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History section

Template:SettledTPP Template:ProposalOutcome This article appears to have enough information to add a History section, and right now I think that it looks a bit awkward without one, so should this section be added?

Proposer: LED42 (talk)
Deadline: "September 18, 2017, 13:00 GMT"


  1. LED42 (talk) Per proposal.



SMM games and Cheep Cheep

So in the SMM games, the Blurps are called Cheep Cheeps, made more blatant by the River Fish in the Forest SMM2 mission. Anyways, I'm starting to think that instead of listing these as "actual" Blurps, we should list them as Cheep Cheeps that look like Blurps to fit with the game's aesthetic. A reskin cameo, if you will. Given that Cheep Cheeps already sometimes looked like Blurps in some N64 games, it's not that much of a long shot anyways. Doc von Schmeltwick (talk) 03:21, March 3, 2020 (EST)

Yeah, I'd be okay with calling them Cheep Cheeps. Niiue - Who has lost his tail? 03:22, March 3, 2020 (EST)
Yeah, probably, if the Japanese version doesn't recognize them either. --Green Yoshi FanOfYoshi 05:17, March 3, 2020 (EST)
To be fair, it's not completely incorrect - the Blurps and Big Cheep Cheep are only one degree away from normal Cheep Cheeps after all - so it could be a holdover of the previous game not giving verbal cues to all variants, like how text doesn't match the voice for Jelectros and Sea Urchins. LinkTheLefty (talk) 11:03, July 23, 2020 (EDT)

Consider the Super Mario Maker games a design cameo rather than a full appearance

Proposal.svg This talk page section contains an unresolved talk page proposal. Please try to help and resolve the issue by voting or leaving a comment.

Current time: Saturday, September 21, 2024, 04:05 GMT

See above (this affects both Blurp and Deep Cheep). In SMM/2's SMW and NSMBU styles, the designs of Blurp and Deep Cheep are used to stand in for the green Cheep Cheeps in fitting with the bases of said styles. However, they are always treated simply as Cheep Cheeps (and it doesn't even act like Deep Cheep in NSMBU style). This proposal aims to reflect that: treating these as normal Cheep Cheeps that, for stylistic reasons, happen to resemble Blurp and Deep Cheep and not being Blurp and Deep Cheep themselves. They would not be completely excised from the pages, as the usage of their designs can be noted in an "other appearances and references" section.

Proposer: Doc von Schmeltwick (talk)
Deadline: October 18, 2021, 23:59 GMT


  1. Doc von Schmeltwick (talk) - Per
  2. FanOfYoshi (talk) Per proposal. I don't think sprite = the species it's supposed to be.
  3. HappyToad (talk) Per FanOfYoshi. Because the game always called these stylistic variations of Cheep Cheeps "Cheep Cheeps," it had never even crossed my mind while playing the game that they were something different.
  4. Blinker (talk) Per all. Seems like a similar situation to, say, Fishin' Lakitu.
  5. OhoJeeOnFire (talk) Per all. In the game, they are called “Cheep Cheeps,” but in New Super Mario Bros. U, they are called “Deep Cheeps.”


  1. Hewer (talk) This seems a lot like arbitrarily picking and choosing what does and doesn't count. The way I see it, if it's in the game, then it should count as an appearance. Also, what about Jelectros and Sea Urchins being design changes for Spike Trap?
  2. Swallow (talk) Per Hewer, it's still a physical appearance regardless.
  3. Koopa con Carne (talk) Per all. If they weren’t meant to be Blurps, they wouldn’t be Blurps.
  4. Waluigi Time (talk) Per all.
  5. Sdman213 (talk) Per all.
  6. Chester Alan Arthur (talk) Per all.
  7. LadySophie17 (talk) Per all.
  8. Archivist Toadette (talk) The proposal's reasoning is fine, but Hewer's reasoning is even better. Plus, the proposal doesn't account for Porcupuffers gaining Cheep Chomp behaviors in SMM2. Do we suddenly move the bulk of that info to the Cheep Chomp article? No, because a cursory look would reveal that the behaviors were just transferred to another enemy.
  9. WildWario (talk) Per all.
  10. Paper Jorge (talk) It definitely needs to be reworded, that's one thing for sure...but I think it's an appearance nonetheless.


Does the same apply to Galoombas in the Super Mario World style? Mario jumping Nightwicked Bowser Bowser emblem from Mario Kart 8 06:09, October 5, 2021 (EDT)

No, the warbly voice actually says "Galoomba" there. Doc von Schmeltwick (talk) 14:36, October 5, 2021 (EDT)

I can understand treating them as regular Cheep Cheeps if the game treats them as such, but why not keep the Mario Maker sections, and just word them in a more "in X theme, Cheep Cheeps appear as Y" kind of way? Blinker (talk) 14:19, October 5, 2021 (EDT)

I guess we could, but Deep Cheep already has an "other appearances" section for something similar. Doc von Schmeltwick (talk) 14:36, October 5, 2021 (EDT)

@Opposition The warbly voice says "Jelectro" and "Sea Urchin" for that. It says "Cheep Cheep" for this. Also check out the description for River Fish in the Forest. It's not arbitrary, it's following the game's lead to a T. Doc von Schmeltwick (talk) 14:36, October 5, 2021 (EDT)

Still, I feel that an appearance is an appearance and we shouldn't get into semantics about what does and doesn't count. They probably only called them Cheep Cheep to avoid confusion, as having a similar-looking and identically-functioning enemy to a Cheep Cheep but calling it something else would probably just confuse people unfamiliar with Blurps and Deep Cheeps (the Galoombas actually differ in function and Jelectros and Sea Urchins look much more different to Spike Traps, so the same doesn't apply to them). Hewer A Hamburger in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. (talk · contributions · edit count) 03:53, October 8, 2021 (EDT)

I always saw "Other appearances" as a section where we list appearances of things in media we don't cover on the wiki. So far it’s been a pretty inconsistent deal, though, as such sections may also cover things like cameos in Mario-related games. For the record, we definitely should draw a line somewhere on what to put in such sections and what to allocate their own game sections. -- KOOPA CON CARNE 14:48, October 5, 2021 (EDT)

"If they weren't meant to be Blurps, they wouldn't be Blurps." Considering that the green palette does not work on SMW Cheep (it uses the yellow palette), using the sprite of the resident green fish as a stand-in makes perfect sense. Additionally, the NSMBU ones don't even act like Deep Cheeps (ie Search Pukupuku), so I cannot believe they are "actual" Deep Cheeps. Doc von Schmeltwick (talk) 23:37, October 9, 2021 (EDT)

So what you're saying is that, since there was no existing green pallete for SMW Cheep Cheeps, the developers naturally gravitated towards another fish-based species from that game that fit the behaviour intended for green Cheep Cheeps in Mario Maker--i.e. swimming uninterrupted in one direction. Yeah, they're still Blurps through and through. Green NSMBU Cheep Cheeps are a different deal as they do not have the behaviour of Deep Cheeps, so there'd be no grounds for concluding they are meant to be one and the same. -- KOOPA CON CARNE 04:08, October 10, 2021 (EDT)
There's the thing: the game treats the "Deep Cheeps" in the same manner as it does the "Blurps," so we can't really have one without the other on this. Additionally, I want to point out that in all styles, the "green" is treated as the basic version and needs to be changed to access the red, the importance of which is that said basic form is always considered just Cheep Cheep. Doc von Schmeltwick (talk) 04:53, October 10, 2021 (EDT)
The game doesn't treat anything as a Deep Cheep because no such enemy exists within Mario Maker--the Cheeps that swim unwavered in the NSMBU style only superficially resemble Deep Cheep without retaining any sort of distinguishing feature from them, such as their characteristic homing behaviour or something as little as their frowning expressions. This is not comparable to the case of SMW green "Cheep Cheeps", who are not only designed to hearken back to the generic underwater enemy of that game, but also behave identically, which is enough to safely construe them as actual Blurps. Your second point ignores the fact that many Mario Maker course elements can be changed into distinct things, such as Rocky Wrenches having to be shaken in order to obtain a Monty Mole (or vice-versa, I don't remember); it's by no means indicative that two elements sharing a slot are meant to be one and the same. -- KOOPA CON CARNE 16:52, October 10, 2021 (EDT)
Eh? The NSMBU-style green Cheeps absolutely have the Deep Cheep "angry" eyes. And I did not ignore that, I specifically noted the game has it "always considered just Cheep Cheep," and the same cannot be said for Rocky and Monty. Doc von Schmeltwick (talk) 01:01, October 11, 2021 (EDT)
I must admit I didn't check whether what I said about the green Cheeps was true, only going by my untrustworthy memory. Sorry about it. Regardless, should we go down the route of "these are not actual Blurps/Deep Cheeps", what real impact would it have on the way we currently handle our coverage of them? Your proposal advocates putting these design cameos in a general "Other appearances" section, but as I said above, these sections tend to have a rather inconsistent scope between pages, and I believe this is something we must sort out before deciding if relevant information about a subject should stay in its own section or be relocated somewhere else on the same page. -- KOOPA CON CARNE 02:13, October 11, 2021 (EDT)
For one, we'd stop treating it as a different enemy on the SMM pages and navtemps, because according to said games, they aren't. Doc von Schmeltwick (talk) 03:07, October 11, 2021 (EDT)
The navigation templates are meant to link all related subjects, so removing two subjects that are very much related just because they supposedly 'don't count' is probably just going to be an inconvenience for navigation. Even if the game doesn't say they appear, that doesn't mean they aren't in the game. Hewer A Hamburger in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. (talk · contributions · edit count) 11:17, October 13, 2021 (EDT)
Doc says we would stop treating it as an enemy, not that we would strike it out of that template entirely; obviously she (duly point out if the pronoun usage is correct or not) acknowledges that the Blurp still appears in the game in a capacity. I still oppose the proposal because treating Mario Maker Blurps like some sort of design diversion constituting no more than a cameo just because they act like Cheep Cheeps and are even conflated in-game with them is positively baffling. -- KOOPA CON CARNE 14:17, October 13, 2021 (EDT)
What's baffling to me is defying what the game identifies them as on multiple fronts in every language. It's the exact same principle of relativity I brought up here: we should list them as the game's creators intend, not based on similarities to pre-existing variations. If they are officially considered the base species, listing them as the variant is disingenuous. Also I don't care about pronouns lel Doc von Schmeltwick (talk) 14:45, October 13, 2021 (EDT)
Per what i said on this thing in that sprite =/= the species it's supposed to represent/be, check those spiked thingies, which are Urchins from TLoZ underwater, though that is just an asthetic change. I'll admit the Jelectros may be actually Jelectros, but that's still an asthetic change, and doesn't actually change anything about them. --Green Yoshi FanOfYoshi 14:07, October 14, 2021 (EDT)
The Sea Urchins and Jelectros are called as such in-game. Meaning that's what they are. The "Blurps" and "Deep Cheeps" are just called Cheep Cheeps. Meaning that's what they are. Doc von Schmeltwick (talk) 18:40, October 14, 2021 (EDT)

@Archivist Toadette That again completely ignores the fact that the in-game voice is calling that "Porcupuffer" but calling everything this proposal covers "Cheep Cheep." For perspective, no official source for SMM/2 uses the phrases "Blurp" or "Deep Cheep," in reference to the green Cheeps or otherwise. Doc von Schmeltwick (talk) 14:50, October 15, 2021 (EDT)