Hey! Welcome to my userpage! I mainly play WarioWare, but I'm also a fan of the Mario & Luigi and Paper Mario series.

Wiki Stuff I've Done

I'm still a relatively new user, but I've done some things already.

  • Reuploaded all English WarioWare: D.I.Y. Showcase microgame images to get them in (1) better quality, (2) not blurry, and (3) not letterboxed.
  • Added "intro" commands for D.I.Y. Showcase microgames.
  • D.I.Y. Showcase comic and record lists.
  • Rewrote the D.I.Y. comic page.
  • Added Gold infobox info to microgame pages.

Wiki Stuff I'm Doing

  • Filling out the List of Funky Kong quotes page.
  • Adding "intro" commands to WarioWare microgames. Particularly D.I.Y., but I may do Touched! after that.
  • Getting images (usually emulator screenshots) for the Game Over page.

Game Opinions

I see people listing the games they've played and how they'd rate them and stuff, so I think I'll do that, too.

Game Notes Rating
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Donkey Kong

The game is enjoyable to play in short bursts. There's not much else to say about it. Good
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Donkey Kong Jr.

While I do enjoy this game, it's a lot more difficult than its predecessor. I don't like it as much, but it's still fun. Good

Donkey Kong Jr. Math

Have you ever wanted to play a video game solely about doing math? Neither have I, but clearly Nintendo thought somebody did. When I play Donkey Kong Jr., I want to be pushing keys and knocking down fruit, not doing math. Still, this game isn't that bad. It's good for a quick laugh. Decent
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Super Mario Bros.

When you put it into perspective, it's a good game for its time, but now its just decent. Not bad at all, but just kind of underwhelming. Decent
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Super Mario Bros. 3

I do not like this game. The level design is horrid and unfair. It makes me feel like I'm playing the Super Expert 100 Mario Challenge! There is no way to save, go back to previous worlds, or replay levels. However, I can give this game credit for introducing some fan-favorite characters, like Dry Bones, Thwomps, Boos, Chain Chomps, and the Koopalings. Bad

Super Mario World

No, not the cartoon series. The SNES game. I really like this game. It improved on SMB3 in such a big way with the Cape Feather, Yoshi, hidden exits, easy-to-traverse overworld, and challenging bonus levels. Great

Mario Paint

At first, I thought "This game looks so stupid! Why would you ever want to play a MS Paint clone with Mario?" Then I decided to play it, expecting to quit after a few minutes. What really surprised me was this: the game is actually good. It's relaxing to go make some funny scribbles while you listen to Creative Exercise. Sometimes I randomly load it up and make scenes with the stamps and gradients. Good

Donkey Kong Country

This game is okay. There are some good parts and some bad parts. I prefer its sequel. Decent

Mario's Picross

I didn't even know what Picross was until I played Mario's Picross. I got it so I could get a picture of the game over screen for the gallery of the Game Over page, but then I played more of it. And you know what? It's actually fun. Good

Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island

I don't play this game a lot, but I end up having fun when I do. I'd recommend it. Good

Donkey Kong Country 2

I like this game a lot. Diddy and Dixie are really fun characters to play as. My favorite part has got to be the music. Great

Mario's Game Gallery

Like Mario Paint, I thought this game would be stupid at first, but I actually ended up enjoying it. Good

Super Mario 64

A genuinely great game. Lots of fun to be had here. Great

Wario Land II

While I haven't played this game recently, I do remember liking it. All the different paths were an appealing idea, and the transformations were fun to use. Good

Wario Land 3

Honestly, I can't tell which Wario Land game is the best. I haven't completed this one yet. Good

Paper Mario

I prefer PM64 over TTYD. 64 has memorable locations, lots of partners, great bosses, an outstanding soundtrack, and is just an overall great game. I wasn't sure if I would like it at first, but I did. Great

Wario Land 4

Eh, I don't think I like this one as much as II and 3. Still not a bad game, though. Decent

Super Smash Bros. Melee

The genuine best Smash game. I started with Brawl and find it hard to return. Yes, I play without items, and I only do tournament-legal maps. Great
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Super Mario Sunshine

Something about this game is just... bleh. I know it's divisive, and I'm leaning towards the "bad game" side. I don't find it very fun, the controls are weird, and Mario's moveset is too small. I haven't bothered to play much of this. Bad

Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!

I haven't played much of this game, but I really like it so far. Great

More coming soon.