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This article is about a subject in an upcoming or recently released game. When the game is released, or more information about this subject is found, this article may need major rewriting. This notice should be removed after a month has passed since the game was first released.

Memories are collectable items in Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope. They are pieces of information recorded by Jeanie of various characters, enemies, and locations. They can be obtained by opening treasure boxes, purchasing them from Salesbot 9.99+TX with Planet Coins, and clearing certain enemy battles.

List of Memories

This article is under construction. Therefore, please excuse its informal appearance while it is being worked on. We hope to have it completed as soon as possible.

Beacon Beach

Name Description How to Obtain Location
Hello World
The Trans-Rabb-O-Lator
Mystery Of The Sparks
Probes and Memories
The Story So Far
A Home Called Spaceship
The Lighthouse
Sunrise Temple
Galactic Atlas: Beacon Beach
The Stooges
Giant Enemies
Rabbid Mario No analysis to understand Rabbid Mario is given easily to boasting. As strong of a fighter as he is, thanks to his fighting gloves, the Dukes, he needn't bother bragging. Still, he is vulnerable to being attacked from long distances, as even his Technique allows him to counterattack only if an enemy is within range. Each Hero is so different. The psychology at play is fascinating.
DJ Cheep Tuna

Pristine Peaks

Name Description How to Obtain Location
Midnite Today, we encountered a bioform more terrible than any of Cursa's minions thus far - a Spark Hunter named Midnite.

An analysis revealed that Midnite is the result of a merge between Rabbid DNA and "a cold mist during the dead of night that chills to the bone." The combination is cunning, alluring, and highly treacherous.

Luigi I have had the honor to observe Luigi, Mario's brother, a formidable Hero in his own right - though his tactics, as with many things involving the siblings, are both contradictory and complementary.

Luigi thrives when striking from long range behind cover. He also has a special ability that allows him to attack reflexively at the slightest hint of movement that catches his eye, even at long distances.

Rabbid Peach Rabbid Peach is thought by some to be self-absorbed due to her dedication to self-portraiture, yet no one is more effective at healing other Heroes, and her self-described "diva personality" belies her sheer offensive power - in particular, an attack that launches a sequence of three powerful sinking shots which have a 100% hit rate versus enemies - even when they're behind Partial Cover!

Palette Prime

Name Description How to Obtain Location
Princess Peach What more can be said of Princess Peach? She is kindhearted yes - but also brave, and always putting the welfare of the other Heroes before her own. She even has compassion for our enemies! A charismatic, capable, yet humble Hero, it is little wonder she is so beloved by Rabbids everywhere. When she is not busy saving the galaxy, the Mushroom Kingdom is elevated by her presence.
Rabbid Luigi An analysis of Rabbid Luigi's earlier adventures versus the Megabug reveal that he has matured much since then, yet he clearly maintains a childlike role within the group. However, his relationship with the other Heroes is as complementary as his naiveté is a welcome breath of fresh air. Does he make me smile as well? I have not the anatomical capacity, but the emotion? Yes, and I believe he does.

Terra Flora

Name Description How to Obtain Location
Edge I will confess to having monitored Edge, for the simple reason that she is an enigma, making it difficult to know if she can be trusted fully.

What IS known, is that she is a skilled fighter, wielding her flying sword as if it were a part of her.
I do trust her, though I cannot explain why. Is is instinct? Wishful thinking? Hope? Perhaps it is all three, for what really is the difference?

Rabbid Rosalina Analysis, data, evidence - these allow AI's such as myself to look beyond the surface. Still, Rabbid Rosalina defies my expectations. She is lethargic, jaded, cynical, and perpetually annoyed, but woe to the bioform that gets between her and someone she loves, especially if that someone is Rosalina, her idol.

Born of the famous basement incident, rescued by Orion, she is now one of us.

Barrendale Mesa

Name Description How to Obtain Location
Bowser It is surprising that our truce with Bowser lasted longer than our first battle together, yet his desire for revenge against Cursa for commandeering his minions has thus proved stronger than his longing to kidnap Princess Peach or his animosity towards Mario. Bioforms are motivated by a number of factors, not all of which are necessarily virtuous.
Mario Stouthearted, selfless, humble, virtuous - are these enough to describe Mario, by far the most storied Hero among us? Would any such plaudits serve? I can only speak for myself when I say that the accolades are well-deserved. Mario's kindness and bravery inspire everyone around him - even myself. As much as anyone, or anything. Mario has taught me to feel, and from there... to hope.

Cursa's Stronghold

Name Description How to Obtain Location
Cursa There is no question that Cursa is more powerful, cunning, and relentless than any single one of us, yet together - with aid from Rosalina - it was vanquished. Still, its corrupting influence reached every corner of the galaxy, where much of it lingers still. We have stopped the Darkmess at its source, but we have much work to do if we are to remove the rest before it can cause any more harm. Defeat Cursa.