The 'Shroom:Issue 123/Staff Notes

Staff Notes

Written by: Meta Knight (talk), Superchao (talk), and Henry Tucayo Clay (talk)


Wa, Wa, Wa, it's a Wario time! Welcome to Issue 123, home of all your needs for the purple overall-wearing greedy guy known as Wario. There's quite a few things to go over. First and foremost, I would like to thank everyone that submitted a section to help celebrate Wario's 25th Anniversary. Secondly, the art galleries that we opened last issue are now up! Go take a look at Palette Swap to see what everyone drew. The next bit on my notes is something on a different scale. Andymii (talk) will be stepping down as Fun Stuff Director. I wish him the best and I thank him for everything he's done for the team. That being said, I am opening applications for the new staff position. If you are willing to direct Fun Stuff, send me or Superchao an application and you will be considered for the team. Speaking of opening positions, The Poll Committee is hosting their election for Poll Chairman as well. I would advise checking that out for all the latest info regarding it. Finally, that isn't the only thing regarding polls. The Awards Committee is hosting the dossier for the Community Awards! Head over there and vote for your favorite nominees! That's quite a lot of news, I hope that you enjoy this issue. We're happy to host it. Happy 25th Wario!

Meta Knight, Director


Hello, 'Shroom readers! Welcome to the Wonderful Wario... Wa-issue, where we talk about just how great Wario is! This may not be our largest of special issues, but you know what? That's not a problem! After all, if we made this too long, Wario would run off with the whole thing! Besides, we've done a great job with themed sections thanks to our wonderful writers. Please enjoy all of those, as well as our wonderful backgrounds by Mr. Edo (talk). Just remember that this is a Wario issue, so don't leave any coins lying around after you read. You might not see them again!

Superchao, Sub-Director

Staff Section of the Month for May 2017

Place Section Writer Reasoning
1st Yooka-Laylee review Gabumon (talk) It was nice to see Edo offer both sides of the argument for a mixed game. Plenty of well thought out, and well-written paragraphs makes this one of Critic Corner's best sections in months.
2nd Anniversary Announcements Lakituthequick (talk) A very informative section with excellent coding and design. Great job by LTQ in very visually summarizing all the tournaments and all the changes that were made to the awards.
3rd Game Soundtrack Reviews Lord Bowser (talk) A really awesome first section for a Palette Swap team that needed something like this section; LB does a great job providing numerous tracks from Planet Robobot and supplying context for each individual tune.

Congratulations to all our writers on their amazing sections! We really appreciate all your work!

The 'Shroom: Issue 123
Staff sections Staff NotesThe 'Shroom SpotlightPoll Chairperson Election
Features Fake NewsFun StuffPalette SwapPipe PlazaCritic CornerStrategy Wing
Specials Community Awards Dossier