide along smooth surfaces and will happily slide off the edge of a stage if left alone. In Mario Bros., they would stop and freeze portions of the ground; in Super Smash Bros. Melee, they can be picked up and hurled as weapons. Hit a foe with a Freezie, and he or she will be temporarily encased in a huge block of ice.
102 Mr. Saturn Earthbound
The origins of the Mr. Saturn race are unknown, but many believe they came from outer space. They reside in Saturn Valley and speak their own unique language. In Super Smash Bros. Melee, Mr. Saturn is just another item with which to pelt foes. These guys are laid back and not into fighting, so you can rest easy ...or can you?
103 Bob-omb Super Mario Bros. 2
These little guys are just what they appear to be: walking bombs. Pick one up and hurl it for an incredibly potent attack. If no one picks them up, Bob-ombs light their own fuses and start wandering around armed and dangerous. In Super Mario 64, Bob-ombs chased Mario down once they noticed him. Pink Bob-ombs are nice and capable of speech.
104 Motion-Sensor Bomb Top Secret The perfect accessory for ambushes, the Motion-Sensor Bomb has been a favorite covert weapon of spies and other stealthy operatives. It adheres to any surface, and once armed, detonates with incredible force when it detects motion in its range. In the frantic world of Super Smash Bros., it doesn't take long for it to go.
105 Super Mushroom Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. veterans will recognize these power-ups, which hid inside brick blocks and helped Mario and Luigi withstand enemy attacks. In Super Smash Bros. Melee, they temporarily turn your character into a giant. Not only will your size and strength increase, but so will your mass, making it harder for foes to knock you off.
106 Poison Mushroom Super Mario All-Stars
Poison Mushrooms made their debut in Super Mario All-Stars, where they'd cost characters a life if picked up. These nasty fungi are dark and foul-tasting, and in Super Smash Bros. Melee, they make you shrink on contact. With your diminished stature comes a loss of power and mass, making you a prime target to get smashed offscreen with even a light attack.
107 Starman Super Mario Bros.
This item makes you invulnerable to all attacks for a short period of time. The Starman bounces around and eventually tumbles out of the stage, but all you need to do is touch it to power up. It possessed similar powers in Super Mario Bros., except you could also harm enemies just by touching them while under its influence.
108 Parasol Kirby's Dream Land
The Parasol, which was originally used by Kirby, can be used as a weapon to bludgeon enemies. Even better is that fact that players can open it while airborne and lazily float back toward safe ground. It's incredibly useful in returning to the field of play after an opponent gets the better of you and sends you flying.
109 Screw Attack Metroid
One of Samus Aran's power-ups from the original Metroid, the Screw Attack turns a jump into a rotating attack move. When carrying this item, any character's ordinary jump move will turn into a Screw Attack. By the same token, if you throw this item at an enemy, your foe will spontaneously do a Screw Attack.
110 Metal Box Super Mario 64
First spotted in Super Mario 64, the Metal Box holds the power to turn your character briefly into heavy metal. Your mass is exponentially greater while metallic, making it difficult for others to throw you. Be careful though: not only will you move a bit slower, but you'll also fall much more quickly than you ordinarily would.
111 Bunny Hood The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Don the Bunny Hood to improve your agility drastically, allowing you to jump great distances and move at high speed. The ears are a cute accessory: they're even adorable on characters they don't quite suit. The Bunny Hood was key in Majora's Mask, where it made Link move at one-and-a-half times his normal speed.
112 Cloaking Device Perfect Dark
This state-of-the-art camouflage device bends light rays in such a way that players using it appear almost invisible. The device fosters confusion, and players using it will not take damage while cloaked. This does not mean, however, that players become invulnerable, so they can still be sent reeling or flying across the screen, depending on their damage percentages.
113 Barrel Cannon Donkey Kong Country
The Barrel Cannons were used in Donkey Kong games as a vital means of transportation, and their explosive nature is used similarly in Super Smash Bros. Melee. On the Kongo Jungle stage, one can catch characters as they fall from the main platform. Careful! The Barrel Cannon rotation may accidentally send you flying off the screen.
114 Party Ball Super Smash Bros. Melee
Party Balls are just what they sound like: a recipe for wild fun packed into a paper ball. Throw or strike one into the air, then wait for it to trigger its time-release. Parties are always unpredictable, so here are the odds on how zany your party might be:
Self-destruction: 10%
Food banquet: 36%
Bob-omb fest: 12%
Other: 42%
115 Crate Super Smash Bros.
A Crate will release lots of items when it's broken open. It's very heavy, so unless your character is strong, you’ll walk slowly while under its burden. You can throw Crates up, down, left or right, but it's hard to hit opponents because the throwing process takes time. Every now and then, a Crate will explode under duress.
116 Barrel Super Smash Bros.
Like Crates, Barrels are often filled with items and occasionally explosive. Thrown Barrels may break on contact or go rolling along the ground to smash into characters. Like the Crate, the Barrel is heavy, so it will restrict the speed at which the character carrying it can move. This speed differs between characters.
117 Capsule Super Smash Bros.
These small containers contain items that fly out when the Capsules break. Capsules will explode roughly 12.5% of the time, so deciding where to break them can be quite a strategic decision; sometimes it's better to throw them rather than attacking them directly. Explosive Capsules pack a tremendous punch.
118 Egg Super Smash Bros.
Eggs are basically the same as Capsules, in that they'll release items when you break them open. They've been known to explode, too. The likelihood that certain items may be inside Eggs depends on the type of stage being played. Sometimes Eggs will contain health-replenishing food items; other times, they may hold weapons.
119 Smash Coins Super Smash Bros. Melee
These coins are used in Super Smash Bros. Melee Coin Battle mode. The gold coins are worth ten points, silver are worth five, and the copper are worth one. Hit an opponent and coins will come raining down. If you're knocked off the screen, you'll lose half of your coins. Once time's up, the player with the most coins wins.
120 Poké Ball Pokémon Red & Blue
These balls are used to capture and contain wild Pokémon. Most Pokémon must be weakened in some way before they can be captured, but once they're inside a Poké Ball, they enjoy their new home, since Poké Balls contain an environment specially designed for Pokémon comfort. Master Balls are the strongest type.
121 Venusaur Pokémon Red & Blue
Evolving from Ivysaur, this deceptively toxic Pokémon has a huge flower on its back that emits a cloying fragrance: the scent lulls its enemies into a state of calmness. Venusaur's flower synthesizes sunshine into pure energy for its Solarbeam move. Think of Grass- and Poison-type Pokémon and Venusaur comes first.
122 Charizard Pokémon Red & Blue
It's hard to believe, but this massive flame Pokémon evolves from the tiny Charmander. Not only can it fly at heights of over 4,500 feet, but it's flaming breath is hot enough to reduce almost anything to ashes in seconds. The flames at the end of a Charizard's tail are said to be a fairly accurate barometer of its power.
123 Squirtle Pokémon Red & Blue
Retreating into its shell and spitting water at its foes is Squirtle's trademark response to danger. It's one of the three Pokémon that trainers can receive from Professor Oak in Pokémon Red and Blue. Squirtle evolves into Wartortle and then Blastoise, ramping up its water powers with each evolution.
124 Blastoise Pokémon Red & Blue
Blastoise is the next evolutionary step after Wartortle. The thick jets of water they shoot from the cannons on their backs are strong enough to cut through steel plating. When in danger, they hide inside their armored shells. Blastoise is so popular among trainers that it's considered the definitive Water-type.
125 Clefairy Pokémon Red & Blue
Clefairy are very cute Pokémon, which makes them popular pets. However, as they're only found in a few areas, it takes a lot of work to find one. Strangely enough, legend has it that Clefairy are more active during the full moon. These Pokémon are known to use Metronome, a move that unleashes a randomly selected attack.
126 Electrode Pokémon Red & Blue
Electrode, an electric ball Pokémon, is the evolved form of Voltorb. It has the tendency to explode with even the slightest provocation, which has earned it the nickname "Wrecking Ball." Electrode is the quickest Pokémon found to date, and its distinct white-over-red coloring is the opposite of Voltorb's.
127 Weezing Pokémon Red & Blue
The evolved form of Koffing. Weezing is basically a pair of Koffing fused together. They tend to float in the air and emit gas or noxious smoke from the outgrowths that cover their bodies. As strange as it may seem, diluting Weezing emissions as much as possible creates one of the most exquisite perfumes known to man.
128 Chansey Pokémon Red & Blue
Renowned for its kind temperament, Chansey has been known to offer injured creatures a highly nutritious egg to aid their recovery. Legend has it that this charitable creature brings happiness to anyone who captures it. All Chansey are female, and every now and then one is found in possession of a Lucky Egg.
129 Goldeen Pokémon Red & Blue
These Water-types are often referred to as "water dancers," as their elegant fins make them incredibly agile underwater. They can even travel upstream in rapids at a speed of five knots; of course they're not quite as nimble on dry land. Goldeen's Horn Drill is so strong that it can KO an enemy with one strike if it connects.
130 Staryu Pokémon Red & Blue
These star-shaped Pokémon that evolve into Starmie are found in large numbers at the seashore. At night, Staryu's red center glows and blinks on and off. It's said that as long as its red center remains, it can regrow its limbs. Whether it's related to Cleffa, another Pokémon with a vaguely star-shaped appearance, is unknown.
131 Snorlax Pokémon Red & Blue
Snorlax love to sleep and love to eat: these portly Pokémon get grumpy if they don't get 880 pounds of food per day. After snacking out, they always nap. They have cast-iron stomachs and can eat moldy and even rotten food with no digestion problems. They are the heaviest Pokémon on record, weighing in at over 1,000 pounds.
132 Articuno Pokémon Red & Blue
Clouds gather, the barometer plunges, and fresh snow falls from the frigid air when this legendary Pokémon takes wing. Graceful and elegant, it boasts long tail feathers that flap in the wind and are lovely to behold. As would be expected, its combat moves are based on its cold nature; they include Ice Beam and Blizzard.
133 Zapdos Pokémon Red & Blue
Zapdos flaps its wings, and summer storms appear, throwing lightning every which way. It's said that you can hear this legendary Pokémon coming, as its wings make a very distinctive popping sound as it flies. In addition to electrical moves like the dreaded Thunder, it also wields a vicious move called Drill Peck.
134 Moltres Pokémon Red & Blue
As tradition has it, the onset of spring heralds the return of this legendary Pokémon from its southern home. Its bright orange color and fiery aspect lends to its overwhelming appearance. Sky Attack, the strongest of flying moves, is a perfect fit for this burning phenom, but it obviously also excels at powerful Fire-type moves.
135 Mew Pokémon Red & Blue
Mew is an extremely rare Pokémon that has been seen by only a few people. Information on every Pokémon in the world is contained in Mew's cell structure, so it has the ability to use any and all TMs and HMs. Some Pokémon scholars believe Mew to be the ancestor of all existing Pokémon, but the idea is debatable.
136 Chikorita Pokémon Gold & Silver
Chikorita was one of the first three Pokémon available in Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal. A Grass-type Pokémon, it emits a delightful fragrance from the leaves on its head and loves to spend its time leisurely sunbathing. When called into battle, it uses its Razor Leaf move to strike at opponents' weak points.
137 Cyndaquil Pokémon Gold & Silver
Cyndaquil frighten easily, so they're often found curled up in balls. When threatened, they flare the flames on their backs to drive off enemies. Cyndaquil was one of the three Pokémon that trainers could choose from at the beginning of Pokémon Silver, Gold, and Crystal. No one knows if their eyes are open.
138 Togepi Pokémon Gold & Silver
These adorable spike-shelled Pokémon hatch from eggs given out by Professor Elm's assistant. Common superstition holds that their shells are chock-full of happiness and that they become good-luck charms when handled with kindness. It's impossible to predict which ability a Togepi will call upon when it uses its Metronome move, so you'd better be ready.
139 Bellossom Pokémon Gold & Silver
From time to time, these beautiful flower Pokémon will gather in numbers and perform an odd sort of dance to call out the sun. While in the midst of this strange exhibition, their petals brush together to create a peaceful and soothing melody. A Gloom will only evolve into a Bellossom if it's exposed to a Sun Stone.
140 Marill Pokémon Gold & Silver
This water-mouse Pokémon evolves into Azumarill. The round ball on the end of its tail acts like a flotation device, so it can float safely in the roughest of water conditions. It resides on Mt. Mortar in seclusion; few of the creatures are ever seen. Marill's cuteness has earned it a large and loyal fan base.
141 Sudowoodo Pokémon Gold & Silver
A copycat Pokémon with an aversion to battle, Sudowoodo always poses as a tree in order to avoid being attacked. Despite their arboreal appearance, these Pokémon are actually Rock-types, and therefore highly vulnerable to water. When it begins to rain, they vanish. Sudowoodo can be found blocking Route 36 in Johto.
142 Unown Pokémon Gold & Silver
These Psychic-type symbol Pokémon resemble ancient hieroglyphics found on rocks, a resemblance that's said to be more than superficial. Quite a few different shapes of Unown have been confirmed, and it's believed that each type has unique abilities. These enigmatic Pokémon can be found in the Ruins of Alph.
143 Wobbuffet Pokémon Gold & Silver
A patient Pokémon, Wobbuffet lives in darkness to hide its mismatched black tail. Even for a stoic Pokémon, this creature is a testament to self-control; it will not actively attack an opponent. Its Counter and Mirror Coat moves are solely used for reflecting attacks directly back at its antagonist.
144 Scizor Pokémon Gold & Silver
This evolved form of Scyther has arms ending in large pincers with distinctive eye-spot markings. Its evolution also includes the addition of a tough Metal Coat. It's unable to fly very far with its wings, but it can affect its body temperature by flapping them at high speeds. Its sleek look has made Scizor quite popular among collectors.
145 Porygon2 Pokémon Gold & Silver
Representing the next step in technological progress, this virtual Pokémon is a higher powered version of the man-made Pokémon, Porygon. Compared to the sharp edges of its relative, Porygon2's body is extremely smooth and rounded. In battle, it utilizes a special move called Conversion 2 to alter its type.
146 Raikou Pokémon Gold & Silver
These violent lightning Pokémon travel near and far, blasting out electrified whirlwinds. They carry storm clouds on their backs so they can produce lightning regardless of the local weather; it's even said that they descended to the earth via lightning bolts. Their extreme quickness lends itself to flight, so they're very hard to capture.
147 Entei Pokémon Gold & Silver
A volcanic Fire-type, Entei is hotter than liquid magma and as tough as nails. This powerful creature was one of the three Pokémon running around the Burned Tower of Ecruteak City. Entei is extremely difficult to capture, as it tends to wander all over the landscape, sprouting intense flames from its body.
148 Suicune Pokémon Gold & Silver
This mystical aurora Pokémon constantly journeys in search of places with pure flowing water. Suicune wields the power to instantly purify any contaminated water it finds. Some say Suicune is the north wind reborn. Its strange and dramatic story is told over the course of the Crystal version of the Pokémon game.
149 Lugia Pokémon Gold & Silver
The waters of the Whirl Islands are home to this legendary Pokémon, whom few have seen. Lugia lives quietly in the deepest ocean trenches for one very good reason: its combined aerial and psychic powers are so strong as to be extremely dangerous. The special moves of this gargantuan creature include the destructive win assault known as Aeroblast.
150 Ho-oh Pokémon Gold & Silver
As it soars around the skies of the world, this multicolored flying Pokémon leaves a trail of rainbows and myths in its wake. Its signature move is called Sacred Fire, and it is believed to appear only before trainers who are pure of heart. If you see a trainer with Ho-oh, you can assume that catching it took a lot of work.
151 Celebi Pokémon Gold & Silver
Celebi has the power to travel through time, and thus wanders from one age to the next. It is considered a deity by the forests: plants and trees are said to grow in unimaginable abundance wherever Celebi visits. Like Mew, Celebi is a Pokémon shrouded in mystery. Its special techniques blend grass and psychic powers.
152 Toad Super Mario Bros.
Toad, Peach's longtime servant, first showed off his strength in Super Mario Bros. 2, then proved to be an agile driver in Super Mario Kart. There are many Toads in Peach's castle and across the Mushroom Kingdom, and although they look similar, they have varied natures. Not the best of guards, Toad must often be rescued.
153 Coin Mario Bros.
The Mushroom Kingdom is dotted with these mysterious coins. There seems to be an endless supply hidden in various blocks, and Mario gains an extra life when he manages to collect a hundred of them. No one can confirm whether or not these coins are actually used as the currency of the Mushroom Kingdom, but it's a safe assumption.
154 Vegetable Super Mario Bros. 2
These vegetables, which first appeared in Super Mario Bros. 2, can be plucked from the ground and hurled at enemies. Unlike regular veggies, they often sport eyes or even faces; in fact, when Princess Peach plucks them from the ground to use as projectiles, the expressions on their faces dictate how much damage they'll do.
155 Megavitamins Dr. Mario
Megavitamins come in six color combinations of red, blue, and yellow. Dr. Mario uses these capsules by tossing them into contaminated bottle to destroy viruses. The origin of these wonder pills is a mystery, but the most likely theory is that they're the result of Dr. Mario's lifelong efforts to find a cure for the common cold.
156 Lon Lon Milk The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The pride of Lon Lon Ranch is this delicious and nutritious milk. When Link played Epona's Song for Lon Lon Cows, they would perk up and provide him with a bottle full of the tasty beverage. The fact that Link sometimes used bottles that had housed bugs is a matter of questionable hygiene. In Super Smash Bros. Melee, Young Link drinks milk instead of taunting.
157 Kirby Hat 1 Super Smash Bros. Melee
Here's Kirby sporting several results of his Copy ability. In Link's hat he can shoot arrows, while Mario's cap gives him access to Fireballs. The Donkey Kong suit offers up a Giant Punch, while Samus's helmet allows Kirby to fire off charged-up energy shots. Finally, while wearing the Yoshi hat, Kirby can swallow enemies and turn them into eggs.
158 Kirby Hat 2 Super Smash Bros. Melee
Kirby's got several of his finest hats on here. In Ness's baseball cap, he can use the power of PSI to unleash PK Flash, while Captain Falcon's visor gives him the ability to unleash a huge punch. His adorable Pikachu cap comes complete with stored-up electric charges, allowing him to shock his foes, and the Fox ears come with a matching blaster.
159 Kirby Hat 3 Super Smash Bros. Melee
With all of these hats, Kirby could open his own haberdashery! Peach's crown lets him use Toad, while the Ice Climber parka allows him to shoot ice blocks. Kirby has Fire Breath in the Bowser horns, and he can copy Zelda in both her forms. In Zelda's headdress he can use Nayru's Love, while Sheik's wrap gives him a needle arsenal.
160 Kirby Hat 4 Super Smash Bros. Melee
Looks like Kirby's copied a bunch of hidden characters! In Luigi's hat, he can shoot green Fireballs, while copying Mewtwo gives him the power to throw Shadow Balls. Copying Mr. Game & Watch lets Kirby hurl sausages, and doing the same to Jigglypuff earns him a Rollout move. Marth's hair comes complete with a powerful Shield Breaker move.
161 Kirby Hat 5 Super Smash Bros. Melee
Secret hats galore! In Pichu's hat Kirby can shoot out electricity, while Dr. Mario's headgear gives him Megavitamins. When Kirby wears Falco's beak, he gets to use Falco's powerful Blaster; by the same token, he can fire arrows when in Young Link's cap. When Kirby copies Ganondorf he gets the Warlock Punch, and copying Roy produces a Flare Blade.
162 Princess Peach's Castle Super Mario 64
Princess Peach's magnificent royal castle appears to be inhabited solely by the princess and a multitude of Toads. Bowser tried to steal the castle's Power Stars in Super Mario 64, and in Paper Mario, the surly archfiend actually lifted the castle into the stratosphere with his own filthy fortress.
163 Bullet Bill Super Mario Bros.
Bullet Bills are shot out of cannons and fly on straight paths. In great numbers they're a nightmare; while Mario can stop most with a single jump, the rare giant one is much tougher to avoid. In Super Smash Bros. Melee, all Bullet Bills are extra large. They burrow into Princess Peach's castle and then detonate with immense power.
164 Lakitu Super Mario Bros.
These airborne menaces used to ride their clouds exclusively as Bowser's henchmen. They typically hover just out of Mario's reach and hurl Spinies with irritating precision. More recently, however, they've been known to take on less evil tasks, such as doing camera work for sports events and even helping Mario on his quests.
165 Pidgit Super Mario Bros. 2
Pidgits are wingless birds enchanted by the vegetable-hating Wart to be the bearers of bad dreams. They live in Subcon, a land contained within Mario's dreams, where they fly around on magic carpets. Mario and friends were able to use these carpets for short distances once they dislodged the piloting Pidgit.
166 Birdo Super Mario Bros. 2
First seen in Super Mario Bros. 2, Birdo is known for shooting eggs and fireballs from her mouth. Mario and his friends would have to jump onto the eggs in midair, pick them up and throw them back at her. Long missing from the Nintendo scene, Birdo recently reappeared in Mario Tennis and Super Mario Advance.
167 Klap Trap Donkey Kong Country
This low-slung alligator made its first appearance in Donkey Kong Country. You can subdue it by jumping on its back, but it's powerful jaws make it dangerous to approach from the front. In Super Smash Bros. Melee, it swims in the river and sometimes jumps in the Barrel Cannon to stop players from using it.
168 Shy Guys Super Mario Bros. 2
There are many types of Shy Guys: they've been known to walk on the ground, fly through the air, traipse about on stilts, wear flowers or camouflage, throw balls, swing balls, swing bats, sail on pirate ships, carry fruit, do the Bamboo Dance, ride submarines, play guitar, play tennis, wear red, come in large or small sizes, steal people's toys, cause mischief...
169 Pak E. Derm Yoshi's Story
This pesky pachyderm bars Yoshi's path by sticking poles high into the air. Pak E. Derm has been practicing this skill for years, and he's so masterful that he can even block Yoshi's high-flying Flutter Jump. Pak E. Derm is a little unstable, however, and he tends to topple over if Yoshi pounds the ground anywhere nearby.
170 Tingle The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Tingle is a mysterious middle-aged man who thinks he's "the very reincarnation of a fairy." His bizarre behavior and unique speech are just little pieces of his vibrant personality. Tingle travels by way of a small hot-air balloon, making maps of the lands below him. Pop his balloon, and Tingle will fall to earth to sell his maps.
171 Moon The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
High in the sky above the Clock Town Tower, a menacing moon slowly sinks towards the city. Shrouded in mystery and feared by all, it threatens to devour everything and everyone in a cataclysm of fire. Strangely, inside the moon is a beautiful, pristine plain broken by a single tree. The moon breaks after Link defeats Majora's Mask.
172 Turtle The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
When Link played the New Wave Bossa Nova, what masqueraded as a lone island rose out of the waters of the Great Bay Coast and revealed itself to be a giant turtle. This mighty terrapin is ancient and wise beyond belief. It sensed Link's destiny and braved the stormy seas in order to transport him to the Great Bay Temple.
173 Four Giants The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
"Swamp... Mountain... Ocean... Valley... The four who are there..." Link summons these four giant guardians to aid in his battle against the Skull Kid, who's possessed by Majora's Mask. They appear from the four compass points to catch the moon, which is about to crash into Clock Town. Without abandoning the innocent Skull Kid, they're able to protect the town.
174 Master Sword The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Master Sword varies a bit between titles in the Legend of Zelda series, but it's generally the most powerful blade that Link can carry. It's a magical weapon that can be wielded only by a true hero, and, as its name implies, it's the weapon of choice in decisive battles. At the end of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Link returned it to its stone pedestal.
175 Falcon Flyer F-Zero
Captain Falcon's speedy midsize star cruiser boasts an on-board computer that allows Falcon to control it remotely ... perhaps that's why it's never appeared on-screen in an F-Zero game. Without this ship, Falcon couldn't prowl the galaxy like a lone wolf: the Blue Falcon is a state-of-the-art machine, but it's only used for F-Zero races.
176 F-Zero Racers F-Zero X
In the year 2560, an association of wealthy space merchants created the F-Zero Grand Prix in an attempt to add some excitement to their opulent lifestyles. The jet-powered racers have no tires, but use G-Diffuser systems to float a foot above the surface. Many believe the F-Zero championship is the highest claim to fame in the galaxy.
177 Mute City F-Zero
F-Zero courses are set hundreds of feet above ground and kept afloat by opposing-gravity guard beams on both sides of the tracks. Mute City, which grew from an intergalactic trading post to a city with a population of over two billion, is the most famous stop on the F-Zero Grand Prix. This course layout is from the F-Zero X era.
178 Arwing Star Fox
The Arwing is the symbol of Star Fox. Like an F-Zero racer, it's equipped with an opposing-gravity device. It can barrel roll and flip with ease thanks to its quick acceleration and flexible control. In battle, the ship uses retractable wings for precise flying. Every Arwing has smart bombs as its sub-weapons.
179 Great Fox Star Fox
The mother ship of the Star Fox team. When in battle, the ship's robot, ROB, can assume control of the bridge, allowing all hands to take to their Arwings or combat positions. The ship runs plasma engines capable of warp speeds, and its front lasers are effective both in battle and in clearing paths through asteroid belts.
180 Peppy Hare Star Fox
Peppy was a member of the original Star Fox team with Fox's father James McCloud. Peppy was the sole survivor of the Battle of Venom where a treacherous teammate named Pigma Dengar betrayed the team. Peppy now rarely climbs into the cockpit of an Arwing, preferring instead an advisory position in mission planning.
181 Slippy Toad Slippy Toad is the mechanical genius behind most of the Star Fox team's new weapons and technology, and just lately he's been spending the bulk of his time in Research and Development. He's also a competent pilot, but his enthusiasm tends to outweigh his technical flight skills. He and Fox have been friends ever since their school days.
182 Kraid Metroid
A boss enemy from Metroid. Kraid lives in the depths of Brinstar. He immobilizes enemies with his three red eyes, and his powerful jaws can crush anything. He can also shoot the three spikes in his belly; it's said he often fires them at his prey. Once Samus defeated Ridley and Kraid, the way to Tourian opened.
183 Chozo Statue Metroid
These statues, which provide power-ups to Samus and have some connection with her Power Suit, have been found in many places, most notably Zebes. The Chozo boasted the most advanced civilization in their galaxy. Some say that when they could advance no further, they chose to withdraw and observe other life forms.
184 Whispy Woods Kirby's Dream Land
A boss enemy from Kirby's Dream Land. Whispy Woods is a big tree that shoots whirlwinds at Kirby. It isn't the toughest enemy: all Kirby has to do is avoid the occasional whirlwind, suck in apples that fall down, and then shoot them back at the tree. In Super Smash Bros. Melee, Whispy Woods is quite the blowhard.
185 Fountain of Dreams Kirby's Advenuter
This mystical fountain in Dream Land uses the power of the Star Rod to create a gush of pleasant dreams that flow like water. The dreams then become a fine mist and drift over the land, bringing peaceful rest to one and all. It's been confirmed that there are identical facilities on other planets near Pop Star.
186 UFO Earthbound
At the beginning of EarthBound, this flying saucer appears along with the ominous message, "The War Against Giygas!" Adding to the mystery are three more UFOs while fly amok in the skies over Onett; how all of these alien craft are connected is anyone's guess. In Super Smash Bros. Melee, this slippery UFO appears on the Fourside level.
187 Pokémon Stadium Pokémon Stadium
Trainers come from far and wide to congregate at Pokémon Stadiums, the ultimate venues to show off their Pokémon teams. There are many different arenas with varying terrain designs, some of which afford advantages to certain Pokémon. This particular stadium is reserved for huge events and boasts a big screen and spectacular fireworks.
188 Game & Watch Game & Watch This stage of Super Smash Bros. Melee takes its motif from the Game & Watch series. It incorporates settings from Oil Panic, Helmet, and Manhole, and it's sure to send a wave of nostalgia crashing over old-school gamers. If you want to truly reproduce the Game & Watch experience, try playing this unique level in Fixed-Camera Mode!.
189 Target Super Smash Bros.
This is one of the targets you must hit and destroy in a bonus stage of Super Smash Bros. Melee. All bonus stages are specially designed to test the individual abilities of each fighter. Clearing the target-breaking levels requires an ultimate combination of skill, timing, and the specific techniques of each character.
190 Sandbag Super Smash Bros. Melee
Sandbag exists for one reason only: to get smashed in the Home-Run Contest. Pound on Sandbag as much as possible in the time allotted, then swing for the fences as you compete for the longest home run of all time. Getting hit doesn't hurt Sandbag at all. As a matter of fact, it loves to see players wind up and let loose.
191 Battlefield Super Smash Bros. Melee
Super Smash Bros. Melee borrows settings from many different games to create its stages, but the Battlefield is an original creation. While its initial impression may strike some players as a bit ominous, the layout itself is fairly standard, lending it to serious, straightforward matches. Additionally, it's used to pit players against the Fighting Wire Frames.
192 Final Destination Super Smash Bros. Melee
As time passes on this stage, the level appears to travel through a wormhole from the imaginary Super Smash Bros. Melee world into reality. You move through a cloud-filled sky over a vast mountain range, then into a deep-space vista of dark blues and purples. The scenery is as real as you get in this fantastical world.
193 Goomba Super Mario Bros.
Goombas are actually traitors who've defected from the Mushroom Kingdom's forces. They're a slow and predictable nuisance, as they always try to wander into Mario's path. Fortunately for Mario, they don't have much stamina, as a single jump on the head is generally enough to defeat them.
194 Koopa Troopa Super Mario Bros.
Common soldiers in Bowser's army, Koopa Troopas can retreat into their shells. Unbelievable as it may seem, they're clearly unaware of being kicked and sent sliding when in this position. There are many Koopa types, each with a different shell color and unique traits. They all wear T-shirts and shorts under their shells.
195 Koopa Paratroopa Super Mario Bros.
These winged Koopa Troopas can fly, but they're none too smart: they tend to spend a lot of their time simply jumping or fluttering around a small area. As a result, no one exactly thinks of them as majestic, soaring creatures. They lose their wings and become normal Koopa Troopas if Mario or Luigi jumps on their backs.
196 ReDead The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Seven years after Ganondorf took control of Hyrule, ReDeads roamed the ruins of Castle Town, moaning. At first, Link was shocked at the state of the town, and the apparent lack of survivors. He later learned that the townsfolk had evacuated to safety, and that the ReDeads were just magic animated into hideous humanoid shapes.
197 Octorok The Legend of Zelda
These common enemies made their debut in the very first Legend of Zelda game and have been a staple of every game in the series since. They shoot rocks from their mouths at high velocity, but the projectiles are simple to block and do very little damage. Octoroks have low stamina, so they don't pose much of a threat to good fighters.
198 Like Like The Legend of Zelda
In The Legend of Zelda, these slow-footed monsters inhaled Link and ate his shield, just beating out Wallmasters for the coveted title of "Most Aggravating Enemies Ever." Supposedly, their name comes from an old, almost indecipherable Hyrulian proverb: "Shield-eaters and world leaders have many likes alike.
199 Topi Ice Climber
Topis debuted in the game Ice Climber, shuttling ice with which to repair cracks in the floors. They were kept really busy as Nana and Popo constantly cracked the floors with single strikes of their ice hammers. Despite the monotony of their chilly work, these creatures never slacked off for an instant.
200 Polar Bear Ice Climber
This bizarre beast appears whenever the Ice Climbers take five during their ascents. Each leap the upright bear makes causes an earthquake and makes the mountain scroll upward. If the climbers fall off the bottom of the screen, they'll drop into a bottomless chasm. For reasons unknown, it sports pink shorts and sunglasses.