General Klump

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Template:Articleabout Template:Character-infobox General Klump (also known as Klump or Klumpy) is King K. Rool's second-command and general in the Donkey Kong Country animated series where he is one of the show's main characters. He was voiced by Adrian Truss.

Despite being constantly berated and disrespected by K. Rool (even being fired a few times by him), Klump remains ever faithful to him, even stating in the episode "Klump's Lumps" (which is centered around Klump being fired) that serving K. Rool is his life. Perhaps due to his loyalty (or the fact that K. Rool's other minions, especially Krusha, are just too dimwitted to be organized), Klump is often put in charge of K. Rool's various plots and schemes.

Despite his tough military-man like exterior, Klump is actuality quite a softy; he actually befriends Dixie Kong and helps her find her pet lobster Thermidor in the aforementioned episode, "Klump's Lumps".

According to Klump in the episode "Speak No Evil, Dude," he is immune to illness due to the fact that he eats at least 100 garlic cloves a day. In the same episode he is dimwitted enough to misinterpret Rool's suffocation as an order to blow up the entire island. Even when Cranky Kong pointed out the idiocy of such an order, especially since Klump would also be killed in the blast, Klump ignored the Kong and nearly completed the operation.

Much of Klump's origin was revealed in the Christmas themed episode "The Kongo Bongo Festival of Lights". This episode reveals that as a young boy, Klump ended up causing a huge fire which devastated the swamp where he and his family lived. Klump's older brother, revealed to be the infamous pirate and K. Rool's rival, Kaptain Skurvy, in a show of true brotherly love, decided to take the blame for Klump. This resulted in Skurvy's banishment from the home swamp. Klump only recalled vague memories of these events until Skurvy reveals everything to him. The end of the episode reveals that Klump had planned on joining Skurvy's crew, but was presumably dissuaded by King K. Rool based on later episodes.

Names in other languages



  • The Klump species are purple, but General Klump is greenish yellow.
  • General Klump, along with Krusha, appears in a commercial for the Game Boy Color remake of Donkey Kong Country, in which they fight Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, and Rambi the Rhino for the possession of a giant GBC system. The commercial features models of the former four characters as depicted in the second season of the animated series, with Rambi being presented in a similar style (despite never being featured in the show itself).
