The 'Shroom:Issue 110/Opening Statement

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Opening Statement

Written by: RandomYoshi (talk) and Henry Tucayo Clay (talk)

Staff portrait for RandomYoshi (talk)

Hello, all! This is going to be a regular Issue, devoid of any special themes. But this doesn't mean that the sections featured in this Issue aren't special themselves! We hope you will enjoy reading this Issue!

There are a couple of changes that The 'Shroom will need to make to its Core Staff come Issue 111. This is because Stooben (talk) and Crocodile Dippy (talk) have decided they cannot direct Strategy Wing and Critic Corner, respectively. If you are willing to direct one of these teams yourself and you see ways that one of the teams could improve, send Super Mario Bros. and I a message about it and we'll consider you eligible for directing a team.

Super Mario Bros (talk) has something to say about the coming Issue 111 in Closing Statement, so please make sure to read his notes carefully.

RandomYoshi (talk), Sub-Director/Editor-in-Chief

Staff Section of the Month for April 2016

Place Section Writer Reasoning
1st The Clogged Pipe Freakworld (talk) Freakworld returns to The 'Shroom with a brilliant and very funny piece of satire that pleased even Pipe Plaza's Director. Probably the freshest section this side of TFP's RPG reviews.
2nd Packy's Packtastical Musical Adventures Palkia47 (talk) A section as well written as its name is long, Packy put a lot of heart into this section and that made reading it quite enjoyable, even for people who are not that much into music.
2nd It's aMAZEing! Meta Knight (talk) Meta Knight consistently provides excellent sections every month. It's clean and crisp looking, and the images are always fun and colorful.
4th Cooking Guide The Pyro Guy (talk) The Pyro Guy gives us a very funny look at the flawed logic seen in games and presents us with what has to be the simplest way to obtain Honey Syrup in TTYD.
4th Peddler's Place Toadbert101 (talk) TB perfectly sums up every CD-gathering experience in Smash ever.

Congratulations to our writers on their outstanding sections! It's really good to see new sections and new writers up there! We greatly appreciate all the work and effort put into your sections.

The 'Shroom 110
Staff sections Opening Statement
The 'Shroom Spotlight
Sub-teams Fake NewsFun StuffPalette SwapPipe PlazaCritic CornerStrategy Wing

Closing Statement