“Who do you think you are? Bruce Lee?”
Mallow, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Mallow, the young "tadpole".

Mallow is Mario's first partner in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars and the prince of Nimbus Land.

He was raised by Frogfucius, a frog from Tadpole Pond who discovered him floating in the water in a basket one day. Frogfucius raised him as his grandson, a frog, and so Mallow grew up truly believing he was one despite his unusual appearance.

One day, Mallow visited the Mushroom Kingdom to buy a Cricket Pie for Frogfucius. However, the Frog Coin he was given to buy it was stolen by Croco, a reptilian thief. Mallow attempted to chase him, but Croco was too fast. Mallow gave up and began to cry. A rainstorm started, revealing Mallow's unusual control over the weather.

Mario witnessed this and assisted Mallow. The two of them traveled to Bandit's Way to catch Croco. After chasing him, the two catch Croco. After a battle, the frog coin was recovered.

Mallow thanked Mario and they returned to the Mushroom Kingdom. The two of them rescued the Mushroom Kingdom from the monsters it had been overrun with: Shysters and Mack, one of the members of the Smithy Gang, recovering a Star Piece in the process.

The Chancellor thanked Mario and Mallow, but revealed that he was worried about Smithy and his weapons. Mallow suggested that he and Mario go to Tadpole Pond to visit his grandfather, Frogfucius, who might know what to do.

When they arrived, Frogfucius told the two that they need to collect seven Star Pieces. Additionally, he revealed a secret he had been hiding: Mallow is not really a tadpole. Mallow was shocked by the news, but Frogfucius told him that his real parents were out there, somewhere, and that he would be joining Mario to help him and to find his real family. Mallow, who had been expecting to stay at Tadpole Pond, nevertheless agreed, and he accompanied Mario on his adventure.

After traveling with Mario for a while, the team went to Nimbus Land, a city on a cloud inhabited by people who looked remarkably like Mallow. When they arrived, they noticed a commotion at the castle. Valentina was telling a group of citizens that she had found Prince Mallow after all the time he had been missing. She brought out Dodo, a large bird. Everyone believed that Dodo was indeed their missing prince. Mallow himself mentioned that it was interesting that there was a prince with the same name as him, not suspecting anything.

While in Nimbus Land, they visited Garro, a sculptor. There was a golden sculpture at the side of his room. Mallow noticed it and remarked that it looked like him. Garro said that it was the king of Nimbus Land when he was very young, then he turned around. He realized that Mallow was indeed the missing prince, not Dodo, and sent them to the castle to stop Valentina. Mallow then found out that he was one of the Nimbus People.

In the end, Mallow was reunited with his parents, King Nimbus and Queen Nimbus.

In battle, Mallow's isn't especially strong, though he has a wide variety of magic, including a healing skill. His skills involve the weather.


Mallow, like all other partners Super Mario RPG, learns a new move every time he rises up 3 levels. Here they are:

Initial Stats in SMRPG

  • Level 2
  • HP: 20
  • Speed: 18
  • Attack: 22
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic Attack: 15
  • Magic Defense: 10
  • Special Attacks:
    • Thunderbolt:
      • FP Used: 2
      • Magic Power: 15
      • Description: Attacks all enemies with lightning magic. Hit "Y" just before the attack ends to do more damage.

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