Delivery, please!

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Delivery, please!
Deliveryplease TTYD.png
Initiator Goldbob
Mission # 25
Game Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
<< Directory of missions >>

Delivery, please! is the twenty-fifth Trouble Center mission in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, initiated by Goldbob. It is first available after clearing Chapter 7.


Mario must first travel to Poshley Heights and talk to Goldbob, who gives Mario a Package to deliver to General White. Mario must then travel to Fahr Outpost and speak to the Bob-omb in the General's house, then to Rogueport and speak to Podley, then to Glitzville and speak to Podler, then back to Poshley Heights and talk to Goldbob again. Lastly, Mario must travel again to Fahr Outpost to wake up General White. After delivering the package to the General, Mario must travel again to Poshley Heights and talk to Goldbob, who rewards Mario with sixty-four coins, and the trouble is solved.

In-game description[edit]

  • "I need you to take something to General White. Please come get it with all speed. Meet me in Poshley Heights."

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese おとどけもの
Thing to deliver

Chinese 包裹

Dutch Spoedbezorging!
Express delivery!
French Objet à transmettre!
Item to transmit!
German Lieferung!
Italian Consegna.
Korean 택배

Spanish Envío